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Author Manuscript
Methods Mol Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 February 09.
Published in final edited form as:
Methods Mol Biol. 2019 ; 1914: 391–407. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-8997-3_23.
Animal Models for the Study of Bone Derived Pain
Austen L. Thompson, Tally M. Largent-Milnes, Todd W. Vanderah
University of Arizona, Department of Pharmacology College of Medicine USA.
Author Manuscript
Bone pain is a prevalent issue in society today and also is one of the hardest types of pain to
control. Pain originating in the bone can be caused by many different entities including metastatic
and primary neoplasm, fracture, osteoarthritis as well as numerous other metabolic disorders. In
this chapter we describe the methods and protocols that currently are accepted and validated for
the study of bone pain in models of metastatic cancer, bicortical fracture and osteoarthritis. These
animal models provide invaluable information as to the nature of bone pain and give rise to
potential new targets for its treatment and management.
Bone pain; Cancer pain; Osteoarthritis; Fracture; Metastatic disease
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1. Introduction
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Bone derived pain is a common complaint amongst patients with a variety of conditions
ranging from simple fractures to more serious conditions like metastatic cancer, which affect
a large number of people around the world and across age groups.[1–3] Bone pain is also
notoriously difficult to control. Mild pain from disorders like osteoarthritis can be relatively
controlled with pharmacological interventions such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents
(NSAIDs) or acetaminophen. Chronic use of NSAIDs can have severe gastrointestinal,
cardiovascular, renal, hemostatic and hepatic side effects, especially in patients with other
co-morbidities such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or hematological disorders. More
severe, persistent pain, as well as breakthrough pain, from primary and metastatic cancers
are often treated with potent opiate narcotics. Opiate narcotics have many negative side
effects, especially long term, such as constipation, pruritus, nausea, sedation, respiratory
depression and opioid-induced hypersensitivity. Additionally, the potential for abuse, which
has become of extreme concern in recent years, is great.[4] Moreover, there are very few
studies on how chronic opioids influence bone integrity [5, 6]; preclinical studies have
demonstrated that chronic opiates may negatively affect bone. Thus, the ability to generate
appropriate models for bone pain is paramount to understanding how to properly treat these
vast arrays of disorders. Over the last 20 years, many independent and collaborative groups
Full Address: University of Arizona, Department of Pharmacology College of Medicine, 1501 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson AZ, 85724,
Phone: +1 520 626 7801,
[email protected]. Corresponding author: Todd W. Vanderah, University of Arizona,
Department of Pharmacology College of Medicine, 1501 N. Campbell Ave. Tucson AZ, 85724.
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have worked to develop well-defined and highly translational animal models for bone pain
disorders such as metastatic cancer, osteoarthritis, and fracture.
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Pain originating from cancer metastasizing to the bone is excruciating and a difficult
problem to manage through standard clinical and pharmacological methods. Although any
cancer can theoretically metastasize to the bone, carcinomas and sarcomas of the breast,
lung, prostate, thyroid and kidney are the most common clinically seen.[7] Metastatic animal
cancer models originally utilized an intra-cardiac injection of cancerous cells that would
disseminate hematogenously to the bone.[8] This strategy of cancer induction was positive
in the fact that it mimicked the route of metastasis that normally occurs during natural
disease progression. However, this model was not ideal for studying cancer pain due to the
high variability of the tumor burden and location between mice, as well as resulting in a very
ill animal that could not clearly display pain behavior due to metastatic bone cancer. Models
improved when direct, intramedullary injection of cancer cells were performed in a mouse
model as this allowed for consistent delivery of a defined tumor burden into a specific
location in the animal.[9, 10] This model proved superior to the intra-cardiac model due to
the fact that it localized the tumor in a reproducible fashion and it limited the confounding of
pain data by limiting the involvement of potential secondary metastasis and soft tissue
invasion and destruction. This model resulted in clear behavioral signs of pain of the
inoculated limb and allowed for comparison to the non-inoculated limb. The pain behaviors
