SESSION 06 – Particle Materials in Maya

1 Basics:  Shaders/Materials.  Working with color particle : color, expression, expression shader, ... 2 Texture :  Which type Particle, we can use texture ?  Create textures on Adobe Photoshop.  Apply textures to particles. 3 Examples:  Create a spacecraft flying in the sky stars.

Author: Khieu Van Bang Email: [email protected] Maya Dynamics Basics Lab 6: Particle Materials CONTENTS  Basics:  Shaders/Materials.  Working with color particle : color, expression, expression shader, ...  Texture :  Which type Particle, we can use texture ?  Create textures on Adobe Photoshop.  Apply textures to particles.  Examples:  Create a spacecraft flying in the sky stars. Particle Materials 1) COLOR Particle Materials 1) COLOR 1.1) Shaders/Materials. 1.2) Working with color Particle. 1.1) Shaders/Materials 1.1.1) Shaders/Materials.  Define an o je t’s su sta e.  Surface textures . o How light is reflected.  Surrounding environment. 1.1) Shaders/Materials 1.1.2) Basic attributes of materials.  Color o Change basic color. o Apply a texture as a color map.  Transparency o Change basic transparency. o Apply a texture as a transparency map.  Shine o Change the intensity and size of the specular highlights of an object. o Apply a texture as a specularity map. 1.1) Menterial particle templates 1.1.2) Materials Types  Anisotropic: This material has elliptical specula highlights.  Blinn: Provides soft circular highlights and is good for metallic surfaces.  Lambert: This material has no highlights and is useful for cloth and non-reflective surfaces.  Layered Shader: Combines several shaders into one single shading object.  Phong: Provides hard circular highlight and is good for glass surfaces.  Phong E: Similar to Phong, but optimised to render faster.  Shading Map: This material allows for colour changes to the rendering which provides cartoon shading.  Surface Shader: Provides a connection to a surface material attributes.  Used Background: Allows for adjustment and control of an objects shadows and reflections. Particle Materials 1) COLOR 1.1) Shaders/Materials. 1.2) Working with color Particle. 1.2) Working with color Particle 1.1) How to add color to Particle ? 1 2 4 3 1.2) Working with color Particle 1.2) Add Attributes Step 1: “ele t o po e t Add Dy a i Atri utes . Step 2: Add attributes. Step 3: Change attributes. 1.2) Working with color Particle 1.3) Color Expression Step 1: “ele t o po e t Add Dy a i Atri utes . Step 2: Select attribute(Right click). Step 3: Wite code. 1.2) Working with color Particle 1.3) Color Expression RampMap Step 1: Create Ramp. Step 2: Edit Ramp. Particle Materials 2) TEXTURE 2) TEXTURE 2.1) Which type particle, we can use texture ?  Type of Particle: Sprites 2) TEXTURE 2.1) Create texture in Photoshop  Step 1: Create text.  Step 2: Slect text content.  Step 3: Create Alpha Channels.  Step 4: “ave as .TIF file. 2) TEXTURE 2.2) Apply textures to particles. 2 1 3 2) TEXTURE 2.2) Control textures with expression. 1 3 4 2 2) TEXTURE 2.2) Control textures with expression. 2) TEXTURE How to create it ? Particle Materials 3) EXAMPLES 3) EXAMPLES 3.1) Create a Emitter with explosion shader. 3) EXAMPLES 3.2) Slow motion rain drops. Thanks!