Gender and Women’s Studies
Seed Potato Production Business through a Gender Lens
Etiang Joseph*, Rose Mwesige, Sarah Kyarisiima, Ambrose Aheisibwe, Kwikiriza
Gerald, Ronald Muhereze, Ronald Ayahura Kutesa, and Alex Barekye
Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Kabale, Uganda
Potato (Solanumtuberosum) is an important crop in highland areas of South Western and
Eastern Uganda. Seed potato business is a key input for increasing potato productivity and
contributes to people livelihood. Attempts to increase seed potato production and its
contribution to livelihoods of men and women have not addressed a gap in seed demand
and on its contributions to incomes of the farming households. Seed producers and
research provides 0.15 % of the total seed potato required. This has partly been attributed
to lack of involvement of men and women in seed potato production business, leading to
low yields averaging 7.5 t/ha. This research aimed at finding out factors affecting
involvement of men and women in seed potato business. Questionnaires, focus group and
individual interviews of key informants were conducted involving men and women
selected from 3 different locations. Results indicated that men are more involved in seed
potato production, own more capital resources, and are mostly head household giving
them an upper hand in decision making. Most men tended to engage in key activities
leading to preparation for marketing. This gives them an opportunity to negotiated for
market prices, sell and receive cash on behalf of their wives. Women tended to concentrate
in domestic responsibilities such as feed the family. Women refrained from engaging in key
activities in the seed potato business, which undermines the benefits that accrue to them.
Open Access
Citation: Etiang, J, Mwesige R,
Kyarisiima S, Aheisibwe A, Gerald
K, Muhereze R, Kutesa RA,
Barekye A. Seed Potato Production
Business through a Gender Lens.
Gender and Women’s Studies.
2019; 2(2):5.
Received: June 06, 2018
Accepted: April 03, 2019
Published: April 19, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Etiang J. This is an
open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are
Corresponding author:
Etiang Joseph, Kachwekano Zonal
Agricultural Research and Development
Institute, Kabale, Uganda
[email protected]
Gender, Constraints, Opportunities, Seed-potato, Production, Participation
Potato is a crop of major economic importance worldwide (FAO, 2008). It is the third most
important food crop after rice and wheat (CIP, 2014). It is a major food and income crop in high
land areas of Uganda where South West Highland Agro-ecological Zone (SWHAEZ) is part.
However, farmers are faced with inadequate seed potato (tubers used for planting) to meet the
high demand. The inadequacy of seed potato makes seed potato business very key for
improvement of potato production in the zone. This has been attributed to low average yields
(7.5 t/ha) as opposed to 40–60 t/h attainable in other developed countries (FAO, 2013). It has
also been due to lack of engagement of men and women in seed potato business, creating
gender related issues that limit maximum production. In a paper on gender role in production
and management it was noted that women contribute 90 % of the labour force in Agriculture
particularly in hoeing and weeding (Ogato et al., 2009; Jiggins, 1989). Irrespective of the
enormous work done by women they are negatively affected by the low yields and low incomes
obtained in potato growing business. The potato crop is produced by planting tubers referred
to as seed potato. In most instances the tubers to be used toplant are first conditioned (kept in
warm stores) till they sprout for a period of 2–3 month, hence referred to as seed potato. is
sprouted. The tubers that are not sprouted but sold directly to the market are commonly
referred to as ware potato. The involvement of men and women is key in that effort is
maximised by all through the potato value chain and ensuring supply of quality and enough
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quantity to meet the demand. Seed potato production business is lucrative as compared to
ware potato in the area due to the high prices offered for seed potato as opposed to low prized
ware potato and involves all activities related to seed potato value chain. These activities stem
right from land preparation, access to quality seed, planting, field management requirements,
pest and disease management, storage and marketing of seed potato. As a business in the
region those that participate in it improve their incomes and are able to address basic needs
(Jiggins, 1989). However, by virtue of one being a man or woman the potato business has
some influence depending on the societal assigned roles for men and women. Currently, seed
producers and research institutions can only provide 0.15 % of the required seed in the county
(KaZARDI reports). Seed potato business is lucrative and attracts high prices as compared to
ware potato and in the process those that get involved in seed potato take the benefits (CIP,
2011). Women tend to engage in ware potato, often utilized as food for the family and there is
no way they get incomes from it.
