Performance Evaluation of Organizational Crisis Cell:
methodological proposal at communal level.
Dalanda Lachtar, Emmanuel Garbolino
To cite this version:
Dalanda Lachtar, Emmanuel Garbolino. Performance Evaluation of Organizational Crisis Cell:
methodological proposal at communal level.. European Safety and Reliability Conference: Advances
in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management, ESREL 2011, Sep 2011, Troyes, France. pp.165-172 ISBN: 9780415683791. hal-00660557
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Performance Evaluation of Organizational Crisis Cell: methodological
proposal at communal level
D. Lachtar & E. Garbolino
Crisis and Risk research Centre, Mines ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France
ABSTRACT: Crisis management has become an essential activity for all public and private organizations.
Crisis management is most often based on a specific tool called "crisis cell". This paper aims to implement the
precautions of anticipation, vigilance and intervention to meet the targets. Recent studies indicate that for over
50 years, catastrophic events have increased. In France, the crisis management plans are deployed to ensure
an optimal state of readiness in case of a crisis. However, these plans do not guarantee optimal performance
of crisis units. Crisis cells may become particularly vulnerable, and unable to fulfill their missions according
to each event. This article proposes a method, primarily based on systems thinking to understand the
vulnerability of the crisis cell and assess the performance of crisis management at the municipal level.
The word crisis comes from the Greek word “krisis”
means “decision”. It was originally used in the field
of medicine and then expanded in the field of
psychology, politics and economics. According to
Morin, the notion of crisis has spread to all areas
(Morin 1977) but remains the sudden and intense
appearance of certain rupture phenomena.
In 2004, the French state established a legislation
to modernize the civil defence to organize and
manage crises (Bill to modernize the civil security,
Senate, N°277). This law allows a municipality to
establish a crisis cell to protect people and safeguard
the environment. However, these plans do not
guarantee optimal performance of crisis units. Crisis
cells may become particularly vulnerable, and
unable to fulfill their missions according to the
Questions concerning the management of crisis
begin to emerge, for instance: What are the concerns
of crisis management? How to manage a crisis?
Which tools support the decision? Who are the main
actors involved? Is the complexity of the territory a
hindrance for decision-making in a risky situation?
The estimation of the decision’s consequences in
a risky situation will be delicate because of the complexity of urban land in question (physical structure,
networks, etc.) and environment on which these decisions must be taken. This fact underlines the importance of the implementation of a comprehensive
approach for decision making, particularly on indicators ensuring an effective management of emergencies in terms of space and time.
This subject is a research project on the systems
approach to formalize the decision in an emergency
situation within a complex urban area. It is
subsidized by a shcolarship from the PACA
(Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) Region with the
partnership of CRC (Centre for Research on Risk
and Crisis) and security centre of a French city. The
objective of this paper is to present a methodology
for the analysis of the vulnerability of the crisis cell
and assess the performance of crisis management at
the municipal level.
This article is structured in four sections:
The first part aims to define the crisis
management cell and its organization. The general
principles and experiences of crisis cell will be
described here through a bibliographic state of the
art.The second part is devoted to describe the
modeling as a methodological support for studying
organizations. In this part the systemic approach and
UML language will be presented as the modeling
tools for this research.
The third part details the method to study the
vulnerability of crisis cell. A crisis cell model will
be presented by using UML approach. This
illustration will analyze the system in order to
understand the organization's performance.
The last section will present the expected results and
the conclusion of the article.
Before going into details of crisis cell, it is necessary
to define the notion of crisis, the actors playing a
role in the system and the tools used to be prepared
for the crisis management. Then, a short presentation
of the organization confronted with a crisis situation
will be made. Finally, the sequence of the crisis will
be presented. This last part will include the
organization of the municipality and the actors
involved in crisis management.
2.1 Crisis management at municipality level
Crisis is defined as a loss of controlling the situation.
