Magnus Blomström and Ari Kokko
Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No. 172
May 1997
This paper deals with the investment effects of regional integration agreements and discusses how
such arrangements may affect inward and outward foreign direct investment flows in the integrating
region. After setting up a conceptual framework for the analysis, we provide three studies focusing
on different kinds of regional integration: North-North integration (Canada joining CUSFTA),
North-South integration (Mexico’s accession to NAFTA), and South-South integration
(MERCOSUR). The main conclusion of the study is that the responses to an integration agreement
largely depend on the environmental change brought about by the agreement and the locational
advantages of the participating countries and industries. Moreover, the findings suggest that the
most positive impact on FDI has occurred when regional integration agreements have coincided
with domestic liberalization and macroeconomic stabilization in the member countries.
JEL-Classification: F15, F23
Keywords: Regional integration, FDI, MNCs
Magnus Blomström
Stockholm School of Economics
PO Box 6501
S-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel.: +46-8-736 9265
Fax: +46-8-34 78 18
[email protected]
Ari Kokko
Stockholm School of Economics
PO Box 6501
S-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel.: +46-8-736 9253
Fax: +46-8-34 78 18
[email protected]
Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment*
Magnus Blomström and Ari Kokko
1. Introduction
Recent years have witnessed a deepening and widening of European integration and a
proliferation of new regional integration agreements (RIAs) throughout the world, with
acronyms such as APEC, EU, MERCOSUR, and NAFTA attracting increasing attention.
Although some integration agreements have been motivated by political considerations, it is
clear that economics is generally the driving force: countries enter into RIAs because
integration promises various economic benefits. In the short run, integration is expected to
stimulate intra-regional trade and investment; in the longer run, it is hoped that the combination
of larger markets, tougher competition, more efficient resource allocation, and various positive
externalities will raise the growth rates of the participating economies. This paper focuses on
the investment effects of RIAs, and discusses how such arrangements may affect foreign direct
investment (FDI) flows in the integrating region. With foreign direct investment, we refer to
foreign ownership of a controlling share of a firm operating in a country’s domestic market:
FDI flows refer to changes in the foreign ownership of production factors.
The perhaps most serious challenge facing a study of the relation between regional
integration and foreign direct investment is the multi-dimensional character of the issue. There
is reason to believe that effects will vary between different integration agreements, and
between countries and industries participating in any specific agreement. For instance, the
degree of integration at the outset, and the significance and nature of the changes brought about
by the RIA, will matter for the outcome. The patterns of trade and investment at the outset will
determine how much adjustment is necessary after the agreement. Countries where outward FDI
flows are initially very large are not likely to be affected the same way as countries where inflows of
FDI are dominant. Integration between developed countries may differ from integration
This paper was commissioned by the World Bank and is part of the Regionalism and Development Research
Project. Thanks are due to Maurice Schiff and Alan Winters at the World Bank and Robert Lipsey at the NBER
for useful discussions and comments on an earlier draft of the paper. We have also benefited from detailed
discussions and joint work on related topics with Steven Globerman. The standard disclaimer applies.
between developing countries or agreements between countries at different levels of
development, depending on how competitive and complementary the economies are. For these
reasons, we present a simple conceptual framework that provides a rough indication of what to
expect from any specific RIA. Moreover, we cover several different examples of regional
integration in the empirical part of the paper.
The paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses how regional integration can
potentially affect investment patterns among countries, and presents an organizational template for
examining the relation between RIAs and FDI. Section 3 reviews some earlier empirical studies of
the investment impact of regional integration, with focus on evidence from the European
Community, and presents three case studies focusing on different kinds of regional integration:
North-North integration (Canada joining CUSFTA), North-South integration (Mexico’s accession
to NAFTA), and South-South integration (MERCOSUR). Section 4 provides a brief summary and
some tentative conclusions.
2. Regional Integration Agreements and FDI: Some Theoretical Considerations
The term regional economic integration typically refers to reductions of regional trade barriers
and investment restrictions. To identify and assess some theoretical linkages between RIAs and
incentives to undertake FDI, it is therefore convenient to structure the discussion along these two
dimensions of integration. Hence, we begin by discussing effects of trade liberalization, and
distinguish between the impact on FDI that is mainly a response to trade barriers, and FDI that is
primarily motivated by the need to internalize firm-specific intangible assets that cannot be traded
efficiently in arm’s-length markets. We go on to consider the impact of special investment
provisions and other institutional changes that are sometimes connected to integration agreements.
The focus in this discussion lies on static effects: the possible dynamic effects of regional integration
on investment flows are discussed separately. Finally, we suggest a template for classifying entire
countries and specific sectors according to the expected impact on investments.1
It should be noted already at the outset that the discussion will not address the welfare effects of changes in
investment flows. Although the underlying assumption is that increased FDI flows are beneficial to growth and
development in the integrating region, it should be recognized that the welfare effects may in fact be negative if the
RIA worsens the allocation of resources or adds new distortions, e.g. in the form of higher average protection of the
regional market. For a classic reference, see Brecher and Díaz-Alejandro (1977). In addition, the welfare effects on
the rest of the world may well be negative if the RIA diverts investment from other countries to the region in question.
2.1 Effects of Trade Liberalization: Tariff-jumping and Internalization
The early theoretical and empirical literature on foreign investment tended to regard trade and
capital movements as substitutable modes of serving foreign markets.2 This view of the relationship
between trade and factor mobility suggests that tariff barriers could motivate import-substituting
FDI, and that general tariff reductions would reduce FDI flows or even stimulate a ”repatriation” of
foreign-owned assets to the home countries of MNCs. However, although much FDI is motivated
by tariff-jumping arguments, there is a clear empasis in more recent literature on exploitation of
intangible assets as the major motive for foreign investment (see Caves 1996 for a review). In
order to compete successfully in a foreign market - where local firms have superior knowledge
of the local market, consumer preferences, and business practices - the internationally oriented
firm must possess some firm-specific intangible asset, such as technological and marketing
expertise, that gives it a competitive edge. The effective exploitation of these assets sometimes
requires firms to ”internalize” their international operations by establishing foreign affiliates,
since other modes of international business, including exports and licensing of technology to
foreign firms, carry relatively high transactions costs (Buckley and Casson 1976; Dunning
1977). Some FDI can therefore be expected to occur even when there are no formal trade
barriers between countries.
These two views of the motives for FDI give partly contradictory predictions
regarding the effects of regional integration, particularly for intra-regional investment flows.
