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2013, Annual Review of Environment and Resources
3 pages
1 file
The Annual Review of Environment and Resources provides authoritative, up-to-date reviews of key issues at the intersections of sustainability, science, technology, and policy. It is a useful resource for researchers and practitioners working on nature-society interactions who want and ought to know the current state of affairs on the topics reviewed. Each review offers critical synthesis of the 150 recent articles from dozens of high-impact journals that would need to be read to keep up to date. Reviews summarize what is known and unknown and identify emerging directions for future research as judged by authorities on that issue. These reviews are valuable for early career scholars in shaping their research trajectory by enabling them to learn new fields quickly and identify new areas for their research. Overall, this journal provides updates and the most recent perspectives on many of the same issues covered more generally in textbooks on environmental science and policy. In effect, the Annual Review of Environment and Resources is a rolling textbook or desk reference about environment, resources, and society for faculty and students. This journal also serves nonscientist readers professionally charged with making sense of changing environmental issues-for example, journalists, educators, legislative and agency staff, analysts in international organizations, and experts engaged in global assessments.
Environment and Society: Advances in Research, 2010
Social scientists have been writing about the relationships between people and their surroundings for as long as there has been social scientific inquiry. Fields such as anthropology, economics, history, human geography, law, political science, psychology, and sociology all have long and rich histories of contributing to and pioneering socio-environmental analysis. However, the past 20 years have seen a proliferation of scholarship in the social sciences that is focused on environmental issues. This is due, in part, to changes in our environment that have profound implications for the future of both human society and the environment. It is also due, in part, to the ways in which environmental practitioners have portrayed the causes of these changes. In the 1970s, social scientists, concerned with the ways in which the causes of environmental changes were being attributed to some peoples and not others, felt that their knowledge of social processes and social systems could shed light on these issues (see Blaikie and Brookfield 1987). They thought that the methods and theories of the social sciences could and should be brought to bear on questions about contemporary environmental changes. Climate change, the water crisis, deforestation, desertification, biodiversity loss, the energy crisis, nascent resource wars, environmental refugees, and environmental justice are just some of the many compelling challenges facing society today that were identified by these early scholars as sites in need of social scientific analysis. Most social scientists approach environmental issues by asking why a phenomenon is taking place and then trace the answers out across time and space (cf. Vayda 1983). More often than not, they also contextualize the answers they find within larger conversations, debates, and theories in and across disciplines and thus attend to cultural, historical, political, and economic contexts. In asking questions and then contextualizing the answers within social scientific theory and discourse, they sometimes write in ways that are difficult for outsiders to decipher. This is also the case in the natural sciences. Within atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, physical geography, physics, and soil science, scholars have developed their own vernaculars and systems of contextualization. These competing vernaculars often make it seem as if social and natural scientists cannot (and do not) communicate at all. Environment and Society: Advances in Research is meant to address these key issues, among others. This new journal focuses on contemporary environmental topics that large numbers of social scientists in multiple disciplines write about. We provide peer-reviewed articles that analyze and summarize existing research and that offer suggestions for new directions in research. These articles are not steeped in disciplinary vernaculars, but they do incorporate contemporary theory. With this, they afford a window into social science without editing out the insights brought to the empirical world through rigorous engagements with theory. The journal also offers reviews of books concerned with environmental issues that are of significance for both the social and
Table of Contents and Contributor bios Keywords for Environmental Studies analyzes the central terms and debates currently structuring the most exciting research in and across environmental studies, including the environmental humanities, environmental social sciences, sustainability sciences, and the sciences of nature. Sixty essays from humanists, social scientists, and scientists, each written about a single term, reveal the broad range of quantitative and qualitative approaches critical to the state of the field today. From “ecotourism” to “ecoterrorism,” from “genome” to “species,” this accessible volume illustrates the ways in which scholars are collaborating across disciplinary boundaries to reach shared understandings of key issues—such as extreme weather events or increasing global environmental inequities— in order to facilitate the pursuit of broad collective goals and actions.
The increase in environmental awareness over the last few decades has underlined the need to enhance our understanding of the ways in which human race and environment interact. This book focuses on new scientific and policy concerns at the intersection of resource management, development, and the environment. We are glad to publish the papers in this book that examine scientific, policy, and methodological challenges associated with the world's life support systems, how people use the environment and resources, and how resources and the environment are managed and governed. With these reviews, we hope to offer a detailed, critical, and fundamental understanding of the most pressing and integrative topics and controversies in the field of ecology, environment, and resource management to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers across a variety of disciplines. These Chapters/papers analyze and review the emerging literature and research challenges in rapidly changing fields. They are written by both leading and emerging scholars by providing updates on key areas of research and by highlighting new issues of interest and importance. The reviews focus on changes in the ecology and include articles on critical ecosystems in future commitments to climate change. We also include an article that reviews how and why freshwater ecosystems have become the most intensely altered of any ecosystem. Also examines the patterns, drivers, and consequences of human uses of natural resources and interactions with the environment. One takes into account the elements that lead to critical ecosystems, where nations begin to protect and replant forests, as well as the problems with ideas for lowering emissions from deforestation. These reviews cover the challenges and conflicts involved in addressing human needs while preserving the environment and resources that we and future generations must share. We expect that these reviews will improve communication between the various academic fields that conduct research on environmental and resource-related issues as well as the general public who must rely on such information to make decisions.
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2015
Ecology, 1991
Ecology, 1991
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Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado
The study of cognitive load allows us to investigate the effectiveness of any training proposal mediated by technology. This paper presents the results of the implementation of a t-MOOC produced following the DigCompEdu Framework of the European Union. The participants are a group of students (n= 148) from the first year of the Pedagogy Degree (University of Seville) of the Educational Technology subject. To do this, the level of cognitive load invested in the interaction with the t-MOOC is analyzed using a validated scale. Secondly, the relationship between the invested cognitive load and the performance achieved in the experience carried out with the contents of two competence areas is studied. After the different analyzes applied, the study concludes that the t-MOOC produced is considered appropriate for the development of digital skills in students. In addition, although the correlations between cognitive load and academic performance were not very high, both are related. In thi...
Narodna umjetnost: hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 1992
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Atti della Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, 2024
Research Academy of Social Sciences, 2015
Re-forming Judaism, 2023
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European journal of management, 2019
Anales de Arquelogía Cordobesa
PRACE Best Practice Guides, 2019
Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2018
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 2020
Obrazy vody: Jihočeské přehrady a jejich otisk v krajině a společnosti, 2023
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, 2016
Nanoscale research letters, 2018
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, 2023
Mediators of Inflammation, 2020
Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 2007
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2003