Challenges in Physical Science: Batteries (Workbook)


C LLE ES I SI L SCIE E® A Supplemental Curriculum for Middle School Physical Science From Project DESIGNS: Doable Engineering Science I nvestigations Geared for Non-science Students Edited by Harold P. Coyle John L. Hines Kerry J. Rasmussen Philip M. Sadler Illustrations by Kerry J. Rasmussen • ~ ~ °(jtvOp.i'o Sponsored by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics with funding from the National Science Foundation and additional support from the Smithsonian Institution 1"11 ... KENDALL/HUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY 4050 Westmark Drive Dubuque, Iowa 52002 Project DESIGNS Project Staff Philip M. Sadler, Principal Investigator Harold P. Coyle, Project Manager & Publications Manager John L. Hines, Laboratory Technician & Quality Control Marcus G. Lieberman, Education Evaluator Annette Trenga, Assistant Evaluator Marc Schwartz, Graduate Research Assistant Steve Saxenian, Graduate Research Assistant Susan H. Roudebush, Administrative Support Martha A. Lynes, Master Teacher Judith Peritz, Program Coordinator Kerry J. Rasmussen, Writer / Editor / Illustrations / Research Pamela K. R. Sears, Writer / Editor / Research External Auditor Stephen A. Barbato, Vice President, Educational Research & Development, Applied Educational Systems, Inc., Lancastel; PA Curriculum Development Team (school affiliation at time of pilot trials) Stephen Adams, Lopez Island Middle School, Lopez, WA Marilynn Benim, Arendall Parrott Academy, Kinston, NC Anne D. Brown, Lincoln Middle School, Portland, ME Nancy C. Cianchetta, Parlin Junior High School, Everett, MA Matthew Coleman, Whitford Middle School, Beaverton, OR Cynthia D. Crockett, Contoocook Valley High School, Peterborough, NH Kimberly Hoffman, Doherty Memorial High School, Worcestel; MA Teresa Jimarez, Coronado High School, El Paso, TX Paul D. Jones, Montezuma High School, Montezuma, IA David E. Jurewicz, Ephraim Curtis Middle School, Sudbury, MA James F. Kaiser, Sharon Middle School, Sharon, MA Milton Kop, Maryhnoll High School, Honolulu, HI Barbara Lee, Hualalai Academy, Kailua-Kona, HI James MacNeil, Concord Middle School (Sanborn), Concord, MA Linda Maston McMurry, E. M. Pease Middle School, San Antonio, TX Daniel Monahan, Cambridge Public Schools, Cambridge, MA Sarah Napier, Fayerweather Street School, Cambridge, MA Mary Ann Picard-Guerin, Cumberland Middle School, Cumberland, RI Douglas Prime, Lancaster Middle School, Lancastel; MA Diana Stiefbold, Heights Elementary School, Sharon, MA Mary Trabulsi, Algonquin Regional High School, Northborough, MA Consultants Jeff Forthofer, Electrical Engineer Jo Harmon, Education Specialist Kim L. Kreiton, Civil Engineer Eric J. Rasmussen, Architectural Designer Cover credits: BattedeslElectromagnets/Gravity Wheel images © President and Fellows of Harvard College. BridgeslWindmilllSolar House/Blueprint images © 2000 PhotoDisc, Inc. Copyright © 2001 by President and Fellows of Harvard College ISBN 0-7872-6451-2 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI-9452767. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To the Student ••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••. v History of the Electric Battery • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Pretest + t • • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Part I Challenges •••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 1 Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge 1: 1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4: Find the Best Electrodes ••••••.•••••••• 9 Data Sheet •••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Find the Best Electrolyte ••••••••••••.• 13 Data Sheet ••••••••••.••••••••••••• 15 Increase Volts •••••••••••••••••••.•• 11 Data Sheet •.••.••••••••••.•••••••• 19 Turn On the Clock ••••••••••••••••••• 23 Data Sheet ••••••••••••.••••••••••• 25 Part II Worksheets ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 Vocabulary .................................. 29 Graphing +.................................. 31 The History of the Electric Battery .••••••.••••••••• 31 Devices that Use Batteries ••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 Part III Assessment •••••••••••••••••••••• 43 Posttest .................................... 45 Assessment ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 Content/Concept Questions ••••••••••••••••••••• 49 Self Assessment •..••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 51 Open-Ended Questions •.•••••••••••••.•••••••• 53 Table of Contents iii To the Student .1 The challenges in this manual are intended to help you learn about certain topics in physical science. We are especially interested in giving you the chance to study how some devices work that you see or use every day. We also believe that you learn science better by building things, making measurements and observations than by memorizing "facts." Understanding science also requires understanding concepts, which are mostly much harder to learn than facts. You usually encounter science in the form of technology. You will learn in these challenges that science is how we try to understand the world around us. Technology is about how we use that understanding to solve problems. Every human-made object you see got its start inside someone's brain. Most devices-even something as simple as your pencil-use