Laura Regli,a Adriano Zecchina,*a Jenny G. Vitillo,a Donato Cocina,a Giuseppe Spoto,a
Carlo Lamberti,a Karl P. Lillerud,b Unni Olsbyeb and Silvia Bordigaa
Hydrogen storage in Chabazite zeolite frameworks
Dipartimento di Chimica IFM and NIS Centre of Excellence, Via P. Giuria 7, I-10125 Torino,
Italy. E-mail:
[email protected]; Fax: þ39 0116707855; Tel: þ39 0116707860
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Received 28th June 2005, Accepted 15th July 2005
First published as an Advance Article on the web 3rd August 2005
We have recently highlighted that H-SSZ-13, a highly siliceous zeolite (Si/Al ¼ 11.6) with a chabazitic
framework, is the most efficient zeolitic material for hydrogen storage [A. Zecchina, S. Bordiga, J. G. Vitillo,
G. Ricchiardi, C. Lamberti, G. Spoto, M. Bjørgen and K. P. Lillerud, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 6361]. The
aim of this new study is thus to clarify both the role played by the acidic strength and by the density of the
polarizing centers hosted in the same framework topology in the increase of the adsorptive capabilities of the
chabazitic materials towards H2. To achieve this goal, the volumetric experiments of H2 uptake (performed at 77
K) and the transmission IR experiment of H2 adsorption at 15 K have been performed on H-SSZ-13, H-SAPO-34
(the isostructural silico-aluminophosphate material with the same Brønsted site density) and H-CHA (the standard
chabazite zeolite: Si/Al ¼ 2.1) materials. We have found that a H2 uptake improvement has been obtained by
increasing the acidic strength of the Brønsted sites (moving from H-SAPO-34 to H-SSZ-13). Conversely, the
important increase of the Brønsted sites density (moving from H-SSZ-13 to H-CHA) has played a negative role.
This unexpected behavior has been explained as follows. The additional Brønsted sites are in mutual interaction
via H-bonds inside the small cages of the chabazitic framework and for most of them the energetic cost needed to
displace the adjacent OH ligand is higher than the adsorption enthalpy of the OH H2 adduct. From our work it
can be concluded that proton exchanged chabazitic frameworks represent, among zeolites, the most efficient
materials for hydrogen storage. We have shown that a proper balance between available space (volume accessible
to hydrogen), high contact surface, and specific interaction with strong and isolated polarizing centers are the
necessary characteristics requested to design better materials for molecular H2 storage.
DOI: 10.1039/b509124a
1. Introduction
There are still major problems that must be solved before an
energy system with hydrogen as the energy carrier can replace
today’s hydrocarbon fuel based engines. A crucial point is that
all the aspects related to hydrogen production, transport,
storage and fuel cell technology have to be clarified simultaneously to allow hydrogen economy to succeed. Concerning
the point of hydrogen storage, as at room temperature and
atmospheric pressure hydrogen occupies about 3000 times the
volume of gasoline providing the same amount energy, it must
be mechanically compressed, liquefied or subjected to some
other more sophisticated storage method to be used for
practical purpose.1–3 At the present time prototype hydrogen
vehicles use space demanding tanks with compressed gas.4–6
On the other hand, hydrogen liquefaction is attractive on the
energy density ground, but about 30% of the energy available
has to be spent for the required cryogenic environment. An
additional complication is the weight of the extensively
insulated tanks.
Large effort has been devoted in these years to develop new
materials for hydrogen storage. Materials interesting as hydrogen reservoirs should provide a secure, light and cheap storage,
possess an high adsorption capacity and the fastest possible
recharging kinetics.2 Many storage strategies have been followed in recent years, aiming at fulfilling these requirements.
