An Ethnobotanical Comparison of Four Tribes of Amazonian Indians

1972, Acta Amazonica

An ethnobotanical comparison is made between the four Indian tribes the Denis, the Jamamadis, the Makús, and the Waikás. The data was collected during general plant collecting expeditions in the tribal areas, and is not presented as a complete ethnobotanical study of each tribe. It is a comparison of the botanical data which we were able to gather durmg short visits to each tribe. A table is given comparing the cultivated crops of each tribe• The following types of plant uses are discussed and compared: fish poisons, arrow poisons, other poisons, narcotic and hallucinogenic snuffs, coca, medicines, contraceptives, edible fruit and fungi and a few other miscellaneous plant uses. Information on the edible fungi eaten by the Waikás is presented for the first time. Various tables are given comparing the different plant uses by the four tribes. Reference is made to past observations and studies of the plants mentioned. Common to all four tribes are severa! of the most important food crops, fish poisons, some form of narcotic, arrow poisons, and various general uses of plants such as for building materiais and body paints. Each tribe has a slightly different narcotic, the Jamamadis and Denis are most similar in this respect having a tobacco based snuff, the Waikás have severa! hallucinogenic snuffs and the Makú narcotic is coca which is eaten to remove hunger pains. The arrow poisons are also different from tribe to tribe• The Jamamadis and Denis have a Strychnos based curare, the Waikás a Virola, based poison, and the Makús a Moraceae based poison in which cardiac glycosides are present. The Jamamadís and Denis are ethnobotanically the most similar of the tribes compared and they are very different from both the Waikás and the Makús. !NTRODUCTION During the year of plant collecting in Amazonian Brazil in 1971 on the collaborative program between the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia and the New York Botanical Garden, we visited four very different lndian tribes. Whi le we were in tribal areas, primarily GHILLEAN T. PRANCE B A. Kru~o;off Curator of Amazonian Botany, Thc N. Y. Botanical Gardcn

An Ethnobotanical Comparison of Four Tribes of Amazonian lndians T. PRANCE Curator of Amazonian Botany, Thc N. Y. Botanical Gardcn GHILLEAN B A. ABSTRACT An ethnobotanical comparison is made between the four Indian tribes the Denis, the Jamamadis, the Makús, and the Waikás. The data was collected during general plant collecting expeditions in the tribal areas, and is not presented as a complete ethnobotanical study of each tribe. It is a comparison of the botanical data which we were able to gather durmg short visits to each tribe. A table is given comparing the cultivated crops of each tribe· The following types of plant uses are discussed and compared: fish poisons, arrow poisons, other poisons, narcotic and hallucinogenic snuffs, coca, medicines, contraceptives, edible fruit and fungi and a few other miscellaneous plant uses. Information on the edible fungi eaten by the Waikás is presented for the first time. Various tables are given comparing the different plant uses by the four tribes. Reference is made to past observations and studies of the plants mentioned. Common to all four tribes are severa! of the most important food crops, fish poisons, some form of narcotic, arrow poisons, and various general uses of plants such as for building materiais and body paints. Each tribe has a slightly different narcotic, the Jamamadis and Denis are most similar in this respect having a tobacco based snuff, the Waikás have severa! hallucinogenic snuffs and the Makú narcotic is coca which is eaten to remove hunger pains. The arrow poisons are also different from tribe to tribe· The Jamamadis and Denis have a Strychnos based curare, the Waikás a Virola, based poison, and the Makús a Moraceae based poison in which cardiac glycosides are present. The Jamamadís and Denis are ethnobotanically the most similar of the tribes compared and they are very different from both the Waikás and the Makús. !NTRODUCTION During the year of plant collecting in Amazonian Brazil in 1971 on the collaborative program between the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia and the New York Botanical Garden, we visited four very different lndian tribes. Whi le we were in tribal areas, primarily Kru~o;off to mé:lke general herbarium collections of the vegetation as part of our plant survey of Brazilian Amazonia we were also able to makP. extensive ethnobotanical observations and collections from the four tribes which we visited. Three of the four tribes are now on the fringes of western civilization and they are rapid ly becoming acculturated, therefore it is important to gather and record their botanical information before it is permanently lost. This study is not intended as a complete account ot the ethnobotany of these tribes, but rather a record of plant uses which we observed while living amongst these four groups. Vouchers of ali the herbarium material cited here are depos1ted at INPA, NY & ECON. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE FOUR TRIB'ES 1. THE DENfS The Dení village which we visited is situated on the uppe1 Rio Cunhuá (marked as Rio Tapauá on rnost maps) at 6°21 'S; 67n4o'W. The Denis inhabit the regíon from the R10 Juruci up to west of the village which we visited. TheJ have only recently come into regular contact with western civilizat10n. The group which we visited is the most westernized village of the tribe and they even depend heaviiy upon local Brazilians to supplement their food supply, but they retain much of their own culture especially uses of plants. 