According to Marguin (Marguin 2002), crisis occurs
in an environment which is composed of multiple
actors who interact in the context of organized
structures. It results from a combination of three
• An event that may cause a disruption of the
balance of the system,
• The desire of actors,
• A “spark” event (an unexpected event, a
violence, an uncertainty or inadequacy of an
action, etc.).
The French state, based on the definition abovecited, has established a set of disposal to avoid an
event generating a crisis. As a result, crisis
management is a set of tools and techniques that are
in place to enable an organization to cope with a
crisis and be able to manage better.
2.2 Municipal Plan for Safeguard
In France, the law of modernization of civil security
(Bill to modernize the civil security, Senate, N°277,
2004) insures the protection of people by developing
a culture of preparedness for risk and threat. It
focuses primarily on addressing the risks by
anticipating the reshaping of "protecting people"and
the mobilization of all available means (Dautun
2007). Therefore decrees have been introduced,
asking for the implementation of the plan of
“Organization of Civil Security Response” (ORSEC
stand for Organisation de la Réponse de Sécurite
Civile), “Communal Information Document on
Major Risks” (DICRIM stand for Documents
d’information Communal sur les Risques Majeurs),
and “the Municipal Plan for Safeguard” (PCS stand
for Municipal Plan for Safeguard), etc.
The PCS is a document for managing a crisis in
municipalities. This document will be discussed in
more detail because it describes the stages of communal crisis management as well as the organization
of the crisis cell. It is addressed to the mayor and
aims to establish an organization in the occurrence
of serious events to protect the population and the
environment. The mayor is responsible for the civil
protection in the commune. He has the control of police power, the responsibility to develop the PCS and
to be in charge of the crisis cell. This plan is used by
the mayor or his designated representative and aims
to establish the communal crisis cell in order to support the civil security in the critical phase of the crisis, to restart the city as soon as possible and to
manage crises. The crisis cell defines the conduct of
operations and controls all operational phases such
as information, support, rehabilitation, logistics,
communications, general services and the
switchboard. The cell can be initiated by the Mayor
or upon the request of the prefectural authority.
These means will permit the organizations to establish a network of response structures supporting the
coordination of actors (Dautun 2007).
To be more efficient, the number of members of
the communal crisis cell must be limited to fifteen
(Renaudin & Altemaire 2007), composing of at
• A crisis manager (Pilot/Co-pilot) who
determines the strategy of the intervention,
makes decisions and coordinates the crisis to
manage it in the best conditions.
• A spokesperson who responds to the
expectations of the media and the public in a
structured and consistent way.
• A general secretary: who manages the human
and material resources of the town, available
places or make available the vehicles of the
town hall and other materials that could be used
in case of crisis.
• A Secretary responsible for the installation of
the cell. His role is to edit and send the reports,
maintain the schedules, classify and archive
documents and ensure the smooth functioning
of the logistics team of crisis management.
• A communications officer who links between
different municipal actors, the administrations
concerned with crisis management and the
office of mayor
• A person who is in charge of the handrail. The
handrail is a note book to note the various
events during the crisis (phone calls, hours of
output communication press, the stages of crisis
management, etc.). It is used in case of litigation
or for the lessons learned.
The figures 1 and 2 were designed from the PCS.
Figure 1 shows the crisis cell of the studied city. It
organized in 14 sub cells. These cells are grouped
according to the collaborations between each cell.
Crisis Cell
rence of serious events to safeguard the public and
protect the environment.
This section presented the general framework of
the crisis management focusing on the crisis cell.
From the perspective of modelling the crisis cell,
this part underlines the necessity of crisis
management process and the present actors during
the occurrence of a major risk.
After defining the organization of the crisis cell
and the actors involved, the following section
focuses on the complexity of the city and introduces
the concepts of systemic, UML and their
contribution to the context of crisis cell.