Regarding tariff-jumping FDI, we would primarily expect reduced investment flows because
trade liberalization makes exporting from the home country relatively more attractive than FDI
as a way to serve the regional market.3 However, regional integration would not create
incentives to reduce investment or repatriate capital for projects that were primarily undertaken
to internalize the exploitation of intangible assets. In fact, the reduction of regional trade
barriers could instead stimulate overall FDI flows among the relevant trading partners by
enabling MNCs to operate more efficiently across international borders. This argument applies
See e.g. Mundell (1957). Note, however, that these authors, writing in the Heckscher-Ohlin tradition, seldom
refer specifically to foreign direct investment: the strict distinction between FDI and foreign portfolio
investment did not become essential until it was recognized that the exploitation of firm-specific intangible
assets is a major motive for FDI, whereas portfolio investment is mainly motivated by international differences
in capital yields.
To the extent that regional integration results in trade creation, it may be necessary to temper this conclusion
somewhat - intra-regional FDI in some member countries might well increase in response to changes in the
regional production structure- but the general prediction would still be a reduction of intra-regional trade flows.
The extent of these cross-border investment flows of course depends on the initial situation and the relative
in particular for vertically integrated FDI, where the operations of the MNC’s different
affiliates are specialized according to the locational advantages of the host country, and where
a predictable and liberal trade environment is a prerequisite for the international division of
labor at the firm level. Hence, the static effects on intra-regional FDI flows are subject to
partially off-setting influences, and the net impact on any specific RIA or individual member
country would tend to be determined by the structure of and motives for pre-existing
investment. A reasonable generalization, however, is that countries with low initial trade
restrictions are more likely to benefit from increased intra-regional FDI flows as trade barriers
are reduced, since they are not very likely to host import-substituting FDI projects that might
be withdrawn.
Turning to inter-regional FDI flows, both the tariff-jumping and internalization models
suggests increased investment flows. The inflows of FDI from “outsiders“ into the region
could obviously go up if the average level of protection increases as a result of the RIAs, or if
the establishment of a RIA raises fears about future protection (as in the debate on ”Fortress
Europe”). The inflows of foreign capital would also increase if the volume of incoming FDI
was initially restricted by the limited size of the individual national markets. Contrary to the
national markets, the integrated “common“ market may be large enough to bear the fixed costs
for the establishment of new foreign affiliates. This surge of inward FDI would probably not be
evenly distributed, but rather concentrated to the geographical areas with the strongest
locational advantages. In addition, Kindleberger (1966) has pointed to ”investment creation” as a
likely response to the trade diversion brought about by RIAs. The term refers to the strategic
investment responses by outside firms who lose export markets when their former customers turn to
suppliers based in the region, because regional trade is not obstructed by trade barriers.4
The potential effects of RIA on outflows of FDI from the integrating region are rarely
discussed in formal models. This is mainly related to the simplifying assumption that nothing
happens with trade barriers in the rest of the world. However, some changes in outward FDI are
strength of the firms in the different member countries. This potential impact on intra-regional FDI flows has been
termed ”investment diversion” by Kindleberger (1966).
It is also possible to picture situations where RIAs could cause a reduction of FDI from outside the region.
Specifically, if the initial stock of outside FDI consists of horizontally organized affiliates in several or all of the
countries in the region, it is not likely that this structure would be optimal after the establishment of the RIA. A
possible response to integration could then be a rationalization of the network of affiliates, so that the entire region
could be supplied from a smaller number of affiliates located in the member countries with the most favorable
economic conditions. In this case - which is similar to Kindleberger’s (1966) investment diversion case - some
countries could experience disinvestments as foreign MNCs concentrate their regional operations in other member
feasible even when trade policies in the rest of the world remain unchanged. For instance, it is
possible that a firm’s capacity to undertake new FDI projects is restricted by its administrative
capability or the availability of investment capital (Stevens and Lipsey 1992). In that case, it is likely
that FDI within and outside the region are substitutes. To the extent that integration reduces intraregional FDI, it may therefore increase the scope for outflows of FDI from the integrating area to
other regions. Yet, this impact is not likely to be very strong, and it is reasonable to expect that the
trade liberalization element of RIAs results in a net increase in the inflows of FDI to the region.
However, intra-regional FDI is subject to contradictory influences, as noted above, and we are not
able to say much about the investment effects on individual countries - investment can be expected
to cluster to those parts of the RIA where the investment environment is most favorable, and some
countries may therefore be left with less FDI than before.
2.2 Explicit Investment Provisions and Other Influences
To the extent that RIAs also liberalize capital flows, an additional stimulus is provided to the FDI
process. Capital flows can be liberalized in several ways. Most directly, restrictions on inward
foreign direct investment might be reduced or eliminated. Inward FDI will also presumably be
encouraged by ”national treatment” provisions ensuring that foreign investors are treated no less
favorably than domestic investors. Obviously, the practical relevance of such provisions depends on
the scope and magnitude of pre-existing barriers to inward FDI, as well as the extent and nature of
host government discrimination against foreign investors. Explicit dispute resolution mechanisms
are also featured in many integration agreements. To the extent that such mechanisms are effective,
they should reduce trade and investment disputes between the participating nations and encourage
Inward FDI could also be stimulated by the elimination of trade-related investment
measures (TRIMs), such as requirements for foreign affiliates to satisfy specific export targets, and
by the presence of strong investor property rights which reduce the risk of direct or indirect
expropriation. Both types of initiatives may be institutionalized in RIAs. In this context, it is possible
that a significant effect of some RIAs may be that they ”lock in” economic reforms in the
participating countries. By raising reform decision from the national to the international level, the
agreements may create a more predictable policy environment for foreign investors, who might
countries. On balance, however, it appears that the arguments in favor of increased FDI inflows from outside the RIA
are stronger.
otherwise fear that purely national reform efforts are temporary and that various kinds of
restrictions may be reintroduced when the political regime changes. These effects are likely to be
most important in agreements involving developing countries, where political risk is often
considered to limit FDI inflows. Moreover, to the extent that ”market forces” become a stronger
influence on capital investment decisions compared to political risk, international differences in
factor endowments should become stronger influences on investment location decisions. This
strengthens the tendency for FDI to be concentrated to the most attractive investment locations in
the integrating area.
