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Energy transfer ratio for hydraulic pile driving hammers
Flynn, Kevin N.; McCabe, Bryan A.
Flynn, Kevin N., & McCabe, Bryan A. (2016). Energy transfer
ratio for hydraulic pile driving hammers. Paper presented at the
Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016 (CERI2016),
National University of Ireland Galway, Galway.
NUI Galway
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Flynn, K.N. and McCabe, B.A. (2016) Energy transfer ratio for hydraulic pile driving hammers. Proceedings of
Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2016), Galway, pp. 703-708.
Energy Transfer Ratio for Hydraulic Pile Driving Hammers
Kevin N. Flynn1, Bryan A. McCabe2
AGL Consulting, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland
College of Engineering & Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
[email protected],
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: The ability of hydraulic pile driving hammers to overcome energy losses during freefall enables a greater
proportion of the impact energy to be transferred to the pile in comparison to diesel hammers. This percentage, termed the
energy transfer ratio, is not routinely measured in practice however, and there is an element of uncertainty regarding appropriate
energy transfer ratios to assume in driveability analyses. In light of such uncertainties, the energy transfer ratios of four- and
five-tonne hydraulic hammers were assessed during installation of driven cast-in-situ piles at several sites in the United
Kingdom. The piling rigs were fitted with instrumentation which enabled measurement of the hammer velocity (and hence
kinetic energy) at impact for each blow during installation, with the corresponding magnitude of energy transferred to the
closed-ended steel installation tube ascertained using a Pile Driving Analyser. The results of the study showed that energy
transfer ratios were strongly dependent on the hammer drop height, with transfer ratios of 95% advocated by the pile hammer
manufacturer only achievable when a drop height in excess of about 600 mm was used. As such, lower energy transfer ratios
may need to be considered in driveability predictions for these pile types (i.e. steel or DCIS piles) if lower drop heights are used
during driving. Further research is required to substantiate limited data suggesting that soil type may also be influential.
KEY WORDS: Foundations; Piling; Driving; Hydraulic; Hammer; Energy;
The installation of a displacement pile to a required
penetration typically necessitates the application of large
forces to the pile head. For these pile types, impact driving
remains the most common method of applying such forces,
although vibratory [1] and jacking methods [2,3] are
becoming increasingly popular, particularly in urban areas
where noise and vibration tend to be restricted.
The principle of impact pile driving involves imparting a
force on the pile head using a large mass, typically termed a
ram, which falls vertically from a predetermined height. The
potential energy of the hammer before freefall can be readily
calculated. The magnitude of energy transferred to the pile
during driving is routinely measured using a Pile Driving
Analyser (PDA). These two quantities are commonly used by
hammer manufacturers to classify hammer performance; the
energy transferrable to the pile is expressed as a proportion of
the energy corresponding to the maximum drop height, known
as the rated energy. However, the ‘intermediate’ energy state
at impact is less certain and is rarely, if ever, measured in
practice. This is unfortunate given that it is the ratio of the
energy at impact to the energy transmitted to the pile that is
the more fundamental indicator of driveability.
In light of the paucity of such data, a systematic study of the
energy transfer process relevant to the installation of a number
of driven cast-in-situ (DCIS) piles using hydraulic hammers is
presented in this paper. Examples of structures in Ireland that
have been successfully supported on DCIS piles are the
Sequence Batch Reactors (SBR) at Ringsend Wastewater
Treatment Plant in Dublin [4]. All piles referred to in this
paper were installed by Keller Foundations at sites in the
United Kingdom. Unlike previous studies of energy transfer
ratio, the hammer velocity (and hence kinetic energy) at
impact was measured for each blow during driving using
instrumentation fitted to the piling rigs. The approach is
analogous to that carried out for energy correction of the
Standard Penetration Test [e.g. 5].
