International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Vol. 2, No. 4; October 2015
Np-Trace in Ekegusii
Deborah Nyanchama Oyioka
Deparment of Linguistics
Maseno University
Postal Address: 186-40200, Kisii-Kenya.
Dr. Benson Oduor Ojwang
Department of Linguistics
Maseno University
Postal Address: 333, Maseno-Kenya.
Dr. David Ogoti Ongarora
Department of Linguistics
Maseno University
Postal Address: 333, Maseno-Kenya.
One of the prominent cross-linguistic properties of natural language is the presence of phonetically null elements
in the sentence referred to as empty categories. An empty category (EC) occurs because of a fundamental
assumption which dictates that the thematic structure is directly mapped onto phrase structure rules (PSRs) at
every level of syntactic representation. This paper offers an in-depth study of EkeGusii NP-movement within
Chomsky's Government and Binding framework which holds that an NP-trace is left when A-movement occurs.
The study argues that overt NPs leave traces behind during movement whereas non-overt NPs replace the null
subject. The data for this paper is collected from essays and utterances by people who are native speakers of
EkeGusii. This paper hopes to enrich the knowledge on the study of theoretical linguistics, specifically Bantu
linguistics, and contribute towards a theoretical understanding of syntactic phenomena.
Key words: Empty category (EC), NP-trace, A-movement, Binding Theory, Universal
Grammar (UG),
1. Introduction
Ekegusii is a Bantu language spoken by Abagusii people of Kenya. It is classified as a Central Bantu language
(Guthrie, 1971). According to Elwell (2008), further notes that EkeGusii has been classified as an E. 10 language
spoken in South Western Kenya, the present Kisii and Nyamira counties. EkeGusii has a rich concordial system
and the study of both overt and covert NPs in EkeGusii will help investigate deeper into the syntactic behavior of
the nucleus of the sentence. This paper studies NP-trace in EkeGusii in the light of Government and Binding
Theory and also brings out the differences between NP-trace and its overt counterpart. This study endeavours to
show that Chomsky’s (1981) theory accounts for the linguistic phenomenon in EkeGusii.
The paper addresses NP-trace and shows that a moved NP leaves a trace behind while a null NP replaces a null
2. Background
According to Chomsky's typology of NPs, overt NPs are divided into three types: anaphors (which include
reflexives and reciprocals), pronouns and referring expressions (Chomsky, 1982). In the light of Chomsky’s
theory, anaphors are subject to Principle A of the binding theory, pronouns are subject to Principle B and referring
expressions are subject to Principle C.
ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online)
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Radford (1997) defines ECs as syntactic structures that contain empty or covert or null categories. Accordingly,
such categories have no overt phonetic form and hence are inaudible or silent. This study thus considers an EC as
a position with an unarticulated determiner phrase (DP). The basic assumption is that when a lexical item is
moved in a sentence, it leaves a copy of itself in the extraction site referred to as a trace (Chomsky, 1981;
Radford, 1997; Otsuka, 2001). Moreover, covert NPs ECs are divided into four types namely NP-trace, wh-trace,
PRO, and pro (Chomsky, 1981, 1982; Otsuka, 2001).
According to Holmberg (2005, p. 535) “the grammatical properties of ECs are ‘functionally determined’, that is,
they are determined by the syntactic relations that it enters into, particularly the binding relation.”Therefore, an
empty NP qualifies to be awh-trace if it is A' bound, an NP-trace if it is A-bound from a non-ϴ-position, PRO if it
is A-bound from a Ө-position, and pro if it is governed by rich inflectional morphology (Holmberg, 2005;
Ouhalla, 1999).
The typology of ECs mirrors that of overt ones. Therefore, four types of ECs namely, NP-trace, WH-trace, PRO
and pro satisfy the four types of expressions predicated by Chomsky’s binding conditions. However, this paper
only focuses on the first condition which is relevant to the discussion on NP-movement. Condition (a) states that:
‘An anaphor must be bound in its governing category (GC)’ is satisfied by an NP-trace because it is a pure
anaphor that must be bound in its GC following condition A of Binding theory. An NP-trace is therefore, the
empty counterpart of lexical anaphors, for example, ‘each other’ and ‘herself’
3. The syntax of NP-Trace
When a DP moves from an argument position (A-position) to another A-position, for example, from object to
subject position, a gap is left in the position from which a category has been moved (Aroonmanakun, 1997;
Radford, 1997, Carnie, 1999; Haegeman, 1998). The gap created by NP-movement is referred to as an NP-trace.
