Metamodels and MDA Transformations for
Embedded Systems
Lossan Bondé, Cédric Dumoulin, Jean-Luc Dekeyser
Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Lille
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Embedded system design needs to model together application and hardware architecture.
For that a huge number of models are available, each one proposing its own abstraction level
associated to its own software platform for simulation or synthesis. To produce a co-design
framework, we are obviously obliged to support different models among all possible ones.
Between these models we should produce automatic transformations. Each time a new
model is included in the framework, we should develop a new transformation.
To improve transformation engine development, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) techniques are useful. This approach permits to define the transformations at the metamodel
level. It guaranties to the framework the reuse of models and unifies the definition of the
transformation rules.
We present the application of MDA in the context of Intensive Signal Processing (ISP)
applications deployed on System on Chip (SoC) platforms. For that purpose, we have developed a new MDA Transformation engine: ModTransf. We apply this engine on UML profiles
to generate SystemC Transaction Level Model dedicated to ISP. A particular rule will be
presented to illustrate the interest of this approach in a multi model embedded system design
The MDA is based on models describing the systems to be built. A system description is made of
numerous models, each model representing a different level of abstraction. The modeled system
can be deployed on one or more platforms via model to model transformations. A key point
of the MDA is the transformation between models. The transformations allow to go from one
model at a given abstraction level to another model at another level, and to keep the different
models synchronized. Related models are described by their metamodels, on which we can
define some mapping rules describing how concepts from one metamodel are to be mapped on
the concepts of the other metamodel. From these mapping rules we deduce the transformations
between any models conforming to the metamodels. The MDA model to model transformation
is in a standardization process at the OMG [OMG03]
The MDA is based on proven standards: UML for modeling and the MOF for metamodel
expression. The new coming UML 2.0 [Obj03] is specifically designed to be used with the
MDA. It removes some ambiguities found in its predecessors (UML 1.x), allows more precise
descriptions and opens the road to automatic exploitation of models. The MOF (Meta Object
Facilities [Obj00] is oriented to the metamodel specifications.
Our proposal is partially based upon the concepts of the Y-chart [GK83]: application,
hardware architecture and then association to map one application on one hardware architecture.
The MDA contributes to express the model transformations which correspond to successive
refinements between the abstraction levels, from PIM to PSM. In this paper we present the
transformation of the association PIM to SystemC PSM for a System on Chip design. For this
transformation we use the tool ModTransf developed in our research group in respect of the
QVT proposal.
The Transformation Engine : ModTransf
Model to model transformations are at the heart of the MDA approach. Anyone whishing
to use MDA in its projects is soon or later facing the question: how to perform the model
transformations? There are not so much publicly and freely available tools, and the OMG QVT
standardization process is not completed today. To fulfil our needs in model transformations,
we have developed ModTransf, a simple but powerful transformation engine. ModTransf was
developed based on the recommendations done after the review of the first QVT proposals
[TCKR03]. Based on these recommendations and on our needs, we have identified the following
requirements for the transformation engine:
• Multi models as inputs and outputs
• Different kind of models: MOF and JMI based, XML with schema based, graph of objects
• Simple to use
• Easy modification of rules to follow metamodel changes
• Hybrids: Imperative and declarative rules
• Inheritance for the rules
• Reversible rules when possible
• Customizable, to do experimentations
• Free and Open-Sources.
The proposed solution fulfil all these needs: ModTransf is a rule based engine taking one
or more models as inputs and producing one or more models as outputs. The rules can be
expressed using an XML syntax and can be declarative as well as imperative. A transformation
is done by submitting a concept to the engine. The engine then searches the more appropriate
transformation rule for this concept and applies it to produce the corresponding result concept.
The rule describes how properties of the input concept should be mapped, after a transformation,
to the properties of the output concept.
Basic Principle
Transforming a model can be a very complex task. ModTransf helps to reduce this complexity
by allowing the specification of a model transformation rule by rule. A rule specifies how to
transform one or few input concepts to one or few output concepts. This divide and conquer
approach allows focusing on simple transformations, improves the readability, open the road
to rule inheritance and eases the maintenance. In the XML rule language, a rule specifies the
source concepts it uses, the concepts it produces in the destination model, and which properties
of the source concepts are used to populate the properties of the destination concepts. The rule
does not specify how to transform these properties; it only specifies which properties must be
transformed and where to store the result. It is the engine responsibility to search and execute
the more appropriate rule.
