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1. Di bawah ini adalah merupakan biaya langsung kecelakaan kecuali: a. Biaya pengobatan b. Biaya perbaikan peralatan c. Biaya pelatihan ulang dan hilangnya jam kerja d. Biaya investigasi 2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan prinsip K3 a. Mengetahui dan memahami pekerjaan b. Mengetahui potensi bahaya dari suatu pekerjaan c. Keharusan selalu bekerja dengan alat pelindung diri d. Jawaban a dan b benar 3. Apakah akibatnya jika suatu kecelakaan tidak segera dilaporkan? a. Tidak ada informasi yang dapat dievaluasi dalam upaya untuk mencegah kecelakaan yang sama b. Tidak ada waktu terbuang untuk melakukan investigasi c. Tidak ada kehilangan waktu operasi d. Tidak ada orang yang mendapat sanksi karena bersalah
1 KATA PENGANTAR Buku Panduan ini dimaksudkan sebagai pedoman sekolah/madrasah dalam mengembangkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Sebagaimana ketentuan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, setiap sekolah/madrasah mengembangkan kurikulum berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) dan Standar Isi (SI) dan berpedoman kepada panduan yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). Panduan Penyusunan KTSP terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu bagian pertama berupa Panduan Umum dan bagian kedua berupa Model KTSP. Satuan Pendidikan yang telah melakukan uji coba kurikulum 2004 secara menyeluruh diperkirakan mampu secara mandiri mengembangkan kurikulumnya berdasarkan SKL, SI dan Panduan Umum. Untuk itu Panduan Umum diterbitkan lebih dahulu agar memungkinkan satuan pendidikan tersebut, dan juga sekolah/madrasah lain yang mempunyai kemampuan, untuk mengembangkan kurikulum mulai tahun ajaran 2006/2007. Bagian kedua Panduan Penyusunan KTSP akan segera menyusul dan diharapkan akan dapat diterbitkan sebelum tahun ajaran baru 2006/2007. Waktu penyiapan yang lebih lama disebabkan karena banyaknya ragam satuan pendidikan dan model kurikulum yang perlu dikembangkan. Selain dari pada itu, model kurikulum diperlukan bagi satuan pendidik yang saat ini belum mampu mengembangkan kurikulum secara mandiri. Bagi satuan pendidikan ini, mempunyai waktu sampai dengan tiga tahun untuk mengembangkan kurikulumnya, yaitu selambat-lambatnya pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010. BSNP menyampaikan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada banyak pakar yang berasal dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi, Pusat Kurikulum dan Direktorat di lingkungan Depdiknas, serta Depag. Berkat bantuan dan kerjasama yang baik dari mereka, Buku Panduan Penyusunan KTSP ini dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat.
Case Museo d'Italia I luoghi dell'abitare, la camera da letto Museografia, tutela, interpretazione, valorizzazione Giornata di studio Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia 22 novembre 2024 A cura del Gruppo di Lavoro Case Museo di ICOM Italia Il gruppo di lavoro Case Museo di Icom Italia, che ha già dedicato in passato i suoi incontri al tema delle "Cucine" e dei "Bagni e strutture per l'igiene" nelle dimore storiche, intende ora chiamare a confronto professionisti e curatori che si sono occupati, negli ultimi anni, di riallestire, reinterpretare e valorizzare le Camere da letto all'interno di percorsi museali, allo scopo di ragionare sulle attuali ricerche, sulle narrazioni, reinterpretazioni e sul coinvolgimento di diversi pubblici.
The Biblical texts are replete with references to priests and Levites in ancient Israel and Judah, and are portrayed as playing a crucial and central role in these societies. While it is quite clear that priests and Levites did exist in Iron Age Israel and Judah, and have been extensively discussed in biblical research, insufficient attention has been placed on possible archaeological evidence of these groups. In this paper, I attempt to collect and assess archaeological evidence for priests and Levites in Iron Age Israel and Judah, and how this interface interplays with the textual evidence.
FACTS: Petitioner Aisporna was charged for violation of Section 189 of the Insurance Act. Petitioner's husband, Rodolfo S. Aisporna (Rodolfo) was duly licensed by the Insurance Commission as agent to Perla Compania de Seguros. Thru Rodolfo, a 12-month Personal Accident Policy was issued by Perla with beneficiary to Ana M. Isidro for P50,000. The insured died by violence during lifetime of policy. Subsequently, petitioner was charged because the aforementioned policy was issued with her active participation, which is not allowed because she did not possess a certificate of authority to act as agent from the office of the Insurance Commission. Petitioner contended that being the wife of Rodolfo, she naturally helped him in his work, and that the policy was merely a renewal and was issued because her husband was not around when Isidro called by telephone. Instead, appellant left a note on top of her husband's desk. The trial court found petitioner guilty as charged. On appeal, the trial court's decisions was affirmed by respondent appellate court, finding petitioner guilty of a violation of the first paragraph of Sec 189 of the insurance act. ISSUE: Whether or not a person can be convicted of having violated the first paragraph of Section 189 of the Insurance Act without reference to the second paragraph of the same section. RULING: The petition is meritorious. Petition appealed from is reversed, and accused is acquitted of the crime charged. A perusal of the provision in question shows that the first paragraph thereof prohibits a person from acting as agent, sub-agent or broker in the solicitation or procurement of applications for insurance without first procuring a certificate of authority so to act from the Insurance Commissioner, while its second paragraph defines who an insurance agent is within the intent of this section and, finally, the third paragraph thereof prescribes the penalty to be imposed for its violation. The definition of an insurance agent as found in the second paragraph of Section 189 is intended to define the word " agent " mentioned in the first and second paragraphs of the aforesaid section. More significantly, in its second paragraph, it is explicitly provided that the definition of an insurance agent is within the intent of Section 189. Applying the definition of an insurance agent in the second paragraph to the agent mentioned in the first and second paragraphs would give harmony to the aforesaid three paragraphs of Section 189. Legislative intent must be ascertained from a consideration of the statute as a whole. The particular words, clauses and phrases should not be studied as detached and isolated expressions, but the whole and every part of the statute must be considered in fixing the meaning of any of its parts and in order to produce harmonious whole. A statute must be so construed as to harmonize and give effect to all its provisions whenever possible. More importantly the doctrine of associated words (Noscitur a Sociis) provides that where a particular word or phrase in a statement is ambiguous in itself or is equally susceptible of various meanings, its true meaning may be made clear and specific by considering the company in which it is found or with which it is associated. Considering that the definition of an insurance agent as found in the second paragraph is also applicable to the agent mentioned in the first paragraph, to receive compensation by the agent is an essential element for a violation of the first paragraph of the aforesaid section. In the case at bar, the information does not allege that the negotiation of an insurance contracts by the accused with Eugenio Isidro was one for compensation. This allegation is essential, and having been omitted, a conviction of the
Una de las más importantes y significativas tradiciones artísticas que registra la cultura occidental es, sin duda alguna, la música religiosa. Su trascendencia, creo yo, va más allá del simple dato o hecho estético y artístico, ya que se trata, en esencia, de una música compuesta a la gloria de Dios, de una música destinada a establecer, más que una comunica ción, una comunión con lo sagrado.
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