Videos by Vladimir Kurdyumov 耿華
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ИРКУТСК, 6–8 ДЕКАБРЯ 2022 Г. 7 views
Papers by Vladimir Kurdyumov 耿華
Китайский язык как объект комплексного типологического описания, 2024
The study examines the determinants and particular characteristics of the Chinese language. We co... more The study examines the determinants and particular characteristics of the Chinese language. We consider the determinant of the expression plan to be the “insignificance of the action” — in favor of “description”, which is manifested in the predominance of “topic-comment” structures.
The system of particular features is derived from determinants: unequal significance of units of different levels, absence of words, regional allophonization of phonemes, positional morphology, nonverbal copula, discursivity of agreement, formalization of syllabic morphemes, etc.
Keywords: Chinese language, typology, insignificance of the action, topic and comment, banalmetaphor
The main paradigms in Russian Sinological linguistics are considered. Some achievements of Sovie... more The main paradigms in Russian Sinological linguistics are considered. Some achievements of Soviet Sinology are presented, including new pseudoscientific teachings. The problem of defining a “word” in Chinese is analyzed. The definition of the term “lexical unit” is proposed, and some of its characteristics are given.
Рассмотрены основные парадигмы в российской китаеведческой лингвистике. Представлены некоторые достижения советской китаистики, в том числе новые псевдонаучные учения. Проанализирована проблема определения «слова» в китайском языке. Предложено закрепление термина «лексическая единица», даны некоторые его характеристики.
Lexical Discourse Concepts in Foreign Language Teaching: Chinese learning in Taiwan and Russia as examples, 2024
本研究的目的是利用一套話語概念系統(或兩個系統的比較),以形成俄羅斯漢語教師和學生的台灣觀念,為理解台灣現實奠定基礎, 也協助台灣教師向俄羅斯學生教華語。
本研究總結了筆者自2008年以來,以及... more 本研究的目的是利用一套話語概念系統(或兩個系統的比較),以形成俄羅斯漢語教師和學生的台灣觀念,為理解台灣現實奠定基礎, 也協助台灣教師向俄羅斯學生教華語。
在俄羅斯,大學和中學的漢語學習呈現爆炸性成長。同時,由於俄羅斯與中國大陸保持政治和經濟聯繫,大陸普通話的研究有所發展,大多數留學地點也在中國大陸。不過,仍有部分臺灣華語教師在俄羅斯教書,也有部分俄羅斯的學生來台灣的大學留學。由於俄語母語者對許多詞彙概念的解釋跟臺灣人完全不同,因此往往導致一些對臺灣現實環境的誤解。這樣的詞素和詞組具有相同的直譯概念(例如,「海灘」、「檸檬」、「麵包」、「家庭關係」等),但它們的理解是以不同的話語(discourse)為基礎。在俄羅斯的“認知語言學”中,這些術語被稱為“概念”(концепты, concepts),而在筆者理解中,它們是“話語概念”或“話語觀念”(discourse notions)。筆者對此整理出了一個此類詞彙的清單(共約60多概念),對華語教師的教學可能有所助益。單位分析是根據語義的組成部分進行的:(一)denotat (視覺形象)、(二)significat (解釋)、(三)connotat (話者的正面或負面評價): 俄語、臺灣華語,(部分)普通話三種語言形成互相對應或不對應的關係。
例如,俄羅斯人理解的「好海灘」是一個可以舒適地游泳和享受日光浴的地方,而對於臺灣人來講,「好海灘」是一個可以散步並欣賞大自然的美麗地方: 語義的(二)成分不同,(三)成分也會不一樣。 「檸檬」,對於俄羅斯人來說,是一種黃色的水果,而帶有微香的綠色水果則被稱為“萊姆”,可是對於臺灣人來說,兩個詞彙指稱的水果則相反:(一)、(二)成分不同。俄羅斯人所說的「麵包」主要指的是黑麥麵包,在臺灣不常見,而臺灣的「麵包」則與這種概念有所不同:(一)、(二)的成分不同,(三)成分也會不一樣。
Особенности фразовых частиц в языке Гоюй и уточнения к общей концепции фразовых частиц Курдюмов В. А. Особенности фразовых частиц в языке Гоюй и уточнения к общей концепции фразовых частиц Курдюмов В. А. Особенности фразовых частиц в языке Гоюй и и уточнения к общей концепции фразовых частиц , 2024
The author continues the systematic description of Goyu. Clarifications to the general understand... more The author continues the systematic description of Goyu. Clarifications to the general understanding of the sentence final particle, which reflects the Modus and Address of the message, are considered. Described are the features of phrasal particles typical for Taiwanese speech and usually absent in reference books on normative grammar: o, yo, luo/lo, eryi, ye/ei, hei, also li, bei.
