VOL. 82, NO. 2, AUGUST 2004
Copyright ©2004 American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Published by Elsevier Inc.
Printed on acid-free paper in U.S.A.
Edward E. Wallach, M.D.
Associate Editor
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Deborah R. Cameron, R.N.,a and Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.a,b*
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Objective: Review of literature with regard to androgen replacement therapy in women.
Design: Review of the MEDLINE database and references from articles.
Conclusions: Androgens affect sexual function, bone health, muscle mass, body composition, mood, energy,
and the sense of well-being. Androgen insufficiency clearly has been demonstrated in patients with hypopituitarism, adrenalectomy, oophorectomy, and in some women placed on oral estrogen therapy which increases
sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels and lowers the free and bioavailable forms of T. Symptoms of
androgen insufficiency in women may include a diminished sense of well-being, low mood, fatigue, and
hypoactive sexual desire disorder with decreased libido, or decreased sexual receptivity and pleasure that
causes a great deal of personal distress. The preponderance of evidence from clinical trials supports the
correlation of decreased endogenous androgen levels with these symptoms and alleviation of many of the
symptoms with the administration of T or, in some cases, DHEA. There are no Food and Drug Administrationapproved androgen preparations on the market for treating androgen insufficiency in women. The safety
profile of androgens in doses used for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder has been excellent
with only mild acne and hirsutism being noted in a minority of patients. (Fertil Steril威 2004;82:273– 89. ©
2004 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Key Words: Androgen replacement therapy, androgen insufficiency syndrome, testosterone replacement,
oophorectomy, female sexual dysfunction, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, libido
Received October 13,
2003; revised and
accepted November 14,
Reprint requests: Glenn D.
Braunstein, M.D.,
Department of Medicine,
Plaza Level, Room 2119,
Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, 8700 Beverly Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(FAX: 310-423-0437; Email:
[email protected]).
*Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.,
is a Principal Investigator
and a consultant for
studies conducted by
Procter & Gamble
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. on a
transdermal matrix delivery
system of testosterone for
Division of Endocrinology,
Diabetes and Metabolism,
Department of Medicine,
Cedars-Sinai Medical
David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, Los
Angeles, California.
Female sexual dysfunction has been classified as four distinct disorders—sexual desire
disorders (includes hypoactive and aversion
disorders), sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic
disorder, and sexual pain disorders (dyspareunia, vaginismus, and other causes) (1, 2). For
some women, androgen insufficiency may result in hypoactive sexual desire disorder
(HSDD), which is defined as a change in sexual
function such as a persistent or recurring deficiency (or absence) of sexual fantasies or
thoughts and desire for or receptivity to sexual
activity that causes personal distress (1–3). For
seven decades (4 –11), androgens have been
used to treat menopausal symptoms including
low libido and other manifestations of HSDD,
but only recently have careful clinical trials
established the beneficial effects of androgens
in women with androgen insufficiency (12–15).
This review focuses on the clinical constellation of symptoms that have been associated
with androgen insufficiency, the relationship of
androgens to female sexuality, and the efficacy
and safety of androgen therapy in women.
The biological activity of an androgen depends on its ability to bind to androgen receptors in target tissues and regulate gene transcriptional activity (i.e., its potency), the
production rate, metabolic clearance rate,
which includes various metabolic conversions
and excretion, and the quantitative amount that
is available to the target tissues. The metabolic
clearance rate and amount of androgen that is
bioavailable in the blood to be transported into
cells is dependent to a great extent on the
degree of binding to the low capacity and high
affinity -globulin, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and the high capacity but low
affinity albumin (16 –21). The quantity of androgen in the blood that is not bound to serum
proteins or weakly bound to albumin is considered to be bioavailable. Table 1 summarizes the
relative potency, serum concentrations, and
protein binding of the major androgens or precursors that are present in blood (16 –21).
Taking into account the potency, concentration, and clinical correlations with hyper- and
Relative potency; mean serum concentrations, and protein binding of major androgens or androgen precursors in
serum concentrations
serum concentrations
% Bound
to albumin
% Bound
Note: DHT ⫽ dihydrotestosterone; A ⫽ androstenedione; DHEA ⫽ dehydroepiandrosterone; DHEAS ⫽ dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.
Adapted from 16 –21.
Cameron. Androgen replacement therapy in women. Fertil Steril 2004.
hypoandrogenic states in women, T is a reasonable measure
of the androgen status of women. The total T level is markedly influenced by the SHBG concentration. Sex hormonebinding globulin levels are decreased in obesity, hyperinsulinism, glucocorticoid or growth hormone excess,
hypothyroidism, and hyperandrogenic states (17, 22). The
levels are increased with oral estrogen therapy, hyperthyroidism, cirrhosis, and some antiepileptic medications (17,
22). Therefore, the free or bioavailable T level more accurately reflects androgen status than does the total T concentration. Free T is best measured by equilibrium dialysis and
not by the various direct or analogue assays on the market
(22, 23). The Free T Index (also called the Free Androgen
Index) closely correlates with the free T measurement, and
can be calculated from measurements of total T and SHBG
Androgens are directly secreted into the circulation by the
ovaries and adrenals (25). In addition, various peripheral
tissues, such as adipose tissue, muscle, and fat, convert
androgens and androgen precursors from the ovaries and
adrenals into androgens that then enter the circulation as part
of the androgen pool. The relative contributions of these
sources to androgen production in pre- and postmenopausal
women are summarized in Table 2 (17, 26 –29).
The circulating concentrations of the androgens may not
reflect androgen action at a specific target tissue. For instance, the expression of the levels of 5␣-reductase, the
enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of T to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), varies in different target organs and at different sites. Indeed, the term ‘intracrinology’ has been used to
describe hormone production, metabolism, and effect occurring in the same local target tissue (30). This process allows
androgens to be biologically available for physiologic effects, but unavailable for direct biologic measurement in
serum. An indirect measurement of androgen status of peripheral tissues may be assessed by biological assay of DHT
metabolites: androsterone-glucoronide (ADT-G), andro-
Relative contributions of ovarian, adrenal, or peripheral tissues in androgen production in premenopausal and
postmenopausal women.
Ovarian production (%)
Adrenal production (%)
Peripheral production (%)
Very small
Almost entirely
from T
50% from A
10% from D
40% from DS
10% from D
Almost entirely
from T
240% from A
10% from D
40% from DS
10% from D
Note: D ⫽ DHEA; DS ⫽ DHEAS; other abbreviations as in Table 1.
Adapted from 17, 26 –29.
Changes from the premenopausal to postmenopausal status are highlighted with arrows.
Cameron. Androgen replacement therapy in women. Fertil Steril 2004.
Cameron and Braunstein
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
stane-3␣, 17-diol-glucoronide (3␣-diol-G), androstane-3,
17-diol-glucoronide (3-diol-G), and ADT-sulfate (31).
Androgen production and serum levels decrease with age.
Both T and androstenedione (A) levels decrease before
menopause. One study in a small number of women noted
that the mean serum T concentration at age 21 years was
approximately twice that at age 40 years (32), whereas an
approximate 25% decrease was noted between ages 42 and
50 years in the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation
(SWAN) (33).
There is conflicting data, however, as to whether T levels
decrease further during the menopause transition. Some
studies suggest that an approximately 15% decline occurs
(16, 34 –36). In contrast, the large longitudinal Melbourne
Women’s Midlife Health Project, which studied women
through the menopausal transition, did not demonstrate a
decline in total serum T; indeed, a decrease in SHBG levels
resulted in an increase in the calculated free androgen index
(37). Similarly, the SWAN study did not find a reduction in
T concentrations during the menopausal transition (33).