2. THE J AMAMADIS The Jamamad1 village which we visited is situated about 120 km south of Lábrea on the Rio Apitua about four hours walk from the west bank of the Rio Purus at Seringal Jurucua. This -7 group live close to Brazilians and work for the Seringal (rubber farm). but retain much of indigenous culture. Many members of the tribe still know and use plants as medicines , poisons etc. although they gather and sell rubber and Brazil nuts. 3. THE MAKÚS The Makús inhabit the upper Rio Negro region. The group which we visited live on the upper reaches of the Rio Uneiuxi This group is probably the most westernized of ali four groups considered here. They are to some extent acculturated and work for a Brazilian gathering Sôrva latex (Couma sp.) and other forest products. A few of the younger adults have even had an elementary schcol education at the Salesian mission school in Tapuruquara. In spite of this the Makús retain much of their own culture, and still live in communal dwellings. The Makús were able to show us more plant uses than any of the other tribes, ano they haá a greater variety of their poisons and medicinal plants cultívated in their fields. 4. THE WAIKÁS We have now visited a large number of Waiká (Yanomam) villages in Roraima territory. During 1971 we walked a Waiká lndian trail from Serra dos Surucucus to the Rio Fig. I - A Waiká lndian dcmonstrating their method of fire lighting to Osmarioo Monteiro and José Ramos. The wood usually used for f ire lighting by this grouv of Waikás on lhe Rio Mucajai is Croto11 pulfei Lanj. var. pulffi (Eu· phorbiaceae). 8- Uraricoeira. This 200 km long trai! passes through six ditterent Waiká malocas. In this reglon the Waikás are vil'tually unt ouched by western civilization, apart from a little contact with missionaries living amongst them. These missionanes have wisely not encouraged the acculturation of the lndians. The Jndians are living much as they have lived for hundreds ot years Their use of plants is not as great as that of some of the other tribes mentioned here. but they have some extremely interesting hallucinogenic plants which are important in Waiká culture. uses. but also list some of the general uses. lhe lndians are using plant material to build their houses, thatch their rooves, carry their loads and btlild their canoes . The Jamamadis, the Denis and the Makús make abundant use of the palm Paxiuba (Socratea c.xorrhiza (Mart.) Wendl.) which splits easily to make good floors and walls for their houses. Ali four Lribes make abundant use of barks which strip and give a good band or rope for tying and making carriers etc. (known locally as Envira to Brazilians and coming mainly trom the inner bark of trees of the Annonaceae and the GENERAL BOTANY OF THE TRmES Lecythidaceae). of forest fruits. These lndian tribes have a plant-based culture . lt would be impossible to produce a c;omprehensive accour.t of the plants which they use after the shori time which we spent with each of the tour tribes. I have concentrated here on the most important and interesting plant Each tribe eats a large variety THE CROPS The crops which we actually observed under cu ltivation during visits made to the fie lds of each of the tribes are summé;rized in Fig . 2 - Close-up of lhe fire lighting procedure. One stick is spun in a hollow in another which is filled wilh tinder. The Indians prepare lhe soft wood of Croton by hardening over a fire and they then keep a stock of hardened wood. -9 Table 1. The apparent paucity of Dení lndian crops is possibly due to the fact that the group which we visited had moved to that location only recently. They spoke of other crops which Food Crops Dení Abiú <Sapotaceae fruit) Avocado Banana - cooking plantain sweet Casava - Bitter sweet Cashew Corn Carã Inga (edible aril in pods) Lemon Mango Millet Papaya Pineapple Pupunha palm (Guilielma speciosa Mart.) Squash Sugar cane Sweet potatoe Tarrow + + + + + + + they grew in their other villages, and they were planning a journey to various villages of the tribe to collect seeds and propagules of other crops. Jamamadi Makú + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (1 + + + + Waiká tree) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + crops Carawã, fish poison (Euphorbia cotinifolia L.) Cunambi, fish poison (Clibadium) Timbó, fish poison {.Lonchocarpus) Bixa ore/lana (dye) Cotton Flecheira CP 10530) used arrow shafts Gynerium sagiltalum (Aubl.) Bêáuv. Gourds Ipadu ('coca' = Erythroxylum coca L.) Tobacco + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Table 1. A comparison of the crops of the four groups discussed. PLANTS USED 1. FISH POISONS The use of fish poisons by lndians has been known and discussed for many years e. g. Ernst (1881), Lecointe (1936). Summaries ot the subject were given in Killip (1931) and Krukoff & Smith (1937). The active ingredient of many of the poisons are the rotenones which are also used as tnsecticides. Ali four tribes use fish poisons regularly and they are important in the life of the tribes. 10- The poison is placed into small creeks. and tish are poisoned or asphyxiated tor a considerab le distance down river. lt is a drastic way of fishing as even the smallest fish are poisoned, and ali four tribes use it only for special occasions. Poisoning usually provides a large amount of fish and even the smallest fish are collected and eaten. Eight difterent species of plants are used in the four tribes , and different parts of the plants are used. The sap of the poison plant is put into the water, although methods vary between tribes. The Waikás use the woody &tem of the large vine of Lonchocarpus nicou (Aubl.) DC . This is beaten with a hard stick (Fig. 3.) and then thrown into the water which is agitated to stir up the mud. The Makú make one of their poisons from the leaves of Euphorbia cotinifolia L., and they place large packs of leaves on a stand over the river. They beat the leaves, and throw water over the beaten leaves to let the juices drop down into the river (Fig . 