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In Nigeria, Sugarcane Bagasse (one of the by-products of sugarcane processing) is typically seen as an agricultural waste with few commercial utilization and the accumulation of this sugarcane bagasse is considered as an environmental concern as it causes environmental pollution in areas where it is disposed. The conversion of this waste to wealth was studied by way of revealing its remarkable potential for use as a grant of cellulose (an unconventional source) for the manufacturing of cellulose derivatives (derivatized herbal polymers) such as CarboxyMethyl Cellulose (CMC) which is quite referred to for its good sized industrial applications.39.2% of cellulose was taken out from sugarcane bagasse via alkali remedy and nitric acid hydrolyzed process. The cellulose was then remodelled to carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) thru mercerization with varying sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentrations (10%, 20% and 30% respectively) and therefore etherified with monochloroacetic acid at unique working reaction instances (1h, 1.5h and 2h respectively). The cellulose samples were designated as 10% CMC 1 , 20% CMC 1.5 and 30% CMC 2 respectively.The derivatized samples of cellulose had been characterised for their bodily evaluation and chemical compositions. Parameters studied have been hydrated density, water and oil retention capacities, hemicellulose content, lignin content, moisture and ash contents. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic assessment was carried out on all samples of derivatized cellulose for their micro-structural studies. The absolute degree of substitution (DSabs) of all derivatized cellulose samples was studiedand increased up to 20% (w/v) of the derivatized cellulose prepared at 1.5h reaction time. This increment was attributed to greater carboxymethyl organizations substituted by the usage of the hydroxyl organizations of the cellulose polymers which in flip transformed the crystalline vicinity in cellulose to an amorphous place with increasing NaOH concentrations thereby improving the attainabibility of CMC to immobilize water in a system.A decrease in DS of CMC synthesized at 30% (w/v) NaOH concentration was due to interaction of part of monochloroacetic acid (MCA) molecule with NaOH and this resulted into low yield of the derivatized CMC produced at 30% (w/v) NaOH concentration.
The Ancient History Bulletin, 2024
Polybius uses the criticism of historians to prove his statements and his historical interpretation. It is, above all, his apodeictic method that requires it: by placing under investigation others' mistakes, at the same time he has the opportunity to highlight what a historian must not do and enucleate the canons of the right historiographical method. This article will focus on Polybius' historiography in relation to truth and the criticism of the historian Timaeus. It will also show that Polybius' notion of truth appears to be multifaceted and it becomes a whole and unbroken essence only when a proper historian deals with it after taking all the required steps corresponding to the phases of historical science.
Clave de la asignatura : ETF-1002 SATCA 1 3-2-5 2.-PRESENTACIÓN Caracterización de la asignatura.
Az alábbi összeállítás egy kísérletnek tekinthető arra, hogy a ChatGPT4o mesterséges intelligencia révén milyen jogi egyetemi tankönyv készíttethető el, és ez egyben egy demonstráció is ennek képességéről.
Jornal O Estado de São Paulo
Ensaio jornalístico sobre o atual debate acerca da presunção de inocência nos tribunais brasileiros.
Algra Editore, 2019
Pagina tratta dal «Diario di Guerra» di Ernst Jünger . Nella pagina, risalente al luglio 1916, si legge, in traduzione italiana, quanto segue: «I miei fucilieri hanno portato egregiamente a compimento quanto insegnato loro nel periodo di addestramento in tempo di pace. Hanno resistito all'incessante "pioggia di fuoco" in una maniera finora sconosciuta al mondo intero. L'Imperatore Guglielmo II si trova a Machauld, presso il 73° reggimento fucilieri della «Principe Alberto», ivi stanziatisi dopo la battaglia sostenuta a Perthes. Lo schizzo, tratteggiato sulla "copertina" che inaugurava la sesta parte del diario di guerra scritto dall'allora sottotenente Ernst Jünger, ritrae sommariamente parte dell'armamento a disposizione del suo reggimento, quali le bombe a mano o le granate.
Rev Neurol, 2010
Introducción. La concentración plasmática elevada de homocisteína (Hcy) o hiperhomocisteinemia se asocia a un aumento del riesgo de enfermedad vascular en estudios de casos y controles, y, en menor grado, en estudios prospectivos. Desarrollo. Han finalizado ya diversos grandes estudios aleatorios, doble ciego y controlados con placebo, que se realizaron con el objetivo de estudiar si había una reducción del riesgo vascular al disminuir la concentración plasmática de Hcy mediante tratamientos vitamínicos específicos (folatos y/o vitaminas B 12 y B 6). Su objetivo era analizar si esta estrategia reducía el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (estudios HOPE, NORVIT, WAFACS y WENBIT) y cerebrovascular (estudio VISP) en un contexto de prevención secundaria. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de estos estudios y un metaanálisis, que incluye otros más pequeños hasta un total de 12, mostraron que el tratamiento disminuye la concentración plasmática de Hcy, pero no el riesgo vascular. Es, sin embargo, interesante señalar que un metaanálisis reciente que analizó los efectos de estos tratamientos vitamínicos detectó un efecto protector significativo en la prevención primaria del ictus. Estos datos son consistentes con el hecho de que la hiperhomocisteinemia se relaciona más con el riesgo cerebrovascular que con el cardiovascular. Y también con la observación reciente de que la suplementación con ácido fólico en las harinas está asociada con una disminución en la mortalidad por ictus en Estados Unidos y Canadá. Conclusiones. Obviamente, estos datos requerirán de posterior confirmación, pero parece que ahora existen razones que permiten esperar un desenlace positivo de los estudios de intervención para disminuir la Hcy. Palabras clave. Ácido fólico. Enfermedad cardiovascular. Enfermedad cerebrovascular. Enfermedad vascular. Hiperhomocisteinemia. Vitaminas.
Tài liệu bồi dưỡng thi nâng ngạch chuyên viên chính khối Đảng, đoàn thể năm 2013) I. CƠ SỞ LÝ LUẬN VỀ NHÀ NƯỚC PHÁP QUYỀN VÀ NHÀ NƯỚC PHÁP QUYỀN XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA
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