IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA)
Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024, pp. 452~468
ISSN: 2722-2586, DOI: 10.11591/ijra.v13i4.pp452-468
Faults-as-address simulation
Vladimir Hahanov, Svetlana Chumachenko, Eugenia Litvinova, Ivan Hahanov,
Veronika Ponomarova, Hanna Khakhanova, Georgiy Kulak
Design Automation Department, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov, Ukraine
Article Info
Article history:
Fault-as-address-simulation (FAAS) is a simulation mechanism for testing
combinations of circuit line faults, represented by the bit addresses of
element logical vectors. The XOR relationship between the test set T and the
truth table L of the element forms a deductive vector for fault simulation,
using truth table addresses or the logic vector bits. Addresses are used in the
simulation matrix to mark those n-combinations of input faults detected at
the element's output. The columns of the simulation matrix are treated as nrow addresses to generate an element output row via a deductive vector.
There is no transport of input faults to the element output, Only the 1-signals
written in the non-input row coordinates of the circuit simulation matrix. The
simulation matrix is initially filled with 1-signals along the main diagonal.
The line faults detected on the test set of circuits are determined by the
inverse of lines good values, which have 1-values in the matrix row
corresponding to the output circuit element. The deductive vector is obtained
by the XOR-relations between the test set and logical vector in three table
operations. The advantage of the proposed FAAS mechanism is the
predictable complexity of the algorithm and memory consumption for
storing data structures when simulating a test set.
Received Apr 5, 2024
Revised Aug 13, 2024
Accepted Aug 27, 2024
Fault simulation matrix
Fault truth table
Fault-as-address simulation
In-memory computing
Logic vector computing
Smart data structures
Test truth table
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Vladimir Hahanov
Design Automation Department, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics
Kharkov, Ukraine
[email protected]
Statement of the problem the paper is addressing. Most of the existing solutions for processing big
data, including design and verification, use potent computers, networks, and computing centers where arrays
of information are stored. Such solutions require a lot of electrical energy and are close to power plants.
Given that there will always be insufficient electricity, everything related to the energy-intensive processing
of big data will gradually become a thing of the past. Instead, there is a steady increase in in-memory
computing, which will solve the problems of intelligent processing of big data on smart data structures
without programming algorithms and architectures free of potent processors. One of these cost-effective
solutions is proposed for research: in-memory modeling and simulation on smart data structures that use only
read-write transactions. The study's formula is the use of smart data structures in vector-table forms of logic
circuit description to organize in-memory computing based on read-write transactions [1] for simulating
faults as addresses [2], [3]. Experts in computer technology, including Gartner, predict a shift to mass
computing in memory and the abandonment of the von Neumann architecture [2] and powerful processors
[4], [5]. They advocate the gradual transition of computing to any substance that can store data. To perform
any computational actions, two read-write transactions on memory elements are enough [1], [2]. This is the
practical essence of the proposed study. On the other hand, intelligent computing, according to leading
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IAES Int J Rob & Autom
ISSN: 2722-2586
experts, has a strong tendency to use smart memory-based data structures [4], [6] to process big data without
programming algorithms [7], [8]. At the same time, smart data structures can be created once by a
superposition of explicit computing components or by training a machine learning (ML) model when the data
structure acquires valuable properties for a successful solution to the problem. In both cases, the
computational complexity of the smart data structure processing algorithm tends to zero due to the significant
redundancy of data structures. The economy of in-memory mass computing involves a substantial reduction
in energy (78%) [2] for processing big data and the time (32%) [4] to solve problems due to the speed of
read-write transactions at the level of one nanosecond [5].
Here are what has been done before about the problem. Models and algorithms are strongly
interconnected. Redundancy of one component leads to a decrease in the other and vice versa. If an engineer
wants a simple algorithm, he should use the redundancy and simplicity of explicit data structures (logical
vectors, truth tables [1], [3], [9], and matrices) instead of analytical [10]–[12], or graph [13]–[15] models.
Design and testing have been, are, and will continue to be the most advanced technology for building
intelligent computing [10], [16], the goal of which is to create the cyber brain of humanity. An urgent
problem is verifying new digital solutions using system-on-chip (SoC) numbering billions of transistors.
Automatic synthesis systems of Synopsys, cadence can design a system of any complexity. However, the
question is how to verify such a system. How can a test for it be built to determine its qualities in detecting
logical or physical faults? Electronic design automation (EDA) applies testable design standards to break
down a complex system into the market's SoC intellectual property (IP) cores. Tests are then built for these
modules, which must be verified using fault simulation algorithms. Typically, these algorithms use compact
analytical or hardware description language (HDL) digital circuits and element models. Their processing
involves the creation of powerful compilers based on the use of processor instructions. Such simulators are
costly and require a lot of time and energy [17], [18]. What can be offered in return? Technologically simple,
cheap-to-use test generators and simulators [19]–[21] that consume a minimum amount of energy [22]–[24].
The research formula for this metric is to develop mechanisms for in-memory modeling and simulation of
faults-as-addresses based on logical vectors [21], [25] of circuit elements, which are processed based on readwrite transactions [20], [26]. For this purpose, redundant smart and explicit data structures [20], [27], [28]
have been introduced and used, significantly reducing the computational complexity of simulation algorithms
[1], [15], [29]. Logical vectors, truth tables, and logical matrices represent smart data structures. Only one
XOR operation and a read-write transaction are required to process them for fault-as-address simulation.
