published: 31 May 2019
doi: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00390
Stereodynamical Effects by
Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
Daniela Ascenzi 1*, Mario Scotoni 1 , Paolo Tosi 1 , David Cappelletti 2 and Fernando Pirani 2
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, Trento, Italy, 2 Dipartimento di Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie, Università di
Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Edited by:
Alkwin Slenczka,
University of Regensburg, Germany
Reviewed by:
Fuminori Misaizu,
Tohoku University, Japan
Sonia Melandri,
University of Bologna, Italy
Daniela Ascenzi
[email protected]
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Physical Chemistry and Chemical
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Chemistry
Received: 03 February 2019
Accepted: 15 May 2019
Published: 31 May 2019
Ascenzi D, Scotoni M, Tosi P,
Cappelletti D and Pirani F (2019)
Stereodynamical Effects by
Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces.
Front. Chem. 7:390.
doi: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00390
Frontiers in Chemistry |
Electric and magnetic field gradients, arising from sufficiently strong anisotropic
intermolecular forces, tend to induce molecular polarization which can often modify
substantially the results of molecular collisions, especially at low rotational temperatures
and low collision energies. The knowledge of these phenomena, today still not fully
understood, is of general relevance for the control of the stereo-dynamics of elementary
chemical-physical processes, involving neutral and ionic species under a variety of
conditions. This paper reports on results obtained by combining information from
scattering, spectroscopic and reactivity experiments, within a collaboration between the
research groups in Perugia and Trento. We addressed particular attention to the reactions
of small atomic ions with polar neutrals for their relevance in several environments,
including interstellar medium, planetary atmospheres, and laboratory plasmas. In the
case of ion-molecule reactions, alignment/orientation is a general phenomenon due
to the electric field generated by the charged particle. Such phenomenon originates
critical stereo-dynamic effects that can either suppress (when the orientation drives
the collision complex into non-reactive or less reactive configurations), or enhance the
reactivity (when orientation confines reagents in the most appropriate configuration for
reaction). The associated rate coefficients show the propensity to follow an Arrhenius
and a non-Arrhenius behavior, respectively.
Keywords: alignment, orientation, stereo-dynamics, ion-molecule reactions, astrochemistry
The focus of the present work is on investigating the role of electric and magnetic field
gradients, arising from anisotropic intermolecular forces, which can induce molecular polarization
(i.e. alignment/orientation of rotational angular momentum / bond direction of a molecule
along a preferential axis) as a consequence of collisions with other atoms or molecules. Deep
knowledge of these phenomena, today still not fully understood, is of general relevance to control
the stereodynamics of elementary chemical-physical processes, occurring both in gaseous and
condensed phases under a variety of conditions (Vattuone et al., 2004, 2009, 2010; Gerbi et al.,
2006). In particular, understanding the mode-specificity in reaction dynamics of open-shell atoms,
free radicals, molecules, atomic and molecular ions, under hyper-thermal, thermal, and subthermal conditions is of fundamental importance for catalysis, plasmas, photodynamics as well
as interstellar, and low-temperature chemistry (see for instance Aquilanti et al., 2005; Chang et al.,
2013; Li et al., 2014; Rösch et al., 2014; Balucani et al., 2015).
The possibility of aligning or orienting molecules by collisions in gaseous streams may also have
some implications in unraveling the origin of chiral discrimination and chiral selectivity emerging
in vortices formed both in the liquid and in the gas phase (Lombardi and Palazzetti, 2018, and
references therein; Su et al., 2013).
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Stereodynamical Effects by Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
On the basis of the experimental findings, achieved in the last
25 years by the authors, it is proper to distinguish:
Molecular alignment determined by weak van der Waals forces:
It arises as a combined effect of several elastic/inelastic collisions
occurring along preferential directions in environments where
anisotropic velocity distributions are operative;
Molecular orientation controlled by anisotropic intermolecular
forces of intermediate strength: Such phenomenon manifests even
during single collision events, when the molecules are in low
rotational states;
Molecular orientation induced by anisotropic intermolecular
forces of high strength: It becomes dominant in each collision
event under an ample variety of conditions.