that typically were seen and tested in this model included spontaneous pain (flinching and
guarding) as well as tactile/mechanical allodynia. This model was expanded to a rat model,
which was beneficial due to the larger species size for tissue collection and imaging
compared to the mouse.[11] A limitation of the rat model from an experimental design
standpoint is the significant lack of techniques for genetic manipulation when compared to
mouse models, for mechanistic investigations. The intra-bone cancer metastasis model has
been performed in both syngeneic and non-syngeneic models of cancers. The benefits and
limitations of a syngeneic versus a non-syngeneic model are discussed at length in a review
by Slosky et al.[12] In short, the non-syngeneic model is one in which tumor cells from
another species were implanted in an immune-deficient animal; allowing for the study of
human neoplasms within the bone microenvironment. However, this non-syngeneic model
limited the study of how the tumor-immune system interacted in the development of pain,
tumor burden and bone integrity. In the syngeneic models, tumor cells were chosen and
implanted based on the species and strain of the animal model being used. This proved
superior since this allowed for the study of how the immune system interacted with the
tumor in regulating its proliferation, local inflammation, osteoclasts and osteoblasts and all
their contribution to cancer-induced bone pain. Using these rodent models of metastatic
bone cancer pain, mechanisms of cancer induced bone pain (CIBP) have been more
elucidated and novel potential therapies for the management of CIBP have been identified.
Fracture is one of the more common causes of acute bone pain. The severity of fracture as
well as improper fixation leading to non-union or mal-union can cause severe, chronic pain.
Orthopedic surgeries for fracture fixation affect patients of all ages that experience severe
trauma, and these procedures disproportionately affect the ever-increasing aging population.
[13, 14] The study of fracture pain is of utmost importance since pain control is the major
factor that allows for loading of the bone, which is necessary for participation in physical
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rehabilitation. If this pain is improperly controlled, especially in the elderly, rehabilitation is
hindered, which can lead to altered healing or non-union of fracture. This can lead to
atrophy of the affected limb and eventual development of chronic musculoskeletal pain
further reducing patient quality of life.[15, 16] A model of a controlled, bicortical fracture
was developed that allows for the study of fracture pain during the healing process. This
model has also proven useful to study the biology of fracture healing. The pain behaviors
that are typically tested in this model are similar to those in the metastatic cancer model (see
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Osteoarthritis is a chronic disorder that arises from the progressive loss of articular cartilage
within the joint leading to bone articulating with bone causing pain. Clinically, it is
associated with new bone formations creating intraarticular osteophyte formation, loss of
joint function and immense pain.[17] The pain associated with osteoarthritis is typically
described as dull and aching chronically with intermittent breakthrough bouts of intense
pain. Osteoarthritis is one of the major causes of disability, especially in the aging
population, as well as one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders.[18]
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The monosodium iodoacetate (MIA) model was first described by Kalbhen in 1987, a single,
intraarticular injection of monosodium iodoacetate is placed into the joint. [19] MIA is an
inhibitor of glycolysis, which disrupts the normal metabolism of chondrocytes and this leads
to the degeneration of chondrocytes. The degeneration of chondrocytes leads to articular
cartilage degeneration that inevitably leads to similar histopathology that is seen within the
joints of osteoarthritic patients. Intra-articular injections of MIA have been shown to
decrease weight bearing on the affected limb, movement-evoked pain, allodynia and
hyperalgesia.[20, 21] Although this model does lead to a transient inflammatory response
within the joint that isn’t typically characteristic of osteoarthritis, the inflammation is
typically resolved by day 7 and is not thought to play a role in the pain behavior that is
observed. This model has the advantage that it is rather easily induced and reproducible as
compared to the ligamentous transection and meniscal disruption models. The critique of
this model as compared to the traumatic models is an artificial destruction of the articular
cartilage that is not typical of the clinical disease, while the ligamentous disruption models
are more typical of the clinical history of patients with osteoarthritis.
