The usual estimation of the coverage factor , using the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in... more The usual estimation of the coverage factor , using the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement - GUM method is based on the Central Limit Theorem and directly related to the Gaussian or t-distribution of probability of the measured value whose conditions in practice do not always have to be satisfied. The work studies especially the cases when one or several input values have a significantly higher contribution of uncertainty in relation to other input values. In such cases it is not clear whether the GUM method conditions have been met or not, which may sometimes lead to incorrect evaluation of the expanded measurement uncertainty.
Prije dvadeset godina Vodic za procjenu mjerne nesigurnosti (GUM) utemeljio je opca pravila za pr... more Prije dvadeset godina Vodic za procjenu mjerne nesigurnosti (GUM) utemeljio je opca pravila za proracun i iskazivanje mjerne nesigurnosti sa svrhom da budu primjenjiva na sirokom spektru mjerenja. Veliki znacaj GUM metodi pripisuje se iz razloga sto daje konceptualni okvir koji omogucuje dosljedan izracun nesigurnosti iz slucajnih i sustavnih djelovanja. Pokazalo se da, u određenim slucajevima u praksi, neki uvjeti koje zahtijeva GUM metoda nisu ispunjeni, te njena primjena dovodi do neprihvatljivih rezultata. U slucajevima kada je funkcijski odnos između izlazne velicine i njezinih ulaznih velicina nelinearan, a razvoj te funkcije u Taylorov red uz zadržavanje samo prvih clanova razvoja nije prihvatljivo približno određenje, razdioba vjerojatnosti izlazne velicine ne može se dobiti konvolucijom razdioba ulaznih velicina. U takvim slucajevima zahtijevaju se druge analiticke ili numericke metode. Sukladno predloženoj reviziji JCGM 100 201X CD najjednostavniji nacin da se prevladaju teskoce i uklone nedostaci GUM metode je usvajanje Bayesovog pristupa i primjena metode Monte Carlo simulacija u postupku izracuna mjerne nesigurnosti.
Pojavom mjeriteljskih uređaja koji rade na principu računalne tomografije omogućeno je mjerenje k... more Pojavom mjeriteljskih uređaja koji rade na principu računalne tomografije omogućeno je mjerenje kako vanjske geometrije predmeta mjerenja tako i uvid u unutarnju strukturu i mjerenje unutarnje geometrije složenih proizvoda netaktilnom metodom skeniranja. Iz razloga što na rezultate mjerenja računalnom tomografijom utječe velik broj faktora, kao i zbog toga što su sustavi računalne tomografije višenamjenski mjerni sustavi, u mnogim slučajevima nije poznata mjerna nesigurnost rezultata mjerenja. Slijedom navedenog, može se konstatirati da trenutno ne postoji metoda, kod primjene računalne tomografije u dimenzionalnom mjeriteljstvu, kojom se može garantirati sljedivost rezultata mjerenja do definicije metra. Ciljevi istraživanja u ovom radu usmjereni su prema rješavanju tih problema
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, Jul 28, 2017
The paper discusses the capabilities of industrial computed tomography (CT) in the field of dimen... more The paper discusses the capabilities of industrial computed tomography (CT) in the field of dimensional measurement of products with close tolerances. Computed tomography is a method that allows inspection and measurements of both reachable and unreachable characteristics which makes it very desirable and interesting for application in wide range of industries. In order to evaluate the quality of measurement results obtained by industrial CT, two objects with the same geometry, and made from different materials, were measured. Results obtained with CT were compared with the results obtained by coordinate measuring machine, which were considered to be reference values, and deviations between the results have been analysed. Measurements were repeated five times under repeatability conditions. Repeatability is expressed quantitatively in terms of the dispersion characteristics of the results. Statistical analysis showed that in majority of cases, there were no statistically significant differences between measurement results of equal characteristics obtained at different materials. Obtained deviations in the research could be explained by the fact that the measurements were performed at the industrial CT for general applications. Much better results can be achieved by using a metrology CT device.
Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik, Dec 1, 2009
This paper presents the research regarding the influence of glyoxal on electrochemical and corros... more This paper presents the research regarding the influence of glyoxal on electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel in water. For this purpose, model solutions containing glyoxal in water in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1 % were prepared. Spring water was used as control electrolyte. From the potentiostatic polarisation data (using the standard three‐electrode system), the corrosion current (icorr), corrosion potential (Ecorr) and polarisation resistance (Rp) were calculated. The research included also the conductivity, total dissolved soils, salinity, resistivity and pH, absolute potential, and relative potential of model solutions. The presence of glyoxal at the highest concentration of 1 % in the water solution has accelerating effect on corrosion.
