Papers by ejournal assalam
البيئة الأسرية هي أول بيئة تعليمية، لأن البيئة هذه هي المرة الأولى الأطفال يكتسبون المعرفة والتوج... more البيئة الأسرية هي أول بيئة تعليمية، لأن البيئة هذه هي المرة الأولى الأطفال يكتسبون المعرفة والتوجيه. البيئة الرئيسية لها غرض لأن معظم حياة الطفل في الأسرة، حتى يتسنى للتعليم على نطاق واسع التي تلقاها الطفل في الأسرة. المهمة الرئيسية للأسرة في التعليم هو تشكيل رأي الأخلاقي والديني للحياة والطبيعة وطبيعة الأطفال، التي اتخذت في الغالب عن والديهم ومن أفراد الأسرة الآخرين. وبالتالي فإنه من الواضح أن الناس أولا وقبل كل شيء المسؤولة عن بقاء وتعليم الأطفال غير الوالدين.
الكلمات المفتاح: الأسرة، والمسؤولية، التعليم
Abstrak Pernikahan dalam Islam pada dasarnya menganut asas monogami,karena asas tersebut lebih da... more Abstrak Pernikahan dalam Islam pada dasarnya menganut asas monogami,karena asas tersebut lebih dapat menjamin terpenuhinya hak-hak istri. Namun demikian, Islam memperbolehkan suami melakukan poligami, disertai dengan syarat-syarat yang ketat, yaitu kemampuan suami berlaku adil terhadap para istrinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif lapangan (field research). Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah: Wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisa data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: implementasi konsep adil dalam berpoligami di Desa Sumberrejo, Kecamatan Batanghari, Kabupaten Lampung Timur belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Kriteria adil yang belum sesuai dengan ajaran Islam adalah kriteria adil dalam hal pemberian tempat tinggal yang sepadan kepada masing-masing istri, tanpa membedakan latar belakang masing-masing itri, baik istri yang kaya, maupun istri yang miskin. Demikian pula dalam hal pembagian hari, tidak dilakukan secara sama kepada masing-masing istri, tetapi berdasarkan keinginan suami. Hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yang menekankan bahwa pembagian hari tidak hanya mengacu
Waqf is the release of the property that is represented from the owner by withholding his princip... more Waqf is the release of the property that is represented from the owner by withholding his principal treasures and giving charity for the sake of social interest for the common good. In changing the status of waqf property, the turn of the object and the purpose of the waqf are very strict in Syafi'i's Imam, however, on the basis of an emergency and the principle of maslahat, among jurists like Imam Hanafi, the change can be made, So that the benefits of endowments that continue to continue as shadaqoh fingers, not mubadzir because it is damaged, does not work anymore and so forth. With that change, the status of the object as a waqf property is essentially undamaged. This research is basically aimed to know the view of Imam Syafi'i and Imam Hanafi regarding the change of wakaf's property status, it can be understood that regarding the change of wakaf wealth status according to Imam Syafi'i it is said that the wakaf property that is not working anymore still can not be sold, Exchanged, replaced and transferred, except in a state of necessity the wakaf property can be exchanged or sold. Whereas Madzhab Hanafi is of the opinion that the waqf objects that have been or are not functioning anymore which is no longer in accordance with the allocation, it may sell, change, replace or move the wakaf objects, in order to function or bring maslahat in accordance with the purpose of waqf, or to obtain more maslahat Great for the public interest, especially the Muslims.
Sexual exploitation of children is popularly called by CSEC or Sexual Exploitation of Children is... more Sexual exploitation of children is popularly called by CSEC or Sexual Exploitation of Children is a fundamental violation of the rights of the child. The infringement consisted of sexual abuse by adults, a third person, or others. The child is treated as a sexual object. Sexual exploitation of children is a form of coercion and violence against children, and lead to forms of forced labor and slavery. Sexual exploitation of children is now becoming a matter of extreme concern that has yet to be resolved. Sexual exploitation of children is a crime against humanity that must be prevented and eliminated, because in addition to violating the Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC), also contrary to religious and cultural norms. Criminal law protection of child victims of sexual exploitation embodied in Section 76 I and 88 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 on the Amendment of Act No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection. A form of legal protection for children as victims of CSEC in the jurisdiction of Police of East Lampung, among others Providing services optimally to the victim in the framework of the complaint and the disclosure of cases involving the victims, facilitate the implementation of a post mortem on the victim, Concealing the identity of the victim during the process of examination and Facilitating the process of assistance and rehabilitation to the victims.