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There have been multiple different models that have been outlined for induction of
osteoarthritis through ligamentous disruption in rodent models. In humans, anterior cruciate
ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries are common causes of
osteoarthritis.[3] Therefore, models have been developed in which the ACL and PCL are
surgically disrupted, which leads to the development of osteoarthritic pain symptoms as well
as histopathology in a murine model.[22] This model demonstrates that we can induce
osteoarthritis in a manner that follows the natural course of disease progression similar to
one of the most common causes of human knee osteoarthritis.
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2. Materials
Metastatic Model of Bone Cancer Pain
First, one must determine the cell lines and whether the model is a syngeneic or
non-syngeneic model. In order to study human cancer cell lines a non-syngeneic
model must be used. These models consist of utilizing immunodeficient mice
(e.g. SCID mice) that will allow the tumor cells to survive and proliferate within
the intramedullary space.
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Hereon will describe methods based on a syngeneic model of metastatic breast
cancer using BALB/c mice (Envigo) and 66.1 breast adenocarcinoma cells
(American Type Culture Collection, representing breast cancer metastasis to
bone). For other cell culture conditions, please see Slosky et al. for the complete
list of metastatic cancer models in mouse and rat and see the specific references
cited within the review for each model.[12]
Cultured 66.1 cells between passage 10–20
Media requirements: Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) enriched
with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (v/v) and 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin
(v/v) (see Note 1)
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BALB/c mice (3 months, 18–20g)
Faxitron (UltraFocus DXA) used for acquiring plain x-ray films as well as for
DXA images for analysis of bone quality.
Vision DXA (UltraFocus) image acquiring software
7mm or 9mm stainless steel wound clips
10–25μL Microinjector (Hamilton Company Inc.) (see Note 2)
28-gauge micro-injector needle (PlasticsOne)
MicroLab 350/450 Dental Drill (RAM Products, Inc.)
0.45 – 0.6 mm drill bit for femoral reaming (Stoelting Co). Smaller size used for
mouse femur, larger sized used for rat.
Gentamycin Sulfate (0.8mg/mL) used for infection prophylaxis. (see Note 3)
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1.Cell Culture: 66.1 cells have media replaced every 3–4 days and are passaged every 7–8 days. When placed into a new flask, the
cells are diluted 1:10 and incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2. During passaging, trypsin EDTA is allowed to rise to room temperature
without being placed into incubator or warm water bath and cells are washed briefly with 4 mL of trypsin EDTA. Then, 2 mL trypsin
EDTA is placed onto the cells and the flask is placed into the incubator for 10–15 minutes or until cells fully detach from the culture
flask bottom. On day of harvest for injection, cells are released from the flask bottom using trypsin as above. The cells are then
collected in 10 mL of media and centrifuged for 4 minutes at 2000 RPM. The media is then removed and the pellet is washed with
OPTI-MEM, then centrifuged again for 4 minutes at 2000 RPM. Cells are then suspended 10 mL of media and counted by
hemocytometer. The cells are then diluted to the desired concentration for implantation into the mouse.
2.The microinjector is attached to a piece of plastic tubing to which the 28 gauge injection needle is then attached. This is done to
prevent the cells or media from getting into the microinjector (28g needle will not shear stress the cells, smaller gages or larger cells
may need adaption of needle up to 26 g). The tubing is color coded to denote whether it was used for media or the cancer cells and the
same tube is used for each surgery. Before every surgery, test the microinjector and tubing for its ability to properly draw and expel
liquid to ensure that there are no issues with the needle or tubing as they are prone to blockage and tearing, respectively.
3.Gentamycin injection is done following anesthesia induction as a 10 mL/kg subcutaneous bolus.
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Veterinary grade sterile saline used for the solubilizing of ketamine/xylazine as
well as the dilution of ketamine/xylazine and gentamycin sulfate from stock
solutions. Also, used for pre-operative fluid bolus. (see Note 4)
Bone cement or dental amalgam
Acrylic used for the activation of the dry powdered bone cement/dental amalgam
to be used as a plug for the injection site of the cancer cells.