The most important ones are: (1) storage in metals and
alloys;2,7–9 (2) storage in complex hydrides (alanates, borohydrides);2,10 (3) storage by trapping (i.e. in clathrates);11,12 (4)
storage in microporous materials (carbons,2,13 metallorganic
frameworks polymers,14 zeolitic materials15). Storage in micro-
porous materials involves the interaction of molecular hydrogen with the internal surfaces of micropores, governing the
stability of the molecular adducts and the optimal temperature
of storage. The forces involved in this process are essentially
physical (dispersive) and the enthalpies involved are low. To
increase the interaction energy, the presence of ions gives a
relevant contribution: studies of H2 interactions with cations in
the gas phase report high interaction energies.16 Unfortunately,
cations need counterions to be stabilized and, when counterions are considered the interaction energy decrease substantially. A well known class of microporous materials containing
isolated and exposed cations17 (already widely employed in
catalysis and gas separation18), are zeolites and zeotypes. Due
to their non-negligble weight, these materials cannot be the
complete solution for H2 storage, however they can represent
model systems to investigate the interaction of H2 with both
dispersive and electrostatic forces. Strength points of these
materials are the availability of a large variety of frameworks
and chemical compositions combined with low cost, good
mechanical and thermal stabilities and the possibility to perform reproducible, systematic fundamental studies. All these
aspects give relevance to the results obtained on this class of
materials which, until now, have shown H2 adsorptive properties inferior to those of the other microporous matrices19–32 (in
terms of moles of H2 per gram of hosting matrix at given
pressures and temperatures). At the present time many data
about adsorptive properties of zeolites towards H2 have been
reported, however a systematic study is not available yet. In
this work, by combining volumetric measurements (performed
at 77 K in the 1 107–0.92 bar range) and transmission
infrared (IR) spectroscopy (at 15 K and in the 1 107–0.013
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bar range), we report the results obtained on three zeolites and
zeotype materials with chabazitic frameworks in comparison
with data coming from the literature obtained on others high
surface area microporous materials. The choice of the three
investigated materials will be explained in the next paragraph.
We have recently highlighted that H-SSZ-13, the highly
siliceous zeolite (Si/Al ¼ 11.6) with chabazitic framework, is
the most efficient zeolitic material for hydrogen storage.15
Three main factors can influence the H2 uptake capabilities of
an acidic zeolitic material: (i) the framework topology; (ii) the
strength of the acidic Brønsted sites; (iii) the average density of
the acidic Brønsted sites (in terms of number of sites per zeolite
cavity). In this work, by keeping fixed point (i), we have faced
points (ii) and (iii). Point (ii) has been considered by investigating a H-SAPO-34 zeotype, the SAPO material isostructural to
the chabazite zeolite. For H-SAPO-34 the synthesis has been
driven to obtain a chemical composition of Si : Al : P ¼ 1 : 6 : 5,
guaranteeing the same proton density as for SSZ-13. As the
Brønsted sites hosted in the H-SAPO-34 are slightly less acidic
than those hosted in the H-SSZ-13 framework, this samples
allows thus to investigate the effect of point (ii) by keeping fixed
points (i) and (iii). The effect of point (iii) has been investigated
by studying a common H-CHA zeolite with Si/Al ¼ 2.1.
2. Experimental
Three zeolites with Chabazite topology have been studied. (i)
Zeolite SSZ-13 (Si/Al ¼ 11.6) was obtained by following an
hydrothermal preparation procedure described elsewhere.33 (ii)
H-SAPO-34 sample (Si : Al : P ¼ 1 : 6 : 5, a composition
guaranteeing the same proton density as for SSZ-13) was
synthesized and calcined in accordance with standard procedures.34 (iii) A standard H-CHA with high aluminium loading
(Si/Al ¼ 2.1) has been also considered for comparison. This
sample has been obtained by conversion of a NH4-Y zeolite as
described in ref. 35. XRD analysis confirm the true CHA
structure for the three samples.
H2 adsorption measurements were performed with a Micromeritics ASAP 2010 sorption analyzer at 77 K in the 1 107–
0.92 bar range. Surface area have been obtained on the same
instrument by N2 adsorption at 77 K; accessible microporous
volume has been estimated by the t-plot (Harkins and Jura
thickness equation) of the N2 adsorption data.
The infrared spectroscopic measurements were performed by
using an home made cryogenic set-up which allows: (a) in situ
high-temperature activation of the sample under high vacuum
condition (in these experiments an activation in vacuum at 773
K has been adopted); (b) to perform FTIR adsorption experiments in transmission mode at fixed temperature, as low as ca.