The main challenges reported to affect seed potato production and sometimes affect seed
potato business done by farmers are lack of capital, lack of quality seed, pests and diseases,
low soil fertility and limited facilities required for seed potato production. These challenges
have implication on men and women engagement in potato production. The constraints
therefore have positive or negative influence in participation of men and women in seed potato
production business. In addition are high prices of seed make farmers plant low quality seed
from home saved seed (Aheisibwe et al., 2015). Attempts have been made to address some of
these challenges, for example private sector has trained farmers on seed potato production
business and facilitated some farmers to start up seed potato production and marketing
business. In SWHAEZ alone 7 screen houses were established and are all managed by men
with little involvement of women. Despite these attempts, there still exists a wide gap in terms
of quantity and quality of seed potato produced and supplied to the market. The level of
involvement of women in the seed potato business as compared to men is still low.It is
reported that men and women’s involvement in seed potato production business in SWHAEZ
stands at 77.8 % and 22.2 % respectively (Low et al.,2015). It was observed that many
reasons could have come into play as to why there is a gap in the involvement between men
and women in seed potato production business.
Women’s involvement was reported more in ware potato, which tied them to solely support
household food security at the expense of increasing their incomes. If women are not
empowered to actively engage in seed potato business, their income would remain low as
compared to men. This then would reduce their contribution to household welfare are could
lead to women becoming more dependent on men for livelihood. Besides their contribution to
reducing a gap and seed potato demand will not be considered. It was therefore important to
explore the role of men and women in seed potato production and factors influencing men and
women involvement in the business. The study looked at the roles played, access to
production resources, constraints encountered and available opportunities that ensure that
men and women engage in seed potato business. The study was therefore designed to
address the following specific objectives.
To examine the roles played by men and women in seed potato production business in
SWHAEZ of Uganda
To reduce gender based constraints and tap into opportunities that influence men and
women participation in seed potato production business in SWHAEZ of Uganda
Research Questions
What engagements are preferred by men and women involved in seed potato business?
What are the concerns and opportunities that influence men and women participation in
seed potato production?
What can be done to improve participation of both men and women in seed potato
production business?
Research Methodology
Description of the study area
The survey was conducted in three districts of Kabale, Kisoro and Rubanda, located in the
South Western Highland Agro-ecological Zone (SWHAEZ) of Uganda. This area is
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predominantly high altitude ranging from 1200 m to 2350 m above sea level. The area has
agro-climatic conditions that favor a wide range of crop and livestock, as a major source of
livelihood for the inhabitants (Wogoire & Kashaija, 2008). The zone receives bimodal rainfall
pattern ranging from 1000 – 1500 mm and temperature range is 10 – 30 oC. The population
density is about 300 persons Km2 and with population growth rate of 2.2 %, which has
continued to exert pressure on land making it the most limiting resource in agricultural
production. Chemining’wa et al., 2005 states that the soils in Kigezi are acidic to slightly acidic
loams, reddish brown clay loams, humus loams and yellowish red clay loams with generally a
good nutrient supply and with natural fertility and good drainage. The variations in cropping
systems are result of the differences in agro-ecological conditions and socio-economic
endowments within the districts in the zone. Potato is the main crop grown for food and
incomes of the people (Bonabana-Wabbi et al., 2013). This is grown for various uses
particularly seed for planting and ware for food processing into various products such as chips
and crisps.