The abovementioned classification is proposed on the basis
of the results obtained exploiting different but complementary
experimental techniques, in the Perugia and Trento laboratories,
as well as an integrated experimental-theoretical approach.
This paper focuses on selected results highlighting the role
of molecular polarization, induced in a natural way by weak,
intermediate and strongly anisotropic forces, on the reaction
stereo-dynamics under a variety of conditions, including those
of applied interest.
FIGURE 1 | Illustration of dynamical processes (focusing in the forward
direction of the expansion, bending of the rotational plane, rotational
relaxation, acceleration) that a diatomic molecule, seeded in a lighter carrier
gas, experiences during the formation of a supersonic molecular beam (MBS,
Molecular Beam Source; SK1 and SK2, skimmers; QMS, quadrupole mass
spectrometer). In this conceptual scheme a common MBS and velocity
selection is exploited for the successive (A) magnetic analysis or (B) scattering
experiment. In the magnetic analysis (A) the MB transmittance IB /I0 varies with
the molecular velocity and paramagnetism. In the scattering experiments (B)
the beam attenuation I/I0 varies with the molecular velocity and intermolecular
forces that drive the scattering.
Molecular Alignment by Weak
Anisotropic Forces
Molecular alignment induced by weak anisotropic van der
Waals (vdW) forces emerges in supersonic expansions leading
to the formation of seeded molecular beams, where hundreds of
collisions between seeded molecules and lighter (hence faster)
carrier atoms occur preferentially in the forward direction of the
expansion. Value and direction of the relative collision velocity,
also defined as velocity slip, play a crucial role in determining
important selectivities in the involved elastic and inelastic
collisions. To correctly identify the microscopic phenomena, it
is useful to distinguish two different regions of the expansion
zone. The first one is confined in the proximity of the source
nozzle, where the velocity slip and gas density are both sufficiently
high to promote, in addition to many-body elastic events, also
inelastic collisions leading to both molecular rotational excitation
and relaxation. The second zone is localized at larger distances
from the nozzle, where gas density and velocity slip exhibit
decreased values, and only elastic and inelastic processes at low
energy (rotational relaxation) can occur. In the last region, where
only two-body collisions are present, the promoted microscopic
events can be classified in terms of the orbital angular momenta
(or impact parameters b in a classical picture) involved (see
the upper panel of Figure 1). Hence, the degree of achieved
molecular alignment is expected to depend on the geometric
features of the nozzle, on the pressures used in the source and
on the resolution conditions adopted in the experiments. We
have found that polarization effects are more evident when the
angular cone probed around the beam axis becomes narrower,
suggesting that the observed phenomena arise from marked
stereodynamical effects (Pirani et al., 2001, 2003).
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In the Perugia apparatus, two different experiments have been
exploited as probes of the alignment in the produced molecular
beams [see (A,B) in Figure 1], as detailed in (Aquilanti et al.,
1994, 1995a,b, 1997). The probe experiments were performed
at a considerable distance from the beam source and after a
detailed velocity selection of the formed molecular beam (MB).
The first experiment, applicable exclusively to paramagnetic
molecules, exploits beam transmittance measurements across
a Stern-Gerlach magnetic selector. This device probes the
magnetic sublevel population of the molecules in the achieved
final states and velocity. The second experiment, of more
general applicability, involves measurements of beam intensity
attenuation by collisions with an atomic or molecular target.
The attenuation value, depending on the strength of the
intermolecular interaction driving the scattering, is expected to
vary with the relative orientation of the two colliding partners,
hence on the helicity states populated by the projectile molecules.