This way of expressing the rules induces recursive calls to the engine, and provides a natural
scan of the model to transform. By default a rule is called only once for a given set of inputs.
Subsequent calls will return the same results than the first call. This allows breaking the recursivity and avoids multiple transformations of an object: if a source object is referenced by
several properties, it will be transformed only once.
The transformation of a model or an object is performed by submitting it to the engine. The
engine looks for the most appropriate rule which in turn call the engine to transform the child
objects. Thus the entire graph of objects associated to the first object is transformed by using
the most appropriate rule for each node of the graph.
The rules can be organized in rule sets used as search unit by the engine. It is then possible to
specify which rule set should be used for a transformation. If no rule set is specified, the current
one is used by default. Rule sets can be used to reduce the scope of a search or to provide several
rules transforming the same input concepts, but used in different contexts. It is also possible to
specify explicitly which rule should be used by the engine. In this case, the transformation is
imperative and the engine uses directly the rule without performing any search.
The rules are searched in the order of their declarations in the rule set. By default, only the
first matching rule is executed. This behaviour can be changed by specifying that all matching
rules should be executed. Input and output models are submitted to the engine as graphs of
objects. The engine and the rules access to the graph of a model through a well known API
defining the basic methods they need: attribute access, concept creation, ...
The access API allows making use of different technologies to manipulate the models: JMI
and its different implementations (MDR, NsUML, CIM, ModFact, ...); EMF; DOM representation of XML files; models generated from XML schema or DTD with tools like Jaxb, Castor; or
any kind of object graph. An implementation of the API is linked to the particular technology
used to represent models. Generally it should be developed only once for this technology.
The rules understood by the engine are very simple: they are made of only one guard and
one action. The guard is evaluated to select the rule, and the action is executed when the rule is
selected. More complicated rules can be built on top of this basic interface. Thus it is possible
to write rules directly in Java, as well as in a dedicated high level language with a dedicated
interpreter or compiler. One can develop its language and compiler or interpreter. To avoid the
burden of such development, we propose a language written using XML, and allowing complex
The XML Rules
Rules defined in XML use a concept of left and right instead of source and destination. This
does not presuppose on the direction of the transformation, allowing writing transformation
rules potentially reversible.
The left and right notions will be translated to sources and destinations according to the
direction of the transformation. If the transformation flows from left to right, the left will
become the source and the right the destination. If the transformation is performed in the other
direction, right becomes the source and left the destination.
The reversibility of the rules is possible only in certain cases. The complete transformation
is reversible only if all the rules are reversible. Actually, this feature is only for experimentation.
In the remaining of this paper we suppose that the transformation flows from left to right.
An XML rule is made of left conditions, right conditions, and actions. The conditions are
used to describe the source concepts used by the rule, and the concepts that the rule should
produce. The description of a condition is the same though it is used as source or as destination:
it generally specifies the type of the concept, and optionally the conditions expected on some
properties of the concepts or on any sub-properties. To ease the transformation of models
described in UML with an associated profile, some dedicated conditions are provided, like testing
or setting a stereotype or a tagged value.
When the transformation is performed, the source condition becomes a guard testing the
concept while the destination condition becomes an action creating the expected concept. The
actions are used to populate the properties of the destinations concepts from the properties of
the source concepts, with eventually a transformation. Two main actions are used: The first
copy primitive types, with eventually a conversion between the types; the second specifies one
or few properties of the source concept that should be transformed to one or few properties of
the destination concept by calling the transformation engine to select the more appropriate rule.
Action arguments are specified by using accessors allowing to express the source and the
destination arguments in exactly the same way. Different kind of accessors are provided to
access to a concept, a property, a tagged value, ...
The XML language provides basic conditions, actions and accessors that should cover current
needs in model transformations. Should you encounter a special need that is not cover yet, or
should you want to propose a special behavior to simplify your transformation, you can provide
your own condition, action, accessor or even complete rule. This is done by implementing a
Java class providing the desired behavior. Likely all elements of the language accept customized
behavior in place of the default behavior.