There is no controversy surrounding the observations that
production of the major androgen precursor from the adrenals, DHEA, and its sulfate peak during the third decade and
then sharply decline between ages 30 and 60 years (37– 41).
Between the ages of 20 and 80 years, serum DHT levels
steadily decrease an average of 44% in association with a
decrease between 48% and 72% of various conjugated metabolites (38). Thus, the relatively low androgen levels found
in women after the menopause in comparison to women in
their 20s and 30s reflects an age-related decrease, rather than
a specific menopausal effect.
The individual and combined effect of estrogens and
androgens on female sexual function is controversial. Estrogens clearly decrease the vasomotor symptoms that can lead
to sleep disturbances, which can affect mood, energy, and
quality of life. Estrogens also improve vaginal mucus production, thereby reducing dyspareunia and the avoidance of
sexual intercourse because of pain. These estrogen-mediated
improvements may improve sexual receptivity, but they do
not improve libido (42). The role of androgens has been
difficult to discern. Libido, arousability, and frequency of
sexual activity have been correlated with the mid-menstrual
cycle increase in T (43– 47). Women with high normal T
levels across the menstrual cycle are less depressed and
experience more sexual gratification than do women with
low normal T concentrations (44).
In addition, several cross-sectional studies performed on
women at various ages across the adult lifespan have shown
positive correlations with T and sexual desire, arousal, initiation, responsiveness to sexual activity, and frequency of
sexual gratification and intercourse (44, 48 –50). A longituFERTILITY & STERILITY威
dinal study (50), which followed women from approximately
2 years before until 2 years after the final menses, demonstrated a decline in coital frequency and sexual thoughts or
fantasies, an increase in dyspareunia, and an increased dissatisfaction with their partners as lovers. In this study, E2 and
T levels both showed significant (P⬍.002) declines, whereas
T demonstrated closer correlation with coital frequency.
In contrast, several studies (51–58) have not found a
correlation of androgen levels to sexual function. The variables that are most problematic in attempts to correlate
androgen levels to sexual function include insufficiently
sensitive androgen assays, insufficient study power, and the
lack of validated measures to assess sexual function (59).
Even in the studies showing a positive association between
androgens and parameters of sexual function, the correlations generally have not been very robust, indicating that in
addition to androgens other factors such as relationship issues, attitudes, and general health as well as medication use
by the patient and partner contribute to sexual function.
Androgen insufficiency has been well documented in four
conditions: hypopituitarism, adrenalectomy/adrenal insufficiency, oophorectomy/premature ovarian failure, and after
institution of oral estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) (10,
12, 19, 60 – 65). In a study of 55 estrogenized and nonestrogenized women with hypopituitarism (66), characterized by
hypogonadism or hypoadrenalism, and 92 controls, serum
total T, free T, A, and DHEAS were significantly decreased
in the women with hypopituitarism as compared to the
control group. The investigators reported that the severity of
androgen insufficiency in these women was probably underestimated due to the limitations of androgen assays.
In an early study (10), an abrupt loss of libido was
observed in women after adrenalectomy with concomitant or
prior oophorectomy as treatment for breast cancer. In this
study, 17 of 29 women with a mean age of 51 years reported
some sexual desire before surgery. Of the 17 women who
were sexually active before surgery, all reported reduced
frequency of intercourse, with almost half reporting cessation of sexual intercourse (Pⱕ.05) and 14 reported a decrease in desire of which 10 reported a total loss of desire (P
⫽ .01). Of the 12 women who were responsive in intercourse
before surgery, 11 women experienced a decrease of which
9 reported a total loss of responsiveness (P ⫽ .01) after
surgery. More recent studies have confirmed that women
with adrenal insufficiency have reduced concentrations of a
variety of serum androgens (10, 60, 61, 66, 67). Similarly,
chronic administration of glucocorticoids may decrease androgen levels through suppression of DHEA production by
the adrenals (68).
Longitudinal hormone measurements after bilateral oophorectomy have shown an approximate 50% reduction in T
Components of female androgen insufficiency syndrome.
Low libido with global decrease in sexual desire, fantasy, or
Persistent, unexplained fatigue
Decreased sense of well-being
Blunted motivation
Flattened mood
Thinning or loss of public hair
Decreased lean body mass
Osteopenia or osteoporosis
Other indications
Onset after an event associated with decreased androgen production
Other causes of symptoms have been evaluated and ruled out
Symptoms persist despite having normal estrogen production if
premenopausal or being on adequate estrogen replacement if
Note: From 72.
Cameron. Androgen replacement therapy in women. Fertil Steril 2004.
levels and a 40%–50% reduction in A levels (62, 63, 69).
The cross-sectional Rancho Bernardo study found that elderly postmenopausal women without ovaries had total and
bioavailable T levels that were 40% lower and A levels that
were 10% lower compared to postmenopausal women with
intact ovaries (70).
There is general agreement that ERT, especially by the
oral route, may result in elevations of SHBG, which binds
much of the circulating T, thereby reducing the free or
biologically active fraction (19, 71). In women who are
prone to exhibit low androgen levels because of oophorectomy, adrenal insufficiency, or hypopituitarism, estrogen administration may precipitate symptomatic androgen insufficiency.
it is reasonable to consider a menopausal woman to have
androgen insufficiency if she exhibits typical symptoms and
has a free T or free T index level in the lowest quartile of the
normal range or below the normal range for reproductive age
women (3).
In evaluating a woman suspected of having androgen
insufficiency, it is important to eliminate other causes of the
symptoms such as depression, iron deficiency, hypothyroidism, anemia, and medication use (especially glucocorticoids
and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) from consideration (3). It is important to make sure that the woman is
adequately estrogenized to eliminate dyspareunia with secondary avoidance of sexual activity. However, as noted,
ERT can precipitate symptoms of androgen insufficiency by
increasing the production and serum concentrations of
SHBG, thereby reducing the concentration of free and bioavailable androgens. This is most commonly found with oral
estrogen therapy, which directly stimulates the liver through
a first pass effect. Therefore, before attempting androgen
replacement therapy, the woman should be switched to a
transdermal estrogen preparation, which results in lower
SHBG concentrations (71). If these conditions are met, then
a therapeutic trial of androgen replacement should be considered.
Testosterone Trials
The symptom complex, which constitutes the androgen
insufficiency syndrome, has been empirically derived from
observations of patients who developed symptoms after an
event, such as oophorectomy, that can precipitate a decrease
in T (Table 3) (72). The frequently described symptoms are
fatigue, low energy, decreased or absent sexual motivation,
and desire, as well as a generalized decrease in the sense of
well-being (3). These symptoms, which are consistent with
the diagnosis of HSDD, often result in considerable personal
distress in some women (1–3). Signs of androgen insufficiency, such as thinning or sparsity of pubic hair and decreased muscle mass may be seen (3, 73). Reduction of bone
mineral density may be present on bone densitometry testing
Many, but not all, studies have demonstrated that exogenous androgen administration improves various sexual
function parameters (coital frequency, desire and libido,
arousal, pleasure, orgasm, thoughts or fantasy), and mood or
the sense of well-being, as well as bone health, body composition, and muscle mass in women with symptomatic
androgen insufficiency. There are a myriad of variables that
make direct comparison between studies difficult. These
include differences in study design (e.g., type of blinding,
placebo, or estrogen control), duration of exposure to the
androgen, whether the androgen level attained was physiologic or supraphysiologic, type of menopause (natural or
surgical), selection criteria for inclusion of patients (no sexual dysfunction, low libido, mixture of menopausal symptoms), type of instrument for assessing sexual function and
whether it has been psychometrically validated, type of
sexual activity measured (with partner, self stimulation, intercourse only, or total sexual activity), and number of subjects in the study. These considerations are especially important as there may be a substantial placebo effect in these
types of studies (12).