The O2 molecule is an open shell species with total spin
quantum number S = 1. The magnetic analysis performed
on O2 seeded beams showed that molecules achieve a high
and anomalous paramagnetism, related to a non-statistical
distribution of their magnetic sublevels. The paramagnetic degree
is found to increase with the final speed reached by the molecules
within the same velocity distribution, and with the pressure
employed in the source (Aquilanti et al., 1994, 1995a). In other
words, molecules in a supersonic MB are preferentially confined
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Stereodynamical Effects by Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
a scattering event leading to a collision complex (Figure 2), the
intermolecular electric field strength is sufficient to decouple K
from S, and the field anisotropy (or gradient) tends to form states
with zero helicity. Under such conditions, the single quantization
axis for S is the direction of the orbital angular momentum
of the collision complex. After the collision, K couples again
with S and a polarization transfer between K and S can occur.
Although observed in other phenomena (Ramsey, 1955; Bhaskar
et al., 1982; Happer et al., 1984; Sofikitis et al., 2007) involving
rotational, nuclear and electronic spin angular momentum
couplings, probably all implications of the polarization transfer
on the molecular dynamics are still not fully understood.
The investigation of O2 in several seeded beams showed
that the achieved alignment degree is nearly independent of
the type of lighter carrier species and that a proper scaling
factor is the reduced speed (or speed ratio), defined as the ratio
between the selected molecular velocity and the peak velocity
of the MB. Therefore, merely exploiting the velocity selection
technique, it has been possible to sample, in a controlled way,
molecules flying at the same speed but having a different
alignment degree (Aquilanti et al., 1994, 1995a). Accordingly, it
was possible to measure, at the same collision velocity, crosssection anisotropy arising from the different alignment degree
of projectile molecules with respect to the collision direction
(see Figure 3). In particular, using Kr and Xe atoms as targets,
scattering cross sections have been measured (Aquilanti et al.,
1998) selecting specific speed ratios, related to molecules flying
in the tail, peak, near the head and in the head of several seeded
beams. This sampling allowed to quantify:
FIGURE 2 | Upper relative O2 intensity (open circles) as a function of the
molecular velocity for a He seeded supersonic beam (with 2.5% O2 in He). The
fitted velocity distribution (colored continuous line) gives a translational
temperature of ∼2 K. Black squares represent the molecular polarization
degree as quantitatively obtained in Aquilanti et al. (1994). The color code (red
= no alignment, blue = high alignment) is a qualitative aid for the eye, also
employed in the next figure (Figure 3). Lower angular momentum coupling for
the 16 O16 O diatomic molecule in the ground 3 g electronic state. The
spin-rotational sublevels, relevant for cold supersonic beams (Ttras of few
Kelvin), are indicated. In the right side of the panel the case of a collision
complex of O2 with a rare gas is represented. Herein, the electron spin is
decoupled from the rotational angular momentum (see text).
i) the velocity dependence of the cross section for projectile
molecules flying with the same speed ratio and
ii) the cross section anisotropy, at fixed collision velocity, due to a
change in the speed ratio (see Figure 3), hence of the molecular
alignment degree.
in the edge-on configuration (upper panel, Figure 1, where the
formation of zero helicity state is depicted), and the faster ones
exhibit the highest polarization degree (upper panel, Figure 2).
Crucial for the interpretation of experimental findings is to recall
that the rotation-electronic angular momentum coupling for O2
is best described by Hund’s case b. Besides, O2 molecules in
seeded beams nearly exclusively populate the ground rotational
state defined by the quantum number K = 1 and the associated
angular momentum K couples with S to give the well-known
spin-rotational sublevels, identified by J (J=K+S), as indicated in
Figure 2. The analysis of the O2 beam paramagnetism, based on
a non-statistical distribution of spin-rotation sublevels, suggested
that the fastest molecules achieve a high simultaneous/combined
polarization of K and S (Aquilanti et al., 1999).
The same analysis provided an average rotational alignment
of O2 and a source pressure dependence similar to those
from previous experiments on closed-shell molecules (see
Aquilanti et al., 1995a and references therein). However, an open
question concerns the microscopic mechanism leading to the
simultaneous alignment of K and S. In particular, the focus is
on the behavior of the electronic spin S that couples with other
angular momenta exclusively via magnetic interactions. During
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The combined analysis of beam paramagnetism and scattering
experiments confirmed the dependence of the O2 molecular
alignment on the speed ratio and allowed to obtain intermolecular
potential energy surfaces (PESs) in the anisotropic and weakly
interacting O2 -Kr and O2 -Xe systems.