Data collection and analysis
In order to achieve the objective of the study, Qualitative and quantitative sex disaggregated
data was collected among potato farmers using individual questionnaires, focus group
discussions and key informant interviews. A comprehensive questionnaire was used to collect
quantitative data from 78 individuals, while men and women farmers were separately
engaged in a focus group discussion to provide qualitative sex disaggregated data and any
relevant information that influence activities of men and women in seed potato production and
marketing business. In focus group discussions, participants were divided into two groups
with men constituting one group and women another. The same checklist (set of questions)
was administered to capture sex disaggregated data from the men’s and women’s group. In
such a case women and men were separated in different groups to allow each category to
provide information without fear. The information obtained in this manner was related to the
men’s or women’s experience in seed potato business and was key to addressing challenges
affecting each category. The results were reported basing on the views arising from individual
interviews and group discussions conducted involving men and women. In addition, agroinput dealers were interviewed and their views were used to provide insights on to information
obtained using other tools. Data was then compiled and analyzed using Excel spread sheets,
summarized and presented in graphs and tables. The information obtained highlighted
challenges that limit men and women in participating in profitable seed potato production and
seek to learn from those that participate and are benefiting.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of the Respondents
Figure 1. Showing characteristics of the Respondent by Gender
The 64 % of respondents involved in the individual interviews were men and 36 % women of
which 96 % of the men were found to be household heads as opposed to 4 % of the women. In
this area culture does not allow women to be household heads except those that become
widows, those that buy own land and unmarried. This has implication on the decision making
process, which in a household may involve a man alone, woman alone or jointly by a man and
woman. Household heads usually influence decision making at all levels within the
household, these may include decisions on land utilization, type of crop to plant, management
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of the crop and marketing of the products that accrue from such land. The final decisions made
in such a community lies solely on the household head and this influences the level of
participation of men and women in a vital business ventures for this case seed potato
production business. The low number of women who are household heads makes it difficult for
them to push forward decisions that address their challenges in seed potato business. It
implies that their ability to engage and in profitable seed potato business is greatly affected.
Roles of men and women in potato production
Figure 2. Showing performance of different roles in seed potato business
In categorizing men and women in separate groups, the roles preferred by each category to
the other were determined. The results revealed that the roles assumed by men and women in
seed potato business were observed in three categories, roles mostly done by men, roles
mostly done by women and roles jointly done by both men and women. This means that all
roles are done by either category but the level of involvement in such a role varied to some
extent as defined by mostly and not solely. The roles mostly done by men were bush clearing
contributing to (93.3 %) as opposed to (5.3 %) and (1.3 %) both and women respectively. This
is attributed to the nature of other activities that women are engaged and more so could as well
depict the interest of men and women in the potato enterprise. This probably implies that the
men are more interested in seed potato business and related activities as indicated by the
level of involvement. When the crop is still in the field, men participating in dehaulming
accounting to (58.7 %) as respectively opposed to (10.7 %) and (4 %) of the work done jointly
and by women, making it an activity which is mostly done by men. After the crop has been
harvested it was found that (80 %) of the work of sorting and grading is contributed by men with
work done jointly contributing (17.3 %) and by women contributing (1.3 %). The study revealed
that on transporting seed potato from the field after harvesting to the store men contributed (80
%), women contributed (1.3 %) and (18.7 %) done jointly by men and women. On bagging and
loading men (89.3%), women (1.3 %) and (8 %) done jointly by both men and women.
Marketing men contributed (89.3 %), women (1.3 %) and jointly done contributed to (8 %). The
higher level of engagement on seed potato business by men puts them well ahead of the
women irrespective of whether done jointly or by women alone. It is clear that in a seed potato
growing household, activities where the majority of men highly participate are also done
jointly. Implying that men take lead in these activities and women provide a supporting role.