4). The men do this leaf beating while the women stand up-river and agitate the river to stir up as Source of Poison Part of Plant Cc.oryocM g/abrum pericarp of fruit Dení much mud as possible. The poisons are nearly always used in muddy waters. The MRkús also use the pericarp of the fruit of Caryocar glabrum (Aubl.) Pers . which they collect, grind up and mix with mud a few days prior to a fishing party. The Waiká use the Lonchocarpus poison in open rivers to poison large fish, but they use Clibadium sylvestre (Aubl.) Baill, to poison small tish in dammed up creeks. I have usually observed the poisoning in undammed 1 ivers and creeks . Table 2 summarizes the fish poisons observed in the four tnbes studied. Jarnamadi truit (Aubl.) Baill. Derris lati/o/ia + + + !eaves + stems + 13601 15573 + leaves 16496, 15555, 10529 15554 + stems -,tems Voucher: Prance N.• 15576, 15583 13930 (Aubl.) DC. Loi.C·Iwcarpus 11rucu Killip & Smith úmciJOcarpus cf. urilis A. C· Smith Phyllamhus brasiliensis (Aubl .) + + roots HBK Euplwrbia cvtinifo/it, L. Lonclwcarpus 11Ícou Waiká + (Aubl.) Pers. Clibadium syf,·estre Makú 11110 15556 Poir. Table 2. Fish poisons observed in the four tribes. 2. Fagara sp. (Prance et ai. 13937), "Balata•. ARROW POISONS Ali four tnbes use poisonous arrows andí or :)low gun darts. The Dení poison was not collected but is probably Strychnos based and rather similar to that of the Jamamadi. Th~ Makú and Waiká poisons are different from each other and from that ot the Jumamadi. The Jamamadi have a curare arrow poison I.Jnsed on Strychnos and Curarea. The contents of the poisons is the following : Strychnos solimoesana Krukoff, (Prance et ai. 13929). #Irã ". Curarea toxicofera (Wedd.) Barneby Krukoff, (Prance et ai. 13931), "Bicava". & Guatteria cf. mega/ophylla Diels (Prance et ai. 13936), "Boa". The poison is prepared from a mixture of the bark of ali four of the above species, with the Strychnos (Fig . 5, 6.) and Curarea being used in greater quantites than the other two, and more Strychnos than Curarea. The bark mixture is heated, boiled and concentrated into a sticky residue which is then used to coat blow gun darts (Fig. 7). This Strychnos based arrow poison or curare is probably the best knnwn and the most describe arrow poison . lt vades from tribe to tribe, but has essenttêllly the same paralyzing effect on the victim. The species of Strychnos used, S. so/imoesana, was first reported as the principal ingredient of a curare in Krukoff (1965) , where it is cited as the main constituent of the Cauichana - 11 Fig. 3 - Waiká Tndians preparing fisb poison by beating out thc stem of Loncltocarpus nicou ( Aubl .) DC. Pho togra rhed on thl! Surucucu-Waiká trai] . lndian arrow poison. The Cauichana live on the Rio Tocantins . S. solimoesana was studied chemically by Barredo-Carneiro (1938) who isolated two alkaloids stricholeta line and curaletaline from the stem bark, and by MariniBettolo ( 1957) and assoei ates who detected the presence of 40 ai kaloids in the stE.m bark. The latter authors list ali these alkaloids, 14 of which were new. S. sclimoesana based poison is said to be one of the most powerful and effective paralyzi ng curares. Curaretr toxicofera is discussed as an arrow poison ingredient in Krukoff & Barneby (1970) under Chondrodedron toxicoferum, and i·s also mentioned in Barneby & Krukoff (1971). Various members of the Annonaceae nave -:~l s o been 12- reported as arrow poison ingredients , but not the abcve species. For example Unonopsi.> veneficiorum (1\!lart.) R. E. Fries is reported as an ingredient of curare by Schultes (1969). The Makús have an equa lly effect1ve poison which is much more easily preparE-d si11ce it has only one ingredient; the latex of the iVloraceous tree Naucleopsis mel/o-barretoi (Standl.) C . C . Berg (Prance et ai 15563). A small slit is mad ~ in the bark of the tree, and the latex is collected into a leaf. (Fig. 8) . This is coated directly onto blow gun darts, and requires no intermediate heating or concentration process. Presumably the active ingredients of this poison are the cardiac glycos ides which the genus Nauc/eopsis is known to contain . They are presently under study by Dr. N. G. Bissett of the Chelsea College of Pharmacy, London, whc has received a sample of the poison which we collected. The poison of the Makús affects the heart whereas the curare of the Jamamadis is a poison affecting the nervous system. The Waikás in the Serra do Surucucus region of Roraima use the bark resin of the Myristicaceous tree Viro/a theiodora (Spruce ex Benth.) Warb. (Prance et a/ 10685, 10984) as their arrow and dart poison, and it is also the source of their hallucinogenic snuff. The bark is stripped off trees and then placed over a fire. The heat causes much resin to ooze out. This is then collected into gourds for use as a snuff or poison. Th1s dual use of V. theiodora as snuff and arrow poison was reported in Schultes (1968) and I have already discussed it in Prance ( 1970). The tryptammes are the active ingredients of the hallucinogenic snuff, but little is known about the activo mgredients of the arrow poison. This poison acts more slowly than the other two described. The Waikás have to follow game shot with their poison and it will take up to 20 rninutes for the victim to fali whereas a chicken shot with ,J Jamamadi dart fell over and was paralyzed within 10 seconds of being hit with a blow guP dart coated with fresh poison. These three completely different arrow poisons demonstrate the diverse plant culture of the different Amazonian tribes. lt also shows the versatility and flexibility of the lndians as their separate cultures developed. As they colonized or were driven mto new areas presumably they experimented and found new Fig. 4 - The Makús prepare their fish poison directly ovc-r