Environmental Modelling and Software 122 (2019) 104537
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A novel model to simulate cloud dynamics with cellular automaton
Alisson R. Silva, Adma R. Silva, Maury M. Gouv^ea Jr. *
Polytechnic Institute, Departament of Electrical Engineering Pontifical Catholic, University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Cellular automata
Thermodynamic systems
Cloud dynamics
Dynamical systems
In real system simulations, the application of cellular automata has been shown as an interesting option, because
it can represent an emergent behavior and its implementation is simple. This paper presents a method for
simulating thermodynamic systems, such as cloud dynamics, with cellular automata. In accordance with thermodynamic principles, this paper presents an isolated system model that describes temperature dynamics. The
model uses the Von Neumann neighborhood of five cells, each with two possible states: the presence or absence
of a cloud or a part of it. Our model uses three weather properties, as follows, condensed cloud water particles,
temperature and outer winds. Four types of experiments were performed to validate the model proposed: (i) a
warm body in the environment, (ii) a cloud dynamic simulation, (iii) a stability analysis, and (iv) a comparison
between the dynamic of the proposed model and satellite images of clouds.
1. Introduction
Simulations are studies of real systems using models that can
describe and understand their behaviors and/or to evaluate strategies
for their operations (Pedgen et al., 1990). Simulations can be performed
in several areas, such as economics, biology, medicine, social sciences,
and computation. There are some situations in which a simulation may
be applied. For instance, when the plant of the process does not exist,
when it is necessary to understand and analyze a real systems, when
tests in a real system is not possible, when a real system can not be
disturbed, or for training and education (Baik, 2005). Several advantages can be obtained with a simulation, in cost and time, because it can
be repeated at lower cost or can represent a long time period in seconds.
In order to simulate a real system, it is necessary to choose a simulation method (Fishman, 1996), (Gould and Tobochnik, 1988), (Rennard, 2002), (M. et al., 2010), (F. et al., 2010). Cellular automata (CAs)
(Rennard, 2002) are discrete models on which many areas, such as
computation, mathematics, physic, complexity science, and biology, are
conducting research. CAs consist of a grid of cells, each with a finite
number of states. For each cell, a set of cells, called neighborhood, is
defined for the specified cell. At each iteration, a new state of each cell
arises in accordance with the current state of the cell, the states of the
cells in its neighborhood, and some fixed rules. Typically, the rule to
update the state of a cell is the same for all cells and does not change over
time, and is applied to the whole grid simultaneously.
In real system simulations, the application of cellular automata has
been shown as an interesting option, because it can represent an emergent behavior and its implementation is simple. CAs consist of a ndimensional grid of cells with the same behaviors described by a set of
transition rules (Wolfram, 2002). CAs use a defined number of neighbor
cells that interact with each other, creating a local interaction and then a
global behavior. These interactions reflect the system dynamics based on
the transitional rules.
This paper presents a method for simulating thermodynamic systems, such as cloud dynamics, with cellular automata. A thermodynamic
system is concerned with the flow and balance of energy. Three types of
thermodynamic systems are distinguished depending on the types of
interaction and energy exchange taking place between the system and its
surrounding environment: (i) an isolated system is isolated in every way
from its environment, and it does not exchange heat, work or matter
with its environment; (ii) a closed system can exchange energy, heat and
work, but not matter with its environment; and (iii) an open system
exchanges energy and matter with its environment. A boundary that
allows the exchange of matter is said to be permeable. In isolated systems, it is observed that as time passes, internal rearrangements
decrease and stable conditions are reached. Properties, such as pressures
and temperatures, tend to equalize, and matter arranges itself into one
or a few homogeneous phases. A system in which all processes of change
have ended is considered to be in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.
Clouds are formed from the condensation of water vapors present in
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M.M. Gouv^
Received 21 May 2018; Received in revised form 12 April 2019; Accepted 27 September 2019
Available online 2 October 2019
1364-8152/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A.R. Silva et al.
Environmental Modelling and Software 122 (2019) 104537
the atmosphere. After it is formed, a cloud is moved by winds, and
changes both its location and its properties, such as, temperature,
pressure, density, and humidity. These properties strongly influence
cloud dynamics. In accordance with thermodynamic principles, this
paper presents an isolated system model that describes cloud dynamics.
The model proposed uses the Von Neumann neighborhood of five cells,
each with two possible states: the presence or absence of a cloud or a
part of it. Our model uses three weather properties, as follows,
condensed cloud water particles, temperature and outer winds. The
transition rules are based on thermodynamic principles and weather
concepts. Three types of experiments were performed: one with a warm
body in the environment, other to analyze the system stability, and a
cloud dynamics analysis. The latter experiments compare the evolution
of the proposed model with satellite images of clouds.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
important related works. Sections 3 and 4 introduce general concepts of
cloud dynamics and cellular automata, respectively. Section 5 describes
the proposed model of cloud dynamics model with cellular automata.
Section 6 presents several experiments related to dynamics and stability
analyses. Section 7 concludes the paper and suggests new implementations for future studies.
Miyazaki et al. (2002) proposed a simulation technique, based a
numerical solution of the partial differential equation of the atmospheric
fluid model. Their model includes the phase transition and adiabatic
cooling. The used the interaction of the vapor, the cloud, the temperature and the velocity field. In order to solve the partial differential
equations they used the Boussinesq approximation, then assume that the
air density is constant, so the atmospheric fluid is incompressible. To
render the cloud, the model generate metaballs at the center of voxels.