In practice, an NP-trace is represented as t, and the empty node as e.
Koot and Neeleman (2010) hypothesize that the NP-trace plays an important role in A-movement. This is in
tandem with Chomsky’s argument that the subject of a verb in the passive voice moves to the position that was
initially occupied by the subject of the active sentence (Chomsky, 1981). Secondly, Chomsky (1981) and Carnie
(1999) hold that all subjects move from a thematic position to a designated position external to a verb phrase
(VP). That is, the VP’s external Ө-role is always introduced by the verb in active constructions, but in passive and
raising constructions it is introduced by an NP-trace. Since the subjects of passive verbs satisfy the relevant
external Ө-role of the VP, they are equivalent to subjects of active verbs.
An NP-trace arises only at surface structure (SS) (Haegeman, 1992). Further, it can be found either in a passive
sentence or in a sentence with a raising verb (Radford, 1997). In NP-movement, one constituent is substituted for
another empty one; therefore, a category must be moved to a landing site which has the same property as the
moved category. Carnie (1999) observes that an NP-trace results from a transformation that moves an NP to the
specifier position of an inflectional phrase that is [Spec, IP]. Carnie (1999), Lasnik and Uriagereka (1988), and
Cowper (1992) posit that in A-movement, an NP moves from a position where an NP receives a Ө-role to one in
which no Ө-role is assigned due to the fact that an NP-trace cannot satisfy a Ө-role.
Harford (1985) notes that Bantu languages permit NP-movement from the subject position of a tensed clause.
Furthermore, Bantu languages license NP-trace in either passive orraising constructions as analyses of NPmovement in generative syntactic theories and the Bantu passive is realized by a suffix which is an argument
reducing morpheme (Zeller, 2011). Schadeberg (1995) notes that the suffix has been reconstructed in Proto-Bantu
as /*u/ after consonants and /*ibu/after vowels. In addition, Ngonyani and Githinji (2006) observe that the
preferred position for suffix placement is the final position as shown in the examples in (1) from Kikuyu cited in
from Ngonyani and Githinji (2006, p. 49):
1. (a) Mũ-geni a- ra- gũ- r- ire cianamū-bira
1-guest 1SM-PRG-buy-AP-PF 8-child 3-ball
‘The guest bought children a ball.’
(b) Cianaci- ra- guȓ- ĩ- w- o mũ-biranimũ-geni
8-child 8SM-PRG-buy-AP-PASS-FV 3-ball
by 1-guest
‘The children were bought a ball by the guest.’
International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Vol. 2, No. 4; October 2015
The examples in (1) show that the logical object is realized as the subject of a sentence in NP-movement because
the thematic subject no longer functions as a grammatical subject but is realized as the complement of a
In LuGanda, NP-trace results from a moved overt NP (Abudonia, 2014). This is illustrated in the example (2)
from Abudonia (2014, p. 44):
A-ba-jaasibaagabwa e- bi- kwekweto
IV-2-soldiers 3SMpl-PST-distribute- PASS IV- 8- group
[IP A bajaasii [VP baaga- [I´-bwat (i)ebikwekweto]]]
‘The soldiers were distributed in groups.’
In example (2), the derived subject that is the moved NP, c-commands the trace which is assigned a theta role by
the verb. Such illustrations on NP-trace based on other languages such as Kikuyu and Luganda offer insight into
the general characteristics of Bantu languages and are beneficial in the present study to find out if EkeGusii bears
the same characteristics as well as defining the passive marker in the language.
The examples given from Kikuyu and LuGanda illustrate that NP-traces are considered as anaphors because they
bear the feature [-p, +a] just like anaphors and also occupy an A-position in agreement with Chomsky’s 1981
proposal. The foregoing discussion on the comparison of the properties of NP-trace and its overt equal thus offers
a pre-analysis into NP-trace in EkeGusii and it is projected to bear almost similar characteristics because it is a
Bantu language too. It is therefore important to bring data on EkeGusii on board so as to evaluate the universality
of the overt NPs and their covert counterparts.
4. Theoretical Framework
Data was analyzed for properties of NP-Trace in EkeGusii using Government and Binding theory (GB). This is
because GB tries to explain a Universal Grammar (UG), which describes all languages since it assumes that a
large portion of the grammar of any language is common to all languages (Black, 1999).
