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Neuropsychologia 50 (2012) 1656–1662
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Does spatial cueing affect line bisection in chronic hemianopia?
C. Kuhn a , A. Rosenthal a , P. Bublak b , K.H. Grotemeyer c , S. Reinhart a , G. Kerkhoff a,∗
Clinical Neuropsychology Unit at Saarland University, Germany
Neurological Clinic, University of Jena, Neuropsychology Unit, Germany
Neurological Clinic, Klinikum Saarbrücken, Germany
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 2 December 2011
Received in revised form 13 March 2012
Accepted 20 March 2012
Available online 28 March 2012
Line bisection
a b s t r a c t
Patients with homonymous hemianopia often show a contralesional shift towards their blind field when
bisecting horizontal lines (“hemianopic line bisection error”, HLBE). The reasons for this spatial bias
are not well understood and debated. Cueing of spatial attention modulates line bisection significantly in
patients with visuospatial neglect. Moreover, recent evidence showed that attention training significantly
improves deficits of visual search in hemianopia. Here, we tested in 20 patients with chronic homonymous
hemianopia (10 left-sided, 10 right-sided) without visual neglect, 10 healthy control subjects, 10 neurological control patients, and 3 patients with left visuospatial neglect and leftsided hemianopia whether
spatial cueing influences the HLBE. Subjects indicated verbally the midpoint of horizontal lines in a computerized line bisection task under four experimental cue positions (cue far left, mid-left, mid-right or
far-right within the horizontal line). All 20 hemianopic patients showed the typical HLBE towards their
blind field, while the two control samples showed only a small but significant leftward shift (pseudoneglect). None of the 4 cueing manipulations had a significant effect on the HLBE in the hemianopic patients.
Moreover, no differential effects of cueing on line bisection results were obtained when analyzed in lesion
subgroups of hemianopic patients with circumscribed occipital lesions (N = 8) as contrasted with patients
having more extended (occipito-temporal or temporal) lesions (N = 12). This null-effect contrasts with
marked cueing effects observed in 3 neglect patients with left hemianopia in the same tasks, showing
the principal efficacy of our cueing manipulation. These results argue against attentional explanations of
the HLBE.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction: hemianopic line bisection error (HLBE)
Unilateral lesions of the posterior visual pathways in the human
brain often cause contralateral homonymous visual field defects
(Miller, Newman, Biousse, & Kerrison, 2008). Typically, patients
with such scotomas show a variety of associated disorders (for
review see (Lane, Smith, & Schenk, 2008), including hemianopic
alexia (Kerkhoff, Müninger, Eberle-Strauss, & Stögerer, 1992;
Pflugshaupt et al., 2009; Schuett, 2009; Spitzyna et al., 2007), inefficient visual search in the scotoma (Keller and Lefin-Rank, 2010;
Lane, Smith, Ellison, & Schenk, 2010; Machner et al., 2009)) and a
peculiar spatial bias towards their blind field when bisecting long
horizontal lines or indicating their subjective visual straight ahead.
Although completely forgotten for several decades (Kerkhoff &
Bucher, 2008) this spatial bias is well known as the hemianopic
Abbreviations: HA, hemianopia; HLBE, hemianopic line bisection error.
∗ Corresponding author at: Saarland University, Clinical Neuropsychology Unit &
University Ambulance, Building A.1.3., D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany.
Tel.: +49 681 302 57380; fax: +49 681 302 57382.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (G. Kerkhoff).
0028-3932/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
line bisection error (further termed HLBE) since Axenfeld’s seminal
description in 1894 (Axenfeld, 1894). Recent investigations have
largely replicated and extended these early findings (Doricchi
et al., 2005; Kerkhoff & Schenk, 2011; Schuett, Dauner, & Zihl, in
press; Zihl, Sämann, Schenk, Schuett, & Dauner, 2009). Besides
horizontal deviations in line bisection (Barton & Black, 1998;
Doricchi et al., 2005; Hausmann, Waldie, Allison, & Corballis,
2003; Zihl et al., 2009) or in the visual subjective straight ahead
orientation (Ferber & Karnath, 1999), vertical shifts in altitudinal
hemianopia (Kerkhoff, 1993), or oblique shifts of the subjective
visual straight ahead in homonymous quadrantanopia (Kuhn,
Heywood, & Kerkhoff, 2010) were found. This contralesional spatial
error contrasts with the well-known ipsilesional spatial error in
the same tasks in patients with visuospatial neglect (Halligan,
Manning, & Marshall, 1990; Schindler & Kerkhoff, 2004).
