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2009, Nucleic Acids Research
6 pages
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culaire des Proté ines (SIMOPRO) and 2 Groupe informatique pour les scientifiques d'
This paper deals with the aspect of place (space) in Buddhist narratives. Starting from the observation that narrated time is often vaguely indicated in Buddhist narratives, but places and sites of the narrated events are quite specific—although frequently introduced in a stereotypical way (“Once the Buddha dwelled in Śrāvastī …” “Once when Brahmadatta was king in Vārāṇasī …”)—the question is asked why a place is so important for and in Buddhist narratives. Based on selected examples, the argument is made that it is the “blueprint” of “early” Buddhist biographical sources, with the Buddha acting/preaching at specific places, which made these places accessible spaces where merit could be gained through “contact” with soteriologically important events in the past.
Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology and human centered innovation process which continues to enjoy increasing popularity with practitioners, business leaders, scholars, and educators for its potential to foster innovative activity across a wide array of business and organizational challenges. While vaulting to popularity in the wake of Tim Brown and IDEO’s emergence in 2008 with a simplified and commercialized methodology, where everyone can be a designer, it also has its share of problems making it a challenging subject. First, there is no agreed upon definition for design thinking, and the term itself is a subject of controversy among its practitioners and advocates. Second, while design thinking has gained in popularity with its mass appeal, it has a rich history rooted in design theory which has allowed for the emergence of both managerial and “designerly” discourses resulting in a “dual discourse” problem. Third, design thinking cannot seem to shake its perception of being a management fad. This research studies how design thinking is applied in the field by practitioners by asking: Are all practitioners using design thinking in the same way? Are design thinking methodologies producing the expected outcomes? Are there new insights that may improve upon the current model(s) to better serve the end user, which are not captured in the literature? While this study does not attempt to arrive at a unified definition for design thinking, it does contextualize design thinking from the perspective of design thinking practitioners while developing a processual model describing how it is practiced. This model proposes four separate process pathways combining substantive, symbolic, choreographic, and educational actions. These actions all happen simultaneously, are seemingly interrelated and are all choreographed by the lead practitioner as if it were a theatrical production with numerous moving parts, interdependent on each other. Moreover, this study reveals additional outcomes beyond problem solving that practitioners arrive at which serve to improve business objectives and drive cultural change. Keywords: Design thinking, process model, process pathways, design thinking outcomes, symbolic actions, design thinking practice, design thinking application, business transformation, cultural change, grounded theory
SIVDT 2020 ediţia a VlII-a, 2020
Abstract: Is thepostmodern man still interested in the inner life?1. The new framework of the modern world, characterized by an uninterrupted flow of information, a culture of overconsumption, noise and sensory hyperstimulation, predispose man's inner life to fragmentation and scattering, weakening the ability to concentrate the mind and the efficiency of his cognitive processes. Thus, sensory overload and social media hold man's attention to the outside, reducing him to a "surface life". The purpose of this article is to present our observations on the new context of life of postmodern man and to emphasize the need for stillness, silence, sensory deprivation and, above all, to focus attention on the inner life. Postmodern man, subordinated to the conditions of economic civilization, spends very little time on himself, being increasingly attracted to the presence of hidden challenges in the setting of his living environment. In this context, self-reflection, self-knowledge and prayer, as a spiritual practice with a special role in the attention, concentration, simplification of the human mind and self-awareness, seem more than necessary for today's man.