In a similar manner, by exploiting the combination of
velocity selection with scattering experiments, the cross section
anisotropy in collisions of diamagnetic N2 projectiles with Xe
target were measured (Aquilanti et al., 1997). Correspondence of
the measured anisotropy has also been found (Vattuone et al.,
2010) with literature data on the scattering of oriented NO
molecules by Xe (Reuss, 1975; Thuis et al., 1979). Such authors
controlled the NO orientation by the external electric fields of an
hexapole. Moreover, in the N2 experiments, the use of a defined
PES allowed extracting information on the molecular alignment
degree, that exhibits a speed ratio dependence very similar to that
of O2 .
Within a Trento-Perugia collaboration, a combined study
making use of scattering experiments and spectroscopic probes
has been performed on seeded beams of hydrocarbon molecules
(Pirani et al., 2001, 2003). The use of two different and
independent techniques, probing two different observables
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Stereodynamical Effects by Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
FIGURE 3 | Upper O2 velocity distributions in supersonic beams seeded (2.5%) in Ne, Ne:He mixture, and He. The color code is an indication of the molecular
alignment degree in the beam (see Figure 2). Lower integral cross sections Q(v) for elastic scattering of O2 with Kr, with their dependence on the MB velocity v, are
shown. Data, reported as Q(v)v2/5 in ordinate scale, are plotted as a function of the selected velocity, in logarithmic scale on the abscissa axis, to emphasize the glory
pattern due to the quantum interference (Aquilanti et al., 1998). In the Left hand results (red circles) correspond to molecules selected in the slow tail of the velocity
distribution (i.e., no alignment related to a speed ratio of 0.95). The Right hand depicts the case of O2 molecules selected in the fast front (head) of the velocity
distribution (high molecular polarization associated to a speed ratio of 1.10).
scattering and optical observables from the values expected in
case of isotropic distribution of orientation (i.e., flying) modes:
the states with molecular plane parallel to the velocity direction
(frisbees) are considerably more probable than those having the
molecular plane perpendicular to it (flywheels).
The combined experiment gave also relevant clues on
final velocity dependence, previously discussed, and on the
angular cone amplitude around the beam axis sampled after
the supersonic expansion, confirming that, also for large
molecules, the alignment process is dependent on stereodynamical processes due to collisions during beam expansion.
related to molecular orientation, has provided interesting insights
in the alignment processes of such molecules. The scattering
technique, already described, uses the total integral cross
section dependence on the relative orientation of the projectile
molecule with respect to the target one. The spectroscopic
technique is based on the dependence of the intensity of some
rovibrational transitions on the relative orientation between
the transition dipole moment of the molecule and the light
polarization vector.
Benzene has been the first examined system (Pirani et al., 2001,
2003). It is a planar molecule exhibiting a strong dependence of
the scattering cross section on the orientation of the molecular
plane with respect to the velocity direction. The spectroscopic
experiment probed a C-H stretching transition whose dipole
moment lies in the molecular plane. Hence, by analyzing the
absorption intensity as a function of the angle between the
light polarization vector and the velocity vector of the molecule,
the amount of anisotropy in the molecular orientation states
was quantified.
In this investigation both techniques gave the same indication:
after supersonic expansion there is a net deviation of the
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Molecular Orientation by Intermediate
Strength Forces
In the last 10 years, particular attention has been addressed to
the scattering of water molecules by several targets (Cappelletti
et al., 2012) and to develop model potentials describing the
interaction of H2 O molecules in neutral and ionic clusters
(Albertí et al., 2009). Water is a polar species having a permanent
electric dipole moment equal to 1.85 Debye, and it exhibits
electronic polarizability very close to that of Ar. MB scattering
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Stereodynamical Effects by Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
experiments with a series of hydrogenated polar molecules
have been performed in order to systematically investigate the
phenomenology associated to anisotropy effects in collisions of
polar hydrogenated molecules, as a function of the product
of their permanent electric dipoles. Integral cross-section Q(v)
values, measured for the D2 O-D2 O, D2 O-ND3 , D2 O-H2 S, and
ND3 -H2 S colliding pairs, have been reported and discussed
(Roncaratti et al., 2014a,b) in comparison with those of reference
systems Ar-Ar, Ar-Kr, Ar-Xe, and Kr-Xe.