However, this XOR operation can also be reduced to read-write transactions on a logical vector [1], [19]. The
efficiency of the simulation mechanism is unparalleled, providing simplicity and good economics of the
solution. Computer engineering students master this mechanism in one lesson, 45 minutes. The topic of fault
simulation in the EDA market has been relevant for 70 years and occupies one of the first places in the
development of researchers and companies. The market relevance of this topic is determined by the following
metrics [29]–[31]: i) the development of smart data structures and efficient algorithms for testing increasingly
complex computer systems and networks consisting of billions of equivalent gates; ii) invariance of
structures and algorithms concerning technologies and types of digital products that change rapidly over time
[32]; iii) the flexibility of data structures and algorithms will allow the processing of a wide range of digitized
technical devices and processes for their testing, verification, diagnostics, and fault detection [33]–[35]; iv)
considering faults as big data, algorithms for their analysis must be efficient in terms of time and energy
consumption. Therefore, fault simulation should be implemented on primitive read-write transactions as inmemory computing without the use of the robust instruction set of the universal processor in the von
Neumann architecture [2], [36], [37]; v) data structures for fault simulation should be simple and accessible
to computers and humans [36]. Such ideal data structures, invariant in time, are the unjustly forgotten truth
table and its compact derivative, the logical vector. They are ideal for efficiently solving in-memory
computing tasks, including big data processing [38] and fault simulation; vi) The truth table should be
elevated to the rank of an ideal internal model of a computational process or circuit that is invariant
concerning dozens of languages describing hardware or software [37], [38]; vii) The truth table generates a
complete set of logic-fault combinations for arbitrarily complex logical functionality [1], [10], [16]. Thus,
combining in-memory computing and smart data structures based on the truth table may be a rational way to
solve design and test problems over a long time in the development of global computing [39]–[41].
The proposed solution and the results achieved. The goal is to significantly reduce the latency and
energy consumption when simulating faults-as-addresses using in-memory computing technology in logical
circuits of any dimension based on read-write transactions over smart data structures built based on a logical
vector. The objectives of this research are to i) identify the components of smart compact data structures for
logic circuit fault simulation; ii) create a simulation algorithm for faults F of a logical circuit on an input test
set T by synthesizing deductive vectors of elements from their logical vectors L, using the equation D=T⨁L;
and iii) verify the data structures and algorithms for modeling and simulation faults-as-addresses, using
examples of logic circuits. Without going into details, von Neumann's architecture [2] controls and executes
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
the computational process. Therefore, it can be transferred to memory, where big data resides. Moreover, this
architecture can be used to simulate both logic and circuits in two modes: good simulation of test-asaddresses and simulation of fault-as-addresses. The device of control and execution in computing has not yet
been canceled [2], [14], [19].
What is new? Faults-as-addresses simulation (FAAS) is a technique that leverages input faults
combination as deductive vector bits addresses that form detected input faults in logic element output. FAAS
technique is proposed for digital circuit simulation, where logical vectors represent elements as a compact
form of the truth table. The truth table is proposed as a smart data structure for fault simulation of input and
internal lines of logic circuits. The logical vector in the truth table and the input test set are used to generate a
deductive vector that detects any combination of faults in the circuit lines to its external outputs. The novelty
of the FAAS mechanism is the Fault Simulation Matrix address filling using deductive vectors, which
simulate a combination of faults as an address. The in-memory simulation uses read-write transactions, which
makes the FAAS technique a free central processing unit (CPU) instruction system and cost-effective in
terms of power and time to simulate faults. The circuit fault simulation contains novelty points: circuit 1 is
the deductive vector synthesis for input set and logic vector to detect input faults on element output; circuit 2
is the development of a quadratic fault simulation matrix of the circuit for every test set; circuit 3 is the
simulation of circuit lines faults-as-addresses using a simulation matrix and deductive vectors of logic
elements to obtain a vector of detected faults on the input test set; and circuit 4 is the formation of a table of
detected faults to determine the quality of the input sets and the test. Algorithms and data structures are
proposed for in-memory simulating fault-as-addresses and logical schemes of any structural complexity.
Smart data structures have three macro components: circuit description, simulation matrix, and fault
detection table. The truth table is the longest-lived model of the computational process; it is more than 100
years old, and today, it is practically not used for organizing computations. Underneath the simplicity of the
form of the truth table, which is understandable to humans and machines, there is an undeciphered genome of
emerging computing. Fault simulation algorithms use read-write transactions on smart data structures in any
SoC, field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), or reduced
instruction set computer (RISC-V) memory and do not require processor instructions and pre-synthesis of the
circuit to bring logical functionalities to a specific element basis. The market goal of the proposed technique
is to solve IP-core verification problems based on in-memory computing using the IEEE 1500 standard for
embedded core test (SECT) standard [21]. A data structure metric is a logical vector or truth table. The
practical novelty of the FAAS mechanism is the fault simulation matrix address filling using deductive
vectors, which simulate a combination of faults as an address as shown in Figure 1. It provides a model of a
good-value line behavior circuit using logic vectors and a circuit model for fault simulation using deductive
vectors. A quadratic fault simulation matrix is presented, which is filled along the main diagonal with single
values identifying faults of the circuit lines. Three truth tables for the synthesis of the deductive vector are
also presented. All the listed data structures are required to model the fault as addresses on a single input test
set 0011. The result of a good simulation is shown in the G-line of the simulation matrix. The result of the
fault simulation is shown in the F-line of the simulation matrix.