2.3 Dynamic Effects of Regional Integration
In addition to the static effects discussed above, it is possible that the establishment of RIAs also
generates various dynamic effects that affect FDI flows. For instance, analyses of the economic
impact of the European Single Market have argued that this specific integration process has led to
significant efficiency benefits that will raise the participating countries’ growth rates over the
medium or long term. These dynamic benefits might increase the attractiveness of the integrated
region as a location for domestic as well as foreign investment. The higher growth rates may be
temporary, lasting while the economies adjust to the higher real income that comes about because of
tougher competition and more efficient allocation of resources in the common market (see e.g.
Emerson et al. 1989). It is also possible that there are permanent growth effects that occur as the
initial gains in efficiency and output raise factor rewards and generate new savings and investments
that contribute further to output growth (Baldwin 1989). However, the exact links between regional
integration and dynamic growth effects are not well specified, and it is not uncommon that analyses
and empirical estimates of dynamic benefits are considered vague or speculative (Smith 1992).
In many instances, FDI may actually be an essential catalyst for these dynamic benefits.
Some of the improvements in economic efficiency associated with increased specialization,
exploitation of scale economies, and greater geographical concentration of individual economic
activities are likely to be driven by inter and intra-regional FDI. Increased FDI flows are also
important forces behind the heavier competitive pressure that is expected to encourage local
producers to adopt efficiency-enhancing strategies, such as rationalizing plant capacity or reducing
slack in the production process (Smith and Venables 1989). In addition, it is likely that FDI will
To the extent that potential trade disputes act as non-tariff barriers to trade, it is also possible that these
mechanisms discourage some ”tariff-jumping” FDI.
stimulate technology transfer and diffusion, both directly and through spillovers to local firms (see
Blomström and Kokko 1997).
Furthermore, if regional integration creates a larger market, it is also conceivable that some
dynamic effects occur because regional integration influences various firm characteristics, such as
the stock of intangible firm-specific assets that facilitate FDI. A larger market may simply allow
some firms to grow larger and stronger than what would have been possible in individual national
markets. Alternatively, integration may motivate firms to seek strategic alliances or merge with
former competitors in order to manage in the more competitive environment that is created when
intra-regional trade barriers are removed. As firms become larger, they may be able to invest more
in R&D and marketing, which may lead to the creation of new intangible assets that stimulate new
FDI, within as well as outside their own region.
Including this kind of dynamic considerations into the analysis, it appears clear that there is a
potential for significantly stronger effects on FDI than what static models imply. The main impact of
dynamic benefits of integration is to make the integrating region a more attractive investment
location, which should stimulate intra-regional FDI flows as well as inflows from the rest of the
2.4 Synthesis of the Discussion
Clearly, some FDI has been, and continues to be, motivated primarily by the desire to get behind
trade barriers. Other FDI is motivated by foreign investors seeking to exploit input or output
markets located abroad in activities where operating a foreign affiliate is the most efficient
governance structure. In the discussion above, we have noted that regional integration is not likely
to have the same impact on all types of FDI. For any individual country, the overall impact on
investment will therefore reflect potentially offsetting influences. However, a reasonable
generalization is that regional integration should enhance the attractiveness of investing in the region
as a whole by creating a larger common market and contributing to improved overall efficiency and
higher income levels in that market. The magnitude of the changes in investment will be related to
the significance and nature of the trade and investment liberalization initiatives embodied in the RIA.
In addition to differences between RIAs, there are several reasons why why the impact on
investment decisions may vary across countries and industries. For instance, countries characterized
by relatively unprotected and efficient domestic markets prior to regional integration are likely to
enjoy the strongest increases in foreign as well as domestic investment. The reason is that countries
with low trade barriers are not very likely to host import-substituting foreign investment that might
be withdrawn or diverted to other locations as a result of regional integration. The ex ante structure
of trade and investment flows is another determinant of the country and industry specific responses
to RIAs. Countries and industries that are already closely linked to their RIA partners before the
formal agreements - due to geography, historical conditions, or other reasons - are likely to face
smaller changes than countries and industries with limited initial contacts with the other participants
in the RIA.
In addition to the distinctions we have made regarding the motives for FDI, it may therefore
be useful to specify a summary framework relating trade and investment liberalization initiatives to
country and industry characteristics. Figure 1 provides an organizational template for thinking about
the FDI process in the context of regional integration. The attribute labeled environmental change
summarizes the degree to which trade and investment flows are liberalized by the integration
agreements in question. This depends both on the nature of the specific agreement and the initial
institutional environment in the region. As one moves down the rows of Figure 1, the degree of
liberalization is considered to be ”weaker”. The attribute labeled locational advantage summarizes
the degree to which it is advantageous from a profitability standpoint to locate an economic activity
in a particular location. This characteristic refers to the availability and cost of various production
factors as well as the country’s geographic location with respect to major consumer markets and the
general macroeconomic environment. As one moves across the columns (from left to right) in
Figure 1, the locational advantages of a particular country - in relation to other members in the RIA
and the rest of the world - are presumed to be weaker. Identifying the position of a specific country
or industry in Figure 1, we will have a starting hypothesis for the investment impact of regional
integration. More detailed predictions regarding FDI flows must, of course, also take into account
trade and investment patterns prior to integration, the motives for pre-existing FDI, the competitive
strength of domestic versus foreign firms, and so forth.
FIGURE 1. Classification Dimensions
Locational Advantages
(Positive to Negative ⇒ )
Environmental Change
(Strong to weak ⇓)
Source: Globerman and Schwindt (1996).
The most pronounced positive impact on investment would presumably be experienced by those
economic sectors falling into area 1. These activities experience the strongest degree of integration,
and the country in question enjoys a strong locational advantage. Hence, for reasons noted earlier,
one would anticipate relatively strong, positive capital flows from both foreign and domestic
investors in these sectors. In area 3, the hypothesized impact on domestic investment is weaker,
albeit still positive. Area 3 contains those economic activities for which the country in question has a
strong locational advantage, but for which the impact of the integration agreement is relatively
weak. Economic integration between OECD countries, where the formal and informal barriers to
trade and investment are relatively low already at the outset, can be expected to provide many
examples of industries falling into this category.
Moving to area 2, the expected impact on inward FDI is negative and the potential for
actual disinvestment increases. Specifically, the activities in area 2 are strongly affected by the
integration agreement, but the country in question suffers locational disadvantages in these sectors.
Many countries and industries where the bulk of existing FDI has been established in order to avoid
trade barriers would be classified in this area. Finally, we hypothesize that the impact of integration
on activities in area 4 are likely to be small. While the country or industry in question suffers a
locational disadvantage in terms of the activities in area 4, the impacts of the integration agreement
on the overall economic environment are also quite weak. In other words, area 4 contains activities
where investment decisions are not likely to be affected by the RIA, either because the sector in
question is excluded from the agreement (such as agriculture in the EFTA or EEA agreements) or
because the market is too small to attract the attention of foreign competitors.
