Papers by Gabriela Dreslerová
Kapitola knihy prezentuje výsledky analýzy archeozoologických vzorků z výzkumu v Kosticich – Zadn... more Kapitola knihy prezentuje výsledky analýzy archeozoologických vzorků z výzkumu v Kosticich – Zadnim hrudu (okr. Břeclav), ktere proběhly v letech 2009–2011.
Kniha zpřistupňuje odborne veřejnosti 51 hrob kultury se sňůrovou keramikou prozkoumaných v letec... more Kniha zpřistupňuje odborne veřejnosti 51 hrob kultury se sňůrovou keramikou prozkoumaných v letech 2002-2003 během stavby dalnice D1. V sirsim zaběru se zaobira pohřebnim ritem a socialni interpretaci.
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku
In this essay, we focused on the evaluation of isotope analyses (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll) of the fi... more In this essay, we focused on the evaluation of isotope analyses (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll) of the first lower molars (m1) of domestic cattle (Bostaurus) from two early medieval Pohansko-Southern bailey (Pohansko-JP) and Kostice-”Zadní hrúd” (Kostice-ZH) sites. The aim of the study is the evidence of the breast-feeding effect of calves and subsequent weaning on the dentine average isotope composition. Results from both sites are compared with the data obtained from recent experimental cattle breeding. Possible differences in the cattle breeding between both studied localities are evaluated. The first lower molars of the domestic cattle (n = 15) were selected for analyses from both sites supplemented by a sample of the compact bone of the shinbone of an adult individual from the Pohansko-JP site. The determination of the ontogenetic age of the analyzed individuals is based on the dentition development stage. For the purpose of isotope analyzes (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll), dentine collagen w...
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku
In this essay, we focused on the evaluation of isotope analyses (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll) of the fi... more In this essay, we focused on the evaluation of isotope analyses (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll) of the first lower molars (m1) of domestic cattle (Bostaurus) from two early medieval Pohansko-Southern bailey (Pohansko-JP) and Kostice-”Zadní hrúd” (Kostice-ZH) sites. The aim of the study is the evidence of the breast-feeding effect of calves and subsequent weaning on the dentine average isotope composition. Results from both sites are compared with the data obtained from recent experimental cattle breeding. Possible differences in the cattle breeding between both studied localities are evaluated. The first lower molars of the domestic cattle (n = 15) were selected for analyses from both sites supplemented by a sample of the compact bone of the shinbone of an adult individual from the Pohansko-JP site. The determination of the ontogenetic age of the analyzed individuals is based on the dentition development stage. For the purpose of isotope analyzes (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll), dentine collagen w...
The article presents the evaluation of archaeobotanical and archaeozoological samples from the ex... more The article presents the evaluation of archaeobotanical and archaeozoological samples from the excavation in Kostice – Zadní hrúd (Břeclav distr.) conducted in 2009–2011. The work helps answer questions connected with the subsistence strategies of society in the period between the 6th century and the beginning of the 13th century in the lower Dyje River region of the Czech Republic. The recorded trend supports the archaeological image of a settlement that was part of the subsistence hinterland of the nearby centre at Pohansko near Břeclav during the period of Great Moravia in the 9th century. The decline caused by the collapse of Great Moravian society in the 10th century was followed by a revitalisation and subsequent boom in the entire settlement complex. In the Late Hillfort period (10th to 12th century), which saw the creation of a secondary location (market village), the settlement produced a relatively wide spectrum of crops and quality meat for its own needs and possibly also for the nearby administrative centre in Přemyslid Břeclav.
In this paper we focused on the reconstruction of dietary behaviour and food culture in the popul... more In this paper we focused on the reconstruction of dietary behaviour and food culture in the population of the Corded Ware culture in Central Moravia. The data comes from sites at Ivanovice na Hané 3/2, Ivanovice na Hané 4 and Hoštice 4. The main aim of this study is to get data about diet and symbolic meals indicated in graves in the form of animal bones, and to compare our results with the common idea of sexual dimorphism
in the societies of the Corded Ware culture. Buccal dental microwear analysis was performed in order to reconstruct the diet and the results were compared to the physical health of the whole population. The results indicate a mixed abrasive diet with a high ratio of meat intake. In any case, individual dietary behaviour varied and was most probably determined not just by nutritional needs, but also by rules, taboos and restrictions.
