Distributed Development – an Education Perspective
on the Global Studio Project
Ita Richardson
Allen E. Milewski
Patrick Keil
Dept. of CSIS and Irish Software
Engineering Research Centre
Dept. of Software Engineering
Institut für Informatik – I4
Monmouth University
Technische Universität München
University of Limerick, Ireland
West Long Branch, NJ, USA
Garching, Germany
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Neel Mullick
Siemens Corporate Research
755 College Road East
Princeton, NJ, USA
[email protected]
The Global Studio Project integrated the work of Software
Engineering students spread across four countries into a single
project and represented, for most of the students, their first major
“real-world” development experience. Interviews indicated that
the major areas of learning were informal skills that included
learning to establish and work effectively within a team, learning
how to react quickly to frequent changes in requirements,
architecture and organization, and learning to manage and
optimize communications. Since all these skills require rapid
reaction to unpredictable factors, we view them as improvisation
and discuss the role of experiential education in facilitating
The growth of Global Software Development (GSD)
internationally has meant that distributed software teams are now
being used widely. The increase in volume and scope of globally
distributed development will persist [7], and will have an impact
on development processes, project management practices,
architecture, maintenance, quality and so forth [16].
With a presence in 190 countries and over 30,000 software
developers, it is inevitable that Siemens executes GSD projects.
With an expanding global marketplace, a trend towards
developing software in low cost countries, and the growing
complexity and size of software systems, the percentage of
Siemens projects that are globally distributed has been steadily
increasing. Siemens Corporate Research, Inc. (SCR) has been
doing research aimed at developing a better understanding of the
issues and impact of various practices with respect to GSD.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
K.3.2 [Computers and Education]: Computer and Information
Science Education – curriculum.
In this paper, we describe part of this research, the Global Studio
Project (GSP), which has organized the work of Software
Engineering and Computer Science student teams from five
Universities in four countries into a single global project. We
present and analyze experiences made by teams from three
Universities. Since our key focus here is on the educational
aspects of GSP, we begin by summarizing previous literature on
experiential learning in Software Engineering, especially
distributed educational contexts in Software Engineering. Then
we describe the GSP process and what it meant for the existing
University coursework. Finally, we summarize our insights and
those of our students to assess the role that experiences like the
GSP can play in professional development.
General Terms
Management, Design, Experimentation, Human Factors.
Software engineering education, Curriculum, Global Software
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ICSE'06, May 20–28, 2006, Shanghai, China.
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1.1 Teaching the “Real World”
When we teach students, we try to give them an insight into what
the ‘real-world’ is about. We present material in courses such as
requirements engineering and human-computer interaction.
These academic experiences alone are not sufficient for preparing
Software Engineering students for productive careers [19].
Project managers require “a combination of technical, human
resources, and management skills coupled with on-the-job
experience” [22].
Thus, Universities need to educate
professionals to have more than a technical understanding of the
personnel and management issues surrounding successful project
in real contexts. But Surendran, et al. [24] note that a difficult
thing to achieve in a curriculum is realism—real products
signifying tangible, relevant achievements and real people
signifying collaborative effort. These researchers utilized well
known taxonomies of both learning mastery levels and Software
Engineering topics [17] to develop a model of professional
mastery appropriate for the real world. The model depends on a
complex interaction of subject matter and method of instruction.
For example, basic factual information about core topics like
requirements, design and testing are well suited to traditional
classroom instruction because they require only recall and
comprehension. However, deeper levels of mastery, such as
application of this knowledge, as well as its analysis and
synthesis, require extra-classroom experiences such as practicum,
apprenticeships and internships. In addition, some critical
categories of knowledge are best conveyed in these extraclassroom experiences. For example, how to work efficiently in
collaborative teams is a skill that is difficult to teach in the
classroom, but can only be practiced effectively in a real-world
team-oriented project [1, 23].
definition were both key factors in the teams’ efficiency,
effectiveness and level of satisfaction. Although these factors
play an important role in any project, the global nature of this
study likely increased their importance.