Roles mostly done by women included spraying with women contributing (70.7 %), jointly
contributing (13.3 %) and men contributing (1.3 %) only. Weeding is contributed by both men
and women in a household (73.3 %), as opposed to women (14.7 %) and men (10.7 %). When
the crop has grown it was found that there were few men involved in disease control. Men
moved to other roles leaving women to tend the crop at home. It was noted that most activities
that were done jointly included land preparation (70.7 %), planting (88 %), weeding (73.3 %)
and harvesting (77.3 %). In the survey area there were more men (93 %) who did bush clearing
than women. For land preparation, where high percentage of both men and women engage
jointly in this activity could probably be due to the nature of land preparation in the zone. The
activity is highly labour intensive done by use of a hand hoe due to steep terrain and requires
joint effort to accomplish (Renu, 2008). The same applies to planting, the men and women do
the activity together (88 %) as the activity requires transportation of seed, digging of ridges
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and planting holes, so the men and women jointly cooperate (EIGE, 2016). On weeding the
involvement of both was found to be high (73 %) reported that this activity is done by both in
some households. This is attributed to the urgency to avoid the weeds choking the crop that is
key for the household. Harvesting was mainly done jointly by the majority as reported by (77
%) of those interviewed. After which, sorting, grading, bagging, transporting and marketing is
mainly left to men. It therefore implies that men control the final revenue from the potato
business in that from sorting, grading and bagging the produce is moved to the store and
thereafter to the market. Probably this could be the cause of less involvement of women in
seed potato business in the area. Despite those differences the household seems to do well
when the activities are done jointly as opposed to men acting alone and women active alone.
In this way they could cushion the limitation of each gender category and strive for
improvement and the seed potato business will be improved.
Similar findings were observed under the focus group discussions conducted in two
separate groups of men and women. The focus group discussion revealed an agreement in
findings that men were more represented on seed potato businesses than the women.
Although where they are represented they are allowed to take position of leadership. However
the discussions exposed that even if the women are free to take position o leadership in such
groups, men are most preferred them being more educated as compared to the women. It
could also be due to the high level of responsibility on the shoulders of women which mostly
includes household chores. Land is usually hired; owned and capital source is usually from
credit obtained from the SACCOs. Other roles where women are found to shy away from are in
spraying, de-haulming and management of the store houses. This is attributed to heavy
engagement and the nature of the storage structures which are not friendly to the women
outfit. The focus group discussion also reveled that both men and women recognize a need to
have land, knowledge, quality seed and capital for additional inputs if one is to start seed
potato business. However, access to credit required women to often seek permission to apply
for credit from their husbands. This could influence the timing and the amount of credit as
reported earlier in the individual interviews. On marketing, it was found that market
information is obtained through phone calls / messages, extension workers, fellow farmers
and radios. As noted earlier that men were involved in seed potato business than women, but
those that are engaged benefit from the lucrative prices in the market and they are able to
acquire more assets such as stores capital and housing to expand on the production.
However, challenges on the access to agro-inputs were noted during the focus group
discussions and these challenges were noted and verified during the discussions with the
agro-input dealers considered as key informants in this study.
In this study agro-input dealers revealed that potato business requires lot of inputs which
include, fertilizers, fungicides, sprayers, hoes, strings and polythene bags. These are
obtained from agro-input shops, most of which were owned by men. In these agro-input
shops, men are involved in purchases and lifting of goods during loading and offloading. In
shops where women are involved they are engaged in sales, cleaning and organizing the
items on display. Most agro-dealers interview observed that women tended to be honest than
men when employed in such shops as sales persons. The challenges faced by the agro-input
dealers were high cost of inputs, high competition, seasonality of the business, inferior
products in the market and damage during transportation.
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Gender concerns affecting men and women participation in seed potato business
Access to credit and major decision making by gender
Figure 3. Access to credit facilities and major decision making
The findings revealed that various constraints affect participation of men and women in seed
potato production. One of such constraint is access to agricultural credit to facilitate
acquisition of production tools and equipment. The access to credit, the type of credit provider
and the nature of decision made to borrow are all crucial in access to credit facilities for seed
potato business. It was found that 43 % of the men interviewed had reported having access to
credit. This implies that 57 % of the men in the group reported having lack of access to credit to
support seed potato business. Among the women, it was found that the level of access was
much lower with only 16 % of the women reporting having access to credit to support seed
potato business. This eventually puts them down when it comes to seed potato business that
would require more capital to invest hence leaving them with the only option to shun the
business. Much as men’s group reported higher access to credit, it was less than 50 %.