Hammer Efficiency
The ideology of pile driving involves impacting the pile head
with a ram of mass m, which has fallen vertically from a
predetermined drop height h. The potential energy of the ram
immediately prior to release is given by:
E potential = mgh
At impact, the hammer will be travelling at a velocity vimpact,
with kinetic energy given by Equation 2:
E impact =
mv impact
If no energy losses occur in the system during hammer
freefall, the kinetic energy at impact would be equivalent to
the potential energy, i.e. vimpact = (2gh)0.5. However, losses
invariably occur due to friction, ram misalignment and
preadmission within the hammer, for example, resulting in a
kinetic energy at impact which is lower than the potential
energy prior to hammer release. The reduction in energy is
typically quantified by the hammer efficiency according to
Equation 3:
η hammer =
E impact
E potential
For hydraulic hammers, the additional acceleration of the
ram during downfall (over and above that due to gravity) is
exploited to overcome much of the energy losses outlined
previously, rendering hydraulic hammers more efficient than
traditional air, steam and diesel impact hammers in this
regard. As a consequence, a value of ηhammer = 0.95 is typically
assumed in driveability analysis programmes [6].
The impact energy Eimpact of the pile driving hammer was
derived using the two timing signals technique in which the
velocity of the hammer during freefall is measured using a
pair of sensors located at the top of the hammer assembly. A
Keller Foundations piling rig is shown in Figure 1 with the
sensors circled on the photograph; these are mounted on a
steel bracket placed ~50 mm vertically apart. During hammer
freefall, the time taken for the hammer rod to transit this
distance is measured by the sensors and the velocity at the
bottom sensor location is computed. By accounting for the
additional distance travelled between the bottom sensor and
the level of impact, vimpact can be obtained using the equation
of motion, and Eimpact calculated in turn from Equation 2. The
drop height is then back-figured using Equations 1 and 3.
Further commentary on the rig instrumentation and its
applications, as deployed by Keller Foundations, is given by
Egan [7,8].
Figure 1. Pile hammer instrumentation for measuring hammer
velocity prior to impact (courtesy of Keller Foundations, UK)
Transferred Energy
Dynamic pile testing is now routinely used for the verification
of pile capacity as a complement to traditional static testing,
with various proprietary software programs (e.g. GRLWEAP,
TNOWAVE and PDPWAVE) available to provide predictions
of pile resistance using signal matching techniques. Stress
waves generated within a pile (or a pile tube in the case of
DCIS piles) after each hammer blow are characterised using
diametrically-opposite pairs of strain gauges and
accelerometers attached within 1 m or 2 m of the pile head or
top of the drive tube (see Figure 2).
The instrumentation and recording unit are collectively
referred to as a Pile Driving Analyser or PDA. The energy
transferred to the pile is then calculated using Equation 4 [e.g.
E(t ) = F(t ) V(t )dt
where F(t) and V(t) are the force and velocity magnitudes at
time t after hammer impact respectively. The maximum
energy generated in the pile during this time (corresponding to
an individual blow) is referred to as EMX.
strain gauge
Figure 2. Pile Driving Analyser: an accelerometer and strain
gauge pair for measuring transferred energy on a DCIS pile
tube (top), data acquisition unit (bottom)
Energy Transfer Ratios
As alluded to in the introduction, the energy at impact Eimpact
is not routinely measured in practice. In this instance,
driveability analyses typically assign the maximum potential
energy of the hammer to the Eimpact term, referred to as the
rated energy Erated. This leads to the definition of the rated
energy transfer ratio (ETRrated), calculated according to
Equation 5:
E rated
However, as impact hammers tend to perform at drop
heights considerably less than the maximum available, and
hammers are not fully efficient (Section 2.1), it is worthwhile
to assess the true energy transfer ratio (ETR) as a function of
drop height. ETR falls below unity due to noise and heat
generated at impact and is calculated as follows:
ETR rated =
E impact
of these are from the Tilbury site, and therefore some bias of
the results towards this site may be expected.
The ETR ratio is a more fundamental indicator of pile
driveability than ETRrated. A driveability study by Hussein et
al. [10] on prestressed concrete piles (with plywood hammer
and pile-top cushions) is an example of a study that
considered the effect of drop height on ETRrated. The authors
believe that the research reported here is unique as it allows
determination of the actual ETR.