Figure 1. Faults-as-address circuit simulation
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
IAES Int J Rob & Autom
ISSN: 2722-2586
The relationship T⨁L=D between the test set T and the truth table L of the element forms a
deductive vector for fault simulation, using addresses the truth table or the logic vector bits. On the other
hand, addresses are used in the simulation matrix to mark those n-combinations of input faults detected at the
element's output. The columns of the simulation matrix are treated as n-row addresses to generate an output
row of the element via the deductive vector. There is no transport of input faults to the output of the element,
Only the 1-signals written in the non-input row coordinates of the circuit simulation matrix. The simulation
matrix is initially filled with 1-signals along the main diagonal. The line faults detected on the test set of
circuits are determined by the inverse of the good values of lines G, which have 1-values in the matrix row
corresponding to the output of the last circuit element. The deductive vector is obtained by the XOR-relations
between the test set and the logical vector in three table operations. The advantage of the proposed FAAS
mechanism is the predictable complexity of the algorithm and the memory consumption for storing data
structures when simulating a test set, determined by the formula Q = N2 + ∑ni=1(Yi + Di ), where N, n are
number of lines and elements in the circuit and Y, D are a set of logical and deductive vectors.
Construction of the recoding matrix [1] by taking a Cartesian ⨁-square on the addresses of the truth
table from n-variables according to the formula: H=A⨁A=𝐴2⨁ . Addresses act as test sets T and combinations
of logic faults F. The resulting matrix is a constant for all logical functions from n-variables. There are
several modifications to the recoding matrix construction. Next, a simple recursive mechanism for building a
recoding matrix based on prediction is proposed. Four sequential operations are performed on the four
quadrants of the matrix: Hi+1
= Hi ; Hi+1
= 2𝑛 + Hi ; Hi+1
= Hi+1
; Hi+1
= Hi+1
. The construction of a matrix
of any dimension starts from 0: H0 =0. Another mechanism for recursively constructing a recoding matrix
uses computational history: Hi1 = Hi−1 ; Hi2 = 2n – 1– Hi1 ; Hi3 = Hi2 ; Hi4 = Hi1 . The computational
complexity of both mechanisms for constructing a recoding matrix for a logical function from n-variables is
equal to 2n+1 . The data structures reflecting the recursive generation of the matrix are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Synthesis of H-matrix recoding
The practical use of this H-matrix is the rapid construction of a deductive vector by recoding the
coordinates of the logic vector on the decimal codes of a string with a number determined by the test input
set. An example of a deductive vector construction uses logic vector 0111, n=2, test set 10. Consider the
matrix of two variables on a string number 2 (T=10), which is equal to 2301. Recoding the coordinates of a
logical vector gives a deductive vector: D=LHT=2 = 01112301 = 1011. Using an H-matrix recoding to
synthesize deductive vectors speeds up logic circuit fault simulations by 30%. One recoding matrix for an
element with the maximum number of variables is needed to synthesize deductive vectors of a logical circuit.
Vector-logical design and test computing is a processor-free in-memory SoC IP-core testing
mechanism based on read-write transactions on logical vectors and their derivatives. A mechanism is a
communicating relationship between the redundancy of data structures and the computational complexity of
algorithms for their processing when an increase in one of them leads to a decrease in the other and vice
versa. Mechanisms for modeling, simulation, and testing digital projects are proposed. The object of the
study is to design and test computing based on vector-logic mechanisms located in memory to save energy
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
and design time. The subject of the research is vector-logical in-memory computing for solving the problems
of modeling, testing, and verification of digital projects based on vector-logical models of the IP-core SoC in
Figure 3. Here, all computing components are completely new and focus on the EDA market of cost-effective
engineering solutions. There's no potent CPU here, not even RISC-V. Only read-write transactions and one
vector XOR operation are easily converted to transactions.
Figure 3. Vector logic design and test computing in memory
The vector-logic computing equation T ⊕ L ⊕ F = 0 is used to solve all testing problems. It defines
the relationships between the same component formats (test, logic, faults) to determine any of them by the
other two. Such formats can be logical vectors, truth tables, and logical matrices. All these components form
smart data structures interconnected to get a result without an algorithm. The problem of modeling data
structures is solved by superpositioning those explicit components that provide solutions without an algorithm.
This trend is expected in the IT market, which aims to create and train a structure of smart data for intelligent
solutions to all problems in cyber-physical space without programming algorithms. All verification
technologies use the convolution equation of the relations between L⊕T⊕F=0 specification L,
implementation T, and errors F (faults). Verification is the process of determining the correspondence between
the specification and the synthesized device. This correspondence is then used to eliminate design errors
T⊕L=F by introducing logical-time redundancy. Test verification involves identifying faults F=T⊕L and
designing based on a synthesized test (project redundancy) for a given class of faults. Suitable design
standards, such as IEEE 11.49, 1500, and 1687, allow you to reduce the length of the test of IP components of
a project and improve its quality by using boundary scan registers [21]. Formal verification is the process of
achieving the quality of a project T⊕L=F based on logical-temporal redundancy (temporal logic) and a library
of valid circuit solutions. Disassembling a model is the process of obtaining a digital device model based on
the XOR interaction of a test and a given class of faults L=T⊕F. Fault diagnosis is the process of determining
the cause, location, and type of defects in a digital circuit. Next, all the components of smart data structures are
defined to solve the problems of testing using the characteristic equation and based on the XOR operation.