The images cloud are generate using the hardware-accelerated
rendering method proposed by Dobashi et al. (2000). Their results
showed that this model can simulate more realistic cumuliform clouds
(cumulus and cumulonimbus) and clouds can be rendered that take the
light scattering due to cloud particles into account. The model can
simulate only cumuliform clouds.
Harris (2003) developed a similar work to the work by Kajiya and
Herzen and Overby et al. He developed a cloud dynamics simulation
based on partial differential equations that model fluid flow, thermodynamics, and water condensation and evaporation, buoyant forces, and
water phase transitions as well as various forces and other factors that
influence these equations. But he also accounts for the negative buoyancy effects of condensed water mass and the positive buoyancy effects
of water vapor. Other difference is that his model uses an exponential
relationship between saturation and temperature. To solve the equations, he implemented the discrete form of these equations using programmable floating-point graphics hardware. All computation and
rendering is performed on the GPU; the CPU provides only high-level
control. The speed and parallelism of graphics hardware enables simulation of cloud dynamics in real time. His cloud model assumes that
clouds exist alone, cannot represent clouds that are composed of tiny ice
crystals or a mix of water and ice. The most important limitation of his
cloud simulation system is the scale and detail that it can support. It is
not currently possible to simulate a sky full of clouds. The domain size of
most of the simulations that I have run is about 3–5 km at each
These kind of approaches commonly needs a large amount of
computation time because the equations produce a large of calculations
and consequently a lot of data to process. In order to reduce the
computational demands, other researchers have tried to simplify the
cloud model using heuristic approach. Nagel and Raschke (1992) used a
cellular automaton role-based model in order to simulate cloud dynamic. In the proposed model, the authors used a theoretical non
mathematical description to develop a cellular automaton starting from
the phenomenology of cloud formation. The authors used three logical
variables: humidity, upward motion, and cloud water content. The state
of these variables at the kþ1 instant is completely determined by the
states of their neighbor cells at the k instant. Nagel and Rashke model
uses only a small part of cloud physics process; nevertheless, the results
showed important features of the fractal behavior of clouds and may be
used as a starting point whenever a model of a cloud is needed, for
instance, for problems of fractals analysis of satellite pictures (Rodriguez
et al., 2012).
Neyret (1997) applied some rule-base using a set of heuristics to
simulate the dynamic effects of convective clouds. His method was fast
to simulate, but the simulation effects were not realistic compared with
physical method.
Dobashi et al. (2000) extend four points to Nagel and Raschke model:
extinction of clouds, wind effects, speeding up of the simulation and
controlling cloud motion and they added a stochastic rule to evaporation
and re-creation of clouds improving the model. Only cumulus clouds are
simulated and rendered. These are more detailed and visually
Miyazaki et al. (2002) used a simplified numerical model called
Couple Map Lattice (CML) (Yanagita and Kaneko, 1997) to simulate
cloud formation. Miyazaki et al. using rule based on atmospheric fluid
dynamics considering an incompressible flow to solve Navier Stokes
equation. To create rules, they have to be taken into account: viscosity
2. Related works
Considering clouds and their simulation, there are various approaches that can be classified into two main groups: physically based
and non-physically, based on heuristics, simulations. The physically
based approach is closely connected to the simulation of fluid dynamics.
A set of system of partial differential equations is required. The simulations based on heuristics use theoretical non mathematical description
to create a role based systems. Some important works which used these
two kind of approaches are presented as follow.
Steiner (1973) developed a three-dimensional convection model. A
set of partial differential atmospheric equations for motion, conservation, thermodynamic, and energy were solved using a staggered
finite-difference technique. His model consider phase transition, but
no-precipitation cloud. Because of the implicit nature of the set of
equations for the buoyancy, pressure and saturation mixing ratio in deep
moist convection, he used a shallow convection.
A three-dimensional model was developed by Kajiya and Herzen
(1984) to demonstrate a visual cloud simulation. Their focus was in
rendering cloud using ray tracing algorithm. In order to generate cloud,
they used a model that incorporate the equation of motion, continuity,
condensation and evaporation. A set of partial differential equations,
known as Navier-Stokes equations, define the model and these were
solve numerically using incompressible flow, when it is assumed that the
density of a fluid always remains constant over time, in this case fluid is
the atmospheric air. However, this model does not include adiabatic
cooling and the temperature lapse in simulation space, which is
important for cumulus dynamics, also does not account for variation in
pressure within the atmosphere and accounts for viscous effects, which
are negligible for a standard atmospheric applications. Thus, the results
is not so realistic.
Overby et al. (2002) presented a similar work, but slightly more
detailed. They combine the fluid solver with a model of the natural
processes of cloud formation, including buoyancy, relative humidity,
and condensation. To solve the Navier-Stokes equations, they used the
stable fluid simulation algorithm of Stam (1999). The authors modified
slightly processes to make the fluid model account for the variation in
atmospheric pressure in the vertical dimension. They make two
low-level modifications to their solver: the velocity field for the expansion of rising air and the conservation of momentum were modified.
Although these effects tend to be minor (velocities in our typical simulation are modified by less than 5%), the effects are not negligible over
the scale of the simulation. Furthermore, their model simulate more
than one type of cloud.