Despite this convergence of results demonstrating the existence
of a contralesional spatial-perceptual bias in different types of
heminopia (HA) or other types of visual field defects, the precise
reason(s) for its occurrence are less clear and currently debated
(Kerkhoff & Schenk, 2011). Early researchers of the HLBE advanced
several theoretical explanations of this error (Kerkhoff & Bucher,
2008). One prominent account surmised that the HLBE towards the
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C. Kuhn et al. / Neuropsychologia 50 (2012) 1656–1662
blind field reflects a kind of adaptive, oculomotor strategy which
helps the patient to orient his eyes and attention further towards
the blind field, which in turn might improve visual orientation and
reduce the typical visual complications such as bumping into obstacles or disregarding persons on the blind side (Gassel & Williams,
1963). A recent study (Machner et al., 2009) reported no contralesional HLBE in acute HA and speculated that the HLBE in chronic
HA thus may result from slow, strategic, attentional adaptation to
the scotoma. However, another recent study found no difference
in the amount of the HLBE in acute versus chronic HA, and found
in nearly all patients the typical contralesional error which was
causally related to lesions of the lingual gyrus and cuneus (Baier
et al., 2010). Their data do not support an interpretation of the
HLBE as an attentional and oculomotor adaptation to the scotoma,
but rather interpret it as a direct consequence of the extrastriate
cortical lesion.
If the HLBE reflects or facilitates attentive orienting towards
the blind field, experimental manipulations which direct spatial
attention to or away from the blind side should modulate the HLBE
in HA, just as they have been shown to modulate the ipsilesional
line bisection error in patients with visuospatial neglect (Butter,
Kirsch, & Reeves, 1990; Lin, Cermak, Kinsbourne, & Trombly, 1996;
Riddoch & Humphreys, 1983). To our knowledge, no study so far
has investigated the role of spatial cueing in the HLBE. We therefore investigated in the present study in matched samples of rather
chronic patients with left versus right-sided HA – all without unilateral visual neglect – control patients with acquired brain damage
but without HA or neglect, and healthy control subjects whether
spatial cueing modulates the HLBE. In addition we tested the principal efficacy of our spatial cueing paradigm in 3 patients with
leftsided neglect and leftsided hemianopia.
2. Methods
2.1. Patients and control subjects
20 patients with perimetrically established unilateral, homonymous HA following unilateral posterior cerebral lesions (10 left-sided, 10 right-sided; see Table 1)
and 10 patients with unilateral or diffuse-disseminated brain lesions, but with perimetrically intact visual fields were tested (further termed brain damaged control
patients; Table 1). Stroke was the most frequent aetiology in the HA sample (n = 17,
85%), followed by tumour operated (n = 2, 10%) and closed head trauma (n = 1, 5%). In
addition, 10 healthy, dominantly right-handed (handedness-quotient of +100 in all
cases) control subjects (8 males, 2 females, mean age 50.5 years; range 22–70) were
recruited. None of the healthy control subjects had evidence of ophthalmological,
neurological or psychiatric disease. All had perimetrically normal visual fields, and a
mean visual acuity of 0.98 (mean, range 0.7–1.2) for the near visual distance (0.4 m)
in a standardized letter acuity chart.