Figure 1. Crisis cell model for municipality
In a crisis situation many partners (fire men,
police, etc.) should interact with the crisis cell in
order to resolve the problem. Their coordination in
this context is a major challenge for the resolution of
the crisis and their interoperability is a critical
component for a successful resolution. The diagram
below (Fig. 2) shows the actors who are interrelated
within the cell. Relevant actors of the crisis situation
have been identified during visiting the city.
City Hall
Information Service
Secretary General
Headquarters city hall
Protection and Prevention
Communication Network
Communal Crisis Cell
In parallel to considerations of public policy for
prevention and management of emergency
situations, there are some approaches to model
complex dynamic systems and simulate their
changes over time to build scenarios. The systemic
approach represents an appropriate approach to
understand the behavior of a complex system
The systemic
2004, Marguin
2002).develops a system of
representation for understanding complex situations
such as a complex urban territory.
A system is “a set, forming of a coherent and
autonomous unit, of real or conceptual objects
(hardware, people, actions, etc.) organized according
to a goal (or set of goals, objectives, finalities,
projects, etc.) by means of a set of relationships
(mutual interrelations, dynamic interactions, etc.), all
immersed in an environment” (Le Gallou 1993 in
Aubert-Lotarski). But what is the system that will be
modeled? What are the approaches that will be
used? For what purpose? What are the outcomes?
In this section, the main principles of the systemic
approach will be presented focusing on the main
types of models and the systemic approach. Finally
UML approach will be presented.
3.1 The general systems theory and systemic
France télécom
France Weather
Public lighting
metropolitan district
Public roads
Figure 2. Partners interact within the municipality crisis cell
PCS is one of the few documents describing the
organization at the municipal level. It implements an
organization planned in advance in case of occur-
The territory is an evolutionary complex system that
concerns a set of actors on the one hand and the
geographic space on the other hand. The actors use,
develop and manage geographic space (Moine
This research will focus on the games of the
actors of a crisis cell and particularly on the relations
of actors evolving within an organization. Are these
games of actors complex? And are they considered
as a complex system?
According to Moine (Moine 2007), the actor’s
system is complex. The geographical area is also a
complex framework with which the complex system
of actors combines. Mintzberg (Mintzberg 1982) defines the complex framework as being guided by uncertainty factors. Moine adds that the territories are
in "tension", that is to say that the dynamic equilibrium is based on a set of interrelationships that constantly change and evolve over time. The territories
have constraints that are not foreseeable, so they
change the decision context of the actors.
The studied city can be considered as a complex
system because of these interactions. Modelling of
complex games of actors in the management of crisis cell will be conducted during this project. This
modelling allows understanding the organisation of
the cell in order to evaluate its performance. A
model is a simplified representation of a system at a
particular time or space to promote understanding
the real system (Durand 1992). The general systems
theory has been proposed by Von Bertalanffy in
1956. Its purpose is to analyze areas that are outside
the current type of explanation in physical science
(Rojot 2005). This theory allows analyzing complex
phenomena in which the behaviours of interconnected components are oriented to a goal or a direction (Von Bertalanffy 1956). Several approaches
were inspired by the general theory of systems such
as the systemic approach.
The systemic approach aims to formalize a method
to organize the production of knowledge about objects and direct action on these objects (AubertLotarski). Donnadieu and Karsky (Aubert-Lotarski)
define three stages for the systemic approach:
• Systemic exploration permits to define the
system under study and to situate the system
in its environment. The observation identifies
the system, its environment and the various
streams running through the system (AubertLotarski).
• Qualitative modelling can make a representative map of the system, adding the interactions between the key components, flows and
control actions to regulate it.
• Dynamic modelling introduces the concept
of time to observe possible changes of the
system through the simulations
The systemic approach is needed to understand
the system and the organizational complexity (Aubert-Lotarski).
