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2024, Dalgan-Iranian Baluchistan Insurgency Report…
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Dalgan-Iranian Baluchistan Insurgency Report September 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18483.03360 Agha H Amin
Balochistan has a complex historical background. Tracing the Baloch history is an intricate task, as not much is known about their written history.Balochistan has become a province of conflicting realities, being the largest in terms of land area and rich in resources on the one hand and underdeveloped on the other.The insurgency has grown from intermittent resistance by a few Baloch leaders and tribes to a much broader, though disjointed, nationalist movement against Balochistan’s perceived “Punjabi occupiers,” representing the Pakistani establishment and Chinese encroachments.
Strategic Analysis, 2005
Four times since Pakistan's creation, the Baloch, who never wanted to be part of Pakistan, have rebelled, demanding autonomy or an independent state. After three decades, Balochistan is in turmoil again; the Baloch rebels have been targeting the government institutions with impunity. The insurgents appear well versed in military craft as well as appear to be flush with arms and ammunition. An insurgency of this magnitude cannot be sustained without any external assistance. This paper attempts to analyse the foreign hand in Balochistan.
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2014
Strategically positioned Balochistan, its colossal resources, and a very vast area have increased its significance in the global affairs. The external powers are taking immense interest in its massive resources, strategic location and most importantly being the most easily accessible pathway to the enormous resources of Central Asian States. It got more significance first, after soviet incursion of Afghanistan and second after US attack against Taliban in Afghanistan. From the very scratch, the misunderstanding emerged between the Pakistani State and Baloch people. The state alienation toward Balochistan has worsened the situation in province particularly regarding the economic and social benefits of Baloch people which resulted in blood uprising in the province. The insurgency has been the main hurdle in the utilization of its gigantic resources to benefit the populace of Pakistan and particularly the Baloch people. The discontinuity of the democratic process and the interruption by the military at regular intervals has aggravated the wounds of Baloch people more than the rest of its countrymen, especially during Musharraf regime. The contemporary insurgency is tougher and different than the previous ones in a sense that situation has changed globally and international actors are more fascinated by this vital part of South Asia.
Journal of Contemporary Studies, 2019
Balochistan has been under the shadow of militant outfits for more than a decade. In early 2000s, the Pakistani state mostly employed military force and socioeconomic developmental initiatives in order to curtail these groups. However, in recent years, political measures like Aghaz-e-Huqooq-e-Balochistan in addition to integration measures like 'Balochistan Peace Program' and 'Youth Mobilization Campaign' have been undertaken to weaken support for militant outfits and anti-state narrative. Meanwhile, security forces have also changed their approach since 2013 by eliminating the second and third tier leadership of militant outfits. The paper presents an overview of how military, socioeconomic , political and integration measures employed by the state have played an instrumental role in restoring peace in Balochistan. Despite the restoration of peace, there is still a need to address the socioeconomic grievances of a large segment of the people residing in the province. Until these grievances are addressed Balochistan will remain engulfed in turmoil.
Insurgency in balochistan, 2017
This article discusses the political social background in perspective of security issues of Balochistan.It has always been a hot topic for analysts, politicians and security forces because of its geographical location and in this article every single aspect is considered including history of Balochistan and political and social mindset of people as well as actions of Pakistan govt towards people of Balochistan ,
Global Strategic & Securities Studies Review, 2022
The entire security landscape of the world was altered due to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America's World Trade Centre. After this incident, the US accused Al-Qaeda headship of the attacks. Henceforth, President Bush demanded the Afghan Taliban hand over Osama Bin Laden to the US. However, when the Taliban did not respond positively, the US attacked Afghanistan. The US also pushed Pakistan to take a U-turn on its Afghan policy; hence, President Musharraf decided to offer logistics and other relevant backing to the American force sin their operation in Afghanistan. After the defeat of the Afghan Taliban in 2002, many militants from Afghanistan came to Pakistan's tribal areas through a porous border. As Pakistan supported the US War on Terrorism (WoT), a militant insurgency was started in the tribal areas of Pakistan. This research examines the counter-terrorism strategies of the Pakistan army that it implemented from 2009 to 2016. The study explains the military operations ...
Mi experiencia como médico, al igual que mi propia vida», escribe C. G. Jung, «me han puesto incesantemente ante la pregunta sobre el amor, y nunca fui capaz de dar una respuesta válida». La presente antología de textos extraídos de la rica obra junguiana recoge algunas de las reflexiones más significativas del psicólogo y psiquiatra en torno a «las imprevisibles paradojas del amor» y al conocimiento de que «únicamente en lo opuesto se enciende la vida».
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2023
Collective obituary for Nel Noddings Liz Jackson, D. C. Phillips, Susan Verducci, Lynda Stone, Barbara Stengel, Lynn Sargent De Jonghe, Cris Mayo, Michael S. Katz & Robert Lake To cite this article: Liz Jackson, D. C. Phillips, Susan Verducci, Lynda Stone, Barbara Stengel, Lynn Sargent De Jonghe, Cris Mayo, Michael S. Katz & Robert Lake (2023) Collective obituary for Nel Noddings, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 55:4, 406-417, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2023.2171861 To link to this article:
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2015
Where does a verb's frame come from? The obvious answer is the verb itself, and this is the answer that syntacticians have traditionally provided, whether they describe predicator-argument relations as syntactic sisterhood relations or as lexical properties (the predicator's combinatoric potential, or valence). Thus, Haegeman, in her introduction to Government and Binding theory, states, "the thematic structure of a predicate, encoded in the theta grid, will determine the minimal components of the sentence" (Haegeman 1994: 55). Similarly, Bresnan, in her introduction to Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), states, "[o]n the semantic side, argument structure represents the core participants and events (states, processes) designated by a single predicator. […] On the syntactic side, argument structure represents the minimal information needed to characterize the syntactic dependents of an argument-taking head" (Bresnan 2001: 304). In lexicalist theories like LFG, whenever the arguments of a verb can have more than one set of syntactic realizations, each distinct realization pattern corresponds to a different mapping from semantic roles to grammatical functions, as expressed in a unique lexical entry, and lexical entries, or classes of lexical entries, are related by lexical rules (Neidle 1994). The drive to streamline lexical entries by removing predictable properties has led theorists to develop more general, putatively universal, mapping principles, as well as principles for deriving
Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture, 2011
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