In women who have hypopituitarism, hypoadrenalism, or
who have undergone oophorectomy and present with symptoms of androgen insufficiency, free T levels and the free T
index are low. According to a recent consensus conference,
Nevertheless, as summarized in Table 4 and discussed in
detail in the following paragraphs, the randomized, double
blind, placebo, or estrogen-controlled trials in women with
low libido after menopause that used well-validated tools to
Cameron and Braunstein
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
Testosterone replacement clinical trials in women that measured sexual function and other psychological parameters.
N/avg. age
Greenblatt et al.
E, T, or E ⫹ T [5 mg MT q d]
102c/44 yr
Sherwin et al.
E, T, or E ⫹ T [150 mg TE ⫹
E, or, 200 mg TE q mo]
43/46 yr
Myers et al.
40/⬃58 yr
Shifren et al.
E, E, ⫹ MPA, or E ⫹ MT
[5 mg MT q d]
E ⫹ Transdermal T
[150 g q d; 300 g q d]
Braunstein et al.
E ⫹ Transdermal T [150 g q
d; 300 g q d; 450 g q d]
447/49–50 yr
Goldstat et al.
T 1% cream [10 mg q d]
31/40 yr
Sarrel et al.
E or E ⫹ T [2.5 mg MT q d]
20/52 yr
Lobo et al. (13)
E or E ⫹ T [1.25 mg MT q d]
218/53 yr
Dow and Hart
E or E ⫹ T [100 mg]
40/47 yr
65/47 yr
Sexual function
Other psychological
prestudy sexual
1 mo
3 mo
2 mo
Daily logs
SMP only/yes
3 mo
Physiologic free T,
total T
SMP only/yes
6 mo
3 mo
Physiologic free T
(for 300 g
Physiologic total-T,
2 mo
4 mo
4 mo
7 pt. scale
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
⬃72 NMP
⬃30 SMP/
SMP only/unk
1Pleasure from
No improvement
37 NMP
3 SMP/no
Effect of 300 g
1Satisfying activitya
Effect of 300 g
Dose effect on T
(reproductive age
1Positive well-beinga Pre-MP/yes
Randomized, double-blind, estrogen only comparison trials
1Frequency (at 4
Not tested
12 NMP
8 SMP/dissatisfied
with E alone Rx
1Interest or desirea
Not tested
150 NMP
68 SMP/yes
Randomized, single-blind, estrogen only comparison trials
1Orgasm at 2
factor” at 4 monthsb 34 SMP/yes
monthsb (low
(low dyspareunia
patients only)
patients only)
function tool
Cameron and Braunstein
T A B L E 4 Continued
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Burger et al.
Davis et al. (79)
E or E ⫹ T [50 mg]
E or E ⫹ T [50 mg q 3 mo]
Kupperman et
al. (11)
Burger et al.
Oral, IM, SC
[5 mg MT q d;
10 mg MT q d;
100 mg T cyclopentylpropionate q 2 wks;
E ⫹ 150 mg T SC]
E or E ⫹ T [100 mg]
Sherwin et al.
E or E ⫹ TE [150 mg q mo]
N/avg. age
20/43 yr
(E ⫹ T)
32/57 yr
(E ⫹ T)
Sexual function
17/42 yr
44/47 yr
(E ⫹ T)
Other psychological
Not tested
Not tested
Other trials
1Physical vigorb
1“Joie de vivre”b
prestudy sexual
Study design
Dose effect on T
(reproductive age
function tool
14 NMP
6 SMP/yes
30 NMP
2 SMP/no
6 wk
2 yr
Not randomized, unk
controlled, or
11 SMP/yes
6 mo
Pilot study
SMP only/unk
2 yr
2 yr follow-up
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
Note: E ⫽ estrogen; T ⫽ testosterone; MT ⫽ methyltestosterone; 1 ⫽ increased/improved; 2 ⫽ decreased/improved; NMP ⫽ naturally menopausal; SMP ⫽ surgically menopausal; unk ⫽ unknown;
TE ⫽ T enanthate; DMRS ⫽ Daily Menopausal Rating Scale; MPA ⫽ medroxyprogesterone acetate; BISF-W ⫽ Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women; NR ⫽ not reported; SAL ⫽ Sexual Activity
Log; PFSF ⫽ Profile for Female Sexual Function; Pre-MP ⫽ premenopausal; FAI ⫽ free androgen index; SSSRS ⫽ Sabbatsberg Sexual Self-Rating Scale; SALS ⫽ Sexual Activity and Libido Scale; SIQ
⫽ Sexual Interest Questionnaire; AS ⫽ analog scale; MP ⫽ menopausal; NA ⫽ not applicable; MAS ⫽ marital adjustment scale.
Significant change between groups.
Significant change from baseline within group; or, self-report (11) of increase or improvement.
Only 22 participants crossed-over to all four treatment groups; 7 were surgically menopausal.
Data not provided in statistical terms; 67% preferred E ⫹ T compared to E alone due to increased sense of well-being and libido. 23.5% of E ⫹ T users reported an increase in libido; 42% of T alone
users reported an increased libido.
Between-group significance during first 2 weeks after injection only.
Cameron. Androgen replacement therapy in women. Fertil Steril 2004.
measure sexual function have generally shown increased
libido, satisfaction, and sexual activity with T therapy in
comparison to the response seen with placebo or estrogen
In 1950, Greenblatt et al. (9) reported results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of
oral 0.25 mg diethylstilbestrol (DES) daily alone, 5 mg
methyltestosterone (MT) daily alone, combined DES and
MT, and placebo in 102 women with postmenopausal symptoms after natural or surgical menopause. Each treatment
was administered for 1 month in a cross-over fashion, and
the effect of therapy was determined by vaginal smears and
monthly interviews with regard to changes in bleeding,
breast turgidity, pelvic congestion, acne, libido, hot flashes,
insomnia, lubrication, and nervousness. The average age of
participants was 44 years (range, 23 to 63 years). The investigators noted a carry-over effect of the prior treatment on the
baseline assessment of the subsequent treatment, as well as a
placebo effect. Of the 102 study participants, only 22 received all four treatments. Complete relief of menopausal
symptoms was experienced by 90% of the women in the
estrogen alone and combined treatment groups, but 67% of
women preferred the combined therapy due to an increase in
the sense of well-being. After 1 month of treatment, increased libido was reported by 2% in the placebo group, 12%
in the estrogen alone group, 23% in the combined therapy
group, and 42% in the MT alone group.
Sherwin and Gelfand (75) and Sherwin et al. (76) studied
a group of 43 premenopausal women with benign gynecological diseases and who subsequently underwent bilateral
oophorectomy with total abdominal hysterectomy. The
women were randomized in an 8-month cross-over study
undergoing IM injections at 28-day intervals of estrogen plus
androgen (n ⫽ 12; 150 mg of T enanthate, 7.5 mg of E2
dienanthate, and 1 mg of E2 benzoate), estrogen alone (n ⫽
11; 10 mg of E2 valerate), androgen alone (n ⫽ 10; 200 mg
of T enanthate), or placebo (n ⫽ 10) given in a double-blind
fashion. Ten women who underwent hysterectomy without
oophorectomy served as a second control group. There were
four time periods—1 month of baseline monitoring, 3
months of the first hormone treatment, 1 month of placebo
treatment, followed by a crossover to 3 months of the second
hormone treatment. Serum T levels were significantly increased in the estrogen plus T or T alone treatment groups
compared to the hysterectomy control group, estrogen alone
group, and placebo group.