15 K (estimated at the sample level), and variable H2 pressure;
(c) to record IR spectra in the 300–15 K temperature interval,
monitoring simultaneously the gas-phase equilibrium pressure
of the adsorbed species. A detailed description of the cryogenic
set-up (consisting of a properly modified closed circuit liquid
helium Oxford CCC 1204 cryostat) is given elsewhere.36 The
spectra were acquired at a resolution of 1 cm1 by averaging
128 interferograms on a Bruker Equinox-55 FTIR spectrometer whose sample compartment was modified ad hoc to
accommodate the cryogenic IR set-up.
All volumetric and spectroscopic measurements have been
preceded by activation in high vacuo at 773 K in order to
remove physisorbed water and impurities. H2 adsorption–
desorption experiments have been performed to check the
reversibility of the phenomenon in the whole range of investigated pressures.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. 77 K volumetric data on H-SSZ-13, H-SAPO-34 and
H-CHA materials
Adsorptive properties of a large variety of microporous materials, changing in framework and composition, have been
widely investigated by volumetric measurements performed
Table 1 Volumetric measurements obtained for a wide variety of high surface area materials (zeolites; zeotypes; carbons; MOFs). When not
specified, see third column, the H2 uptake experiments have been performed at liquid nitrogen temperature
NaY (Si/Al ¼ 2.4)
Zeolite L
H-Y (Si/Al ¼ 2.7)
H-Mordenite (Si/Al ¼ 7.0)
H-ZSM-5 (Si/Al ¼ 40)
H-ZSM5 (Si/Al ¼ 16)
NaX (Si/Al ¼ 1.4)
H-Chabazite (Si/Al ¼ 2.1)
NaX (Si/Al ¼ 1.05)
H-SSZ-13 (Si/Al ¼ 11.6)
Activated carbon AC Norit 990293
Activated carbon AC Norit GSX
(highly micro- and mesoporous carbon material)
Framework type
(IZA code)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 3197–3203
H2 uptake
1.00 (295 K)
1.00 (295 K)
1.00 (295 K)
area/m2 g1
565 BET 747 Langmuir
This work
This work
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at 77 K and in the 0–1 bar range. An overview of the data is
reported in Table 1, which collects both literature20–23,25,37,38
and new data obtained in our laboratory. As it can be seen
from the data reported in the table, there is a large dispersion
of values related to the adsorptive properties and, even more
surprising, there are big differences within the same class of
materials, such as zeolites or microporous carbons. For instance, if we compare values within the zeolites and zeotypes,
from the less efficient material (VSB-1) to the most active one
(H-SSZ-13) there is a difference of more than one order of
magnitude. Conversely, similar properties in respect to H2
adsorption, seems to characterize very different materials such
as ferrierite (H2 uptake of 0.58 wt% at 1 bar at 77 K)37 and
SWNT (H2 uptake of 0.54 wt% at 1 bar 77 K)38 or H-SSZ-13
(H2 uptake of 1.28 wt% at 1 bar at 77 K) and MOF-5 (H2
uptake of 1.23 wt% at 1 bar 77 K). This observation indicates
that H2 adsorption in microporous materials is governed by
concomitant effects. For carbonaceous materials, Nijkamp
et al.37 have shown that there is a linear relationship between
the microporous volume and the hydrogen uptake. Data
reported in Table 1 suggest that, beside a high surface area, a
peculiar framework topology (characterized by small nanocavities) combined with the presence of highly dispersed exposed
polarizing species are relevant to increase the value of H2
uptake. In this respect, among zeolitic materials, diluted proton exchanged chabazitic frameworks seem to show the most
favorable conditions to entrap and liquefy hydrogen at liquid
nitrogen temperature.
Fig. 1a compares hydrogen isotherms obtained for: H-SSZ13, its aluminophosphate homologue H-SAPO-34 and H-CHA
samples. Even if the general behavior of all the three zeolites is
very similar, the uptake measured for H-SSZ-13 is higher than
that found for the other two materials, especially at medium at
high H2 loadings. Conversely, at very low H2 equilibrium
pressures, the highest H2 uptake is measured for H-CHA
sample (see inset of Fig. 1a). At about 1 bar none out of the
three samples shows a plateau in the H2 uptake (Fig. 1a). This
suggests that the H2 uptake capability of the chabazitic framework is far from saturated at those conditions (77 K, 1 bar).