Components of smart data structures are introduced to develop simulation algorithms. These
structures' metrics use the dimensionality of a logical vector determined by the number of input variables. A
logical element is any binary functionality of n variables, with an indeterminate internal structure, given by a
logical vector, dimension 2𝑛 . Logical vector L is an explicit form of defining functionality using an ordered
sequence of 2𝑛 bits, where each bit has its binary address in the metric n variables. A logical vector and an
ordered set of explicitly specified binary addresses form a truth table. A logical vector has all the properties
of a truth table, while it is more compact and technologically advanced for solving design and test in-memory
problems. Input binary test set x is an input test sequence of n binary bits, considered the address of a
deductive vector that provides transportation of a combination of an element's input faults to its output. The
output state of element Y is a binary value that results from feeding a test binary set x to an element specified
by the logical vector L. Test vector refers to concatenation of binary input set x and output state Y, using the
functions T=(xY). Active truth table A=T⨁L is an unordered form of specifying all combinations of input
faults by a set of 1-coordinates predetermined by n inverse values of the bits of the input binary set. Fault
truth table F is an explicit form of specifying all combinations of input faults by a set of unit coordinates that
are additionally determined by n inverse values of the bits of the input binary set. The truth table of the Ttests is an explicit form of defining all 2𝑛 combinations of input binary test cases for a logical element. A
functional coverage truth table is an explicit form of specifying all combinations of input binary test sets and
the 2𝑛 state of logical element outputs. A functional coverage is essentially a logical vector of an element.
Deductive D-vector, dimension 2𝑛 , points with its single bits to the columns with the faults to be detected at
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
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ISSN: 2722-2586
the 1-coordinates of the fault truth table. Deductive matrix, dimensionality 2𝑛 × 2𝑛 is a gene of logical
functionality that contains complete information about all faults of a functional element detected on a test set.
Smart data structure (for fault simulation) is the explicit data structures (logical vectors, truth tables,
deductive matrices) interconnected by the unified metric of the logical vector space 2𝑛 . Smart data structure
does not require conditional processing. The truth table, as a smart data structure, helps to exclude
conditional IF statements from the program code. Since the truth table is the complete set of conditional if
statements (in each variable metric) translated into the table of ordered addresses of the bits of the logical
vector. Circuit description (circuit input set data) contains information about the relationships between the
schematic elements (the number of inputs of each element and their numerical identifiers) and logical and
deductive vectors for performing the circuit fault simulation. Simulation matrix (matrix of circuit fault
simulation on input set) refers to quadratic matrix of the schematic structure for stuck-at-faults simulation of
input, internal, and output lines, dimension, of the number of lines of the circuit, determined by 1-values of
the coordinates of the main diagonal. It is designed to model circuit faults as addresses by using deductive
vectors of logic elements to obtain a vector of faults to be detected on the input set. End-to-end numbering of
schematic lines makes tracing structural features (reconvergence fanouts) easy in fault analysis based on a
simulation N-squared matrix. The table for test–detected circuit faults contains integral information about the
faults detected on each input set and an assessment of the quality of the input set and the test. It is used to
validate the test and find faults in the digital device. The formula for simulating stuck-at-faults of circuit lines
is as follows: from the input set on the external inputs and numbered N-lines of the circuit is synthesized N2
simulation matrix filled with 1-coordinates diagonally to obtain a vector of detected faults on the N-lines of
the circuit by constructing a matrix of deductive vectors from the m-number of functional elements of the
circuit, based on logical vectors and binary sets at the inputs of the elements, after which each output of the
schematic element is simulated by the sequential processing of the combination of lines of the simulation
matrix at the element inputs as addresses of the cells corresponding to the corresponding deductive vectors,
after which a disjunction operation is performed on those lines of the simulation matrix that belong to the
external interface outputs of the circuit, in order to obtain an integral ∨-vector of the simulation, the 1coordinates of which are further determined by the inverse values of the lines of the vector of the good
simulation to obtain the vector of tested faults on the input binary set. Faults-as-addresses simulation is a
technique that leverages input fault combinations as the addresses of deductive vector bits, which forms the
output vector of the detected input faults in a logic element. The model of detected line fault is represented by
a 1-signal in the simulation matrix, and the fault that was not detected is noted by a 0-signal.
Input data models for logical processing can be represented in Figure 4. Number 1 is the set of
compact unstructured data requiring complex and sequential input processing [42]. Number 2 is the binary
vector of unitary-encoded data that uses complex processor register variables to process pairs of input vectors
in parallel. Number 3 is the addresses formed by the columns of the input matrix of unitary-encoded data to
perform read-write in-memory transactions on the bits of the logical vector (without traditional processor
logic) with parallel analysis on the columns of data as addresses. Here, the vector L = 01101001 is an XOR
function of three variables that form addresses from the data to be analyzed. The longer the logical vector
length, the greater the degree of parallelism when processing big data as addresses. Logical vectors do not
need to be reduced to the logic of the processor using rather complex synthesis. In-memory computing based
on logic vectors is free from synthesis and traditional CPU logic, replaced by read-write transactions (600 ps
latency), which are not inferior in speed to the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) [38]. At the same time, inmemory computing has half the power consumption when processing big data compared to a processor [39].