In this paper we focused on the reconstruction of dietary behaviour and food culture in the popul... more In this paper we focused on the reconstruction of dietary behaviour and food culture in the population of the Corded Ware culture in Central Moravia. The data comes from sites at Ivanovice na Hané 3/2, Ivanovice na Hané 4 and Hoštice 4. The main aim of this study is to get data about diet and symbolic meals indicated in graves in the form of animal bones, and to compare our results with the common idea of sexual dimorphism in the societies of the Corded Ware culture. Buccal dental microwear analysis was performed in order to reconstruct the diet and the results were compared to the physical health of the whole population. The results indicate a mixed abrasive diet with a high ratio of meat intake. In any case, individual dietary behaviour varied and was most probably determined not just by nutritional needs, but also by rules, taboos and restrictions. diet -microwear -SEM -archaeozoology -Corded Ware Culture -society Vpředkládané studii jsme se zaměřili na rekonstrukci stravy a kultury jídla u populace kultury se šňůrovou keramikou na střední Moravě. Data pochází z lokalit Ivanovice na Hané 3/2, Ivanovice na Hané 4 a Hoštice 4. Cílem naší studie bylo získat údaje o konzumované stravě a stravě symbolické indikované v hrobech v podobě kostí zvířat a srovnat naše výsledky s běžně prezentovanou myšlenkou silného pohlavního dimorfismu ve společnosti kultury se šňůrovou keramikou. Reálná konzumovaná strava byla studována analýzou dentálních mikroabrazí, závěry byly následně srovnány s údaji o zdravotním stavu sledované populace. Výsledky ukazují na smíšenou abrazivní stravu s vysokým podílem masa. Strava jednotlivců se však lišila apravděpodobně byla určována pravidly, tabu, zákazy či nutričními potřebami.
Books by Gabriela Dreslerová
Anthropos (Studies in Anthropology, Palaeoethnology, Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology), Vol. 33, N.S. 25, 2011
PŘEDMLUVA 9 PODĚKOVÁNÍ 10 1. ÚVOD 11 SUMMARY 95 LITERATURA / REFERENCES 111 PŘÍLOHA č. 1 -APPENDI... more PŘEDMLUVA 9 PODĚKOVÁNÍ 10 1. ÚVOD 11 SUMMARY 95 LITERATURA / REFERENCES 111 PŘÍLOHA č. 1 -APPENDIX n. 1 118 PŘÍLOHA č. 2 -APPENDIX n. 2 121 PŘÍLOHA č. 3 -APPENDIX n. 3 122 ADRESÁŘ AUTORŮ / LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS 125 V roce vydání publikace se doc. PhDr. Karel Valoch, DrSc. v plné síle dožívá překrásných jednadevadesátých narozenin a my bychom mu rádi věnovali tuto publikaci jako projev díků a úcty k jeho práci. Kolektiv autorů 9 RETUŠÉRY A KOSTI S RÝHAMI Z JESKYNĚ KŮLNY V MORAVSKÉM KRASU RETOUCHERS AND BONES WITH GROOVES FROM THE KŮLNA CAVE IN THE MORAVIAN KARST PŘEDMLUVA 1. ÚVOD Petr Neruda -Martina Lázničková-Galetová -Gabriela Dreslerová 2. PODSTATA STUDOVANÉHO TÉMATU A CÍL PROJEKTU Petr Neruda -Martina Lázničková-Galetová -Gabriela Dreslerová 14 5 Předběžné studium materiálu z obou štramberských jeskyní prozatím potvrzuje Maškovy názory (osobní sdělení M. Patou-Mathis a M. Pacher).
ArchEologiE Doby hrADištní v ČEské A slovEnské rEPublicE Sborník příspěvků přednesených na pracov... more ArchEologiE Doby hrADištní v ČEské A slovEnské rEPublicE Sborník příspěvků přednesených na pracovním setkání Archeologie doby hradištní ve dnech 24.-26.4. 2006 ÚAM FF MU Brno 2007 Ústav Archeologie a muzeologie Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity Brno 2007 2 SUppleMentUM 2 poděkování: technickému muzeu v Brně za možnost využívat konferenční prostory, prof. phDr. Zdeňku Měřínskému, CSc. za podporu a garanci projektu, Doc. phDr. luďku Galuškovi, CSc. za zprostředkování návštěvy archeoskanzenu v Modré u Velehradu a památníku Velké Moravy ve Starém Městě u Uherského Hradiště, studentkám archeologie za pomoc při organizaci setkání, účastníkům setkání a autorům příspěvků. Recenzoval: prof. phDr. Zdeněk Měřínský, CSc. Mgr. petr Dresler Fotografie na obálce: Čelní kamenná zeď hradby velkomoravského hradiska pohansko u Břeclavi. Foto: p. Dresler, J. Macháček, 2005. © Ústav archeologie a muzeologie Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity ISBn 978-80-239-9600-5 3 SUppleMentUM 2
Papers by Gabriela Dreslerová
in the societies of the Corded Ware culture. Buccal dental microwear analysis was performed in order to reconstruct the diet and the results were compared to the physical health of the whole population. The results indicate a mixed abrasive diet with a high ratio of meat intake. In any case, individual dietary behaviour varied and was most probably determined not just by nutritional needs, but also by rules, taboos and restrictions.
Books by Gabriela Dreslerová
in the societies of the Corded Ware culture. Buccal dental microwear analysis was performed in order to reconstruct the diet and the results were compared to the physical health of the whole population. The results indicate a mixed abrasive diet with a high ratio of meat intake. In any case, individual dietary behaviour varied and was most probably determined not just by nutritional needs, but also by rules, taboos and restrictions.