In the same studies, Sherwin and colleagues found a
significant (P⬍.01) correlation between the increased T levels of the estrogen plus T and T alone groups with improved
energy level and well-being compared to the estrogen alone
and placebo groups. This study measured sexual function on
a daily basis with a questionnaire using a rating scale that
included the domains of sexual desire, sexual arousal, sexual
thoughts or fantasies, frequency of sexual encounters with
the partner, and orgasm. Significant increases were demonstrated in sexual desire (P⬍.01), sexual fantasy (P⬍.01), and
sexual arousal (P⬍.01) in the two T treatment groups as
compared to the estrogen alone and placebo groups. Importantly, the investigators noted that sexual function of both the
androgen groups did not differ from the ovary-sparing, hysterectomy-only control group. The investigators suggested
that the lack of response with regard to coital frequency and
orgasm may be due to partner variability or that androgens in
women affect sexual motivation but not frequency and orgasm.
Myers et al. (77) did not find an improvement in sexual
function with androgen therapy in a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled study of 40 predominantly naturally menopausal women (surgical menopause n ⫽ 3, natural
menopause n ⫽ 37). The participants had not taken any
hormones 3 months before receiving study treatment with
either 0.625 mg of conjugated equine estrogens (CEE), 0.625
mg of CEE plus 5 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate
(MPA), 0.625 mg of CEE plus 5 mg of MT, or placebo for
8 weeks in parallel groups. There was a significant difference
of total T levels in the combined estrogen and androgen
group, but initially supraphysiologic levels decreased after
several weeks of treatment to levels similar to the placebo
group for the remainder of the 8-week treatment period.
Myers and colleagues used daily logs for quantitative
assessment of menopausal symptoms, mood state, sexual
desire, sexual thoughts, and sexual activity. A seven-point Likert scale was used to assess mood states including anxiety,
depression, energy level, irritability, and euphoria. Vaginal
photoplethysmography provided assessment of physiologic
sexual arousal. Perceived arousal to films and self-fantasy
was assessed with a 10-point Likert scale. The investigators
found no significant difference between groups for mood or
sexual behavior. A significant improvement was found for
pleasure from masturbation, but only a trend toward significance was found for frequency of masturbation and mean
number of orgasms from masturbation.
Shifren et al. (12) studied the effect of a transdermal T
patch in 65 oophorectomized women who were on a stable
dose of estrogen therapy of at least 0.625 mg of CEE daily
for at least 2 months before study entry. In this double-blind,
cross-over study, the women were randomized to three treatment groups for 12 weeks each of CEE plus 150 g per day
of T, CEE plus 300 g of T, and CEE plus placebo. Serum
total T levels were above the normal range, but the free and
bioavailable T concentrations were within the normal range
for young women, reflecting the fact that the majority of
women receiving oral CEE had markedly elevated levels of
Shifren and associates measured sexual function at baseline and at the end of each 12-week treatment period, which
included testing in the domains of sexual thoughts and
desires, arousal, frequency of sexual activity, receptivity and
initiation, pleasure and orgasm, relationship satisfaction, and
problems affecting sexual function. The investigators reported that the CEE plus 300 g of T group demonstrated
increased frequency of sexual activity (P ⫽ .03) and pleasure– orgasm (P ⫽ .03). A dose-dependent effect was demonstrated as there was an increased percentage of women
with increased frequency of sexual fantasies, masturbation,
and sexual intercourse in the CEE plus 300-g of T group as
compared to the 150-g of T group. The sense of well-being
(P ⫽ .04) and mood (P ⫽ .03) improved significantly in the
300-g of T group in comparison to the placebo group.
There was a strong placebo response that was greater in the
younger women. Women under the median study age of 48
years showed an increased composite score on the Brief
Index of Sexual Function for Women during placebo treatment and no further improvement during T treatment.
A recent trial conducted by Goldstat and colleagues (14),
which investigated the use of T cream in premenopausal
women, mean age of approximately 40 years, with low
libido, demonstrated not only an improvement in sexual
function, but also mood and well-being. Thirty-one women
provided complete data using 10 mg of 1% T cream applied
daily to the thigh. The study participants were randomized in
a double-blind fashion to treatment or placebo for 12 weeks
then crossed-over, after a 4-week wash-out time period, for
another 12 weeks of treatment or placebo. The mean baseline
serum T levels was near the lowest quartile of the normal
range for reproductive age women. Serum total T levels
increased with T treatment to the upper limit of the normal
range, whereas the Free Androgen Index (total T/SHBG ⫻
100) increased above the upper limit of normal. Of note,
there was no change in serum E2 levels.
Goldstat et al. found a significant improvement from
baseline with T treatment as compared to placebo in the
composite score (P ⫽ .001) on the Sabbatsberg Sexual
Self-Rating Scale as well as significant improvement of
individual sexual function domains of sexual interest (P ⫽
.001), sexual activity (P ⫽ .006), satisfaction of sexual life
(P ⫽ .004), sexual pleasure (P ⫽ .004), sexual fantasy
(P⬍.001), and orgasm (P ⫽ .005). That is, all sexual function domains on the Sabbatsberg Sexual Self-Rating Scale
were significantly improved from baseline with T cream
compared to placebo, except for the domain described as
“importance of sex” (P ⫽ .108). In addition, T treatment
demonstrated a significant improvement in the composite
score on the Psychological General Well-Being Index (P ⫽
.004), which measures anxiety (P ⫽ .009), depressed mood
(P ⫽ .053), positive well-being (P ⫽ .009), self confidence
(P ⫽ .024), general health (P ⫽ .014), and vitality (P ⫽
.010). There was a beneficial decrease in the composite score
on the Beck Depression Inventory, which did not reach
significance (P ⫽ .062). Interestingly, this study did not
demonstrate a placebo effect as did the trial conducted by
Shifren and colleagues (12) involving surgically menopausal
Cameron and Braunstein
women. Hirsutism scores using the Ferriman-Gallway Scale
did not change and none of the participants developed acne.
More recently, Braunstein et al. (15) reported in abstract
form the results of a phase IIb, 6-month double-blind, placebo-controlled trial using varying doses of transdermal T
delivered by a matrix delivery system patch in parallel
groups of randomized surgically menopausal women (n ⫽
447) receiving estrogen therapy with complaints of lowered
libido after their oophorectomy. A 300-g daily transdermal
dose was found to be optimal in this trial, which tested daily
doses of 150 g (n ⫽ 107), 300 g (n ⫽ 110), and 450 g
(n ⫽ 111). Again, transdermal T demonstrated significant
improvement in sexual desire with minimal side effects.
There was a 30% increase (P⬍.05) in total satisfying sexual
activity after 6 months of treatment with 300 g of transdermal T compared to placebo and an 81% increase (P⬍.05)
from baseline using a weekly Sexual Activity Log. The
sexual desire score was also significantly increased 18%
(P⬍.05) with T as measured by the Profile of Female Sexual
Function. There was no difference in reports of adverse
effects between the placebo and T groups.