The energy transfer data herein pertain to five separate Keller
Foundations DCIS sites in the United Kingdom, the locations
of which are illustrated in Figure 3. The ground conditions at
Shotton, reported by Flynn et al. [11], comprise uniform
medium dense to dense marine sand to depths in excess of
10m. The stratigraphy at the remaining sites tended to be
variable, typically comprising layers of soft clay overlying
loose to very dense sands and gravels. Cone Penetration Test
(CPT) profiles for the five sites are shown in Figure 4 from
which it can be seen that a broad spectrum of driving
conditions were encompassed by the study. Further details of
the ground conditions at each site are provided in Flynn [12].
Figure 4. CPT profiles at test sites
All piles were installed using Junttan’s HHK A-Series
hydraulic hammers with a maximum drop height of 1.2 m. A
four tonne HHK4A hammer was used to install the DCIS piles
at Pontardulais and Handsworth, with the five tonne HHK5AS
hammer used at the remaining sites. Summary technical
details of these two hammers are provided in Table 2 [13].
Table 1. Energy transfer ratio database
Average drop
600, 820
580, 840
610, 840
630, 820
415, 550, 790
624, 875
560, 805
600, 820
Table 2. Details of Junttan hammers used in this study [13]
Figure 3. Test site locations
The energy transfer database is presented in Table 1, which
summarises the locations of the sites, pile reference, length,
diameter, average drop heights and total number of blows
imparted. It can be seen that a wide range of drop heights are
represented. While the database contains a total of 12 piles, 8
Ram mass (kg)
Total mass 1 (kg)
Max. drop height (m)
Max. energy (kNm)
Blows per minute
including A-Type drive cap for metal tubes
The installation process for a DCIS pile is described by
Flynn and McCabe [14]; it is analogous to that for a closedended steel pile, comprising a 20 mm thick steel tube fitted
with a sacrificial circular steel plate at the base to prevent
ingress of soil and groundwater during the driving process. No
pile cushions were used between the tube head and hammer
assembly. The tube is subsequently filled with concrete before
being withdrawn, although this stage is not relevant to the
driveability study. Monitoring was undertaken on the majority
of hammer blows during each pile drive, with the exception of
Handsworth where PDA measurements were obtained for the
final 50 blows only (of the 259 in total).
As mentioned in Section 3, each test pile was also monitored
dynamically during driving using a PDA. All PDA testing
reported in this paper was performed by the same pile testing
company. Figure 6 shows an example of the energy data for
Pile S594 at Erith. The impact energy and corresponding
transferred energy (EMX) were assessed for each hammer
blow of the pile drive.
The variation in drop height is shown in Figure 5, backfigured by the rig instrumentation as described in Section 2.1,
with blow number during the installation of each of the test
pile in Table 1. Hammer drop heights at Pontarddulais,
Shotton, Handsworth and Erith, ranged between 250 and 500
mm, and typically remained constant throughout each pile
drive. At Tilbury, the driving sequence necessitated the use of
two drop heights, comprising 400 to 600 mm for the initial 13
m, increased to between 750 and 900 mm below this depth
during penetration in dense sandy gravel.
Figure 6. Comparison of impact and transferred energies
during installation of Pile S594 at Erith
The variation in transferred pile energy EMX with the
kinetic energy at impact is shown in Figure 7 for all 12 DCIS
piles in the database. A linear trend is obtained, although the
variability appears to increase with increasing drop heights
(and hence impact energy).
Figure 7. Relationship between kinetic energy at impact and
energy transferred to pile
Figure 5. Variation of drop height with blow number for piles
at (a) Pontarddulais, Shotton, Handsworth and Erith, and (b)
The energy transfer ratio (ETR) was calculated for each
hammer blow using Equation 6. Due to inherent variability in
the measured data, averaging was applied both to the drop
heights and energy transfer ratios. The resulting variation in
average energy transfer ratio ETRavg with average drop height
havg is shown in Figure 8. Note that the vertical range bars
represent plus or minus one standard deviation about the
average energy transfer ratio. It is apparent that:
• The average energy transfer ratio increases with drop
height, ranging from ~75% at drop heights of 250 mm
to over 90% when h is 600 mm or more.