Data collection
Systemic Exploration
Constructing the "object"
Ordinate representation
of knowledge
Qualitative Modeling
Constructing the model
Dynamic Modeling
Formalization of
Introduction of time
Treating the model
Prospective Unforeseen result
Figure 3. The steps of the systemic approach (Donnadieu &
Karsky 2002)
To analyze the "dynamic interaction" between the
actors of the crisis cell, our research project will use
the systemic approach and will integrate the UML
3.2 Formalizing UML
UML is a graphical modelling language and has become a standard for modelling objects defined by
the Object Management Group (OMG). In this paper, UML will be used as an operational tool to formalize the interactions within the system of crisis
cell in order to understand the performance of the
crisis cell. This approach will give a definite form to
the system in a standard way by using different diagrams. UML is a language for specifying, visualizing, implementing and documenting computer systems (Jacobson et al. 1999). It has thirteen kinds of
diagram to represent different aspects of the system.
These diagrams can be categorized into three types:
static, dynamic and behavioural.
Some diagrams are used specifically for the IT
sector that's why only three diagrams will be used
for this work:
Table 1. Structural and dynamic diagrams in UML language
Use Case
Represents classes involved in the system
Sequential representation of the treatment
and interactions between system components and / or actors
It models the interactions between system
and actors
This language is commonly used in computer modelling for computer systems and software. Increasingly, it is used to model other types of systems such
as the information system of natural hazards (Napoli
2001), Development of safety-critical systems of
railways (Boulanger et al. 2009), Systemic modelling approach applied to support risk analysis of a
storage unit of chemical products in Morocco (Bouloiz et al. 2010). The following section presents the
method to study the vulnerability of crisis cell.
collective action, coordination, stabilization and development
• The various ways in which the groups structure
their means at their disposal to achieve their ends
• The organized action or process that leads
groups or organizational structures. "
This section presents the methodology used for
studying the performance of the Crisis Cell. Afterwards the qualitative modelling will be presented.
4.1 Approach for study the vulnerability of
The proposed approach to develop the analysis of
the vulnerability of PCS’s organisation based on systemic approach (section 3.1). It is organized in the
following divisions:
Most of the time, the crisis cannot be avoided. The
purpose of this research is not to reduce the probability of the occurrence but to improve the management of the occurring event, focusing on the resilience of the organization (Bout 2005).
The organization plays an important role in managing risks and crises. In a crisis situation, the trigger may destabilize organizations that are unprepared and may react inappropriately because of their
vulnerability. The lessons learned from Hurricane
Katrina in 2005, emphasize the internal vulnerability
of the U.S., vulnerabilities within its security system
and its impotency. It was indicative of a lack of internal preparation. Indeed, during ten days, the event
had not been categorized, the number of players
needed to act was inadequate and did not allow actions to manage the crisis where the gravity and the
destruction rate was high.
Mintzberg (Mintzberg 1994) defines the organization as "the total sum of the ways to divide the
work in separate tasks and then provide the necessary coordination between these tasks."
An organization may have three meanings, according to Crozier and Friedberg (Crozier & Friedberg 2009):
• "A group of humans who are coordinating their
activities to achieve common goals, the organization
is considered here as a response to the problems of
The first phase of the systemic approach (observation) allows to know the organization of
the crisis cell, the actors involved and the
flows between them. Thus a visit in the studied city was necessary for the identification
of crisis actors who have influence on other
actors or the instability factors. Each actor is
characterized by its own goals, means and
constraints and by its links with other actors
(Marguin 2002).This phase involves analyzing the PCS and visit the town under study.
From these observations, two models will be
offered: the crisis cell as prescribed and as
observed. After validation of both models by
stakeholders, a comparison will be made to
"see" if there is a difference between the two.
If a difference exists between these two
models, would it be related to the organization of the crisis cell?
After having modelled the crisis to understand the system, we study the quality of organization by Risk Analysis. Risk Analysis
will be modelled with Primarily Risk, or
fault tree and UML sequence diagram.
