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Detailed analysis of 181 Atterberg limits test results collected from literature demonstrates that shrinkage limit is the plasticity characteristic of soil. The main factor affecting the shrinkage limit is the specific surface area of the clay minerals. As the specific surface area increases, the shrinkage limit decreases. Two models for estimating the shrinkage limit have been developed. The first model is based on the average slope of the fall cone flow curve (20/LL), while the second model uses the liquid limit to estimate the shrinkage limit of the soil. In line with AASHTO T92-88, the reproducibility of the shrinkage limit test results is ±6.8. 95% of the shrinkage limit results computed using the proposed models plotted within the statistical testing bound, indicating the robustness of the proposed model and its potential for estimating the shrinkage limit of the soil.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
The shrinkage limit is one of the Atterberg limits and is a fundamental geotechnical parameter used for the assessment of the settlement of clay soils due to reduction in water content, yet is rarely tested for as part of ground investigation. This paper describes shrinkage limit test results on a variety of soils from Britain and overseas obtained using an improved laboratory testing procedure developed at the British Geological Survey (BGS). The co-relationships with the other Atterberg limits and with density are
Géotechnique, 2014
A new apparatus for the determination of shrinkage limit is described. Two versions have been produced: a manually operated prototype ‘version1' followed by an automated version named SHRINKiT. Test results using the former for British and overseas clay soils are described and comparisons made with the British Standards preferred method. A further set of test results is described for SHRINKiT. However, it was not possible to compare these with the BS 1377 method owing to the introduction of a ban on the use of mercury in the British Geological Survey's geotechnical laboratories. The new method is set in the context of the huge cost of shrink/swell-related subsidence damage in Britain and the relative disuse of both BS 1377 methods for shrinkage limit, for reasons of safety. The shrinkage behaviour of different soils types and sample states is discussed, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages of the new method.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2013
The paper presents a study on the shrinkage properties of three clay soils from Poland. Shrinkage limit, volumetric shrinkage and relative volumetric shrinkage were determined, tested according to PN-88/B-04481 (1988) and BS1377: Part 2 (1990) and correlated with the index properties of soils. The shrinkage limit was also calculated from Krabbe's (1958) equation. The results showed that shrinkage limit values obtained by the BS method are lower than those obtained using the PN method, but the values calculated from Krabbe's equation differ significantly. While no strong correlation was found between shrinkage limit and index soil parameters, linear relationships were obtained between volumetric shrinkage and initial moisture content, shrinkage range, plasticity index and clay content. Following multivariable regression analysis, the relative volumetric shrinkage was expressed as a function of plasticity index and moisture content. This function can be used to predict volumetric changes of the foundations based on the moisture content and material properties of the soil.
This paper presents a model that uses a slope British cone flow curve or plasticity index of soil to compute the shrinkage limit of the soil. The model was developed based on the analysis of 186 Atterberg limits test results collected from the literature. It has been demonstrated that all Atterberg limits, namely liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage limit, can be determined using a British fall cone in a single testing operation.
Geoderma, 2006
The macroporosity, and to a lesser extent the microporosity, of swelling and shrinking soils is affected by their shrinkage behaviour. The magnitude of the changes in bulk volume in response to changes in water content is usually described by the soil shrinkage characteristic curve (SSCC), i.e. the relation between the void ratio and the moisture ratio. At present, many techniques have been described for determination of the SSCC. We have applied the core method, the rubber-balloon method and the paraffin-coated method on respectively undisturbed soil samples, disturbed soil samples and soil clods collected from seven horizons of a Vertisol and a Lixisol under sugar cane in the Havana province, Cuba. We demonstrated that the balloon and paraffin-coated method showed similar results, whereas the core method produced less pronounced shrinkage. The latter was due to the anisotropic shrinkage as was confirmed by the change of the geometry factor with the moisture ratio, to a possible reorientation of particles when collecting undisturbed soil cores, and to the occurrence of small cracks upon drying. We have further shown that the core method produced much higher scatter, which was explained by higher measuring errors and crumbling of the samples as they dried out. Because of its superior behaviour, the balloon method was then selected to test nine different parametric models that describe the SSCC. A group of four models which performed best in terms of RMSE, coefficient of determination and Akaike Information Criterion could be distinguished. These models include the three linear equations model of McGarry and Malafant [McGarry, D., Malafant, K.W.J., 1987. The analysis of volume change in unconfined units of soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51, 290-297], the combined linear and exponential five equations model of Braudeau et al. [Braudeau, E., Costantini, J.M., Bellier, G., Colleuille, H., 1999. New device and method for soil shrinkage curve measurement and characterization. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63, 525-535], a modified version of the theoretical three equations model of Chertkov [Chertkov, V.Y., 2000. Modeling the pore structure and shrinkage curve of soil clay matrix. Geoderma 95, 215-246] and a simplified version of the logistic model of Groenevelt and Grant [Groenevelt, P.H., Grant, C.D., 2001. Re-evaluation of the structural properties of some British swelling soils. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 52, 469-477]. Though performing very well, the McGarry and Malafant model does not describe the complete SSCC, whereas the Braudeau et al. model contains a relatively large number of parameters. Overall highest performance was observed for the modified Chertkov model. The modified Groenevelt and Grant model, however, has the advantage of being the most elegant as it consists of only one single equation.
