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Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 2011
How far has the European Union (EU) gone in liberalising the political economy of its member states? This is the question addressed by Dermot McCann in this book. His answers are certainly satisfactory. They are compelling because they show the reader ...
The Russian-Georgian conflict of August 2008 proves to be a useful case in order to understand the functioning of the EU as a norma-tive power in times of crisis. The core of the article is focused on the
European Political Science, 2016
Journal of European Public Policy, 2003
There is something odd about celebrating political economy approaches to the study of European integration at a time when non-economic factors appear to hold sway over popular attention. The 'war against terrorism', enlargement, the European Convention, and European identity are currently among the most prominent issues of public debate. Meanwhile, conversation is more muted in relation to trade, industrial policy and economic and monetary union (at least inside the eurozone). European priorities were not always arrayed in this manner.
Hundred shades of the eu. mapping the political economy of the eu peripheries, 2022
During the 20th century, the economic and political history of the European continent was one of turbulence. A number of wars dramatically shaped Europe: the First and Second World Wars, the Cold War and also the Yugoslav Wars, which cost millions of lives, devastated economies and had enormous social and environmental costs within Europe and beyond. The spectre of a world war haunts Europe once again and is set to worsen the existing social and environmental problems, as well as the process of post-pandemic reconstruction. European integration has long been seen as a remedy for Europe’s failures of the past. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the idea began to emerge that, by strengthening trade transactions and economic cooperation between the different European countries, a lasting and prosperous peace could emerge for all countries. This was the founding idea of the European Economic Community project of 1958, which brought together six major economies of Europe – West Germany (later Germany), France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In the years that followed, seven more countries joined the project of economic cooperation and integration of the economies into a common market – the single market – in a process known as ‘enlargement’. Hence, great powers’ rivalry and the struggle for hegemony across the continent ought to have been replaced by deepening economic and political cooperation among European nations. This feeling was even reinforced by the end of the Cold War in 1989. The process of peacebuilding in Europe was based on the cooperation and reconciliation of France and Germany, on economic openness and, also, increasingly on the belief in a new type of politics, which would somehow overcome the power aspect of international relation.
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The main objective of this paper is to analyse those elements underpinning the economic governance in the European Union. Because in light of the current economic crisis, re-thinking the economic EU architecture, and in particularly that of the euro zone, appears more important than ever. Xabier Vence, the author of the study, argues that the crisis hitting the EU since 2007 is not only economic, but is, to a great extent, political. To him it represents the failure of a certain model of European integration which has proved to be all too fragile. Analyzing the current financial, economic and political structure of Europe it becomes clear that there is an important choice to be made in terms of crises-exit policies: (1) continuing with the existing exit strategy, which will very probably lead to an economic impasse in the short to medium term, or (2) accepting the need to adopt a new paradigm, implementing deep institutional changes that steer up European economies. Urgent action is needed, says Vence, because the problems are of such a scale that many voices question the future of the EU itself. He himself, feels that either the EU will move decisively towards a more federal solution on a genuinely democratic basis, or it will regress to a scenario where a large measure of sovereignty is restored to its constituent countries. More and more, the current situation seems unsustainable.
This paper discusses the political economy relevance of the European common currency. Politics are just as important as economics – if not more important – to guarantee the longevity of a shared currency. The euro is clearly a political construct and its first significant crisis demonstrated that its survival is not only a political issue but also that it needs further political coordination among the Eurozone member states.
The political economy of European Integration since Maastricht: The changing social purpose of European governance and its implications for legitimacy .
Oltre la ‘separazione delle vie’, editado por M. A. Nicolaci (Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe 2024), 2024
Presento en este artículo una propuesta de comprensión del na- ciente cristianismo que intenta poner en diálogo los conceptos de “marginalidad” y “espacialidad” con el fin de iluminar el debate ac- tual sobre la relación de los diversos grupos de creyentes en Cristo en el contexto del judaísmo anterior y posterior a la destrucción de Jerusalén del 70 e.c. Formularé la propuesta brevemente en forma de quince tesis, todas provisionales y discutibles, con algunas con- clusiones.
Primerjalna Knjizevnost, 1988
Sistemi di propulsione alternativi, 1993
Studii de Preistorie, 2013
The American Historical Review, 2007
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2013
European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi
Jurnal ekonomi, manajemen dan perbankan (Journal of economics, management, and banking), 2022
Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 2014
Schizophrenia Research, 1998
Gestions Hospitalières 614(3), 135-141, 2022