This means the possibility of substantial additional increase of
H2 storage with a moderate increase of the working pressure.
Note that a pressure increase of even one or two orders of
magnitude could represent practical operating conditions in
applications. In a previous paper15 we have already extensively
described the peculiar properties of the chabazitic framework
in respect to H2 adsorption, underlining the importance of the
framework topology of these materials. The chabazitic framework can be described as a layer of double six-rings that are
interconnected by four-membered rings. The resulting structure is characterized by small cages delimited by four eight-ring
windows that maximize the accessible volume and the interac-
Fig. 1 (a) Hydrogen gas sorption isotherms on H-SSZ-13 (full black
squares), H-CHA (full gray dots) and in H-SAPO-34 (open black
squares) collected at 77 K in the 1 107–0.92 bar range. Inset:
enlargement of the low-pressure region (in the 1 107–0.004 bar
range). (b) Schematic representation of Chabazite structure.
tion surfaces. In Fig. 1b a picture of the chabazitic framework
is reported (for sake of simplicity only T positions are shown).
Another important peculiarity of volumetric data obtained in
case of chabazitic frameworks is represented by the shape of
the curves in the low pressure range, as it is reported in the inset
of Fig. 1a. We observe that the curves have a steep behavior,
which suggest the presence of strong polarizing centers.
3.2. IR spectroscopy of adsorbed H2 probe: a powerful tool for
adsorption site discrimination
An evaluation of the number, distribution and strength of
specific interaction sites can be obtained by low-temperature
IR spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules.39,40 The possibility of
using H2 as a probe molecule for surface characterization is the
fundamental key to further information on the site H2 interaction. However, as (i) the corresponding adsorption enthalpy
values (DH) are usually very low, (ii) the equilibrium between
molecules in the gas phase and in the adsorbed state is driven
by the Gibbs function (DG ¼ DH TDS), and (iii) adsorption
processes require a relevant decrease of the entropy of the
system (DS), a significant fraction of molecules in the adsorbed
state can be obtained only once the entropic term (TDS) is
minimized by suitably low temperatures. This makes the use of
our ad hoc conceived IR experimental setup mandatory to
approach the problem (see experimental and ref. 36). Once
adsorbed on polarizing centers, the H2 molecule is perturbed
with disruption of the local symmetry and IR activation of its
stretching mode. The resulting red-shift of the frequency and
the intensity of the band associated to the perturbed hydrogen
is proportional to the strength of the interaction.23–25,29,41–43
Moreover, when the polarizing species is a hydroxyl group,
additional information on the interaction is available by the
observation of n(O–H) bands which are also strongly affected
by the interaction.25
Results of FTIR experiments obtained for the three chabazitic frameworks are discussed in subsections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
Corresponding spectra are reported in Fig. 2–4: parts (a) and
(b) referring to n(O–H) and n(H–H) regions, respectively. In
any part of the figures, the spectra have been divided in two
series of curves which correspond to low (1 107–0.0025 bar)
and to high (0.0030–0.013 bar) H2 equilibrium pressure (PH2):
bottom and top parts, respectively.
Fig. 2 IR spectra of H2 adsorbed at 15 K on H-SSZ-13 previously
outgassed in vacuo at 773 K for 1 hour. The spectral sequence was
obtained at decreasing H2 equilibrium pressures. The bottom set of
data refers to the low PH2 spectra (1 107–0.0025 bar). The bold
spectrum refers to the activated sample prior contact with H2, while the
dashed one has been collected at PH2 ¼ 0.0025 bar. The top set of data
refers to the high PH2 spectra, from 0.0030 bar (dashed spectrum) to
0.013 bar (dotted spectrum). Parts (a) and (b) refer to the n(O–H) and
n(H–H) stretching region, respectively. The spectra reported in (b) have
been background subtracted.
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Fig. 3 As Fig. 2 for H-SAPO-34 sample.