Ketamine/xylazine (8.0 mg/kg and 1.2mg/kg, respectively) for anesthesia. Store
at 4°C. Must not be kept active for longer than 6 months. Store the anesthetic in
an opaque vial as the ketamine is UV sensitive. Xylazine is temperature sensitive
and mix must be kept on ice when out of the refrigerator.
Fracture Induced Pain
0.011-inch-diameter and 11-mm-length stainless steel wire (Small Parts Inc.)
Dental amalgam
Bone Cement (Stryker)
3-point bending device (BbC Specialty Automotive Center)
MIA Induced Osteoarthritis
Monosodium acetate (Sigma-Aldrich)
26-gauge needle for injection [23]
Cruciate Ligament Transection
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Bvi Beaver EdgeAhead Safety knife Sideport MVR 0.90 mm 20G microsurgical
scalpel (Beaver-Visitec International, Inc.)
Surgical microscope (Leica LZ-6, Leica Microsystems Inc.)
3. Methods
Behavioral Testing in mice
Flinching and Guarding (Spontaneous Pain)
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Animals are placed into small, raised plexiglass cages with wire mesh
bottom and allowed to acclimate to the cage for at least 30 minutes
before the observation/testing begins
Each mouse is watched individually for 2 minutes and the number of
flinches of the inoculated femur that are spontaneously observed are
counted as well as the amount of time the animal guards the ipsilateral
foot. Guarding is defined as the amount of time the paw is held in a
fully retracted position next to the animal’s side without touching the
4.Saline injection is done following anesthesia induction as a 3 mL subcutaneous bolus for hydration support.
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ground. A flinch is defined as a rapid rising of the inoculated leg from
the mesh floor.
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Von Frey Filament Test (Mechanical Allodynia)
Animals are placed into small, raised Plexiglas cages with wire mesh
bottom and allowed to acclimate to the cage for at least 30 minutes on
test days: prior to cancer or media inoculation, and on post-inoculation
days 7, 10 and 14.
Tactile allodynia was assessed as previously described[24]. Briefly,
withdrawal threshold of the paw ipsilateral to the site of tumor cell
inoculation was assessed in response to the application of calibrated
von Frey filaments (0.002–4.56g) to the plantar surface using the
Chaplan up-down method[25].
The 50% paw withdrawal threshold was determined by the
nonparametric method of Dixon [26] and reported in grams.
Palpation-Evoked Pain
Pain with non-noxious palpation is a common clinical test for assessing
the healing of bone fracture.
Palpations induced behavior are assessed at baseline on the day of the
surgery, the day of fracture and the day of euthanasia.
Nocifensive behaviors were provoked by palpating the distal femur of
the animals over a period of two minutes. Nocifensive behaviors are
recorded and include: flinching, vocalizations, biting and guarding.[10]
Behavioral Testing in rat
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Von Frey Filament Test (Mechanical Allodynia)
Mechanical stimulation was performed with von Frey filaments with
logarithmically increasing stiffness (range: 0.400–15.0g).
Animals are placed into Plexiglas boxes with a wire mesh floor and
allowed to acclimate for at least 30 minutes before testing.
Each von Frey filament is applied in ascending order of stiffness to the
plantar surface of the hindpaw that will be/was operated upon.
A single trial consisted of 10 applications of each filament for 2–3s. At
least 2 minutes was allowed between each trial and 5 trials were
performed for each filament. A trial was suspended if there was a
hindpaw withdrawal noted.
The amount of paw withdrawals in the five trials was then expressed as
a percent response frequency.
Thermal Hyperalgesia
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Rats placed in a clear plastic chamber (18cm x 29 cm x 12.5 cm) with a
glass floor and allowed to acclimate for 5 minutes prior to testing [28].
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Animals are considered acclimated when they no longer
explore the cage and have minimal grooming behavior.
A radiant heat source is placed beneath the cage 40 mm and it consists
of a high intensity projector lamp (Osram, 58–8007, 8 V, 50 W) that
projects through a 5mm x 10 mm aperture.