3. Empirical Studies of Regional Integration and FDI
In the theoretical discussion, we concluded that it is difficult to make general predictions
regarding the results of RIAs on foreign direct investment decisions, but that identifying the
position of a specific country or industry in Figure 1 would provide a rough first hypothesis.
The strongest positive effects on FDI are likely to occur in countries and industries where the
integration agreement result in significant environmental change, and where we find some
location advantages with respect to the other members of the RIA or the rest of the world.
In this section, we will review the empirical evidence on the investment effects of RIAs.
To cover as many as different outcomes as possible, we have chosen to summarize some
earlier empirical studies of the impact of European integration, and to examine three more
recent cases of regional integration:
• North-North integration, as illustrated by the impact of the CUSFTA on Canada,
• North-South integration, focusing on Mexican participation in the NAFTA, and
• South-South integration, exemplified by the establishment of the MERCOSUR.
3.1 The Early Evidence
Earlier work on regional integration and foreign direct investment have dealt mainly with the
effects of European integration on the size and structure of the activities of MNCs.6 The period
following the formation of the European Community coincided with a considerable inflow of
US direct investment, and several studies from the 1960s and 1970s asked to what extent this
was motivated by the European integration process (see Yannopoulos 1990 for a survey of the
literature). The general conclusion of the debate was that the Common Market had attracted
United States investment which might otherwise have been located in other European
countries. Thus, the formation of the EC seems to have influenced the locational pattern of US
direct investment abroad and lured US firms to increase their activities in the European
Community. This empirical result is well in line with the theoretical hypotheses regarding the
general effects of RIAs on inter-regional FDI flows discussed above: economic integration is
likely to make the region a more attractive investment location for outside investors.
Studies of later stages in European integration have been more mixed in their findings
about the effects on inter-regional foreign direct investment. For example, Dunning (1992),
claims that the challenges of 1992 have led to a revitalization of US investment in the EC,
while Lipsey (1990) concluded that the changes in the location of fixed investment by US
MNCs were relatively small up through 1989. The upsurge in Japanese investment in Europe
has also attracted much attention, and the conclusion seems to be that those investments have
increased as a consequence of the 1992 program, in response to both the opportunities and
threats created by the integration process (see e.g. Thomsen and Nicolaides, 1991 and
Balasubramanyam and Greenaway, 1992).
Studies of the impact of economic integration on intra-regional investment are more
rare and generally constrained by data shortages. Some relatively crude studies by Franko
(1976) and Pelkmans (1984), focusing on the changes in the number of foreign manufacturing
subsidiaries of EC-firms established in other Community countries, found that European
Some exceptions to the European focus are early studies of Latin American integration, including Behrman´s
(1972) study of LAFTA, Myltelka´s (1979) study of the Andean Group, and Bulmer-Thomas´(1982) study of
The Central American Common Market.
integration coincided with a period of clear shifts in the location of production of
multinationals of EC parentage. In other words, these studies found signs of ”investment
Kindleberger sense. A similar picture is suggested in a later study by Molle
and Morsink (1991), based on FDI flows between EC countries during the period 1975-1983.
The study suggests that intra-EC trade and intra-EC investment are complementary to each
other, but only above a certain level of trade intensity.
Most of the literature linking RIAs to foreign direct investment focuses on investment
effects for the region as a whole. Substantially less attention has been paid to the impact of
RIAs on the foreign direct investment outcomes for individual countries within the region. The
few earlier works focusing on individual countries include studies of the UK (e.g. Mayes,
1983 and Grant, 1983) and Ireland (O´Farrell, 1983). The results from these studies are mixed.
While no investment effects were found in the case of the UK, Ireland´s membership of the EC
stimulated direct investment from both EC and non-EC sources. One possible explanation
could be that many foreign investors (particularly US firms) had entered the relatively open UK
market already during the 1950s and 1960s, before the country’s accession to the EC, so that
little additional investment was necessary to respond to the new situation. In other words, the
UK experience might illustrate a case that would be classified in area 3 of Figure 1. Ireland, by
contrast, was not any major location for foreign investment prior to EC membership, and
integration provided good opportunities for exploiting the country’s locational advantages this would be an example where area 1 dominates. Winters (1996) notes another distinction
between Spain and Portugal, on the one hand, and Greece, on the other hand. Spain and
Portugal benefited from significant increases in inward FDI as a result of EC membership, but
Greece did not, largely because the country’s macroeconomic policies did not provide an
attractive environment for foreign investors. Hence, while Spain and Portugal can be classified
as area 1 cases, Greece may illustrate area 2: weak locational advantages obstructed the
potentially beneficial investment responses to Greek EC membership.
3.2. North-North Integration: Canada in the CUSFTA
The essence of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), which came into effect on
January 1, 1989, was the phased bilateral elimination of tariffs. In addition, a number of
provisions reduced discrimination against bilateral foreign direct investment, including the
extension of rights-of-establishment and national treatment. A range of prominent sectors, such
as basic telecommunications, was effectively excluded from coverage under the investment
liberalization provisions of the Agreement. Moreover, Canada's existing foreign investment
screening procedures were left in place (Globerman and Walker 1993). Nevertheless, the
thrust of the investment provisions of the CUSFTA was clearly to expand the legal scope for
bilateral direct investment. Moreover, the inclusion of a relatively robust dispute resolution
procedure arguably reduced the risks of either government acting in a discriminatory manner
towards investors from the other country. In terms of the first classification dimension of
Figure 1 (i.e., the degree of environmental change resulting from the RIA) it seems reasonable
to characterize the Canadian position as an intermediate one, with moderate changes resulting
from the agreement. In this context, it should be remembered that bilateral trade between
Canada and the US had been substantially liberalized well before the event studied here,
through successive GATT rounds as well as special bilateral agreements such as the Auto Pact
and the Defense Sharing Agreement. Regarding the the locational advantages of Canada with
respect to the US and the rest of the world, it is also reasonable to suggest an intermediate
position. Hence, the position of Canada should be roughly at the center of Figure 1, which
implies relatively moderate investment effects of the CUSFTA agreement. Does the empirical
evidence support this hypothesis?
Bilateral trade between the United States and Canada has become relatively more
important from 1988 onward which indicates that CUSFTA significantly liberalized the North
American trade environment (see Globerman and Schwindt, 1996). It is, however, difficult to
discern a consistent pattern in FDI flows between the two countries that would clearly be
related to the CUSFTA.