Nacionalni laboratorij za duljinu (u daljnjem tekstu – Laboratorij) je pod imenom Laboratorij za ... more Nacionalni laboratorij za duljinu (u daljnjem tekstu – Laboratorij) je pod imenom Laboratorij za precizna mjerenja dužina (LFSB) utemeljen daleke 1959. godine na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveucilista u Zagrebu. Od utemeljenja u Laboratoriju se njeguje mjerenje duljine, kuta i hrapavosti povrsina s visokom tocnoscu sto je i danas temeljna odrednica Laboratorija. Po osamostaljenju Republike Hrvatske Laboratorij preuzima odgovornost i obvezu osiguravanja sljedivosti do međunarodnih etalona za duljinu, kut i parametre hrapavosti povrsina, a posebice u cilju provođenja umjeravanja etalona i mjernih sredstava duljine za brojne hrvatske tvrtke. Potvrdu svojih razina tocnosti Laboratorij posljednjih 36 godina nalazi u međunarodnim usporedbenim mjerenjima s uglednim europskim mjeriteljskim institutima i laboratorijima. Laboratorij je nositelj akreditacije od 1994. godine (SIT-Italija). Od 2002. godine Laboratorij sudjeluje u projektima EURAMET-a u ulozi nacionalnog laboratorija za duljinu. Od 2009. godine Laboratorij je ugovorni konstitutivni dio Hrvatskog mjeriteljskog instituta. U radu ce se navesti znacajna strucna i znanstvena postignuca Laboratorija i naznaciti razvoj u buducem razdoblju.
Original scientific paper In 2011 Croatian National Laboratory for Length (HMI/FSB-LPMD) develope... more Original scientific paper In 2011 Croatian National Laboratory for Length (HMI/FSB-LPMD) developed calibration standards which have been physically implemented in cooperation with the company MikroMasch Trading OU and the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Specific design of standards makes them suitable for calibration of optical instruments, stylus instruments, scanning electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes and scanning tunnelling microscopes. Therefore, the developed calibration standards greatly contribute to the reproducibility of measurement results for groove depth well as the 2D and 3D roughness parameters obtained by various measuring methods. After a number of measurements conducted on developed standards, based on which new knowledge was acquired, HMI/FSB-LPMD designed a new standard for the field of dimensional nanometrology. This paper presents the design of a new standard that is still suitable for calibration of different types of measuring instruments, i.e. methods, but has a larger measurement capability in terms of measuring ranges in vertical and lateral direction.
U posljednje vrijeme postavljaju se sve ostriji zahtjevi na kvalitetu debljine premaza, te je pro... more U posljednje vrijeme postavljaju se sve ostriji zahtjevi na kvalitetu debljine premaza, te je procese nanosenja potrebno pratiti u svim fazama. U radu su analizirani rezultati mjerenja debljine premaza na profilu celicne konstrukcije mosta. Mjerenja su provedena mjernim instrumentom Elcometer 456 od strane cetiri laboratorija. U cilju procjene tocnosti i preciznosti rezultata mjerenja analiza je provedena sukladno normi ISO 5725:1994.
There is a whole series of digital 3D filters, but due to the faults present in the existing filt... more There is a whole series of digital 3D filters, but due to the faults present in the existing filters, the research is continuing regarding new filters. The text further describes the filter developed at the Laboratory for Precise Measurements of Length at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (abbr: LFSB). The method consists in separation of waviness and roughness by dividing the surface into segments that are combined by a polynomial into a single area. The surface obtained in this manner represents waviness, whereas roughness is represented by the difference between the original area and the waviness. The research in order to verify the set method was carried out by the combination of the theoretical and experimental work. The theoretical work includes treatment of the simulated surfaces. These surfaces are composed of two components, simulated waviness and simulated roughness. The simulated surfaces are treated by directional and non-directional traces. The optimal filter parameters (surface network, degree of the polynomial) are determined on the basis of the amount of residual variance and 3D parameters of roughness and waviness.
Computed tomography is a new method which uses X- rays to simultaneously obtain information of bo... more Computed tomography is a new method which uses X- rays to simultaneously obtain information of both external and internal characteristics of measuring object. The method itself has been known since 1970s, but still its application in dimensional measurements begins only two decades ago. It is a non-destructive and non-tactile method which makes it particularly suitable for material inspections. It is ideal for investigating inner structure of materials, as well as for detecting holes and imperfections inside material. What makes this method uncompetitive are lack of measurement traceability and high number of influential parameters, which make calibration and uncertainty determination problematic.