3.3. 15 K IR spectroscopy of H2 adsorbed on H-SSZ-13
A new set of low temperature IR experiments done on the HSSZ-13 zeolite and on the isostructural H-SAPO-34 material
using different probes molecules (CO dosed at 70 K,44 H2O and
CH3OH, both dosed at 300 K45) highlighted a proton distributions among all out of the four crystallographic independent
sites of the chabazitic framework. The new data consistently
suggest that the most abundant family of protons occupies sites
H(1), H(2), and H(4). As for H-SSZ-13, protons hosted in these
three sites are almost indistinguishable on spectroscopic
grounds, giving rise to an adsorption in the n(O–H) stretching
region at 3616 cm1 defined as the high frequency (HF)
component. The second, and less abundant, family occupies
site H(3). This proton is therefore only exposed to one cage and
is characterized by a n(O–H) mode at 3584 cm1, labelled as
the low frequency (LF) component.15,44–46
These features are clearly visible in the IR spectrum of the
H-SSZ-13 activated zeolite (before H2 dosage); see bold spectrum in the bottom part of Fig. 2a, where all the vibrational
properties of hydroxyls present on the sample can be appreciated. The IR spectrum of all H-SSZ-13 in the n(O–H) region
is characterized by two groups of bands: the first group (3750–
13700 cm1) is assigned to n(O–H) modes of weakly acidic sites
(external silanols),47,48 the second group of bands (3620–3570
cm1) is due to the vibrations of two families of strong acidic
sites already defined as HF and LF band.49 All the remaining
spectra reported in Fig. 2 report increasing doses of H2
adsorbed on H-SSZ-13 at 15 K. From the bottom part of
Fig. 2a, it is evident that rising doses of H2 produce a gradual
decrease in intensity of the bands associated to strong Brønsted
sites (in particular HF component) and a parallel increase of a
new broad band with a maximum at 3548 cm1, associated
with the H-bonded structures caused by formation of the
OH H2 adduct characterized by Dn(O–H) ¼ 64 cm1).
The appearance of an isosbestic point suggests that in this
situation the ratio between adsorbent and adsorbate is 1 : 1. By
following the spectroscopic evolution it is evident that, up to an
H2 partial pressure of 0.0025 bar (dashed curves in Fig. 2a), all
HF sites are interacting with H2, while LF sites and external
silanols are only marginally involved in the interaction with
H2. By considering the H2 point of view, the consequence of
the interaction with H-SSZ-13 can be observed by looking at
curves reported in Fig. 2b, where the n(H–H) vibration region
is reported (free H2 Raman frequency ¼ 4161 cm1). In
correspondence with increasing doses of H2 a red shifted broad
and complex absorption appears with two principal components at 4109 and 4090 cm1. These signals grow, in a parallel
way, in correspondence of erosion of bands associated to acid
OH, suggesting that H2 is perturbed by acid sites of H-SSZ-13.
We assign the band at 4109 cm1 to the formation of
O–H H2 adducts on the more abundant HF family of sites
and the 4090 cm1 component on the less abundant LF sites.
This is in agreement with the comparable intensity of the two
bands, as the n(H–H) extinction coefficient increases proportionally with the entity of H–H bond perturbation.41,50 Note
that 4090 cm1 band, associated with the disappearance of the
band due to LF component, represents the lowest value
observed for H2 adsorbed on proton–exchanged zeolites,15
confirming the very strong character of these acidic sites. At
higher PH2, the growth of a component at 4135 cm1 is
associated to H2 interacting with silanols,25,51 as it is accompanied by the perturbation of the band at 3740 cm1 (see the
corresponding spectra in Fig. 2a).
Coming back to the n(O–H) stretching region (Fig. 2a), we
observe that in the high PH2 spectra (upper set of spectra) also
the LF component (3584 cm1) is completely consumed, giving
rise to a new red-shifted component at 3536 cm1. The reason
why this component is eroded only at higher PH2 may be
explained by considering the different location of sites associated to this band. As evidenced by a previous work,44
devoted to the study of CO adsorption at low temperature,
we have found that the LF component is associated to OH
groups on the six-membered rings forming the internal top or
bottom of the barrel shaped cage. These sites, being partially
coordinated to a framework oxygen, are less available to
readily interact with probe molecules. Finally, as already
mentioned, at high PH2, hydrogen condenses inside the nanovoids forming a new phase. Under these circumstances, silanol
groups are also interacting with hydrogen, as shown by the
erosion of the band with a maximum at 3740 cm1 and the
parallel growth of a broader absorption at 3718 cm1.