The choice of reference systems has been suggested by the
following similarities in the polarizability values: Ar (1.6 Å3 )
and water (1.5 Å3 ), Kr (2.5 Å3 ) and ammonia (2.2 Å3 ), Xe (4.0
Å3 ), and hydrogen sulfide (3.8 Å3 ). The isotropic polarizability,
related to the particle size and to the probability of induced
electric dipole formation, represents a proper scaling factor
of both average size repulsion and of dispersion/induction
attraction. It should be noted that, when dealing with molecules,
the overall polarizability includes contributions from the
constituent atoms as well as from bonds. Therefore, each pair of
investigated molecular and atomic reference systems is expected
to exhibit the same isotropic van der Waals interaction. Measured
scattering results clearly indicate that all systems formed by
two hydrogenated polar molecules exhibit much larger crosssections Q(v), well outside the experimental uncertainty, than
those of the corresponding reference atomic ones. In particular,
we evaluated that the cross section ratios of the polar pairs vs.
the corresponding reference systems are (on average) ∼2.5 for
D2 O-D2 O, ∼1.7 for D2 O-ND3 , ∼1.4 for D2 O-H2 S, and ∼1.2
for ND3 -H2 S. These Q(v) ratios show a clear linear dependence
on the product of the dipole moments of the colliding partners,
suggesting an appreciable role of the electrostatic component
of the intermolecular potential on the investigated experimental
observables (Roncaratti et al., 2014a,b). A negligible role is
expected for collisions with randomly oriented partners, since
the electrostatic component vanishes. This is a clear evidence
that, during collisions between polar molecules, the latter do not
maintain random orientations and are not freely rotating, but
tend to be trapped in pendular states, where they experience a
much stronger interaction than that obtained by averaging over
all relative configurations.
The transition from free rotors to pendular states is promoted
by the coupling between the molecular permanent dipole
moments within the field gradient due to the anisotropic
intermolecular potential. The phenomenon, occurring in the
timescale of ps (i.e., similar to the time required for a collision
at thermal energies) couples more effectively molecules with very
similar rotational periods and populating low lying rotational
states (Roncaratti et al., 2014a,b). Under such most favorable
conditions, the coupling originates the so-called synchronized
dance of water molecules (see Figure 4), a phenomenon crucial
to describe the passage of water molecules in carbon nanotubes
and cellular channels.
Further experimental investigations, integrated by advanced
theoretical calculations, have been also extended to mixed
(prototype) systems, formed by polar molecules—noble gas
atom pair, to characterize selectivities in the formation of weak
intermolecular hydrogen bond (Cappelletti et al., 2012).
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FIGURE 4 | Examples of coplanar molecular collisions—The case of two
water (D2 O) molecules colliding at relative velocity g = 1.0 km/s and impact
parameter b = 10 Å is illustrated. The system before the collision is defined by
a negative t, after the collision by a positive t and at the turning point, i.e., the
distance of closest approach, by t = 0. The elastic collision between
molecules both in J = 1 is depicted. The coupling induces a local modification
of the molecular modes, clearly evidenced when the relative motion of the two
dipoles is projected on the Y-t plane. The collision complex dynamics is driven
by an effective electrostatic dipole-dipole interaction. Most part of its influence
manifests in the time scale from −1 to +1 ps.
Molecular Orientation by Strong
Intermolecular Forces
In the case of ion-molecule reactions, alignment/orientation is a
general phenomenon due to the electric field generated by the
charged particle. Stereo-dynamic effects related to long-range
anisotropic interactions have been observed in several systems,
with different outcomes on reaction probability. A pertinent
example is given by the (Ar-N2 )+ system, whereby a reasonable
description of the charge-transfer dynamics can only be achieved
by accounting for the spin–orbit interaction, the molecular
anisotropy and the electronic anisotropy related to the open-shell
nature of Ar+ (Candori et al., 2001, 2003).