In addition, three patients with leftsided spatial neglect and leftsided hemianopia after a right middle cerebral artery stroke (9, 11 and 12 months after stroke,
respectively) were tested. All three patients were righthanded (+100 laterality quotient) and showed symptoms of leftsided visual neglect in several of the 5 neglect
screening tests. In manual horizontal line bisection, 2 patients showed a rightward
shift: Patient 1: +19 mm, Patient 2: +10 mm. Patient 3 showed a leftward shift:
−6 mm away from the true centre. In number cancellation all 3 patients omitted
targets on the left side and to a smaller degree also on the right side (patient 1:
8 left vs. 3 right, patient 2: 3 vs. 1; patient 3: 2 vs. 1). Patient 1 showed leftward
omissions when drawing a clock face from memory, patient 2 drew a normal clock
face from memory, patient 3 showed distortions of the left side of the clock face and
incorrect placement of the numerals on the left side of the clock face. Patient 1 and 2
showed signs of leftsided neglect in figure copying, patient 3 not. Patient 1 showed
11 omissions in the indented reading test, patient 3 showed 2 leftsided omissions,
while patient 2 scored normally in the reading task. Visual perimetry revealed leftsided HA in all three cases (field sparing on the horizontal meridian: 4◦ , 6◦ and 2◦ ,
respectively). Visual search field was 16◦ in patient 1, and 33◦ in patient 2 in the left
(blind) hemifield (search field could not be determined in patient 3 due to use of an
automatic perimeter not allowing the manual measurement of the search field). In
sum, all three patients had chronic leftsided HA plus leftsided visuospatial neglect.
All HA patients received visual exploration training (Kerkhoff, Müninger, &
Meier, 1994) as well as hemianopic reading training (if they showed hemianopic
alexia, Kerkhoff & Marquardt, 2009) over a time period of 4–6 weeks. All investigations of the current study were carried out before these treatments started, so
that the treatments could have no differential effect on the current results. Brain
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the 4 line bisection tasks. Four different starting
positions of the slit in the line bisection task (far-left, mid-left, mid-right, far-right)
were used to manipulate spatial attention. The arrows depict the direction of movement of the bisection slit. Note that the bisection task can only be solved when the
subject attends the slit that bisects the horizontal bar.
damaged control patients did not receive visual treatments and were enrolled in
the study before receiving any other neuropsychological treatment.
2.2. Clinical-neuropsychological tests
Handedness was determined in all subjects with the German version of the
Edinburgh handedness inventory (Salmaso & Longoni, 1985) which measures hand
preference. This is expressed as a laterality quotient ranging from −100 (=strongly
left-handed) over 0 (=ambidextrous) to +100 (=strongly right-handed; results see
Table 1). Visual letter acuity was measured separately for each eye with standardized, high-contrast letter charts (Fronhäuser, München, Germany) for the near
(0.4 m) viewing distance in all 4 samples. Binocular visual fields were mapped with a
Tübingen perimeter in all patients (for a detailed description see (Kuhn et al., 2010)
results see Table 1). In short, dynamic visual perimetry was performed with a circular
white target (luminance: 102 cd/m2 ; size: 1.02◦ ) using a Tübingen bowl perimeter
in a completely dark room. With the same perimeter, the extent of the visual search
field – a measure of oculomotor capacity in the blind field – was measured (details
in, Kerkhoff et al., 1994). The subject was instructed to search with saccadic eye
movements for a circular white target (size: 1.02◦ , luminance: 102 cd/m2 ) that was
moved by the perimetrist along every meridian from the periphery to the centre
with a speed of 2◦ /s. The sequence of the meridians tested was random. The patient
presses the response key as soon as she/he detects the target. This position is scored
as the eccentricity of the search field (in◦ ). Here, we indicate the average of the
search field of all 6 meridians lying in the blind hemifield; the lower normal cutoff
is 30◦ (Kerkhoff et al., 1994).
Five conventional visual neglect tests – comparable to the Behavioural Inattention Test (Wilson, Cockburn, & Halligan, 1987) – were performed to rule out visual
neglect in our HA samples and document visual neglect in the 3 additional patients
with neglect: horizontal line bisection of a 20 cm × 0.2 cm black line on a white sheet
of paper; number cancellation (30 targets among 150 distracters, presented on a
29.7 cm × 21 cm large white paper), drawing of a clock face from memory, copying
3 geometrical figures (a star, a daisy, a face; each on a different sheet of paper) and
an indented reading test of 180 words. Neglect was diagnosed when the truncation midline in bisection deviated more than 5 mm to the ipsilesional side (Kerkhoff,
1993), when more than 1 target was omitted on one side in number cancellation,
when numerals were omitted or misplaced on the left side of the clock face test,
or when the subject committed more than 2 reading errors in the indented reading
test (Reinhart, Schindler, & Kerkhoff, 2011). None of the 3 patient groups (HA samples, BD control group) showed any signs of visual neglect in any of the 5 neglect
screening tests.