3.4. 15 K IR spectroscopy of H2 adsorbed on H-SAPO-34
Fig. 4
As Fig. 2 for H-CHA sample.
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The IR spectrum of pretreated H-SAPO-34 in the OH stretching region, represented by bold curve in the bottom of Fig. 3a,
is dominated by a doublet at 3636 (HF) and 3612 cm1 (LF).52
The HF component has the highest intensity and both bands
can be ascribed to hydroxyl groups with a strong Brønsted
character. Similarly to what has been observed for H-SSZ-13
(see the begin of Section 3.3), the presence of a doublet has
been explained in terms of the same two distinct families of OH
sites.46,53,54 Minor components at 3748, 3742 and 3676 cm1
are, respectively assigned to Al–OH, Si–OH and P–OH species
located outside the microcrystals. After the first H2 dosages,
(spectra reported in the low part of Fig. 3a) we observe the
erosion of the HF band, accompanied by the growth of a
broader component centered around 3578 cm1. This new
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band is quite broad and its left hand side extends till to be over
imposed with the LF component of the original spectrum, a
fact that makes the fate of the LF band difficult to be
established. The presence of two components at 4095 and
4104 cm1 in the n(H–H) region (Fig. 2b), suggests that H2
interacts with two types of acidic sites, with the consequence of
erosion also of signal at 3612 cm1 associated to a less exposed
family of acid sites. However, as discussed previously in case of
H-SSZ-13, as H2 extinction coefficient increases proportionally
with the entity of molecule perturbation; therefore, despite the
intensity of the two bands (4095 and 4104 cm1) is similar, the
abundance of the species associated to the signal at 4095 cm1
is much lower than that related to the component at 4104
cm1. The small entity of the phenomenon agrees with the fact
that it is hardly visible from the spectral evolution of the O–H
stretching region. The last spectrum of the first series of curves
has been reported as dashed line and corresponds to PH2 ¼
0.0025 bar. Concerning other weak acid sites of sample
(Al–OH, P–OH and Si–OH) it is clearly visible that they are
not involved in interaction with H2 in these range of pressure
(bottom spectra in Fig. 3a).
The situation changes upon increasing PH2 (upper curves in
Fig. 3a). In particular, in the 0.0030–0.013 bar range, we
observe some relevant changes: (i) a complete erosion of
components associated with Al–OH, P–OH, Si–OH species;
(ii) the disappearance of the shoulder at 3603 cm1 associated
to LF sites, (iii) a red-shift of the band due to hydrogenperturbed Brønsted sites, originally at 3578 and now at 3565
cm1. This fact can be explained by considering that in these
conditions all LF sites are engaged by hydrogen and that a new
phase due to liquid hydrogen inside the zeolitic cavities is
formed. The spectroscopic evolution in the H2 stretching
region produced by low temperature (15 K) and relatively high
pressure, is reported in the upper part of Fig. 3b. We observe
the growth of two components at 4135 and 4128 cm1,
associated mainly with H2 interacting with the zeolite walls
and with weak acid sites such as Al–OH, P–OH and Si–OH.
The substantial increase of intensity of the signal at 4095 cm1,
in agreement with the disappearance of the shoulder at 3612
cm1 associated to LF component, and the progressive decreasing of the band at 4104 cm1 with parallel formation of a
broad absorption centered at 4115 cm1, suggest that in
presence of high H2 loadings (liquid H2), the specific interaction between the most exposed Brønsted sites and hydrogen
(band at 4104 cm1) is replaced by a non-specific interaction
involving more hydrogen molecules.
15 K IR spectroscopy of H2 adsorbed on H-CHA material
On the reciprocal way, multi-centers interactions becomes even
more relevant in the last sample, characterized by an high
aluminium loading (Si/Al ¼ 2.1, to be compared with the value
of 11.6 for the H-SSZ-13 material, see Section 2). In this case a
single H2 molecule is expected to interact with more than one
vicinal OH group. The results obtained for this material are
reported in Fig. 4, parts (a) and (b) for the n(O–H) and n(H–H)
stretching region, respectively.