Автор продолжает системное описание языка гоюй. Рассматриваются уточнения к общему пониманию фразовой частицы, которая отражает модус и адрес сообщения. Описаны особенности фразовых частиц, типичных для тайваньского речевого обихода и обычно отсутствующих в справочниках по нормативной грамматике: o, yo, luo/lo, eryi, ye/ei, hei, также li, bei.
Учение Марра и советское китаеведение, 2024
The article examines the influence of the personality and works of academician N. Ya. Marr (the f... more The article examines the influence of the personality and works of academician N. Ya. Marr (the founder of Japhetidology—the Soviet “new doctrine of language”) on sinology in the ussr and then in post-Soviet Russia, as well as on the fate of individual outstanding sinologists (Evgeniy Polivanov and others). Although Marr’s works contained references to the Chinese language, they were unlikely to be systematic. Marr believed that the Chinese language was “amorphous” and, from the defeat of Marrism by Joseph Stalin in 1950 until the end of the 1980s, leading Soviet sinologists argued that Chinese was a “normal language” (and that it should even contain the same categories as in Russian and other inflected languages). However, Marr also had a certain prescience that could possibly be associated with the latest achievements of linguistics, such as the value of the Chinese language as one of the “ideal types” for constructing a typology, four types of languages based on the selection of a topic or subject, predicative topic structures as “innate” and seen as the most universal “elements”.
Bibliographical reference
Vladimir A. Kurdyumov (Geng Hua), « La théorie de Marr et la sinologie soviétique », Slavica Occitania, 59 | 2024, 245-265.
Electronic reference
Vladimir A. Kurdyumov (Geng Hua), « La théorie de Marr et la sinologie soviétique », Slavica Occitania [Online], 59 | 2024, Online since 03 avril 2025, connection on 26 juillet 2024. URL :
Курдюмов В.А. Межкультурная коммуникация как система дискурсивных понятий (на примере китайского языка гоюй) , 2024
The purpose is a model of understanding foreign Language (Taiwan Mandarin ) discursive reality, a... more The purpose is a model of understanding foreign Language (Taiwan Mandarin ) discursive reality, aimed at both on Russian sinologists and, more broadly, speakers of Russian (or any European) language, based on a glossary of basic discourse concepts (considered as topics of discourse).
Цель исследования – представить модель понимания ино-
язычной (тайваньской) дискурсивной реальности, ориентиро-
ванную на российских китаистов и, шире, носителей русского
(или любого европейского) языка, на основе глоссария базовых
понятий (рассматриваемых нами как топики дискурсов).
Представлены возможности расширения глоссария в ходе
дальнейших исследований ментальности тайваньцев.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, китай-
ский язык гоюй, Тайвань, дискурсивное понятие
俄漢語言類型對比暨華語教學, 2022
在本課程中我們將介紹基礎的俄漢語言理論,比較... more 本課程是由本系老師擔任開課教師,並邀請莫斯科市立大學漢語系Курдюмов(耿華)教授協同教學。耿華教授為著名的俄國漢學家,主要從事漢語語法的研究。
Система дискурсивных понятий тайваньской реальности. Опыт создания краткого толкового словаря, 2023
The purpose of the study is to present a model for understanding foreign language (Taiwan Guoyu) ... more The purpose of the study is to present a model for understanding foreign language (Taiwan Guoyu) discursive reality, aimed at Russian sinologists and, more widely, native speakers of the Russian language, based on a potentially expandable glossary (minimal at this stage) of basic concepts (topics of communication). Scientific novelty: for the first time, a minimum set of communication concepts of the linguistic environment of Taiwan was substantiated and formed (as a short glossary, explanatory dictionary). The previous studies described only “general” Chinese realities and values supposed to be transferred by default to the Chinese world as a whole. A comparative analysis and description of concepts with a focus on decomposition into denotative, significative and connotative components was carried out for the first time. As a result, the specificity of the basic discursive concepts of Taiwanese reality has been identified, including differences from synonymous/homonymous concepts in Russian and/or Mainland discursive reality, a list of concepts with interpretations has been proposed, and the prerequisites have been created for further study and the formation of a new direction in explorations.
