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Learning is among the most basic of human activities. The study of learning, and research into learning is becoming a central part of educational studies. This is a comprehensive introduction to contemporary theories and modern practices of learning. Updated and expanded, this second edition should be of interest to teachers, facilitators, human resource developers and students of education. The contents cover: lifelong learning; the social background to learning; cognitivist theory; types of learning; learning using ICT; and philosophical reflections on learning.
It is time to think deeper about learning and the learning process. I have been reviewing my learning journey to make a brief accountability of the things that I have learnt and the things I was supposed to learn. This process has been one of the most important things that I have done for myself in my entire life so far. It has been a process of discovery. It has enabled me to put facts in the literature of effective learning, into good perspective. I recommend for you to find time and do the same. In this blog post, I would like to share with you some existing literature that can awaken your knowledge about learning.
• History of learning theory—Teachers will become familiar with the central debates and major concepts in the history of learning theory. • Learning processes and teaching for learning—Teachers will begin to uncover and articulate their assumptions, understandings, and questions about how students learn and the nature of teaching. Teachers will become familiar with the main themes of the video course. • Theory and practice—Teachers will begin to consider learning theory and its role in their teaching practices.
In this defi nitive collection of today's most infl uential learning theorists, sixteen worldrenowned experts present their understanding of what learning is and how human learning takes place.
International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2010
This study explains the concept of learning in the light of the opinions of behaviourists, connectivists and humanists. The researcher focused on key points of difference among the behaviourists themselves and other schools of thought on the topic. For this purpose, the qualitative paradigm of research was used and method of content analyses was applied. According to the behaviourists learning is not an active but passive process of memorizing information that requires external reward. Understanding is merely seeing relationship or patterns and applications requires not more than transfer of training. According to the humanists learning is a personal act of individual to fully utilize his potential. It is essential that instructional activities should be based on the learners' basic needs for the success of the learning process. It is an unending curiosity that includes identifying, discovering, drawing in from the outside world and making that which is drawn in a real part of Me. Learning situation must allow the learner to move at a pace that best suited to him. It should provide opportunities for continuous assessment and utilization of the feedback as a part of learning. Connectivists believe that learning is a way of being. It is an ongoing pattern of attitudes and actions by individuals and groups which they employ to deal with the surprising, new/novel, messy, obtrusive events and situations. It occurs in different of ways from the practicing communities, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks. It is a continuous process for a lifetime without separation from work related activities. They present a model of learning which recognizes that learning is no longer an internal, individualistic activity. It provides an insight and skills to the learners how to flourish and progress in a digital era of technology.
iii FOREWORD Learning is one of the most long-running, undeniably important actions of human being. In addition to his innate behaviours, acquiring new knowledge, skills and attitudes through the experiences over various processes, human being directs his life in accordance with his learning. The acquirements have an efficient role on all his decisions during the lifetime.
The Nature of Learning - Practitioner Guide, 2012
Over recent years, learning has moved increasingly centre stage and for a range of powerful reasons. A primary driver has been the scale of change in our world-the rapid advances in ICT, the shift to economies based on knowledge, and the emphasis on skills required to thrive in them. Schools and education systems around the world are having to reconsider their design and approach to teaching and learning. What should schooling, teaching, and most especially, learning look like in this rapidly changing world? At the same time, empirical research on how people learn, how the mind and brain develop, how interests form, and how people differ has expanded tremendously. This science of learning underscores the importance of, "rethinking what is taught, how it is taught, and how learning is assessed."