th "! water of a sm~ll creek. Here they are pounding thc leaves of Euplwrbio continifolia L. wi th sticks. The poison falls into the creck. The lndian~ must turn th;;ir eycs away fr0m the ~plasbes of the plant latex as it causes blindness. -13 Marto (Prance et a!. 15584)0 lt is used to poison armadilloso Bark 1s scraped from the these and is heaped at the mouth of armadillo burrows o The armadillos apparently like the bark. eat it, and die nearby, providing the Makú diet with Drmadillo meat. Fig. 5 - StrycJm os solimoesana Krukoff, the sourc! oi Lh! Jamamadi arrow poison . Much of the bark ha<t been removed to obtain poi~on poisons from the local plant resources as they could no longer use the poisons from their previous locationso 3 o OTHER POISONS "Caramã", the other Makú poison is from the bark of Ryania speciosa Vahl varo minor Monachino o lt is made by mixing the stem hark with food . and it works rapià lyo Until qui te recently it was taken by old people t o comnut suicide; a type of euthanasia which was acceptab le in this tribe, the poison was also used for enemies, but the Makú group which we visited was no longer using it in these wayso Ryania speciosa is a well known poisonou s plant which contains the alkaloid ryanodine which has been much used as an insecticide o A summary of the uses and a bibliography referring to literatura on ryanodine are given in Monachino (1949) 0 As various poisons have been discussed in other literature we questioned ali four tribe-s about the existence of poisons ot her than the arrow and fish poisonso Only the Makús appear to have other poisons which were useci trequently to poison animais and humanso Samples of two poisons were collected; both made from members of the Flar.ourtiaceae. a family well know as a source of poisons. The poison which the Makús ca ll "Warapash" is obtained from Carpotroche Amazomca Figo 6 - The bark of Strycltnos solim oesans Krukoff on a banana leaf ready for mixing with the olher ingredient~ •>f thc J amamadi Curare. /4- Fig . 7 - A Jamamadi lndian prepa res a blow gun dart poisoned with th eir Curare o Fig . 8 - A Makú lndian extractin.l! the late of Naucleopsis mello-barreroi (Standl Berg. The latex is coated directly onto their blow gun darts a nd is an cffective poison. ( Photo by O . Woolcon ). 4. SNUFFS The Makús are the only tnbe that do not have a narcotic snuff. The other three tribes each have a snuff that plays an 11nportant role 1n their tribal life. The Makús have a fonn of Côca as a narcotic instead of a snuff. The snuff of the Waikás is hallucinogenic whereas that of the Jamamadis and Denís 1s intoxicating but not hallucinogenic. Dení and Jamamadi These two tribes have essentially the same snuff which is based on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L , Prance et ai. 13928), mixed with the bark ash of various spectes of Cacau le . g. Theobroma suiJincanum Mart., !'rance et ai. 13933, 13939, 16515). The snuft is called by the same name in both tribes which have different languages, Shinã by the Jamamadis and Tsinã by the Denis. The tobacco leaves are gathered and heated on top of a convex metal bowl. and are rolled with a wooden rolling-pin to squeeze out ali the juices. lt takes about 20 minutes to dry the leaves crisp by this process. At the same time " fire is made from the bark of the Cacau (Theobroma) . When the leaves are crisp and dry they are broken up into a wooden bowl and ground into a fine powder with a wooden pestle . (Fig . 9) . At the same time ash from the Cacau Fig . 9 A hmamadi prepares Ihei r n:u-cotic snuff. Dri·! d tobacco leaves and cacau ashes are being ground together by u ~ing this primitive mortar and p~tle . - 15 bark is aeleleel in roughly equal quant1ties. The snuff is then reaely for use. The group definitely prefers fresh snuff, anel appears to make it most evenings. Most members of the tribe carry a small amount of the snuff with them in an assortment of containers. The snuff is administereel by sucking it intc the nostrils through a small pipe maele from a hollow monkey leg bane. (Fig 10) One person will holel out the snuff on a leaf while the other takes it, drawing in turn into each nostril. Almost ali the tribe including children carried the bane pipes. The snuff has an intoxicating effect on the user. The users appear inebriated anel they talk of light heacleelness. This snuff is certainly a powerful intoxicant, but it is not hallucinogenic as no one spoke of hallucinations in connection with it. The Jamamadis appear to take it from early chlldhooel since we observed a four year old taking it regularly, anel a ten year alei girl traeleel her supply of snuff and her pipe with us. The lndians are insistant that the snuff is ineffective without the Theobromn bark ash, anel saiel that they never take a pure tobacco snutf. The use of this tobacco-cacau snutf covers quite a large area ot Amazoma between the H1os Purus and Jurua, the range ot these two tribes and ot other tribes which use the same snuff. The Denrs have a seconel snuff called Badhu (= deerJ - tsma l = snutt). 1his is cotlected trom a pyrenocarpous lichen (/-'rance et ai. 1o~03J. untortunatety due to the stage of <.Jt::VeiOpment of the lichen when couectea and when usea as a snurt, lUrtner 10~nnn cat1on IS not posstote. 