Capable process is a process that is able to produce items within the specification limits. The a... more Capable process is a process that is able to produce items within the specification limits. The ability of a process to meet specifications can be expressed by using process capability indices. In order to have an accurate estimation of process capability quality management system is required. Gage repeatability and reproducibility analysis (gage R&R) addresses the issue of measurement system precision. If measurement system is not repeatable or reproducible relatively to the variability between items, then that measurement system is not sufficiently precise to be used in product capability analyses. In the ideal case, all variability's in measurements are results of item variation, and only a negligible proportion of the variability's will be due to gage R&R. In this paper an analysis of the influence of quality measurement system on process capability has been carried out.
Laboratorij Zavoda za celicne konstrukcije IGH Zagreb bavi se ispitivanjem metalnih i nemetalnih ... more Laboratorij Zavoda za celicne konstrukcije IGH Zagreb bavi se ispitivanjem metalnih i nemetalnih materijala, kako razornim tako i nerazornim metodama. S dobivanjem akreditacije za odabrane ispitne metode prema HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:1999 Laboratorij je dobio obvezu proracunati mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata ispitivanja. U radu je prikazan proracun mjerne nesigurnosti za mjerenje tvrdoce metodom Vickers uz koristenje smjernica za proracun mjerne nesigurnosti - ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM metoda). Proracunom dobivena vrijednost potvrđena je primjenom Monte Carlo simulacija (MCS metoda). MCS metoda temelji se na generiranju slucajnih brojeva iz funkcija gustoce vjerojatnosti za svaku ulaznu velicinu i stvaranju odgovarajuce vrijednosti izlazne velicine. Konacno, potvrda ispravnosti postupka proracuna mjerne nesigurnosti dobivena je sudjelovanjem Laboratorija na usporedbenom mjerenju (proficiency test). Organizator proficiency test-a za svaki je laboratorij iskazao vrijednost mjerne nesigurnosti na temelju usporedbe i rasipanja rezultata svih sudionika u usporedbi.
The usual estimation of the coverage factor , using the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in... more The usual estimation of the coverage factor , using the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement - GUM method is based on the Central Limit Theorem and directly related to the Gaussian or t-distribution of probability of the measured value whose conditions in practice do not always have to be satisfied. The work studies especially the cases when one or several input values have a significantly higher contribution of uncertainty in relation to other input values. In such cases it is not clear whether the GUM method conditions have been met or not, which may sometimes lead to incorrect evaluation of the expanded measurement uncertainty.
Prije dvadeset godina Vodic za procjenu mjerne nesigurnosti (GUM) utemeljio je opca pravila za pr... more Prije dvadeset godina Vodic za procjenu mjerne nesigurnosti (GUM) utemeljio je opca pravila za proracun i iskazivanje mjerne nesigurnosti sa svrhom da budu primjenjiva na sirokom spektru mjerenja. Veliki znacaj GUM metodi pripisuje se iz razloga sto daje konceptualni okvir koji omogucuje dosljedan izracun nesigurnosti iz slucajnih i sustavnih djelovanja. Pokazalo se da, u određenim slucajevima u praksi, neki uvjeti koje zahtijeva GUM metoda nisu ispunjeni, te njena primjena dovodi do neprihvatljivih rezultata. U slucajevima kada je funkcijski odnos između izlazne velicine i njezinih ulaznih velicina nelinearan, a razvoj te funkcije u Taylorov red uz zadržavanje samo prvih clanova razvoja nije prihvatljivo približno određenje, razdioba vjerojatnosti izlazne velicine ne može se dobiti konvolucijom razdioba ulaznih velicina. U takvim slucajevima zahtijevaju se druge analiticke ili numericke metode. Sukladno predloženoj reviziji JCGM 100 201X CD najjednostavniji nacin da se prevladaju teskoce i uklone nedostaci GUM metode je usvajanje Bayesovog pristupa i primjena metode Monte Carlo simulacija u postupku izracuna mjerne nesigurnosti.