"Though there have been numerous calls for educational researchers to attend more closely to the details of how teaching is actually done, instructional practice remains an inadequately studied topic. 'Theories of Learning and Studies of Instructional Practice' seeks to remedy this by helping construct a foundation for a practice-based science of instruction. It focuses on the fundamental question, what roles should theories of learning play in the study of instructional practice? In educational research, learning theories represent alternative conceptualizations of what we take learning to be. This volume examines three contemporary theories of learning with particular relevance to the study of practice, namely, situated learning, dialogic theory (or dialogism), and Deweyan transactionalism. Drawing upon a panel of internationally-prominent social scientists, psychologists, philosophers of education and teacher educators, the book critically evaluates the potential contributions of each of these three theories to a science of instructional practice. Rather than considering these matters in the abstract, chapter authors illustrate their positions by applying the different treatments of learning to selected samples of instructional practice. The data analyzed come from a particular fifth-grade classroom in which an innovative way of teaching math was being tested. Extensive transcripts, images and exhibits are provided, enabling the reader to follow and evaluate the analytic arguments being presented. This collection, therefore, delivers precisely on the book's title—it provides both an articulation of current theories of learning and a series of carefully constructed studies of instructional practice, seeking to explore the relationship between the two. In so doing it offers no easy answers. The purpose of the book, rather, is to bring areas of controversy and confusion to the surface. For researchers and graduate students in the learning sciences, this provocative volume opens the door to the next crucial round of dialogue and debate."
Academic practitioners need to enlighten their teaching practice by integrating learning theories into their instructional courses. However, traditional educational philosophies such as behaviourism, constructivism, and cognitivism are considered as the foundation of teaching and learning, they do not argue intrinsically as instructional design in the 21st century. Continues evaluation of learning for each generation holds pedagogy in high standard. Learning theories has undergone many changes, and therefore guidance in modern educational theory is important for continues learning. Lifelong learning, rapid development of science and technology principle stimulates educational growth, and requires new learning methodologies. Learning in the 21st century has undergone profound changes, due to an influence in mobile tools and new technologies. The study reviews traditional learning theories, including connectivism with viewpoint for the 21st century using scoping review to probe streng...
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2002
In the old times it was thought that to have someone learn to swim it was enough to push him/her into the water, and he/she would learn how to swim. This method was not that successful, and those who had learned swimming this way, seem to have a bitter taste about their experience, which would stay with them and refreshed whenever they see water.
Introduction For more than fifty years, learning has been considered to be a constructive process. Most recent learning theories are based on the constructive view of learning that the learner is actively involved in the learning process. Constructivists believe that incoming information is constructed through reflection in our memories. Constructivists believe that human construct knowledge and its own mental representations. Learning is the process of mental adjustment of new experiences. With the development of new technologies the constructivist theory is undergoing modification because new opportunities to access information are available with new technologies. With multimedia-based learning, unique versions of knowledge representations are created. According to Roblyer (2006), learning " occurs when one constructs both mechanisms for learning and his or her own unique version of the knowledge, colored by background, experiences, and aptitudes " (Roblyer, 2006, p.37). With multimedia based learning, there are great possibilities to achieve what Merrill (2002) called the first principles of effective learning environment: " Learning is promoted when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems. (b) Learning is promoted when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge. (c) Learning is promoted when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner. (d) Learning is promoted when new knowledge is applied by the learner. (e) Learning is promoted when new knowledge is integrated into the learner's world " (p. 1).
Vivre, circuler et échanger sur la bordure septentrionale du Sahara, Antiquité-époque moderne, Stéphanie Guédon (éd.), Bordeaux, Ausonius, p.181-199., 2020
Il Pensiero Politico, LIV n.2, 2021, pp. 165-185, 2022
Revista Brasileira de História, 2017
Indian Journal of Entomology
International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 2021
Journal of Innovation and Business Management (ISSN: 2708-8669), 2021
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 1994
Labour Le Travail, 2013
Tempo e Sangue: totalitarismo, genocidio e stupro in Bosnia ed Erzegovina, 2019
CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR), 2020
Turkish Journal of Geriatrics-Turk Geriatri Dergisi, 2020
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2005
MNEMOSINE REVISTA - DOSSIÊ DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO: Arquitetura, Cidade e Documentação, 2020
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2002
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2006