The light beam was focused onto the affected paw and a photoelectric
cell that detects the light reflected from the paw shut off the light beam
with movement of the paw.
Withdrawal latency measured to the nearest 0.1 second was determined.
Data are expressed as mean paw withdrawal latency
Cancer Induced Bone Pain – A Mouse Model of Metastatic Breast Cancer
Female BALB/c mice are utilized for this protocol but can be replaced with other
mouse strains/sex depending on the study and end-points desired.
On day of surgery, baseline behavioral testing should be performed.
Animals must be placed into small, raised Plexiglas cages with a mesh
wire bottom and allowed to acclimate for at least 30 minutes before the
behavioral testing is begun. (see Note 5)
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Following behavioral testing, 66.1 cells are harvested and diluted to appropriate
concentration for implantation and kept on ice for use. (see Note 1)
Following the behavioral testing, animals are anesthetized under ketamine/
xylazine (8 mg/kg and 1.2 mg/kg, respectively) anesthesia via an intraperitoneal
injection (10mL/kg body weight). (see Note 6)
Faxitron images are take of the caudal end of the animal with special attention
made to be sure that both the ipsilateral and contralateral femurs and proximal
tibias are in the field of view on x-ray. (see Note 7)
Following baseline images, the mice have their right hind limb shaved and the
skin is cleaned with betadine scrub then 70% ethanol 3 times. A final application
of betadine solution (10%) is performed immediately before incision.
Pre-operative subcutaneous bolus of saline and prophylactic antibiotics should be
administered. Eye lubricant should be applied as well to prevent corneal drying
while under anesthesia. Surgical field should be equipped with a heating pad
5.Any of the behavioral tests to measure pain, whether spontaneous or evoked, can be used based on the study design. Most
commonly, we test flinching, guarding and von Frey, but additional tests can be added depending on the study outcome measures.
6.Animals should be monitored for deep anesthesia. This is done by looking for a pinch reflex on the hindpaw. Animals under full
anesthesia should have no withdrawal reaction when their hindpaw is compressed. If the reflex persists for over 6 minutes after
induction, it can be appropriate to add a booster of ketamine/xylazine that doesn’t exceed half of the original induction dose.
7.Faxitron images are then contrast adjusted with the range set to be between 9000 on the upper end and 1507 on the lower end.
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underneath the station to maintain body temperature as ketamine/xylazine
mixture drops core body temperature ~3°C.
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A lateral approach to the distal femur is performed and an incision is made over
the skin of the ipsilateral femur and the thigh is exposed near the distal femur
(see Note 8)
Using forceps, the fascial compartment is dissected and vastus lateralis muscle is
separated to allow access to the underlying femur. (see Note 9) It is at this step
that neurovascular compromise can occur most commonly – be careful not to
disrupt the sciatic nerve or femoral vessels. (see Note 10)
The knee is accessed by medially translating the patella and putting the leg into
full flexion to allow for maximum exposure of the distal femur.
An arthrotomy of the knee joint is performed and using the dental drill, the distal
femur is reamed in a retrograde fashion to enter the medullary canal. (see Note
Following the opening of the medullary canal, the cannulation injection needle is
inserted into the reamed femur and 5μL of 66.1 cells are injected (40,000–80,000
cells in total volume – see Note 12). Figure 1 demonstrates the position of the
injection needle within the medullary canal.
Before removing the injection needle, the bone cement should be mixed with
acrylic to begin the activation process. Once the proper consistency is attained
and the injection needle is removed, a small amount is placed into the hole of the
femur to create a plug that prevents the cancer cells from escaping the medullary
canal and into the surrounding soft tissue. (see Note 13)
Once the femur is properly sealed, the knee is rearticulated and the patella
repositioned. (see Note 14)
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8.Skin incision can be performed with surgical scissors or using a scalpel. For our methods, typically surgical scissors are used to open
the skin as it allows for the most control and cleanest incision. Also, the scissors are used to blunt dissect the subcutaneous tissue to
remove the skin from the underlying muscular compartment.