The ModTransf engine is an Open Source project available on the net [Dum03]. We will now
see how it is used in our Embedded Application for Soc Design project.
PIM and PSM Metamodels for Embedded Systems
We propose a construction of metamodels to support a co-design methodology [DBDM03]. This
proposal is partially based on the concept of Y-chart. We have defined and formalized our concepts in MOF and these MOF specifications have been implemented in UML profiles using Tau
In our approach we design a system starting from two initial models: the application part defines
functions and services provided by the system and the hardware architecture part represents an
abstraction of the hardware material on which the application will be executed. These two
models are then mapped to make the association model. This latter expresses associations between the functional components and the hardware components. Each of these three models are
instances of their corresponding metamodels, they are Platform Independent Models. To realize
a simulation of this embedded system, we propose the Platform Specific Model for Transaction
Level Simulation in SystemC. ModTransf will produce the transformation from PIM association
to PSM SystemC.
Our metamodels are too large to be exhaustively presented in this article. We will therefore give
an overview of the main concepts, leaving out details.
The Application Metamodel
The application metamodel is defined in the ISP-UML profile. It is based on the Array-OL
language (Array Oriented Language) designed by Thomson Marconi Sonar and dedicated to
Intensive Signal Processing. Array-OL introduce the notions of local model and global model.
In the ISP-UML metamodel, we propose a set of concepts to specify the application part of
a system. An application is described by assembling component wich can be of three types:
CompoundComponent, DataParallelComponent, and ElementaryComponent.
• A CompoundComponent can contains other sub-components. It expresses the global
model of Array-OL and shows component interconnections.
• The DataParallelComponent is the heart of intensive signal processing (similar to the
local model of Array-OL). It is made of a unique nested component (eventually an ElementaryComponent) and of one tiler component for each of its connections. The tilers
are used to describe how the data are spraid among the instances of the nested component.
• The ElementaryComponent directly refers to an external implementation. It is a computation unit which has no further detailed structure. It gets its input data from input
tilers and the result of the computation is carried out through an output tiler.
In the metamodel a Tiler instance is represented by an AolTilerPart which is introduced
to add some tagged values necessary to specify the origin, the fitting and the paving vectors.
Ports represent proxies for data handled by components. They are used as endpoints of connections. A port specifies the type of data it carries, itself defined by an interface in the Object
Oriented sense. In ISP UML, all AOL arrays are defined by inheriting from an interface called
AolArray providing basic attributes: element type, number of dimensions and size of each
A broad description of the application metamodel in given in figure 1.
Figure 1: Overview of the application metamodel
The Hardware Architecture Metamodel
The architecture metamodel is similar to the ISP-UML metamodel: it provides components to
describe a hardware architecture. The overview of the metamodel is shown on figure 2. The
hardware component represents abstractions of physical hardware architecture elements. We
propose to classify the resources according to two criteria: a functional and a structural (see
figure 2).
• Structural concepts : ElementaryHwComponent, CompoundHwComponent and
RepetitionHwComponent are used to describe the structural aspect of the architecture.
– The ElementaryHwComponent is a component without an internal structural
description. For example, it could be used in the case where we have an hardware
IP for this component, or in the case where we don’t want to model the component
more finely.
– The CompoundHwComponent is a component with an internal structure description. The interest in using such a concept is to provide a means for hiding details
that are not necessary at a certain level of specification, and also the reuse of existing
blocks in modelling other architectures.
– The RepetitionHwComponent is a kind of particular CompoundHwComponent, which contains a repetition of the same hardware component. This kind of
component is well suited to the modelling of massively parallel architectures and is
motivated by the recent introduction of such architectures in the design of SoC such
as the picoChip PC101 and PC102 [pic03].
• Functional concepts : PassiveHwComponent , ActiveHwComponent and InterconnectHwComponent are used to specify the functions of the architecture elements.
– The PassiveHwComponent is a storage unit. It stores the data of the application.
We typically use it as a representation of elements such as RAMs, ROMs, sensors, or
– The ActiveHwComponent is a processing unit, it reads or writes into passive resources. This category includes CPUs, DMAs or SMP nodes inside a parallel machine.