Implying that seed potato business is greatly affected by lack of access to sufficient credit
facilities and this is in agreement with the findings of (Fletschner & Kenney, 2014). It also
indicates that men have an advantage on access to credit than the women and therefore are
able to acquire seed potato production assets and undertake big investments as compared to
women. This is in agreement with the findings of similar research where women investments in
production were hampered by lack of assets and collateral (Olagunju et al., 2013). Probably in
a situation where the two work together access to credit may improve as well for women as
they will engage the men who have more collateral assets than them (Saito et al., 1994).
In addition, men’s position as owners of capital resources, such as land that can be used as
collateral, increases their access to credit. Of the 16 % women who have access to loans 67 %
prefer getting loans from Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) probably due
to the ease of access, affordable amounts and favorable terms offered by SACCOS as
opposed to Group loans and major lenders such as banks whose terms are stringent to meet
by the local farmers. However in a household, where decisions to credit access are jointly
made men and women equally accesses credit of 56 % and 50 % respectively. Possibly
because of the government policy for example the Uganda land act 2010 makes spouses’
automatic co-owners of land hence requiring their consent before family land can be sold or
mortgaged. Perhaps with small amounts accessed in a SACCO arrangement, it limits the
ability of women to engage in commercial seed potato business. This agrees with the findings
of Fletschner & Kenney, 2014 where the main factor that influenced women participation in
production activities are the inability to borrow, failure to access financial services such as
credit which could empower them to engage more and to make better life. Similar findings
revealed that women do not own most of the assets; it becomes very difficult for them to
provide collateral required by lenders. This is supported by (Saito et al., 1994) where women
access to agricultural inputs and other agricultural support services such as land, viable
financial services, cost effective extension advise in not proportionate with their role as
farmers. The men tend to benefit from a wide range of credit providers and more so with bigger
portfolio (Figure. 3). This could be attributed to their ability to provide collateral required by
such bigger lenders and compared to small community lenders such as SACCOS. Therefore,
if women are to be supported to increase their credit access then the focus should be to
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support SACCOS, which most of them borrow from and encourage joint decision making at
household level. The low level of participation of women in seed potato business could as well
be due to social norms and responsibilities that society assigns to women and such roles
include domestic cores, low involvement in marketing, development activities and managing
non-farm businesses. This is in line with the finding by (Hill &Vigneri, 2014) where he observed
that marketing and development are key in men and women participation in cash crops
markets Women contribute more in food production and processing as men control productive
resources and do more of farm decisions (Ogunlela & Mukhtar, 2009).
Access and ownership of facilities
Table 1. Showing Ownership and access to production resources by men and women
Men (%)
Women (%)
Own large livestock
Ownership of small livestock
Ownership Farm Equipment
Ownership of non-farm equipment
Joint ownership of large livestock
Joint ownership of Small livestock
Joint ownership farm equipment
Joint ownership non-farm equipment
Access to large livestock
Access to Small livestock
Access Farm Equipment
Access Non-farm equipment
Access Storage facility
Results show that in men category (35 %) own large livestock (Cattle) compared to women
(25 %) in their category. However, the number of men and women that do not own large
livestock is higher implying that the capital base to support seed potato business is low among
the majority of men (65 %) and women (75 %). In terms of ownership of the large livestock,
men’s category reported 25 % of them jointly own the livestock. This implies that 75 % of them
know that the large livestock are not jointly owned. On small livestock (goats, sheep and
Poultry) and farm equipment where 42 % of men in their category own small livestock as
compared to 32 % reported in women’s category. The nature of ownership is that in men’s
category 46 % own small livestock as compared to 43 % of women’s category. On non-farm
equipment, 57 % in the women category owned it compared to 40 % in men’s category. The
nature of ownership is that 63 % of men reported joint ownership as compared to 68 % of
women. This suggests that women own more of non-farm equipment and this could dictate on
roles and limit their involvement in seed potato business. It is in line with the finding of
Kristjanson, 2014, observed that assets such as livestock are key to empowerment of women
in Africa and Asia as it helps them increase their productivity. It therefore implies that
strategies that increase women ownership of large livestock will enhance their capital and
participation in agricultural businesses such as seed potato.