Visual perimetry and visual search field testing as well as the experimental line
bisection testing were performed in a totally darkened room (<10 Lux room lighting),
the only visible stimulus in perimetry and search field testing was the background
illumination of the perimeter (3.2 cd/m2 ) and the test stimulus. In line bisection tests
the only visible stimulus was the horizontal, white bar on the black computer screen.
All other (screening) tests took place in a day-lit room (mean lighting: approximately
400 Lux).
2.3. Computerized horizontal line bisection task
Subjects were placed in front of a computer screen (17′′ ) in a distance of 0.45 m.
The head was positioned in a head- and chinrest mounted on a table in front of the
screen to prevent head movements during testing. On the screen a white horizontal bar (160 mm × 10 mm, luminance: 100 cd/m2 ) appeared centrally on the black
screen. The bar contained a vertical slit (size: 5 mm × 10 mm) that appeared – in
different experimental conditions – either on the far left end of the bar, in a mid-left
position, in a right-mid position or on the far-right position of the bar (Fig. 1). The
subject was asked to determine verbally when the slit was exactly in the centre of
the horizontal bar. To this purpose the examiner moved the slit via the software program (Kerkhoff & Marquardt, 2004) in steps of 1 mm slowly towards the other side
of the bar until the subject indicated that the slit was exactly in the middle of it. To
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Table 1
Patient data: L1–L10: left Homonymous Hemianopia; R1–R10: Right Homonymous Hemianopia; C1–C10: brain damaged control patients.
Lesion side
Visual acuity near
LE/RE (%)
field sparing (◦ )
Visual search
field (◦ )
–/49.5 Md:
3.3◦ Md: 2
Age (yrs)Sex
AetiologyTSL (months)
Lesion side
Visual acuity near
LE/RE (%)
Visual field
sparing (◦ )
Visual search
field (◦ )
–/15.3 Md:9
6.8◦ Md: 5
Age (yrs)
TSL (months)
Lesion side
visual acuity near
LE/RE (%)
–/15.0 Md:10
Legend: m/f, male/female; LE/RE, left/right eye; L/R, left/right; Enceph, encephalitis; BG, basal ganglia, Tu, tumour operated; CVI, cerebrovascular insult; CHI, closed head
injury; TSL, time since lesion onset in months; L/R, left/right; occ, occipital, par, parietal, temp, temporal.
ensure patients were fixating the gap during each bisection trial the experimenter
asked every subject when starting a bisection trial whether he/she could see the gap
on the left/right side of the bar and how it changed position according to the verbal
commands of the subject to the experimenter. The experimenter checked regularly
when moving the gap along the bar whether the subject re-fixated the new position
of the gap within the bar. However, no eye tracking control was adopted to measure
quantitatively whether the subject’s eye in fact fixated the gap.
Ten trials were performed within each of the 4 cueing tasks; 5 trials were performed en block with the gap starting from the left side and 5 trials were performed
en block with the gap starting from the right side of the bar. This resulted in a total of
10 trials per cueing task. The sequence of the blocks was counterbalanced. Constant
errors were computed using the method of limits by special software (Kerkhoff &
Marquardt, 1998, 2004) between the objective centre of the bar and the mean position of the slit as determined by the subject. No motor component was involved in
this bisection task on the subject’s side, nor was there any time limit for the subjects.
3. Results
3.1. Comparison of the samples
Statistical comparisons revealed that neither handedness ([F(3,
36) = 1.47; p = 0.24]), nor age ([F(3, 18.78) = 1.22; p = 0.33]), nor
gender [X2 (3, n = 40) = 2.88, p = 0.41] were significantly different
between the four samples. Visual acuities for the near viewing
distance (0.4 m) were examined separately for the left and the
right eyes. There were no significant differences between the
three patient groups ([F(2, 26) = 2.59; p = 0.9] for the left eye; [F(2,
26) = 2.16; p = 0.14] for the right eye).