The GB Theory of syntax is modular in nature (Chomsky, 1981, 1982, 1986; Epstein, 1991; Haegeman, 1994;
Carnie, 1999; and Ouhalla, 1999), but specifically five of its subsystems namely, X-bar theory, Government
theory, Binding theory, Trace theory, and Theta theory. The modules of GB interact with one another as posited
by Chomsky (1981). Therefore, the researcher employs them concurrently in the presentation and analysis of the
data for the study. For instance, in a passive construction, by using either a parse tree or bracketed notation for
the construction, X-bar theory comes at play since each clause has a head category. In addition, by co-indexing
the anaphoric arguments, Binding theory, Government theory and Trace theory come to play. Going further to
explain the semantic role of arguments in the given construction such as agent, theme, subject, and object is
licensed by Theta Theory. Ideally, the GB theory is intertwined so no single discussion for the licensing
conditions of a given construction will rely entirely on one module of GB theory.
5. Methodology
The main objective of this paper is to examine the properties of NP-Trace in the EkeGusii sentence. The specific
objectives that guided the analysis of this paper were to: 1) identify and analyze properties of NP-Trace in the
EkeGusii sentence and (2) compare and contrast the properties of NP-Trace in the EkeGusii sentence and those of
its overt counterpart (anaphor). Data for the study was elicited through recording radio call-in programmes and
crosschecking with native speakers by subjecting them to essay writing. Besides, the researcher used native
speaker intuition to generate further sentences containing ECs. The researcher engaged multiple methods in data
collection so as to attain more valid, reliable and diverse construction of realities in this paper. The paper deals
with non-overt NPs, particularly the NP-trace to show how far the Principles and Parameters approach is
applicable in this respect. In this section, NP-trace in EkeGusii is discussed in depth.
6. Results and Discussion
The purpose of this study was to identify and discuss the properties of NP-Trace in the EkeGusii sentence. Having
the features [+anaphoric, -pronominal], NP-trace is subject to Principle A of the Binding Theory. Various theories
intervene in the analysis of the NP-trace as an EC since it is left behind by a moved overt or null NP it is studied
within the framework of binding theory, bounding theory, theta theory and government theory.
ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online)
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
The analysis revealed that NP-movement occurs in various constructions namely, the passive of transitive
constructions, the applicative, the causative, and the raising constructions. Therefore, the purpose of this section is
to present an analysis of ECs created by NP-movement in such constructions so as to discuss their syntactic
properties, which is the focus on objectives of this paper.
6.1 NP-movement in EkeGusii
In this section, the occurrence of NP-Trace in each of the named construction is presented in detail.
6.1.1 The Passive in EkeGusii
The study maintains that an NP-trace is the result of a moved NP and that the moved NP satisfies the Subjacency
condition. A passive construction in EkeGusii is characterized by the presence of the morpheme /-u/ which is
realized in various phonologically conditioned forms such as /bw/, /gw/ and /kw/ (Elwell, 2008; Ongarora, 2008).
Moreover, this passive construction is derived by NP movement which leaves a trace at the extraction site.
6.1.2 NP-Trace in Transitive Constructions
Deen (2005) notes that an NP-trace does not alternate with overt NPs because it occupies a ϴ-marked position.
Further, he concurs with Haegeman’s (1992) opinion that an NP-trace must be antecedent-bound so as to satisfy
the ECP which states that:
All traces must be properly governed (Chomsky, 1982, p.21; Haegeman, 1992, p. 22).
Haegeman (1994) observes that NP- movement creates an A-chain resulting in co-indexation of the moved NP
with its trace. The antecedent NP, rirube, therefore A-binds the trace, the NP, ti. The traces of NP-movement are
referred to as NP-traces (Haegeman, 1994; Radford, 1997; Carnie, 1999).This occurs in EkeGusii as indicated in
3. Ri-rubeiri- a- riik- w- ati
5-Letter 3SG-PST-write-PASS-FV
‘A letteriwas writtenti.’
In agreement with the position about movement of NPs taken by Radford (1988), that is, from object to subject
position, in the examples in (3) the NP, rirube, originates from the post verbal object NP position and is
subsequently moved into a preverbal subject NP position. Through this, an empty category which is indicated by
tiis created.