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Environmental Modelling and Software 122 (2019) 104537
and pressure effects, the advection of the state values by the fluid flow,
diffusion of water vapor, thermal diffusion, thermal buoyancy, the phase
transition from vapor to water. Their model could simulate various types
of cloud such as cumulus, cumulonimbus, stratocumulus, altocumulus,
and cirrocumulus. Also it obtained efficiently a realistic images of clouds
by making use of graphics hardware.
Guo et al. (2012) proposed a real-time dynamic cloud simulation
approach based on multi-core and multi-thread. Differently from the
works of Harris (2003), Kajiya and Herzen (1984), Overby et al. (2002),
Dobashi et al. (2000), and Miyazaki et al. (2001) that focus on taking
advantage of GPU computation and rendering ability, Guo et al. (2012)
propose a cloud simulation method that both take advantage multi-core
CPU and modern GPU’s parallel ability to achieve better computational
performance and realistic dynamic cloud simulation. They used the
Dobashi et al. (2000) idea in dynamic cloud modeling, but they introduced horizontal single-direction wind function to simulate cloud
movement, to simply computation and enhance real-time performance.
In order to render the clouds, they used Harris method. They adopted
multi-thread to implement cloud modeling and illumination modeling to
run on CPU while the illuminate color of clouds is rendered on GPU. The
results showed a better performance than other similar work, and the
better scalable ability on different multi-core platform.
Qiu et al. (2013) proposed an effective method for simulating 3D
cloud. They used CML model proposed by Miyazaki et al. (2001) to
simulate cloud generate. They presented a new approach to simulate
light scattering in clouds based on spherical harmonics and spherical
harmonic coefficients that represent incident-light distribution in order
to improve rendering a frequency domain volume-rendering algorithm
combine with spherical harmonics was implemented. Their method was
divided into two phases: off-line and real-time. To generate cloud data,
pre-compute incident light and transform volume data to the representation of frequency domain is solved off-line. The work of real-time
rendering processing is to carry out frequency domain volume
rendering. The calculation process is divided in two phases: CPU processing and GPU processing. On CPU is generate a Cloud Data that is
translated into 2D texture slices. In the follow calculation process, the
spherical harmonic coefficients are updated according to iterative
calculation results. On GPU, the rendering process is executed. The
spherical harmonic coefficients are calculated according to information
received from CPU. The results showed that their method facilitates
computing efficiency while maintained a realistic visual quality. This
method not considering flying through or inside the clouds, then is not
very suitable for animation of clouds.
dynamic, thermodynamic, and cloud physical. The equations of the
cloud dynamics are governed by Newton laws of motions and continuity
equations applied to the air, an equation for temperature, and conservation equations for water. The basic elements necessary to simulate
clouds are air velocity, u ¼ ðux ; uy ; uz Þ, atmosphere pressure, p, temperature, T, water vapor, w, and condensed cloud water, μ. These water
vapor and condensed cloud water variables are mixed ratios, i.e., the
mass of vapor or liquid water per unit mass of air.
In order to simulate the cloud dynamics in two dimension of a layer
of the atmosphere as a function of the environment temperature, it is
required four partial differential equations (Rogers and Yau, 1988): one
of them for horizontal air speed,
3. Cloud dynamics
4. Cellular automata
Clouds are formed from the condensation of water existing in the
humid air in the atmosphere. The elevation of air is the key process in
the production of clouds, because when it rises and comes into contact
with low temperatures, cold air makes it possible for clouds to form. This
elevation can be produced by convection, convergence of air streams,
topographical elevation or frontal lifting (Vianello, 2000).
Clouds may be in a liquid or solid state, or may be a mixed composition of water and ice. The composition of a cloud depends on its altitude. After having formed, clouds are moved by winds in all directions.
When a cloud is moved in a vertical direction, its altitude changes as do
its properties, such as temperature, pressure, kinetic energy, density,
and humidity. On rising, there is a cooling of condensed cloud water
particles that may become partially or completely frozen. On the other
hand, when a cloud goes to a lower altitude, it goes to a higher temperature environment; therefore, precipitation may arise and spread the
The dynamics, growth, motion and dissipation of clouds are complex. Thus, it is important to understand these dynamics in order to
allow an efficient implementation of the real system (Andrews, 2000).
Three type of processes can be accounted for a cloud model, as follows,
A cellular automaton is formally defined as a discrete mathematical
model, implemented in computers, automated by deterministic rules,
and its conduct of an element within a homogeneous set will be based
both on the state of its own attributes and those of the neighboring elements (Wolfram, 2002).
A CA is characterized by its cell space and its transition rule. The cell
space is a lattice of N identical cells arranged in a d-dimensional grid,
each with an identical pattern of local connections to other cells. When
we consider the lattice is of finite length, boundary conditions are
applied resulting in a circular lattice. A transition rule provides the next
state for each cell, as a function of the configuration of its current
neighborhood. At each step of time, every cell of the lattice updates its
states according to this rule.
As to the CA-dimensional rule contained in each cell, it is essentially
a finite state machine, usually specified in the form of a table of rules.
