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Business & IT
OntoUML and UFO-A for Soware Engineering
Robert PERGL
Abstract: OntoUML is an extension to the well-known notation of UML by ontology-oriented conceptual modeling aspects. The OntoUML diagrams offer higher expressivity for conceptual modeling thanks to a finer categorization and definition of entity
types. This paper summarizes basic principles and concepts of OntoUML in the perspective of using OntoUML for development of information systems. The advantages
of higher expressivity of OntoUML are illustrated by an example. Other aspects like
transformation to an implementation model and further development of OntoUML
are discussed. Difficulties for wider spread of OntoUML in the professional community are also discussed.
Keywords: ontological modeling, conceptual modeling, OntoUML, soware engineering, information system development.
JEL Classification: C63, C80
The process of developing complex business information system consists of several
consecutive activities (Beck 1998). Assuming the requirements are defined and the project infrastructure is set, three crucial phases lead to the soware realization – not considering consecutive phases of testing, deployment and support:
Figure 1. Simplified model of soware development process denoting the key artifacts between the phases
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In Figure 1, artifacts are shown to serve as inputs and outputs between phases of the
process. The quality of the input artifacts significantly influences the success of each
phase – a high quality design cannot be created from low quality analytical sources and
a high quality implementation cannot be created from a low quality design. The quality
is influenced especially by these two factors:
The quality of the modeling notation (Guizzardi, Ontological Foundations for
Structural Conceptual Models 2005).
The preservation of information between phases (Pícka and Pergl 2006).
In this paper, we deal especially with the quality of the analytical output artifacts, in
particular with the conceptual model. Furthermore, we discuss the transformation of
the structural conceptual model to a structural implementation model in the design
The goal of this paper is to outline the possibilities and advantages of using the OntoUML notation for conceptual modeling of business information systems. We deal
only with the structural models of the systems. Another goal of this paper is to outline
the issue of transformation of the OntoUML models into implementation models, in
particular for the pure object-oriented models. A side goal of the paper is to introduce
the OntoUML notation that is not yet well-known by the professional public and the
difficulties for the wider spread of this notation.
Structure of the paper
In section 2, we introduce the origin and structure of OntoUML. In section 3, we show
the fundamentals and principles of OntoUML and provide the basic categorization
of entity types. Higher expressivity of OntoUML is demonstrated on an example by
comparing a UML and an OntoUML model. We discuss the task of transformation of
an OntoUML conceptual model into an implementation model in section 4. Finally, in
section 5, we outline the difficulties for wider usage of OntoUML by professional community and we provide conclusions and further plans.
Origins of OntoUML
OntoUML was created as an attempt to merge the ontological analysis and conceptual modeling. The goal of the intention was to provide the analyst with a set of various
entity types with precisely defined qualities and characteristics to model the reality as
precise as possible. OntoUML is based on the Cognitive Science knowledge about spe-
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cifics of our perception and on the modal logic and the mathematical foundations of
logic, sets and relations. Syntactically it is built on the notation of UML class diagrams
(Fowler 2003) that is extended by a set of new concepts by special stereotypes – this formally conforms to the UML metamodel (OMG n.d.) and therefore current CASE tools,
presentation tools, transformation tools, etc. can be used for OntoUML models. Unlike
other extensions of UML, OntoUML is created from the very foundations and constitute a complete system independent of the original UML elements. It uses some aspects
(like classes), however, it omits a set of other problematic concepts (for instance aggregation and composition) and replaces them with own ontologically correct concepts.
For the first time, OntoUML was presented in the dissertation thesis by Dr. Giancarlo
Guizzardi that was defended with highest honors in 2005 at the University of Twente.
The thesis was later published as a monograph (Guizzardi, Ontological Foundations for
Structural Conceptual Models 2005). Since then, Dr. Guizzardi is one of the most active
scientist and author in the field of conceptual modeling and he is a member of many
conference boards in the field 1. Currently, Dr. Guizzardi works at the Federal University of Espírito Santo in Vittoria, Brasil, where he leads the NEMO research group.
Three foundational ontologies are created using OntoUML – UFO (Unified Foundational Ontology):
UFO-A: Structural aspects – Objects, their types, parts, roles they play …
UFO-B: Dynamic aspects – Events, their parts and relations, object participation
in events, time-dependent behaviour …
UFO-C: Social aspects – Based on UFO-A and UFO-B, dealing with agents,
states, goals, actions, norms, social commitments and claims …
UFO-A is considered to be completed and proved in a set of projects in practice, no
more intensive research for its extension and development is expected. On the other
hand, UFO-B and UFO-C are targets of current intensive research.
OntoUML and UFO has already been applied in practice in many complex projects, for
example Off-Shore Soware Development – conceptual analysis for an international
oil company, in projects in the field of telecommunications and Media Content Management.