Moreover, the three patient groups did not differ significantly regarding time since lesion (median left HA = 18.50 months;
median right HA = 13.00 months, median control patients = 10
months; [F(2, 16.12) = 1.62; p = 0.23]).
3.2. Visual field sparing and saccadic search field
Both hemianopia (HA) samples did not differ significantly from
each other in visual field sparing (mean left HA = 3.3◦ ; mean right
HA = 6.8◦ ; T(18) = −1.57, p = 0.135). One out of ten leftsided HA
patients showed a visual field sparing of 14◦ . Among the rightsided HA sample one patient had a field-sparing of 15◦ , the second
of 20◦ . Visual search field in the blind field did not differ significantly between the two HA groups (mean left HA = 30.1◦ ; mean
right HA = 31.4◦ , T(18) = −0.18, p = 0.86). Saccadic search field did
not correlate significantly with the HLBE (Spearman correlations:
Rho: −0.072, p > 0.05, two-tailed).
3.3. Spatial cueing direction in hemianopic patients and control
The vertical slit was moved by the experimenter towards
the middle of the bar, starting at different positions (far-left,
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3.5. Spatial cueing direction in neglect patients
Fig. 2. Mean deviations (signed errors, in mm) of the four experimental groups
in the 4 line bisection tasks. Negative or positive deviations illustrate leftward or
rightward deviations from the physical midline of the line. HA left/right: left vs.
rightsided hemianopia; N Control/BD Control: normal control subjects vs. brain
damaged control subjects.
mid-left, mid-right, far-right). To examine if there was a possible “cueing” effect due to these starting positions, an ANOVA
with the factors group (HA left, HA right, normal control, and
BD control) and starting position was computed. There was
no main effect of starting position [F(3, 108) = 1.76, p = 0.16]
and also no significant group × starting position interaction [F(9,
108) = 0.92, p = 0.51]. The significant effect of group [F(3, 36) = 61.58,
p < 0.001] indicated the expected line bisection deviation error
of HA patients to the contralesional, blind field (leftwards in left
HA, rightwards in right HA; Fig. 2). Subsequent comparisons
revealed significant differences between the HA groups and the
two control groups [left HA: T(36) = −7.46, p < 0.001; right HA:
T(36) = 8.23, p < 0.001], but no significant difference between the
two control groups (mean difference = 0.015 mm, p = 0.948). Both
control groups showed the expected pseudoneglect [normal control: mean leftward shift = −2.92 mm, T(9) = −1.98, p = 0.039; BD
control: mean leftward shift = −2.98 mm, T(9) = −1.75, p = 0.055,
see Fig. 2].
3.4. Spatial cueing in relation to lesion anatomy
Although we found no evidence of spatial cueing in line bisection in our hemianopic patients (see Section 3.3 above), this effect
might theoretically be due to a mixture of a subgroup of patients
who indeed may have responded to cueing and those who did not
respond. One interesting modulating variable in this context that
may have influenced cueing differentially is lesion anatomy. As we
know that cueing in neglect patients with temporo-parietal lesions
is very effective it might be hypothesized that cueing might also
work better in HA patients with lesions beyond the occipital lobe,
i.e. temporo-occipital lesions. As some of our hemianopic patients
had pure occipital lesions while others had lesions including occipital brain areas but extending beyond the occipital lobe (in most
cases into the temporal cortex), the nonsignificant effect of spatial
cueing thus may have been due to a mixture of these two subgroups.
