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This is to certify that this dissertation titled" The Factors Effecting Inventory Management System in FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods) Organization." is the result of partial fulfillment of Masters in Procurement and Supply Chain Management program, under the supervision of Dr. Kazi Maruful Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka. It has not been submitted elsewhere for any other degree or diploma.
Logistics management is a part of supply chain management; it plans, implements and controls the flow and storage of goods and services in order to meet customer's requirements. Logistics management is a basic factor in the success of any company's operations and has a direct impact on its bottom line. Meeting customer demand and providing superior service is one of the most important benefits of good logistics management. Consumers demand better service and this mandate has ripple effects up the supply chain, creating a need to provide fast, accurate and quality service. Logistics management is responsible for satisfying customer demands. Logistics management is also important for creating visibility into a company's supply chain as proper logistics management drives increased revenue. In recent decades the automotive industry has established a variety of new forms of logistics integration between automobile assemblers and their suppliers, in particular those in the first tier. Motorcycle market is expected to grow 25% every year. Company A is the only sole distributor of Japanese Motorbikes in Bangladesh. It is a well-established business group in Bangladesh. It plans to expand its distribution channel nationally and increase its reach to customers with the Japanese motorcycles' brand value. As "Company A" has developed its logistics system to an extent within short time but to be competitive with other motorcycle companies the logistics system has to be improved and new developed systems need to be implemented immediately to capture market share. Company A wants to implement world class logistics system for on time supplying of all the products to the customer with the focus of customer satisfaction and cost effective manner. With a vow to implement an Effective Logistics Management System (ELMS) at Company A, the existing logistics management system has been analysed by interviewing various department heads and problems were identified. Using cause and effect diagram/ Fishbone diagram, the root causes of problems were found. To integrate various sections of Logistica Management System (LMS). CPFR moudule has been implemented in this study and demand was captured by using Delphi method. After implementing this module a positive changes in the results have been found compared to the exixting system where the slaes deviation percentage error shows a improved result of 9.6% which was previously 23% and the delivery miss issue has been reduced by 6.4% and also average inventory cost has reduced to 45%.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2020
The cycle industry, M & U Cycles Ltd is a sister concern of Meghna group was established in 1982 in Gazipur, Dhaka. At Present 600 nos. or above worker works in this M & U Cycles industry. In The Last year from this M & U Cycles industry total 1, 30,000 Pcs bicycle assembled/produced and exported to different countries.The Product of Bicycle which exports from Bangladesh has great opportunities to earn foreign exchanges i.e. foreign currency can be used to develop this country. Now a Days, as per we know the total annual turnover of M & U Cycles Ltd only from export 30 million USD per year .Thats why this is great opportunities by exporting bicycle from Bangladesh.While my study for preparing this internship report it seems to me that particular sector (Bicycles) is very much facing the financial problem. The loan interest rate is too high for the sector to accomplish export processing, and also that sector is very much depended on import of raw materials. It seems to me that M & U ...
These notes provide a brief introduction to some aspects of game theory.
Integralidad como garantia de no repeticion, 2018
El presente documento, el segundo de la serie “Las víctimas en el centro del acuerdo”, desarrollado con el apoyo de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, incorpora puntos de vista sobre las condiciones requeridas para el funcionamiento del SIVJRNR. Tiene como propósito garantizar los derechos de las víctimas al contribuir a la lucha contra la impunidad por medio de un mecanismo judicial como la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (en adelante JEP) en la investigación, el juzgamiento y la sanción de las violaciones a los derechos humanos e infracciones al Derecho Internacional Humanitario; a esclarecer lo ocurrido en el marco del conflicto armado interno y la comprensión de su complejidad a través de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición (en adelante CEV); a la búsqueda, localización, recuperación, identificación y entrega digna de las personas desaparecidas mediante una unidad de búsqueda establecida para tal efecto; y, finalmente, a la adopción de medidas de reparación de los daños causados a personas, colectivos y territorios, así como de no repetición que cierran los elementos esenciales del sistema, en específico, la garantía y protección de los derechos de las víctimas. El eje esencial de este estudio es la comprensión de la integralidad del SIVJRNR como eje esencial de la garantía de no repetición, en la medida en que su adecuado funcionamiento debería constituir una respuesta integral y holística a los derechos de las víctimas a la verdad, la justicia y la repetición, así como la consolidación de las reformas legales, institucionales, políticas y sociales necesarias para esto. En esta medida, la promoción y garantía de los derechos de las víctimas y de la sociedad, en su conjunto, constituirán un presupuesto básico para la consolidación del Estado social de derecho reconocido en la C.P. y, en suma, para el logro de una paz estable y duradera.
Plant Archives, 2018
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a warm season vegetable, grown throughout the world under tropical and subtropical conditions. It is said to be the native of northern India. It is an important salad crops grown extensively throughout India as well as the world. It is having high medicinal value so it is becoming popular day by day in the country. To achieve higher production of cucumber the expensive commercial fertilizers are recommended but use of excess inorganic fertilizers as per the recommendations soil health and environment sustainability is on sake. So to achieve higher productivity and to maintain the environment balance judicious use of chemical fertilizers is needed. Intensive use of only chemical fertilizers to achieve high production has created problems. Therefore Bio-fertilizers have emerged promising components of nutrient supply system. Application of bio fertilizers which is environment friendly and low cost input with inorganic fertilizers as part of an integrat...
Prácticas plurales como generadoras de conocimientos diversos, 2021
História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, 2020
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Green Finance, 2019
Merand, 2024
ArteFilosofia, 2020
In La nuova fase dell'integrazione europea, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2024
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Academia Medicine, 2024
Physical Review B, 2019
Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2018
Research Square (Research Square), 2020
Savana Cendana, 2016
European Journal of Industrial Relations, 2010