Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
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Functionality of restored mangroves: A review
J.O. Bosire a,*, F. Dahdouh-Guebas b,c, M. Walton d, B.I. Crona e,
R.R. Lewis IIIf, C. Field g, J.G. Kairo a, N. Koedam b
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), P.O. Box 81651, Mombasa, Kenya
Biocomplexity Research Focus c/o Laboratory of Plant Biology and Nature Management, Mangrove Management Group,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Biocomplexity Research Focus (Complexité et Dynamique des Systèmes Tropicaux), Département de Biologie des Organismes,
Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB, Campus du Solbosch, CP 169, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, UK
Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., P.O. Box 5430, Salt Springs, FL 32134-5430, United States
University of Technology, Sydney, 11 Darnley Street, Gordon, NSW 2072, Australia
Article history:
Received 6 August 2007
Received in revised form 6 March 2008
Accepted 13 March 2008
Available online 16 March 2008
Widespread mangrove degradation coupled with the increasing awareness of the importance of these
coastal forests have spurred many attempts to restore mangroves but without concomitant assessment
of recovery (or otherwise) at the ecosystem level in many areas. This paper reviews literature on the
recovery of restored mangrove ecosystems using relevant functional indicators. While stand structure in
mangrove stands is dependent on age, site conditions and silvicultural management, published data
indicates that stem densities are higher in restored mangroves than comparable natural stands; the
converse is true for basal area. Biomass increment rates have been found to be higher in younger stands
than older stands (e.g. 12 t ha1 year1 for a 12 years plantation compared to 5.1 t ha1 year1 for a 80year-old plantation). Disparities in patterns of tree species recruitment into the restored stands have
been observed with some stands having linear recruitment rates with time (hence enhancing stand
complexity), while some older stands completely lacked the understorey. Biodiversity assessments
suggest that some fauna species are more responsive to mangrove degradation (e.g. herbivorous crabs
and mollusks in general), and thus mangrove restoration encourages the return of such species, in some
cases to levels equivalent to those in comparable natural stands. The paper finally recommends various
mangrove restoration pathways in a functional framework dependent on site conditions and emphasizes
community involvement and ecosystem level monitoring as integral components of restoration projects.
ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mangrove restoration
Vegetation structure
Opportunity and constraint
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forest structure, biomass and regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Structure, regeneration and biomass of restored mangroves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Composition and pattern of natural regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Biodiversity in restored mangroves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Epibiotic and epibenthic communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sediment-infauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vagile fauna–fish and shrimp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Socio-economics of mangrove restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opportunities and constraints to mangrove forest restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +254 11 475154; fax: +254 11 475157.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.O. Bosire).
0304-3770/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.O. Bosire et al. / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
Table 1
Yield table data for mangrove plantations at Gazi
Stems ha1
Merchantable volumea (m3 ha1)
Un-merchantable volume (m3 ha1)
Standing biomass (t ha1)
Below ground biomass (t ha1)
Utilization classes (cm)
Volume equation used is y, 4a2 1010 + 3a 105 + 2a 105, where y is the stem volume, and a ¼ D2130 H (source: Kairo et al., 2008).
1. Introduction
Towards the end of the twentieth century, scientific concern
began to focus on the unprecedented loss of naturally occurring
mangroves ecosystems around the world (Walsh et al., 1975). In
1983, UNDP and UNESCO established a regional project concerned
with the value of mangrove ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific.
This international initiative led to an increased appreciation of
the value of mangroves and a subsequent upsurge of mangrove
restoration efforts (Field, 1996; Kairo et al., 2001). Some of the
objectives driving early mangrove reforestation efforts include:
wood production for timber, poles and fuel wood; fisheries
productivity; coastal protection against storms, and legislative
compliance (Ong, 1982; Field, 1996; Saenger, 2002). The rationale
for mangrove restoration has changed very slowly over the years
from just silviculture to recognition of mangroves as a diverse
resource. The term ‘restore’ is taken to mean the creation of a
sustainable functioning mangrove ecosystem that may or may not
resemble its precursor at the very same site.
The early attempts at mangrove restoration met with mixed
results with some being successful, while others were doomed
from the start (Field, 1996; Erftemeijer and Lewis, 1999). Most of
these attempts were not based on well-understood ecological
principles and well-defined aims.