9.As a landmark, we use the iliotibial band that connects at the proximal tibia and the fascial compartment is dissected around the
knee. The dissection is extended proximally in order to adequately mobilize the quadriceps muscles. Once adequately dissected, the
curved forceps are used to hook femur from lateral to medial near the knee. With the leg in full flexion, the patella and quadriceps
tendon and distal portions of the muscle are medially translated in order to expose the distal femur and intercondylar space.
10.If excessive bleeding occurs at any point during the surgery, which can happen due to transection of the femoral artery/veins,
compression of the site a sterilized cotton swab should be performed immediately. This should be done until bleeding has ceased.
Special attention should be paid while doing the muscular compartment dissection to avoid the femoral artery. Similarly, the sciatic
nerve runs on the posterior aspect of the femur and can be accidently damaged during the muscular dissection. Following the recovery
from anesthesia, the animal should be accessed for viability of the limb. If there is disuse or paralysis, the animal may need to be
11.Caution needs to be taken when performing this step as the femur is very fragile. It is also easy ream through the cortex. If either of
these events occur, the animal must be euthanized.
12.Concentration of cells that is injected ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 in our experiments and exact amount depends on the severity
of bone loss that is desired. The increased number of cells placed in the medullary canal, the faster the rate of bone loss and the greater
the tumor burden. Our typical experiments use 80,000 cells/5μL. Unicortical/bicortical fracture of the femur in a given animal is an
exclusion criterium which requires removal of subject from experiment and human euthanasia (AVMA).
13.The bone cement needs to reach a proper consistency before it is able to be successfully applied to the femur. Small amount of
powder is applied and 1 drop of acrylic onto the powder and mixed using the end of a cotton swab.
14.The relocation of the patella is easily done by extending the leg and pushing the patella laterally. Use the curved forceps to help
realign the patella. Faxitron can be taken after the closure of the leg to ensure the proper alignment of the patella. Also, functional
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Finally, the muscular layer should be closed using 5–0 Vicryl or PDS suture. The
skin can be closed using 7mm or 9mm stainless steel wound clips.
Animals should be placed into a recovery chamber where they can passively
come out of anesthesia. Body temperature must be maintained while recovering
so chamber should be warmed by an insulated heating pad set to a low
Animals should be checked daily for 3 days post-operatively to ensure functional
use of the limb and for signs of infection.
In response to the development of a mouse model of metastatic cancer to bone, a rat model
was developed. This was done because rat bones are larger and this allows for easier access
to the medullary canal, which makes the implantation of the cancer cells much easier.
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Cancer Induced Bone Pain – A Rat Model of Metastatic Cancer to the Tibia
Based on the original description of the protocol [11] and our experience with a murine
model of intramedullary metastatic disease, we have modified a procedure for producing a
model of metastatic cancer to the tibia in rats. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River,
150–180 g) are utilized in this model and are implanted with MRMT-1 rat mammary gland
carcinoma cells (Novartis Oncology Research)(see Note 15)
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On the day of surgery, baseline behavioral testing is performed including
mechanical allodynia, weight bearing and mechanical hyperalgesia as well as
baseline Faxitron images.
The animals are deeply anesthetized using isoflurane inhalation anesthetic or
ketamine/xylazine (80mg/kg and 12mg/kg, respectively)
The animal is then placed supine with the abdomen facing up.
The left leg of the rat is shaved and the skin is disinfected with 70% ethanol
A 1 cm incision is made in the skin over the proximal tibia and the tibia is
exposed. Special attention should be paid to prevent damage to the surrounding
musculature and popliteal and tibial blood vessels.
A 23-gauge needle is inserted through the tibial cortex 5 mm distal to the
epiphyseal plate. The needle must be inserted at an angle in order to access the
medullary canal without fracturing through the opposite cortex.
Needle is removed and replaced with a blunt tipped injection needle connected to
a 10μL Hamilton microinjector.
assessment should be made of the limb after the mouse recovers from anesthesia. If there is improper positioning of the patella,
rupture of the quadriceps tendon or other functional compromise, the animal will need to be euthanized.