The role of less formal factors has also been made clear in the
extensive body of research on remote and global collaboration
outside of the educational context. Hersleb and Grinter [14]
found that while organizations attempt many mechanisms to
coordinate cross-site work this is vulnerable to imperfect foresight
and unexpected events. Solving these requires workers skilled at
informal communication and negotiation. Moreover, GSD makes
all these activities more difficult; the lack of subtle modes of
communication often results in decreased perception that remote
coworkers are helpful, decreased ability to react to changes
quickly and increased project delays [15]. GSD has stronger
needs for planned communication patterns and – paradoxically –
for a higher flexibility and adaptivity of processes.
2. Experiment within Siemens Corporate
Led by SCR and assisted by Harvard Business School, five
Universities internationally set up seven distributed student
development teams in order to study the problems of GSD. At the
same time, the project allowed the students involved to develop
an experiential understanding of GSD.
To get results as close as possible to problems appearing in real
projects, the GSP was set up to shadow an actual GSD project in
Siemens. The project organization, management, and the system
being developed largely mirrored that of the real project. This
experiment allowed investigation of particular questions without
risk to current Siemens business. The SCR central team was
responsible for the high-level requirements, software architecture,
system test and integration, and project management. Distributed
student teams were responsible for design, development and unit
test for defined work packages (core modules / sub-systems). The
central team included two M.Sc. students from TUM who
completed research dissertations.
In fact, we believe that there is a substantial set of important
“informal” skills that fall into this category. They include the
ability to:
quickly learn about a domain or technology to begin project
figure out an organizational structure well enough to seek
needed expertise efficiently
assess others’ abilities to support accurate team planning and
status assessment and to know when to take the lead
react swiftly to project changes.
While these skills undoubtedly benefit from classroom training
indirectly, many of them have a strong improvisational element
and depend on the context at hand. Dawson [9] has vividly
summarized several of these skills and has discussed their
simulation in software engineering coursework. Reif and Mitri
[22] also draw the distinction between traditional classroom
training and practical experience with “informal” knowledge.
They postulate that senior managers “construct mental models for
the project, problems, and opportunities under investigation.
Next, they scan their mental experience repository for adequate
actions to be taken against problems or to explore opportunities”.
The central team modified the requirements from the real project
to accommodate student resources available and to allow for
development and testing without specialized environments. They
defined the architecture keeping in mind both quality
requirements and the composition of the student teams. The
central team included a build meister and supplier manager. The
build meister was responsible for system testing, integration,
configuration management, and delivery of artifacts from the
teams. Supplier managers managed particular student teams.
They were responsible for monitoring progress of the team, being
the first point of contact and coordinating the communication
between the teams and other project members. Teams, as a rule,
were not permitted to communicate directly with one another but
spoke directly to their supplier manager.
1.2 Teaching Distributed Development
Since GSD is being used increasingly, it is critical that graduates
develop relevant skills. Many of the informal skills and
knowledge areas described above are complicated significantly in
a global context [6, 2]. Bruegge et al. [5] found that even with a
rich set of collaboration tools and some face-to-face meetings
between certain team members, actual collaboration and
information sharing between geographically remote teams was
difficult and infrequent. Edwards & Sridhar [11] studied virtual
teams of students distributed across different countries and found
that trust between the teams and the clarity of task-structure
The project plan reflected the iterative nature of the intended
development process. Because of the communication issues
typically experienced in GSD projects, additional controls were
put in place to track progress against the plan and to identify
issues early. One of the approaches taken to accomplish this was
to define four to six week milestones with clearly defined
deliverables by all the teams and an integration task at each of the
milestones (engineering releases). The first engineering release
was essentially a “hello world” with a minimal delivery due from
each team. This ensured that all of the infrastructure was in place,
identified any major issues in the development and delivery
process and served as a first test for the integration process.
Subsequent engineering releases were more closely related to the
releases expected from a real-world distributed project.
2.2 Research Project
In addition to GSP being an educational experience, research
activities focused on global collaboration and engineering
process. During the year, students completed interviews and
questionnaires designed and conducted by Harvard Business
School with input from the research partners. Students completed
a weekly on-line questionnaire, which focused on communication
patterns and on their perception of the current project status
(products, understanding of requirement, etc.). Each group
participated in a monthly telephone interview. Additionally, each
team member participated either in a semi-structured individual
interview or in an open-ended email questionnaire, focusing on
the development process within which the students were involved
and the educational outcomes from this process. Content analysis
to identify overarching themes invoked by the participant
themselves was carried out by the authors. A broad analysis of
the frequency of different concepts was conducted based on an
interrogation of the interview transcripts.