The men’s reported having more access to large (60 %) and small livestock (92 %), farm
equipment (98 %) and storage facilities (79 %), while women reported having access to more
of non-farm equipment (57 %) than the men’s category (40 %). The findings revealed that
access to farm equipment was ranked first in the men’s (98 %) and women’s (93 %) category
implying that irrespective of the ownership, access is to all the members of the household. This
is in line with the finding of (Doss, 2014), where lack of ownership of resources affect
participation of men and women in production. However, among men, the percentage that
access farm equipment is higher than among women category. The implication is that the
needs of men in terms of livestock, farm equipment and storage facilities used for seed potato
business are addressed to a large extent than the needs of women. Livestock can be
converted to support the business while the equipment boosts activities for production.
Similarly, when women have non-farm equipment it means their engagement in seed potato
business is reduced.
Access and ownership of related production resources
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Potato production requires additional resources to enhance the production process and
where this is not possible, the farmer becomes incapacitated (Jiggins, 1989). The main
related resources for production of potato are land, advisory services, and stores for storage
purposes. It is as well critical to own these resources as it reduces the cost of hiring in case one
does not own. In this region it was noted that most of these resources are owned by men
(Ogunlela & Mukhtar, 2009), this reduces the level of engagement of women when they lack
such resources and their use in a decision that solely does not rest on them. For example,
without land one cannot cultivate, without extension advise production is low and without a
store one cannot keep the produce to obtain good price. This leads to discouragement and
failure for one to engage in such an enterprise.
Figure 4. Showing level of engagement, access and ownership of resources and services
Men (75 %) are more involved in seed potato production than women who reported their
involvement at 33 % and this is due to many factors that limit women ability to engage fully. The
women involved in seed potato business were found to access production resources and were
able to benefit from the services and facilities provided to the community. Among the factors
that probably affect involvement of other women is inadequate capital required for seed potato
production. However, other factors observed were lack of ownership of land which stood at 17
% as opposed to the men’s category that reported land ownership at 58 %. However
irrespective of ownership of land, access was found to be by both men at 96.8 % and women at
92 % meaning that both have sufficient access to land for seed potato business. Ownership of
land is critical when it comes to decision making process on use of such land but access is
equally vital for a person engaged in seed potato business (Van den Bold et al., 2015). In a few
instances where women owned land it was of very small acreage compared to their male
counterparts. The same result was reported by Low et al., 2015, where African women
managed to own only one percent of the land and had limited access to financial resources.
Both men and women had access to advisory services, which is a good avenue to pass on
technologies to farmer. Men and women therefore take on technologies that will suit their
interest best even though this may influence the level of production and their participation in
such activities. It was also revealed that more than 80 % of men have access to storage
facilities as seed business requires these facilities to allow seed to sprout. It implies that those
without such facilities cannot engage in this business (Quisumbing et al., 2015). It was noted
that access to advisory services was 100 % among women’s category than among the men
suggesting that women probably tend to participate in advisory meetings than the men. In so
doing they gain the knowledge but do not fully put it to practice due to other limitations. In
addition, women were found to take full responsibility of feeding the household as a result
even their ware potato in most cases was converted to food for the entire family. It therefore
implies that women products are used to take care of the family leaving little for the market. For
the men all the entire harvest is marketed this enable man to have more income that women.
This is in line with findings of (Okanya & Kroschel, 2014) on the gender disparities between
men and women. In similar findings, (Kristjanson et al., 2017) reported differing needs
between men and women, whom have to be taken into considerations at policy level if these
needs are to be addressed.