These are called elementary cellular automata. The neighbors of a cell
are adjacent cells, or cells on the right and left. Thus a cell is connected
to air local neighbors (cells) where r is related to the radius, so that each
cell has a neighborhood of 2r þ 1. A neighborhood is made up of three
cells, so there are 23 ¼ 8 possible patterns for a neighborhood. There are
1 ∂p
þ Fu x ;
ρ0 ∂x
one for vertical air speed,
1 ∂p
þ Fuy ;
ρ0 ∂ y
one for continuity equation,
ðρ u Þ þ
ρ u ;
∂x 0 x
∂y 0 y
one for temperature,
þ FT þ φT ;
one for water vapor,
þ Fw þ φ w ;
and one for cloud water,
þ Fμ þ φμ :
The Fi and φj variables are buoyant force and entropy on i ¼ fux ; uy ;
T; w; μg and j ¼ fT; w; μg variables, respectively. In the continuity
Equation (3), the local rate of change of density has set to zero. This is
called the anelastic assumption, which assumes that ρ0 is everywhere
constant except when buoyancy is calculated – hence the continuity
equation is eliminated.
A.R. Silva et al.
Environmental Modelling and Software 122 (2019) 104537
therefore 28 ¼ 256 possible rules. Wolfram (2002) proposed a
numbering scheme for the elementary CAs, in which the output bits are
ordered alphabetically, as in the transition rule, and are read from right
to left to form a base number in decimal notation between 0 and 255.
For CAs, dimensional cells are arranged in a two-dimensional space
(represented in the form of a grid), the neighborhood most widely used
are the Von Neumann neighborhood, consisting of 5 cells, i.e., a central
cell and 4 neighbors: up, down, left, and right) and the Moore neighborhood, consisting of 9 cells, i.e., the Von Neumann neighborhood of
more cells in the diagonal.
Cellular automata are used in simulation and emulation of real systems (Rennard, 2002), such as:
� Simulation of bacterial or viral behavior, crystal growth, coral, rocks
and other natural elements, behavior of gases, spread of fires, population development, economic, behavior of land, rivers and topographies, and forecast of plant growth;
� Video: generating random pictures, image filters and distortions;
� Music: melody-generating digital noise and sound;
� Mathematics: alternative to replacement differential equations by
difference equations;
� Computer: random number generation, cryptography, and conceptual design of parallel computations mass; and
� 3D animation: particle simulation and generating textures.
Fig. 2. Vectorial field representing a wind flow.
5.1. Dew point temperature
The dew point is defined as the temperature in which the air must be
cooled to the condensation of water, i.e., the air becomes saturated with
water vapor. At the temperature of the dew point, the amount of water
vapor in the air is currently at its maximum concentration. The dew
point temperature, Td , can be calculated as proposed by Vianello (2000)
5. Cloud dynamics with cellular automaton
In our model, the interactions between cloud dynamics and microphysics is through two-dimension way. The cloud water is not present as
described by Equation (5), but from the condensation of water vapors
present in the atmosphere. Thus, a cloud appears when the temperature
decreases and water vapor condenses to form cloud water. The limit
used to condense water vapors is the dew point temperature, Td . This is
the threshold in which the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is
currently at its maximum concentration (Vianello, 2000).
The proposed model simulates clouds into a cellular automaton grid.
The cloud has an initial size that may be modified by weather events,
such as, temperature and wind. The latter is represented, into the grid,
by a vectorial field. A cell, which represents a micro-region in the atmosphere, has three attributes: the temperature, the vertical and horizontal components of the wind vector. The following sections explain
these parameters and the cloud dynamics. The model uses the von
Neuman neighborhood with five cells, as shown in Fig. 1.
Every cell has a ðx; yÞ coordinate, i.e., its position in the simulated
area. Thus, xl ;xr ;ya , and yb are coordinates of the i-th cell neighbors, and
Δx and Δy are the lengths between two horizontal and vertical neighbors, respectively. The Δx and Δy values depend on the number of cells
used into the grid for an area. The higher is the number of cells into a
grid, the lower Δx and Δy are. The next subsections describe the dynamic of the proposed model.
Td ¼
186:4905 237:3 loge
loge 8:2859
e ¼ es
A p ðT
Tu Þ
is the real vapor pressure, es is the water vapor saturation pressure, A is
the psychometrics constant, p is local atmospheric pressure, and (T Tu )
is the psychometrics depression. In our model, a cloud appears into the
grid of the cellular automaton when the atmospheric temperature belongs to ½Td δ; Td þδ� interval, where δ is a constant.
5.2. Wind
The wind flow is described by a vectorial field, where each vector is
implemented into a cell and described by horizontal, ux , and vertical, uy ,
components. Fig. 2 shows a 5 � 5 cellular automata grid covered by a
wind flow with a general direction from the south-west to the northeast.
A general wind flow direction is established, but each vector component
has a small disturbance to guarantee randomness, as can be seen in some
vectors which have a bit different direction from the general one.
The dynamics of the wind flow is defined by Equations (1) and (2). In
discrete form, the partial derivatives of the wind speed and pressure
with respect to the variables x and y, for the i-th cell at a given iteration,
are approximated, respectively, by
∂ux Δuxi
∂uy Δuyi
∂p Δpi
∂x Δxi
∂p Δpi
∂y Δyi
Fig. 1. The von Neumann Neighborhood.
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Environmental Modelling and Software 122 (2019) 104537
pseudo-code of our model is presented as follows:
where Δuxi ¼ ul ur , Δpi ¼ pl pr , and Δxi ¼ xl xr for Equation (9),
and Δuyi ¼ ua ub , Δpi ¼ pa pb , and Δyi ¼ ya yb for Equation (10).