1) A list of publications available for downloading is published at the personal webpage of Dr. Guizzardi (Guizzardi, Homepage n.d.).
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Basic Principles of OntoUML
In the following, we deal only with the UFO-A and the OntoUML term is used for the
notation and UFO-A together. We focus on the structural aspects for static modeling of
Categories of the entity types
As mentioned above, OntoUML strictly distinguishes various categories of entities in
the reality around us. Part of the entity types’ hierarchy is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. The hierarchy of basic entity type categories in OntoUML
A set of strict criteria is defined to distinguish the categories:
Identity – if the entity type provides or has an ontological identity. The types
that do not provide identity inherit the identity from their ancestors.
Rigidity – the changeability or immutability of the type. OntoUML uses
modal logic for definitions of various aspects using operators necessity and
possibility in time and space – modal logic uses the term world. We distinguish
rigidity, anti-rigidity and non-rigidity (the negation of rigidity). Based on these
characteristics, we distinguish rigid, anti-rigid and semi-rigid – for some
instances rigid, for other non-rigid) entity types.
Relational dependency – the entity type can exist only with a relation to
another entity type.
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The table shown in Figure 3 summarizes characteristics of the basic entity type categories.
Figure 3. Characteristics of the basic entity type categories
Strict distinguishing of the entity type’s category has a practical significance in the soware engineering. An example of a UML model and its OntoUML counterpart is shown
in Figure 4. It describes a small part of a university information system. The UML model defines only four entity types for a general person, a student, an employee and an
insured employee. The OntoUML counterpart strictly distinguishes several various categories of the entity types and adds some other required types. The UML model misses
some important information that can lead to faulty design and implementation:
Figure 4. An example of a UML model and its OntoUML counterpart for a university information system
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In the UML model, we distinguish students and employees, both as subtypes
of a person. However, a person cannot be a student and an employee in the
same time – in this case, two independent instances must be created 2. On the
other hand, in the OntoUML model, we classify the student and employee
types as roles of the person type. This means that each person can be in the
role of a student or an employee at a faculty. The role category is anti-rigid.
This classification enables the person to gain or lose the role or even be in both
roles at the same time.
In the OntoUML model, the roles inherit the identity from the kind Person.
This allows a person to gain or lose a role without losing its identity in the
system. In the UML model, the student and the employee have their own
identity. When a student finishes its studies and becomes an employee, it loses
all its history in the system.
Phases in the OntoUML model are anti-rigid, too. This means that the employee
can change its state between the insured employee and the uninsured
employee without changing its identity. Unlike the roles, any person can be
only in one and exactly one phase of the same phase partition. The rigid UML
model does not support changing the insurance state of a person without
changing the person’s identity. We could create an optional association
between an employee and an insurance entity type; however, we would lose
the polymorphism of employees. In the OntoUML, we can simply create an
association between the insured employee and a car entity type denoting that
only an insured employee can drive a car. This constraint cannot be expressed
in pure UML 3.
A role in OntoUML is a relationally dependent type – there must be another
entity type connected to the role by an association with the minimal multiplicity
value of 1. This rule forces the analyst to search for the truth maker of the role
– what makes the kind entity to get the role – and to include it in the model. In
UML, there is no such concept.
Characteristics of the Whole-Part relationship
OntoUML also deals with the Whole-Part relationship in more detail than it is defined in
UML. UML defines composition and aggregation associations very vaguely and imprecisely. OntoUML brings more precise definition of the relationship and its multiplicities and
obligation from the point of view of both the whole and the parts. Omitting these important
aspects can result to faulty design and implementation because of the missing information.
2) There exist implementation solutions for such a situation, however, we focus on the structural conceptual
modeling and the way to express such characteristics on this level. We try to respect the rule that the conceptual
model should be maximal and complete.
3) Such constraints can be expressed by OCL invariants attached to the diagram, however, these invariants can
not be expressed directly by the diagram elements.
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Types of the obligatory participation from the point of view of the
whole entity
The types of the obligatory participation from the perspective of the whole entity are
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The types of the obligatory participation of the part entity from the perspective of the Whole
Optional Part – the part entity is optional for the whole entity, the whole
instance can exist without any instance of the part entity.
Mandatory Part – the part entity is obligatory for the whole entity. Any instance
of the whole must be linked to an instance of the part entity. However, the part
entity instance may change. An example of this type of obligation is a human
heart: a human must have a heart to live but the heart can be transplanted – the
instance of the heart is changed while the human instance does not. Another
example could be an engine of a car.
Essential Part – the part entity is obligatory for the whole entity. Additionally,
the part entity is essential – the part entity instance can not be changed.
Changing the part entity instance would destroy the identity of the whole entity
instance. An example of this type of obligation is a human brain – the brain can
not be transplanted and even if it could be the human would be someone else
with new identity. Similarly, the chassis of the car can not be changed without
changing the car’s identity because the VIN number is printed on it.