Two data processing options represent fault-as-address simulation techniques as shown in Figure 5.
− Technique 1. Use the columns of the S-matrix simulation along the input lines of the element as the
addresses of the deductive vector bits, which form the coordinates of the vector of the faults to be
detected on the output line Yi,j = Dxj . For this example, it would be 𝑌12 = 100001000100. Here, each
1-unit is defined by address 100 in the truth table of the deductive vector, where D(100)=1. This
technique is implemented in the FAAS engine for circuit fault simulation.
− Technique 2. Distribute all columns of the S-matrix of the simulation with the input numbers of the
circuit lines to the addresses of the deductive vector truth table, and then generate the 1-coordinates of
the fault vector to be tested on the output line using the numbers of the lines equivalent to the columns,
if the column of the truth table is covered by the 1-coordinate of the deductive vector. Both techniques
for fault simulation of circuit lines as addresses have the same computational complexity Q=n×N
(where n is the number of inputs of the element being processed and N is the number of lines of the
circuit). The second technique has a valuable property: the faults equivalence of circuit lines by the
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
columns of the truth table, which is used to diagnose defects in the circuit. Another essential feature of
the proposed techniques is that in the simulation matrix, the tested faults of both signs (stuck-at-1,
stuck-at-0) are represented by a 1-coordinate, which is very convenient for generating addresses for
their parallel processing on deductive vectors. 1-coordinates are further determined by specific faults,
inverse to the good state of the lines, after the formation of the entire matrix of the circuit simulation.
The first technique for fault simulation of elements as part of a circuit is focused on implementation in
the EDA market using in-memory computing technology. This technique can also be effectively used
for parallel processing of big data, such as addresses, to solve problems of determining similarity–
difference and equivalence of patterns.
Figure 4. Input data models for logical analysis
Figure 5. Techniques for fault simulation as addresses on a deductive vector
The fault simulation matrix of circuit lines as addresses is the basis of the simulation engine in
Figure 6. The circuit fault simulation matrix on the input test set has dimensions N× N=𝑁 2 , where N is the
number of lines in the circuit. It is filled with one unit along the main diagonal, which, in the simulation
process, turns into binary vectors of the faults to be detected for each output number of the element.
The 1-coordinate of the matrix encodes the fault detection on the circuit line of both fault types
(stuck-at-0, stuck-at-1). Vector Sum ∨ performs the function of logically concatenating those rows of the
simulation table that are the external outputs of the circuit. In this example, there is one external circuit input,
number 12. The Good vector shows the state of all circuit lines in the absence of faults. The faults vector
identifies faults (stuck-at-0, stuck-at-1) that are detected on a test set using a simple rule: If (SumV)i =1, then
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅i . This expression can be implemented using the truth table shown at the bottom of Figure 6.
(Faults)i =Good
The fault vectors form the result of the simulation, which is the table of test-detected circuit faults. To form
the address of a deductive vector bit, the coordinates of those strings whose numbers form the element's
inputs are used to form the address of the bit. Each deductive vector of element forms its output row of the
simulation matrix using eventfulness rules, a set of empty cells or null addresses are not processed. To obtain
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
IAES Int J Rob & Autom
ISSN: 2722-2586
vector line 12 for the element shown in Figure 6, you need to concatenate the addresses by input numbers
term (10,8,11): 101, 111, 011, 000, ... The computational complexity of processing the simulation matrix on
the test set is determined by the complexity of address concatenation. It is equal to 𝑁 2 , where N is the
number of lines in the circuit.
Figure 6. Matrix of fault simulation of circuit lines as addresses on the input set
The problem of transferring the von Neumann architecture to memory and replacing the powerful
processor on read-write with transactions on logical and deductive vectors to reduce energy and time
consumption when logic circuit simulation of any dimension is solved. The goal is to develop a FAAS
mechanism for fault-as-address simulation for digital circuits of any dimension. The tasks as presented in
Figure 7 are as follows. Task 1 is synthesis of deductive vectors for transporting input faults to the output of
an element on an input test set. Task 2 is development of a quadratic matrix of the circuit structure to
simulate stuck-at-faults of input, internal, and output lines. Task 3 is simulation of circuit faults-as-addresses
using simulation matrix and deductive vectors of the logic element to obtain a vector of the detected faults.
The end-to-end numbering of circuit lines makes tracing structural features (reconvergence fanouts) easy in
fault analysis using a simulation matrix. Task 4 is formation of a table of detected faults to determine the
quality of the input set and the test.
Figure 7. Circuit fault simulation structure
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
Truth table synthesis of the H-matrix line for deductive vector creation in Figure 8. The coordinates
of each row of the H-matrix [10] of bit recoding are represented by decimal address codes, which are
obtained by XOR interaction of the input binary test set T and the columns of the truth table L:A=T⨁L of
any functionality from the n-variables. This is the theoretical essence of the synthesis of the bit-recoding
matrix. The results of the XOR interaction of the input binary test vectors (T=0000, 0111) and 2𝑛 =16
columns of the truth table form the 0 and 7 rows of the bit-recoding matrix to generate a deductive vector.