Kiai as a guardian in marriage is a phenomenon that is not uncommon among Islamic societies, espe... more Kiai as a guardian in marriage is a phenomenon that is not uncommon among Islamic societies, especially in rural communities that tend to study Islamic law through the books of fiqih salaf, which until now still cause pro-cons among the kiai / Scholars and other Islamic societies. The issue discussed in this paper is the argument of the legality of kiai as a guardian in marriage without the guardian of Islam according to Islamic law and the legislation in Indonesia, in order to explain the kiai's argument as a guardian in marriage, to explain the legal basis arising from the kiai as the guardian in Marriage under Islamic law and legislation. The results of this study indicate that the kiai's law as a guardian in marriage without guardian nasab, marriage is considered unlawful according to laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia and illegitimate according to jumhur ulama, because the guardians who should carry out are the judges and not the kiai.
This article points out the results of the study attempting to solve the speaking problem faced b... more This article points out the results of the study attempting to solve the speaking problem faced by students in one of the Secondary School in East Lampung. For the purpose of the topic, 35 students were selected as the subject. Research method was Classroom Action Research with Kemmis and Taggart model. It was conducted for about four cycles. According to the results of speaking test, findings showed that using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) had positive meaningful effect on improving students’ speaking skill. To sum up, CLT is an effective method to teach speaking to the subject.
Keyword: Communicative Language Teaching, Speaking Skill.
Indonesian nation is undergoing a severe trial by the increasing moral decline of the nation. Cor... more Indonesian nation is undergoing a severe trial by the increasing moral decline of the nation. Corruption , drugs , sex, fights and many other deviant behavior that everyday adorn the local and national media. Formal education institutions predicted as churning generation of people has not been fully able to carry out the mandate of the national education goals in the print generation morality. That is where boarding Miftahul Huda emerged as an alternative in efforts to reduce the destructive impact caused by the rate of change of era. The results showed that Ponpes Miftahul Huda has good concept in coaching noble character of students. Implementation of noble character education in schools is done integrally through two main points , namely teaching and habituation. Teaching students to understand the cognitive aspects as well as habituation by directly applying an understanding that has been gained in everyday activities .
A guardian is one of the foundations determining the marriage to be either legal or illegal, henc... more A guardian is one of the foundations determining the marriage to be either legal or illegal, hence however the situation, the guardian has to be exist. If the parental guardians are not exist anymore, or unqualified to be a guardian, or mafqud, or not well-known addressed, or difficult to be called, so person who has a right to be a guardian in that marriage is magistrate guardian. Magistrate guardians according to Islam are people who have authority in the country they lead the society. According to PMA No. 30 Year 2005 about Magistrate Guardian, there is explained that magistrate guardian is the Head of sub-district KUA assigned by Ministry of Religion to be a guardian of a bride who does not have any guardians. When the Head of KUA is on business or not exist, the Head of Islamic Societal Guidance in act for the Head of Ministry of Religion in District assigns one of the Headmen in Sub-district or closest place to be the magistrate guardian in his place temporarily.
Keywords: According to PMA No. 30 Year 2005, Guardian of Marriage,
Magistrate Guardian
This study aimed to find out the effect of Role Playing Method macro and micro And Personality T... more This study aimed to find out the effect of Role Playing Method macro and micro And Personality Type to a increase mathematic learning chievement.This research represent the quantitative research of comparability use the experiment method by desain.The result of study shows: (1) the students achievement mathematic who studied by macro role playing method was higher than those who studied by micro role playing method, (2) the student who had exstrovert type studied by macro role playing method had higher on mathematic learning achievement than those who had extrovert type and studied by micro role playing method, (3) the student who had introvert type and studied by micro role playing method had higher on mathematic learning achievement than those who introvert type and studied macro role playing method and (4) there was an interaction effect between the use of role playing method and personal type Some implications of this study were: appliying role playing micro and macro method in mathematics learning, should be considered the personal type (ekstrovert and introvert).
