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Nordic Wittgenstein Review, 2019
This paper introduces the Special Issue on "Post-Truth". The contributions to this special issue try between them to strike a right balance. To establish how new "post-truthism" really is – or isn’t. To seek a point of reflection on whatever is new in our current socio-political straits. And to consider seriously how philosophy can help. Whether by wondering about the extent to which reason, or truth, may rightly, if one follows Wittgenstein, be viewed in certain respects as a constraint upon thought or opinion. Or indeed by wondering whether we still have a long way to go in approaching truth at all.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2012
Human experiences can be broadly divided into those that are external and related to interaction with the environment, and experiences that are internal and self-related. The cerebral cortex appears to be divided into two corresponding systems: an "extrinsic" system composed of brain areas that respond more to external stimuli and tasks and an "intrinsic" system composed of brain areas that respond less to external stimuli and tasks. These two broad brain systems seem to compete with each other, such that their activity levels over time is usually anti-correlated, even when subjects are "at rest" and not performing any task. This study used meditation as an experimental manipulation to test whether this competition (anti-correlation) can be modulated by cognitive strategy. Participants either fixated without meditation (fixation), or engaged in non-dual awareness (NDA) or focused attention (FA) meditations. We computed inter-area correlations ("functional connectivity") between pairs of brain regions within each system, and between the entire extrinsic and intrinsic systems. Anti-correlation between extrinsic vs. intrinsic systems was stronger during FA meditation and weaker during NDA meditation in comparison to fixation (without mediation). However, correlation between areas within each system did not change across conditions. These results suggest that the anti-correlation found between extrinsic and intrinsic systems is not an immutable property of brain organization and that practicing different forms of meditation can modulate this gross functional organization in profoundly different ways.
Resisting Domination in Palestine: Mechanisms and Techniques of Control, Coloniality and Settler Colonialism, 2024
The enduring struggle of Palestinians against Israel’s settler colonial regime reveals a dynamic interplay between increasingly sophisticated forms of domination and the emergence of novel modes of resistance. This meticulously curated edited volume presents an assemblage of insightful, critical, and contemporary perspectives on how Israeli domination has been sustained and reproduced in new forms and means using various mechanisms and techniques of control, coloniality, and settler colonialism. This chapter provides an overview of the book, identifying several sites of colonial control and domination exerted on Palestine by Israel, and demonstrating how these sites of domination are also sites of Palestinian resistance. The first section explores the political sites of control by focusing on governmentality, institutions, and technologies and mechanisms of control including how Israel manages access to health, life and death. The second section examines the economic mechanisms of exploitation, dispossession, and de-development including banking, taxation and the relationships between finance capital, aid and military occupation. The third section turns attention to environmental sites of control, focusing on land, indigeneity, space and racial capitalism. Finally, section four scrutinizes the intellectual sites of control, highlighting how norms, narratives, and knowledge production perpetuate domination.