1 ne yenow powaer 01 the medutla on me surrace or tne 11cnen 1s co11ecrea trorn the tree trunKs where it grows. Th1s 1s then sniffed in small quantities. lt does not appear to have a narcot1c ettect, but rather to cause extreme irritation and a tingling sensation m the mucous membranes of the nose. When we sniffed it we were ali seized by a viole:nt attack of sneezing much to the amusement of everyone present. This snutf is taken quite frequently by the Denis and causes sneezing. Waiká The hallucinogenic snuffs of the Waikás have been described anel discusseel in manv recem publications e . g. Schultes & Holmstedt (1968) & Schultes (1969b). and I have described their use in Prance (1970). Consequently no more than a summary is given here. Th!! Waikás have two different sources of snuff, but most individual villages use only one type. Thc snuffs are prepared either from Viro/a (Myristicaceae) or P1ptadenia (Mimosoideae). A. Virola baseei snuffs Fig. 10 - A Jamamadi taking a dose of their snuff, by drawing it in to his nostrils through a hollow monkey bone . í6 - The use of Viro/a for snuff is widespread in the northwest of Amazonia . I have now observed its use in six Waiká groups in Roraima Territory at Auaris, Serra dos Surucucus, Maitá, Rio Uraricoeira, Surucucus-Uaicá trai!, anel at Posto Mucajaí, as we ll as at one locality in Amazonas, Tototobí. The main source of snuff is the bark of Viro/a theiodora (Spruce ex Benth). Warb . which may or may not be mixed with additional Group Sanama Parimiteri Ninam Maitá. Ninam Locality Auaris Uraricoeira Posto Mucajaí Maitá Posto Mucajai Species Viro/a theiodora Viro/a theiodora Viro/a tlteiodora J usticia pectoralis Justicia pectora/is plant ingredients, mainly Justicia pectoris Jacq (Acanthaceae). A summary of the material collected is given in the Table. Voucher Herbarium. Number Prance et al. 9638, 9684 Prance et ai. 10685 Prance et ai. 10984 Prance et al. 10531 Prance et. ai 11174 Local Name Mashfara.-á Tchkiana Mashfarahenak Paxararok Table 3. Material collected of Waiká snuff plants. The Viro/a bark is stripped from the tree and heated over a fire. The heat causes the resin to ooze out of the bark. This is then collected into gourds or applied directly to arrow heads for use as a poison. The dried resin is then pulverized and, in some villages, mixed witb Justicia. The exact procedure of preparation varies considerably form village te village. At Surucucus the only method of storage appears to be on arrow heads. The povvder is then ready for use and, unlike the Jamamadis and Denís, the Waikás use it only for especial occasions. lt is taken mainly by the Shamans before curing a patient, and by the adults of tha whole village to culminate the final day rituais after the death a member of the village. lt is also taken following certain hunting parties. The active compounds are found in the Viro/a which contains hallucinatory tryptamines. Viro/a theiodora resin contains approximately I Fig. ll - Waiká Indians crouched down in a shouting ceremony which is part of their ritual following a dose· of their · hallucinogenic snuff. - 17 8% 5 methoxy N, N-dimethyltryptamine, N. N-dimethyltryptamine and ls consequently an effective hallucinogen. No active ingredients have yet been found in Justicia which is added for aromatic purposes. The lndians administer the snuff with small blow pipes. One lndians blows snuff into another's nostrils to introducc a sufficient quantity. The intoxication is rapid and powerful. The ceremony which follows the administration of the snuff is described in Prance ( 1970) where it is shown how they participate in a chest hitting ritual, followed by a shouting ritual, during which they commune with their spirits. B. Piptadenia based snuffs The use of Piptadenia peregrina (L.) Benth, for a hallucinogenic snuff was reviewed by Schultes (1954 , 1963). During a field t rip on the upper Rio Negro in 1971 we came across a group of Waikás from the Rio Marauiá returning from a Fig canoe trip to collect Piptadenia truit for their snuff. 1 his snuff is made from the roasted. dried and pulverized seeds of Piptadertia perc· grina (L . ) Benth . (Prat?ce et a/ 15.125). (Fig . 12.) Piptadenia snuff is more intoxicating and consequently more dangerous than Viro/a snuff since the active allkaloid is bufotenin which is a powerful hallucinogen. The Waikás from the Rio tvlarauiá make a long canoe trip annually to the mouth of the Rio Uneiuxí to collect Piptadenia seeds , as the trees do not grow where they live. The possession of a hallucmogen seems to be an essential part of Waiká culture as they will travei a long way to obtain their material for the snuff. Wherever they live they appear to have a snuff. However, it is not for general everyday consumption and is used only on the proper occasions. They could not be classed as addicts to their snuffs which are only used under controlled circumstances. 12 - · Osmarinv extracting lbe seeds of Piptadenia peregrina (L. ) Bentb . 18- Tbe seeds are uscd by the Waiká fndians of the upper Rio Negro for 1heir hallucinogenic snuff . In contrast the t ribes which have a tobacco based snuff are truly addicted to their snuffs. The Jamamadis and Denís take their snuff daily, and even small children take it. The use of the Waiká snuff is strictly confined to adults. 5. THE MAKÚ COCA lt was already observed above that the Makús do not have a narcotic snuff. However, it seems that most lndian tribes have a narcotic of some sort, and the Makús are no excepticn since they use Coca (Erythroxylum coca L. Prance et a/ 15572) which they call Botô and which is known to local Brazilians as fpadu. The Makús cultivated the Coca plant in large quantities in their fields. The leaves are harvested and placed in a large flat pan to toast until they are crisp and dry. (Fig. 13). At the same time a fire is made and green banana leaves are burned. The dried leaves are placed in a wooden bowl and ground into a powder a11d mixed with the banana leaf ash. There is a ceremony attached to the pulverizing, and a rhythm is often beaten out with the wooden grinding stick while other lndians chant. The extremely deep, long, hollow mortar which they use makes a loud drum-like noise when the wooden pestle is knocked against the side. The different rhythms which t hey beat tell the rest of the lndians how the preparation is progressing. When the ash and leaves are ground into a fine powder they are ready for use. The powder is mixed with casava either with farinha flour or tapioca flour. This powder from coca forms a part of the daily diet of the Makús, and they prepare it fresh every evening. The powder is not unpleasant to eat, it tastes only of dried leaves, and did not have any adverse effect on the members of our expedition who sampled it. Other reports on the use of coca by the lowland Amazon tribes, e. g. Schultes ( 1957) described the preparation of coca leaves by pulverization as given below, but the method of use is generally different frorn that of the Makus. Coca is more often taken into the mouth and slowly worked with the tongue into a packed mass between the cheek and the gums. This mass is dissolved slowly rather than eater. with food as in the case of the Makús. 