many ideas from many people. We hope that by working with the challenges in this manual, you will learn something about the science behind the devices. We also hope you will get some idea about how decisions are made to build something: Look at your pencil. It contains ideas developed over the last 300 years by many people around the world. Yet no matter which company made your pencil, there are people right now trying to figure out how to make it better. (Sometimes "better" means just as good but less costly.) Each challenge in the manual is a much simpler example of how we use science and technology to solve problems. Given the many topics that fit under the heading of physical science, you may wonder why we chose to cover the ones in this manual. Three major concerns determined which topics were covered: 1) What are the most common topics in existing physical science courses? 2) Which science concepts can be linked to those topics? 3) What kinds of simple devices that use these concepts can be built easily and inexpensively? Even as we developed the challenges, our choice of topics changed. Some great ideas that we thought would work, did not. Other ideas turned out to be too complicated or too expensive to use. The challenges in this manual are the result of three years' work by the staff and teachers of Project DESIGNS. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did! ) Harold P. Coyle Cambridge, Massachusetts Spring 2000 To the Student v E The late 1700s were wondrous years for human progress. Thoughts and ideas were being formulated around the world that would forever change how we live. Scientists worldwide were making great advances in many fields, including biology, chemistry, and physics. Many of the conveniences we take for granted in our modern lives can be directly attributed to the work of these scientists. Whenever you listen to your portable radio or use any electrical device that does ) not require a power cord, you are benefiting from research done by scientists two hundred years ago. Animal Electricity In 1780, Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) was a professor of anatomy at the University of Bologna in Italy. While conducting a dissection of a frog on a silver plate he observed that when his metal scalpel made contact with the muscle tissue, the frog would twitch uncontrollably. He reasoned that this reaction was due to electricity generated within the frog. He believed that the scalpel's metal merely triggered the reaction. Galvani's theory of animal electricity received widespread attention on both sides of the Atlantic and was supported by many prominent scientists of the day. The First Battery At the University of Pavia in 1794, the physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) was experimenting with ,electrical reactions and was aware of Galvani's discovery. Although the two scientists were good friends and shared their ideas in letters, they disagreed about how the History of the Electric Battery 1 electrical force was produced. In a series of well-constructed experiments Volta became convinced that it was the different metals used for the plate and scalpel that created the electrical charge and not the frog's muscles. Volta decided to perform the experiment in a slightly different way. He decided to use strips of the metals copper and zinc, rather than the silver of the plate and the metal of the scalpel. Placing a strip of copper on one side of his tongue and a strip of zinc on the other, he experienced an unpleasant taste in his mouth. When he wrapped an insulator around one of the metal strips and repeated the experiment, nothing happened; some ingredient was missing. He performed the experiment again by placing the strips of copper and zinc in brine, a type of salt solution. To his delight, he was able to produce an electrical charge. Today we refer to the brine solution as an electrolyte, while the strips of metal are electrodes. The electrodes react with each other chemically in the electrolyte to produce electrochemical energy. The combination of these materials was named the "voltaic cell" after its discoverer, Alessandro Volta. Volta took his idea one step further. He assembled stacks of disks of the metals, placing paper soaked in brine as an electrolytic membrane between them. By stacking a series of these cells on top of each other he developed the first electrochemical battery, referred to as the voltaic pile. 1 Meanwhile, however, Galvani had fallen on hard times. Because he did not accept the new government of Napoleon Bonaparte, he lost his academic position at the university. His wife had recently died as well, and his theory about the battery had been proven wrong. He died at his family home without knowing how his discovery would change the world. 2 He also would never realize that his theory of animal electricity, or the concept that all living cells possess some type of electrical property, was correct and was the forerunner of the field of science called electrophysiology. Batteries for Everyone In 1836 John Frederick Daniell (1790-1845), an English chemist and physicist, developed a type of wet-cell battery that produced electricity for much longer than the voltaic pile. The secret to this new design was the addition of sulfuric acid to the electrolyte. When he placed a copper cylinder and a zinc rod in the sulfuric acid electrolyte, the 1 Encyclopedia 2 Britannica, 1998. Ibid. Batteries amount of energy produced was greatly increased. Daniell learned that the addition of the new substance to the electrolyte improved its ability to conduct electricity. In 1866 the French chemist Georges Leclanche (1839-1882) produced the Leclanche battery which was the forerunner of many modern batteries. He used ammonium chloride as an electrolyte, and zinc and manganese dioxide as electrodes. In a modified form, this cell is the portable battery that we commonly use in such devices as flashlights or radios. 