Philology. Issues of Theory and Practice
The aim of the research is to identify the most typical grammatical means of expressing passivisa... more The aim of the research is to identify the most typical grammatical means of expressing passivisation (building constructions similar to or equivalent to the basic ones in ergative typology languages) in the Chinese (topic-prominent) and Russian (subject-prominent) languages. The scientific novelty lies in the revealing of the manifestation of passivisation in Chinese language in the context of topic-prominent typology of languages, by comparison with the variety of semantically and pragmatically similar constructions in the Russian language, and attracting the data on ergativity and on the analysis of contemporary works of Taiwanese scientists. It is demonstrated and justified that the commonly learned method of expressing the passive voice with the preposition 被 /bèi/ is far from being the only and typologically marginal way. A wide range of ergative-like constructions in the Chinese and Russian languages has been analysed. As a result, it has been revealed that in the Chinese lan...
Аналоги пассивного залога и эргативности в китайском и русском языках (с учётом опыта коммуникации в языковой среде гоюй), 2023
The aim of the research is to identify the most typical grammatical means of expressing passivisa... more The aim of the research is to identify the most typical grammatical means of expressing passivisation (building constructions similar to or equivalent to the basic ones in ergative typology languages) in the Chinese (topic-prominent) and Russian (subject-prominent) languages. The scientific novelty lies in the revealing of the manifestation of passivisation in Chinese language in the context of topic-prominent typology of languages, by comparison with the variety of semantically and pragmatically similar constructions in the Russian language, and attracting the data on ergativity and on the analysis of contemporary works of Taiwanese scientists. It is demonstrated and justified that the commonly learned method of expressing the passive voice with the preposition 被 /bèi/ is far from being the only and typologically marginal way. A wide range of ergative-like constructions in the Chinese and Russian languages has been analyzed. As a result, it has been revealed that in the Chinese language as a “descriptive language” without constant imitation of the agent and action, topic constructions do not require formalisation and markers and actually correspond more to the semantics and pragmatics of the passive. In the Russian language as a “language of banal metaphor”, a wide range of reflexive, impersonal, indefinite-personal, and generic-personal constructions are used.
При обучении китайскому языку (КЯ) тема выражения отношений, подобных индоевропейскому пассивному... more При обучении китайскому языку (КЯ) тема выражения отношений, подобных индоевропейскому пассивному (страдательному) залогу, до сих пор остаётся актуальной: хотя в учебниках обычно прописаны возможные варианты, в сознании обучаемых чаще всего остаётся лишь конструкция с предлогом 被/bèi/, при этом во многих случаях ошибочно употребляемая по “английскому” образцу: со связкой и атрибутивной частицей.
Безусловно, сейчас – эра “коммуникативных” или “лексических” учебников КЯ, где грамматика либо не объясняется, либо вводится в виде несистемных комментариев, поэтому мы считаем необходимым а) систематизировать материал (как проект учебного пособия для обучения на кафедре КЯ МГПУ и других вузов), б) сравнить со способами выражения страдательного залога и, шире, с не-номинативным строем предложения, – иными словами, – сравнить потенциально присутствующую эргативность (в широком смысле, см.ниже) в китайском и русском языках.
A serious study of the Chinese language in Russia began in the 18th
century, and at present Russ... more A serious study of the Chinese language in Russia began in the 18th
century, and at present Russia is experiencing a real boom in the Chinese
language, which is now the second most popular language after English
in the universities, and even in mid schools learning Chinese is
becoming ever more popular.
In the 20th century, serious studies of the Chinese language were
conducted in the Soviet Union, a considerable number of monographs
and textbooks were created, and / but, written in Russian, until now they
are mostly unknown in other countries.
The most significant Sinology linguists of the Soviet period were V.
Solntsev, A. Dragunov, N. Korotkov and several others. The problems,
in general, concerned general theoretical problems of syntax and
morphology. In the 1970s and 1980s, Sinology Linguistics, like
linguistics in general, experienced a period of intensified activity: there
appeared studies on the actual problems of syntax, the linguistics of text
and typology etc.
The article is aimed to a critical review of the main works of Soviet
period, the description of schools and trends, analysis from the point of
modern ideas about linguistics.