In more recent times, attention has turned to the ecological
processes present in natural and restored mangrove systems
(Alongi, 2002; Saenger, 2002; Lewis, 2005; McKee and Faulkner,
2000). The relationship between the restored mangrove ecosystem
and adjoining ecosystems, such as salt marsh (Santilan and
Hasimoto, 1999) and seagrass beds (Hogarth, 2007) has also been a
focus of attention. A consensus has emerged that an understanding
of mangrove hydrology is most important for successful restoration (Wolanski et al., 1992).
Ellison (2000) did a comprehensive review on mangrove
restoration examining goals of existing restoration projects, and
whether these goals address the full range of biological diversity
and ecological processes of mangrove ecosystems. He pointed out
that the focus on silviculture remained the primary objective of
mangrove restoration and that few species had been involved and
indicated that adequate data exists to enable successful mangrove
restoration but emphasized that assessment of structural and
functional characteristics of restored mangroves is imperative.
This paper takes Ellison’s review (Ellison, 2000) further and
presents a comprehensive review of the data available on the
functionality of restored mangrove ecosystems in respect to a
number of functional indicators: vegetation structure, natural
regeneration, productivity, nutrient recycling to conservation of
inherent biodiversity and socio-economic valuation. Finally, it
looks at the constraints and opportunities for successful mangrove
restoration. Within the context of this review, functionality is used
to refer to the ability of restored mangroves to process nutrients
and organic matter, trap sediments, provide food and habitat for
animals, protect shorelines, provide plant products and a scenic
environment, in a similar fashion to natural mangrove forests.
These aspects are often referred to as the goods and services that
mangroves can provide (Walters et al., 2008).
2. Forest structure, biomass and regeneration
2.1. Structure, regeneration and biomass of restored mangroves
Most of the studies on mangrove forest structure and
regeneration have focused on natural stands (e.g. Cole et al.,
1999; Kairo et al., 2002); with relatively few references on
reforested stands such as in the Matang forest reserve (Putz and
Chan, 1986; Ong et al., 1995); as well as Ranong in Thailand (FAO,
1985; Choudhury, 1997) and Sundarban in India (Hussain, 1995;
Choudhury, 1997). Apart from studies by Bosire et al. (2003, 2006),
and Kairo et al. (2008), at Gazi bay in Kenya, little is known about
structural development of replanted mangroves in Africa.
Analysis of stand table data from a 12 years old (Table 1)
Rhizophora mucronata Lamk plantation in Kenya indicate that
reforested plots have the potential of yielding 4864 stems ha1
(much higher than the stem density in a natural stand of the same
species at the same site of 1796 stems ha1; Bosire et al., 2006),
with a standing biomass and merchantable volume of 106.7 t ha1
and 60.7 m3 ha1, respectively (Kairo et al., 2008). This standing
biomass is much lower than the 240 t ha1 observed in a nearby R.
mucronata natural stand (Slim et al., 1997). The root biomass value
in replanted R. mucronata was 24.9 11.4 t ha1; which is 19% of
the total plant biomass (Kairo et al., 2008). A review of literature on
biomass studies indicates that root biomass values vary from one
study to another depending on the method used (e.g. Vogt et al., 1998)
and the data obtained in Kenya is comparable to ranges observed for
Rhizophora studies in Thailand (Alongi and Dixon, 2000).
The biomass accumulation rate for the 12-year-old Rhizophora
plantation in Kenya was estimated at 12 t ha1 year1 (Kairo et al.,
2008). This value is higher than the 5.1 t ha1 year1 reported for
an 80-year-old natural plantation of Rhizophora apiculata Bl. in
Malaysia (Putz and Chan, 1986). In Matang mangrove forest, Ong
et al. (1995) reported aboveground biomass increment of
24.5 t ha1 year1 (and 34 t ha1 year1 when belowground biomass was included) for 20-year-old plantation. It is logical to
conclude that biomass accumulation rate is influenced by age,
species, management system applied, as well climate.
The mean canopy height for the 12-year-old Rhizophora
plantation in Kenya was 8.4 1.1 m (range: 3.0–11.0 m) with a
mean stem diameter of 6.2 1.9 cm (range: 2.5–12.4 cm). These
values are within the range reported for Rhizophora plantations in
South East Asia (see, e.g. Srivasatava et al., 1988; FAO, 1994). Based on
growth data, the mean annual increment (MAI) in height and
diameter (DBH) for the Rhizophora plantation in Kenya were 0.71 m
and 0.53 cm, respectively. These figures are within the range of
published mangrove growth rates (7–12 m for height, and 5–15 cm
for diameter) in Asia and Pacific (Watson, 1931; Durant, 1941; Putz
and Chan, 1986; UNDP/UNESCO, 1991; Devoe and Cole, 1998;
J.O. Bosire et al. / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
Saenger, 2002). The basal area for 12-year-old R. mucronata was
16.5 m2 ha1, which was lower than that of a natural stand of the
same species (e.g. Bosire et al., 2006). This is expected since, despite
having a higher stand density than a natural stand, most of the stems
were of smaller size classes. A decline in stand density and an increase
in basal area are typical for a developing forest (Twilley, 1995).