There are several controlled trials evaluating estrogen
alone vs. estrogen plus T that support the benefits of androgen replacement. Sarrel et al. (42) studied a group of 20
naturally (n ⫽ 12) and surgically (n ⫽ 8) menopausal
women, who were dissatisfied with their conventional hormone therapy, and were randomized to daily administration
of oral estrogen, 1.25 mg of oral esterified estrogen (EE),
alone (n ⫽ 11), or estrogen plus androgen, 1.25 mg of oral
EE plus 2.5 mg of MT (n ⫽ 9) in a double-blind fashion.
This study incorporated a 2-week, single-blind, placebo
lead-in time period before an 8-week double-blind treatment
time period. Sexual function was assessed weekly with the
Sexual Activity and Libido Scale, which included items on
vaginal moisture, level of sexual desire, frequency of sexual
intercourse, pain with intercourse, clitoral sensation, clitoral
sensitivity, orgasm, sexual fantasy, and sexual response.
Sarrel and colleagues found that the EE plus MT group
showed a significant improvement in the combined rating for
sexual sensation and desire (P⬍.01 compared to previous
estrogen therapy and previous hormone therapy; P⬍.01
compared to placebo) after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment.
Frequency of sexual intercourse increased significantly after
4 weeks of the combined EE plus MT therapy compared to
placebo, but was not significant at other assessment time
periods. Serum levels of E2 and estrone (E1) increased in all
groups in comparison to post-placebo levels. As expected,
SHBG levels increased in the estrogen alone group and
decreased in the estrogen plus androgen group. Although
androgens were not measured in this study, the investigators
concluded that the administration of estrogen plus androgen
significantly improved sexual sensation and desire either as
a direct result of the androgen or as an indirect result of
decrease in SHBG levels, which increased the bioavailability
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
of T. Of interest, 13 study participants elected to continue
with estrogen (0.625 mg EE daily) plus androgen (1.25 mg.
MT daily) therapy after the trial was completed.
Lobo et al. (13) performed a randomized, double-blind
study with 218 postmenopausal women using a combined
oral estrogen–androgen preparation (0.625 mg EE plus 1.25
mg MT; n ⫽ 107) and estrogen alone (0.625 mg EE; n ⫽
111) during 4 months. Sexual function measurement was
performed at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months of treatment, and both
groups demonstrated increases in sexual interest after 1
month of treatment, with the increase in sexual interest or
desire being greater for the combined therapy group. Combined therapy also effected greater sexual responsiveness (P
⫽ .002). There was no difference as to response related to
age, race, or type of menopause. This study correlated the
increases in sexual function parameters to significant increases (P⬍.01) in mean serum concentration of bioavailable T in association with significant decreases (P⬍.01) in
SHBG levels in the combined treatment group compared to
the control group. In the group of women with baseline
SHBG in the normal range, there was a highly significant
correlation between the change in bioavailable T to change
in interest, responsiveness, and total Sexual Interest Questionnaire (SIQ) score.
Burger et al. (78) studied the effect of implanted pellets
containing estrogen alone (40 mg of E2) or estrogen (40 mg
of E2) plus androgen (50 mg of T) on 20 postmenopausal
women with “severe” loss of libido unresolved by conventional hormone therapy in a randomized, single-blind fashion. Supraphysiologic levels of T were noted in this study.
After 6 weeks, the combined therapy group demonstrated
improvement in libido (P⬍.01) and sexual enjoyment,
whereas the estrogen alone treatment group did not demonstrate an increase in libido or sexual enjoyment.
Also using implanted pellets, Davis et al. (79) performed
a randomized, single-blind study involving 32 postmenopausal women. Unique to this study was the exclusion of
women with low libido. The women received implants of
either 50 mg of T combined with 50 mg of E2 or 50 mg of
E2 alone every 3 months during 2 years. Supraphysiologic
levels of T were also attained in this study. Sexual function
including the domains of libido, activity, satisfaction, pleasure, fantasy, orgasm, and relevancy, were measured at baseline and at each 6-month period throughout the 2-year study.
The results of this prospective study revealed that the women
who received the combined therapy (E2 plus T) had a significantly greater improvement in sexual activity (P⬍.03),
satisfaction (P⬍.03), orgasm (P⬍.035), relevancy (P⬍.05),
and pleasure (P⬍.01) compared to the estrogen alone group.
This study also measured bone mineral density (BMD) and
body composition. The estrogen plus T treatment group
showed a significantly greater improvement in total body,
vertebral (L1–L4), and trochanter BMD.
In contrast to the generally positive results found in these
studies, Dow and Hart (80) reported a lack of a difference in
restoration of sexual function in postmenopausal women (n
⫽ 40 [natural menopause n ⫽6; surgical menopause n ⫽
34]) with a decline in sexual interest given 100 mg of T and
50 mg of E2 implants as compared to E2 implants alone.
Participants self-rated using a seven-point scale for frequency of sexual interest, general satisfaction with the sexual
relationship, general satisfaction with the marital relationship, frequency of orgasm, ease of responding to sexual
stimulation, and frequency of dyspareunia before treatment
and at 2 and 6 months after treatment in this randomized,
single-blind trial. Although there was a significant improvement in all sexual function domains in each group compared
to baseline, there was no significant difference found between groups. Therefore, the investigators stratified the two
groups with regard to baseline measurement of dyspareunia.
A significant increase in orgasm was noted only in the
combined pellet group at 2 months in the patients with low
Several other studies bear noting, although they are of
lower scientific quality than those summarized previously,
because they are neither randomized, blinded, nor adequately controlled.
In 1959, Kupperman and colleagues (11) gave 5 or 10 mg
of oral MT or 100 mg of T cyclopentylpropionate intramuscularly along with estrogen to postmenopausal women and
reported improvement in libido, “physical vigor,” and “joie
de vivre,” as well as decreased anxiety and decreased nervousness. Also, these early investigators reported improved
libido and well-being using implanted E2 and T.
Burger et al. (81) conducted a pilot study with 17 postmenopausal women who were complaining of low libido,
which was unresponsive to estrogen alone, using implanted
pellets containing 40 mg of E2 and 100 mg of T. This study
did not include estrogen alone or placebo control groups.
Participants were assessed monthly with an analogue scale
for libido and enjoyment of sex, and initiation of sexual
activity and frequency of orgasm was assessed by interview
and diary. Serum total and free T levels peaked after 1 month
of treatment and remained at supraphysiologic levels at 6
months. Significant improvement in libido (P⬍.01) and enjoyment of sex (P⬍.01) was demonstrated compared to
baseline assessments. The improvement in libido and enjoyment was cumulative and peaked after 3 months of therapy
(n ⫽ 14). Improvement was maintained up to 6 months.
Tiredness, ability to concentrate, change in hot flashes,
sweats, and depression were assessed, but only tiredness
(P⬍.01) and concentration (P⬍.05) showed significant improvements from baseline.
Sherwin (82) and Sherwin and Gelfand (83) studied 44
women, who had undergone oophorectomy 2 years earlier,
using monthly IM injections of estrogen and androgen (150
mg of T enanthate, 7.5 mg of E2 dienanthate, and 1 mg of E2
benzoate) or estrogen alone (10 mg of E2 valerate). A placebo group was not a part of the study design; however, a
third group of women in this study who had been untreated
since the time of surgery was used for control purposes.