Each table shows the result of the XOR summation of the test set T and the standard truth table L. The upper
part of each table is represented by the recoding vector obtained to compile the H-matrix. The binary-decimal
code of the test set forms the corresponding string of the recoding matrix. Knowing the recoding vector
H0111 it is easy to obtain the deductive vector D by executing the formula: from the test set T=0111 as the bit
address of the logical vector L0111 = 1, the state of the element's output is determined Y=1, XOR-summation
of which with all the bits of the logical vector L=1110001111000111 gives a vector of activity
A=Y⨁L=0001110000111000, to which the H-vector of the recoding of the bits on the test set T=0111 is
applied to obtain the deductive vector D=AH = 0011100000001110 whose bits are already written to the
binary-decimal addresses standard. The H-matrix of bit recoding is the key to constructing a matrix of
deductive vectors of any logic.
Figure 8. Truth table synthesis of the H-matrix line for deductive vector creation
It is proposed to use a truth table to synthesize the deductive vector of a functional element in
Figure 9 based on a logical vector and a given binary input set for its use in simulating stuck-at-faults in a
digital circuit. The formula for deductive vector modeling is as follows. The input binary set, as the cell
address of the logical vector, contains the output state of the element, the concatenation of which with the
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
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ISSN: 2722-2586
input binary forms an input-output state vector for XOR interaction with all the columns of the truth table to
synthesize the activity table, to which the procedure of ordering the columns in ascending order of the binary
addresses of the input variables is applied to obtain a deductive vector in the ordered activity table.
Figure 9. Generation of the deductive vector for an element via a truth table
Data structures for logic circuit fault simulation are represented by the following macrocomponents: circuit description and simulation matrix. The fault detection table consists of i) identifiers of
the input-output of the circuit and logic elements, which together make up the interface of the circuit; ii) a
matrix of logical vectors that define the functionality of each element of the circuit; iii) a matrix of deductive
vectors that form lists of input faults to be detected at the output of each element of the circuit; iv) vector of
binary good behavior of all circuit lines in the format of input, internal and output lines; v) quadratic matrix
(𝑁 2 of the number of circuit lines) for simulation of circuit faults on an input binary test set, pre-populated
with 1-values at diagonal coordinates, creating a stuck-at-fault circuit model; and vi) vector of faults detected
on the binary test set, inverse concerning the state of the circuit lines of good behavior. Next, a circuit as in
Figure 10 is proposed, for which data structures will be built to execute the fault simulation algorithm. Here
is the circuit fault simulation formula: Simulation N2 matrix filled with unit coordinates diagonally is
synthesized from the binary test set on the external inputs and numbered N-lines of the circuit to obtain a
vector of detected faults on the N-lines of the circuit by constructing a matrix of deductive vectors based on
the m-number of functional elements of the circuit, based on logical vectors and binary sets on the inputs of
the elements, after which each output of the circuit element is simulated by sequential processing
combination of the lines of the simulation matrix at the inputs of the element as addresses of the cells of the
corresponding deductive vectors, after which the disjunction operation is performed on those lines of the
simulation matrix that belong to the external interface outputs of the circuit, in order to obtain an integral
∨ −vector of the simulation, the 1-coordinates of which are supplemented by the inverse values of the lines
of the vector of the good simulation to obtain the vector of the detected faults on the input binary set. These
can be seen in Figure 11.
Figure 10. Circuit for simulation of faults
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
Figure 11. Data structure for circuit fault simulation on the input set 11001
The circuit fault simulation metric consists of several key components and methodologies aimed at
optimizing fault detection and diagnostics within a circuit system, as outlined in the following points. i)
Smart and easy-to-implement structured data contains three macro components: circuit description,
simulation matrix, and fault detection table. ii) A diagonal of 1 unit represents a simple fault model in a
simulation matrix. iii) The simulation algorithm uses fault-as-addresses of the bits of deductive vectors
composed from the input coordinates of the simulation table. iv) The algorithm for obtaining the deductive
vector of an element uses only three operations on the logical vector and the binary input set. v) The
simulation matrix structures the faults to be tested according to the external outputs of the circuit, which
improves the quality of the test and provides additional opportunities to increase the depth of fault
diagnostics during the operation of the device. vi) The structure of the simulation matrix makes it possible to
handle faults of reconvergent fanouts as addresses without additional particular calculations. vii) Using the
eventfulness principle in processing the simulation and deduction matrix makes it possible to increase the
speed of fault analysis by 30%. Lastly, viii) when processing circuits with feedback, you must introduce
pseudo-variables into the circuit model. When processing the simplest automata as elements, it is also
necessary to enter pseudo-variables. Introducing pseudo-variables makes the fault simulation algorithm
iterative when processing a binary test set. Figure 12 shows the interface for displaying information about the
results of circuit fault simulations on the input binary test sets.
The circuit fault simulation table column components are i) input set, which is input binary test sets;
ii) Q, which is the quality of the current test vector, defined as the number of faults to be tested on the test
vector divided by twice the number of circuit lines Q=F/2N, iii) Σ or the integral quality of the test vectors,
which is a non-additive assessment of the counting of the faults to be detected by the lines of the circuit or
the columns of the table; if the test T1…i,j in the column j in lines 1... i tables are present 0.1, then the integral
quality score is increased by two Σ = Σ +2, If only 0 or 1 are present in the column, the integral score is
increased by one Σ=Σ+1 and the formula for calculating integral quality Σ= Σ/2N; iv) 1…N, which are
columns containing circuit line faults detected on test sets; and v) empty cells in the table that indicate the
coordinates of the lines on which faults are not detected. The software implementation of the circuit fault
simulation interface is shown in Figure 13. The output files of the circuit fault simulation interface are
represented by three components (left to right). The first is the circuit fault simulation table on the whole test.