Risk analysis allows building scenarios. Scenarios are developed to evaluate the system
in different situations. Risk analysis is the
study that determines the degree of risk and
assesses the direct and indirect, tangible and
intangible event on an organization (Garbolino et al. 2010).
The fourth phase of the systemic approach is
to integrate the concept of time in the qualitative model to observe changes in the system. In the dynamic simulation for common
applications, two modeling methodologies
exist: the System Dynamics (SD) and MultiAgent System (MAS).
MAS is a collection of autonomous agents
that can interact freely with each other. It is
used in complex systems where artificial entities and/or natural interact to produce collective behavior (Muller 2005).
System Dynamics proposes to study, to model and simulate the phenomena that make a
change through time. Models allow us to understand the dynamics of systems based on
the concepts of interaction, feedback and
complexity (Forrester 1956).
The observable
State of
the art
are the
for the
4.2 Applying UML for the modeling of the
The first two phases are analyzing and modeling the
system. UML approach is used for modeling.
Figure 5 highlights the actors involved in crisis
management and actions made during the occurrence of the event. Three actors are present in this
diagram: Firemen, Mayor (and the city hall) and Prefect (and the prefecture). These actors have been
identified from the PCS and meetings with department security. This representation is general and
does not take into account all the actors involved in
crisis management.
Qualitative modeling
Systemic exploration
Static Modeling of
crisis cell as prescribed
Dynamic Modeling
of crisis cell as observed
To be
by the
Static Modeling of
crisis cell as observed
Identify vulnerability points
Provide recommendation to make changes
Is the
organization efficient?
Monitoring the organization
Figure 4. Proposal of a methodology for studying the performance of the Communal Crisis Cell
MAS is focusing on individuals unlike the
SD which is used for strategic modeling. One
of these methodologies with theory of organization will be chosen for dynamic modeling
• The above step allows to identify vulnerabilities of the organization.
• Finally a mode of organization will be proposed
In the following section, we present the first part
of the study. This study focuses on the static modelling of Crisis Cell.
Figure 5. Case of the crisis sequence at the scale of a city
The sequence of the crisis is separated into two
parts: the preparation phase for the crisis and the crisis management phase. Only the Mayor and the Prefect involved in the first phase, concerning the establishment of emergency plans. If the event exceeds
the commune, the prefect is responsible for directing
rescue operations. With the help of the directions of
studied city, the Mayor has the duty to rescue people
and preserve the environment. Emergency and safeguard backup phases include protection, evacuation
of the population, informing the population, protection of natural environments, etc. The Mayor also
manages the firemen who provide the information
for the crisis cell, manage the infrastructure and
carry out the rescue.
Crisis cell models have been made from the PCS
book and the observation. The external links are not
described. Here, the mission and resources are described for each sub cell. The first one (Fig. 6) is the
prescript model and the second one (Fig. 7) is the
observation model. For reasons of clarity, only part
of the organization of the crisis will be presented.
The two models are almost identical. The number of
sub cells is the same but the links are different. In
these examples, we select the Pilot / Co-Pilot cell,
anticipating-assessment cell and the information
cell. The Pilot / Co-Pilot cell coordinates all the cells
of crisis affecting the missions and is in contact with
other cells. Anticipation - evaluation, as its name
implies, assesses the extent of the crisis and trying to
anticipate the evolution of the crisis. As for the information cell, the “central information” is the
bridge input information.
Figure 6 allowed having the composition of the crisis cell. Meetings concentrate more on the exchange
between each sub cell.
From the PCS book we obtain the following diagram (Fig. 6). The PCS is divided into five parts.
The third part of PCS book details each sub cell. The
PCS details all the activities of the crisis cell, the
communications between the sub cells are difficult
to distinguish.
In PCS, evaluation anticipation cell is present and
is even the central cell for decision support. It receives information from other services and the pilot
and copilot (the other sub cells receive the information as well). So with all of its information, the cell
assessment advises the driver and co-pilot.