In general, when alignment/orientation drives the collision
complex into the most appropriate configurations for reaction,
an enhancement of reactivity is possible. It is the case
of the H+
2 + H2 →
3 + H reaction, for which
an enhancement of the rate coefficient with respect to the
classical Langevin-capture behavior at low collision energies has
been attributed to anisotropic modification of the long-range
scattering potential due to interaction between the H+
2 charge
and the rotational quadrupole moment of the ground state of
ortho-H2 (Allmendinger et al., 2016).
On the other hand, when long-range interaction potentials
reorient the reacting couple, either in a non-reactive or in a
configuration unfavorable for reaction, the overall reaction
probability will be suppressed, as in the case of the Hatom transfer reaction between H2 and H2 O+ . In the latter
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Stereodynamical Effects by Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
FIGURE 5 | Top section of the PES for the entrance channel of the He+ -DME system (the cation is confined in the C-O-C plane). Bottom left a sketch of the
formation of a pendular state while He+ ions approach a freely rotating DME molecule. Bottom right: pictorial view of minimal overlap between the spherically
symmetric atomic orbital of He+ and the inner valence orbital of DME from which the electron is extracted.
2014), thus demonstrating the possibility of controlling reactivity
through selection of conformational states.
A recent investigation from our laboratories focused on the
study of some ion-molecule reactions of relevance to assess
the competition and balance of phenomena occurring in many
gaseous and plasma environments, ranging from the ionospheres
of planets and the interstellar medium (Balucani et al., 2015)
(low temperatures) to laboratory plasmas for technological
applications (much higher temperatures). In particular, collisions
with He+ are an important pathway for the decomposition of
“complex organic molecules” (COMs, i.e., molecules containing
at least six atoms) in various astronomical environments
(Balucani et al., 2015; Ascenzi et al., 2019). Since dimethyl
ether (DME) and methyl formate (MF) are among the most
abundant COMs, experiments have been performed on the
reactivity of He+ ions with such neutrals, using a Guided
Ion Beam Mass Spectrometer, which allows measurements of
reactive cross sections and branching ratio (BR) as a function
of the collision energy (Cernuto et al., 2017, 2018). Due to
the large dipole moments exhibited by the neutral collision
system, the most attractive orientation, governed by charge
and dipole-quadrupole/induced multipole interactions,
is not the most favorable for H atom transfer. Thus
reorientation of H2 O+ , facilitated by rotational excitation,
is necessary to promote reactivity (Li et al., 2014). Hence,
rate constants can show an Arrhenius dependence (i.e., a
positive dependence on T) even in the case of barrierless
and exothermic processes, as observed in the reactions of
Ar+ and N+
2 ions with diatomic interhalogens ICl and
ClF (Shuman et al., 2017).
Differences in the long-range ion-molecule interaction
potentials are also at the basis of the different bimolecular
reactivity observed by different rotational isomers (conformers)
of a polyatomic molecule in the gas phase. By elegantly exploiting
an experimental technique based on the spatial separation
of conformers having significantly different electric dipole
moments in a MB via electrostatic deflection (i.e., the use of
inhomogeneous electric fields), the specific chemical reactivity
of two conformers of 3-aminophenol with cold Ca+ ions in a
Coulomb crystal was observed (Chang et al., 2013; Rösch et al.,
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Stereodynamical Effects by Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces
partners (1.30 Debye for DME and 1.77 Debye for MF) the
studied systems present large interaction anisotropies that can
induce strong stereodynamical effects and influence the outcome
of reactive collisions. The experimental evidence is that the
electron exchange processes are completely dissociative, leading
to extensive fragmentation of the neutral partner, and cross
section trends with collision energies are at odds with those
expected from simple capture models. By investigating the nature
of the non-adiabatic transitions between the reactant and product
potential energy surfaces using an improved Landau-Zener
model, we were able to identify three critical elements at the basis
of such discrepancy:
analysis of the interaction PESs shows that the (diabatic)
reactant surfaces do not cross the product surfaces correlating
asymptotically with the ground state of DME+ and MF+ . Thus,
He+ captures an electron from an inner valence orbital of the
neutral molecules, forming the molecular cation in a highly
excited state, that quickly dissociates.