Спорные вопросы в ходе курса сравнительной типологии китайского и русского языков на факультете славистики, 2023
The text and conclusions are aimed at helping those who teach Russian to Chinese-speaking student... more The text and conclusions are aimed at helping those who teach Russian to Chinese-speaking students. The teachers most often do not imagine the main features of the Chinese language typology, relying on widespread myths about the universality of «Greek-Latin» categories, which adequately describe only the structure of inflectional languages. The Chinese language is an isolating topic-prominent language, with no form changing,
no agreement and government in the sentence, and there is no total imitation of the «actor» and «action» in the predicative relations. The usual difficulty for students is the inability to understand the difference between inflection and word formation: both there and there is a combination of affixes and a root. The article explains the theoretical foundations of the comparative typology of the two languages, which will be useful in the process of explaining the realities of the Russian language.
Метафора в русском и китайском языках: типологический аспект “банальности” , 2023
Metaphor (or its manifestations) is a significant feature forming the typology of the language. I... more Metaphor (or its manifestations) is a significant feature forming the typology of the language. If to recognize as determining: the topic-prominent nature of the Chinese language and the subject-prominent of Russian (according to Li&Thompson), the agreement between the predicated and predicating components in the Russian sentence
entails the constant imitation of the “actor” and “action” as a banal metaphor. Such metaphor have been mentioned by some authors, but always outside the typological context and without much attention. In unmarked speech a banal metaphor is impossible in Chinese, while everyday Russian speech does not exist without it. In addition, the copula-sentences in Chinese do not correspond to “European”ones, and the copula 是/係 shì / xì - hai cannot be a verb (with the banal metaphoric idea of “to be..” / “to exist…”).
Понятия фонемы и аллофона применительно к китайскому языку (с учетом опыта преподавания в языковой среде гоюй), 2023
Phoneme is a socially recognized (within a particular linguistic community: national language or... more Phoneme is a socially recognized (within a particular linguistic community: national language or (even) its variety) idea / “the national ideal”of a sound. Within the framework of traditional in Russia “Moscow” and “Leningrad” phonological schools there are the juxtaposition of “sound type” and “meaning distinguisher”. However, it is not significant in the the predicational theory based on the facts of the Chinese: “type” and “distinguisher” are different (but not opposed) sublevels of the same level. Being a component of a strong level unit - a syllabo-morpheme, the phoneme in Chinese represents a “weak” (subordinate) level, while positional fluctuations in comparison with Russian are insignificant, so the “traditional” understanding of the allophone is meaningless. A phoneme in natural Chinese (topic prominent, isolating, syllabic) is a (broad) “sound type” as a spectrum of related regional variants (comparable to Russian diachronic variants), and such variants could be recognized as allophones. As a meaning distinguisher, the phoneme plays a significant role only in connection with the concept of tone (tone of a syllable / tone of a syllable-forming vowel). When teaching Chinese it is obliged to help Russian / “European” students develop an idea that the features of Chinese at all levels are determined by typology and systemically differ from those of the native language.
Key words: Phoneme, allophone, typology of Chinese, Guoyu, language levels.
Российско-китайский центр междисциплинарных исследований Социологического института РАН-филиала Ф... more Российско-китайский центр междисциплинарных исследований Социологического института РАН-филиала Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра Российской академии наук VI ГОТЛИБОВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ ВОСТОКОВЕДЕНИЕ И РЕГИОНОВЕДЕНИЕ АЗИАТСКО-ТИХООКЕАНСКОГО РЕГИОНА Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции Иркутск, 6-8 декабря 2022 г. УДК 372.881.1 ББК Ш12/17(5)л0+Ш5(5)л0 Г73 Печатается по решению ученого совета Института филологии, иностранных языков и медиакоммуникации ИГУ
Language levels are systematically and hierarchically organized, folding and unfolding (the init... more Language levels are systematically and hierarchically organized, folding and unfolding (the initial and the final) idea during generation and perception; the levels are ontologically significant in language learning: different typologies provide different significance of levels and different construction of units. In Russian the following levels (up to and including the sentence) are strong: phonemic, lexeme, sentences; and in Chinese the following ones (up to and including the sentence) are strong: morphemic, phrases, above the sentence (SSU etc.).
Актуальные проблемы теории и типологии при обучении китайскому языку , 2022
The systemic understanding of the language, including in the learning process, is determined by i... more The systemic understanding of the language, including in the learning process, is determined by its typology, an important component of competence. In modern textbooks based on communicative principles,
theoretical issues are covered less and less systematically. Chinese is isolating and topical (topic-comment structures as the basic type of
syntax), with a “non-verbal” syntax, without the imitation of actor-action relation inherent in inflectional ones. Chinese differs from Russian in the opposite significance of language levels: with strong morphemes, phrases, and SSUs. (In the Russian literary language, the following levels are strong: phonemes, lexemes, sentences). The weak lexical level in
Chinese is represented by units that are easily connected and easily separated different from the stable “European” words. The part of
speech in Chinese coincides with usage (rather than vocabulary unit), it is characterized by positional morphology with a predominance of ranges in modern Baihua. Due to the topicality of the language, the copula in Chinese is not a verb. When studying a language, it is important to remember that it is not a single exemplary variant that is being studied, but a systemic complex that implies knowledge of the patterns of styles, regional variants and “dialects”.