The make-up and background of the University teams varied.
Monmouth University, New Jersey, U.S.A. had three teams
comprised of 5 Masters Students each. The other Universities University of Limerick, Ireland, Technische Universität München,
Germany, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A., and Indian
Institute of Information Technology, India – each had one team.
The team in the University of Limerick was composed of 5 M.Sc.
in Software Engineering students and the team in Technische
Universität München was composed of 3 Masters students. The
teams were engaged in the definition phase of GSP. The
schedule, available weekly student hours, and the geographic
proximity of the teams to the central team were all considered
when defining the original work packages which were defined
and distributed to all of the teams. The initial work packages
contained a partially defined requirements specification, high
level architecture, market intent, specification for the protocol
used by the field systems, high level project plan, and a
description of the tasks to be completed by the team for the first
engineering release.
2.3 Educational Value and Insights
Motivation for Participating: The main reason GSP students
volunteered was that they were interested in getting some ‘real’
development experience. Generally this was driven by a curiosity
about environments outside their own academic and employment
contexts. For example, one student was eager to work “with a
firm that has a great reputation in the software world. I wanted
to learn how industries other than government produce software.”
Another mentioned that “working with a large-scale company and
the possibility to have our work actually be used by the customer
in the future was intriguing.” Yet another “liked the ’realness’ of
the project as compared to a made-up one”. Several mentioned
that it would look good on their CVs. UL tied the GSP to a
dissertation and some students participated as it gave them an
interesting dissertation topic. These students had to become
reflective practitioners on the project studying one chosen
2.1 Course Summary
The courses participating in the GSP at University of Limerick
(UL), Monmouth University (MU) and the Technische Universität
München (TUM) have many features in common. First, they are
all graduate (M.Sc) classes designed for teams of between three
and twelve students with the goal of teaching them “what it means
to work in a team and how to go through the whole project life
cycle” [13]. Students collect and analyze requirements, create an
architecture, detailed software design, and often a user-interface
design. Teams also develop the working software, carry out a test
plan and provide customer documentation for installation and
operation of the product. Typically, projects in these courses
develop fairly simple applications.
Teams work fairly
autonomously; the course instructor serves as an advisor.
Students generally enter the courses with some experience, having
completed a relevant undergraduate degree. Some of them have
recommenced formal education after having spent time in
industry. All GSP participants in these courses were volunteers.
Teamwork: Some of the students found that working on a team in
a real-world environment was much different than what they had
previously experienced in class projects. Comments included:
“There can be a lot of problems with team dynamics”; “How
difficult it is to work in groups, …even organizing times to suit
everyone”; “Working in a team – working through problems
faced and task allocation”. Depending on previous experiences,
some teams had less difficulty with this aspect. “Team had
common concept of how well we wanted to get the project done”.
“We were able to work together, come up with creative solutions.
Some were good at development, some at documentation. One
would make a breakthrough, then the others put their shoulders to
the wheel”.
There were also some differences between participating
institutions. For example, at UL, students had additional work, to
complete their M.Sc. dissertations. They had to compare an aspect
of the GSD process, such as project management, with that local
software development, providing insights into differences. At
MU, the graduate practicum is a capstone course that also requires
a series of team documents, such as project plan, requirements,
design and test plans, etc. Many of the GSP participants were
employed together as government SE interns, but they were
strongly encouraged to interact only within their teams, not across
team boundaries. At TUM, after the completion of the project, a
report has to be prepared and the results are presented to other
students and the chair staff. The team was asked to define, adopt
and evaluate its own processes based on agile methods. As only
the global process was defined, the students decided on using
Extreme Programming and SCRUM as a base for their process.
Involvement in a life-cycle: This project gave students the
opportunity to be involved in a software project’s complete lifecycle, from where they had to define the partial requirements
given by SCR to providing a tested product. In the classroom, it
is very difficult to give a project which includes a full life-cycle.
Students found that “It was good to figure out how work
packages should be delivered”. “How do you go about
doing a requirements document? We all knew it needed to
be done but how to do it was a problem”.
Commencing the Project: One of the most difficult things for the
student teams was figuring out how to begin the project. “The
what seemed like endless confusion over their software designs.