2.2. Composition and pattern of natural regeneration
Seedling recruitment and survivorship principally drives
population growth (Burns and Ogden, 1985; Krauss et al., 2008)
and thus determines the quality of the crop and productivity of
forest stands (Srivastava and Bal, 1984). This becomes even more
critical in restored mangrove sites where for economic reasons,
many plantations tend to be monocultures (Walters, 2000; Bosire
et al., 2006) Therefore evaluation of the regeneration potential of a
stand, in terms of seedling density, composition, sizes and the
possibility of recruitment into the adult canopy.
When conducting natural regeneration sampling in mangroves,
newly recruited juveniles measuring 30 cm and below are referred
to as ‘potential regeneration. Individuals greater than 30 cm and
higher are termed ‘established regeneration, whereas those greater
than 150 cm are saplings or young trees. For adequate natural
regeneration a minimum of 2500 well-distributed seedlings per
hectare has been proposed (Srivastava and Bal, 1984).
The recruitment rate of saplings has been found to be increasing
with age in one R. mucronata Lamk. plantation in Kenya (Fig. 1). The
densities observed in this plantation are however, much lower
than those observed in a comparable conspecific natural stand at
the same location (see, e.g. Kairo et al., 2002; Bosire et al., 2006),
suggesting age may be a critical factor in determining the level of
natural regeneration. In subsequent assessments, the canopy
species has dominated the juvenile density in contrast to Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk. dominance at earlier stages of forest
development (Bosire et al., 2003). Some non-planted mangrove
species have also been recruited into the adult canopy of the same
plantation hence enhancing stand complexity (Bosire et al., 2003,
2006) contrary to a S. alba replanted stand of the same age where
species encountered as juveniles experienced 100% mortality and
thus none were observed in the adult canopy. This mortality of
non-conspecific species was attributed to tidal submergence and
barnacle infestation typical of this inundation class (Bosire et al.,
2006). Contrary to observations in Kenya, Walters (2000) found no
post-planting sapling recruitment in 50–60-year-old R. mucronata
plantations in the Philippines probably due to periodic removal
Fig. 1. Sapling recruitment over time in a R. mucronata plantation in Kenya.
(weeding) of non-planted species by locals and in some plantations
no actual natural colonization at all.
3. Biodiversity in restored mangroves
While mangrove associated fauna play such a significant role in
the functioning of the ecosystem (Kristensen, 2007; Lee, 2007;
Cannicci et al., 2008; Kristensen et al., 2008; Nagelkerken et al.,
2008) and thus can be a useful indicator of the state of managed
mangroves, silvicultural management more often than not ignores
assessing this component (Ellison, 2007). This section will highlight some trends in recolonization of epibiotic, macrobenthic and
sediment-infauna communities and also look at distribution
patterns for benthic macrofauna, fish and shrimp in replanted
stands across the world, with focus on species richness and
community assemblages.
3.1. Epibiotic and epibenthic communities
It is important to investigate to what extent mangrove
restoration does support faunal recolonisation. In Thailand, crab
diversity at some of the replanted sites was higher than at an upper
shore natural mangrove site, and both biomass and crab numbers
were consistently higher in the replanted sites (Macintosh et al.,
2002). However, the natural site was characterized by large
numbers of sesarmid crabs. Differences in the crab diversity in
Thailand were reported to relate to inundation zone and
differences in the mangrove species present in the replanted sites
(Macintosh et al., 2002). However, in Qatar (Al-Khayat and Jones,
1999) found lower species richness of crabs in plantations
compared to natural habitats of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.
In Kenya, reforested stands of R. mucronata and A. marina had
higher crab densities than their natural references (Bosire et al.,
2004) but with similar species diversity and crab species
composition compared to bare controls with similar site history.
More sesarmid species were observed in the reforested stands
(similar to the natural references) than the bare controls. Since
sesarmids are thought to be key stone species with respect to
nutrient recycling (Kristensen et al., 2008; Cannicci et al., 2008),
they therefore seem more responsive to ecosystem degradation or
restoration. In the Philippines the relative abundance of the
exploited mud crab Scylla olivacea (Herbst) compared to two other
non-commercial species was used to separate the effects of habitat
from fishing pressure and recruitment limitation. A comparison of
mud crab populations in replanted, natural and degraded sites in
the Philippines suggested that 16 years old replanted Rhizophora
spp. can support densities of mud crabs equivalent to that of
natural mixed species mangroves (Walton et al., 2007).