Supraphysiologic levels of T were achieved and maintained
for 84 days in this study. Sexual function was measured daily
by a rating scale in the domains of desire, number of fantasies, level of arousal during intercourse, orgasm, and frequency of intercourse. The estrogen plus androgen group
showed significant improvement in comparison to the estrogen alone and control groups in the first 3 weeks (of 4 weeks)
of therapy in the domains of sexual desire (P⬍.01), number
of sexual fantasies (P⬍.01), and sexual arousal (P⬍.01). In
the first 2 weeks of therapy, frequency of intercourse and
orgasm was significantly better (P⬍.01) in the cotherapy
group as compared to the monotherapy and untreated groups.
However, by week 3 the frequency of intercourse and orgasm of the cotherapy group exceeded only the control
These studies examined the effects of T treatment in
menopausal or premenopausal women, whereas Tuiten et al.
(84) studied eight women with hypothalamic amenorrhea
and eight healthy menstruating women. The first phase of
their investigation established that amenorrheic women had
significantly decreased frequency of sexual thoughts, frequency of sexual desire, frequency of sexual activity, and
low serum T levels. In the second phase of the study, these
eight amenorrheic women were treated with 40 mg of T
undecanoate for 8 weeks followed by a 28-day wash-out
period and then a cross-over to placebo treatment for 8
weeks. Supraphysiologic serum levels of T were achieved.
Only genital vasocongestion showed a significant difference
between groups, being increased on T, whereas there were
no significant mood or subjective sexual behavior effects
noted between T and placebo treatment.
DHEA Trials
Because DHEA is converted into A and then T, several
studies have examined the effects of DHEA administration
on sexual function in women (Table 5). Morales and coworkers (85) conducted a 6-month, randomized, placebocontrolled, cross-over study using 50 mg of DHEA in 17
women, aged 40 to 70 years. Within 2 weeks of treatment,
serum DHEA and DHEAS levels were within the normal
range for reproductive age women and there was a twofold
increase in A, T, and DHT. Although 84% of the women
reported an improvement in well-being, there was no improvement in libido. It should be noted that 15 of the 17
women were menopausal and that only 7 were on conventional hormone therapy. Thus, it is possible that dyspareunia
was present in some of the participants, which remained
unaltered, as there were no changes in the serum levels of E1,
E2, or SHBG with DHEA administration.
Barnhart et al. (86) conducted a study with 60 symptomatic perimenopausal women with an average age of 48 years.
Cameron and Braunstein
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel
group study used 50 mg of oral DHEA given daily for 3
months. There was no improvement in sexual or psychological domains over placebo. However, libido was assessed
with only one question from the Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale, which is insufficient to examine sexual function.
Baulieu and colleagues (87) conducted a trial with 50 mg
of daily, oral DHEA during 1 year in 140 women aged 60 to
79 years in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
fashion. Serum androgens reached supraphysiogic levels after 6 months of therapy, but decreased to physiologic levels
after 12 months of therapy. Estradiol levels increased significantly (P⬍.001), but did not exceed early follicular phase
levels, after 6 months of treatment and were maintained
through 12 months of treatment. Sexual attitudes, libido,
activity (intercourse or masturbation), and satisfaction were
measured with a questionnaire at baseline, 6 months, and 12
Baulieu and associates found that there was a significant
improvement in sexual parameters in the women more than
70 years of age, but not less than 70 years of age. In the
former, there was an increase in libidinal interest after 6
months of therapy that reached significance after 12 months
of therapy. Of note, libido increased from baseline before the
significant increases demonstrated in intercourse or masturbation (P⬍.03) and sexual satisfaction (quantitative and
qualitative) (P⬍.01) after 12 months of therapy. As well,
bone turnover improved in women who were more than 70
years old.
Because the adrenals are a significant source of androgens
in women, low serum androgen levels are found in patients
with adrenal insufficiency. Arlt et al. (61) studied treatment
with 50 mg of oral DHEA daily during 4 months in 24
women with adrenal insufficiency of whom 14 had primary
adrenal insufficiency (11 had autoimmune adrenalitis and 3
had bilateral adrenalectomy) and 10 had secondary adrenal
insufficiency (6 had pituitary surgery, 3 had Sheehan’s syndrome, and 1 had autoimmune hypophysitis). This study was
randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. Participants were randomized to treatment or placebo for 4 months
with an intervening month for wash-out purposes in a crossover fashion. After 4 months, the DHEA treatment group
demonstrated significant increases in serum levels of DHEA,
DHEAS, A, T, and DHT compared to the placebo group. Of
note, SHBG concentrations significantly decreased after 4
months of treatment compared to placebo. Serum concentrations of E1 and E2 did not change significantly between
In addition to the finding of significantly increased serum
androgen levels between groups after 4 months of treatment,
Arlt and colleagues noted an improvement in sexual function
(increased frequency of sexual thoughts or fantasies, degree
of sexual interest, and sexual satisfaction) and mood that
correlated to the change in androgen levels. The improve-
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
Oral DHEA replacement clinical trials in women that measured sexual function and other psychological parameters.
Morales et al.c
Arlt et al. (61)
Barnhart et al.
Baulieu et al.c
N/average age
50 mg q d
17/54 yr
50 mg q d
24/42 yr
50 mg q d
60/48 yr
50 mg q d
140/60–79 yr
Hunt et al.c (66) 50 mg q d
24/26–69 yr
Sexual function parameter
Other psychological
parameter improvement
sexual dysfunction
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
2 Pre-MP, 15 MP; 7 no
1Frequency of thoughts/
No improvement
No improvement
Peri-MP only/yes
No improvement
⬎ 70 yrs only:
Not tested
No improvement
1Evening mooda
2Evening fatiguea
No improvement
No improvement
Johannsson et al. 30 mg if ⬍45 yr, 38/51 yr
20 mg if ⬎ 45
(DHEA group)
Lovas et al. (67) 25 mg q d
39/46 yr
No improvement
(DHEA group)
No improvement
Rx Duration
Dose effect on T
(reproductive age Sexual function
female range)
3 mo
Cross-over Physiologic
4 mo
Cross-over Physiologic
3 mo
1 yr
1 question from
3 mo
Cross-over Physiologic
6 mo ⫹ 6 mo Parallel
open phase
9 mo
Note: 1 ⫽ increased/improved; 2 ⫽ decreased/improved; Pre-MP ⫽ premenopausal; MP ⫽ menopausal; HRT ⫽ hormone replacement therapy; VAS ⫽ visual analog scale; AI ⫽ adrenal insufficiency;
AS ⫽ analogue scale; Peri-MP ⫽ peri-menopausal; Ham-D ⫽ Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; GRISS ⫽ Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction; DHEA ⫽ dehydroepiandrosterone; MSQ ⫽
McCoy’s sexuality questionnaire.
Significant change between groups.
Significant change from baseline within group.
Data reflects only female participants in the study.
Cameron. Androgen replacement therapy in women. Fertil Steril 2004.
ment in sexual satisfaction (mental satisfaction [P ⫽ .009];
physical satisfaction [P ⫽ .02]) in the treatment group compared to the placebo group did not occur until 4 months of
treatment, whereas the increases in the degree of sexual
interest (P ⫽ .06) and frequency of sexual thoughts or
fantasies (P ⫽ .07) was demonstrated after 1 month of
treatment. Timing of effects coincided with the evaluation
schedule as psychological assessments were performed after
1 and 4 months of treatment with both the placebo and
DHEA treatments and 1 month after the completion of the
second treatment in this cross-over trial. In addition, it
should be noted that there was a significant carry-over effect
with treatment in association with sexual interest effect (P ⫽
.05). The improvement in the sense of well-being occurred
after 4 months of treatment. After 4 months, the DHEA
treatment group demonstrated a significant decrease in depression (P ⫽ .05) and obsessive– compulsive traits (P ⫽
.03) compared to the placebo group. Anxiety (P ⫽ .01) and
hostility (P ⫽ .03) decreased significantly in the DHEA
treatment group compared to the absolute change from baseline in the placebo group. Mood (degree of unpleasantness,
P ⫽ .008; degree of alertness, P ⫽ .03; and degree of
restlessness, P ⫽ .01) improved significantly in the DHEA
treatment group compared to the placebo group after 4
months of treatment.