This was recognized to be a useful tactic and was quickly
followed by similar requests from all MU teams. In all cases,
these visits resulted in a marked improvement in understanding
and progress continued after the meetings. Communication may
have been especially difficult for the UL team because they did
not have a supplier manager responsible for them. All of their
communication with central team personnel was on a more ad hoc
basis. This caused communication problems - “We felt it came
from – we felt isolated – that was part of the project”.
“There should be more phone conferences”. “Lots of
problems were tactical – like how to communicate with
SCR” as the team did not know them personally. Again, faceto-face meetings were critical. Until they had an opportunity to
meet face to face, both formally at meetings and socially with
SCR personnel, did they relax about communicating regularly
with SCR. The TUM team had no supplier manager, but the
advantage that a German student joined the SCR team for the
second half of the project. Even if their English skills were very
high, this eased communication “because some things are
easier to explain in German.” At the beginning, though,
“communications with the central team was not effective.”
After meeting one representative of SCR face-to-face, the
students had “a better idea who to ask questions to.” All this
shows why – independent of team size and location – face-to-face
communication was rated “most effective”.
only difficulties I experienced was getting started.” Some of
these difficulties even preceded requirements gathering. Among
others, students were provided with a very large document
describing an industry standard protocol that they were to use, but
most students did not read the details. SCR referred them to this
document, and eventually, teams found ways to gain expertise on
the protocol. For example, one team assigned one team member
to read the document as his sole responsibility.
Changing requirements: A key insight made by many students
concerned the chaotic and frequently-changing nature of real
projects and the importance of reacting quickly to these changes.
This is a point made often in the classroom, but the GSP
experience made it real. “Our customer did not know what he
or she wanted- a very common thing in the software world.”
“The industry benefit was that we saw how a real project is
run- delays, changing requirements, shifting of personnel,
etc”. The changes during the project resulted in coordination
problems since it got “very hard to resolve open questions via
email, especially when you don’t know what you don’t know”
and because “you don’t know where to start asking
questions” because so many new things came up.
Communication: Because of the nature of the research, nearly all
extra-team communications were between each student team and
the SCR central team, rather than between two or more student
teams. Compared with traditional classes and practicum, the GSP
was viewed positively because it exercised skills in
communicating with other technical people (on the central team).
“I got experience in interacting with other software organizations.
A very common thing to do in the work environment”. “In this
project the customer knew more about the technologies so it was
more demanding. It was not easy to get around or fluff at the
end.” “The fact that the Siemens representatives themselves were
very technical provided some benefit in the fact that they required
us to develop things … we were not familiar with. So, we had the
opportunity to learn some new concepts/tools.” Communicating
with the SCR team, however, was not always smooth. Along with
difficulties collecting clear requirements, the most common
difficulty reported by participants was communicating with the
central team. In some cases this was because of personnel
changes midway through the project. In other cases it was because
the central team did not have clear answers, because it took
substantial time to ramp the project up to a smooth state. In many
cases, however, the problem was that the student teams were not
proactive in asking questions of the central team or were not adept
at integrating answers into their own cognitive frameworks. “We
were inexperienced. We didn’t know when to go to SCR.”
“At times we did not speak the same terminology and it was
confusing. The central team would mention something in
talking about design issues and we would not understand
because our terminology for that same issue might be
2.4 Improvements and Expansions
Scheduling: One of the difficulties the students faced was that
they were not a full-time development team, but also had to
schedule coursework and other projects while working on the
Global Studio Project. This caused difficulties - “Sometimes they
(SCR) weren’t happy with us – we didn’t always get back to SCR.
We didn’t want to give the time to be available everyday to get
back to them”. It is important that we, as project supervisors
ensure that the students maintain a balance between what they are
doing for SCR and what they are doing for their other
coursework: “How to fit this into the course – balancing between
getting a project in for 30% and an SCR deliverable”.
Development process: SCR provided a development process
called MD.RAD (Model Driven Rapid Application Development)
that is specifically designed for global projects and which was
planned to be applied as a reference process for GSP. In contrast,
local teams needed to establish their own processes. There is
huge potential for future GSP phases to gather more and deeper
insights in the strengths and weaknesses of MD.RAD as well as of
local methods. One option could be to ask one or two teams to
choose different methods and implement them. For the students,
this would result in a deeper understanding of such processes. For
the researchers and the instructors, such experiments would lead
to improvements in the overall process and would add new
experiences on how to plan and control distributed projects. The
work package to define, implement and evaluate local methods
was planned for the first phase, but its priority was displaced
downward when the software implementation phase began.