Call for papers CPCL Vol. 7, 2024
Recordar algunos aspectos de la Pascua Judía puede esclarecer la comprensión de la Pascua Cristiana. El pueblo hebreo celebra las Pascuas en conmemoración de la víspera del éxodo de la opresión egipcia en busca de la Tierra Prometida por Dios a Abraham. Para los cristianos, la Pascua es el paso de Cristo de la muerte a la vida y es la más importante de las fiestas cristianas. El domingo anterior a la Pascua Judía, Jesús llega a Jerusalén para celebrar esta fiesta con sus discípulos. Al llegar es recibido como Mesías pero, a la semana, es condenado a muerte y crucificado. Se consuman así la redención del pecado y la victoria sobre la muerte. En la Semana Santa se recuerda la entrada triunfal a Jerusalén, la Última Cena, la Crucifixión y la Resurrección de Cristo. Durante el Triduo Pascual (jueves, viernes y sábado) se realizan las celebraciones centrales de Semana Santa. Jueves Santo El Jueves Santo es una especie de "profecía" de la Pascua. En el Monte de los Olivos Jesús vive, concientemente y de manera anticipada, su Pasión y su Muerte. Este día se bendice el Santo Crisma, que se utilizará hasta el siguiente Jueves Santo. También se realiza la Misa de la Cena del Señor, en la que se recuerda la Última Cena que Jesús tuvo con sus amigos, los apóstoles. La Última Cena puede interpretarse como la instauración de la Misa. Viernes Santo Éste es un día de silencio, pues se recuerda la Crucifixión de Cristo y es, por eso, el único día del año en que no se realiza misa. En su lugar se hace una celebración en la que se recuerda la Pasión del Señor, se reza por la salvación de todo el mundo y se adora la cruz. Una de las tradiciones populares que ha tomado mucha fuerza en la celebración del Viernes Santo es la representación en vivo del Via Crucis. Sábado Santo El sábado por la noche se celebra la Solemne Vigilia Pascual o la Misa de Gloria. Es el punto final del Triduo Pascual. Cuando llega el momento de rezar la oración de Gloria se hacen repicar las campanas para anunciar a todo el mundo que Cristo resucitó. Según una antiquísima tradición los fieles cristianos encienden velas simbolizando la invitación de Cristo a su mesa. Domingo de Pascua El domingo es el día más importante del año litúrgico: se celebra la Resurrección de Cristo. La Resurrección es el fundamento de la fe en Jesús, ya que en ella se basa la esperanza de la salvación del mundo. La iglesia entera festeja el triunfo de Cristo sobre el pecado y es por ello que todas las iglesias se embellecen de flores y reúnen a toda la comunidad cristiana.
Education policies for greater accountability of schools assume that schools are capable of building their capacity for continuous improvement. While policymakers, scholars, and practitioners acknowledge the importance of building school-wide capacity for continuous improvement, empirical evidence to this effect remains thin. In this study, we examine the extent to which school improvement capacity develops over time in a sample of elementary schools in The Netherlands. Leadership practices, school organizational conditions, teacher motivation, and teacher learning were used to measure school-wide capacity for improvement. Mixed-model analysis of longitudinal data from 1,010 teachers of 32 Dutch elementary schools showed that schools are capable of building schoolwide capacity, and that sustaining a high level of capacity seemed to be more difficult. The findings suggest that improving leadership may be an important first step in the process of building school-wide capacity.
This dissertation brings to light the fundamental place which the Holy Spirit occupies in the ecclesiology of John Henry Newman. Chapter one describes the historical growth of Newman's ecclesiology from his Evangelical idea of the Church as an invisible union of believers (1816-24) to his gradual acceptance of the visible dimension of the Church (1824-26) to his affirmation of the Church as a sacramental communion (post-1826). Chapter two sets forth his trinitarian and incamational grammar and reviews the state of scholarship concerning his pneumatic christology to conclude that there is a lack of work focussing upon his view of the Holy Spirit in the life of the historical Jesus. Chapter three examines Newman's view of the congruity of divine personhood and temporal office wherein mediation and animation are hypostatic hallmarks of the offices of the eternal Son and Holy Spirit; it considers the implications of this view for his mariology. Chapter four refutes charges that Newman's pneumatic christology is actually an immanent Athanasian christology or is diminished by a deficient view of the humanity of the God-man. The strength of his pneumatic christology is then evinced with reference to events in the life of the God-man from his ontological constitution to his crucifixion. Chapter five discusses Newman's view of the Holy Spirit as the 'leading actor' in the Easter Mystery, his belief that the resurrection is the origin of ecclesia and the centrality of ascension-pentecost for his 'Body of Christ' ecclesiology. Chapters six and seven test the argument that Newman's ecclesiology is essentially a sacramental extension of his pneumatic christology with reference to his Essay on the Development o f Christian Doctrine (1845). The thesis is that this text does not contain 'pneumatological deficit' because Newman invests his epistemological language with pneumatological and christological significance. iv Contents Acknowledgments Abbreviations xi-xiv xv-xvii "*For example, see On Consulting the Faithful (1859) and Preface to the Third Edition of The Via Media (1^77). x x v i many works in Newman's oeuvre in order to show that my argument is central not tangential to his thought. I draw upon his letters, journals, autobiographical memoirs, poetry, notes, lectures, sermons, essays, treatises and books