In contrast to these results, Hunt and co-workers (66)
found no improvement in sexual function in 24 women, aged
26 to 69 years with adrenal insufficiency who received 50
mg of oral DHEA daily for 12 weeks in comparison to the
response to 12 weeks of placebo in a randomized, doubleblind study. This cross-over study used a 1-month wash-out
period between drug and placebo treatment periods. There
was a significant increase in serum total T (P ⫽ .003) and a
significant decrease in serum SHBG (P⬍.001) levels in the
treatment group as compared to the placebo group. There
were no differences in sexual interest or arousal, frequency
of intercourse, or lubrication between the DHEA and placebo groups, but there was a significant improvement in
self-esteem, evening mood, and a decrease in evening fatigue in the DHEA treatment group.
phase. The mean ages of the placebo and DHEA groups were
50 and 51 years, respectively. Although levels of DHEAS,
A, and T increased in the treatment group, the serum androgen levels remained subnormal at the completion of the
study, and at 6 months there was no statistically significant
differences in androgen levels compared to the placebo
Johannsson and associates used patient reports at 6 and 12
months to measure changes in sexual interest and activity in
three categories: reduced, unchanged, or increased. Quality
of life was measured by the Psychological General WellBeing Index. A 12-item questionnaire was completed by the
patients’ partners to assess mood and behavior changes. Of
interest, there were no significant changes in sexual function
as self-reported during the placebo-controlled phase of the
study, although the patients’ partners reported an increase in
sexual relations during this period. During the open phase of
the study, increased sexual activity and interest was reported
by 100% of the women with partners on 30 mg of DHEA and
41% of the women with partners on the 20-mg dose. There
were no significant changes in the quality of life noted
during either phase.
Tibolone Trials
Tibolone is a steroid hormone that possesses estrogenic,
progestational, and androgenic properties. Although not
available in the United States, it has had several decades of
use in Europe and Asia. There are four randomized, placebocontrolled, single or double-blind trials using 2.5 mg of
tibolone given orally each day.
Kicovic and colleagues (89) studied 82 postmenopausal
women for 16 weeks in each arm of a cross-over trial and
noted that there was a 26% improvement in libido with
tibolone compared to placebo. Nevinny-Stickel (90) also
performed a cross-over trial for 16 weeks on active drug or
placebo in 35 postmenopausal women and found no significant difference in effect on libido, which was the only
sexual function domain examined.
Similar negative results were found by Lovas et al. (67)
who conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled study using 25 mg of oral DHEA daily for 9 months in 39 women
with adrenal insufficiency. The serum T levels significantly
increased from baseline to reach premenopausal levels.
However, there was no effect on sexual function parameters.
A single-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted by
Palacios et al. (91) with 28 postmenopausal women using a
questionnaire that measured several parameters of sexual
function. At 12 months there was a significant improvement
with tibolone compared to baseline and control in all parameters that included desire, frequency of arousability, intensity
and frequency of orgasmic response, and coital activity.
The effect of oral DHEA administration to women who
were androgen deficient from hypopituitarism was studied
by Johannsson and colleagues (88) who used an age-adjusted, dosing scheme of DHEA administration in 38
women, with 30 mg being given if the woman was less than
45 years of age and 20 mg if she was 45 years or older. The
study was double-blinded, randomized, and placebo-controlled for a 6-month period followed by a 6-month open
More recently, Laan and co-workers (92) studied 38 postmenopausal women for 12 weeks in a cross-over trial using
sexual function questionnaires, daily diaries, and measurements of vaginal blood flow and lubrication. In comparison
to placebo, tibolone significantly increased vaginal lubrication and blood flow, arousability, sexual fantasies, and sexual desire. There was no difference in the initiation of sexual
activity, frequency of intercourse, or orgasm.
Cameron and Braunstein
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
As reviewed elsewhere (93, 94), multiple other trials with
tibolone have been carried out that have either not been
blinded, not randomized, or not had a prospective placebo
control or have compared tibolone to estrogens or estrogen/
progesterone combinations. It is difficult to interpret the
results because of the estrogenic and progestational activities
of tibolone and the differences between the potency of tibolone and the comparators used in the studies. Also, because
tibolone lowers SHBG, whereas estrogens increase this protein, differences in results may actually reflect alterations in
the free endogenous androgen levels, rather than a direct
androgenic activity of tibolone.
At the present time, there are no androgen preparations
that have Food and Drug Administration approval for the
treatment of HSDD. Many compounding pharmacies will
prepare T pellets, creams, gels, drops, and lozenges by
prescription. However, these generally have not been standardized with regard to absorption, duration of effect, or the
range of serum levels achieved. There are numerous androgen products available for the treatment of male hypogonadism. However, normal serum T levels in men are 10 –20
times higher than those found in women, and, therefore,
off-label use in women requires breaking tablets, diluting
injectables, cutting patches, or trying to squeeze out just the
right amount of gel, which generally leads to the administration of too much or too little androgen.
The only T preparation produced by a pharmaceutical
manufacturer that is made specifically for women is a combination product containing EE and MT (Estratest HS with
0.625 mg of EE plus 1.25 mg of MT or Estratest with 1.25
mg of EE and 2.5 mg of MT, both from Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Marietta, GA). The specific indication for these preparations are for the treatment of vasomotor menopausal
symptoms not responsive to estrogens alone and not for the
treatment of HSDD. However, as noted, the studies of Sarrel
(42) and Lobo (13) and their co-workers have shown that this
combination improves sexual function in women to a greater
extent than that found with EE alone. Clinical trials are
currently underway investigating T preparations that have
been specifically designed to treat HSDD in women, but it is
anticipated that it will still be several months to years before
these complete the regulatory approval process and reach the
Dehydroepiandrosterone is administered orally and has
been used for androgen replacement in women with primary
and secondary adrenal insufficiency. Doses more than 30
mg/day are usually required to produce a beneficial effect on
sexual function. Dehydroepiandrosterone is considered a dietary supplement by the Food and Drug Administration, and
as such is available in health food stores and markets. An
investigation into the actual DHEA content of multiple overthe-counter DHEA products demonstrated a wide range with
some containing no measurable DHEA to levels that were as
much as 149% of the expected amount (95).
Another preparation that theoretically could be used to
provide androgen replacement therapy is androstenedione.
Androstenedione, like DHEA, is considered a dietary supplement by the Food and Drug Administration. There have
been two pharmacokinetic studies in women, which have not
measured effect on sexual function parameters (96, 97).
Kicman et al. (96) studied A administration in 10 healthy,
premenopausal women aged 20 –32 years. Oral A in a single
dose of 100 mg or placebo was administered in a doubleblind, cross-over fashion. Serum A and T levels were supraphysiologic at the 100-mg dose of A. Serum A levels in the
treatment group were significantly different from placebo
after 15 minutes to 24 hours, whereas T levels were significantly different from 30 minutes to 8 hours. Serum A levels
plateaued between 2 and 4 hours.
