International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering (IJCRCE)
Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, PP 1-7
ISSN 2454-8693 (Online)
The Recovery of Precious and Base Metals from E-Waste:
A Review
Amil Memon
Prof. (Mrs) Reshma L. Patel
Final year M.Tech. Student, Environmental
Engineering, B.V.M.Engineering College,
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
Department, B.V.M.Engineering College
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Dr. Jayeshkumar Pitroda
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department
B.V.M.Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Abstract: Rapid Technological development induces increase of generation of used electric and electronic
equipment waste, causing a serious threat to the environment. Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs), as the
main component of the waste, are significant source of base and precious metals especially copper and gold.
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are currently being dumped in landfills or incinerated which is causing a serious
environmental harm in the form of toxic gases or leached hazardous compounds. To recover these metals from
waste has always been a challenge. The paper here presents a detailed literature review on the components and
the metal content of PCBs.
Keyword: Electronic Waste Management, Precious Metals, Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Recovery
Old electronic equipment that has outlived their useful life is categorized as e- waste. As per various
numbers published by various research agencies, about 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are generated
worldwide every year. E-waste comprises of more than 5 % of all solid waste generated and the
volume is expected to increase at a rate of 300% per annum in developing countries. On an average, in
India, in case of mobile phones the useful life goes up to 2 years. In case of PCs, it may go up to 5
years. The life of this equipment is extended due to reasons such as upgrade, repair and reuse,
donation to charity, etc.
Electrical and Electronic equipment contains Printed circuit boards (PCBs) that have metallic and
non-metallic elements, alloys and compounds such as Copper, Aluminum, Gold, Silver, Palladium,
Platinum, Nickel, Tin, Lead, Iron, Sulphur, Phosphorous, Arsenic etc. If discarded in the open, these
metals can cause a severe environmental and health hazard.
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are currently being dumped in landfills or incinerated which is causing a
serious environmental harm in the form of toxic gases or leached hazardous compounds. PCBs
contain high amounts of precious metals; about 20wt% copper, 0.04 wt% gold, 0.15 wt% silver, and
0.01 wt % palladium. The extraction of these metals from PCBs is both profitable and
environmentally worthwhile.
This study focuses on the extraction process of four metals; gold, silver, copper and palladium from
PCBs of computers and mobile phones using the EMEW Electro winning Technology which results
in metal purities of up to 99.99%.
The following are the previous research review based on recovery of precious and base metals from
Niederkom and Huzar et al (1984) are the pioneers who have worked on gold recovery from used
electrical contactors. According to their estimate about 700 tonnes of gold must have been conspired
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in the manufacture of low voltage electrical contactors, which have become redundant over a period.
Thus, gold becomes a candidate for recovery. Further, they have also demonstrated an average gold
recovery rate of 95% from contactors by mechanical and chemical processing. [22]
Dunning B. W. Jr. et al (1986) have discussed the recovery of Precious Metals from Electronic
Scrap and Solder used in Electronics Manufacture. [8]
Mellon and Matthews et al (1991) are the first to make organized attempts to estimate the computer
waste disposal and recycling options. [20]
Boswell et al (1995) first published work on E-waste recycling who emphasizes the concept of demanufacturing design for disassembly in close loop for end of life cycle equipment. In Rio de Janeiro
(3rd-14th June 1992) "Earth Summit" mention also has been made about the precautionary principles
and sustainability of resources. Basel Convention, which came in to force in 1992, forbids
industrialized nations from exporting their hazardous waste to developing countries without obtaining
the permission in writing from the importing country and with the guarantee of treating the toxic
substances in an environmental and eco-friendly manner. Canada, India and 168 other countries have
ratified this treaty. [2]
Zhang and Forssberg et al (1998, 1999) have made series of attempts on Metal Recovery from
Electronic Scrap using optimization studies on Corona discharge type equipment for separation of
various fractions of Plastics, Copper and Aluminum etc. [30]
Dwelling et al (1999) study on house equipment statistics reveals, the average life (amount of PC
time useful to its original owner) is 2-4 years and by the year 2005, a PC's first life is expected to
decrease by another year, considering reuse and shortage options, the total lifespan (the period from
manufacture to disposal) is estimated to at 3-4 years. He also states that the computer equipment
includes desktop personal computers, notebooks, keyboards, printers and speakers. [9]
Nokia's Environmental Report (2000) According to which only 22% of the waste produced during
1997-98 was recycled.
