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2025, The Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Michaelic Movement in the 21st century
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I would like to introduce the 7 exercises of the human meeting, that everyone will have the whole picture. Let us recall what we repeatedly practiced, not preached, for many years, when we insisted on the clear distinction between theoretical knowledge and praxis.
Multiplicity of pedagogy: historical and conceptual conferences. It implies having a critical view from the inside of our beings as professors reflecting on the arrangement that UNIMINUTO has been building on pedagogical praxeology. It also involves the influence it has on our pedagogical practices. In this way, we could provide a broad and comprehensive vision of the co-construction processes in education, its direct and indirect effects that this rationality has on our teaching performance. From this critical point of view, it is imperative to recognize that the pedagogical praxeology of UNIMINUTO, devised by Father Carlos Germán Juliao Vargas, details some understandings about learning and teaching processes in education. To do so, he takes multiple pedagogical perspectives such as anthropological and socials mainly to establish its singular distinction (Juliao, 2020a). This dialogic relation combines a set of ideas and principles that comprisesa particular way to assume learning and teaching processes rediscovering the actors of the pedagogical perform. For instance, it mixes curriculum from the perspective of student as the center of the process; the development of communication skills; complexion of student’s needs and expectations of learning; negotiation of meanings; student’s autonomy; and the development of the socio-cultural dimension related to the person not only as future professionals but as human being, without fragmentation, but from a conception of integrality.
Changes in everyday life are becoming more and more pervasive: mobile technology is creating new habits in nearly all aspects of life. Accessing information (be it textual or multimodal), colleagues, family members, or friends, can be done with a never-beforeexperienced ease. Accordingly, there is no need for fixed-term working hours (separated from spare time) or fixed-location offices (separated from home), but there is a strong need to be accessible and for others to be accessible as well. This new phenomena, often called new nomadism, reshapes homes, offices, and public rooms (such as cafés), thus it suggests the reshaping of cities and towns. We often encounter anxiety about the erosion of language, politeness, respect for each other, and consequently the erosion of traditional patterns of behaviour and moral commitments. Not surprisingly, we are often faced with the need for ethical clarification regarding practical, (although general), issues such as concerns regarding gene technology, medicine, the environment, pedagogy, and society, just to mention a few.
Volume 12 of Contemporary Pragmatism features an author-meets-critics symposium on Richard Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body, with articles by Thomas Leddy, Curtis L. Carter, Pradeep A. Dhillon, James Garrison, and Mathias Girel.
[in] Relational Practices, Participative Organizing, 2010
The invitation in this chapter is to see or remember what can be gained by turning our attention from a style of thinking and speaking that focuses on the “truth about things” and shifting it to a recognition of the contribution of our own cultural practices in how things come-to-be what they seem. We are invited to look at human social processes and the relationships of how things in the world get caught up in these, historical or current but always active, processes and in so doing create meaning. The point here is to arrest or interrupt the spontaneous, unself-conscious flow of our ongoing activity, and to give “prominence to distinctions which our ordinary forms of language easily make us overlook.” ( Wittgenstein, 2001, p. 43 ). We are invited to indulge a little less in the apparent “nature of things” and instead give a little more attention to the practices that make things happen and the relations between their inter-actors. Rather than having the relationship between “a directly perceiving mind and reality” as our primary focus we are looking afresh at those social processes that attribute characteristics to its actors and “cause us to hold beliefs.” We might call this “relational practicing.
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This brief article introduces a symposium series on science and spirituality. Articles represent the prize-winning papers from the first two symposia.
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