Seven meetings were held to make figure 7. The information and anticipation sub cells were met at the
first meeting. At this meeting the problem that was
raised was the lack of valorization of the evaluation
sub cell. This cell feels excluded because other cells
do its works. The second meeting was with the decision group. Pilot copilot, the communication sub
cell, the secretary and the logistic were present. This
meeting underlined the proper functioning of the
communication cell. Others meetings were held with
each sub cells. All cells were invited in the meeting
synthesis. Several problems were highlighted technical problems. However, three problems were the
central points of the meeting. The first one is the
staff shortage. The role of the anticipation cell is not
very well defined. Finally, the last problem is that
cells do not know each other. For that, exercises
should be done.
Figure 7. Class diagram describing the various relations and interactions between crisis sub cells as observed
And finally the Figure 8 is a sequence diagram
that describes the conduct of the operational phase.
This diagram shows the chronological sequence of
operations performed by actors of crisis management (Audibert 2009). It evokes the conduct of the
operational phase during a flooding. This sample is
not random: The flood is a known risk in the studied
city and this scenario may be used as an example for
the simulation of the model. The weather service
warns the prefect and the commune of flooding risk.
If the alert is confirmed, the municipality requisitioned the companies so that they can provide
equipment, housing and other required facilities.
The city informs the population, activates the PCS
and manages rescuers. Firemen rescue the people. If
the event exceeds the municipality, the city requires
the intervention of the state and the prefecture will
take over the rescue. Once the event ended, the return to normal situation is announced. Then a process of return to normal situation is put in place.
This diagram can be used for the Fifth part to define scenarios.
Figure 6. Class diagram describing the various relations and interactions between crisis sub cells as prescribed in PCS book
Pre- Sta- Weather
fect te
: Vigilance Alert
: Requisitioning
:Begin and Requisitioning FireMen
: Rescue
: Ask for state intervention
: Safeguard
: take the lead on the rescue
8 : Define the emergency works
: Mobilize
10 : Prevention measures
11 : Lessons learned
12 : Finance the works
14 : Need state of emergency
cuses on the rescue plan in itself and not crisis cell
organization. Juan Jamon Jacob (Jacob 2010) also
works on PCS but he focuses exclusively on the upstream and after crisis. Both studies use risk analysis
to identify failures of plans. The time concept is not
integrated in these studies.
The next stages of our study will incorporate the
concept of time.
The usefulness of all above mentioned methods is
to define failure scenarios of the organization and to
identify the consequences of these failures.
From this model a form of crisis cell organization
will be proposed to the studied city in order to make
it approaching to a high performance organization.
13 : Finance the works
15 : indemnification
Figure 8. Crisis Sequence Diagram describing the conduct of
the operational phase during a flooding
The decision support is an activity of those who seek
to apply a scientific approach (eg. systemic
approach) to illuminate the managerial decisions and
/ or guide decision-making processes in organized
systems. Since the crisis cell and relations between
actors are complex systems (Morin 1977, Moine
2007), our research project underlines the
importance of implementing an approach that can
analyze and understand complex dynamic systems
of a system.
The UML approach aims to understand and
simulate the operation of the crisis, including the interactions between actors which are complex. It
represents an approach particularly suited to understand the behaviour of a system. The UML approach
was chosen for several reasons:
• The UML includes several diagrams including
class and sequence diagram. The latter introduced the concept time. Class diagram describe
the resources and functions of each sub cell.
• Finally, the UML was originally designed for
analysis software. The aim of our research is to
have MAS (or simulation tool like JAVA
CSCW …) to study behaviours of actors in crisis cell. UML is insufficient for dynamic models. Unlike objects, agents are active, have initiative and can choose how to treat an external
request. The UML analysis will help to understand this system.
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used is based on structural-functional model describing both functions and resources. In his study, he fo-
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