Distant medical assistance for health care systems improvement

Pervasive computing represents a huge evolution in this century to facilitate and improve the human’s life, by providing continuous and connected services embedded in human’s daily life environment all the time. This environment consisting of computer devices, services, mobile smart phones, human’s body, locations, activities, temperature, humidity and many more, is an example of interconnected network between these components in order to adapt to the user’s needs by collecting data from this environment, processing it, take decision for the convenient human’s activity and finally send and visualize this decision by patient. This research advocates how health care systems can be improved throughout distant medical assistance. Patients experiencing breathing problems or muscle weakness can be advised to practice physical activities by a specialist to improve stamina and endurance. Our goal is to develop a middleware to help people in deficiency to do activities easily during their da...

Title of the Abstract: Distant medical assistance for health care systems Hamid Mcheick, Achref Charmiti, Hung-Tien Bui, Mario Leone, Caroline Gagné, and Marie-Isabelle Farinas University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC), Quebec, Canada 555, Boulevard de l'Université, Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada, G7H-2B1 Centre for interdisciplinary research on quality and healthy lifestyle, UQAC (QC), Canada Groupe de Recherche GRI, UQAC (QC), Canada Pervasive computing represents a huge evolution in this century to facilitate and improve the human’s life, by providing continuous and connected services embedded in human’s daily life environment all the time. This environment consisting of computer devices, services, mobile smart phones, human’s body, locations, activities, temperature, humidity and many more, is an example of interconnected network between these components in order to adapt to the user’s needs by collecting data from this environment, processing it, take decision for the convenient human’s activity and finally send and visualize this decision by patient. This research advocates how health care systems can be improved throughout distant medical assistance. Patients experiencing breathing problems or muscle weakness can be advised to practice physical activities by a specialist to improve stamina and endurance. Our goal is to develop a middleware to help people in deficiency to do activities easily during their day life. The methodology is based on four software architecture layers (acquisition, aggregation, reasoning and application). These layers are used by specialist to monitor remotely patients using the session’s concept to ensure their recovering. We propose software infrastructure that allows these remote processes through a video conference platform and a device that is capable of collecting vital information of the patient and share them with the specialist. This will give the possibility to lead multiple physical activities sessions at the same time without having to move from home to Hospital. This research highlights the development, the implementation and the benefits of this approach with a case study. We developed client applications (four patients), medicine, and server application using socket Java Technologies. Also, a simulation is done to detect the vital information of patients using Arduino Duemilanove. As a result, this middleware creates a free tool to save human’s life by offering autonomy and daily life environment. Specifically, it helps persons who have breathing problems to stay at home and monitored remotely by medicine or nurse. Also, it can help to solve other problems such as monitoring the aging and deficiency people. We argue that the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease persons are ready to use these tools. We conclude that our middleware maintains a healthy life style while patients stop smoking and follow a good advice of medicines. It is a free tool and open source to be used by deficiency and aging persons. Its accessibility makes it a useful tool to monitor a person. In the research future, this middleware needs to be completed with intelligent layer to take decision independent of any intervention.