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Types of the obligatory participation from the point of view of the
part entity
The types of the obligatory participation of the whole entity from the perspective of the
part entity are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. The types of the obligatory participation of the whole entity from the perspective of the part
Optional Whole – the whole entity is optional for the part entity. An instance
of the part entity can exist without any instance of the whole entity.
Mandatory Whole – the whole entity is obligatory for the part entity. An
instance of the part entity must be always connected to an instance of the
whole entity. However, it can change the whole entity’s instance. An example
of this type is a kidney that can be transplanted from one person to another.
Inseparable Part – an instance of the part entity must be a part of the same
whole entity instance for its whole life. An example of this type can be the
human brain, again, as it can not be transplanted.
Other characteristics of the participation in the Whole-Part relationship
All types of the obligation mentioned above stand for rigid whole and part entities.
When one of the types is anti-rigid, we have to distinguish, if the instance linked to the
anti-rigid type instance can change when the type changes its anti-rigid state – remember, a rigid entity can gain or lose a role and change its phase and when it gains one of
the roles or phases, it is always linked to the same instance of the other type. This characteristic is expressed by these meta-attributes of the relationship:
Immutable Part – when an instance of the whole entity is in the anti-rigid
state, it is always connected to the same instance of the part entity.
Immutable Whole – when an instance of the part entity is in the anti-rigid
state, it is always connected to the same instance of the whole entity.
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OntoUML also defines the shareability of the part entity instance among the whole entity instances. This characteristic uses similar notation as aggregation and composition
in UML but with a different meaning:
The full symbol ♦ or the meta-attribute isShareable = false stands for a notshareable part – an instance of the part entity can be a part of only one whole
entity instance at the same time.
The empty symbol ◊ or the meta-attribute isShareable = true stands for
a shareable part – an instance of the part entity can be a part of multiple
instances of the whole entity at the same time.
It is important to mention that all these characteristics – the types of obligatory participation from the perspective of both the part and the whole entity and the shareability
of the part entity instances are completely independent of each other allowing modeling of any combination of these characteristics as required by the domain reality.
Types of the Whole-Part relationship
OntoUML also distinguishes various types of the Whole-Part relationship and the roles the parts take in the whole:
The whole consists of parts of the same type.
The whole is infinitely dividable into parts.
The part represents all the material of the container.
Examples: water in a bottle, stone of a statue, etc.
Relation subQuantityOf: alcohol-wine, sugar-coffee, etc.
The whole consists of parts of other types.
The collective is not infinitely dividable.
All parts take the same role in the collective.
Relation memberOf: a tree – a forest, a student – a class, etc.
Relation subCollectionOf: north part of a forest – a forest, cars – vehicles, etc.
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Functional Entity
The whole consists of parts that take various roles.
Relation componentOf: a heart – a vascular system, a director – a company, an
engine – a car, etc.
Other parts of the UFO-A
UFO-A also deals in detail with associations, aspects (existentially dependent objects),
qualities (complex measurable attributes) and their domains and also with a redefinition of specialization.
Transformation of an OntoUML conceptual model into an
implementation model
While the conceptual model is the result in the case of conceptual analysis, in soware
engineering it is just one of the first input artefacts for other development phases. The
process of implementation and source code creation based on the conceptual OntoUML model with a set of additional information and rules not captured in the model
(behavioural models, state models, etc.) is possible but error-prone because the semantic gap between the models is huge. The conceptual model also does not contain some
additional information required for the implementation just because of the principle
of the conceptual model – it must be independent of the implementation. However,
the implementation requires information like the associations’ direction for object navigation, queries’ optimization and structure actualization.
Therefore, we suggest creating an implementation model that captures how the conceptual model will be implemented. This model contains the structural information of
the conceptual model along with additional implementation dependent information
and it can be transformed into the source code.
Currently, we focus on the pure object-oriented implementation so the implementation model consists of classes, attributes, methods, inheritance and composition. Of
course, the conceptual model degenerates during the transformation, therefore even
the conceptual model must be discussed during the implementation.
Another option is the transformation to a relational model. The NEMO research group
focused on this transformation; however, the results are not public because the research was done as a part of a commercial project. The relational implementation model seems to be more complicated because of the required application logic to make
the implementation valid according to the former conceptual model (in PL-SQL, for
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OntoUML and UFO can be used as tools for ontology-oriented conceptual modelling
in many areas where an exact mental model needs to be expressed:
in the area of information exchange,
in the area of term and relations definition (legal regulations, etc.),
in the area of data integration (business and knowledge engineering, business
intelligence, e-government, etc.),
in the area of service and component integration (heterogeneous environment).