Pojavom mjeriteljskih uređaja koji rade na principu računalne tomografije omogućeno je mjerenje k... more Pojavom mjeriteljskih uređaja koji rade na principu računalne tomografije omogućeno je mjerenje kako vanjske geometrije predmeta mjerenja tako i uvid u unutarnju strukturu i mjerenje unutarnje geometrije složenih proizvoda netaktilnom metodom skeniranja. Iz razloga što na rezultate mjerenja računalnom tomografijom utječe velik broj faktora, kao i zbog toga što su sustavi računalne tomografije višenamjenski mjerni sustavi, u mnogim slučajevima nije poznata mjerna nesigurnost rezultata mjerenja. Slijedom navedenog, može se konstatirati da trenutno ne postoji metoda, kod primjene računalne tomografije u dimenzionalnom mjeriteljstvu, kojom se može garantirati sljedivost rezultata mjerenja do definicije metra. Ciljevi istraživanja u ovom radu usmjereni su prema rješavanju tih problema
Advances in Production Engineering & Management, Jul 28, 2017
The paper discusses the capabilities of industrial computed tomography (CT) in the field of dimen... more The paper discusses the capabilities of industrial computed tomography (CT) in the field of dimensional measurement of products with close tolerances. Computed tomography is a method that allows inspection and measurements of both reachable and unreachable characteristics which makes it very desirable and interesting for application in wide range of industries. In order to evaluate the quality of measurement results obtained by industrial CT, two objects with the same geometry, and made from different materials, were measured. Results obtained with CT were compared with the results obtained by coordinate measuring machine, which were considered to be reference values, and deviations between the results have been analysed. Measurements were repeated five times under repeatability conditions. Repeatability is expressed quantitatively in terms of the dispersion characteristics of the results. Statistical analysis showed that in majority of cases, there were no statistically significant differences between measurement results of equal characteristics obtained at different materials. Obtained deviations in the research could be explained by the fact that the measurements were performed at the industrial CT for general applications. Much better results can be achieved by using a metrology CT device.
Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik, Dec 1, 2009
This paper presents the research regarding the influence of glyoxal on electrochemical and corros... more This paper presents the research regarding the influence of glyoxal on electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel in water. For this purpose, model solutions containing glyoxal in water in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1 % were prepared. Spring water was used as control electrolyte. From the potentiostatic polarisation data (using the standard three‐electrode system), the corrosion current (icorr), corrosion potential (Ecorr) and polarisation resistance (Rp) were calculated. The research included also the conductivity, total dissolved soils, salinity, resistivity and pH, absolute potential, and relative potential of model solutions. The presence of glyoxal at the highest concentration of 1 % in the water solution has accelerating effect on corrosion.
Nacionalni laboratorij za duljinu (u daljnjem tekstu – Laboratorij) je pod imenom Laboratorij za ... more Nacionalni laboratorij za duljinu (u daljnjem tekstu – Laboratorij) je pod imenom Laboratorij za precizna mjerenja dužina (LFSB) utemeljen daleke 1959. godine na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveucilista u Zagrebu. Od utemeljenja u Laboratoriju se njeguje mjerenje duljine, kuta i hrapavosti povrsina s visokom tocnoscu sto je i danas temeljna odrednica Laboratorija. Po osamostaljenju Republike Hrvatske Laboratorij preuzima odgovornost i obvezu osiguravanja sljedivosti do međunarodnih etalona za duljinu, kut i parametre hrapavosti povrsina, a posebice u cilju provođenja umjeravanja etalona i mjernih sredstava duljine za brojne hrvatske tvrtke. Potvrdu svojih razina tocnosti Laboratorij posljednjih 36 godina nalazi u međunarodnim usporedbenim mjerenjima s uglednim europskim mjeriteljskim institutima i laboratorijima. Laboratorij je nositelj akreditacije od 1994. godine (SIT-Italija). Od 2002. godine Laboratorij sudjeluje u projektima EURAMET-a u ulozi nacionalnog laboratorija za duljinu. Od 2009. godine Laboratorij je ugovorni konstitutivni dio Hrvatskog mjeriteljskog instituta. U radu ce se navesti znacajna strucna i znanstvena postignuca Laboratorija i naznaciti razvoj u buducem razdoblju.
Original scientific paper In 2011 Croatian National Laboratory for Length (HMI/FSB-LPMD) develope... more Original scientific paper In 2011 Croatian National Laboratory for Length (HMI/FSB-LPMD) developed calibration standards which have been physically implemented in cooperation with the company MikroMasch Trading OU and the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Specific design of standards makes them suitable for calibration of optical instruments, stylus instruments, scanning electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes and scanning tunnelling microscopes. Therefore, the developed calibration standards greatly contribute to the reproducibility of measurement results for groove depth well as the 2D and 3D roughness parameters obtained by various measuring methods. After a number of measurements conducted on developed standards, based on which new knowledge was acquired, HMI/FSB-LPMD designed a new standard for the field of dimensional nanometrology. This paper presents the design of a new standard that is still suitable for calibration of different types of measuring instruments, i.e. methods, but has a larger measurement capability in terms of measuring ranges in vertical and lateral direction.