Статья посвящена анализу процесса метафоризации. Рассматриваются основные концепции метафоры на м... more Статья посвящена анализу процесса метафоризации. Рассматриваются основные концепции метафоры на материале европейских и китайского языков. Демонстрируются особенности метафоризации в китайском языке в рамках представлений об уровнях языка предикационной концепции, наличие/отсутствие банальной метафоры рассматривается как одна из составляющих типологического облика языка. Ключевые слова: метафора, предикационная концепция языка, топик, комментарий, банальная метафора.
The paper presents the analysis of the metaphorization process. The study considers process of studying this issue and the basic concepts of metaphor based on the material of European and Chinese languages. The features of metaphorization in the Chinese language in the framework of the language levels theory are demonstrated, as well as the reasons for the absence of a banal (erased) metaphor from the standpoint of the predicational conception of language.
Keywords: metaphor, predicational conception of language, topic, commentary, banal metaphor.
For citation: Kurdyumov, V. A., Semenova, L. A. (2022). Basic concepts of metaphor and metaphor in Chinese. MCU Journal of Philology. Theory of Linguistics. Linguistic Education, 3 (47), 90–98. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2022.47.3.07
Videos by Vladimir Kurdyumov 耿華
Видео подготовлено для круглого стола в составе конференции
Papers by Vladimir Kurdyumov 耿華
The system of particular features is derived from determinants: unequal significance of units of different levels, absence of words, regional allophonization of phonemes, positional morphology, nonverbal copula, discursivity of agreement, formalization of syllabic morphemes, etc.
Keywords: Chinese language, typology, insignificance of the action, topic and comment, banalmetaphor
Рассмотрены основные парадигмы в российской китаеведческой лингвистике. Представлены некоторые достижения советской китаистики, в том числе новые псевдонаучные учения. Проанализирована проблема определения «слова» в китайском языке. Предложено закрепление термина «лексическая единица», даны некоторые его характеристики.
在俄羅斯,大學和中學的漢語學習呈現爆炸性成長。同時,由於俄羅斯與中國大陸保持政治和經濟聯繫,大陸普通話的研究有所發展,大多數留學地點也在中國大陸。不過,仍有部分臺灣華語教師在俄羅斯教書,也有部分俄羅斯的學生來台灣的大學留學。由於俄語母語者對許多詞彙概念的解釋跟臺灣人完全不同,因此往往導致一些對臺灣現實環境的誤解。這樣的詞素和詞組具有相同的直譯概念(例如,「海灘」、「檸檬」、「麵包」、「家庭關係」等),但它們的理解是以不同的話語(discourse)為基礎。在俄羅斯的“認知語言學”中,這些術語被稱為“概念”(концепты, concepts),而在筆者理解中,它們是“話語概念”或“話語觀念”(discourse notions)。筆者對此整理出了一個此類詞彙的清單(共約60多概念),對華語教師的教學可能有所助益。單位分析是根據語義的組成部分進行的:(一)denotat (視覺形象)、(二)significat (解釋)、(三)connotat (話者的正面或負面評價): 俄語、臺灣華語,(部分)普通話三種語言形成互相對應或不對應的關係。
例如,俄羅斯人理解的「好海灘」是一個可以舒適地游泳和享受日光浴的地方,而對於臺灣人來講,「好海灘」是一個可以散步並欣賞大自然的美麗地方: 語義的(二)成分不同,(三)成分也會不一樣。 「檸檬」,對於俄羅斯人來說,是一種黃色的水果,而帶有微香的綠色水果則被稱為“萊姆”,可是對於臺灣人來說,兩個詞彙指稱的水果則相反:(一)、(二)成分不同。俄羅斯人所說的「麵包」主要指的是黑麥麵包,在臺灣不常見,而臺灣的「麵包」則與這種概念有所不同:(一)、(二)的成分不同,(三)成分也會不一樣。
Автор продолжает системное описание языка гоюй. Рассматриваются уточнения к общему пониманию фразовой частицы, которая отражает модус и адрес сообщения. Описаны особенности фразовых частиц, типичных для тайваньского речевого обихода и обычно отсутствующих в справочниках по нормативной грамматике: o, yo, luo/lo, eryi, ye/ei, hei, также li, bei.