If you click on a row in the table, a simulation matrix of the input set and data structure (logical and
deductive vectors) appears. The second one is the schematic element simulation matrix on the input set. For
visual verification of the simulation process, it is possible to track changes in data structures by generating
fault vectors on each input binary set. Here are the last two lines: output (fault-free simulation vector) and
(fault) fault detection vector. The third is deductive fault simulation vectors for circuit elements' input set and
logic vectors.
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
IAES Int J Rob & Autom
ISSN: 2722-2586
Figure 12. Circuit line fault simulation table
Figure 13. Circuit fault simulation table
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
The following is a simulation of switch circuit faults on a complete verification test as shown
in Figure 14. Adding external outputs (for example, 7, 8, 9) to the circuit affects the quality of the test
and each test set. Making all the internal lines observable can significantly reduce the length of the test
while keeping it 100% quality to detect all defects in the digital circuit. The inferences are described as
follows. i) Faults as addresses simulation technique is proposed for processing input, internal, and
output lines of a circuit based on logical vectors of functional elements, which are used to construct
deductive vectors for transporting input faults to the circuit outputs. ii) Faults are treated as addresses for
selecting the appropriate bits of deductive vectors, which makes it possible to increase the parallelism of
circuit fault vector processing by increasing the complexity of logic elements. iii) The input fault model of
the circuit on the input set is initially represented by a quadratic matrix of the number of the circuit
line, where 1-values are diagonally arranged. iv) In the simulation process, such a matrix makes it easy to
handle elements' most complex structural relationships, including reconvergence fanouts. v) The technique
does not require synthesis to reduce logical functionalities to a specific basis of elements. Conversely,
the technique will work faster if longer vectors in memory represent the macro functionalities .
vi) The technique is focused on implementation in any memory based on the execution of read -write
transactions, which makes it free from a potent CPU instruction system and economical in terms of energy
and time for fault simulation. vii) To process circuits with feedback, you need to introduce
pseudo-variables and additional loops to process the input binary vectors to bring the simulation results to
a stable form. viii) To process digital automata, it is necessary to perform a preliminary synthesis of
the automaton model to reduce it to a vector form with pseudo-variables. Python is the most popular
function-oriented programming language [40], [41] today, which can process big data with the help of
Excel files, including the simulation of large digital projects with the preservation of the result of such
processing. Python supports operations on big data structures, which is especially important for
implementing procedures and algorithms focused on in-memory computing. Therefore, smart data
structures and fault-as-address simulation are implemented in Python code. The complexity of the program
code for implementing FAAS-technique is estimated at 900 lines. The smart data structure and
algorithms were verified on several dozen logic circuits on which fault detection tables were built.
Figure 14. Result of simulation of switch circuit faults
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
IAES Int J Rob & Autom
ISSN: 2722-2586
The novelty of this is the future of the EDA market in implementing energy-saving in-memory
design and test computing. FAAS is a technique that leverages input faults combination as the addresses of
deductive vector bits that form the output vector of the detected input faults in the logic element. FAAS
technique is proposed for digital circuit simulation, where logical vectors represent elements as a compact
form of the truth table. The truth table is the longest-lived model of the computational process; it is more than
100 years old, and today, it is practically not used for organizing computations. Underneath the simplicity of
the form of the truth table, which is understandable to humans and machines, there is an undeciphered
genome of emerging computing. The truth table is proposed as an ideal data structure for fault simulation of
input and internal lines of logic circuits. The logical vector in the truth table and the input test set are used to
construct a deductive vector that transports any combination of faults in the circuit lines to its external
outputs. Algorithms and data structures are proposed for in-memory simulating faults as addresses, as well as
logical schemes of any structural complexity. Smart data structures have three macro components: circuit
description, simulation matrix, and fault detection table. The schematic fault simulation algorithm metric
contains the following novelty points: i) synthesis of a deductive vector on an input binary set to transport
input faults to the output of an element; ii) development of a quadratic matrix of the circuit structure to
simulate constant faults of input, internal, and output lines, including converging branches reconvergent
fanouts; iii) simulation of circuit faults-as-addresses using a simulation matrix and deductive vectors of logic
elements to obtain a vector of defects tested on the input test set; and iv) formation of a table of detected
defects to determine the quality of the input sets and the test. Fault simulation algorithms use read-write
transactions on smart data structures in any SoC, FPGA, ASIC, or RISC-V memory and do not require
processor instructions and pre-synthesis of the circuit to bring logical functionalities to a specific element
basis. The market goal of the proposed FAAS-Technique is to solve IP-core verification problems based on
in-memory computing using the IEEE 1500 SECT standard. The data structure metric is logical vector or
truth table. The metric of the simulation algorithms is the XOR transformation of the truth table on the test
set T⨁L with the subsequent ordering of columns by address. The in-memory simulation uses read-write
transactions, which makes the FAAS technique free of the CPU instruction system and cost-effective in terms
of energy and latency to simulate fault-as-address.