– The InterconnectHwComponent is a hardware unit used to specify connections
between active and passive components or active and active in the case of a distributed memory architecture. This category includes elements such as bus or an
interconnection network.
Each hardware component should be tagged with these two aspects, each one representing
a different view on the component. This lead to 9 possible types of hardware components.
Figure 2: Overview of the architecture metamodel
The Association Metamodel
The aim of the association model is to point out where each software component will be executed, the location of the data used by the software, and the channels used for the communication
between the different hardware components. It is also intended to show how the different executable components are scheduled. This scheduling is static, and decided at the association level.
In other words the association metamodel defines a mapping of the application specification and
the architecture specification. Therefore the association metamodel imports the application and
architecture metamodels and adds to them the following concepts: CodeMapping, DataMapping and Scheduling.
The overall view of the metamodel is given in figure 3. It is important to note that the Part
concept stands for an instance of either a application component or an hardware component.
The CodeMapping specifies on which hardware components the different software components are assigned. The runables attribute references software components that are executed
on the hardware component referenced by the activeComponent attribute which practically is a
reference to a processor (or a group of processor).
The DataMapping concept specifies where the application data (arrays) are placed in the
architecture. It is mainly the specification of the mappings of the data (arrays) on the memory.
The Scheduling concept is used to define the order in which components are processed in the
case of several application components assigned to the same architecture unit. This scheduling
is local to each hardware component.
Figure 3: Association metamodel.
The SystemC based simulation Metamodel
SystemC is a C++ class library and a simulation kernel for hardware, software and system
modeling. It is particularly suited to:
• propose a methodology for SoC designs consisting of DSPs, ASICs, IP-Cores, Interfaces,
• extend C/C++ by providing concurrency, timing, reactivity, communication, signal/data
• simulate up to le level of cycle-accurate.
Like any C++ program, a SystemC application contains a Main function which depends on
a set of Modules. The module concept defines the hierarchy of instanciable modules. The meta-
model presented here is not a definition of the SystemC library. It is rather a metamodel oriented
towards SystemC code generation for the particular case of Intensive Signal Processing mapped
on a SoC. The proposed metamodel is designed to fit our particular needs. It is not a general
SystemC metamodel. In the final step; systemC code generation, we aim to use standardized
SystemC metamodel, for example the UML for SoC metamodel proposed in [Has04].
The metamodel is provided in figures 4, 5 and 6. its main concepts are : Main, Module and
• The Main
It is the tope level component of a SystemC specification. It holds a set of module instances
and signals to model communications between these instances.
• The Module
It is a pure SystemC concept. It is subclassified in TaskModule and HwModule(see
figure 5) in order to take into account the application and the architecture parts of the
• The ModuleInstance
The ModuleInstance is an instance of a module. Since we consider a Module to be a
Class specification, the ModuleInstance is therefore an instance of the class Module,
in other words, it is an object. The ModuleInstance is an abstract class subclassified in
TaskModuleInstance and HwModuleInstance (see figure 6).
In the code generation step, each Module leads to the generation of a file, while the
ModuleInstance is used to create attributes and instances.
Figure 4: SystemC simulation metamodel : Overview
PIM Transformation to PSM
The transformation of our PIM association metamodel to our PSM SystemC TLM simulation
metamodel requires the development of a set of dedicated mapping rules. This development
Figure 5: SystemC simulation metamodel : Module
Figure 6: SystemC simulation metamodel : Module Instance
requires the identification of the main mapping rules, and then the detail of each of these
mappings. In this section we will show the main rules of our transformation, and the details of
one of these rules. Then we will explain the implementation of the selected rule with ModTransf.