In the context of GSD, face-to-face contact with central team
members proved to be extremely important, even though it was
infrequent. One student wrote that “it seems that the lack of
face-to-face talk can lead to apparent similar perceptions
while both parties still have differing “images” of the
system. So being precise and verifying even aspects taken
for granted is important, which can only be accomplished by
intensive communication.” At one point, one MU team
requested a visit from their supplier-manager in order to clear up
Project planning: Future GSP phases need to provide more
robust methods for information sharing and for alerting teams to
project changes. “SCR had nothing set up to keep the team
informed that things were happening – change to requirements,
A key concern of this investigation has been to understand in
detail what can be learned in such a real-world project. Student
interviews and questionnaires revealed that the major areas of
learning were informal skills that included learning to establish
and work effectively within a team, learning how to react quickly
to frequent changes in requirements, architecture and
organization, and learning to manage and optimize
communications in the GSD environment. This list of key areas
learned may not be surprising in that they are all well-known and
critical areas of practice required to be an effective software
engineer. What is notable is that these areas are all those that are
traditionally thought to be difficult to teach in a standard
classroom setting. Their centrality in the GSP is consistent with
the framework proposed by Surendren et al, [24]. Students
struggled with these areas during their GSP experience but
learned something about the behaviors required to react
change to project plan, change in personnel”. “What’s taking
up our time is finding out what we are supposed to do.”
Provision of Resources within University: A requirement
from SCR was that the students’ work was under Non-disclosure
agreement. This did not cause a problem in general, but it did
require that students were located in a laboratory which gave
them some privacy. This is not always an easy task to achieve
within a class of people who are also working on projects.
Furthermore, at all the Universities, the students were slow to
discuss problems with their dissertation supervisor, as this could
be seen as a weakness on their part, and might affect their final
grade. They need a teaching support person who would be able to
help them when their technical skills were weak so that they
would not have to call on their supervisor when problems arose.
Inter-Team Communication: Some of the communications
difficulties resulted from teams being restricted to interactions
with the central team; there was a large load on the central team
and the level of detail that could be conveyed by this
“middleman” was sometimes limited. At one point in the project,
a single MU team was allowed to communicate directly with one
of the teams of Carnegie Mellon University over the details of a
shared interface. In this case, direct communication seemed to
simplify communication. Of course, with globally distributed
teams, language, distance and cultural differences make such
communication more complex. Nonetheless, in the next phase of
GSP, inter-team communication will be encouraged and studied
and in this sense will be more of a traditionally global
collaboration. This will also give students the opportunity to
directly perceive cultural differences and their effects and to learn
how they can be handled.
A useful model for the needed behaviors is that of improvisation,
being a complex cognitive process of adapting already-learned
material and high-level rules and heuristics to apply to
unanticipated events in new situations. Successful improvisation
requires that the improviser has a large repertoire of previouslylearned solutions and techniques to draw on and then creatively
apply them in reaction to a current, dynamic situation [3]. While
improvisation is often associated with artistic endeavors, its value
has more recently been realized in domains as diverse as
organizational management [3] and emergency-response [20].
Finally, Dybå, [10] has concluded that improvisation is a critical
skill for the success of professional software organizationsespecially those that work in small teams. According to Dybå, as
software environments become increasingly unpredictable,
successful software engineering requires a careful balance
between disciplined exploitation of already-learned processes and
experimentation with new behaviors. The correct balance
depends on the context of the specific project- both team size and
project turbulence.
Tools: An important side effect of a real-world project like the
one presented is “to familiarize students with some of the CASE
tools used in the industry” [23]. Therefore, without focusing the
project on this, some of the teams could be asked to evaluate
different tools (e.g. for configuration management, testing etc.)
and configure the ones chosen. This time, the central team took
these decisions.
We believe that the most significant educational value of the GSP
was in the area of improvisation. When students joined the
project, they had already experienced most or all of the traditional
class work associated with software engineering programs. This
gave most of them at least a basic a repertoire of project process
models, team organizations, architectural and software design
patterns and testing strategies. While stringing these together in a
single, complex project provided some educational value in itself,
the real discoveries came from the frustrations and anxiety
associated with the need to research, plan, communicate and
respond to frequent changes quickly in the GSD environment.