Table 1 presents an overview of the Canadian foreign direct investment pattern
between 1986 and 1995. Bilateral inward and outward direct investment refer to US direct
investment inflows to Canada and Canadian direct investment outflows to the United States,
respectively. Other inward and outward direct investment refers to non-US direct investment
flows into Canada and Canadian direct investment flows to countries other than the United
States. While there are substantial changes in FDI flows for individual years, the overall
magnitude of bilateral direct investment was relatively stable (decreasing slightly in nominal
terms) over the period 1988-1992. Substantial increases in the nominal value of inward direct
investment from the United States emerged in 1993 and continued through 1995, while the
nominal value of outward direct investment to the United States increased in 1994 and 1995 but only back to levels experienced in the mid-1980s. It is unlikely that these increases in
investment flows are directly related to the CUSFTA, since they emerged in 1993, well after
the implementation of CUSFTA, and coincided with a general boom in outward FDI flows
from the US at that time. Furthermore, it is suggestive that a substantial decline in the value of
the Canadian dollar began in 1992 following five years during which the Canadian dollar
strengthened against its US counterpart. This decline in the value of the Canadian dollar may
well have constituted an important motive for the increased US investments in the country.
Table 1
Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment for Canada
(millions of Canadian dollars)*
Source: Statistics Canada, Canada's Balance of International Payments,
Ottawa: Ministry of Industry, various issues
* Net flows including reinvested earnings accruing to direct investors.
Inward direct investment from countries other than the United States exhibits no consistent
pattern over the period studied, although the largest inflows took place between 1988 and
1990, right after the implementation of the CUSFTA. Certainly there is no consistent evidence
of any lasting diversion of foreign direct investment flows to Canada in response to CUSFTA.
However, there is an interesting pattern in the development of Canadian outward direct
investment to countries other than the United States. Until 1990, Canadian outward FDI was
primarily directed to the US, but the early 1990s saw a significant decrease in the relative
importance of the United States as a destination for Canadian outward direct investment. This
decreasing share of outward FDI destined for the US is mirrored by an increasing share
(beginning in 1991) going to EU member countries other than the United Kingdom, and an
even more dramatically increasing share going to regions other than the EU, the United States
and Japan. The profitable opportunities encouraging a redirection of Canadian direct
investment outflows presumably had nothing to do with CUSFTA. However, CUSFTA may
have played an important role in that it guaranteed access to the US market, so that available
FDI resources could instead be utilized to establish Canadian presence in other markets.
As a complement to the flow data on FDI, Tables 2 and 3 present some recently
published data on the gross product of US foreign affiliates in Canada and Canadian affiliates
in the United States. Table 2 focuses on the role of foreign affiliates in the Canadian economy.
The second column of the table measures the share of US majority-owned foreign affiliates in
Canadian GDP. The US share has fallen from well over 11 percent in the early 1980s to about
8 percent in the early 1990s. Coupled with the observation that bilateral trade with Canada has
increased as a result of the CUSFTA, this suggests that regional integration has resulted in FDI
becoming a relatively less important mode for US firms to serve the Canadian market.
Table 2.
Foreign Firms’ Shares of Canadian GDP 1977-1993 (percent).
US Affiliates in Canada/ All Foreign Firms in Canada/
Canadian GDP
Canadian GDP
Sources: Mataloni and Goldberg (1994), Mataloni (1995), Fahim-Nader and Zeile (1995),
Lipsey, Blomström, and Ramstetter (1995), and World Tables.
In other words, there is some indication that trade has substituted for inward FDI from the US.
Another indication of the same development is that Canada’s share of US
production has fallen significantly since the implementation of the CUSFTA. The ratio of US
affiliates’ production in Canada to the aggregate production of all US affiliates abroad fell from
16.3 percent in 1989 to 12.6 percent in 1993.
At the same time, it appears that Canada has become a somewhat more attractive
investment location for outsiders. The last column of Table 2 shows that aggregate output
share of all foreign affiliates has remained roughly constant, at about 15 percent of Canadian
GDP, which indicates that other foreign investors have made up for the reduction of the US
share of Canadian production.
Table 3 shows the data on foreign affiliates’ shares of US output since 1988. It can be
seen that the share of Canadian affiliates has fallen slightly since the start of the CUSFTA, from
0.7 percent in 1988 to 0.6 percent in 1994, while the aggregate share of all foreign firms has
increased from 3.9 percent in 1988 to over 4.6 percent in 1993.7 The largest increases in the
GDP shares of foreign firms seem to have taken place in connection with the implementation
of the agreement, in 1988 and 1989. These data suggest a similar development as in the
Canadian case: regional integration seems to have reduced the relative importance of intraregional FDI, but stimulated inflows of FDI from the rest of the world. Comparing the
Canadian and US experiences, it also appears that the effects on FDI are not evenly distributed.
For Canada, the net result appears to be close to zero, where increased inter-regional inflows
barely make up for reduced intra-regional investment. In the US case, there seems to be a
positive net effect, with the increases in FDI inflows from the rest of the world dominating the
reduced Canadian shares.
Data are not available for the period before 1988, which means that any conclusions regarding the relation
between these changes and the establishment of CUSFTA should be treated with caution.
Table 3
Foreign Firms’ Shares of US GDP, 1988-1993 (percent).
Canadian Affiliates in the US / All Foreign Firms in the US /
Sources: See Table 2.
Hence, Canada offers a potentially instructive case study of the impacts of a RIA on foreign
direct investment flows for a small open economy. Since economic theory makes no
compelling case for a strong linkage between RIAs and FDI patterns for individual countries,
and since the environmental change connected with the CUSFTA was not dramatic, it is hardly
surprising that the pattern of overall foreign direct investment into and out of Canada over the
past years does not suggest a strong and consistent influence of the agreement.
3.3 North-South Integration: Mexico and NAFTA
Shortly after the establishment of the CUSFTA, Canada and the United States initiated
negotiations with Mexico about a possible southern expansion of the integration agreement. In
December 1992, the three countries signed the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA). This agreement, which came into effect on January 1, 1994, was the first formal
regional integration agreement involving both a developing and developed countries. In
essence, the NAFTA is an extended version of the CUSFTA. In addition to the trade and
investment liberalization measures introduced already in the CUSFTA, the new treaty includes
major advances in areas such as government procurement (where coverage is extended to
services and construction) and intellectual property and investor´s rights (introducing binding
investor-state arbitration), as well as more stringent rules of origin (see e.g. Hufbauer and
Schott 1993 for details).