In soware development, the information exchange is crucial for success of the project
and for satisfaction of the customer’s requirements and needs. OntoUML and UFO-A provide higher expressivity and precision for structural conceptual model than
UML models.
Important aspects of OntoUML
In our experience and opinion, a subset of OntoUML aspects is sufficient for a soware
engineer. We consider these aspects as the most helpful:
The distinguishing of various categories of entity types into Sortals and NonSortals.
The distinguishing of rigidity of entity types.
The distinguishing of the obligatory participation in the Whole-Part relations.
The distinguishing of various types of the Whole-Part relations.
The distinguishing of material and formal relations.
The distinguishing of aspect categories (qualities and modes).
We believe that a soware engineer finds the basic definitions and characteristics of the
mentioned concepts sufficient for the soware development practise. Dr. Guizzardi
introduces very deep theory of mereology for the Whole-Part relations issue, however,
we do not consider this necessary for the soware development.
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Difficulties of OntoUML spread in the public community
OntoUML is not yet well-known a spread among the community of soware engineers.
There are several difficulties that prevent its wider spread. We find the following problems the most important:
Lack of literature and information sources.
Lack of public examples and case studies.
Missing courses and training programs.
Hardly available support and community.
Missing CASE tools.
In the following paragraphs, the problems are described in more detail.
Lack of literature and information sources
There is only one complex and publicly available publication about OntoUML – the
dissertation thesis of Dr. Guizzardi (Guizzardi, Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models 2005). It is a top-class research thesis; however, it is really tough and intense for the public community. Additionally, it does not describe the most
recent version of OntoUML, one have to study the most recent conference papers, in
Lack of public examples and case studies
As mentioned above, OntoUML was applied in several successful projects; however,
these projects were commercial and the results are kept private. Some case studies were
published in (Guizzardi, Homepage n.d.) but it is too little for adequate education.
Missing courses and training programs
OntoUML is taught by the Dr. Guizzardi’s team only at the Federal University of Espírito Santo in Vittoria, Brasil, and at some universities in Holland. However, we started to
teach OntoUML at FIT CTU in Prague in the last year. Also, no commercial courses for
the public community of soware engineers are available worldwide.
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Hardly available support and community
The community of OntoUML users and developers is too small and consists almost
exclusively of the NEMO team of Dr. Guizzardi and several other researchers in
Holland and Germany. The community is very important to support developers new
to OntoUML and to provide help, tips and sources for them. Currently, we try to build
a community of OntoUML developers at FIT CTU in Prague.
Missing CASE tools
Currently, a CASE tool based on the Eclipse platform created as a part of Dr. Guizzardi
dissertation thesis is available for OntoUML modelling. The tool supports all OntoUML concepts of UFO-A and is capable of model checking according to the rules for
OntoUML models. However, the tool is not developed anymore and misses many important functions for practical usage in soware development. OntoUML models can
be also created in many current CASE tools for UML, however, these tools provide no
semantic support for OntoUML concepts.
Future plans and perspectives
The NEMO team currently works on a soware tool for behavioural simulation of entities in a structural diagram. Such a tool could help a soware engineer to verify a conceptual model and validate it with the customer on a prototype of the structures.
Finishing the rules and definitions for the transformation of an OntoUML model into
various types of implementation models can provide a powerful tool for rapid development, flexible adaptability of models and consistency of the model and its implementation. However, this transformation will probably require additional information and
therefore it can be only semi-automatic.
UFO-B is intensively developed by the NEMO team. When it is developed enough, modelling of dynamic aspects of information systems in OntoUML will be possible. Although many methods, techniques and notations are available for process modelling,
the situation is similar to the structural modelling – the notation is not satisfactory
enough from the ontological point of view – see the analysis of BPMN notation (Guizzardi, Can bpmn be used for making simulation models? 2011).
The OntoUML research, studies and teaching is supported by the Centre for Conceptual Modelling and Ontologies at Faculty of Information Technologies, Czech Technical University.
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Beck, K. Process Patterns: Building Large-Scale Systems Using Object
Technology. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Fowler, M. UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling
Language. 3rd edition edn. Addisson-Wesley Professional, 2003.
Guizzardi, G. Homepage. http://nemo.inf.ufes.br/gguizzardi. —. “Can bpmn be
used for making simulation models?” Lecture Notes in Business Information
Processing - LNBIP, 2011: 100-115.—. Ontological Foundations for Structural
Conceptual Models. Telematica Instituut Fundamental Research Series, 2005.
OMG. Metaobject facility. http://www.omg.org/mof.
Pícka, M., and R. Pergl. “Gradual modeling of information system: Model of
method expressed as transitions between concepts.” ISAS, 2006: 538-541.
Department of Soware Engineering, FIT CTU in Prague, Thákurova 9, 160 00, Praha 6
{robert.pergl, zdenek.rybola, david.buchtela, ivan.ryant}@fit.cvut.cz