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Studii și cercetări lingvistice
This article is a proposal to standardize a punctuation mark – the semicolon –, and describe the situations of use and the communication implications of the sign: prosodic, pragma-semantic and stylistic functions. The relationships between the semicolon and other punctuation marks, as well as recommendations for use in writing practice are also considered. Semicolon is less and less known and used nowadays; its use depends on the author’s preferences. Among the stylistic varieties, the semicolon is used most frequently in the scientific and argumentative style. It is recommended to use semicolon in enumerative series, especially vertically, in constructions containing parallelisms, or in long and complex statements that also contain other internal punctuation marks.
Бюллетень Уральского отделения Международной ассоциации содействия правосудию, 2010
Реалии уголовно-процессуальной науки демонстрируют признаки одной из ее проблем, связанной с нечетким различием исследований уголовно-процессуального закона de lege lata, которые могут быть актуальны, например, для создания юрисдикционных технологий участников уголовного процесса, и исследований de lege ferenda - наиболее традиционных для большинства работ, поскольку их результатом является предложение об улучшении уголовно-процессуального закона. Последние, отражая закон системно и имею целью его совершенствование, должны ориентироваться на ядро системы, определяющее ее тип и связи с периферийными элементами системы (институтами, нормами), а так же элементами между собой.
Locul de muncă vizat / Domeniul ocupaţional ANEFS-BUCUREŞTI Experienţa profesională Perioada Febr .2009-prezent Funcţia sau postul ocupat Asistent universitar Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale Activităţi didactice: lucrări practice Evaluare: în cadrul concursurilor de admitere; în cadrul activităţii didactice directe la toate formele de învăţământ (lucrări practice); Activităţi în cadrul temelor de cercetare prevăzute în planul intern (mapă) Numele şi adresa angajatorului ANEFS, str.Constantin Noica nr 140, Bucureşti Tipul activităţii sau sectorul de activitate Învăţământ superior de profil-educaţie fizică şi sport
Acute appendicitis is the most frequent cause of acute abdomen. In this paper we present the management for diagnosis and treatment according to our experience in this disease. We made a exposure of the clinical forms and we proposed some algorithms for a better aproach of these cases. We performed also a review of the literature.
Culegerea de articole reprezintă materialele celei de-a 2-a ediții a Conferinței Internaționale "Lectura ca bază pentru cultură, cunoaștere și dezvoltare", organizată de Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova în septembrie 2020. Temele abordate de către autori sunt de ordin teoretic cât și practic. Volumul al II lea reprezintă diferite abordări ale fenomenului lecturii.
Recently entered into force, the administrative code was adopted with the stated purpose of unifying the regulations in the field of public administration, in order to create a normative framework, coming to the aid of individuals, public administration, but also of practitioners. In this respect, a significant part of the provisions were taken identically from the normative acts that were repealed, while there are also new provisions, some of them leaving, unfortunately, the impression of a code adopted in haste. Without claiming a thorough analysis of the entire regulation, the present study aims to address some of the challenges brought by the language used in OUG: 57/2019. Between the two extremes among which the legislator oscillates (either an incomplete or ambiguous language, or an over-regulation), the most relevant problem, in terms of the consequences that it can produce, probably consists in using already legally established notions, with a totally different meaning (such...
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Studying the process of analogue and digital modulation, 2017
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