Mollusc diversity showed similar patterns to that of crabs in
both previously mentioned studies in Qatar and Thailand, while in
Kenya, no mollusks were observed in the bare site of Sonneratia
alba J. Smith with the reforested site and natural reference having
similar species composition, density and diversity. The lack of
mollusks in the bare site emphasizes the consequences of
mangrove degradation on biodiversity, while similarities among
the replanted site and natural reference suggest the potential of
mangrove restoration in enhancing faunal recolonisation.
Studies of epibiotic communities in Kenya (Crona et al., 2006)
compared natural stands with two 8-year-old Sonneratia alba
plantations; an integrated plantation (a reforested stand originally
degraded site but with some remaining mangroves) and a matrix
plantation (a reforested stand which was originally clear-felled).
The study showed a decreasing trend of similarity with natural
stands when comparing macroalgal assemblages of an integrated
plantation, a matrix plantation and a clear felled area, in this order.
J.O. Bosire et al. / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
Both algal diversity and root fouling faunal cover and biomass were
lower in the matrix plantation compared to the integrated
plantation and natural stand which was attributed to lower root
area, in combination with longer inundation times and larval
behaviour and longevity of poriferans and barnacles, which may
affect recruitment patterns.
3.2. Sediment-infauna
Sediment-infauna communities showed patterns similar to
those described above. Lower diversity of taxa was observed in
planted versus natural sites in Qatar with the picture being less clear
in Thailand. Infaunal studies in the Matang mangroves in Malaysia
suggested that 2-year-old planted mangroves had the greatest
biomass and species number followed by the mature and 15-yearold stand, although species diversity was highest in the mature site
and lowest in the 2-year-old site (Sasekumar and Chong, 1998). In
Kenya, bare sites of A. marina, R. mucronata and S. alba had the lowest
infauna densities and taxa richness compared to respective replanted sites with conspecific natural references having the highest
densities. Taxa richness and composition were similar among
respective replanted and natural sites (Bosire et al., 2004), suggesting successful fauna recolonisation following mangrove restoration.
3.3. Vagile fauna–fish and shrimp
Mangroves support nursery functions for many juvenile fish
and shrimp species, many of which are highly important
commercially (Lewis et al., 1985; Rönnbäck et al., 1999; Nagelkerken et al., 2008). Juvenile fish and shrimp species are known to be
dependent on structural complexity for refuge (Primavera, 1997)
and therefore the intensity of this function is linked to the type of
mangrove in focus (Ewel et al., 1998; Rönnbäck et al., 2001).
Studies of vagile fauna in replanted mangroves of varying ages and
species composition showed variable patterns. In Qatar, lower
diversity of both juvenile and adult fish was observed in
plantations compared to natural stands of A. marina (Al-Khayat
and Jones, 1999). Studies comparing fish and shrimp density
between natural stands of R. apiculata Bl., Avicennia officinalis L., A.
marina and a single replanted R. apiculata stand (5–6 years old) in
the Philippines indicated that density and biomass were primarily
influenced by tidal height and mangrove species (Rönnbäck et al.,
1999). In S. alba plantations in Kenya, there were strong seasonal
fluctuations for juvenile fish, showing temporal patterns to be a
potentially stronger influence on fish assemblages than type of
plantation or presence of fringing mangroves (Crona and Rönnbäck, 2007). However, the spatial scale of observation is likely a
much stronger factor affecting biodiversity studies of plantations
for vagile fauna compared to less mobile communities described
above. Since most studied plantations are small in size, the effect of
plantations on fish distribution patterns therefore remains largely
unknown. The same is true for juvenile shrimps. In Kenya lower
species richness was observed in a matrix plantation of S. alba, and
in adjacent clear felled areas one species, Penaeus japonicus (Bate),
dominated the community (Crona and Rönnbäck, 2005). Natural
forests had higher root complexity and also higher abundances and
more even distribution of shrimp species in terms of species
composition. Similarly, in the Philippines, higher abundances of
juvenile shrimp in a planted R. apiculata site were seemingly
related to higher structural root complexity, although more inland
stands of mature Avicennia spp. and Rhizophora spp. showed no
such differences and had equally high densities as the near-shore
Rhizophora spp. (Rönnbäck et al., 1999).