The IR spectrum of pretreated H-CHA in the OH stretching
region, represented by bold curve in the bottom part of Fig. 4a,
is very complex and it is difficult to distinguish single components, with the only exception of the peak associated to
external silanols, clearly visible at 3750 cm1. This band has
a broad and intense component at lower frequency for which it
is not possible to define a maximum. In the region 3680–3550
cm1 a composite strong adsorption appears. The complexity
of this band has been previously explained in terms of the copresence of the well-known two families of Brønsted sites
characteristic of this framework (HF and LF species) and
acidic groups associated to partially extraframework species.55
Due to the very broad character of the absorption, it is very
difficult to indicate the exact number and position of all the
components; however a clear shoulder is observed at 3665
cm1, a maximum at 3620 cm1 and a second shoulder at
about 3580 cm1. The component at higher frequency has been
assigned to Brønsted sites associate to partially extraframework Al species,55 while the other two components have been
associated to the well-known HF and LF components. Note
however the broad character of all these absorptions and the
huge low frequency tail of the spectrum, exhibiting an important absorption even below 3500 cm1. These peculiarities
confer to the spectrum of the activated H-CHA sample in
vacuo an unusual shape if compared with the other two
samples (see the bold line spectra in the bottom parts of Fig.
2a and 3a). This feature suggests that, in a framework characterized by small cages and by a high number of acidic sites
like H-CHA, several OH groups are already mutually engaged
via H-bonding interactions of different strength. This hypothesis is confirmed if we consider the effect of increasing doses of
H2 at low temperature.
The spectra of Fig. 4 are reported following the same
procedure as described for Fig. 2 and 3. Upon H2 interaction
we observe a modest erosion of the complex absorption
associated to the strong Brønsted sites and the growth of a
band with maximum at 3557 cm1 (Fig. 4a). The number of
sites that seem to be involved is not very high as testified by the
modest intensity of the component at 3557 cm1, while the
strength of the OH H2 interaction seems very similar to what
it has been observed for the other zeolites. In particular, if we
consider the shift in relation with the most evident maximum
(3620 cm1), a value of 63 cm1 is obtained. At low hydrogen
coverages it seems that all the families of strong Brønsted sites
are involved, but as a minor fraction, being most of them left
unperturbed. By looking at the hydroxyl region it is not
possible to discriminate the fate of each single component.
Unfortunately, the n(H–H) region of Fig. 4b, is not more
informative, as it shows a broad band, with a maximum at
4095 cm1, characterized by an obvious tail on the high
frequency side. By moving to the spectra associated to a higher
PH2, top parts of Fig. 4a and 4b, the main phenomenon is the
interaction of hydrogen with low acidic sites, as testified by the
erosion of the silanol component at 3750 cm1 and the parallel
growth of a band at 3700 cm1. In the mean time, in the
n(H–H) region, we observe the formation of a complex absorption centered at about 4130 cm1, already assigned to liquid
hydrogen inside the zeolite cages interacting with the oxygen of
the walls and with the silanols. The component at 4095 cm1,
dominating the low PH2 spectra, progressively undergoes a redshift upon increasing PH2 down to 4086 cm1. This shift is
accompanied by a modest intensity increase, most probably
mainly due to an increase of the extinction coefficient of the
H–H mode, rather than to an increase of the engaged OH H2
sites). A similar red-shift has been already observed for the
other two zeolites. As a general comment we must say that
H-CHA, characterized by an high number of potential polarizing sites (about five times than the H-SSZ-13 sample), do not
show an increased activity towards H2. Moreover, it seems that
most of the Brønsted sites are not involved in the interaction
with hydrogen, compare the bold spectrum in the bottom part
of Fig. 4a with the highest PH2 one reported in the top part of
the same figure. This spectroscopic evidence is explained by the
fact that, in the activated sample, several OH groups are
already mutually engaged via H-bonding interactions of different strength. Owing to the relatively low adsorption enthalpy of the OH H2 adduct, dihydrogen is able to engage only
the minor fraction of almost isolated Brønsted groups and, via
a ligand displacement reaction (OH OH þ H2 - OH H2 þ
OH), those engaged in weak H-bonding. For all OH groups
mutually engaged in stronger H-bonding the ligand displacement reaction is energetically disfavored and the corresponding
OH H2 adduct is not formed. This spectroscopic feature well
This journal is & The Owner Societies 2005
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 3197–3203
strong polarizing site in any cage is a favorable condition. The
increase of the strong Brønsted site density (H-CHA sample)
does not have a positive effect on the H2 storage ability of the
material because the additional Brønsted sites are in mutual
interaction via H-bonds inside the small cages of the chabazitic
framework and for most of them the energetic cost needed to
displace the adjacent OH ligand is higher than the adsorption
enthalpy of the OH H2 adduct. A parallel IR experiment,
where CO has been used as a stronger base than H2, confirms
this thesis.