Thus, the linearization of Equations (1) and (2) by Euler’s method
provides the following difference equations
Δuxi 1 Δpi
uxi ðt þ ΔtÞ ¼ uxi ðkÞ þ
þ Fuxi Δt;
Δyi ρ0 Δxi
for the horizontal wind speed, and
uyi ðt þ ΔtÞ ¼ uyi ðkÞ þ
1 Δpi
þ Fuyi
ρ0 Δyi
For a given altitude, initialize ρ0 , Td , and Ti and pi , 8i;
Initialize Fi , i ¼ fux ; uy ; Tg, and φT ;
Introduce a vectorial field of wind into the grid;
Introduce a cloud into the grid;
Update cell temperatures by interaction to its neighborhoods and the
wind flow, according to Equation (19);
6. Execute the wind flow dynamics according to Equations (13) and
7. Go back to Step 5 while a stop criterion is not satisfied.
A microregion of the atmosphere will have a cloud if the i-th cell
temperature, Ti , belongs to ½Td δ; Td þδ� dew point interval.
for the vertical wind speed.
5.3. Temperature
6. Simulations and result analyses
The i-th cell temperature, Ti ðtÞ, defines the value of this variable into
this micro-region of the space. The value of Ti ðtÞ defines the appearance
of cloud into the cell. Each cell has a cloud, or part of it, if Ti ðtÞ belongs to
½Td δ; Td þδ� interval; otherwise, there is no cloud into the cell.
The cell temperature behavior is derived from the Newton’s law of
cooling, in which heat transfer between the i-th cell and its neighborhood is provided by
q ðTi
Tn Þ;
This section presents four different experiments to validate the proposed model. The first experiment shows the performance of the model
describing an isolated system, the second one shows two experiments
with a 100 � 100 grid in order to present the cloud dynamics, the third
experiment presents a stability analysis of the proposed model, and the
last experiment compares the evolution of the proposed model with
satellite images of clouds.
6.1. Thermodynamic model with cellular automata
where Tn is the neighborhood cell temperature and q is a positive constant. Since the i-th cell has four neighborhood, the model approximates
dTi =dt as an average of Equation (15) for all neighborhood, as follows
� q
½ðTi ðkÞ Tr Þ þ ðTi ðkÞ Tl Þ þ ðTi ðtÞ Ta Þ þ ðTi ðtÞ Tb Þ�
No 1
q h
Tj ðtÞ ;
4 Ti ðtÞ
No 1
This section presents an experiment to describe an isolated system
with cellular automata. In isolated systems, as the time passes, internal
rearrangements decrease and stable conditions are reached. Properties,
e.g., pressures and temperatures, tend to equalize, such that the processes of change come to an end and the system reaches the state of
thermodynamic equilibrium.
Two simulations of isolated thermodynamic systems are presented in
30 � 30 and 50 � 50 grids. The model was implemented with the Visual
Studio 2010, using Cþþ language. For these simulations, the temperature interval was [0, 50] degrees, the initial temperature was 0 � C, and
Δt ¼ 0:01. Fig. 3(c) shows the temperature intervals and their respective
Fig. 3 shows six iterations of each simulation. In the simulation of the
30 � 30 grid, Fig. 3(a), a warm body of 50 � C and 50%-grid area was
initialized into the center of the grid. The heat of the warm body spread
quickly – see iteration 4. In iteration 27, the extreme area of the grid had
been warmed, by heat from the warm body, to a temperature of between
1 and 10 � C. Iteration 48 shows that the center of the warm body started
to cool, because its heat spread throughout the grid. Iterations 112 and
369 show that the heat continued to spread, thus providing the temperature equalization. Iteration 472 shows the moment at which the grid
temperature was totally equalized between 1 and 10 � C.
In the simulation of the 50 � 50 grid, Fig. 3(b), a warm body of 50 � C
and 80%-grid area was initialized into the center of the grid. The system
behavior was similar to that of the first simulation, 30 � 30 grid. The
heat spread quickly throughout the whole grid. After iteration 46, the
heat of the center of the grid started to decrease. Iterations 112 and 134
show the beginning of the temperature equalization throughout the
whole grid. Iteration 485 shows the grid with its temperature totally
equalized between 20 and 30 � C, higher than that of the first simulation
because of the larger area of the warm body (80%-grid area).
These simulations showed that a cellular automaton model can
simulate a thermodynamic system. In both of them, the heat in the
center of grid spread throughout the whole grid until the thermodynamic equilibrium.
where j ¼ fl;r;a;bg, No is the number of cells per neighborhood, Ti ðkÞ is
the temperature into i-th cell at iteration k, and the subscripts l, r, a, b
mean the neighbors on the left, on the right, above, and below neighbors
of an i-th cell.
The cell temperature also interacts to the wind flow, and its dynamics
is approximated in discrete time for each cell according to Equation (4).
The partial derivatives of T with respect to x and y, for the i-th cell, are
approximated by
∂T ΔTi
∂x Δxi
∂T ΔTi
∂y Δyi
respectively, where ΔTi ¼ Tl Tr and Δxi ¼ xl xr for Equation (17),
and ΔTi ¼ Ta Tb and Δyi ¼ ya yb for Equation (18). Thus, the i-th cell
temperature is updated as follows
Ti ðt þ ΔtÞ ¼ Ti ðkÞ þ
þ FT þ φT þ
where dTi =dt comes from Equation (16).