3 Mass production of batteries in the United States came about quickly. In 1890 the National Carbon Company in Cleveland, Ohio began selling dry-cell batteries in large quantities to consumers anxious to purchase them. Today this company is known as Union Carbide. 4 The battery industry has thrived ever since. Today we use two types of batteries: wet cell and dry cell. The difference is simple. The wet cell uses a wet substance for the electrolyte, such as the brine in Volta's battery or the sulfuric acid in Daniell's. The dry cell, a more modern battery type, uses a partially dry, pasty substance as an electrolyte. The advantage of the dry cell is that it is more portable. Leclanche developed the first effective dry-cell battery. The term battery is used generically to refer to any device that converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy. Although techni~ cally incorrect, we commonly refer to a single voltaic cell, a voltaic pile or an array of cells, all as batteries. By its true definition, only two or more voltaic cells connected together form a battery. Today batteries are used for so many applications that it would be difficult to imagine life without them. Research is still being carried out to produce more efficient and environmentally friendly batteries. Within our lifetime, radical improvements will undoubtedly occur that will make this portable source of power better than ever. 3 Encyclopedia 4 Britannica, 1998. Enercell Battery Guidebook, Master Publishing, Inc., Richardson, Texas, 1990. History of the Electric Battery Pr st NAME: DATE: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Is there any type of activity taking place inside a battery? 2. Does a battery wear out if it's not in use? / I 3. What do you think chemical reaction means? 4. Can you see a chemical reaction? Pretest 5 5. What, if anything, does a chemical reaction produce? Explain. 6. How do we know if a battery still works? Can we tell if it still works by looking at it? 7. Are some batteries better than others? Batteries Challenge Objective Test combinations of two electrodes at a time to determine which pair works best. Challenge Scenario You are an archaeologist working in a remote desert location. Your water supply is running short and you need to send word to the base camp that you need more. When you turn on your walkie-talkie, however, the battery is dead. You have no other batteries for it. You know that certain materials will react with each other to produce electricity, so you begin by testing the materials that you find in your camp. You must find the materials that produce the most voltage to run your walkie-talkie. Challenges 9 Materials • Aluminum foil • Copper wi re • Iron nail • Toothpick III Jumbo zinc-plated paper clips III Zinc-coated wire fencing • Glass microscope slide • Penny • 10% salt solution • Data Sheet • Film canister, 35 mm size Test Station Materials • Alligator clip test leads • DVM (digital volt meter) with test leads • Film canister stand 10 Batteries Fi st EI th TEAM NAME: 5 DATE: Procedures 1. Place a film canister in the stand provided by the teacher. 2. Fill the canister 2/3 full with the electrolyte. 3. Connect one alligator clip to each electrode in the pair that you are testing. 4. Connect the other ends of the alligator clips to the DVM test leads. 5. Immerse the electrodes in the electrolyte. Make sure that the alligator clips do not go into the electrolyte! 6. Wait 10 seconds, then read and record the first two digits of the number displayed on the DVM. The third digit will indicate if the voltage is increasing or decreasing. 7. Remove one electrode and replace it with the next to be tested. 8. Repeat steps 5-7 until all electrodes are tested and the Voltage Chart below is completely filled in. Voltage Chart Aluminum foil Copper wire Paper dip Toothpick Glass Zinc-coated plate fencing Penny Iron nail Aluminum foil Copper wire Paper dip Toothpick Glass plate Zinc-coated fencing Penny Iron nail Challenges 11 Test Results 9. Which two materials produced the highest reading? 10. Which two materials produced the lowest reading? 11. What do you think was happening to produce the electricity? 12 Batteries Challenge Objective Test the various electrolytes provided by the teacher to determine which will act as the best conductor. Scenario Change Now that you have found the two materials that react with each other to produce the most voltage, you must find a substance in which they can react most efficiently. You have several liquids in your camp that you must test to see which will produce the most voltage. Challenges 13 Materials II The two electrodes that produced the best results in Challenge 1 ED 5% salt solution II 10% salt solution ED 20% salt solution II Distilled water II Cola II Tap water It Data Sheet II Film canisters II Electrode rinse container with water Test Station Materials 14 GIl Alligator clip test leads II DVM (digital volt meter) with test leads II Film canister stand Batteries st EI Fi TEAM NAME: DATE: Procedures 1. Place six canisters in your test stand. 