Supplier Quality Standard ikea

Draft 2009-09-04 CAMN, KORK,RONY Quality Compliance Standard ( GO/ NOGO) I ssued By: Approved By: Dat e Edit ion Qualit y I m provem ent Group Qualit y Manager Purchasing 2015-02-01 1.0 Replace: I KEA Supplier Qualit y St andard Edit ion 2 2010- 09- 02 I nt r oduct ion I n order t o deliver t o I KEA, t he GO/ NOGO r equirem ent s m ust be fulfilled at all act ive I KEA Supplier s cont inuously. The GO/ NOGO requirem ent s shall be audit ed and approv ed befor e first delivery at new I KEA Suppliers and t hen as m inim um ever y second y ear at all act ive I KEA Suppliers. GO/ N OGO r e quir e m e nt s The I KEA Supplier shall est ablish a docum ent ed pr ocedur e including a process how t he r equirem ent s ar e secured for each GO/ NOGO requirem ent . The procedur e shall appoint responsible funct ions for each st ep in t he process. The I KEA Supplier shall secure t hat t he docum ent ed procedur e is adhered t o. 1 . The I KEA Supplier shall secure t hat all product s ar e produced according t o, and m eet , I KEA product docum ent at ion or ot herwise as agr eed wit h I KEA in writ ing. 2 . The I KEA Supplier shall regist er, st ruct ur e and m aint ain all verificat ion docum ent s and inform at ion required in t he I KEA pr oduct docum ent at ion int o t he Connect sy st em , unless ot herwise agreed wit h I KEA in writ ing. Regist er ed v erificat ion docum ent s and inform at ion shall t oget her r eflect t he m at erial, com ponent s and pr oduct ion set up used for each pr oduct in relat ion t o pr oduct ion dat e- st am p. For all purchased m at erials and com ponent s t he sub- supplier of t hose shall be specified. Qualit y Com pliance St andard ( GO/ NOGO) 3 . The I KEA Supplier shall secure t hat special process cont r ol is im plem ent ed at it s own product ion unit as well as at sub- suppliers according to I KEA requirem ent s specified in: • I KEA pr oduct docum ent at ion • special processes appendices 4 . The I KEA Supplier shall per form final inspect ion as agreed in writ ing bet ween t he part ies. The det ailed cont ent of t he final inspect ion shall be det erm ined on product level, based on Supplier´ s int ernal as well as I KEA qualit y key perform ance indicat ors, and include: • inspect ion m et hod • reference m at erial t o use • sam pling plan • accept ance crit eria The I KEA Supplier shall docum ent t he result from t he final inspect ion as agreed wit h I KEA. 5 . The I KEA Supplier shall secure t hat inspect ed non- confor m ing m at erials, product s and com ponent s ar e ident ified and separat ed, t o avoid t hat nonconform ing product s are delivered t o I KEA. Re la t e d docum e nt s: • • Qualit y Com pliance Com m it m ent Special processes appendices Find m or e : ht t p: / / supplierport / Page 1 of 1