Few studies exist on trends in biodiversity in restored
mangroves, and the range in age, species and inundation class
of restored sites makes generalizations hard. However, the cooccurrence of many animal species in both restored and
comparable natural forests suggest recovery of the former sites.
Lewis (1992) in reviewing both tidal marsh and mangrove
restoration projects in the United States noted that the recovery
of fish populations back to similar species composition and density
as reference sites has been accomplished within 5 years. To
optimize fish habitat in mangrove restoration projects, Lewis and
Gilmore (2007) have recommended restoration of tidal creeks to
provide access and low tide refuge for mobile nekton.
Although the results reviewed in this section are quite variable
most likely due sampling design and intensity, in most cases they
suggest remarkable recovery of biodiversity in restored mangroves. It is also apparent that mangrove degradation causes not
only a general decline in species richness and/or diversity, but also
functional shifts as sets of species with particular traits are
replaced. Some higher order groups have also been found to be
more sensitive to mangrove degradation, e.g. sesarmid crabs and
mollusks. This suggests that while abundance and diversity are
important measures of biodiversity, species composition as an
analogue to functional diversity, may be an additional, more
objective and distinct index of measuring faunal recovery in
restored mangroves. To make data obtained from various locations
comparable, it will be necessary for teams involved in mangrove
restoration ecology to agree on standard approaches to measure
recovery of biodiversity. Currently these do not exist.
4. Socio-economics of mangrove restoration
The socio-economic importance of natural mangrove goods and
services has been documented repeatedly (Ruitenbeek, 1994;
Walters, 1997; Adger et al., 2001; Barbier, 2006; Walters et al.,
2008), but can restored mangroves generate income similar to that
of natural mangroves? To date there have been insufficient studies
in replanted mangroves to be sure and comparisons are further
complicated by the diversity in productivity of natural mangrove
Mangroves were initially planted in order to generate income
from timber. At Matang in Malaysia one of the best-managed
mangrove plantations can be found (Gong and Ong, 1995). Here,
17.4 t ha1 year1 of mangrove wood is harvested sustainably over
a 30-year cycle (Gan, 1995). A similar study in Java suggested that a
7-year-old R. mucronata plantation had a standing trunk and
branch biomass of 74 t ha1, and a production of 10.6 t ha1 year1
(Sukardjo and Yamada, 1992).
Governments are increasingly aware of the nursery and fisheries
enhancement function of mangroves. In the Mekong Delta, Soc
Trang province, Vietnam, extensive planting of Rhizophora species
was used as a coastal protection measure. Recent studies here in a
7 ha area reforested in 1995 with R. apiculata suggested an annual
harvest rate of fish and crustaceans of 143 kg1 ha1 year1 valued
at USD 363 ha1 year1 (Walton and Le Vay, unpublished, 2006).
Recently a questionnaire-based socio-economic study on the
Buswang replanted mangroves in the Philippines suggested the
mangrove was directly benefiting local incomes in the region of
USD 564–2316 ha1 year1 (Walton et al., 2006a). Contributing to
the annual income are mollusc, crustacean and fish catches from
within the mangroves (294 kg ha1 worth USD 213 ha1), tourism
(USD 41 ha1), timber (USD 60 ha1) and an estimate of
contribution of these mangroves to near-shore coastal mangrove
associated fish (10% to 276 kg ha1 worth USD 250 ha1 to 80% to
2204 kg ha1 worth USD 2002 ha1). The increase in interest in
carbon credits could in the future also raise an additional income of
USD 163–198 ha1 year1 (Walton et al., 2006a). These fisheries
values compare favourably with those from natural mangroves
J.O. Bosire et al. / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
that are estimated to support fisheries valued at between USD
750–11,280 ha1 year1 (Rönnbäck, 1999).
Other indirect benefits such as coastal protection and non-use
values (option, bequest and existence values) are more difficult to
gauge. Since the establishment of the Buswang mangrove, storm
surge damage and coastal erosion has been negligible, but in some
other countries around the Indian Ocean, cases about stormassociated costs have been documented (cf. Gilman et al., 2008). In
India for instance, monetary losses due to repair and reconstruction costs of personal property (incl. livestock and agricultural
products) ranged between 32 USD per household in mangroveprotected villages to 154 USD per household in villages that were
not protected by mangroves (Badola and Hussain, 2005). In the
past, replacement costs have been used to estimate coastal
protection value. However replacement cost associated with
constructed breakwaters generally overestimate the value. As
such this should be modified by the area that requires coastal
protection estimated as USD 3679 ha1 year1 (Sathirathai and
Barbier, 2001). Other indirect benefits include accretion of
agricultural land. In the Sundarbans, Bangladesh, the planting of
150,000 ha of mixed mangrove species has enhanced the deposition of sediments to such an extent that the elevation of 60,000 ha
is no longer suitable for mangrove, and can be used for agriculture
worth US$ 800 ha1 year1 (Saenger and Siddiqi, 1993). However,
it remains to be seen to which extent novel functions gained, such
as from agriculture, outweigh their possibly adverse ecological
impacts on the mangrove.