Esko Nurmi (2000) who was responsible for waste management and recycling in Oulu facility of
Nokia, says the volume of landfill waste could be significantly reduced during 1999 it is 58% during
2000, and by 2001 the figure should rise to 60%. [23]
Hesselbach et al (1999, 2001) have studied on combined strategy for recycling, based on Product and
Process Oriented Quantitative Bench Marking and for close loop economy and economical efficiency.
Jun Kim et al (2003) published a technical paper on "Selective Leaching of Valuable Metals such as
Cu, Au, Ag, Pd and Pb from Waste printed Circuit Boards". [7]
Jirang and Forssberg et al (2003) have conducted a study on Mechanical Recycling of E-waste
using Magnetic, Conductivity, Density, Corona Electrostatic Separations and Jigging techniques. [13]
Chandra et al (2004) have discussed on Dissolution of gold in Thiosulphate solutions. Thiosulfate
leaching appears to be the most promising alternative to cyanidation for the recovery of gold from
ores. The paper presents a fundamental study on the gold oxidation half reaction in the solutions
containing thiosulfate. [5]
Wolfarm et al (2005) writes on 'end of life treatment of second-generation electronic gadgets. Major
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to plastic waste recycling were evaluated with respect to
three management alternatives: recycling of clean, single-type plastic, recycling of
mixed/contaminated plastic, and use of plastic waste as fuel in industrial processes. It is an excellent
report for complete treatment options for various waste plastic recycling. [26]
P. Gramatyka et al (2007) described the current status of waste electrical and electronic equipment
recycling and disposal in Europe, and its impact on the environment, human health and the economy.
Pyrometallurgical treatment in copper smelters is the common process for the recycling of electronic
scrap. But the treatment of electronic scrap especially material with high contaminations oramount of
plastic needs always a combination of different steps, i.e. mechanical, thermal and hydrometallurgical.
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The Recovery of Precious and Base Metals from E-Waste: A Review
Balakrishnan Ramesh Babu et al (2007) addressed potential environmental problems that could
stem from improper management of WEEE, also discussed about many countries and organizations
drafted national legislation to improve the reuse, recycling and other forms of material recovery from
WEEE to reduce the amount and types of materials disposed in landfills. Recycling of waste electric
and electronic equipment is important not only to reduce the amount of waste requiring treatment, but
also to promote the recovery of valuable materials. Described the generation, classification, strategies
and the technologies for recovering materials and new scientific developments related to these
activities. Also the e-waste recycling industry in India is also discussed. [1]
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) (2008) India, have brought out guidelines for
environmentally sound management of E-waste, and Mercury Management in Fluorescent Lamp
Sector. [4]
Jirang Cui et al (2008) depicted the state of the art in recovery of precious metals from electronic
waste by pyrometallurgical processing, hydrometallurgical processing, and bio-Metallurgical
processing. Pyrometallurgical processing as a traditional technology for recovery of precious metals
from waste electronic equipment Hydrometallurgical processing techniques including cyanide
leaching, halide leaching, thiourea leaching, and thiosulfate leaching of precious metals. Based on a
critical comparison of various leaching methods from the points of view economic feasibility and
environmental impact, it is concluded that leaching of gold by thiourea may be the most realistic
substitute. Also, biotechnology has been one of the most promising technologies in metallurgical
processing. [14]
Mathias Schluep, et al (2009) has discussed for the first time the social issues in the reuse of
computers in developing countries like China, India and Peru. [19]
Brett H. Robinson et al (2009) gave an assessment of global production and environmental impact of
E-waste. Report showed that most E-waste is disposed in landfills. Effective reprocessing technology,
which recovers the valuable materials with minimal environmental impact, is expensive. [3]
Željko Kamberović et al (2009) proposed three hydrometallurgical processes for the recovery of
copper and other precious metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs) and also optimized it.