Bibliographical reference
Vladimir A. Kurdyumov (Geng Hua), « La théorie de Marr et la sinologie soviétique », Slavica Occitania, 59 | 2024, 245-265.
Electronic reference
Vladimir A. Kurdyumov (Geng Hua), « La théorie de Marr et la sinologie soviétique », Slavica Occitania [Online], 59 | 2024, Online since 03 avril 2025, connection on 26 juillet 2024. URL :
Цель исследования – представить модель понимания ино-
язычной (тайваньской) дискурсивной реальности, ориентиро-
ванную на российских китаистов и, шире, носителей русского
(или любого европейского) языка, на основе глоссария базовых
понятий (рассматриваемых нами как топики дискурсов).
Представлены возможности расширения глоссария в ходе
дальнейших исследований ментальности тайваньцев.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, китай-
ский язык гоюй, Тайвань, дискурсивное понятие
Безусловно, сейчас – эра “коммуникативных” или “лексических” учебников КЯ, где грамматика либо не объясняется, либо вводится в виде несистемных комментариев, поэтому мы считаем необходимым а) систематизировать материал (как проект учебного пособия для обучения на кафедре КЯ МГПУ и других вузов), б) сравнить со способами выражения страдательного залога и, шире, с не-номинативным строем предложения, – иными словами, – сравнить потенциально присутствующую эргативность (в широком смысле, см.ниже) в китайском и русском языках.
century, and at present Russia is experiencing a real boom in the Chinese
language, which is now the second most popular language after English
in the universities, and even in mid schools learning Chinese is
becoming ever more popular.
In the 20th century, serious studies of the Chinese language were
conducted in the Soviet Union, a considerable number of monographs
and textbooks were created, and / but, written in Russian, until now they
are mostly unknown in other countries.
The most significant Sinology linguists of the Soviet period were V.
Solntsev, A. Dragunov, N. Korotkov and several others. The problems,
in general, concerned general theoretical problems of syntax and
morphology. In the 1970s and 1980s, Sinology Linguistics, like
linguistics in general, experienced a period of intensified activity: there
appeared studies on the actual problems of syntax, the linguistics of text
and typology etc.
The article is aimed to a critical review of the main works of Soviet
period, the description of schools and trends, analysis from the point of
modern ideas about linguistics.
no agreement and government in the sentence, and there is no total imitation of the «actor» and «action» in the predicative relations. The usual difficulty for students is the inability to understand the difference between inflection and word formation: both there and there is a combination of affixes and a root. The article explains the theoretical foundations of the comparative typology of the two languages, which will be useful in the process of explaining the realities of the Russian language.
entails the constant imitation of the “actor” and “action” as a banal metaphor. Such metaphor have been mentioned by some authors, but always outside the typological context and without much attention. In unmarked speech a banal metaphor is impossible in Chinese, while everyday Russian speech does not exist without it. In addition, the copula-sentences in Chinese do not correspond to “European”ones, and the copula 是/係 shì / xì - hai cannot be a verb (with the banal metaphoric idea of “to be..” / “to exist…”).
Key words: Phoneme, allophone, typology of Chinese, Guoyu, language levels.
theoretical issues are covered less and less systematically. Chinese is isolating and topical (topic-comment structures as the basic type of
syntax), with a “non-verbal” syntax, without the imitation of actor-action relation inherent in inflectional ones. Chinese differs from Russian in the opposite significance of language levels: with strong morphemes, phrases, and SSUs. (In the Russian literary language, the following levels are strong: phonemes, lexemes, sentences). The weak lexical level in
Chinese is represented by units that are easily connected and easily separated different from the stable “European” words. The part of
speech in Chinese coincides with usage (rather than vocabulary unit), it is characterized by positional morphology with a predominance of ranges in modern Baihua. Due to the topicality of the language, the copula in Chinese is not a verb. When studying a language, it is important to remember that it is not a single exemplary variant that is being studied, but a systemic complex that implies knowledge of the patterns of styles, regional variants and “dialects”.
The paper presents the analysis of the metaphorization process. The study considers process of studying this issue and the basic concepts of metaphor based on the material of European and Chinese languages. The features of metaphorization in the Chinese language in the framework of the language levels theory are demonstrated, as well as the reasons for the absence of a banal (erased) metaphor from the standpoint of the predicational conception of language.
