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2020, Qajar: Persian History
3 pages
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القاجار صفحة من التاريخ الفارسي
The history is a valuable mine of human experience and historical school was one of the heterodox schools of economic thought that by criticizing the teachings of classical school, has used history and it’s objective investigation as a cornerstone for the revise of political economy. The most important criticism of historical school to classical school are: universalism, imperfect psychology based on self-interest and extremism in deductive method. On the one side, historical method is in conflict to Austrian school and on the other hand was a background for the emergence of American Institutional school. The most important teachings of historical school are: Application of historical method in the analysis of economic phenomenon, using inductive method, using economic statistics, belief on the uniqueness of each economy and thus the necessity of indigenous development model, avoiding abstract models in economic analysis, the necessity of finding the interaction of economic phenomenon to non-economic factors and an endeavor to understand the evolution of economies. In this paper by using the teachings of historical school, we argued that adopting historical method, provide the possibility of analyzing historical backwardness of Iranian Economy, Understanding evolutionary structure of Iranian Economy and preparing indigenous model of economic development in Iran.
Umde dini tetkikler dergisi, 2019
Bu makale, Mu'tezile ve Eş'âriye fırkalarının kendi ilk kaynakları üzerine yapılan genel bir incelemedir. Kelam ilminin usulüne göre, ilmi bir konu hakkında araştırma yaparken tek bir kaynaktan veya fırkanın/ mezhebin düşüncesinden beslenmek doğru ve mümkün değildir. Dolayısıyla makalede adı geçen her fırkanın kurucusu ile birlikte fırkaya etkisi olan ilk
قضايا سياسية
تعد قضية الصحراء الغربية من القضايا الهامة التي اخذت حيز من اهتمام العديد من الدول العربية والافريقية والمجتمع الدولي بشكل عام، ونظرا لما يتمتع به اقليم الصحراء الغربية من موقع جغرافي ، وثروات طبيعية ومعدنية، فقد اصبح محور خلاف وصراع بين المغرب وجبهة البوليساريو منذ عام 1975، وبالرغم من المبادرات العربية والافريقية والدولية لإنهاء القضية لكنها لم تجد نفعا امام اصرار الجانبين على موقفه، وفقا لذلك كان للعديد من الدول ومنها ايران موقفا من هذه القضية التي تجاوزت مدة الاربعة عقود. لقد ترتب على قضية الصحراء الغربية واستمرار الخلاف والصراع بشأنها تطورات كثيرة، بحيث اضحت القضية منفذا لولوج وتدخل العديد من الدول وفق ما تقتضيه مصالحها ولا سيما بعض الدول الكبرى مثل فرنسا واسبانيا والولايات المتحدة الامريكية. من هذا المنطلق حرصت هذه الدول على استمرار هذه القضية والحؤول دون التوصل لحلها من اجل استمرار وديمومة تدخلها في المنطقة. اما بالنسبة لإيران فقد حاولت ايضا توظيف موقفها من القضية بالتوازي مع ما تمليه مصالحها في تلك المرحلة، فبالرغم من ان مبدا دعم الشعوب المستضعفة ودفع الظل...
Learning strategies are essential in learning. On the other hand, learning styles are also an essential step in learning activities that have a positive relationship with learning outcomes. this study aims to uncover various student strategies in learning Arabic based on their learning styles. This research is qualitative research, with the research subjects being 20 students of UPB Group 22 in 2019. The data collection instruments in this study were questionnaires and interviews. The data processing techniques in this descriptive analysis research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study indicates that students' learning strategy with a visual learning style tendency is that they need to see things visually to make it easier to understand and understand so that they are more comfortable learning with the use of colors, lines, and shapes. Students with visual tendencies remember what they see more than what they hear and prefer reading rather than being read. The learning strategy of auditory students is to rely more on hearing to receive information and knowledge so that students in this type will find it easier to remember what they hear than what they see, prefer to read with sound, and find it difficult to do tasks involve visuals. Finally, the learning strategy of students with a kinesthetic learning style is learning by involving movement. They find it easier to learn something, not just reading, but also practicing it by doing it or touching particular objects.
Imlā is in the high position among the branches of language. It constitutes an important foundation for written language. Errors in imlā can result in many problems and lead to errors in understanding sentence because of its unclear meaning. Students who are not Arabic speakers encounter many problems when learning this realm. Therefore, it is needed an appropriate method to adapt students language ability with their language level. This study aims to explain several methods of teaching Imla for non Arabic speakers. The suggested method here is adjusted with the four types of imlā, namely: Imlā Manqūl, Imla Manżūr, Imla Masmū’ and Imla Ikhtibāri. Besides it is provided with applicative examples in the teaching of imlā based on certain stages that should be taken by a teacher. Thus the teaching can be carried out pleasantly and satisfy all students needs in the lesson.This study uses the method of al-waşfi al-taḩlīli, a method that describes the problems that occur, by analyzing the...
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, 2022
This research paper aims to study the "temporary endowment" (Waqf Muaqqat) and its role in activating social financing in Islamic banking in Malaysia, such as the oriental study in the light of the purposes of Islamic law. This article has adopted the qualitative method in its research which correlates to the theorization and regulation of the concepts of the issues in hand in their different dimensions which is jurisprudence, Maqasid, and banking. For the case study "Maybank Islamic" has been selected for viewing and assessing the various aspects related to the said topic. The study also included interviews with some experts of Islamic banking in Malaysia. The study has stemmed the following conclusions and recommendations, which are as follows: 1) Islamic banks have a significant role in intermediating between both the sources of voluntary social financing and the deprived classes of the society, 2) Bank endowments (Waqf) through May Islamic Bank has shown 2
Jurnal Al-Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2020
The art of calligraphy painting by Syaiful Adnan and its beauty are interesting to study due to their distinctive characteristics. Adnan’s script or type of writing differs from the standard style of script from the Middle East. In his hand, creative processes and various dynamics of aesthetic aspects tend to glide calmly. Syaiful Adnan has had solo and collective exhibitions at home and abroad which present the holy verses of the Qur'an as well as hadith and Mahfudzot or words of wisdom as central themes. This research uses archival research method to study various references and documentation as well as direct interviews. Data is analysed inductively by organizing it, describing it into units, synthesizing, composing into patterns, choosing what is important and what will be studied, and present it in this article. The study discovered that spiritual aspects found in Syaiful Adnan’s calligraphy painting is a form of representation of monotheism and dhikr. The oneness of Allah...
Histoire(s) de la diplomatie culturelle française – Du rayonnement à l’influence, 2024
Wybrane zagadnienia lingwistyki tekstu, analizy dyskursu i komunikacji międzykulturowej – In memoriam Profesor Anny Duszak (1950-2015), 2018
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Exhibition Catalogue: Fatlum Doçi, Signs/Znakovi, Galerija VN, Zagreb, 2019
PhD Ens de Lyon (France) and ECNU (China), 2022
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7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2001
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Anais de XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2020
Indonesian Journal of Urology, 2014