2. Fill each canister 2/3 full with each type of electrolyte. Write the name of the electrolyte on the test stand in front of each canister. 3. Connect the two best electrodes from Challenge 1 to alligator clips on the DVM. 4. Immerse the electrodes in the first electrolyte. S. Read and record the voltage. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all electrolytes have been tested. Make sure that you rinse the electrodes in water between each test. Electrolyte Table Electrolyte Voltage 5% salt solution 10% salt solution 20% salt solution Distilled water Cola Tap water Test Results 1. Which electrolyte caused the battery to produce the highest voltage? 8. Why do you think this electrolyte worked the best? What was happening in the battery? Challenges 15 Challenge Objective Construct a battery cell in a film canister and test it to determine how many volts it produces. Then, divide the electrode materials in half and construct two battery cells. Test these cells in a series circuit to see if the number of volts increases. ) Scenario Change You have only a limited amount of the best electrode material available. You must increase the voltage of your battery without using more electrode material. Challenges 17 Materials • 14 jumbo zinc-plated paper clips • 12 inches (30.5 cm) of copper wire • Two 3-inch x 5-inch (7.6 x 12.7 cm) index cards • 10% salt solution • Two film canisters • Alligator clips • Data Sheet • Cellophane tape Test Station Materials • Alligator clip test leads • DVM (digital volt meter) with test leads • Film canister stand 18 Batteries :1 I Its TEAM NAME: DATE: Procedures 1. Coil the copper wire around a pencil so that it does not exceed 2 1/2 inches (6 cm) in length. Leave one end sticking straight out from the coil. 2. Cut an index card to a height of 1 7/8 inches (4.8 cm). 3. Roll the strip of index card into a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm). Secure the roll with cellophane tape. 4. Attach 13 paper clips to the bottom edge of the cylinder. This tube must fit into the film canister. If it doesn't, make another that is smaller. 5. Straighten one end on an additional paper clip to form a long handle. Attach the remaining clip portion to the bottom of the paper roll, contacting the other paper clips. You now have a handle by which to raise and lower the paper clip roll as well as a terminal to which you can attach the alligator clip. Paper Clip Handle JCopper Coil --"" Exterior ..... ~ ....•.., ~ Rolled • c :".,A : Index Card ,.. --* wi"''' ~Interior Rolled Index Card Paper Clips Challenges 19 6. Place the paper clip section into the film canister. 1. Cut another index card to the same size listed in Step 2. 8. Roll the second index card so that it is slightly smaller than the first. Secure it with cellophane tape. This index card will separate the paper clip section from the copper coil. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 Place the second rolled index card inside the paper clip section. Insert the copper wire coil into the center of the rolled index card. Add electrolyte solution to the film canister so that it is 2/3 full. Attach the alligator clips to the paper clip handle and the copper wire. You are now ready to test the battery cell. Indicate the type of material used for the electrodes and electrolyte: Electrolyte: Electrode 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Electrode 2: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 14. Test your battery at the test station. Record the number of volts: 15. Disassemble your battery, but do not take apart the index card rolls. 16. Divide the materials used for the electrodes in half (Have the teacher cut the copper wire in half for you.) 11. Make two battery cells each with half of the original electrode material. Follow steps 1-12 to create two battery cells. Fill each canister 2/3 full with electrolyte. 20 Batteries · I TEAM NAME: DATE: 18. Indicate the type of each material used. Battery A Electrolyte: Electrode 1: Electrode 2: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Battery B Electrolyte: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Electrode 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Electrode 2: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 19. Test both batteries at the test station. Record the number of volts. Battery A: ________ volts Battery B: volts Test Results 20. Compare the voltage reading from the first test to voltage results of the second test. Do you notice anything unusual about the tests? Did the batteries constructed with half as much electrode material produce half as many volts? Challenges 21 21. Connect the batteries to each other in a series circuit as shown in the diagram below. Test the circuit and record your results below: Copper Coil Paper Clip ~ / PaperClip \ / Copper Coil Styrofoam™ Tray Circuit volts: 22. Did your test of the circuit produce more or fewer volts than each single battery cell? Explain what you think happened. Batteries Challenge Objective Using the materials from the previous challenge, construct a battery cell or series of battery cells that will