The mystification of Peter Pan

Read about the real "PETER PAN" and the psychological truths.

The Deconstruction of “Peter Pan” and its Mystifications by Errol Riley In the animated cartoon of Peter Pan, Peter Pan is portrayed as an innocent character who befriends a family in need. The animated cartoon displays the family as being happy at times with the strains of life’s misfortunes that in turn brings about sudden sadness upon the children. Then comes Peter Pan (tights and all) to bring about the joy and happiness that “HE” believes the children are missing. He can fly, hang out with fairies, and fight pirates. But on the other hand, Peter Pan is a mischievous boy who never grows up and spends his never ending childhood in Never Never Land with other people children. Okay, now that we got that out the way, let’s talk some TRUTH here. The Author of Peter Pan is a Mr. .J.M. Barrie who was alleged to be a crazed pedophile. In his real life he adopted the very same children he displayed in this animated cartoon and he groomed those children to fit in and around his sick fantasized interpretation of reality. “(JUST THOUGHT I’D MENTION THAT)”. What the viewers of Peter Pan (The children) do not see nor can interpret is the psychological damage that this cartoon has on their subconscious and impressionable minds. For instance, What stranger do YOU know that just comes up to little kids (oh, I ment FLY) up to little kids and began promising them a life of fun, adventure, secrets, and the despoilment of sadness? Or who wants to take your child a dam NEVER NEVER LAND- (MICHEAL JACKSON-JUST KIDDING).Peter Pan doesn’t give a dam about the children’s parents. He wants what he wants when he wants it. The children in this cartoon are totally mystified with the antics of Peter Pan. They do not see the immaturity of Peter Pan and his unique ways of avoiding taking responsibility for actions that children are taught via their parents. Peter Pan exploits these children’s innocence and wants them to remain forever young. He dazzles them with the likes of adventures, tickle bell, and a false sense of security when he fights captain hook. He does all this and more ONLY to reassure the children that happiness lies with him in his world and not with their parents. Taking the children to Never Never Land is synonymous with a child running away from home in the pursuit of finding that Never Never Land. Peter Pan despises Wendy’s parental instructions to her siblings and responsible questions about his childish behavior and his inability to function maturely. A child not having the mental competence to dissect the psychological distortions of Peter Pan will and has become subjected to (or should I say victimized) by the false betrayal of Peter Pan as a hero and not as an irresponsible, low self-esteem having, sexually confused, does not know how to respond to a female, and no motivation to grow up In conclusion, Pay very close attention to animated cartoons that your children watch. You are not the only person teaching your child. There are thousands of subliminal messages in those cartoons that are subconsciously shaping and interfering with their mental growth and development of growing up. The majority of cartoons literally undermine the parental teaching that you try to instill into your children’s mind. PARENTS BEWARE…