Keywords: metaphor, predicational conception of language, topic, commentary, banal metaphor.
For citation: Kurdyumov, V. A., Semenova, L. A. (2022). Basic concepts of metaphor and metaphor in Chinese. MCU Journal of Philology. Theory of Linguistics. Linguistic Education, 3 (47), 90–98. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2022.47.3.07
Видео подготовлено для круглого стола в составе конференции
The system of particular features is derived from determinants: unequal significance of units of different levels, absence of words, regional allophonization of phonemes, positional morphology, nonverbal copula, discursivity of agreement, formalization of syllabic morphemes, etc.
Keywords: Chinese language, typology, insignificance of the action, topic and comment, banalmetaphor
Рассмотрены основные парадигмы в российской китаеведческой лингвистике. Представлены некоторые достижения советской китаистики, в том числе новые псевдонаучные учения. Проанализирована проблема определения «слова» в китайском языке. Предложено закрепление термина «лексическая единица», даны некоторые его характеристики.
在俄羅斯,大學和中學的漢語學習呈現爆炸性成長。同時,由於俄羅斯與中國大陸保持政治和經濟聯繫,大陸普通話的研究有所發展,大多數留學地點也在中國大陸。不過,仍有部分臺灣華語教師在俄羅斯教書,也有部分俄羅斯的學生來台灣的大學留學。由於俄語母語者對許多詞彙概念的解釋跟臺灣人完全不同,因此往往導致一些對臺灣現實環境的誤解。這樣的詞素和詞組具有相同的直譯概念(例如,「海灘」、「檸檬」、「麵包」、「家庭關係」等),但它們的理解是以不同的話語(discourse)為基礎。在俄羅斯的“認知語言學”中,這些術語被稱為“概念”(концепты, concepts),而在筆者理解中,它們是“話語概念”或“話語觀念”(discourse notions)。筆者對此整理出了一個此類詞彙的清單(共約60多概念),對華語教師的教學可能有所助益。單位分析是根據語義的組成部分進行的:(一)denotat (視覺形象)、(二)significat (解釋)、(三)connotat (話者的正面或負面評價): 俄語、臺灣華語,(部分)普通話三種語言形成互相對應或不對應的關係。
例如,俄羅斯人理解的「好海灘」是一個可以舒適地游泳和享受日光浴的地方,而對於臺灣人來講,「好海灘」是一個可以散步並欣賞大自然的美麗地方: 語義的(二)成分不同,(三)成分也會不一樣。 「檸檬」,對於俄羅斯人來說,是一種黃色的水果,而帶有微香的綠色水果則被稱為“萊姆”,可是對於臺灣人來說,兩個詞彙指稱的水果則相反:(一)、(二)成分不同。俄羅斯人所說的「麵包」主要指的是黑麥麵包,在臺灣不常見,而臺灣的「麵包」則與這種概念有所不同:(一)、(二)的成分不同,(三)成分也會不一樣。
Автор продолжает системное описание языка гоюй. Рассматриваются уточнения к общему пониманию фразовой частицы, которая отражает модус и адрес сообщения. Описаны особенности фразовых частиц, типичных для тайваньского речевого обихода и обычно отсутствующих в справочниках по нормативной грамматике: o, yo, luo/lo, eryi, ye/ei, hei, также li, bei.
Bibliographical reference
Vladimir A. Kurdyumov (Geng Hua), « La théorie de Marr et la sinologie soviétique », Slavica Occitania, 59 | 2024, 245-265.
Electronic reference
Vladimir A. Kurdyumov (Geng Hua), « La théorie de Marr et la sinologie soviétique », Slavica Occitania [Online], 59 | 2024, Online since 03 avril 2025, connection on 26 juillet 2024. URL :
Цель исследования – представить модель понимания ино-
язычной (тайваньской) дискурсивной реальности, ориентиро-
ванную на российских китаистов и, шире, носителей русского
(или любого европейского) языка, на основе глоссария базовых
понятий (рассматриваемых нами как топики дискурсов).