The overall effects on Mexico of a free trade arrangement with Canada and the United
States are expected to be significant, for several reasons. One important determinant is
Mexico’s geographical location. In the 1970s, many Mexicans considered it to be a drawback
to be ”so far from heaven and so close to the United States”. Today, when regional trade and
investment barriers have been reduced as a result of the NAFTA, the situation is different. The
North American share of Mexican exports has increased from around 70 percent in the late
1980s to over 86 percent in 1995 (UN Trade Tapes). The value of Mexican exports more than
quadrupled over the same period as a result of the increasing sales to North America, with the
largest increases occurring between 1992 and 1995. The North American share of Mexican
imports has also grown over this period, but not quite as dramatically
Another reason to expect positive implications of the free trade arrangement for the
Mexican economy is related to the significant policy changes that have taken place in recent
years. Traditionally, Mexico has been a closed economy. In the mid-1980s, however, important
market-oriented reforms were introduced in several sectors, and the economy began to open
up. As a consequence of the NAFTA, the reform process has been ”locked in” and extended to
other sectors, such as autos, textiles and apparel, finance, telecommunications, and land
transportation (see Hufbauer and Schott 1993). The coincidence of policy reforms, distinct
locational advantages in the form of cheap labor, and free access to a substantial part of the
Canadian and US markets, is very likely to promote economic growth in Mexico. In terms of
Figure 1, it is reasonable to position Mexico in area 1, which suggests that the effects on FDI
should be significant.
It is quite clear that foreign multinationals have noted and reacted on the recent changes
in Mexico. As shown in Table 4 below, the inflows of FDI have risen significantly since the late
1980s, from less than USD 3 billion to nearly USD 8 billion in 1994.
Table 4
Foreign Direct Investment Flows into Mexico (USD million)
FDI inflows
Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics (various issues).
Since US multinationals dominate the FDI scene in Mexico it is relevant to look specifically at
their responses to the NAFTA agreement. Table 5 suggest that US firms have expanded their
presence in Mexico, but that much of the investment increase took place before the formal
discussions about NAFTA began. The US FDI position in Mexico has not increased much
since 1992, and the share of Mexico in total US investment abroad has actually declined during
the past years. This indicates that outsiders account for the bulk of the recent inflows of FDI to
Mexico. To some extent, these investments are probably directed to the local market, in
response to the country’s improving economic and institutional environment, but the
investment flows are also likely to reflect some degree of investment diversion and investment
creation. To the extent that Mexico has become a relatively more important supplier to the US
market through trade creation or trade diversion, foreign multinationals are likely to respond
by increasing their productive capacity in Mexico.
Table 5
US Direct Investment Position in Mexico on a Historical-Cost Basis at Yearend, 1992-1995
(Million USD; percent of total US foreign direct investment position in parentheses)
US FDI Stock
Sources: Survey of Current Business, Vol. 75, No. 8, August 1995, and Lowe and Bargas
Moreover, the timing and character of the changes in the US investment position suggest that
NAFTA has perhaps not been the main determinant of the upswing in US investments in
Mexico. An equally important stimulus must have been the comprehensive reforms of the
country’s FDI regulation that commenced already in the mid-1980s and eventually culminated
with the NAFTA. The Mexican regulatory framework for FDI, which dated back to 1973, was
very restrictive and served as a disincentive for investment from abroad (Blomström 1989). In
the backwash of the Mexican debt crisis, these regulations where changed dramatically in 1989
to attract foreigners to invest in Mexico. It appears that US investors responded quite strongly
to this first round of reforms. A few years later, the investment regime was further liberalized
through the NAFTA (see Gestrin and Rugman 1994 for details). Among others advances, the
agreement established a clear, rules-based framework for the impartial treatment of FDI and
placed strict limits on the use of performance requirements. It also established disputesettlement mechanisms specifically designed to deal with investment issues. The US response
was relatively mild this time, since many US firms were already in place (and because the
agreement guaranteed their access to the Mexican market anyway), but investors from outside
the region perceived Mexico as a much more attractive investment location than before.
When it comes to the effects of foreign investment in Mexico, there is some evidence
that multinational firms have played an important role in opening up the country to foreign
trade, by converting import-substituting industries into exporting (Blomström and Lipsey,
1993). The rapid expansion of the maquiladoras, where foreign firms play an important role,
has also speeded up the trade liberalization process (Kagami 1996). However, the main
contribution of the presence of foreign firms presumably comes from technology transfer and
technology spillovers. The Mexican economy seems to have reached a level of development
and skills where local firms are able to absorb some of the new technology that is imported and
used by foreign multinational firms (see Kokko 1994 and Blomström, Lipsey and Zejan 1994).
This means that the foreign owned multinationals operating in Mexico may well act as catalysts
in bringing about the kind of dynamic growth effects that have been discussed in connection
with the European Single Market program.
The experience of Mexico suggests that North-South integration may be greatly
beneficial for the Southern partners, and illustrates some of the prerequisites for achieving
these beneficial effects. Firstly, membership in the NAFTA coincided with other reforms that
liberalized the institutional framework of the country. Hence, the RIA contributed to a very
significant and positive environmental change. Secondly, Mexico possesses strong locational
advantages with respect to its northern neighbors. These are made up of increasingly market
oriented economic policies, geographical proximity, and cheap labor. Consequently, regional
integration has been connected to significant increases in the inflows of foreign investment, in
particular from countries outside the NAFTA region.
3.4 South-South Integration: MERCOSUR
Regional integration in the Southern Cone of the Western Hemisphere dates back to 1986,
with a bilateral agreement between Argentina and Brazil, which stipulated the elimination of all
trade barriers over a ten-year period. Five years later, in 1991, this agreement was extended
under the Treaty of Asuncion, with the purpose of creating a Common Market in the region.
The resulting agreement, known as MERCOSUR, also includes Paraguay and Uruguay as
members. Intra-regional trade has gradually been liberalized since the early 1990s, culminating
in the establishment of a Customs Union on January 1, 1995. The MERCOSUR Customs
Union stipulates free trade in (most) goods among the four member countries and a Common
External Tariff (CET) for trade with third countries (see Laird 1995). The CET has 11 tariff
levels varying from 0 to 20 percent, but some important product groups, like automobiles,
telecommunications, and computer equipment, are excluded from the agreement. However, it
should be noted that the integration process has not led to an across-the-board reduction of
external tariffs for all countries. On the contrary, in several product groups, the CET is a
compromise between countries with domestic import-substituting producers (who start out
with high tariffs that are reduced as a result of integration) and countries without domestic
production (where low initial trade barriers have been raised). In some cases, such as the
region’s automobile industry, it is even appropriate to talk about a general increase in the
external trade barriers as a result of the integration process. In addition to the trade
arrangements, a partially new investment regime has also been established to promote and
protect investment in the MERCOSUR region (IDB 1996).