While the total extent of the economic benefit of restored
mangroves is as yet unclear, the initial planting costs are a major
factor in preventing more community based replanting efforts. In
the Philippines, initial costs are estimated to be USD 204 ha1
using volunteers (Walton et al., 2006a). However mangrove
restoration cost estimates for the United States of America ranged
between 225 and 216,000 USD ha1 (Lewis, 2005). These costs
thus vary very widely depending on differential labour costs
(dependent on GNP of the country in question (Brander et al.,
2006), site conditions and thus the effort in terms of labour
required for hydrological restoration and removal of debris and
weeds among other factors, and planting material types where
replanting is necessary. Grant-based aid and elimination of
ownership doubts through community stewardship schemes
could significantly boost mangrove replanting programs around
the world.
5. Opportunities and constraints to mangrove forest
Mangrove forest ecosystems currently cover an estimated 14.7
million ha of the tropical shorelines of the world (Wilkie and
Fortuna, 2003). This represents a decline from 19.8 million ha in
1980 and 15.9 million ha in 1990. These losses represent about
2% year1 between 1980 and 1990, and 1% year1 between 1990
and 2000. Therefore achieving no-net-loss of mangroves worldwide would require the successful restoration of approximately
150,000 ha year1, unless all major losses of mangroves ceased.
Increasing the total area of mangroves worldwide would require
an even larger scale effort.
Recently, Duke et al. (2007) sounded once more the alarm bell
and indicated that a world without mangroves is a realistic forecast if
the destruction of mangrove ecosystems continues. Examples of
documented losses include combined losses in the Philippines,
Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia of 7.4 million ha of mangroves
(Spalding et al., 1997). These figures emphasize the level of
opportunities that exist to restore larger areas of mangroves such
as mosquito control impoundments in Florida (Brockmeyer et al.,
1997) (tens of thousands of ha), and abandoned shrimp aquaculture
ponds in Southeast Asia (Stevenson et al., 1999; hundreds of
thousands of ha), back to functional mangrove ecosystems.
However while great potential exists to reverse the loss of
mangrove forests worldwide, most attempts to restore mangroves
often fail completely, or fail to achieve the stated goals (Elster,
2000; Erftemeijer and Lewis, 1999; Lewis, 2000, 2005).
Restoration or rehabilitation may be recommended when an
ecosystem has been altered to such an extent that it can no longer
self-correct or self-renew. Under such conditions, processes of
secondary succession or natural recovery are inhibited in some
way. Secondary succession depends upon mangrove propagule
availability. Lewis (2005) proposed a new term, ‘‘propagule
limitation’’ to describe situations in which mangrove propagules
may be limited in natural availability due to removal of mangroves
by development, or hydrologic restrictions or blockages (i.e. dikes)
which prevent natural waterborne transport of mangrove propagules to a restoration site. In Sri Lanka, such hydrographical
alterations have resulted in a decrease in forest flooding frequency
by >90% (Dahdouh-Guebas, 2001). Predation on natural propagules can also limit their availability and indicate that broadcasting
of collected seeds or planting may be essential for successful
restoration (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 1997, 1998; Bosire et al.,
2005b; Cannicci et al., 2008).
Restoration has, unfortunately, emphasized planting mangroves as the primary tool in restoration, rather than first assessing
the causes for the loss of mangroves in an area, then assessing the
natural recovery opportunities, and how to facilitate such efforts.
Thus most mangrove restoration projects move immediately into
planting of mangroves without determining why natural recovery
has not occurred. There may even be a large capital investment in
growing mangrove seedlings in a nursery before existing stress
factors at a proposed restoration site are assessed. This often
results in major failures of planting efforts (Elster, 2000;
Erftemeijer and Lewis, 1999; Lewis, 2005). In addition, few
restoration efforts are embedded in a larger framework that also
considers the fate of the planted mangroves, in terms of stand
structure and regeneration, return of biodiversity and recovery of
other ecosystem processes (Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2002).
