The deadly mist
January 4, 2025
Image by vectorpouch on Freepik
It is astonishing that no one at the receiving end of the mysterious “ fog ” that has enveloped cities across the US, UK and Europe has been able to do anything to get “reputable” authorities – if there are any – to take meaningful action. By “meaningful” I mean action that is capable of tracking down the physical sources of this miasma, as well as the people behind it, and stopping its spread through densely populated areas. I am sure that many of us – the people – would do just that if we had the means to track down the drones or other aircraft they use to spray this stuff into the skies where it wreaks the most havoc, but the problem is: we don’t. I don’t. Do you?
I know that most readers would respond by saying that there are no credible authorities (in government) – at least not among those currently installed in most Western countries – with whom I would agree. But there are members of, for example, the European Parliament, such as the inimitable Christine Anderson (whose Telegram channel I follow), who would most certainly take note of this latest assault on our sovereignty, and act to the fullest extent that she can. As for other “authorities”, of the private, unelected kind – such as the UN , the WHO and the WEF – I need not remind FRONTNIEUWS readers that they are all compromised, and virtually complicit with the globalist cabal, writes guest author Bert Olivier.
The fact that this has been happening since Christmas 2024 is a clear sign that the Cabal and their minions are currently behaving like cornered rats, meaning they are at their most dangerous. With the war in Ukraine – which the Cabal thought would give Russia a “strategic defeat” – showing clear signs that Ukraine is on the brink of collapse, and US President Donald Trump only weeks away from taking office, I believe the globalist psychopaths will do everything they can to inflict as much damage, death and destruction on “We the People” as they can while there is still time.
Why do I say this? Because Robert Kennedy Jr. has already let it be known to the cowardly perpetrators of crimes against humanity that he would deal with the vermin behind these kinds of phenomena, specifically chemtrails , which are related to “the mist”. I call them cowardly, in that they do not confront us directly, to fight man against man (or woman against man/woman), but resort to impersonal means such as deadly “vaccines” and other chemicals to exterminate us as if we were insects. Ironically, given their modus operandi, they are the ones who resemble insects, who would attack anything or anyone, regardless of their specific identity, if it is in the interest of their survival.
The fact that they have resorted to releasing something that is so clearly contrary to normal atmospheric conditions leaves no doubt that they are desperate at this point. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would notice that the “fog” is not ordinary mist or fog. The latter does not make you sick, give you headaches, etc. – despite some claims that it might; I am a mountain climber and often encounter fog higher up in the mountains, from which I have never become ill. Furthermore, “the fog” does not affect your car windshield in the way that water vapour does in the case of ordinary fog or mist, which – in the case of thick fog – requires the use of windshield wipers to clear the windshield. According to the available reports, this does not happen with “the fog.” As someone noted in one of the pieces linked here, it is like dry chemicals.
But here’s the important part about all this destructive negativity – it’s actually a good thing that this latest attack on us has been carried out in a way that is too obvious and recognizably different from the natural phenomenon than it’s being portrayed. Do you have to be the proverbial Sherlock Holmes to recognize this as something that doesn’t look like a duck, waddle like a duck, or quack like a duck? That it, in other words, isn’t a duck? No. Even before a chemical analysis is performed on “the mist,” it can be identified as a usual suspect at the sensory level. According to witnesses, it doesn’t look, feel, or smell like regular fog or mist. It also doesn’t behave like fog or mist. It appears to be “heavy” and doesn’t disperse easily.
Furthermore, there are reports of people experiencing various symptoms of being unwell – feeling sick – after coming into contact with “the fog”. Another clear sign that it is not really fog – as noted above, since when does real fog make anyone sick? No wonder it is called a “death fog” in the People’s Voice video referenced earlier! Furthermore, I do not buy the argument – put forward by some mainstream media – that fog that has absorbed a lot of pollutants in industrial areas can make anyone sick. Sure, you might get a little cough from it, if the pollution is really bad, but there is a big difference between that and showing flu-like symptoms after coming into contact with “the fog”.