In example 4, the moved NP c-commands the trace which is assigned a theta role by the verb thus they form a
chain whose head that is the derived subject is case marked. Therefore, the moved NP does not have a theta role
since passive verbs cannot assign a theta role to their external arguments (Burzio, 1986). Moreover, the movement
does not violate the Subjacency Condition because movement of NPs in EkeGusii satisfies the theta criterion as
the chain formed by the moved NP and its trace is assigned one theta role. Consequently, the moved NP is
assigned the nominative case whereas the trace is assigned the role of the patient.
Active sentences have corresponding passive derivations (Haegeman, 1994; Carnie, 1999 and Radford, 1997).
Therefore, a passive construction is derived by transformational rules from a corresponding active sentence.
Passive sentences are hence generated by phrase structure (PS) rules as complements of the verbs that Ө-mark
them. The complements are then moved to occupy the subject position of the passive verbs. As reported in
Mchombo (2005), the suffix changes the status of a subject NP to oblique status and introduces a preposition into
the construction. This occurs in EkeGusii, for example, in (4):
(a) Marube a- Ø- gor-a chi-sani
Marube 3SG-PST-buy-FV 10-plate
‘Marube bought plates.’
(b) Chi-saniichi- a- gor- w- atina
10-plate 3PL-PST-buy-PASS- FV by
‘Marube‘Platesi were boughtti by Marube.’
The tree diagram of (4b) is drawn in example (5) below:
International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Vol. 2, No. 4; October 2015
The tree diagram in (5) shows that sentence (4b) is derived via movement of the NP, chisani, from the
complement position in the VP into [Spec, IP] so as to function as the specifier to the passive participle, gorwa.
The moved constituent, therefore, leaves a trace (t) which must be bound by an argument, chisani, in the same
governing category.In the above examples, the moved NP c-commands the trace which is assigned a theta role by
the verb thus they both form a chain. The head of the chains, the moved NP, is case-marked but it does not have a
theta role.
Haegeman (1994) argues that according to Transformational Generative Grammar that the transformation of a
sentence from active to passive status inverts the logical function of the object and subject to grammatical subject
and object respectively. The study thus observes that active and passive sentences do not mean exactly the same
thing EkeGusii as illustrated in (6):
(a) Nyanchera o- Ø- gor- aebi-tabu
Nyanchera 3SG-PST-buy-FV 8-book
‘Nyanchera bought the books.’
(b) Ebi-tabui bi- a- gor- w- atinaNyanchera
8-book 3PL- PST-buy- PASS-FV by Nyanchera
‘The booksiwere boughtti by Nyanchera.’
Sentence (6a) is about the subject NP, Nyanchera, while (6b) is about ebitabu. However, they both describe the
same participants in an event hence the act of buying is described whereby the buyer (agent) is Nyancheraand the
item bought (theme) is ebitabu. Hence, the surface structure (SS) of the two sentences involves the same thematic
information and argument structure. Moreover, Williams (1995) posits that the passive induces internalization of
the subject ϴ-role (argument) as evident in example (6).
6.1.3 NP-Trace in EkeGusii Applicative Constructions
The applicative suffix in EkeGusii has been reconstructed as /-er/. As is the case in other Bantu languages, the
applicative suffix allows the verb to take two unmarked objects. This thus licenses introduction of an object which
functions as the locative, instrumental or beneficiary in EkeGusii.
A widely attested strategy in Bantu languages is that of inserting an indirect object resulting in alteration of the
argument structure of the verb since it increases the number of NPs that can occur in a sentence (Pylkkänen, 2002;
2008). Consequently, an example of a mono-transitive verb in EkeGusii, gora, has been used applicativized with
the suffix /-er/ as in (7b):
(a) Nyanchera o- Ø- gor- a e-ganchwa
Nyanchera3SG- PST-buy-FV 9-dress
‘Nyanchera bought a dress.’
(b) Nyancherao- Ø- gor- er- a Moraa e-ganchwa
Nyanchera 3SG- PST-buy-APPL-FV Moraa9-dress
‘Nyanchera bought a dress for Moraa.’
Sentence (7a) has a mono-transitive structure since it contains only one object argument, eganchwa. It has
however been made di-transitive by the introduction of an applicative suffix, /er/ so as to license a second object
argument, Moraaas illustrated in (7b).
ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online)
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
There are two types of applicatives as hypothesized by McGinnis (2001) and Pylkkänen (2008) namely, high (E)
applicatives, and low (I) applicatives. The Bantu applicative denotes a relation between an event and an
individual, hence it is a 'high' applicative because the Bantu ApplH consists of a VP complement and a DP
specifier as in 9 (Ongarora, 2008, p. 64):
Moreover, the EkeGusii construction in (7b) represented as (9) is in support of the Ngonyani and Githinji (2006)
finding that the Bantu applicative can be analyzed as a containment whereby the higher vP selects and contains
the low VP (Ongarora, 2008).
Ongarora (2008) observes that in some Bantu languages, both objects behave alike when subjected to object
order, passivization and object marking.EkeGusii is thus a symmetrical language because either object can raise to
subject position in the process of passivization.For instance, the applicative argument in (7b) can be passivized in
EkeGusii as in example (10):
Moraai o- Ø- gor- er- wati e-ganchwanaNyanchera
Moraa 3SG- PST-buy- APPL-PASS- FV 9-dress
by Nyanchera
‘Moraa was bought a dress by Nyanchera.’
As shown in (9), the movement of the beneficiary to subject position and from there to the specifier position
creates a chain in which the NP at the specifier binds the trace of the benefactive in its D-structure position. In this
case, the internal argument, that is, the indirect object of the ditransitive verb is promoted to subject position thus
the trace that occupies the empty node, ti, and the subject NP, Moraa, are co-indexed since they co-refer.
In the passive of a benefactive applicative, either the beneficiary or the theme moves to subject position as in
(11a) and (11b), respectively.
(a) Omo-ng’inai o- Ø- riker- w- atiriruben’omwana
1-woman 3SG- PST- write- APPL-PASS-FV letter by 1-child
‘The womani was writtenti a letter for by the child.’
(b) Rirubeiri- a- riker- w- a
5-Letter 3SG-PST-write-APPL- PASS- FV 1-woman by 1-child
‘The letteri was written for the womanti by the child.
6.1.4 NP-Trace in EkeGusii Causative Constructions
The causative is a valence changing morpheme which introduces the ‘causer’ or ‘agentive argument to the verb
which attaches to an intransitive verb thus altering the number of arguments it can license by introducing either
the Causer NP or one bearing the agent ϴ-role (Pylkkänen, 2002).
International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Vol. 2, No. 4; October 2015
The causative suffix in EkeGusii is construed as /-i/. For instance, in example (12), the non-causative verb
minyoka takes the suffix /-i/ so as to license the agentive NP, esese, in the construction. Additionally, introduction
of the causative suffix licenses an additional argument, omogeni, in example (12).
(a) Omo-geni o- Ø- minyok- a
1-visitor 3SG-PST- runFV
‘The visitor ran.’
(b) E-seseya- a- minyook- i- a omo-geni
9-dog 3SG-PST- run-CAUS-FV 1-visitor
‘The dog made the visitor run/chased the visitor.’
In EkeGusii, the passive morpheme can occur in constructions with causatives. For example, the sentences in
(12b) can be passivized as in (13):
Omo-genii o- Ø- minyook- igw- a tina e-sese
1-vistor 3SG- PST- run- CAUS- PASS- FV by 9-dog
‘The visitori was made to run awaytiby the dog.’
The external argument (Agent), esese in (12b) is dropped in passivization as in (13) and its position is filled by the
internal argument (Theme), omogeni.
In the present study, the researcher adopts Pylkkänen’s (2002; 2008) theta role analysis because when
constructions with a Causer ϴ-role are passivized, the external argument may be implied but not diagnosed
through a by-phrase in the case of short passives (14b). Besides, causative constructions may be passivized such
that the external argument is usually implied via a by-phrase as is the case in long passives as in (14a).
(a) E-saniiya- a- sib- i- gw- atina Mosota
9-plate 3SG-PST- wash-CAUS-PASS- FV by Mosota
‘The platei was washedti by Mosota.’
(b) E-saniiya- a- sibigwati
9-plate 3SG- PST-wash- CAUS- PASS- FV
‘The platei was washedti.’
In a nutshell, EkeGusii takes two forms; the long passive, an instance where the agent is present as illustrated in
(14a), and the short passive whereby the agent is absent as in (14b).
To account for the passive as NP-movement, the study concludes that the EkeGusii passive morpheme /u/
receives accusative case of the Theme object of an active sentence. For this reason, it removes the ability of the
passive participle to Ө-mark its subject as opined by Radford (1997), thus, allowing the NP to move into [Spec,
IP]. The Agent argument is then realized as part of an adjunct prepositional phrase (PP) headed by the passive
morpheme /u/.