6. MEDICINES • As would be expected, each of the tribes visited use medicines prepared from plants. The Waikás use them less than the other tribes, and have less medicine culture than the others; as they depend more on the magic spells of the witch doctor than on plants. Although we spent more time with the Waikás than with any other group we obtained no plant medicine information from them. In order to obtain full details of the medicines of any tribe it would be necessary to live with them for a considerable time . Consequently our short visits to the tribes are not sufficient for <'~ proper comparison of their medicines. Nevertheless, for the record of groups fast becoming acculturated, a list is given below of the medicines which we observed in use or were shown by members of the four tribes. Fig. 13 -- A M akú l ndian toasting the leav€S of ErythroxYTbe Jeaves are toasted, pulverized together with banana leaf ash and the mixed with food . Ium coca L. 19 DEN:t Plant Indian Name Part Used Euphorbiaceae Piper sp. Araceae Solan.aceae Hasselria sp. Inupupu Patsi M.apidzu Unuvana Mádo latex of inner bark roots corm leaves in bath stem bark Cure For Prance et al· Herbariwn Voucher toothache 16342 16387 toothache sting ray bites 16400 fevers 16402 stomach complaints 16486 JAMAMADI Piper sp. Washi Piper sp. ? Siparuna cf. guianensis Aubl. roots toothache 13922 leaves brewed into tea coughs & sore throat 13940 leaves brewed into tea rheumatic: pain 13941 Chiuk stinging hairs scorpion bites 15553 Tubiden juice of root bark eye drops for infections 15557 Tugbiden root bark toothache 15558 Awuibiden root bark snake bites mixed with 15560 15559 snake bites mixed with 15559 15560 ? U rena caracasona (Jacq.) Griseb. Bignoniaceae Sciadotenia cf. pachnococca Krukoff & Barneby Potalia amara Aubl. Myrsinaceae Awuibiden Endicheria sp. Rubiaceae Xochmodóoupe Shadora root bark leaf juice f ever tongue sores 15561 15564 Viro/a calophyl/a Warb. Iheara bark tea malaria 15565 Tugnebanpe bark tea coughs & colds 15571 Ocotchugbiden leaves root bark snake bites dysentery 15593 Piradabi' trunk bark dysentery 15594 Euphorbia thymifolia L. Tubiden latex eye infections 15595 Bignoniaceae Yououbiden squashed leaves burns 15596 Osteophloem plotyspermum (A.DC.) Alternanrhera ficoidea (L. ) R. Br . Euphorbiaceae ? 15574 Parkia oppositifolia Spruce Table 4. 20- Medicinal plants collected The table shows that the Makús apparently make the greatest use of plant s for medicines The plants listed are used for a wide range of ailments, some of them are probably truly effective, others such as the snake bitc remedies probably have no real medicinal value. 7. CONTRACEPTIVES Recently severa! contraceptives have been reported from various lndian tribes, and the use of contraception by Amazonian tribes is probably more widespread than has been realized in the past. Of the four tribes studied here only the Denís have a contraceptivc prepared from the menispermaceous vind Curarea tecunarum Krukoff & Barneby (Prance et a/. 16453). A missionary couple, Paul ano Dorothy Moran, who work among the Denis have observed the regular spacing of children Hg . 14 - rn a family. and that the tribe had a definite cyc le for concepti on by which only one woman in the group rs pregnant at any given time. The Morans started to enquire within the tribe about their apparent birth contrai and deduced that it was li nked to the drinking of an extract made:. from the stem of a common menispermaceous líana. The Denís collect the main stem of the liana and pound it with a hard wood or stone to open it up. (Fig. í4, 15.). The beaten vine is placed in a pan of water to extract the sap. This is filtered through a cloth and is then drunk. The liquid is taken usually a few weeks after a birth. lt is drunk in large quantities by both the males and the females They drink about a gallon of the preparation until it induces vomiting. it is then vomited and follvwed by o smal ler dose which is retained. According A Dení woman bringing in a load of thcir contraceptive vine Ctll"t.'l·ea tec:ttnarum Krukoff and Barneby. Sbe also made many botanical collections for us Slll.:h a~ lhe annonaceous fru!t in h! r bands in the photograpb. - Z1 Fig. 15 - a Dení woman. pounds the vine Cu rarea rec;t•wru m Krukoff & Barneby . and the extract is drunk as a contra-c.:!ptive . to the lndians a single dose of Bekú is effective · . for a long time. up to two years. From ~ · observations in the tribe it seems possible tha(~ ·.