Symmetry of the Electron Density Distributions
The symmetry of the electron density distribution of the
molecular orbitals from which the electron is removed turns out
to be a further major point affecting the probability of electron
transfer to He+ , since it affects the overlap integral between the
orbitals involved in the electron exchange. In both DME and MF
cases, at least one of the molecular orbitals that are expected,
in terms of crossing positions, to give the most significant
contribution to charge transfer, presents a small overlap with the
spherically symmetric atomic orbital of He+ (2 S1/2 ), as pictorially
shown in the bottom right panel of Figure 5. This effect originates
the paradox that the most attractive geometry is the least efficient
for charge transfer, and the reactions are increasingly driven by
the Coriolis coupling (i.e., the coupling between the rotational
angular momentum of nuclei in the collision complex and the
orbital angular momentum of the electron) rather than by orbital
overlap. Using such a combined experimental and theoretical
methodology we have been able to provide new values for the
temperature dependent rate coefficients and branching ratios of
the reactions of He+ with the two important COM, dimethyl
ether and methyl formate (MF). Our results will be relevant for
a correct modeling of the chemical kinetics in various regions
of the interstellar space, such as prestellar cores and hot corinos
(Ascenzi et al., 2019).
In conclusion, all the experimental findings, characterized
in several experiments carried out within the Perugia-Trento
collaboration, can be rationalized in a unifying picture that
considers the sterodynamics of gas phase collisions controlled by
anisotropic forces of different strength.
a) the strong anisotropy of the entrance PES (see section
PES anisotropy)
b) the crossing positions among entrance and exit PESs (see
section Crossings among entrance and exit diabatic PESs)
c) the symmetry of the electron density distribution of the inner
valence molecular orbitals of DME and MF involved in the
electron transfer to He+ (see section Symmetry of the electron
density distributions).
PES Anisotropy
For both DME and MF the interaction anisotropy in the entrance
channels is such that one (two for the MF case) deep potential
wells (with depth in the range 1.3–1.7 eV) are present for
selected configurations: namely when the He+ ion approaches
the molecule from the O atom side, on the plane defined by the
C atoms and the ethereous O atom (see Figure 5, top panel). As
a consequence, the reaction dynamics is substantially limited to
a few geometries confined around the most stable configurations
of the collision complex. The rather large interaction anisotropy
induces pronounced orientations of the polar neutrals in the
electric field generated by He+ , which are mostly operative at
low collision energies. While the neutrals are free to rotate
at large distances, as the colliding partners come closer, the
rotation of the polar molecule becomes partially hindered by
the intermolecular electric field gradient associated with the
interaction anisotropy. Hence, at short distances, the collision
complex is confined within pendular states, a particular case
of bending motion (see Figure 5, bottom left panel). Such
orientation effects can influence the dynamic of the chargeexchange process by channeling most of the neutral molecules
in narrow angular cones confined around the most attractive
configurations of the interacting systems. Similar effects have
been also observed at the interface between the gas and liquid
phase for solutions containing cations and anions (Gisler and
Nesbitt, 2012).
FP and DA wrote the first draft of the manuscript. PT,
MS, and DC wrote sections of the manuscript. All authors
contributed to manuscript revision, read and approved the
submitted version and contributed conception and design of
the study.
DC and FP thank MIUR and the University of Perugia
for financial support through AMIS project (Dipartimenti di
Eccellenza−2018–2022). DA, MS, and PT acknowledge support
from the Department of Physics of the University of Trento.
Crossings Among Entrance and Exit Diabatic PESs
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(IE = 24.59 eV) and DME (IE = 10.025 eV) or MF (10.835 eV),
interaction in neutral and ionic clusters. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 280, 50–56.
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May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 390