To examine whether the bisection errors were different in these
two subgroups (irrespective of the side of hemianopia), an ANOVA
with the factors group (occipital lesion versus extended lesion) and
starting position (far-left, mid-left, mid-right, far-right) was computed on the unsigned HLBE. Again, there was no main effect of
group [F(1, 108) = 0.166, p = 0.689], no main effect of starting position [F(3, 54) = 0.142, p = 0.884], and no significant group × starting
point interaction [F(3, 54) = 0.668, p = 0.530]. Hence, no differential influence of lesion anatomy was found on the HLBE
under the four different cueing conditions. Fig. 3 summarizes the
The single data from the 3 neglect patients were collapsed
for each task and analyzed with nonparametric statistics across
the 4 spatial cueing task conditions. A Friedman-test revealed
a highly significant difference between the 4 task conditions
(X2 = 28.45, df = 3, p < 0.001). Subsequent paired comparisons with
Wilcoxon-tests revealed significant differences between the following task/cueing conditions: Far-Left vs. Mid-Right (z = −3.297,
p < 0.001); Far-Left vs. Far-Right (z = −3.408, p < 0.001); Far-Right
vs. Mid-Right (z = −2.728, p < 0.001), and Mid-Left vs. Far-Right
(z = −3.448, p < 0.001). All other comparisons did not reach statistical significance (largest z-value: −1.023, smallest p = 0.306). In
summary, four of the 6 possible statistical comparisons between
the 4 spatial cueing conditions revealed a highly significant effect of
the cue position on line bisection performance. In general, leftward
cue positions were associated with a leftward shift in line bisection,
whereas more rightward cue positions led to a more rightward
shift in line bisection as compared to the more leftward starting
positions of the cue (see Fig. 4, averaged results on the right side).
4. Discussion
Our study revealed clearly, that 4 different manipulations of spatial cueing had no significant effect at all on the HLBE. As the starting
point of the slit which served to bisect the horizontal bar on the
computer screen did not induce any effect on the HLBE, it was obviously irrelevant. Hence, neither did patients with left or right HA
benefit from such a spatial cue that must be attended because otherwise the subject cannot perform the bisection task, nor did their
performance deteriorate in the opposite cue condition. It might
be conjectured that this was simply because our spatial cueing
manipulation was ineffective. However, the very same manipulation revealed significant spatial cueing effects in the 3 patients
with leftsided HA and left visuospatial neglect (Fig. 4). These cueing
effects were significant for 4 out of 6 possible comparisons between
the 4 cueing conditions, thus showing a strong effect of the slit position on bisection performance despite the small group of neglect
patients. In general, the final bisection performance revealed a clear
covariation with the initial starting position of the slit. Put differently: the more leftward the cue position, the more leftward
the bisection and vice versa. These observed spatial cueing effects
in our 3 neglect patients are largely compatible with earlier findings – though achieved with different experimental manipulations
– showing that a leftsided (contralesional) cue in the neglected
hemispace (a letter, a hand movement or a moving stimulus, see
below) typically shifts bisection towards the cue while a cue on
the right (ipsilesional) side of the horizontal bar shifts bisection
towards this cue was either ineffective or even deteriorated performance (Butter et al., 1990; Lin et al., 1996; Riddoch & Humphreys,
Our null-finding of spatial cueing in chronic HA (without
neglect) may be surprising at first glance given that repetitive visual
attention training is clearly effective as a treatment for the visual
search disorder of HA patients (Lane et al., 2010), and in light of the
robust effects of the same spatial-attentional cues on line bisection in visual neglect. However, a recent study by Baier et al. (2010)
found the HLBE in acute and chronic HA indicating no emergence
as a kind of compensatory behaviour that facilitates attentive orienting to the blind field. Together, their and the current findings
suggest that the HLBE in chronic HA is not the consequence of
hyperattention to the blind or hypoattention to the intact visual
field. Rather, the lesion data of Baier et al. (2010) and Zihl et al.
(2009) suggest that the HLBE is unlikely of attentive origin, but
reflects a kind of spatial-perceptual error to the contralesional side,
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Fig. 3. Mean unsigned line bisection errors (in mm) in the 4 spatial cueing conditions during line bisection (see Fig. 1), shown separately for patients with pure occipital
lesions vs. patients with lesions extending beyond the occipital lobe (extended lesions). Note that left and right hemianopic patients were collapsed into the two lesion
subgroups irrespective of the side of hemianopia. Positive deviations indicate bisection errors towards the blind field.
that emanates early in the course of hemianopia and may persist for a long time. Moreover, the comparable size of the HLBE
in acute and chronic HA patients in the Baier et al. (2010) study
argues against the gradual development of the HLBE in terms of a
compensatory phenomenon. Furthermore, the null-effect of spatial
cueing as analyzed in different lesion subgroups of our hemianopic
patients suggests that the HLBE is a robust phenomenon that is not
as easily modulated as its counterpart in patients with leftsided
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Fig. 4. Mean deviations of 3 patients with leftsided visual neglect and leftsided
hemianopia in the line bisection task under four different cue conditions (see Fig. 1).