Leder et al. (97) studied oral A replacement in 30 postmenopausal women in single doses of 0 (n ⫽ 10), 50 (n ⫽
10), and 100 (n ⫽ 10) mg, which resulted in significantly
(P⬍.0001) increased serum T levels that were often supraphysiologic in the 50- and 100-mg treatment groups compared to the placebo group. There was considerable individual variability using this intermediate precursor of T.
Androgen replacement therapies potentially lead to increases in the estrogen concentrations due to aromatization.
In this study E1, but not E2, levels were increased, whereas
oral DHEA administration has been shown to increase E2
levels. Because this study investigated the effect of a single
oral dose, the adverse and beneficial effects, including sexual
function parameters, with long-term administration of A is
unknown in women.
The various studies that have investigated the administration of androgens in women have found that androgen replacement therapy is well tolerated and devoid of serious
side effects. All may result in unwanted mild androgenic
effects, such as acne and hirsutism, if supraphysiologic T
concentrations are reached, but are rarely associated with
more serious virilization.
Acne has been found in 3%– 8% of patients with oral
preparations of EE plus MT compared to 0%–7% in women
receiving EE alone (13, 98 –101). An increase in acne was
not found with IM or SC E2 plus T in comparison to the
estrogen only control, or with transdermal T vs. placebo (12,
14, 15, 79, 82).
The reported hirsutism rates with oral EE plus MT varied
from 4.2% to 6%, which is not significantly different from
patients receiving EE alone (13, 98, 100, 101). Of interest, in
a group of 100 women who had no facial hair at baseline,
14% developed facial hair with 0.625 mg of EE plus 1.25 mg
Blood lipid effects (% change from baseline) of T or DHEA replacement clinical trials in women.
Lobo et al. (13)
Johannsson et al.
Arlt et al. (61)
Barnhart et al. (86)
Barrett-Connor et al.
Oral MT 1.25 mg q d
Oral EE low dose
Oral DHEA 30 or 20 mg q d
Shifren et al. (12)
E ⫹ Transdermal T 300 g q d
Davis et al. (79)
Raisz et al. (99)
Watts et al. (103)
Hickok et al. (102)
Burger et al.b (78)
Farish et al. (104)
Burger et al. (81)
DHEA 50 mg q d
DHEA 50 mg q d
EE low dose
EE high dose
EE ⫹ MT 1.25 mg q d
EE ⫹ MT 2.5 mg q d
EE ⫹ MT 2.5 mg q d
EE ⫹ MT 1.25 mg q d
EE ⫹ MT 1.25 mg. q d
EE ⫹ MT 2.5 mg q d
⫹ T 50 mg q 3 mo
or E ⫹ T 50 mg ⫻ 1
⫹ T 100 mg ⫻ 1
⫹ T 100 mg ⫻ 1
Dose effect on T
Rx Duration
4 mo
1 yr
4 mo
3 mo
2 yrs
9 wks
2 yrs
6 mo
Physiologic free
3 mo
2 yrs
6 wks
6 mo
5 mo
Note: dosages are for T, low dose EE is 0.625 mg EE, high dose EE is 1.25 mg, dose effect on T comparison to normal reproductive age range.
HDL ⫽ high-density lipoprotein; LDL ⫽ low-density lipoprotein; NC ⫽ no change; E ⫽ estrogen; NR ⫽ not reported; EE ⫽ esterified estrogen; MT ⫽
methyltestosterone; NS ⫽ not significant; unk ⫽ unknown.
Statistical significance.
Values for lipid profile not provided, but reported as no significant change.
Cameron. Androgen replacement therapy in women. Fertil Steril 2004.
of MT and 22% developed facial hair with 1.25 mg of EE
plus 2.5 mg of MT at 12 months, most of which was reported
as light or medium growth. In comparison, both the highdose and low-dose estrogen-only control groups had a 20%
increase in facial hair growth (98). The hirsutism rates for
IM or SC T administration, which results in supraphysiologic T levels, have been reported to vary between 0% and
20%, but has not been systematically compared to parental
or SC estrogen-only therapy (82, 85). No difference in hirsutism incidence rates between transdermal placebo or T
have been reported (12, 14, 15).
Due to the first pass effect on the liver after absorption
from the gastrointestinal tract, oral androgen preparations
generally exhibit a greater degree of lowering of SHBG and,
therefore, greater increase in the free androgen levels than do
parental or transdermal androgens. This liver effect also
leads to a reduction of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, which is usually not found with androgens
given in replacement doses by a nonoral route. Table 6 (12,
Cameron and Braunstein
13, 61, 78, 79, 81, 86, 88, 99, 101–104) summarizes the
effects on cholesterol found with the different androgen
preparations that have been reported in the studies included
in Tables 4 and 5. Fortunately, many of the adverse reactions
listed in the product labels of the various androgen preparations and in the literature concerning androgen therapy for
male hypogonadism, such as hepatic dysfunction, polycythemia, sleep apnea, and breast stimulation have not been found
in women receiving replacement therapy.
Clinical investigations attempting to correlate androgen
levels and sexual function parameters are exceedingly difficult as sexual behavior is complex. Individual patterns of
sexual expression do not have an exclusive determinant and
are largely dependent on interrelational dynamics. Only
small observational studies have attempted to correlate androgen levels with female sexual function and there are no
Androgen replacement therapy in women
Vol. 82, No. 2, August 2004
large studies that used validated questionnaires to confirm
the correlation.
The physiologic mechanisms of female androgen insufficiency syndrome and subsequent symptoms are not entirely
clear. The decline of androgen production is well documented and probably a consequence of the effects of advancing age on the adrenals and the ovaries rather than menopause. It is clear that women with hypopituitarism, adrenal
insufficiency, or oophorectomy are often androgen insufficient. Why some women become symptomatic, and others
not, has yet to be determined. That some symptomatic
women respond to androgen replacement is clear.
Although androgen therapy has been used in the treatment
of menopausal symptoms since the 1930s, the understanding
of the importance of endogenous androgens as well as the
benefits and risks of exogenous androgen replacement therapy in women is incomplete. Androgen therapy may be most
beneficial to women with androgen insufficiency due to
hypopituitarism, adrenal insufficiency, or subsequent to bilateral oophorectomy. However, as most women now live
approximately one-third of their lives after menopause, the
consideration of androgen therapy for symptomatic, naturally menopausal women has gained increasing support and
attention in the lay and medical communities. In addition,
because womens’ partners now have longer life expectancies
and have therapies to address their sexual function, the
quality of life of women increasingly includes the ability to
enjoy a meaningful, intimate sexual relationship.
Related to the consideration of androgen therapy in symptomatic postmenopausal women are issues of inadequate and
excessive estrogen therapy. Loss of libido may be simply
due to underestrogenization and therefore, aversion due to
dyspareunia, or overestrogenization with resultant increase
in SHBG and binding of T. The role of ET for menopausal
women is currently undergoing reassessment in the wake of
the Women’s Health Initiative and Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study studies. Because the studies dealing with androgen replacement in women have been carried
out on a background of estrogen replacement, it is unknown
what the effect of androgen replacement will be on women
who are not receiving estrogens. To be sure, more largescale, long-term, placebo-controlled clinical evaluations of
androgen replacement therapy in women with both surgical
and natural menopause, with and without systemic ET,
which accurately measure serum androgens and sexual function with validated tools are urgently needed.
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