· the active ingredient affects the males rather than the females as t he only two women to be pregnant at the same time were the wives of the same man. lt is interesting that this plant, which is drunk in large quantities by the Dení lndians is from the genus Curarea, and from a species which is well known as an ingredient of arrow poisons, see Barneby & Krukoff ( 19'71 ). and Krukoff & Barneby (1970). In the latter work it is cited as the arrow poison of the f<ofán lndians in Colombia (page 41, under the old name Chondrodendron iquitanum1 also as the arrow poisen of the Tecuna lndi G~ns (page 38, under Chondrodendron limaciifolium) Krukoff & Barneby (1970 P· 38), under C. limaciifo/ium also give chemical details of three alkalonds found in this species by Barltrop & Jeffreys 22- The beaten stem is mixed with wat~ r · (1954). The latter authors state "the extracts were very ~oxic but did not produce pat alysis ". · We have made large collections of the stem of this vine. and await the results of chemical analyses. However, the preliminary laboratory testes show that the crude extract acts as a contraceptive in rats. SOME MISCELLANEOUS USES OF PLANTS BY THE F"OUR TRIBES 1. EDIBLE FRUITS Ali tribes of lndians eat a large number ot different fruit from the forest. The fruit play an important supp lemental part of their diet. To collect a comprehensive list of fruits used by a tribe one would have to spend a full year with them to cover the fruiting season of ali the trees. The few wild edible fruits which we observed the lndians eating are listed in Table 5. OENÍ Scientific name Indian name Virikitsi Tsanaru Tsubicutsu Part used aril boiled and eaten pulp kernel Apocynaceae 'Omnamshifi' 13592 Sapotaceae 'Abiufi' latex drunk, fruit eaten pulp 'Halina' 'Caja', ·canaxaron' boiled fruH eaten pulp 10622 10979 'Xubaco' 'Tomeottotorimo' pulp pulp 11240 11235 Jryanthera paraensis Hub. Passif /ora sp. Couepia longipendula Pilg . Herbarium Voucher 16451 16499 16521 W AIKÁ 10566 Clarim ilicifolia (Spreng) Lanjouw & Rossberg Spondias mombin L. Helicosty/is rom entosa (P . & E.) Rusby Cucurbitaceae Table 5. 2. Edible fruits collected in tribal areas. THE WAIKÁ EDIBLE FUNGI The Waikás on the Surucucus- Aio Uraricoeira trail are the only tribe in which I have 'Shikimamok' 'Adamasik' 'Mafcomkuk' HodohQdokük Poly porus dermoporus Pers :::: Favolus brasiliensis (Fr.) Fr. Polypoms sp. cf. Favolus tesselatus Mort. or Fexagona subcapen•ta Murr. Polyporus stipiwrius Berk . & Cw·t. Neoclitocybe bissiseda (Bres.) Sing. Table 6. distinguish them and consistently give the same name to the same species. Their method of prepa.-ation also varies. The Agaric, Hodoho· dokuk, is cooked and the allowed to cool before it is eaten.. The lndians were most insistent that it must be cooked and cooled and would not touch it prepared otherwise. The other three fungi (ali Polyporaceae) are eaten raw. The Yanomams or Waikás are not mentioned by Fidalgo (1965) in his review of the mycolo- Maroon: Black : Black: Red : 10526, 13602 13615 10515 10516 Fungi eaten by the Waikás To the non-myco logist ali of the above fungi look rather similar white masses growing on dead logs, (Fig. 16)., yet the lndians readily Red: observed fungi to be an importan!. part of their diet. We collected tour different species of fungus used by the lndians : Bixa orel/ana L. Pourouma sp. (Fig. 17) gical culture of Brazilian lndians. Fidalgo doea not I ist any of the species reported above. Thc Waikás have a more highly developed knowledge of fungi than any other tribe of :ndians which i have visited. 3. BODY PAINTS Most tribes like to paint their bodies. Some use extremely elaborate p<~tterns. which signify various aspects of their life, others just smear calor onto their bodies. The Waikás USE' ;ed and black body paints. Their main sources are: The aril of the fruit The pulp o f the fruit Charcoal attached to the hody by mixing it with rubber latex Simaroubaceae (Prance 11091) Young leaves Genipa spruceana Steyermark Genipa spruceana Steyermark (Prance 11205) Fruit -23 The other three tribes are now too near to western civilization, and wear western clothes . Consequently little use is made or body paint. 4. DENÍ PLAYTHINGS Of the four tribes visited , the only one which seemed to have toys and other objects for relaxation was the Denís. Two of these playthings are made from plants. The Dení spinning top is made from the fruit of Anthodiscus amazonicus Gleason (Prance et a/. 16435). They call tho tree Tetiaru. The mature fruit is hollowed out and a wooden spindle is inserted through the center. Also two holes are drilled in the side of the fruit so that when it is spun it whistles. The top is spun Fig. 16 - 24- by winding a strlng around the spindle and then releasing the top by pulling the string through ~ hole in a flat piece pf wood held against the spindle. This rotates the top rapidly and spins it fast enough to make it whistle. This is a very popu lar toy amongst the Denís. The Denís were also the only tribe to have any sort o·f a musical instrument that produces different notes of a tonal scale. They have a small four note flute made from the dried fruit of a Sapotaceous tree (Prance 16497) which they call Tukuru The soft inside of the fruit rots out leaving a hard oval endocarp. The lndians drill five holes in the fruit to produce their flute. These flutes are also a great source of recreation to the Denís. A group of Waiká Indians on the Surucus-Waiká trai!. The white patcbes on the log are a species of Pofy· poms which forms part of tbeir diet. Fig. 17 - 5 The Waikás use body paints frcquently. The lndian in th~· center is painted purple wilh the juices of thc fruit of a species of Pourouma. Osmar ino. was also painted by the Indians as a sign o f friendship . POTTERY HARDENER The .Jamamadis and the Denís make ceramics whereas the Waikás and the Makús which we visited do not. Both tribes which make ceramics use the bark ash of various species of Chrysobalanaceae to harden thetr clay. Sínce their pots and jars are made with a spiral coíl of clay rather than on a wheel, the clay needs a hardener to maintain its shape before firing. The lndians collect bark from the Caripé trees, burn it and sift it through n fine basketwork sieve. This fine powder, which is rich in silica grains, is added to their clay míxture. The use of Caripé ís widespread 1hroughout Amazonia, and it is used by many Brazilians as well. The following collections of Caripé were made : Vení 16521 Colt(•pia /ongipendula Pilg . 