Example (15) shows a passive construction in EkeGusii which involves the movement of a null object.
(a) Ba- a- rager- igw- a ba- a- igot- a
3PL-PST-eat- PASS- FV 3PL-PST-fill up- FV
‘They were fed and got filled up’
(b) Tu- a- ee- gw- a
‘We were given’
In example (16), it is observed that the object markers are dropped and moved to the position which was occupied
by the subject markers in the deep structure (DS).
proba- ba- rager- ia proba- a- igot- a
3PL-PST- eat- CAUS- FV
3PL-PST- fIll up- FV
‘They made them eat and were filled up’
A moved null object does not leave a trace behind, rather the null object moves to replace the subject marker
within the verb phrase and the moved null object is assigned nominative case by INFL and the theta role is
incorporated in the verb phrase due to the fact that passive verbs cannot assign a theta role to their external
arguments. Moreover, movement of null NPs results in the replacement of the subject marker and null subject
with the object marker and null object respectively.
ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online)
© Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
6.1.5 NP-trace in EkeGusii Raising Constructions
Otsuka (2001) observes that raising is a syntactic operation whereby an NP moves from one argument position to
another so as to be assigned Case. Therefore, an NP moves from a non-Case position to a Case position so as to
check its Case feature. Thus, raising is restricted to subjects because other arguments such as direct objects would
involve movement from a Case position.
As observed by Radford (1997), the subject of a raising construction originates in a ϴ-marked specifier position
within VP, and then moves into a Case-marked specifier position within IP. Therefore, such a subject or nominal
originates as the subject of the complement clause and is then raised to become the matrix clause subject by
application of raising. This leaves behind an EC trace to serve as the subject of the complement clause.
In Carnie (1999), a raising verb is one that allows NPs to move from positions where they are assigned Ө-roles to
those in which they acquire Case instead of Ө-roles. Such movement results in presence of a trace in the empty
node. This is illustrated by the EkeGusii example (17):
(a) Eko-rorekana aba-isekeba- a- nch- et- e chi-nyange
3PL- PST- like- PFV- FV 10-bicycle
‘It seems that girls like bicycles.’
(b) Aba-isekeiba- kororekanatiba- a- nch- etechi-nyange
3PL- PST- like- PFV- FV 10-bicycle
‘Girlsi seem notti to like bicycles.’
In example (17a), the predicate holds the proposition that the Extended Projection Principle (EPP) can be satisfied
with an expletive when the embedded clause is finite while (17b) is a derivation of (17a) because (17b) is subject
to the ECP which requires that movement takes place from the lower COMP to the higher COMP ([Spec, CP]) in
a non-finite clause, leaving a trace in the extraction site which is co-indexed with its antecedent. Moreover,
Harford (1985) opines that most Bantu languages license hyper raising constructions where the logical subject of
an embedded finite clause is realized as the matrix subject or object.
International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Vol. 2, No. 4; October 2015
From the illustration in (18) it is evident that the subject, abaisekeoriginates within the subject of the embedded
predicate where Ө-marking takes place and is further raised to [Spec, IP]. Consequently, the NP raised to [Spec,
IP] still bears the already assigned Ө-role because such a position only assigns Case to an argument. Moreover,
the moved NP had already been Ө-marked before movement. Such movement is thus referred to as raising
because the NP moves from a lower to a higher clause.
Considering the foregoing discussion, it can be concluded that in both passivization and subject raising, an NP is
moved from one A-position into another.
6.2 Conclusion
The paper has examined NP-trace in EkeGusii which conforms to Chomsky’s typology of non-overt NPs in
particular the NP-trace and its overt counterpart (anaphor). The paper has shown that NP-trace in EkeGusii is
realized through passivization of various constructions namely, transitives, applicatives and causatives. The NPtrace is as well realized in raising constructions in EkeGusii. The passive construction in EkeGusii is
characterized by the presence of the morpheme /-u/ which is realized in various phonologically conditioned
forms; /bw/, /gw/ and /kw/. The study concludes that a moved overt NP leaves a trace in the base position whereas
a moved null NP replaces the null subject and that the extraction site is assigned nominative case by INFL.
Besides, anaphors in EkeGusii are non-overt NPs which are encoded in the morphology of the verb. Lastly,
EkeGusii is an agglutinating language which allows dropping of the overt object because there are object markers
in the verb phrase that bear the nominal features.
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