Looking at the reforms of the trade and investment rules in the MERCOSUR region
during the past decade, it is clear that there have been significant changes, although it is
uncertain how much of the reforms should be credited to the formal integration agreement. As
noted above, there are areas where unilateral liberalization has been important, and other field
where reforms are mainly related to multilateral initiatives, such as the GATT. Yet, in terms of
the classification dimensions of Figure 1, it is clear that the environmental changes coinciding
with the MERCOSUR process have been strong in all of the participating countries. Regarding
the investment environment, it can be argued that Argentina and Brazil are the two countries
with the strongest locational advantages, mainly thanks to abundant natural resources,
relatively well developed industrial sectors, and large domestic market. Considering the
remaining barriers to inter-regional trade, these advantages apply in particular for production
aiming at the regional market. Hence, at least for the cases of Argentina and Brazil,
participation in the MERCOSUR should be classified in area 1 of Figure 1, which suggests
that we should expect relatively significant investment effects for these two countries. The
expected impact on the two remaining members, Paraguay and Uruguay, is more uncertain due
to their smaller markets and weaker locational advantages.
The effects of the trade liberalization in the Southern Cone are evident from Table 6.
During the first half of the 1990s, intra-MERCOSUR exports as a share of the region’s total
exports more than doubled, to reach nearly 20 percent in 1994.
Table 6
External Trade of MERCOSUR, 1988-1994 (Million USD and percent)
Total Exports
(USD million)
Exports (percent)
Total Imports
(USD million)
Imports (percent)
Source: Laird (1995)
Intra-regional imports as a share of total imports increased significantly as well, from 13.3
percent in 1988 to 19.6 percent in 1994. It should be remembered that these changes refer to
the period immediately before the establishment of the MERCOSUR Customs Union in 1995,
and that the shares of intra-regional trade are likely to have increased further since then. Yet,
the liberalization of intra-regional trade has been a gradual process, and most of the reforms in
this area had already been completed by late 1994.
There is also a renewed interest in the MERCOSUR on the part of foreign investors. The
inflow of foreign direct investment into the region more than tripled between 1989 and 1993,
as shown in Table 7. As expected, Argentina and Brazil have been the favored localizations for
FDI, while Uruguay and, particularly, Paraguay, have been lagging behind. Unfortunately,
there are no aggregate data available to analyze FDI flows for the period after the
establishment of the Customs Union in 1995.
Table 7
Foreign Direct Investment Flows into MERCOSUR Members (Million USD)
Source: IMF: International Financial Statistics.
However, looking at home country data for the major foreign investor in the region, the United
States, it appears that the real boom of FDI did not occur until after this event. Table 8 shows
that in 1995 alone, the US stock of FDI in the region increased by more than 25 percent, which
is significantly higher than the growth rate of US investment in the rest of the world. It should,
therefore, be noted that we risk underestimating the investment responses to the MERCOSUR
by restricting the analysis to the period for which data are available.
Table 8
US Direct Investment Position in the MERCOSUR on a Historical-Cost Basis at Yearend,
1992-1995. (Million USD; shares of total US foreign direct investment position in
Excluding Paraguay and Uruguay, for which no data are available.
Source: Survey of Current Business, Vol. 75, No. 8, August 1995, and Lowe and Bargas
The aggregate data do not distinguish between intra- and inter-regional investment flows, but
the significant increases in the investment position of the United States, shown in Table 8,
suggest that a significant share of the inflows come from outside the MERCOSUR. It is also
obvious that the increases in FDI flows have occurred at different times in the individual
countries, which may indicate that foreign capital has been attracted by other factors than
regional integration. This motivates a closer look at the individual countries.
Argentina registered the largest increases in FDI inflows before 1994, and there is reason
to expect that much of this was unrelated to the regional integration process. Chudnovsky,
López, and Porta (1995) suggest three major explanations for the increases in foreign
investment in Argentina since the early 1990s. The most important attraction for foreign
investors was arguably Argentina´s comprehensive privatization program, which opened
several public service industries to foreign investment. Several public companies in the
telecommunications and transportation sector were sold to foreign investors.
Another important determinant was the country’s successful macroeconomic reforms,
which managed to bring down public deficits, inflation, and interest rates, and ensured the
convertibility of the currency. Unlike the present situation in Europe, where the members of
the EU are obliged to fulfill certain macroeconomic ”convergence criteria”, economic
integration in the form of MERCOSUR was not a motive for Argentinean macroeconomic
stabilization. A third factor influencing foreign investors was the new wave of protectionism in
the region’s auto sector in the early 1990s. In 1991, Argentina introduced a system of quotas
on imports of finished automobiles, which contributed to an increase in foreign investment
inflows to the sector.
In the short run, it is likely that the effects of increased FDI inflows on the Argentinean
economy will remain limited. For instance, the impact on the diversification and expansion of
exports has been relatively modest so far, since a large part of the foreign investment has taken
place in the nontradable sectors, in connection with the privatization of public services. In the
long run, however, we should expect positive effects of these investment, since the efficiency
of public services is likely to improve and strengthen the country’s international
competitiveness. In the auto sector, by contrast, it is apparent that the recent FDI inflows have
contributed significantly to technology transfer and modernization, but the long-run effects on
the country’s competitiveness and welfare remain questionable. As in other cases of import
substitution, protectionism distorts the allocation of scarce resources and allows local
producers to operate less efficiently than foreign competitors.
The foreign investment in Brazil has fluctuated widely during the past years, and the
inflows of FDI have fallen well short of those to Argentina, although the Brazilian market is
about four times larger. One reason is that market-oriented reforms were introduced later and
macroeconomic stabilization was achieved later in Brazil than in the other countries in the
region. Consequently, the positive prospects connected with regional integration were
tempered by an unpredictable macroeconomic environment. However, the recent years have
witnessed successful reforms and stabilization in Brazil as well and the inflows of FDI have
increased markedly. For instance, Brazil replaced Argentina as the favored MERCOSUR
location for US direct investment in 1994 and 1995 (see Table 8). The strong locational
advantages of Brazil - in terms of its large market and supply of labor and natural resources suggest that we should expect substantial inflows of foreign investment in the medium run,
assuming that the country’s macroeconomic environment remains stable.