U posljednje vrijeme postavljaju se sve ostriji zahtjevi na kvalitetu debljine premaza, te je pro... more U posljednje vrijeme postavljaju se sve ostriji zahtjevi na kvalitetu debljine premaza, te je procese nanosenja potrebno pratiti u svim fazama. U radu su analizirani rezultati mjerenja debljine premaza na profilu celicne konstrukcije mosta. Mjerenja su provedena mjernim instrumentom Elcometer 456 od strane cetiri laboratorija. U cilju procjene tocnosti i preciznosti rezultata mjerenja analiza je provedena sukladno normi ISO 5725:1994.
There is a whole series of digital 3D filters, but due to the faults present in the existing filt... more There is a whole series of digital 3D filters, but due to the faults present in the existing filters, the research is continuing regarding new filters. The text further describes the filter developed at the Laboratory for Precise Measurements of Length at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (abbr: LFSB). The method consists in separation of waviness and roughness by dividing the surface into segments that are combined by a polynomial into a single area. The surface obtained in this manner represents waviness, whereas roughness is represented by the difference between the original area and the waviness. The research in order to verify the set method was carried out by the combination of the theoretical and experimental work. The theoretical work includes treatment of the simulated surfaces. These surfaces are composed of two components, simulated waviness and simulated roughness. The simulated surfaces are treated by directional and non-directional traces. The optimal filter parameters (surface network, degree of the polynomial) are determined on the basis of the amount of residual variance and 3D parameters of roughness and waviness.
Computed tomography is a new method which uses X- rays to simultaneously obtain information of bo... more Computed tomography is a new method which uses X- rays to simultaneously obtain information of both external and internal characteristics of measuring object. The method itself has been known since 1970s, but still its application in dimensional measurements begins only two decades ago. It is a non-destructive and non-tactile method which makes it particularly suitable for material inspections. It is ideal for investigating inner structure of materials, as well as for detecting holes and imperfections inside material. What makes this method uncompetitive are lack of measurement traceability and high number of influential parameters, which make calibration and uncertainty determination problematic.
Capable process is a process that is able to produce items within the specification limits. The a... more Capable process is a process that is able to produce items within the specification limits. The ability of a process to meet specifications can be expressed by using process capability indices. In order to have an accurate estimation of process capability quality management system is required. Gage repeatability and reproducibility analysis (gage R&R) addresses the issue of measurement system precision. If measurement system is not repeatable or reproducible relatively to the variability between items, then that measurement system is not sufficiently precise to be used in product capability analyses. In the ideal case, all variability's in measurements are results of item variation, and only a negligible proportion of the variability's will be due to gage R&R. In this paper an analysis of the influence of quality measurement system on process capability has been carried out.
Laboratorij Zavoda za celicne konstrukcije IGH Zagreb bavi se ispitivanjem metalnih i nemetalnih ... more Laboratorij Zavoda za celicne konstrukcije IGH Zagreb bavi se ispitivanjem metalnih i nemetalnih materijala, kako razornim tako i nerazornim metodama. S dobivanjem akreditacije za odabrane ispitne metode prema HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:1999 Laboratorij je dobio obvezu proracunati mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata ispitivanja. U radu je prikazan proracun mjerne nesigurnosti za mjerenje tvrdoce metodom Vickers uz koristenje smjernica za proracun mjerne nesigurnosti - ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM metoda). Proracunom dobivena vrijednost potvrđena je primjenom Monte Carlo simulacija (MCS metoda). MCS metoda temelji se na generiranju slucajnih brojeva iz funkcija gustoce vjerojatnosti za svaku ulaznu velicinu i stvaranju odgovarajuce vrijednosti izlazne velicine. Konacno, potvrda ispravnosti postupka proracuna mjerne nesigurnosti dobivena je sudjelovanjem Laboratorija na usporedbenom mjerenju (proficiency test). Organizator proficiency test-a za svaki je laboratorij iskazao vrijednost mjerne nesigurnosti na temelju usporedbe i rasipanja rezultata svih sudionika u usporedbi.
Papers by Biserka Runje