Представлены возможности расширения глоссария в ходе
дальнейших исследований ментальности тайваньцев.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, китай-
ский язык гоюй, Тайвань, дискурсивное понятие
Безусловно, сейчас – эра “коммуникативных” или “лексических” учебников КЯ, где грамматика либо не объясняется, либо вводится в виде несистемных комментариев, поэтому мы считаем необходимым а) систематизировать материал (как проект учебного пособия для обучения на кафедре КЯ МГПУ и других вузов), б) сравнить со способами выражения страдательного залога и, шире, с не-номинативным строем предложения, – иными словами, – сравнить потенциально присутствующую эргативность (в широком смысле, см.ниже) в китайском и русском языках.
century, and at present Russia is experiencing a real boom in the Chinese
language, which is now the second most popular language after English
in the universities, and even in mid schools learning Chinese is
becoming ever more popular.
In the 20th century, serious studies of the Chinese language were
conducted in the Soviet Union, a considerable number of monographs
and textbooks were created, and / but, written in Russian, until now they
are mostly unknown in other countries.
The most significant Sinology linguists of the Soviet period were V.
Solntsev, A. Dragunov, N. Korotkov and several others. The problems,
in general, concerned general theoretical problems of syntax and
morphology. In the 1970s and 1980s, Sinology Linguistics, like
linguistics in general, experienced a period of intensified activity: there
appeared studies on the actual problems of syntax, the linguistics of text
and typology etc.
The article is aimed to a critical review of the main works of Soviet
period, the description of schools and trends, analysis from the point of
modern ideas about linguistics.
no agreement and government in the sentence, and there is no total imitation of the «actor» and «action» in the predicative relations. The usual difficulty for students is the inability to understand the difference between inflection and word formation: both there and there is a combination of affixes and a root. The article explains the theoretical foundations of the comparative typology of the two languages, which will be useful in the process of explaining the realities of the Russian language.
entails the constant imitation of the “actor” and “action” as a banal metaphor. Such metaphor have been mentioned by some authors, but always outside the typological context and without much attention. In unmarked speech a banal metaphor is impossible in Chinese, while everyday Russian speech does not exist without it. In addition, the copula-sentences in Chinese do not correspond to “European”ones, and the copula 是/係 shì / xì - hai cannot be a verb (with the banal metaphoric idea of “to be..” / “to exist…”).
Key words: Phoneme, allophone, typology of Chinese, Guoyu, language levels.
theoretical issues are covered less and less systematically. Chinese is isolating and topical (topic-comment structures as the basic type of
syntax), with a “non-verbal” syntax, without the imitation of actor-action relation inherent in inflectional ones. Chinese differs from Russian in the opposite significance of language levels: with strong morphemes, phrases, and SSUs. (In the Russian literary language, the following levels are strong: phonemes, lexemes, sentences). The weak lexical level in
Chinese is represented by units that are easily connected and easily separated different from the stable “European” words. The part of
speech in Chinese coincides with usage (rather than vocabulary unit), it is characterized by positional morphology with a predominance of ranges in modern Baihua. Due to the topicality of the language, the copula in Chinese is not a verb. When studying a language, it is important to remember that it is not a single exemplary variant that is being studied, but a systemic complex that implies knowledge of the patterns of styles, regional variants and “dialects”.
The paper presents the analysis of the metaphorization process. The study considers process of studying this issue and the basic concepts of metaphor based on the material of European and Chinese languages. The features of metaphorization in the Chinese language in the framework of the language levels theory are demonstrated, as well as the reasons for the absence of a banal (erased) metaphor from the standpoint of the predicational conception of language.
Keywords: metaphor, predicational conception of language, topic, commentary, banal metaphor.
For citation: Kurdyumov, V. A., Semenova, L. A. (2022). Basic concepts of metaphor and metaphor in Chinese. MCU Journal of Philology. Theory of Linguistics. Linguistic Education, 3 (47), 90–98. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2022.47.3.07
диссертации на соискание ученой степени
кандидата филологических наук , защита 11 ноября 2020 г, Москва, Московский городской педагогический университет
на основе этого различия между типологически закрепленной нормой синтаксиса письменной речи, лежащей в основе кодифицированного литературного языка, и нормой синтаксиса устной разговорной речи, в значительной мере универсальной для
различных языков. Кроме того, дается определение предикативности как наиболее глобального свойства предложения-высказывания, проводится принципиальная дифференциация терминов ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ и ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЕ, а также выдвигается гипотеза о некоторых механизмах языковых изменений.
- developing of an intention in the form of binary relation "subject-predicate";
- pragmatically oriented division of this relation into a series of particular
relations, which underlie the following sentences of speech;
- realization of the utterance as a whole;
- understanding the source intention of the text in the form of binary relation;
- reiteration of these steps while generating the interpretation.