provide sufficient voltage to turn on a liquid crystal display (LCD) clock. Scenario Change Your experiments have shown how you can achieve the maximum voltage output from your battery cell. Now you must combine cells so that you have enough volts to operate your walkie-talkie and call for more water! Challenges 23 Materials Ell 5% salt solution Ell 10% salt solution • 20% salt solution <II Distilled water Ell Cola Ell Tap water Ell Aluminum foil <II Copper wire • Iron nail Ell Jumbo zinc-plated paper clips <II Zi nc-coated wi re fenci ng • Glass microscope slide • Penny <II Cellophane tape • Index cards • Permanent marking pen «& Film canister stand • Scissors • Ruler Ell Film canisters Ell Alligator clip test leads «& Data Sheet (one for each iteration) Test Station Materials • DVM (digital volt meter) «& LCD clock in circuit using grabber-probe test leads • Alligator clip test leads 24 Batteries TEAM NAME: DATE: 1. In this Challenge we must generate enough power to operate a liquid crystal display (LCD) clock. These clocks require approximately 1.2 volts to operate. 2. Examine the results of the first three challenges. Using your knowledge of the materials and the construction of batteries, make a battery cell or series of cells that will power the LCD clock. 3. Sketch your design below. Indicate the type and amount of each electrode and electrolyte used as well as the connections that must be made between the batteries to form a circuit. Challenges 25 4. Test your battery at the LCD clock test station. Circle one: SUCCESSFUL 5. If the test was UNSUCCESSFUL unsuccessful~ measure the voltage and record the amount: ____ volts 6. Why do you think that the design succeeded or failed? What features of the battery cell could you alter to improve its performance? 7. If the design failed, alter it, complete another Data Sheet, and test it again. Batteries NAME: DATE: Write definitions to the following terms in complete sentences and in your own words. You may use dictionaries or science books to help you with definitions. Use examples from the challenges that you have completed. electrochemical reaction ----------------------------------------- electrolyte electrode ___________________________________________________ circuit Worksheets volt __________________________________________________________ battery LCD _________________________________________________ ) , conductor _____________________________________________________ insulator _____________________________________________________ 30 Batteries • I DATE: TEAM NAME: U sing the data from the challenges, create the following graphs. Challenge 1: Find the Best Electrodes Using the blank graphs below, make bar graphs for the results of each electrode tested showing the number of volts measured for each combination. Graph A Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 (/) 0.6 ~ ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I Copper wire I Paper clip Toothpick I I Glass plate I Zinccoated fencing I Penny Iron nail ELECTRODES Worksheets 31 Graph B Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 (/) 0.6 b 0 > 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I I Paper clip Copper wire I Toothpick I Glass plate I Zinccoated fencing I Penny Iron nail ELECTRODES Graph C Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 (/) 0.6 b ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I Copper wire I Paper clip I I Toothpick Glass plate j I Zinccoated fencing Penny Iron nail ELECTRODES 32 Batteries DATE: TEAM NAME: Graph D Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 V) 0.6 ~ ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil .) I I Paper clip Copper wire I Toothpick I Glass plate I Zinccoated fencing I Iron nail Penny ELECTRODES Graph E Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 ~ :.....J ~ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I C?pper wire I Paper clip I Toothpick Glass plate I I Zinccoated fencing I Penny Iron nail ELECTRODES Worksheets 33 Graph F Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ) , 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 (/) 0.6 !::i ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I I I I Paper clip Toothpick Glass plate Copper wire I Zinccoated fencing I Iron nail Penny ELECTRODES Graph G Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 (/) 0.6 !::i ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I Copper wire I Paper clip I Toothpick Glass plate I I Zinccoated fencing I Penny Iron nail ELECTRODES 34 Batteries TEAM NAME: DATE: Graph H Electrode Tested: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 V) 0.6 !::i ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 I 0 Aluminum foil I Copper wire I Paper clip I Toothpick I Glass plate I Zinccoated fencing I Penny Iron nail ELECTRODES Worksheets 35 Challenge 2: Find the Best Electrolyte Using the blank graph, make a bar graph showing the number of volts measured for each electrolytic substance tested. Electrolyte Graph 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 U) t:::i 0 > 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ) 0.1 I 0 5% salt solution I 10% salt solution I 20% salt solution I Distilled Tap water water I Cola ELECTROLYTES 36 Batteries I ft i:st r EI ctric att NAME: DATE: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Who first noticed that electricity could be produced using two metals and a third substance (in this case a frog)? When did this bccur? 