3. Conclusion
Instructors’ involvement in this project centered on both research
and educational perspectives. From the research perspective, this
project affords the opportunity to study the effects of GSD and
can help answer questions such as: how should project
management be different in a local / global environment? How
can the software be divided out among teams? How can the
software be integrated successfully? What information-seeking
strategies are used in global teams? To answer these questions, a
huge amount of data was collected and many experiences have
been documented for evaluation.
Besides the challenges to transfer theoretical knowledge into a
realistic project setting, which requires informal skills and
improvisation talent, students also learn to integrate and combine
their knowledge on different subjects. In a project environment
like the one for GSP, students are forced to regard testing not as a
problem of models or even tools, but also as a managerial,
organizational and technical challenge.
From an educational standpoint, instructors’ interest in the GSP
centered on its opportunity for real-world experiences. Students
had to set up their own project team, appoint a project manager,
manage the work coming in from SCR, deliver output, work with
modifications required by SCR and communicate with people
they had not met. This gives them experiential learning in a
global environment. Similarly, most students volunteered for the
project in an active attempt to get real experience outside their
own academic and employment contexts.
From the instructors’ standpoint, it is tempting to try to teach
students how to improvise within a software project even before
their experience with it. However, this may not be feasible.
Improvisation is often believed to be a “learnable” skill; there are
educationally-oriented treatments of it in artistic contexts [18].
[10] Dybå, T. Improvisation in Small Software Organizations.
IEEE Software. 17, 5 (Sep. 2000), 82-87.
Mirvis [21] describes the benefits of practicing improvisation as
part of a business education. However, virtually all of these
treatments avoid direct instruction in favor of exercises and
scenarios where students can practice and gain insight into the
skills needed. Drawing on these exercises, students become
aware of what needs to be improvised, develop a vocabulary of
improvisation to facilitate planning and also become desensitized
toward the anxiety associated with the dynamic environments
where improvisation is required [21]. We feel these insights are
as important for software engineering students as they are for
other fields, and that the GSP has provided an useful environment
to facilitate their learning. We are also sure that this project
increased – ceteris paribus – our students’ ‘market value’ by
experiencing a large-scale project and getting insights into the
‘real world’ of globally distributed software development.
[11] Edwards, H. K. and Sridhar, V. Analysis of the Effectiveness
of Global Virtual Teams in Software Engineering Projects.
In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii international
Conference on System Sciences (January 06 - 09, 2003).
HICSS. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 19.2.
[12] Favela, J. and Peña-Mora, F. An Experience in Collaborative
Software Engineering Education. IEEE Software. 18, 2 (Mar.
2001), 47-53.
[13] Gnatz, M., Kof, L., Prilmeier, F. and Seifert, T. A Practical
Approach of Teaching Software Engineering. In Proceedings
of the 16th Conference on Software Engineering Education
and Training (March 20 - 22, 2003). CSEET. IEEE
Computer Society, Washington, DC, 120.
4. Acknowledgement
[14] Herbsleb, J. D. and Grinter, R. E. Splitting the organization
and integrating the code: Conway's law revisited. In
Proceedings of the 21st international Conference on
Software Engineering (May 16 - 22, 1999). ICSE ‘99. IEEE
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 85-95.
We would like to thank the students who participated in the
project. Participation by UL was funded by Science Foundation
Ireland through the GSD for SME project.
[15] Herbsleb, J. D., Mockus, A., Finholt, T. A. and Grinter, R. E.
Distance, dependencies, and delay in a global collaboration.
In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (Philadelphia, PA, United
States). CSCW '00. ACM Press, New York, NY, 319-328.
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Software Engineering Education and Training (March 20 22, 2003). CSEET. IEEE Computer Society, Washington,
DC, 309.
[16] Herbsleb, J. D., Paulish, D. J. and Bass, M. 2005. Global
software development at Siemens: experience from nine
projects. In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference
on Software Engineering (May 15 - 21, 2005). ICSE '05.
ACM Press, New York, NY, 524-533.
[2] Azadegan, S. and Lu, C. An international common project:
implementation phase. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual
Conference on innovation and Technology in Computer
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'01. ACM Press, New York, NY, 125-128.
[17] Hilburn, T., Hirmanpour, I., Khajenoori, S., Turner, R. and
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