16524 Lictmia ex octandw R. ,ub~p. IWIIH! Tsubicubu ( Hoff mgg. & S ) Kur.tzc pai/ida I Hook. f ) Prancc Cubitsa ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The field work which enalled lhis study was supported by The National Science Fundation, grant GB-18655, which is gratefully acknowledged The assistance of the Director and staff of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas -25 da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil, and the Director and staff of the New York Botanical Garden made this work possible. I am grateful to the numerous people who assisted us to reach and obtain information from each of the tribes discussed, especially to Sr. Moacir C<tnizo de Brito, Sr. Frederico Orr, and Sr. Sebastião Paivn for the Jamamadis, to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moran anel the Captain and crew of the INPA moto1· launch Marupiara tor the Denís, to Mr. Joseph Boot for the Makús, and to Mr. Fritz Harter. the Unevangelized Fields Mission Roraima Section. and the Missionary Aviation Fellowship and especially their pilot Lin Entz for the Waikás. I should like to thank the various specialists who have rapidly identified the coilections cited here, Dr. M. K. Arroyo (Leguminosae). Mr. R. Barneby (Men ispermaceae). Or. G. M. Barroso I.Compositae), Dr. C. C . Berg (Moraceae), Dr. trução e pintura do corpo. Cada tribu usa um narcótico ligeiramente diferente. Os Jamamadi e os Dení usam um pó inalante à base de tabaco. Já os Waiká possuem vários pós inalantes como efeitos alucinogenicos enquanto entre os Makú o narcótico é a coca,, ingerida para aliviar a dor da fome. As pontas das flechas são também diferentes em cada trL bu. Os Jamadí e os Dení usam um curare à base de Strycbnos, os Waiká utilizam um veneno obtido da Virola e os Makú empregam um veneno à base dt> de Moraceae no qual existem glicosideos de ação sobre o coração . Sob o ponto de vista etnobotânico. Jamandí e Dení são as tribus mais similares e bastantes distintas dos Waiká e dos Makú. LITERATURE CITED Bt\RLTROP, 1954 - J. Cuatrecasas (Theobroma). Or. B. A. Krukotf (Menispermaceae, Strychnos), Dr. W. Punt (Euphorbiaceae), Dr. W. Rodrigues (Myristica· ceae), Dr. R. Singer (Fungi), Dr. H. Sleumer (Fiacourtiaceae). and Dr. O. Wasshallsen (Acanthaceae). BARNEr:Y, 1971 - J. A. & JEFFREYS, J. A. D. Curar-e and related topics. Part 1. A preliminary examination of Chondrodendron limaciifolium. Jour . Chem. ~oc., p.: 159·164. R. C. & KRVKOFP, B. A. Supplementary notes on American Menispermac<:ae. VIII. A Generic survey of the American Triclisieae and Anomospermcac. Mem . N. Y. Bot. Gani., 22(2): l-89. 8ARREOO-CARNEIRO, P. Le.-s príncipes actifs du curare. Compt. Rend Acad. Paris, 206 + 1202-1204 . 1938- Les principes aetifs du .;nrare. Buli. Soe. C hem. Biol., 20 : 1125. 1938 RESUMO Foi feita uma· comparação etnobotânica entre quatro tribus : Dení, Jamamadí, Makú e Waiká. Os dados foram colhidos durante uma expedição botânica no território de cada tribu e não devem ser inter. pretados como um estudo etnobotânico completo de cada tribu, sendo apenas uma comparacão entre os dados levantados durante uma curta visita. Levando em conta a utilização de plantas, foram distinguidos os seg"~intes usos : veneno para peixes, venenos para flechas, outros venenos, inalantes, narcóticos e alucinogen:lcos, coca, medicamentos em geral, anticoncepcionais, fungos e frutos comestíveis e outl·as formas de utilização de plantas. Pela primeira vez são apresentadas informações sobre o consumo de cogumelos como alimento entre os índios Waiká· A utilização de diferentes plantas pelas diversas tribus é tabulada em vários quadros. São consideradas obserwções anteriores e estudos já feitos sol::re as pl:;mtas consideradas. Foram registradas certas plantas que são utilizadas igualmente pelas quatro tribus, cultivadas como alimento, ou empregadas como vemmos com diferentes finalidades, pontas de flechas, e vários usos gerais como material de cons- 26- ERNST. 1881 - FIDALGO, 1965 KILLIP, Memoria botanica sobre el embarbascar ó sca la pesca por media de plantas venenosas . Am1. Acad. Cic>nc. Habana, 18.: 135-147 . 0. Conhecimento micol6gico dos índios bras!leiros Rickia, 2 : 1-10. B. p. 1931 KRUKOFF, 1965 - K.RVKOfF, The use of fish poisons in South America . Ann. Rr:p. Smithsonia11 Inst., 19?.0: 401-408. B- A. Supplementary notes on the American species of Strychnos, VII. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gc.-rd., 12(2) : 7, 42--43 . B. A. & BARNEBY, R. c. 1970 - Supplementary notes on Americ\\Il Menispermaceae. VI. Mem . N. Y Bot Gard ., 20(2) : 1-80. KRUKOFF, B. A. & SMITH, A. C. Rotenone-yie-lding plants of South Ame rica. Am. Jour. Bot., 24:573-587. 1937 - LL COINTE, p. MARJNO-BE1~roLo, 1957 - 1949 PRANCE, 1970 - G. B. Re1• . ET ALII Nota 8. Gli alcaloidi della Strychnos solimoesana Krukoff. Rene/. 111stilllfo Super. Sanittl, 20 : 342-357. ~IOI'ACHINO, R . E. A new narcotic snuff the nonhwest Amazon . Bot. Mus. Leajl., 9: 241-260. 1957 - A new method of coca prcparlltion in the Colombiart Ama:z.ou. Bot. Mus. Lea;l., 17 · 241-246. 1963 - Hallucinogenic plonts of lhe New World . The Harvard Re1•iew, I : 18-32. 1969a- De Plantis toxicariis e mundc- novo tropicale commentátiaos. IV. Bot. Mus. Leaf ., 22 : 133-164 . 1969b- Vi rola as ao orally administercd hallucinogen . Bot. Mus. Leajl., 22 : 229-240. SCIIULTES, R . E. & hOLMSTEDT, B. 1968 - The v::getal ingredients of the myristicaceous snuffs of the Northwcst Amnon. Rhodora, 70: 113-156. SCIIUL"TES, Les plantes à rolenone em A mazonit.. Bot. Appl., 16: 609-615. 1936 - J. A Revision of R)ania (Flacourtiac.:ae). LlllY· dia, 12: J-29. G . T. Notes on lhe use of Planl Hailucinogens ín Amazonian Brazil . Econ. Bot., 24 : 62-68. 1954 - -27