Lara Scaglia
-Phd Thesis on Kant's Schematism "Objectivity, Knowledge and Experience. The role of the Kantian notion of a transcendental schema in epistemology and psychology", UAB Barcelona
Member of SEKLE
-2012 Laurea magistrale in scienze filosofiche, Università degli Studi di Milano
1. Scaglia, L. (2019): “Epistemic and ontological value of the ideas and principles of reason”. Review of: Meer, Rudolf (2018): Der transzendentale Grundsatz der Vernunft. Funktion und Struktur des Anhangs zur Transzendentalen Dialektik der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
In: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, N.9, pp. 376-378
2.Scaglia, L. (2017): “The functions of cognition and the unity of the Kantian system”. Review of: M. Bunte, Erkenntnis und Funktion. Zur Vollstandigkeit der Urteilstfel und Einheit des Kantischen Systems, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016.
In: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, N.6, pp. 401-403.
3. Scaglia, L. (2017): “The dynamic unity of form and matter. The Kantian Schematism as condition of the meaning of categories and its revision in more recent theories”. Review of: Lidia Gasperoni, Versinnlichung. Kants transzendentaler Schematismus und seine Revision in der Nachfolge — Actus et Imago, Boston/Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016.
In: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, N.5, pp. 457-459.
1. (forthcoming) Scaglia, L.: Kant´s Notion of a Transcendental Schema: the Constitution of Objective Knowledge between Epistemology and Psychology. In: Studia philosophica et historica, Peter Lang GmbH.
2.Scaglia, L. (2017): “Realism corrected through relativism. Piaget's interpretation of the Kantian notion of schema”. In: C. Asmuth & L. Gasperoni (ed.):Schemata.Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp.191-203.
3. Scaglia, L. (2016): “The value of the categories in the Kantian transcendental perspective”. In: Hommen, D./Kann, C./Osswald, T. (eds): Concepts and Categorization. Systematic and Historical Perspectives,Münster, MENTIS, pp. 59-77.
4.-2014 “Conoscenza ed esperienza. Per una lettura relazionalista dello spirit della filosofia kantiana alla luce dello schematismo trascendentale”, ACME
22-29 July 2019: „The apriori presuppositions of science: from the Critique of Pure Reason to the Opus Postumum“.III Immanuel Kant International Summer School, Kaliningrad Region, Svetlogorsk
15-16 February 2019: “The unfinished schematism(s)”. Kant`s Opus Postumum Wokshop (organised by the Classical German Philosophy research group of the University of Padua.), LMU, München.
27-30 June 2016: “Bonnet's and Teten's inquires into human nature and the seeds of the Kantian criticism”. Joint meeting of ESHHS-CHEIRON, UAB, Barcelona.
21-23 May 2015: “The transcendental doctrine of schematism and its psychological interpretations. The status of Epistemology between philosophy and natural science”, Workshop Epistèmologie Historique: commencements et enjeux actuels. Sorbonne, Paris.
19-21 February 2014: “Piaget's reception of Kant's doctrine of schematism: Transcendental philosophy and sagesse”, Schema-Zeichen-Wissen. XII Arbeitstagung des Forscungsnetzwerkes Transzendentalphilosophie/Deutscher Idealismus. TU, Berlin.
Supervisors: Prof. T. Sturm, UAB and Prof. M. Willaschek, Franfurt Goethe University
Address: Barcelona
Member of SEKLE
-2012 Laurea magistrale in scienze filosofiche, Università degli Studi di Milano
1. Scaglia, L. (2019): “Epistemic and ontological value of the ideas and principles of reason”. Review of: Meer, Rudolf (2018): Der transzendentale Grundsatz der Vernunft. Funktion und Struktur des Anhangs zur Transzendentalen Dialektik der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
In: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, N.9, pp. 376-378
2.Scaglia, L. (2017): “The functions of cognition and the unity of the Kantian system”. Review of: M. Bunte, Erkenntnis und Funktion. Zur Vollstandigkeit der Urteilstfel und Einheit des Kantischen Systems, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016.
In: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, N.6, pp. 401-403.
3. Scaglia, L. (2017): “The dynamic unity of form and matter. The Kantian Schematism as condition of the meaning of categories and its revision in more recent theories”. Review of: Lidia Gasperoni, Versinnlichung. Kants transzendentaler Schematismus und seine Revision in der Nachfolge — Actus et Imago, Boston/Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016.
In: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, N.5, pp. 457-459.
1. (forthcoming) Scaglia, L.: Kant´s Notion of a Transcendental Schema: the Constitution of Objective Knowledge between Epistemology and Psychology. In: Studia philosophica et historica, Peter Lang GmbH.
2.Scaglia, L. (2017): “Realism corrected through relativism. Piaget's interpretation of the Kantian notion of schema”. In: C. Asmuth & L. Gasperoni (ed.):Schemata.Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp.191-203.
3. Scaglia, L. (2016): “The value of the categories in the Kantian transcendental perspective”. In: Hommen, D./Kann, C./Osswald, T. (eds): Concepts and Categorization. Systematic and Historical Perspectives,Münster, MENTIS, pp. 59-77.
4.-2014 “Conoscenza ed esperienza. Per una lettura relazionalista dello spirit della filosofia kantiana alla luce dello schematismo trascendentale”, ACME
22-29 July 2019: „The apriori presuppositions of science: from the Critique of Pure Reason to the Opus Postumum“.III Immanuel Kant International Summer School, Kaliningrad Region, Svetlogorsk
15-16 February 2019: “The unfinished schematism(s)”. Kant`s Opus Postumum Wokshop (organised by the Classical German Philosophy research group of the University of Padua.), LMU, München.
27-30 June 2016: “Bonnet's and Teten's inquires into human nature and the seeds of the Kantian criticism”. Joint meeting of ESHHS-CHEIRON, UAB, Barcelona.
21-23 May 2015: “The transcendental doctrine of schematism and its psychological interpretations. The status of Epistemology between philosophy and natural science”, Workshop Epistèmologie Historique: commencements et enjeux actuels. Sorbonne, Paris.
19-21 February 2014: “Piaget's reception of Kant's doctrine of schematism: Transcendental philosophy and sagesse”, Schema-Zeichen-Wissen. XII Arbeitstagung des Forscungsnetzwerkes Transzendentalphilosophie/Deutscher Idealismus. TU, Berlin.
Supervisors: Prof. T. Sturm, UAB and Prof. M. Willaschek, Franfurt Goethe University
Address: Barcelona
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