A video is circulating on the Telegram channel The Great Awakening (posted on January 1, 2025, 4:42 p.m.) with the caption: “Omg Check your HVAC filters if you live where there's fog!” In the accompanying video, the woman who posted this message says that she herself has been “having trouble breathing… since the fog started” in her area. She had recently changed the filter on her air purifier and when she checked it again because of “the fog,” she was surprised and exclaimed: “I have never taken out a filter this dark in my life. This is not normal. It's black…Oh my God, all of it…I have never seen a filter like this in my life. Never. I change these all the time. I have a ton of them. This is bananas.”
And then there’s the chemical analysis, detailed in The People’s Voice video! If the results were shown in a court of law – or perhaps the Nuremberg 2 trials? – as forensic evidence, those responsible would have a very hard time explaining what things like aluminum oxide, barium, strontium (both carcinogenic) and, to make matters worse, graphene oxide are doing in a misty cloud that could only have been sprayed over cities. (I seriously doubt that this particular cocktail is found in mist that has absorbed pollutants in industrial areas!) If you can’t immediately recall where you’ve seen that name – graphene oxide – before, let me remind you. It’s an ingredient in some, if not most, of the pseudo-vaccines that have been foisted on millions of people worldwide via so-called “mandates” that they were foolish enough to fall for. And it’s deadly. Ergo, “the mist” is equivalent to a cloud of “vaccine” stuff that you are forced to breathe in unless you have a highly effective mask or filter, like the woman mentioned earlier.
What could be more obvious? At least, if you are one of the fully awake tribe. Furious that they have failed to get the vax into everyone on the planet – some of us are fortunately gifted with built-in shit detectors – they are resorting to any means possible to get the (ingredients of the) vax into everyone – putting it in our drinks, our food supply – and now in the air we breathe. Sure – chemtrails were already doing that to some extent, but when I last checked, graphene oxide was not among the ingredients of chemtrails. Another symptom of their increasing desperation. Add to this that, unbelievably, I remember seeing the news recently about a “ climate change vaccine ” being developed by order of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. And don’t forget the WEF doctor who has called on the Biden administration to release mRNA “vaccines” against bird flu – and this is a dead giveaway – before Donald Trump is inaugurated as president; not before the bird flu virus emerges in full force…
Furthermore, graphene oxide is related to something even more deadly: graphene hydroxide. An Austrian doctor (Andreas Noack) posted a video online three years ago—for which he was murdered a few days later—to show relevant images and graphics, and to talk about how graphene hydroxide, which is at the nanoscale (very small) level in the mRNA Pfizer “vaccine,” is killing recipients of the vax. He described its action in a person’s veins and arteries as being like nanoscale razor blades slicing through the smooth, epithelial lining of these blood vessels—especially when someone is engaged in strenuous physical activity, as elite athletes do.
Remember how many sports stars died after the introduction of the Covid “vaccines”? Dr. Noack linked these sudden deaths – collapsing on the sports field for no apparent reason – to the vax, even though the mainstream media saw nothing to worry about in this unprecedented phenomenon. We have such intelligent people in the media… if ignoring tell-tale signs of something being very “rotten in the state of Denmark” (with acknowledgement to Shakespeare) is a sign of intelligence, they are all geniuses.
This last development underscores what I have discussed before , namely the phenomenon of evil, the theory of which needs to be revised in its light, and goes beyond Kant’s, formulated in the late 18th century. It also suggests something quite different from Hannah Arendt’s insight into the connection between evil and the genocidal actions carried out by the Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann during World War II. Arendt saw in the uncritical efficiency with which Eichmann routinely murdered Jews (as “part of his job”) what she called “the banality of evil,” but there is nothing like a “civil servant” dutifully fulfilling his or her duties in the murderous actions of the psychopathic globalists. My suspicion is that they are consciously motivated by evil; but what that means is a subject for future reflection.
Bert Olivier.