Recently these questions are starting to be tackled in an integrated
way in East-African restored mangrove sites (Bosire et al., 2003,
2004, 2005a,b; Crona and Rönnbäck, 2005; Bosire et al., 2006;
Crona et al., 2006).
Although a number of papers discuss mangrove hydrology
(Kjerfve, 1990; Wolanski et al., 1992; Furukawa et al., 1997), their
focus has been on tidal and freshwater flows within the forests, and
not the critical periods of inundation and dryness that govern the
health of the forest. Kjerfve (1990) does discuss the importance of
topography and argues that ‘‘. . .micro-topography controls the
distribution of mangroves, and physical processes play a dominant
role in the formation and functional maintenance of mangrove
ecosystems. . .’’ The point of all of this is that flooding depth,
duration and frequency are critical factors in the survival of both
mangrove seedlings and mature trees (Thampanya et al., 2003;
Bosire et al., 2006), and also determine many of the functional
attributes, like crustacean and fish use of forests. Once established,
mangroves can be further stressed if the tidal or freshwater
hydrology is changed, for example by diking (Brockmeyer et al.,
1997; Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000a,b, 2005). Both increased
salinity due to reductions in freshwater availability, and flooding
stress, increased hypoxic or anoxic conditions and free sulfide
availability can kill existing stands of mangroves. However, also
increases in freshwater availability may result in a shift in species
composition which favours ecologically and economically inferior
species (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2005). The consulted scientist
J.O. Bosire et al. / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
should therefore pay attention to both ecological and socioeconomic functions of the mangrove stand or the restoration site in
Ecological restoration of mangrove forests has only received
attention very recently (Lewis, 2000). The wide range of project
types previously considered to be restoration, as outlined in Field
(1996, 1998), reflect the many aims of classic mangrove
rehabilitation or management for direct natural resource production. As mentioned previously, these include planting monospecific stands of mangroves for future harvest as wood products. This
is not ecological restoration as defined by Lewis (2005).
Because mangrove forests may recover without active restoration efforts, it has been recommended that restoration planning
should first look at the potential existence of stresses such as
blocked tidal inundation that might prevent secondary succession
from occurring, and plan on removing that stress before
attempting restoration (Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984; CintronMolero, 1992). The next step is to determine whether natural
seedling recruitment is occurring once the stress has been
removed. Assisted natural recovery through planting should only
be considered if natural recovery is not occurring.
Lewis and Marshall (1997) first suggested six critical steps
necessary to achieve ecological mangrove restoration, and these
are discussed in more detail in Stevenson et al. (1999). The
general approach is to emphasize careful examination of factors
hindering natural regeneration restoration opportunities while
avoiding emphasizing planting of mangroves (Turner and Lewis,
1997). These steps have been tested in training courses on
mangrove restoration in the USA and India, and have been
further modified to support site-specific ecological restoration.
However, the steps above have hitherto ignored the human
dimension as an important consideration in mangrove restoration projects. In this paper we therefore further develop these
steps into a functional framework which incorporates the human
dimension (Fig. 2).
Mangrove forests may recover without active restoration
efforts. When natural regeneration fails and the process needs
human intervention, an understanding of the autoecology and
community ecology of the targeted mangrove species is necessary,
i.e. its reproductive patterns, propagule dispersal, seedling
establishment, zonation and hydrology (steps 1 and 2). With this
understanding, an assessment of factors hampering successful
secondary succession can be done (step 3), involving the local
knowledge of communities depending on the mangroves (step 4),
which will be relevant throughout the subsequent steps. The
perceptions and expectations of the local community depending
on the mangroves should be considered during mangrove planting
(cf. Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2006). Coastal populations in
industrialized countries typically do not depend on mangroves
for their daily livelihoods, but in the majority of mangrove
countries (developing countries) they do. The concerns of the local
people in terms of how dependent they are on the mangroves,
which species preferences do they have, and which alternatives
can be offered while the natural ecosystem is left to recover or a
planted site is left to develop can be captured through socioecological surveys, which can then be integrated in the restoration
exercise (Dahdouh-Guebas, 2008). The surveys can also yield
fundamental social and economic drivers of deforestation, which
are equally important to restoration as hydrology. More specifically, the perceived value among local users of the ecosystem
goods and services provided by mangroves to their overall
livelihoods is essential if socio-economic drivers of degradation
are to be altered or decreased (Rönnbäck et al., 2007).