The experiences of the two smaller countries in the region, Paraguay and Uruguay, are
mixed. While the flows of FDI to Uruguay seem to have increased, there is no clear trend for
Paraguay. Uruguay is arguably more attractive for foreign investors because of its geographical
location between Brazil and Argentina, while the locational advantages of Paraguay are
weaker. In both cases, foreign investment can be expected to be directed to industries where
economies of scale are not important - industries relying on scale economies are more likely to
locate in either Argentina or Brazil, where they can benefit from proximity to larger consumer
markets. However, neither Uruguay nor Paraguay is likely to be influenced greatly by static
investment effects. Instead, their benefits of economic integration are likely to derive from
possible dynamic effects, that lead to growth and increased demand for their exports in the
entire MERCOSUR region. It is also possible that economic integration will have a stabilizing
impact on the political and macroeconomic environment in both countries, in the sense that
radical policy changes are less likely because of the commitments to the neighboring countries.
Given that the MERCOSUR Customs Union was not established until 1995, it is obvious
that it is too early to accurately describe even the static effects of that specific RIA on foreign
investment. Yet, less ambitious forms of regional integration have been pursued by the
MERCOSUR countries since the mid-1980s, so that much of the intra-regional trade had been
liberalized in 1994, and it is possible to draw some tentative conclusions from the region’s
experience to date. The following generalizations are suggested by the analysis above.
First, macroeconomic stability is likely to be a more important determinant of FDI
inflows than is regional integration. Both the Argentinean and Brazilian experiences illustrate
that foreign investors have responded stronger to successful stabilization programs than to the
early stages of the MERCOSUR project. Second, comprehensive integration, as in the case of
the MERCOSUR Customs Union, may stimulate significant investment responses. In our data,
this has mainly been illustrated by the changes in the US investment position in the region
between 1994 and 1995, but there are indications that investors from other countries have also
reacted strongly, as discussed above. Third, the inflows of FDI to the region are not likely to
be distributed equally to all participating countries. Argentina and Brazil possess relatively
strong locational advantages and will also be the main beneficiaries of increased FDI inflows in
the short to medium run. Finally, as illustrated by the development in the MERCOSUR auto
sector, it is not evident that the welfare effects of all FDI increases will be positive. To the
extent that regional integration contributes to increased distortions, e.g. in the form of higher
tariff barriers or market sharing agreements between oligopolistic producers, it is possible that
the resulting inefficient allocation of resources outweighs the various benefits of FDI inflows,
such as technology spillovers.
4. Summary and Conclusions
The relation between regional integration agreements and FDI is neither self-evident nor
straightforward, but the discussion in the first part of the paper provided a rough working
hypothesis for empirical analysis, summarized in Figure 1: the stronger the environmental
change connected with regional integration and the stronger the locational advantages of the
individual country or industry, the more likely it is that integration agreement will lead to
inflows of FDI from the outside as well as from the rest of the integrating region.
The empirical evidence in the second part of the paper provided some support for this rough
hypothesis, although the cases also highlighted some of the cross-country differences in the
investment effects of regional integration. The first case focused on the Canadian participation in the
CUSFTA, and illustrated a situation where the RIA did not appear to cause any radical changes in
the inflows of FDI to the country in question. The main reasons for the moderate impact of the
CUSFTA are probably that the environmental change connected with the agreement was not
dramatic (since trade between Canada and the US was already relatively to start with) and that
there was already considerably cross-investment between the two countries. The relatively modest
investment response to this specific agreement may well be a general characteristic of many
North-North agreements, where the trade and investment regimes are relatively open and
markets are de facto integrated already before formal integration agreement.
The second case examined the impact of the NAFTA agreement on foreign investment
in Mexico, and suggested that this specific agreement has had a profound impact on the
inflows of FDI. The establishment of the NAFTA coincided with and deepened other reforms
that liberalized the institutional framework of the country. Hence, the agreement contributed to
very significant and positive environmental changes: an added bonus is that these are likely to
be perceived as more permanent improvements in the investment environment than purely
domestic reforms. Thanks to its increasingly market oriented economic policies, geographical
proximity, and supply of cheap labor, Mexico also possesses strong locational advantages with
respect to its northern neighbors. Consequently, regional integration has created new
commercial opportunities for domestic and foreign investors, in the domestic Mexican market
as well as in the US and Canadian markets. The response has been a significant increase in the
inflows of FDI, in particular from countries outside the NAFTA region. The Mexican
experience may capture some general characteristics of North-South agreements, primarily
related to the potential for improved policy credibility and gains from guaranteed access to
large northern markets.
The third case examined the impact of regional integration in the Southern Cone,
involving Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Although the MERCOSUR Customs
Union was not formally established until the beginning of 1995, a gradual liberalization of
intra-regional trade commenced in 1991, and most internal trade barriers had been removed by
1995. The available evidence, although patchy, show that a strong investment expansion has
coincided with this integration process, and it is reasonable to assume that the continuing
integration process may stimulate further significant investment responses. However, the
inflows of FDI are not likely to be distributed equally to all participating countries. The two
countries with the strongest locational advantages, Argentina and Brazil have been the main
beneficiaries of increased FDI inflows in the short to medium run. The experience of the
MERCOSUR region also suggests an important caveat that may be relevant for many other
instances of South-South RIAs. Macroeconomic stability may have been a more important
determinant of FDI inflows to both Argentina and Brazil than is regional integration: both the
Argentinean and Brazilian experiences can be interpreted as responses to successful
stabilization programs rather than consequences of regional integration.
This brings us to some of the limitations of the present paper and suggestions for
further research. The analysis has focused on the impact of RIAs on FDI flows, but the more
general welfare effects have not been discussed in detail, neither for the integrating region nor
for the world at large (see Fernandez 1997 for an analysis of some related welfare aspects of
RIAs). Moreover, we have concentrated on ownership issues, interpreting FDI flows as
changes in the ownership of production factors. Future research should of course consider
welfare effects in closer detail, and also take into account factors that determine production
location rather than ownership issues alone (see Puga and Venables 1996 for a formal
treatment of location and welfare issues). Regarding the empirical cases, the discussion has
focused on entire countries, and individual sectors and industries have seldom been addressed.
However, the conceptual framework presented in the paper suggests that the impact of RIAs is
likely to differ between countries and industries, and more detailed sectoral studies are clearly
called for.
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