2. According to Galvani, what produced the electricity that he observed? ) 3. How did Alessandro Volta first alter Galvani's experiment? What did he detect? 4. How did Volta change his own experiment to detect electricity? Worksheets 37 s. What did Volta use as an electrolyte? What materials did he use as electrodes? 6. What is a voltaic cell? 7. What is a voltaic pile? \ ) 8. What is different about the electrolyte in a voltaic pile compared to a voltaic cell? 9. How is electrochemical energy produced? 38 Batteries I TEAM NAME: DATE: 10. What discovery by John Frederick Daniell led to a better battery? 11. Why was Georges Leclanche's version of the battery important? 12. When and by whom were batteries first mass-produced in the United States? ) 13. How do wet-cell and dry-cell batteries differ? 14. What is the advantage of the dry-cell battery? Worksheets 39 1S. What is the definition of a battery? How are batteries different from cells? 16. What properties are researchers trying to develop in batteries today? 40 Batteries + rl S NAME: DATE: 1. Look around your home and list five devices that use batteries to work (example: a flashlight). Explain how you think each device works. A. ______________________________________________________ B. c. D. ________~____________________________________________ E. 2. If the devices were made bigger or smaller, would that change how they use batteries? Explain how it might for each. A. ______________________________________________________ B. c. D. ______________________________________________________ E. Worksheets 41 .) i f ) p st NAME: DATE: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Is there any type of activity taking place inside a battery? 2. Does a battery wear out if it's not in use? 3. What do you think chemical reaction means? 4. Can you see a chemical reaction? Assessment 45 5. What, if anything, does a chemical reaction produce? Explain. 6. How do we know if a battery still works? Can we tell if it still works by looking at it? 7. Are some batteries better than others? 46 Batteries t NAME: DATE: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What materials must be present to make a battery? 2. What is the function of the electrolyte? 3. Why don't the electrodes react chemically when you hold them near each other in the air? 4. How do we harness the electricity produced by an electrochemical reaction? . ) Assessment 47 s. What is the function of the electrodes? Why can't we use two electrodes made of the same material? 6. What is a volt? Why is it important to measure volts? 7. How can we increase volts? 48 Batteries c ns nt/ NAME: DATE: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Two batteries have been constructed. Each uses the same combination of electrodes. One uses a 10% salt solution as an electrolyte while the other uses plain tap water. Which battery will produce more volts? Explain your answer. 2. Why can't we use any two substances as electrodes? Why couldn't we use wood and glass, for example? 3. You have just produced an electrochemical reaction by placing aluminum and zinc in cola. How do you know that a reaction is taking place? Assessment 49 4. A flashlight battery is filled with electricity when it is made. True or False? _ _ _ _ __ .,, i 5. An electrolyte acts as a conductor in a battery. True or False? ' 6. The electrodes of a battery must react electrochemically in order to generate electricity. True or False? _ _ _ _ __ 7. Any two substances react electrochemically as long as they differ from each other. True or False? _ _ _ _ __ 8. We measure volts to show the strength of the electricity that is produced. True or False? _ _ _ _ __ 9. We can increase the number of volts simply by adding more electrode material to a battery cell. True or False? _ _ _ _ __ , I .1 I I I I I 50 Batteries s nt NAME: DATE: Answer the following questions. 1. Three things that I did not know before I did these challenges are: A. ____________________________________________________ B. c. 2. Something that I thought was true at the beginning of the challenges which I now know is not true is: 0) 3. One thing that I became better at doing during the challenges is: 4. One thing that I understand now which I did not understand at the beginning of the challenges is: 5. Something that I am proud of which I accomplished or learned during the challenges is: 6. Two questions that I had during the challenges were: A. ____________________________________________________ B. Assessment 51 1. Two things that I still wonder about are: A. ____________________________________________________ B. 8. Two things that I think I could have done better during the challenges are: A. ____________________________________________________ B. 9. Something that I would do differently if I did the challenges over agaIn IS: 10. If I were the teacher and I could change one thing about the challenges, it would be: .) Batteries i n-En NAME: sti s DATE: 1+ What types of activities are taking place inside a battery? How do these activities produce electricity? 2. Does a battery wear out if it isn't used? Cite evidence for your answer. 3. Explain what happens when a battery cell is linked to an electrical circuit. How does this make an LCD clock operate? Why do we need more than one cell to power the clock? Assessment 53