5.4. The model dynamics
The model dynamics is based on a discrete and iterative system. All
grid cell transitions are based on Equations (13), (14) and (19) that
change each cell state locally, providing the global effect in the grid. The
6.2. Cloud dynamics
This subsection presents two simulations with a 100 � 100 grid, the
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Fig. 3. Isolated thermodynamic system simulations.
Fig. 4. From initial state to final one of the centered cloud dynamics simulation.
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Fig. 5. From initial state to final one of the top right cloud dynamics simulation.
Fig. 6. Atmospheric temperature evolution in cloud dynamics simulations.
first one with the cloud in the center of the grid and other with the cloud
in the top right of the grid. The grid altitude was 5000 m, the current
atmospheric temperature was
3o C, the dew point Td ¼ 2 oC, Δt ¼
0:01, and a fixed atmospheric pressure of 700 hPa. The cloud experiment ran 5000 iterations. Figs. 4(a) and 5(a) show the initial state of the
two simulations.
The cloud dynamics of our model showed an expected behavior
regarding some thermodynamics concepts, because in all experiments
the whole grid reached thermal equilibrium resulting in total cloud
dissipation to which the actions of wind also contributed, as can be seen
in Figs. 4 and 5. These figures show that the clouds were dispersed and
moved due to the thermal equilibrium and wind interactions effects. In
Figs. 4(d) and 5(d), the two clouds are smaller than their initial positions, Figs. 4(a) and 5(a), by the dissipation, and far from it, due to the
wind interactions.
In a grid where a given temperature prevails over almost of its whole
area, the environmental temperature set to 3 � C, is expected at infinite
time into an undisturbed environment such that it reaches thermal
equilibrium close to the initial environmental temperature. Fig. 6 shows
both the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the atmospheric temperature in the two experiments. Fig. 6(a) shows the mean temperatures
of two experiments, which started from about 2.4 � C and finished to
about 3 � C, almost the initial atmospheric temperature, i.e., both of
them tend to thermal equilibrium. Fig. 6(b) presents SD of the two
temperatures, which passed from 1.5 to about zero, i.e., in the two experiments the grid tended to a same temperature close to 3 � C.
These effects resulting from physical phenomena were more prevalent than those of the simulations with smaller grids. These results may
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be expected because of these smaller areas, thermodynamic equilibrium
tends to be reached faster than in those of the larger grids, in addition to
which the probability of a wind reaching the cloud is greater.
unstable. On the other side, the precision of the system increases as Δt
decreases; however, the period of simulation also decreases, becoming
the simulation not feasible for real time.
In this stability analysis, we assessed the largest Δt in which the
system remain stable. Thus, the larger a stable Δt, the longer the period
of simulation. In order to use an as precise as possible Δt, a deviation
analysis between outputs from different simulations was performed.
Fig. 7 presents the mean temperatures in the 100 � 100 matrix for
different Δt. In Fig. 7(a), it is observed an unstable system, since Tm
increases linearly to 1.8 � 1024 at iteration 10. Several iterations after
that, Tm overflow (∞). Thus, it is expected that Tm →∞ as t→∞. In Fig. 7
(b), Tm keeps constant around the initial atmospheric temperature until
the first 40 iterations; after that, Tm decreases linearly to ∞. Thus, it is
expected that Tm →∞ as t→∞. In Fig. 7(c) and (d), we see a stable system
that reaches the thermal equilibrium, with final Tm close to the initial
atmospheric temperature. In Fig. 7(c), the mean temperature reaches the
atmospheric temperature at 600 iterations. In Fig. 7(d), Tm stabilized at
5000 iterations.
Fig. 8 presents the mean temperatures of the 2000 � 2000 matrix for
different Δt. In Fig. 8(a) and (b), the system had similar unstable
behavior of those presented in Fig. 7(a) and (b). Fig. 8(a) shows that Tm
performed an inverse behavior with respect to that presented in Fig. 7
(a), i.e. in the former, Tm decreases linearly to ∞ (overflow) instead of
to increase to ∞, in the latter. Similarly, in Fig. 8(b), Tm has an inverse
behavior with respect to that in Fig. 7(b). In Fig. 8(b), the temperature
kept constant until 40 iterations; after that, Tm increased linearly to ∞
(overflow). In Fig. 8(c), Tm stabilized with 8200 iterations and kept
constant until the end of the experiment. Thus, it is possible to assume
that the system reaches the thermal equilibrium with Δt ¼ 1 ms. In
6.3. Stability analysis
This section presents the computational experiments on stability
analysis of the proposed model. The stability is defined with respect to
the fixed point of the system. When the system reaches a fixed point, T � ,
its state does not change as the time goes to infinity, i.e., TðtÞ→ T � as t→
∞. In this work experiments, the stability was analyzed empirically, that
is, we assumed that the system is stable whenever the mean temperature
of the matrix does not change until the end of the simulation (20,000
iterations) and its value, TðtÞ, is close to the initial atmospheric temperature. Thus, we assume that the system reached the thermal
Some parameters of the system were fixed in all experiments, and
their values were defined as follow: q ¼ 0,0243 w/m 1 k 1, cell area was
0.01 m2, altitude was 5 km, atmosphere temperature was 3 � C, Td ¼
-8.4 � C, atmospheric pressure was 700 hPa, and wind speed was 60 km/
In order to analyze the system stability, several matrix dimensions
and time step size, Δt, were used, totaling 16 experiments. The following
matrix dimensions 100 � 100, 2000 � 2000, and 5000 � 5000, and Δt
¼ { 1 s, 0.1 s, 1 ms, 0.1 ms } were used.