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Table 2. Challenges encountered by men and women in seed potato business
Men %
Women %
Limited access to land
Home disagreements
No group Membership
Limited credit facilities
Limited capital
unfavorable weather conditions
Pests and diseases
Limited access to quality seed
Fake Agro-inputs
Not trained in seed production
Seed potato converted to food
Limited extension
High cost of Agro-inputs
Degraded soils
Lack of storage facilities
The major challenge limiting men and women in seed potato production are limited access
to land for both men and women, but the challenge is reported nearly twice as much as women
than men double for women: (65 % versus 37.5 %, respectively). This could be due to the
position of respect the man holds in the family as a household heads and in most cases land
belongs to them. Also when farmers were interviewed on whether men and women had equal
access to production resources most of them said no and added that men had better access to
land than women. This is in agreement with the findings reported by (Kristjanson et al., 2017).
Other challenges include lack of capital (Men 27 %, women 34.4 %) limited credit facilities (2 %
men, 20.6 % women), pests and diseases, limited access to Quality seed and lack of storage
facilities some of which were highlighted earlier in the discussion. Besides is low access to
agricultural extension, which according to Ragasa, 2014 could influence participation of men
and women in agricultural activities. In that study it was observed considering the gender of
the extension workers and whether both men and women receive the extension messages. In
the study it was noted that women tended to become conservative if an extension worker is of
the opposite gender. On access probably women tended to attend meetings than the men
although the women had more engagement at home. It is true that men were taken up with
other business responsibilities that kept them away from home.
Existing opportunities for seed potato producers
Despite the challenges in engaging in seed potato business, a lot of opportunities exist for
men and women farmers engaging in seed potato production. The biggest opportunity being
the high prices offered for seed potato and the profits enjoyed by those engaged in seed potato
business. With better prices as compared to other crops possibly of the same production
costs, those involved benefit and are able to improve their livelihood faster than those not
involved. Comparatively pricing between the ware potato and seed potato revealed that the
seed potato had a price 30 percent higher than ware potato. The more the women get involved
in seed potato business the more they get lifted up in poverty in the area. This is in agreement
with findings of (USAID, 2010), where women were found to be excellent seed multipliers and
this requires their capacity to be built. The existence of support from the Government of
Uganda through Operation Wealth Creation programme provides agro inputs and extension
services to the farmers. Quisumbing et al., 2014, as well reported the knowledge gap as one of
the factors that could influence participation of men and women in agricultural business.
Besides inputs from the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) is key for
farmers to increase their productivity. Farmers can as well benefit from training opportunities
and starter inputs provided by different development partners operating in the area.
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Generally, men and women are involved in seed potato business throughout the seed potato
production business; however, their level of involvement varies basing on various factors that
influence them. Men were found to assume final stage roles such as sorting, transporting,
bagging, loading and marketing. In the process men tent to understand the details and can
have an opportunity to make bargain in prices as women tend to shy away from such activities.
It was found that men and women preferred to work jointly performing roles such as; land
preparation, planting, weeding and harvesting the crop. Spraying was left for women to carry
out, but at harvest it is done jointly. Men were found to be in a better position to access a wide
range of credit from credit providers than women who could only afford access from village
SACCOS. This puts them in an advantage to engage in seed potato business than women. In
addition, men were found to have more access to farm equipment, land, stores and were found
to be more engaged than women in seed potato business. The main challenges were limited
land, limited capital, pests and diseases, limited access to quality seed, weather and
inadequate storage facilities. It is therefore recommended that practices that involve both men
and women be supported in a household. In situation where ownership of resources is vested
on one category these be shared to encourage performance of the other category in seed
potato business. Any move to increase access to credit facilities is highly recommended for
success of men and women in seed potato business. It is also important that government
works hand in hand with the private sector to address the needs of the farmers engaged in
seed potato business, particularly using approached that address women challenges in the
This Research was undertaken as part of a training of Agricultural Scientists on Gender and
Research, our gratitude to the National Agricultural Research Organization for giving us the
opportunity to participate, GREAT leadership for the support and guidance they provided
during the training and farmers who participated.
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