• The variability in energy transfer ratio tends to reduce
somewhat with increasing drop height.
• Pile SE8 at Tilbury had a considerably lower transfer
ratio (~65%) in comparison to other piles at Shotton,
Handsworth and Erith for a drop height of ~400 mm.
range 2 ft. (≈610 mm) to 15 ft. (≈4570 mm). This comparison
highlights the dangers of applying ETRrated,avg values to piling
scenarios other than those for which they were measured.
Figure 9. Variation in rated energy transfer ratio with drop
Figure 8. Variation in measured energy transfer ratio with
drop height
Unlike the other piles at Tilbury, dynamic monitoring for
Pile SE8 was initially carried out while the pile was
penetrating a layer of firm clay above the sandy gravels and
drop heights of about 400 mm were used within this stratum.
It is therefore possible that the ground conditions may have a
significant effect on the reduced energy ratio noted in this
case. Further investigation of this effect is warranted, although
the dearth of driveability data in firm clay in the database in
Table 1 precludes such a study from being undertaken at
Hammer manufacturers advocate that energy transfer ratios
of 95% are routinely achieved during driving of steel piles or
casings without hammer cushions. Based on the data
illustrated in Figure 8, it is apparent that such energy transfer
ratios are only achievable for drop heights in excess of 600
mm. As such, lower energy transfer ratios may need to be
adopted in driveability predictions for these pile types (i.e.
steel or DCIS piles) if lower drop heights are used during
As discussed previously, the energy at impact Eimpact is not
routinely measured in practice and driveability programs
quote the energy transfer ratio as the transferred energy as a
proportion of the maximum rated energy of the hammer. In
order to facilitate comparison with the limited studies of
energy transfer ratio in the literature, the transferred energies
measured for each test pile in Table 1 have been normalised
by the corresponding hammer rated energy (as given in
Equation 6) and plotted against hammer drop height in Figure
9, with the vertical range bars representing plus or minus one
standard deviation about ETRrated,avg. A linear relationship is
observed. In contrast, typical ETRrated,avg values of 30-40%
were observed in the aforementioned study by Hussein et al.
[10] which were relatively independent of drop heights in the
Finally, the magnitude of energy loss after hammer impact
was determined as the difference between Eimpact and EMX. As
shown in Figure 10, energy losses ranged from 1 kJ to 6 kJ
(and the vertical standard deviation bars indicating large
variability) with no clear trend with drop height apparent. This
suggests that the energy losses after impact may be
independent of drop height. Furthermore, the magnitude of
such losses represent a smaller proportion of the impact
energy as the drop height increases, leading to the greater
energy transfer ratios shown in Figure 8.
Figure 10. Variation in absolute energy loss with hammer
drop height
This paper provides an assessment of the energy transfer ratio
of hydraulic impact hammers during the installation of driven
cast-in-situ piles at several sites in the United Kingdom. The
impact energy was derived using the two timing signals
technique, with a wide range of hammer drop heights
analysed. The results of the study revealed the following:
Energy transfer ratios (ETR) ranged from 65% and 95%
during driving and were strongly dependent on hammer
drop height.
The ETR of 95% advocated by the pile hammer
manufacturer was only achievable when a drop height in
excess of about 600 mm was used. Increased variability
in ETR occurred as drop height reduced.
The ground conditions may have a significant effect on
the energy ratio for a given drop height, with the ETR
for pile in driven in firm clay ~20% lower than that
observed for piles driven in sandy gravel.
As such, lower energy transfer ratios may need to be
considered in driveability predictions for these pile types (i.e.
steel or DCIS piles) if lower drop heights are deployed.
The authors wish to acknowledge Keller Foundations for
sponsoring a comprehensive programme of DCIS pile testing,
of which this driveability study is part. The first author was
sponsored by the College of Engineering and Informatics
Fellowship and University Foundation Bursary during his
doctoral studies at NUI Galway.
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