The socio-ecological information gathered from steps 3 and 4 is
then used to select appropriate restoration sites (step 5), and the
obstacles to successful natural regeneration removed (step 6). If
conditions are favourable, this should allow natural revegetation
(successful aided natural regeneration) of the site, which is more
cost-effective than replanting. If natural revegetation fails despite
all these interventions (cf. Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam, 2008,
Fig. 2. A 10 steps scheme presenting possible mangrove restoration pathways depending on site conditions (modified after Stevenson et al., 1999; Bosire et al., 2006).
J.O. Bosire et al. / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 251–259
Fig. 1), then appropriate mangrove species, populations and
individuals for planting (step 7) must be selected in view of
genetic diversity (Triest, 2008), faunistic impacts (Cannicci et al.,
2008) and individual performance (Komiyama et al., 2008) and
mangrove replanting (step 8) becomes necessary to restore the
degraded site. At regular intervals the replanting effort should be
assessed for four different key factors in mangrove ecosystem
functioning (step 9): the flora, the fauna, the environment and
human subsistence use. When the assessment has a negative
outcome, recommendations should be given for improved site
management (step 10), which may have to be accompanied by
extra planting. When the assessment has a positive outcome the
site has restored, although further monitoring of the restored site
can be undertaken as necessary.
The assessment of success of restoration is an essential step that
is unfortunately backed up by few scientific papers (Walters, 2000;
Macintosh et al., 2002; Bosire et al., 2004, 2006; Crona and
Rönnbäck, 2005; Crona et al., 2006; Walton et al., 2006a,b; Lewis
and Gilmore, 2007). We recommend that four assessment types are
necessary as indicators of restoration success: development of the
vegetation and floristic succession, faunistic recruitment, evolution of environmental factors and processes, and finally the
potential for sustainable exploitation. The first three indicators can
be started soon after the initiation of the natural recovery or
plantation and can be repeated regularly (Bosire et al., 2006),
whereas the last one is on a longer term of >10 or even >20 years. All
of these can be assessed by using natural sites (references) under the
same conditions on one hand, and to bare sites lacking mangroves
on the other hand, as discussed in the preceding sections.
From the foregoing, it is clear that the two primary factors in
designing a successful mangrove restoration project are habitat
conditions (e.g. hydrology, herbivory and weed cover among
others) as well as the participation of local communities from the
onset of the restoration initiative. Community involvement is
likely to increase the legitimacy of the restoration project and
increase the likelihood of future sustainable use and compliance
with regulatory measures to protect the developing stands of
restored mangroves (Rönnbäck et al., 2007). Determination of
appropriate hydrology (depth, duration and frequency of tidal
flooding) of existing natural mangrove plant communities (a
reference site) in the area in which you wish to do restoration is a
critical factor. For instance, Vivian-Smith (2001) recommends the
use of a reference tidal marsh for restoration planning and design.
A common surrogate for costly tidal data gathering or modeling is
the use of a tidal benchmark and survey of existing healthy
mangroves. Similar topography is then established at the proposed
restoration site, normal hydrology restored to a diked site, or tidal
streams reestablished or created at damaged sites to ensure proper
drainage, propagule dispersal and faunal access during tidal
A question that needs to be addressed in contemporary
mangrove restoration projects is whether monospecific planting
is appropriate in all situations. Considering that mixed species
stands, even if dominated by few species, are common (e.g. mosaic
mangrove stands in Sri Lanka, Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000a,b),
one should consider the possibility that in some reforestation
projects, monospecific planting may not be ideal, and even
counter-advised. In the Philippines, an extensive area of monospecifically replanted Rhizophora spp. was lost due to an attack by
tussock moth larvae (Walton et al., 2006b). Modelling vegetation
development and individual interactions may be a helpful tool in
the entire restoration framework (cf. Berger et al., 2008).
In summary, maintaining a no-net-loss of mangrove habitat
worldwide will require very large scale restoration efforts which
demand a common ecological engineering approach and applica-
tion of the steps to successful restoration outlined above. This
would ensure an analytically thought process and less use of small
scale ‘‘gardening’’ of mangroves as the solution to all mangrove
restoration problems. Those involved could then begin to learn
more from past successes or failures, act more effectively based on
this knowledge, and spend limited mangrove restoration funds in a
more cost-effective manner. It will also be important to define
criteria for monitoring mangrove restoration projects to include
main ecosystem attributes namely: biodiversity, vegetation
structure and ecological processes (Ruiz-Jaen and Aide, 2005).
We thank Joseph Langat for his significant input to the forest
structure and biomass section of the manuscript.
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