PROBLEMAS 1.1. Determine a força normal interna resultante que age na seção transversal no ponto A em cada coluna. Em (a), o segmento BC tem massa de 300 kg/m e o segmento CD tem massa de 400 kg/m. Em (b), a coluna tem uma massa de 200 kg/m. Resolução (a) Coluna (a) (b) Coluna (b) W 2 = 400 x 9,81 x 1,2 = 4,7088 kN W = 200 x 9,81 x 3 = 5,886 kN W 1 = 30 x 9,81 x 3 = 8,829 kN N A -8 -6 -6 -4,5 -4,5 -W = 0 -5 -W 1 -6 -W 2 -N A = 0 N A = 34,9 kN N A = 24,54 kN 1.2. Determine o torque resultante interno que age sobre as seções transversais nos pontos C e D do eixo. O eixo está preso em B. Resolução T C -250 = 0 T D -250 + 400 = 0 T C = 250 N.m T D = 150 N.m Tensão 3 Resolução: Steven Róger Duarte 1.3. Determine o torque resultante interno que age nas seções transversais nos pontos B e C. Resolução 500 -T C = 0 T B -500 + 350 = 0 T C = 500 N.m T B = 150 N.m *1.4. O dispositivo mostrado na figura sustenta uma força de 80 N. Determine as cargas internas resultantes que agem sobre a seção no ponto A. Resolução V A cos(60°) -N A cos(30°) -80sen(45°) = 0 -V A sen(60°) -80cos(45°) -N A sen(30°) = 0 V A = 20,7 N N A = 77,3 N -M A + 80cos(45°) x 0,3cos(30°) -80sen(45°) x (0,1 + 0,3sen30°) = 0 M A = 0,55 N.m Tensão 4 Resolução: Steven Róger Duarte 1.5. Determine as cargas internas resultantes que agem na seção transversal no ponto D do elemento AB. Resolução -0,4A y -70 = 0 A y + C y = 0 0,15C y + 0,2C x = 0 A x + C x = 0 A y = 175 N C y = 175 N C x = 131,25 N A x = 131,25 N N E = -15,63 kN V E = 0 kN Tensão 7 Resolução: Steven Róger Duarte *1.8. A lança DF do guindaste giratório e a coluna DE têm peso uniforme de 750 N/m. Se o guindaste e a carga pesam 1.500 N, determine as cargas internas resultantes nas seções transversais que passam nos pontos A, B e C. Resolução Seção 1 (0 V A -P 1 -1,5 = 0 M A + 1,5 x 0,9 + 0,675 x 0,45 = 0 N A = 0 kN V A = 2,7 kN M A = -1,654 kN.m Seção 2 (0 ) V B -P 2 -1,5 = 0 M B + 1,5 x 3,3 + 2,457 x 1,65 = 0 N B = 0 kN V B = 3,98 kN M B = -9,034 kN.m Seção 3 (0 ) -N C -1,125 -2,925 -1,5 = 0 M C + P 3 x 1,95 + 1,5 x 3,9 = 0 V C = 0 kN N C = 5,55 kN M C = -11,554 kN.m Tensão 8 Resolução: Steven Róger Duarte
While few would still describe Dura-Europos as Rostovtzeff did, as a “caravan city”, there is no doubt that the extensive excavations there in the first half of the twentieth century provide rich archaeological evidence for this frontier settlement, whose life spanned from c. 300 BCE to 256 CE. Indeed, it is easy to point to images of camel caravans scratched into house walls, or to scraps of fine imported silks pulled from the debris, and imagine Dura as just another node in an ancient network of cities spanning the Afro-Eurasian frontier. This presentation will consider the development of the settlement over the long term, as a place which was both liminal, forever inside the frontier, but also central and hyper-connected, and examine how Dura negotiated its place within and between spheres. Examining aspects of Dura’s material, social, and political networks, I will assess the ways in which this negotiation was not only a tale of trading, taxing, and military triumphs, but also of one of local habitus and a particular relationship with the site’s own deep past.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2014
Rock fracture roughness and tortuosity caused by contact asperities produce extra resistance for fluid flow in comparison with the channel consisting of two smooth parallel plates. To characterise the role of roughness and tortuosity in water flow through rock fractures, the existing studies of the effect of fracture roughness and contact area (tortuosity) on fluid flow through rock fractures were firstly reviewed. Then, an explicit flow model was derived using the friction factor predictor previously proposed according to the flow data of sandstone fractures. Regarding the introduced relative roughness of rock fracture as the correction variable, the developed flow model can be considered as a corrected form of classic cubic law, where the relative roughness is defined as the ratio of the averaged peak asperity height to equivalent hydraulic aperture. Sensitivity analysis shows that the cubic law can overestimate the flow rate by 10 % when the relative roughness increases to 70.7. With further increase in relative roughness up to 300, which usually represents tight rock fractures, the flow rate is only approximately 64 % of that predicted by cubic law. The verification of this friction factor to granite and limestone fractures shows that the used friction factor predictor is in good accordance with the experimental data.
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Memorias CICOM Congreso Internacional de Comunicación para la Sostenibilidad, 2020
Estudios budistas en América Latina y España - volumen I, 2024
Mundos do Trabalho
Second Wave Positive Psychology, 2015
IEEE Systems Journal, 2013
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Nutrition, 2010
TAPROBANICA: The Journal of Asian Biodiversity, 2012
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika, 2020
Journal of Radiation Research, 2011
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2006