to demonstrate that Newman's theology (specifically his pneumatic christology) is not separate from his life as reflected in these genres. Third, I have relied infrequently upon some significant ecclesiological texts within the 1826-53 period, such The Via Media, because I have judged other texts better qualified to illumine Newman's pneumatic christology and ecclesiology. Finally, I support much of my argument by referring to works within the 1826-53 period, like Parochial and Plain Sermons, Lectures on Justification and Essay on Development, which are recognised as possessing an enduring theological significance. Terms Pneumatic and Pneumatological Among contemporary authors, there is no standard use of the terms, "pneumatic" and "pneumatological". Throughout the dissertation, I use "pneumatic" to refer immediately to the power, presence or person of the Holy Spirit. For example, "pneumatic christology" and "pneumatic animation" refer respectively to the "Holy Spirit in the life of Christ" and "the life-giving activity of the Holy Spirit". By way of distinction, I use "pneumatological" to refer mediately or remotely to the power, presence or person of the Holy Spirit. For example, "pneumatological deficit" and "pneumatological considerations" refer respectively to "a situation in which the office of the Holy Spirit is neglected, suppressed or its proper due not given" and "matters concerned with the Holy Spirit". xxvii Spirit-christology and pneumatic christology I know that it is possible to use the term "Spirit-christology" in a manner that does justice to orthodox trinitarianism^ so that the hypostatic character of the persons of the Holy Spirit and eternal Son are properly preserved in the theological enterprise. I equally realise that it is possible to interpret "pneumatic christology" in a manner that understands "Holy Spirit" strictly according to the adjectival function of "pneumatic" such that the divine personhood of the Spirit is reduced to a mere "power" modifying Christ. However, I think that the phrase "pneumatic christology" best communicates to readers the fact that Newman operates squarely within orthodox trinitarianism, if only because those using the phrase "Spirit-Christology" today often move outside this boundary.Ŝ
Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Pain Management in Orthopedic Surgery: A Literature Review (Atena Editora), 2024
INTRODUCTION Peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) are integral to postoperative pain management in orthopedic surgery, offering targeted analgesia that minimizes the need for systemic opioids. The history and evolution of PNBs have been marked by advancements in nerve anatomy understanding and ultrasound-guided techniques, enhancing their efficacy and safety. PNBs encompass various techniques, including single-injection and continuous infusions, tailored to specific surgeries and patient needs. They offer significant benefits, including reduced opioid consumption and enhanced patient satisfaction. OBJETIVE Analyze the efficacy of peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) in reducing postoperative pain. METHODS This is a narrative review which included studies in the MEDLINE – PubMed (National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health), COCHRANE, EMBASE and Google Scholar databases, using as descriptors: “Regional Anesthesia” OR “Pain Management” OR “Orthopedic Surgery” OR “Peripheral Nerve Blocks” AND “Postoperative Analgesia” in the last years. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The efficacy of PNBs in reducing postoperative pain is well-documented, with studies showing lower pain scores and reduced opioid consumption. Continuous infusion techniques provide longer-lasting pain relief compared to single injections. PNBs have a favorable safety profile, with reduced risks of serious complications due to the precision of ultrasound guidance. Comparative studies reveal that PNBs outperform traditional pain management methods in terms of pain control, patient satisfaction, and functional recovery. They also contribute to shorter hospital stays and quicker rehabilitation, particularly in outpatient and high-risk patient populations. CONCLUSION Peripheral nerve blocks have revolutionized pain management in orthopedic surgery by providing effective, localized analgesia and reducing opioid dependence. Future advancements in PNB techniques and ongoing research will further enhance their efficacy and safety, ensuring optimal postoperative care. The integration of PNBs into multimodal pain management strategies, including Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols, underscores their critical role in modern surgical practice.
Es importante recordar que un código de ética profesional es un documento que establece en forma clara los principios morales, deberes y obligaciones que guían el buen desempeño profesional.
Phoînix, 2024
This paper is about the reception of Boudica by British suffragettes, who played a prominent role in an episode that occurred during the 1st century AD, in 60 and/or 61 AD, which marked the roots of the formation of the British people. She was the queen of the Iceni tribe and led an army against the Roman Empire after her daughters were raped, and she was whipped by Roman officials. Boudica was regarded as the representative of the first women-led freedom movement. In this way, the queen of the Iceni was embraced by the suffragettes to empower and strengthen this social movement and to demonstrate the bravery of female leadership.
Sophie Turbé, 2016
Economic Planning: Theory and Practice , 2022
Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 2017
Critical care medicine, 2018
PLoS ONE, 2014
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2013
Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology, 2019
Sociológica (México), 1990