Fig. 5 IR spectra of CO adsorbed at liquid nitrogen temperature on
H-CHA previously outgassed in vacuo at 773 K for 1 h. The spectral
sequence was obtained at decreasing the CO equilibrium pressures
from 0.002 bar down 1 107 bar. The bold spectrum refers to the
activated sample prior contact with CO, while the dotted one has been
collected at highest coverage. Parts (a) and (b) refer to the n(O–H) and
n(C–O) stretching region, respectively. Please note that, owing to the
much greater perturbation induced by CO, the n(O–H) stretching
region has been reported down to 3050 cm1, corresponding to a
much broader interval with respect to that reported in parts (a) of Fig.
2–4. The spectra reported in part (b) have been background subtracted.
agrees with the lower H2 uptake shown by H-CHA with respect
to H-SSZ-13 material, see Fig. 1.
To validate this hypothesis the H-CHA sample has also been
investigated using a probe molecule with a higher proton
affinity like CO (140 kcal mol1),56 to be compared with a
value lower than 100 kcal mol1 for H2.57 Fig. 5 reports the IR
spectra of different CO equilibrium pressures (PCO) dosed at
liquid nitrogen temperature (around 100 K) on H-CHA sample. The n(O–H) and n(C–O) stretching regions are reported in
parts (a) and (b), respectively. In this case, a much greater
erosion of the complex bands due to strong Brønsted acidic
sites is observed (even at lower equilibrium pressures and
higher adsorption temperature). This means that the ligand
displacement reaction (OH OH þ CO - OH CO þ OH)
can occur for a significant higher number of Brønsted sites
when a stronger base like CO is used instead of H2. If the same
experiment is performed with N2 (proton affinity ¼ 118 kcal
mol1, spectra not reported for brevity)56 an intermediate
erosion occurs. In the case of CO two main maxima are
observed for the n(O–H) mode of the OH CO adducts at
about 3470 and 3320 cm1. The corresponding shifts (in
relation with the most evident maximum at 3620 cm1) are
of 150 and 300 cm1, respectively. A rapid inspection of the
n(C–O) stretching region (Fig. 5b) confirms the multi-center
interactions that CO molecules also have with Brønsted sites
hosted in the H-CHA cavities. At low PCO, broad component
appears around 2174 cm1, that progressively shifts down to
2163 cm1 at higher PCO, where also the typical band of liquidlike CO trapped inside the zeolitic cages appears around
2138 cm1.58
4. Conclusions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 3197–3203
In this work we have shown that proton exchanged chabazitic
frameworks represent, among zeolites, promising materials
where an appreciable amount of hydrogen is stored. A proper
balance between available space (volume accessible to hydrogen), high contact surface, and strong interaction with polarizing centers are the necessary characteristics requested to design
better materials for molecular hydrogen storage. Within the
series of the considered materials, H-SSZ-13 has shown the
best behavior in terms of hydrogen uptake, suggesting that in
case of matrices with small cages, the presence of an isolated
S. I. Zones is acknowledged for the private communication
concerning the SSZ-13 synthesis. The friendly and stimulating
discussion with Gabriele Ricchiardi (University of Torino) and
with Morten Bjørgen (Univesrity of Oslo) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Francesca Bonino for the IR spectra
of CO adsorbed on H-CHA sample (Fig. 5). Laura Regli
acknowledges the Regione Piemonte for financing her Ph.D.
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Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 3197–3203