Main Mapping Rules
The ModTransf tool allows a development rule by rule, where, ideally, each rule focus on a
simple concept to concept transformation (even if the tool supports a one to one, one to many,
and many to one mappings). Thus a complete transformation is made of basic rules. Our
transformation main rules mapping concept from the association metamodel to concepts of our
SystemC metamodel are given in the following table:
Association metamodel concepts
Part of type DataParallelComponent
Part of type ElementaryComponent
+ ActiveHWComponent
+ PassiveHwComponent
+ InterconnectHwComponent
ElementaryHwComponent + ActiveHwComponent
ElementaryHwComponent + PassiveHwComponent
ElementaryHwComponent + InterconnectHwComponent
SystemC metamodel concepts
This top level mapping is not sufficient. We need now to detail each rule to specify how
properties of a source concept map to properties of the destination concept. Each attribute or
feature will be either copied (for simple data types) or transformed from the source concept to
the target one. Let us consider for example the mapping between DataParallelComponent and
TaskModule. The details of the mapping are given in the table below:
name : String
ports : Port[*]
connector : Connector[*]
feature : [*]
name : String
ports :Port [*]
signals : Signals[*]
ownedInstances : [*]
These transformations look like a direct and simple one to one transformations. But it is
not actually the case. For example in the transformation
feature : [*] ---> ownedInstances : [*]
each element in the collection feature are not necessary of the same type. They will be transformed individually using the appropriate rule, and the result will be added to the ownedInstances collection attribute. In our example, the feature attribute contains several AolTilerPart,
and a part of typeElementaryComponent, DataParallelComponent or CompoundComponent.
Once the concept mapping and the details of the mappings are defined, the next step is to
implement them using ModTransf.
Transformation Rule in ModTransf
In this example, we transform a DataParallelComponent concept from the association metamodel to a TaskModule in the SystemC simulation metamodel. Figure 7 shows graphically
this transformation.
The XML rule of ModTransf start by specifying the left and the right concepts involved in
the transformation. Here, we specify that the rule takes a DataParallelComponent as input
Figure 7: Transformation of a DataParallelComponent into a TaskModule
and produces a TaskModule as output. Then, the rules describe the list of actions needed to
transform the properties of the left concept to properties of the right concept, as follows:
• The name property value will be assigned to the name property of the output object.
• The ports property is a collection; each element in that collection will be transformed and
the result will be added in the elements of the ports property (which is also a collection).
• Each element in the connector property collection will be transformed and the result will
be added to the collection property signals.
• And finally each elements of feature will be transformed and added to the ownedInstances
The xml Rule code is as follows:
<rule ruleName="DataParallelComponent">
<description> Transform a DataParallel Component </description>
<concept type="Signal_Processing.DataParallelComponent" model="isp" use="required"/>
<concept type="TaskModule" model="sysc"/>
<copyPrimitive actionName="name" leftProperty="name" rightProperty="name"/>
<transform actionName="thePorts" use="required" ruleName="Port-DPC">
<leftproperty name="ports[*]"/>
<rightproperty name="ports[*]"/>
<transform actionName="theSignals" use="optional" ruleName="Connector-DPC">
<leftproperty name="connector[*]"/>
<rightproperty name="signals[*]"/>
<transform actionName="theFeatures" use="optional" ruleName="Part-DPC">
<leftproperty name="feature[*]"/>
<rightproperty name="ownedInstances[*]"/>
In our co-design environment, the transformation from UML to SystemC is a flow of successive
transformations. In order to help in understanding our transformations, we have provided an
example of transformation. The complete process from UML to SystemC simulation code is a
set of three steps:
• From the application and the hardware architecture models to the association model
The mapping of the application onto the architecture is performed automatically by refactoring of a default mapping to satisfy some constraits expressed by the designer. It is
an in-built transformation. This transformation aims at generating the association model
according to the association metamodel.
• From the association model to SystemC simulation model
This transformation takes as input the association model generated at the previous level,
the rules for transformations are expressed using ModTransf. The transformation engine
generates the SystemC simulation model. Each concept in the input model is transformed
to its corresponding concept in the SystemC simulation metamodel. This part was studied
in this paper.
• From the SystemC simulation model to SystemC code
This last transformation is rather a code generation process. The same ModTransf tool
is used too. The transformation here takes as input the previous model, some rules and
some code templates. Theses templates are called by the rules. They contains placeholders
replaced by values of the concepts.
Model oriented co-design environment are widely used in the embedded system community.
All the transformations between models could benefit of MDA techniques and ModTransf like
tools. The reuse of models becomes a reality, add new models becomes feasible.
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