Note the different scaling of the y-axis as compared to Fig. 2, due to the large cueing
effects in the 3 patients. Same convention of deviations as in Fig. 2.
hemianopia plus neglect (as shown in Fig. 4 of our study). Taken
together, all these accumulated findings render an explanation of
the HLBE in terms of facilitating attentive orienting towards the
blind field unlikely. Obviously, the HLBE does not “serve” a better
compensation of the field loss as implicitly assumed in early theories (Gassel & Williams, 1963) or more explicitly stated in recent
explanations (Mitra, Abegg, Viswanathan, & Barton, 2010). More
specifically, according to the current results spatial attention does
not seem to play a major role in the maintenance of the HLBE in
chronic hemianopia. Rather, the HLBE represents a type of visuospatial disturbance that immediately follows after lesion to some
extrastriate cortical areas.
Finally, a very early account of the HLBE can be rejected as well.
The german vision researcher Poppelreuter (1922) suggested that
HA patients develop a new “pseudofovea” located some degrees in
the contralesional, blind field. Although he did – to our knowledge –
not explicitly state that the HLBE and the “pseudo-fovea” might be
connected as both represent a contralesional spatial shift towards
the scotoma, it is tempting to assume that both might be co-related.
More recent studies (Trauzettel-Klosinski, 1997) have supported
this notion with their finding of a small fixational shift to the blind
field which according to their interpretation facilitates reading.
We recently tested the eccentric-fixation hypothesis (Poppelreuter,
1922) as a potential explanation of the HLBE explicitly by blind
spot mapping of the ipsilesional eye in 20 HA patients, 10 nonhemianopic, but brain-damaged control patients and 10 healthy
individuals (Kuhn et al., 2012). Importantly, the position of the blind
spot was in the normal range in 38 of 40 tested subjects, did not differ significantly between hemianopic and nonhemianopic groups,
and did not correlate significantly with the HLBE which was present
in all 20 HA patients. Moreover, the HLBE showed no significant correlation to the capacity of the HA subjects to explore their blind field
with scanning eye movements (“visual search field”) which might
have been expected if the HLBE reflects a compensatory orienting of eye movements to blind field. Together, these recent results
show that eccentric fixation plays no major role in the emergence of
the HLBE. The same conclusion was reached for the contralesonal,
oblique error in the subjective visual straight ahead observed in
15 non-neglecting patients with homonymous quadranopia, which
was not accompanied by any abnormality of horizontal or vertical eye position as determined by blind spot mapping (Kuhn et al.,
2010). Moreover, visual scanning capacity in the blind field and the
size of the HLBE towards the blind field are unrelated phenomena,
suggesting that the HLBE represents an independent, third feature
of HA patients besides their well-established visual exploration
deficits and hemianopic alexia.
Despite our clear results, some caveats have to be mentioned.
Firstly, other types of spatial cueing, i.e. local or global visual motion
cues, which effectively modulate line bisection and other visuospatial deficits in patients with spatial neglect (Schindler & Kerkhoff,
2004), may be more effective in manipulating spatial attention
in HA, and in turn may influence the HLBE. Secondly, cues from
another modality (acoustic, haptic) may prove more effective than
cues delivered in the same –“impaired” – visual modality. Thirdly,
spatial cueing may be very well effective in acute hemianopia,
when the patients try to adapt to the sudden field loss (Machner
et al., 2009), and develop compensatory strategies. This effect may
have vanished after 9–12 months, when most of our patients were
examined. This has to be tested in subsequent studies. Finally, repetitive spatial-attentional training instead of transient spatial cueing –
such as recently employed elegantly in attention therapy for HA as
a treatment for the visual search disorder (Lane et al., 2010) – may
indeed reduce the HLBE transiently or even permanently. These
are future issues that may help us to better understand the nature
of the HLBE and the mechanisms of recovery from HA and associated visuospatial disorders. Finally, solving these issues may in the
future lead to an effective treatment of the HLBE in HA which is at
present not within reach.
We are grateful for very helpful comments of 2 anonymous
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