In discrete models, Δt determines the system precision and stability,
and the real period of simulation. A large Δt provides a long period of
simulation. Nevertheless, large Δt increases the deviation between the
real and simulated system output. Moreover, the system may become
Fig. 7. Mean temperature of the experiments with 100 � 100 matrix: (a) Δt ¼ 1 s (b) Δt ¼ 0.1 s (c) Δt ¼ 1 ms (d) Δt ¼ 0.1 ms
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Fig. 8. Mean temperature of the experiments with 2000 � 2000 matrix: (a) Δt ¼ 1 s (b) Δt ¼ 0.1 s (c) Δt ¼ 1 ms (d) Δt ¼ 0.1 ms
Fig. 8(d), it is not possible to reach a conclusion. Nevertheless, likely the
system will stabilize, since in 20,000 iterations Tm decreased a little due
to the disturbance caused by the cloud (colder than the initial atmospheric temperature). By the reason of the matrix size, 20,000 iterations
were not enough to stabilize the system.
Fig. 9 shows the mean temperatures of the 5000 � 5000 matrix for
several Δt. Fig. 9(a) shows the experiment where the behavior of the
system was unstable with Tm higher than 3 � 1021 in only 10 iterations.
Such as in the last experiments, we assume that Tm →∞ as t→ ∞. In the
experiment shown in Fig. 9(b), the system had similar behavior to that in
100 � 100 matrix with Δt ¼ 0:1 s, Fig. 7(b). In Fig. 9(c), Tm stabilized
about 19,000 iterations. Thus, the system stabilized at a slow rate likely
due to the matrix dimension. In the experiment shown in Fig. 9(d), the
system had a similar behavior to that presented in Fig. 8(d). Such as in
that experiment, we assume that the matrix dimension and low Δt did
not permitted that 20,000 iterations were enough to stabilize the system.
In Fig. 7, Δt equals 1 ms and 0.1 ms provided a stable behavior. In
Figs. 8 and 9, only Δt ¼ 1 ms provided a stable behavior. In all experiments, Δt equals 1 s and 0.1 s provided an unstable behavior; then, these
two value can be considered not suitable for the proposed model. The
system behaved stable in all experiments with Δt ¼ 1 ms until 20,000
iterations. A deviation analysis of the mean temperatures with Δt equals
to 1 ms and 0.1 ms was performed with 100 � 100 matrix in order to
check the evolution of the proposed model. As shown in Fig. 10, until
iteration 100 the values of the mean temperatures were similar; after
that, there was a deviation equals to 0.002 until iteration 280; then, the
deviation increased to 0.0063 until iteration 580. Finally, the deviation
decreased to zero until the end of the simulation. This error can be
considered acceptable with respect to the magnitude of the temperature.
Table 1 shows the means and standard deviations of the temperatures with Δt ¼ 1 s for all matrix dimensions. The initial mean temperatures decreased as the matrix dimensions increased due to the cloud
area with respect to the matrix dimension, i.e. the larger is the matrix
dimension, the smaller is the disturb caused by the cloud in the environment. The initial standard deviations also show this relation. For
instance, in 100 � 100 matrix, the rate cloud area per matrix area is
larger than that in 5000 � 5000 matrix; thus, in the former, the cloud
provides more disturbance. It can be seen that the final mean temperatures and standard deviations provided nan (not a number) value, i.e.
these variables went to �∞. These results show that the system did not
reach the thermal equilibrium, in accordance with the analysis on Figs. 7
to 9.
Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations of the temperatures with Δt ¼ 0.1 s, in which they had similar behavior to those with
Δt ¼ 1 s, Table 1. Table 2 also shows an unstable system, where the final
Tm and standard deviations provided
nan, i.e., they tended to
Table 3 shows the means and standard deviations of the temperatures with Δt ¼ 1 ms. In all experiments, Tm and standard deviations
tended to the initial atmospheric temperature and zero, respectively.
These data support our analysis based on Figs. 7(c), 8(c) and 9(c).
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Fig. 9. Mean temperature of the experiments with 5000 � 5000 matrix: (a) Δt ¼ 1 s (b) Δt ¼ 0.1 s (c) Δt ¼ 1 ms (d) Δt ¼ 0.1 ms
Table 1
Mean temperatures and standard deviations with Δt ¼ 1 s.
100 � 100
2000 � 2000
5000 � 5000
Mean Temperature
Standard Deviation
Time (s)
Table 2
Mean temperatures and standard deviations with Δt ¼ 0.1 s
100 � 100
2000 � 2000
5000 � 5000
Mean Temperature
Standard Deviation
Time (s)
Table 3
Mean temperatures and standard deviations with Δt ¼ 1 ms
Fig. 10. Deviation of the mean temperatures in 100 � 100 matrix provided by
Δt ¼ {1, 0.1} ms.