Key Words: Role Playing, Personal Type, Learning Mathematic Acievement
Life in Indonesian society is still very often encountered some problems within a family, one of ... more Life in Indonesian society is still very often encountered some problems within a family, one of which is a matter of working wives. Islamic religion does not forbid his wife to work even there are no rules on the prohibition of the wife works. In Sub Braja selebah wife works issue is still very much encountered almost every wife to work. participation and wife work outside the home is still an issue discussed from the first until now. This research is expected to provide insight for the development of science, especially in the areas of family law and can serve as a reference for similar studies in the future. This research is a field that is descriptive analysis. Data collection was conducted by interview, and documentation. And then analyzed using an inductive method of thinking. The results showed that factors cause the wife works are internal factors, namely: 1) factors and wife already worked before marriage 2) factors that arise when the wife wants to change the economic situation the family is still not very well be better 3) factors that arise when there collision problems in the family needs. External factors, namely: 1) factors that arise when their encouragement as well as feedback from neighbors and relatives 2) Demands age 3) gender equality would be related to the emancipation of women 4) educational factors. Of course with the state of the working wife have a good impact on the positive or negative effects. The positive impact of the wife works, namely: 1) the economy for the better 2) Quality of life improved 3) gender equality 4) establishment of family sakinah mawaddah wa Rahmah. Then the negative impact of the wife works, namely: 1) the divorce rate is increasing 2) juvenile delinquency 3) the loss of identity of the wife as mother 4) the number of pregnant 1 Dosen STAI Darussalam Lampung
Although Islamic law and Javanese customary law basically have similarities, especially in the ty... more Although Islamic law and Javanese customary law basically have similarities, especially in the type and status of inheritance, there are differences in the use and distribution of inheritance, the heirs, and the children. In this paper will explain about how the implementation of the division of inheritance in Java society. In terms of time of Javanese community heritage there is a system that is not in line with Islamic inheritance law. Islamic law is the process of transferring property from the heir to the heirs after the deceased is declared dead. And what happens to the Javanese community is the heir to distribute his inheritance before the heir died. Meanwhile, in terms of heirs as well as its part, the pattern of division of Javanese heritage that is with the system of peace or kinship.
Events of speech act used by children to make requests to the partner said. Used speech acts usin... more Events of speech act used by children to make requests to the partner said. Used speech acts using forms bemacam-wide in a communication event, the speakers did not always just mean to get something from the parner he said, but also to maintain good relations with partner and he said it that interaction degan running smoothly. Found a request speech acts used by childern with a wide range, which is not said directly to the target, there are 3 event with speech and speech acts reasons / argument there are three event said. Based on the author's observations, the authors found an indirect speech act with the mode of seduction and threats.
Waqf is one instrument in Islamic economy that aims to achieve the objectives of Islamic economic... more Waqf is one instrument in Islamic economy that aims to achieve the objectives of Islamic economics is to realize a prosperous life. Endowments are still seen as practice for the rich, because the payment is identical to the endowments of land and buildings. Cash Waqf has accommodated formal judicial since the enactment of Law No. 41 of 2004. While the technical rules of cash endowments, newly published in 2009 Bank Muamalat Indonesia readiness so as LKS-PWU and the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the implementation of cash waqf lampungtimur interesting to study. Related to the bank's readiness Muamalat lampung east, the principle has been prepared by the circular of Bank Muamalat operations center. However unfortunate lampung east bank Muamalat not socialize and publicize that they are as LKS-PWU. While the readiness of the Ministry of Religious lampungTimur very helpful terlaksanyanya cash waqf, where they have not received and know the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation No. 4 of 2009 on Administration of Registration of Cash Waqf. Therefore socialization cash endowments in order its implementation is very important.
Keywords: Cash Waqf, Implementation.
Waqf is one instrument in Islamic economy that aims to achieve the objectives of Islamic economic... more Waqf is one instrument in Islamic economy that aims to achieve the objectives of Islamic economics is to realize a prosperous life. Endowments are still seen as practice for the rich, because the payment is identical to the endowments of land and buildings. Cash Waqf has accommodated formal judicial since the enactment of Law No. 41 of 2004. While the technical rules of cash endowments, newly published in 2009 Bank Muamalat Indonesia readiness so as LKS-PWU and the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the implementation of cash waqf lampungtimur interesting to study. Related to the bank's readiness Muamalat lampung east, the principle has been prepared by the circular of Bank Muamalat operations center. However unfortunate lampung east bank Muamalat not socialize and publicize that they are as LKS-PWU. While the readiness of the Ministry of Religious lampungTimur very helpful terlaksanyanya cash waqf, where they have not received and know the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation No. 4 of 2009 on Administration of Registration of Cash Waqf. Therefore socialization cash endowments in order its implementation is very important.
Papers by ejournal assalam
الكلمات المفتاح: الأسرة، والمسؤولية، التعليم
Keyword: Communicative Language Teaching, Speaking Skill.
Keywords: According to PMA No. 30 Year 2005, Guardian of Marriage,
Magistrate Guardian
Key Words: Role Playing, Personal Type, Learning Mathematic Acievement
Keywords: Cash Waqf, Implementation.
الكلمات المفتاح: الأسرة، والمسؤولية، التعليم
Keyword: Communicative Language Teaching, Speaking Skill.
Keywords: According to PMA No. 30 Year 2005, Guardian of Marriage,
Magistrate Guardian
Key Words: Role Playing, Personal Type, Learning Mathematic Acievement
Keywords: Cash Waqf, Implementation.