15.MRMT-1 cells are cultured and harvested according to conditions set by Medhurst et al.[11] In short, cells were cultured in RPMI
1640 enriched with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% L-glutamine and 2% penicillin/streptomycin. When being harvested, cells were
released from the culture flask by incubation with 0.1% trypsin (w/v). The cells were collected by centrifugation in 10mL of media for
3 minutes at 1200 RPM. The pellet was then washed with 10mL of Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) lacking calcium,
magnesium or phenol red. The suspension was then centrifuged a second time at 1200 RPM for 3 minutes and resuspended in 1 mL of
HBSS. Cells were then counted by hemocytometer and diluted to the final desired concentration for injection into the tibia.
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A volume of 3μL of cells (3000–30,000 cells/injection) or vehicle are then
slowly injected into the medullary canal while slowly withdrawing the injection
needle to ensure filling of the canal. Care is taken to ensure cells do no spill out
of the medullary canal.
After the injection needle is removed, the injection site is sealed with bone wax,
dental amalgam or bone cement.
Skin is then closed with metal skin clips or suture.
Animals are placed into a recovery chamber with a heating pad until
consciousness is regained.
Fracture Induced Pain:
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A procedure for inducing a controlled, full thickness, bicortical fracture was developed
based on our collaboration with the Mantyh lab at the University of Arizona and their
previously published works. [13, 27]
3.5.1 Pin Implantation
On day of surgery, baseline behavioral testing should be performed. Spontaneous
pain behaviors should be performed first, followed by the palpation evoked
Animals must be placed into small, raised Plexiglas cages with a mesh
wire bottom and allowed to acclimate for at least 30 minutes before the
behavioral testing is begun.
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Following behavioral testing, the animals are anesthetized using a mixture of
ketamine and xylazine (8 mg/kg and 1.2 mg/kg, respectively). (see Note 6)
Following anesthesia, the mice are given a bolus of saline (3mL) and gentamycin
(0.8mg/mL, 1 mL) subcutaneously.
Faxitron images are take of the caudal end of the animal with special attention
made to be sure that both the ipsilateral and contralateral femurs and proximal
tibias are in the field of view on x-ray. (see Note 7)
Following baseline images, the animals have their ipsilateral hind limb shaven
and the skin is cleaned with betadine scrub then 70% ethanol 3 times. A final
application of betadine solutions (10%) is performed prior to incision.
Pre-operative subcutaneous bolus of saline and prophylactic antibiotics should be
administered. Eye lubricant should be applied as well to prevent corneal drying
while under anesthesia. Surgical field should be equipped with a heating pad
underneath the station to maintain body temperature as ketamine/xylazine
mixture drops core body temperature ~3°C.
The skin over the lateral femur is incised roughly 10mm and blunt dissection is
performed to separate the skin from the underlying muscular compartment.
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The fascial compartment is dissected and vastus lateralis is split with forceps.
The quadriceps tendon, patella and patellar ligament are then translated medially.
The translation of the patella allows for exposure of the distal femur.
Access to the medullary canal is gained by coring through the bone using a 30
gauge needle in the intracondylar space of the distal femur.[27]
Faxitron images were taken after gaining access to the medullar canal with the
needle still in place to ensure that the reaming of the femur was done
appropriately without compromising the cortices and causing fracture. (see Note
A pre-cut 0.011-inch diameter and 11-mm length stainless steel K-wire was
inserted into the medullary canal in order to stabilize the fracture. Insertion of the
wire was done carefully so to not induce a fracture upon placement, if fracture
occurred at this step the animal was euthanized.
Dental amalgam was used to secure the implanted wire in place to close the hole
in the distal femur. (see Note 16)
Area was irrigated quickly with sterile saline and muscular compartment was
closed using absorbable 5–0 PDS suture.