Bentonites are active clayscontaining high percentage of montmorillonite and undergo substantial volume change in response to water content. The shrinkage behaviour of clay soils is well studied in both science and engineering literature. The shrinkage limit has a special attention in geotechnical engineering practice due to the development of shrinkage cracks in soils in this moisture content range. The influencing parameters on shrinkage limits, however, are not clearly understood. [24] Showed with experimental support that shrinkage limit of soils is dependent on the soil packing and decreases with the clay content. [2] On the other hand, showed that the shrinkage limit increases with the clay content. Many studies on shrinkage limit of clay soils do not show a definitive trend. The present paper focuses on a thorough experimental study on different sodium bentonites with varying clay contents and surface properties to understand the influencing parameters of shrinkage limit. The experimental methodology is based on determining volumetric shrinkage behaviour of clay soils by varying the initial state of the soil. The influencing parameters of the shrinkage limit of plastic clays are presented from the present experimental study with a support from the literature data. The fundamental mechanism responsible for the moisture content at the shrinkage limit is brought out. Introduction Bentonites are highly active soils having high percentage of montmorillonite, thus they show substantial change in its behaviour leading to failure of many engineered structures resting on it. One of the prominent behaviour that is causing enormous damage to structures built on clay is associated with volume decrease i.e. shrinkage in saturated compressible clay soil when water get evaporated. The shrinkage behaviour of soil has been studied since the 19 th century [22,29]. The shrinkage limit of a soil is defined as the moisture content after which any further reduction of moisture does not cause volume reduction [13].This determination of shrinkage limit is done using VSC (Volumetric Shrinkage Curve). VSC is a graphical representation showing variation of volume of the soil sample with change in water content. This shrinkage curve of soil specimen shows different stages of deformations. The process of soil shrinkage resulting from progressive drying was first investigated [28]. [12] distinguished the different phases of shrinkage that result from progressive drying of natural soils: (i) structural shrinkage, (ii) normal shrinkage, and (iii) residual shrinkage. [15,16] observed a new phase prior to normal shrinkage while studying shrinkage behaviour of undisturbed soil sample. Later this phase was termed as structural shrinkage by [26]. A number of techniques have been developed for determination of VSC such as Core method [3] for undisturbed soil, paraffin-coated [15] for individual soil clods,balloon method [27] for disturbed soil sample, Clod method [18], and Perspex Plate method.The aim of this paper is to show how shrinkage limit of bentonites are varying with respect to different clay content, initial volumes and methods. It is found that neither initial volume nor different method used in determining shrinkage limit is affecting the shrinkage limit value, moreover shrinkage limit seems to increase with increase in clay content.
Determining the shrinkage limit using the mercury or wax method is time-consuming and error-prone. This paper presents a model that uses a British cone flow index to compute the shrinkage limit of the soil. The model was developed based on the analysis of 186 Atterberg limits test results from the literature leading to the formulation of an equation for computing the shrinkage limit of the soil using the British fall cone flow index.
International Journal of Geosciences, 2012
On the basis of the existing relation between the soil's water content and its structural evolution, we elaborate a new analytical model allowing the analysis of the soil's shrinkage curve according to the limits of its hydro-structural boundaries. This model was conducted on undisturbed clayey soil at Moulel-Bergui, Morocco.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2015
In general, soils and their pore size systems are assumed to be rigid during the loss of water on drying. In reality, it is not the case for most soils, especially for soils with high quantities of clay or organic matter. As a result of shrinking, there are changes in the bulk density, the porosity, the pore size distribution, and the hydraulic properties of these soils. Currently, only a few methods enable the shrinkage behavior of soil samples to be determined while simultaneously quantifying the corresponding soil hydraulic properties. Either the methods need proprietary software for data processing, the equipment used is expensive or the calculation of the hydraulic properties is executed by inverse modelling. The aim of this study was to develop an alternative, simplified method for the simultaneous and automatic determination of the soil hydraulic properties, taking shrinkage into account. The HYPROP evaporative device was combined with a circumference meter. A preliminary investigation found that the diameter of the cylindrical samples used for the HYPROP decreased linearly during evaporation from the bottom to the top. To sum up, recording the perimeter change in the middle position of the sample during drying-out, together with the corresponding tension and water content, was sufficient to determine the hydraulic functions taking shrinkage into account. Measurements are presented for 6 samples which are different in texture and geological origin. The maximum shrinkage (19.5% by vol. between saturation and 5,000 hPa) was measured in the peat samples. The minimum shrinkage was quantified at 0.68% by vol. for the silty loam samples from Chile. The advantages of the method presented are: (1) the water retention curve and the hydraulic conductivity function can be determined simultaneously in the range between saturation and close to the wilting point, at a high resolution and taking into consideration shrinkage; (2) the method and device are simple and robust to use; (3) little time is required for measurement, between 3 and at most 10 d; (4) the functions are described over the whole tension range, using more than 100 user-defined data points; (5) the evaluation of the volumetric soil water content measurement in shrinking soils is improved; and (6) common data models can be fitted to the hydraulic data as well as to the shrinkage data.
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South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2016
Molecular Psychiatry, 2002