Finally, Table 4 shows the means and standard deviations of the
temperatures with Δt ¼ 0.1 ms. The final mean temperature and standard deviation in 100 � 100 matrix tended to the initial atmospheric
temperature and zero, respectively. In this experiment, we can assume
that the system reached the thermal equilibrium. In experiments with
2000 � 2000 and 5000 � 5000 matrices, the mean temperatures did not
100 � 100
2000 � 2000
5000 � 5000
Mean Temperature
Standard Deviation
Time (s)
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Fig. 14(b). This occurred likely because of the convection between the
atmosphere layer where the simulation takes place and the above or
below one. Cloud (C), in Fig. 14(a), begins to dissolve due to heat exchange. Cloud (B), in Fig. 14(a), is seen to have a similar shape to its
equivalent one in Fig. 14(b), except that it is less displaced by the wind.
Finally, cloud (R) spreads in the atmosphere more than its equivalent in
Fig. 14(b); however, their positions and shapes are similar.
Table 4
Mean temperatures and standard deviations with Δt ¼ 0.1 ms
100 � 100
2000 � 2000
5000 � 5000
Mean Temperature
Standard Deviation
Time (s)
7. Conclusion
change significantly along the simulations. In these experiments, the
standard deviations showed a small decrease along the time. There are
two reasons for that: the very small Δt, which evolves a small period of
time during the simulation; and the matrix dimension, which needs
many iterations to propagate the temperature disturbance.
The number of time step size, Δt, used in the experiments provided
the following conclusions: (i) values of Δt equal or larger than 0.1 s
likely provide an unstable system, such as those used in our experiments
– Δt ¼ { 0.1 s, 1 s }; and (ii) values of Δt smaller than 0.1 ms will provide
a small evolution of the system for a long time of processing. Simulations
with small Δt will not produce significant variations on the state of the
system, especially in large matrix, such as those used in the experiments
with Δt ¼ 0.1 ms for 2000 � 2000 and 5000 � 5000 matrices. The simulations showed that Δt ¼ 1 ms provides an useful step of time for the
proposed model. This Δt supplies a stable system, with lead the area of
simulation to the thermal equilibrium.
This article set out to construct a model to simulate thermodynamic
systems using cellular automata. Two types of models were presented,
an isolated thermodynamic system and a cloud dynamics model. The
former showed that a cellular automaton can simulate a thermodynamic
system. This first model was the basis for the second one, the cloud
dynamics model.
The second model used a limited representation considering the
variables that represent the dynamics of a real cloud. The atmospheric
temperature and wind flow in the two-dimensional grid were included.
A two-dimensional CA with a Von Neumann neighborhood of 5 cells was
used. The transition rules were defined based on the thermodynamic
principle, that defines the thermal equilibrium, and the wind
The validation of the second model was made a simulation with a
100 � 100 cellular automaton grid. In this preliminary study, we did not
compare our model with other ones for cloud dynamics. Thus, we only
conducted visual validation and graphical analyses, considering basic
thermodynamic principles. The simulations showed that our proposed
model presented a satisfactory behavior, considering some thermodynamic principles. The wind actions also were considered coherent,
because they moved the clouds until their full dissipation. In the
experiment, the clouds, with heterogeneous temperature randomly
initialized, tended to converge to a uniform temperature, reaching the
thermal equilibrium. Another observed behavior was the thermal
equilibrium between the cloud and grid, which always resulted in cloud
dissipation. The wind actions also contributed to convergence of cloud
temperature to environmental temperature, because they spread the
clouds, accelerating the thermal equilibrium. Moreover, the proposed
model was compared with realist data, using satellite images. The results
showed that the dynamic of the proposed model was similar to that of
the real satellite images.
As a follow-up to this study, other variables will be added, such as,
pressure, kinetic energy, density and humidity, thus making the model
6.4. Satellite images
This section presents a real case, where the performance of the
proposed model is compared with the evolution of a clouds from satellite
images. The images came from INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
Espaciais), Brazil. The tests used images from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Fig. 11
shows the original images used for the experiment. Fig. 13 shows the
cloud images with their respective temperatures in which the scale is
given in Fig. 12.
Fig. 14 shows two images at 7 p.m.: the result of simulating the
proposed model, Fig. 14(a); and the satellite image at 7 p.m., Fig. 14(b).
Fig. 14 shows four clouds, Fig. 14(a) shows the simulation of the proposed model from 6 p.m., Fig. 13(a), to 7 p.m., and Fig. 14(b) presents
the satellite image at 7 p.m. These four clouds were named top (T),
bottom (B), center (C), and right (R). All clouds in Fig. 14(a) tend to
homogeneity and disappear because of heat exchange with the atmosphere, since the proposed model uses only one layer of the atmosphere;
thus, convection does not act on the clouds. Moreover, the simulated
area is isolated.
In Fig. 14(a), cloud (T) shows a similar shape to its equivalent one in
Fig. 14(b) – the satellite image. Nevertheless, in Fig. 14(b), a cold (blue
temperature) cloud appears on the top, different to its equivalent in
Fig. 12. Scale of cloud colors. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 11. Satellite images used in 4th experiment.
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Fig. 13. Satellite images converted to cloud images.
Fig. 14. Result of the first simulation with satellite images.
more reliable. Another proposal is to simulate a three-dimensional
space, approximating the model of a real system. The proposed model
also may be implemented using the parallel computing paradigm,
improving its performance and, consequently, its ability to perform in
real time. The latter proposal is justified by the increase of variables
involved, which feature a real atmospheric system. Thus, parallel
computing may increase the model performance in a more complex
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