Skin was closed using 6–0 silk suture (see Note 17)
Animals should be placed into a recovery chamber where they can passively
come out of anesthesia. Body temperature must be maintained while recovering
so chamber should be warmed by an insulated heating pad set to a low
Animals should be checked on every day for 3 days post-operatively to ensure
functional use of the limb and for signs of infection. Wound clips are a removed
7 days post-surgery.
3.5.2 Fracture Procedure
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Prior to the fracture procedure, the animals are tested for behavioral measures of
pain (see behavioral testing above)
On day 21 following the placement of the femoral pin, a closed, mid-diaphyseal
fracture was induced under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia.
A 3-point bending device (BbC Specialty Automotive Center, Linden, NJ) is
utilized to support the mouse femur.
The anesthetized mouse is placed supine with the femur in the 3 point device
with the medial side faced up directly over the support anvil of the bending
16.Bone cement could be substituted for dental amalgam. Bone cement is radiolucent and will appear the same density as bone on xray, while dental amalgam will appear radiodense on x-ray.
17.Skin could also be closed using 7mm or 9mm wound clips.
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The blunt guillotine blade is then lowered onto the hindlimb equidistant between
the hip joint and knee joint.
A 168-g weight is dropped onto the guillotine blade from a height of 19.8 cm,
which resulted in a close fracture of the femoral diaphysis.
Immediately following the fracture procedure, the animals were radiographed to
ensure the proper placement of the fracture. If the animal following the fracture
met at least 1 of the exclusion criteria, they were removed from the study. (see
Note 18)
Monosodium Iodoacetate (MIA) Model of Osteoarthritis
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Our proposed protocol has been modified based on our knowledge of using arthrotomy
models and the expertise of osteoarthritis groups who have previously published in the field.
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Male Sprague-Dawley Rats (Harlan, 275–300g) were utilized for the procedure.
Baseline behavioral testing for nocifensive behavior was performed on the day of
the procedure. Procedures included von Frey testing and thermal hyperalgesia.
Animals were placed under light anesthesia with 3% isoflurane.
Following induction of anesthesia, a single, intraarticular injection of
monosodium acetate (1–3 mg in 0.02–0.05 mL sterile saline) is introduced into
the right knee joint. The needle is inserted through the patellar ligament, just
below its origin on the inferior pole of the patella.
Animals are allowed to waken from anesthesia in a recovery chamber with a
heating pad before being placed into home cages.
Animals are allowed to 14–21 days post-injection before behavior testing is
begun again to allow for arthritis to develop.
3.7 Surgical Destabilization of the Cruciate Ligaments to Induce Osteoarthritis – A Model
of Severe Traumatic Arthritis in Mice
This surgical protocol has been modified from orthopedics groups studying traumatic
ligamentous disruption leading to severe osteoarthritis. [22]
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8 week old male FVB/N mice utilized in the described surgery (other strains
could be supplemented, if needed)
Behavioral testing is performed at baseline before the surgical procedure.
Mice are anesthetized using ketamine/xylazine (8mg/kg and 1.2mg/kg,
18.Exclusion Criteria for Fracture Model: fracture not at the mid-diaphysis of the femur, the pin becomes displaced by the impact,
fracture isn’t observed following impact, and excessive comminution of bone.[13]
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The ipsilateral knee is prepared for aseptic surgery by shaving the area and the
skin was prepared with betadine and 70% ethanol. This cleaning procedure was
performed three times. (see Note 19)
An arthrotomy was performed from the medial side of the joint by making a skin
deep 5mm incision parallel to the patellar tendon using a No. 11 scalpel blade.
A Bvi Beaver EdgeAhead Safety knife Sideport MVR 0.90 mm 20G
microsurgical scalpel is then inserted into the joint space and the anterior cruciate
and posterior cruciate ligaments are transected. (see Note 20)
Skin is then closed with 5–0 monofilament suture. Suture will be removed 2
weeks post-surgery.
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Figure 1.
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Representative Faxitron image of the caudal end of a mouse following femur cannulation
with a 28 gauge blunt injection needle. Note that the needle is placed into the medullary
canal without disrupting the cortex of the femur.
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Methods Mol Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 February 09.