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IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468
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ISSN: 2722-2586
Vladimir Hahanov
was born in the USSR in 1953. He is a Doctor of Science,
Professor of Computer Engineering Faculty, Design Automation Department, Kharkov
National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine. His research and development fields
include design and test of computers, test generation and fault simulation for soc, quantum
memory-driven computing, cyber-physical, cyber social computing, pattern recognition &
machine learning computing, digital smart cyber university, and cloud-driven traffic control.
He has supervised 4 Doctors of Science and 36 Ph.Ds. He has been the General Chair of the
IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium for 22 years since 2003. He is also the author of
650+ publications and 25 textbooks, 5 patents, and 202 Scopus-indexed papers: with 722
citations by 507 documents, h-index 14. Prof. Hahanov has been an IEEE Senior Member
since 2010, IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member, SAE member, and IFAC
member, and communication society member. He can be contacted at
[email protected].
Svetlana Chumachenko
was born in USSR in 1969. She is a Doctor of
Technical Sciences, Professor, and Head of the Design Automation Department, Kharkov
National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine. Her research and development fields
include Mathematics, Computer Engineering, and Smart Cyber University. Her international
activities include the fundamental research within agreement cooperation on scientific and
technical “Strategic partnership” with the firm Aldec Inc. (USA) in 2000, 2005; SEIDA
BАITSE “Baltic Academic IT Security Exchange”, Blekinge Institute of Technology,
Sweden in 2011–2012; international project “Curricula Development for New
Specialization: Master of Engineering in Microsystems Design 530785-TEMPUS-1-2012-1PL-TEMPUS-JPCR” Priority – Curricula Reform in 2012–2016. She is also the author of
250+ publications, 10 textbooks, and 100 Scopus-indexed papers: with 325 citations, h-index
11. She can be contacted at
[email protected].
Eugenia Litvinova
was born in Kharkov in 1962. She is a Doctor of Science
and a Professor of Computer Engineering Faculty, Design Automation Department, Kharkov
National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine. Her research and development fields
include the design and testing of computers and quantum computing. Her international
activities include being a staff member of the Tempus Project No. 530785-TEMPUS-1-2012PL-TEMPUS-JPCR Curricula Development for New Specialization: Master of Engineering
in Microsystems Design and a member of the organizing committee of IEEE East-West
Design & Test Symposium from 2007 to present. She is also the author of 250+ publications
10 textbooks, and 100 Scopus-indexed papers: with 325 citations, h-index 11. She can be
contacted at
[email protected].
Ivan Hahanov
was born in Kharkov in 1997. He is an IEEE member and a PhD
in Computer Engineering, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine. Ivan
Hahanov is an Experienced Coursera-certified ML specialist and ex-mobile developer. He
successfully accomplished and delivered projects using developed algorithms and acted as a
team lead and the principal researcher on many of them. International activity: Staff member
of the Tempus Project No. 530785-TEMPUS-1-2012-PL-TEMPUS-JPCR Curricula
Development for New Specialization: Master of Engineering in Microsystems Design.
Research fields: computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, data analysis, NLP,
MLOps, cloud, and big data. Ivan Hahanov received a diploma as the best student in Ukraine
in computer engineering and won the competition for the best scientific student work in
Ukraine. He authorizes 50 publications, Scopus h-index: 5, 48 citations by 26 documents.
Hobbies and interests: tennis, gymnastics, alpine skiing, tourism. He can be contacted at
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Veronika Ponomarova
is an engineer. She was born in Kharkov in 1987. In
2012, she graduated from the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics with a
degree in computer systems and networks and received the qualification of a computer
systems analyst. Research interests: design and test of computing, project management, and
systems administration. Her hobbies are knitting, grooming. She can be contacted at
[email protected].
Faults-as-address simulation (Vladimir Hahanov)
ISSN: 2722-2586
Hanna Khakhanova
was born in 1978 in Kharkov. Doctor of Science,
Associate Professor of Design Automation Department, Computer Engineering Faculty,
Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine. R&D fields: Cyber-physical,
cyber-social computing, pattern recognition, and machine learning. Digital Smart Cyber
University. Her international activities include being a staff member of the Tempus Project
No. 530785-TEMPUS-1-2012-PL-TEMPUS-JPCR Curricula Development for New
Specialization: Master of Engineering in Microsystems Design. Previous positions: Deputy
Dean of Computer Engineering Faculty (2013-2016). Author of more than 85 publications
and 4 monographs, 1 patent, and 39 articles indexed in Scopus: 93 citations by 83
documents, h-index = 7. She can be contacted at
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Georgiy Kulak
was born in Kharkov in 2001. He is a Master of Computer
Engineering. He was born in Kharkov in 2001. He is a Master of Computer Engineering,
Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine. His research and development
fields include design and test of computers, test generation, and fault simulation for SoC. He
is the author of 4 publications, 1 patent, and 2 Scopus-indexed papers: with 3 citations by 2
documents. His dominating interests are programming and developing embedded devices. In
his free time, he’s making open-source tools and POCs, developing applications for IoT
hardware and software for compact flying vehicles. His hobbies are gymnastics, paintball,
karting, and running. He can be contacted at
[email protected].
IAES Int J Rob & Autom, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 452-468