The use of selective leachants for recovery of high purity metals (fluoroboric acid, ammoniaammonium salt solution), conventional leachants (sulphuric acid, chloride, cyanide) and eco-friendly
leachants (formic acid, potassium persulphate).Suggested that selection of suitable hydrometallurgical
process highly depend on leaching tests and techno-economical analysis [27]
UNEP (2010) in its report recycling from E-waste to resources indicates that electronic products in
countries like China and India are set to rise sharply in the next 10 years. Further, global E-waste
generation is growing by 40 million tons by 2020. In India, over 56,300 tons of obsolete PCs and
47,000 tons of printers are estimated to be generated by 2020. [17]
Ruediger Kuehr et al (2010) paper on E-waste: "not your normal trash" has emphasized the need for
toxic free solder by non-toxic substances, besides how the E-waste generation remains unaccounted.
He further discusses on resource efficiency, partially burnt cables, circuit boards are deserted where
cattle and people are moving. In order to extract precious materials or recycle parts for further use,
this waste is finally processed in the majority of cases by crude backyard techniques such as applying
acid baths to obtain gold or burning wires to remove insulation and get the copper. This emits dioxins
and other pollutants and poses a danger to protect and their local environment. [25]
Ž. Kamberović et al (2010) carried out series of copper leaching test with sulphuric acid and
influence of different process parameters (solid-liquid ratio, leaching time and temperature, stirring
rate and addition of oxidizing agent) was studied to get optimal process conditions. The achieved
copper leaching degree was 98%. Also, Copper from the solution after leaching could be valorised
through EW and precious metals present in solid residue could undergo thiourea leaching [28]
Željko Kamberović et al (2011) demonstrated the techno commercial feasibility of the treatment to
waste printed circuit boards concerning great environmental and economical potentials that the
precious and base metal recovery can offer. Process is techno-economically feasible for amount of
gold exceeding the limit value of 500ppm.In addition; presented hydrometallurgical technology will
allow the production of material with purity suitable for commercial use. [29]
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Maria Paola Luda et al (2011) Showed that Physical recycling is a promising recycling method
without environmental pollution and with reasonable equipment invests; low energy cost and
diversified potential applications of products. However, separation between the metallic and nonmetallic fraction from waste PCBs has to be enhanced. Metal recovery could be performed by
traditional pyrometallurgical approaches on metal concentrated PCB scraps fractions. Comparing with
the pyrometallurgical processing, hydrometallurgical method was more exact, more predictable, and
more easily controlled. New promising biological processes is under development. [18]
Johan Sohaili et al (2012) showed that large amount of nonmetallic materials in printed circuit board
(PCBs) are disposed of by combustion and disposal in landfill as the main method for treating
nonmetals in PCBs, but it causes secondary pollution and resource wasting. PCBs recycling process
usually includes three process which is pretreatment, physical recycling, and chemical recycling and
the recovered nonmetals were used to make models, construction materials and composite boards. The
study shows that PCB nonmetals can be reused in profitable and environmentally friendly ways. [15]
Johan Sohaili et al (2012) Crushing and separation are then key points for improving successful
further treatments. Physical recycling is a promising recycling method without environmental
pollution and with reasonable equipment invests, and diversified potential applications of products.
However, separation between the metallic and non-metallic fraction from waste PCBs has to be
enhanced. Comparing with the pyrometallurgical processing, hydrometallurgical method is more
exact, more predictable, and more easily controlled. [16]
Youssef. Chehade et al (2012) proposed an extraction process that has been sub-divided into three
stages: (1) Physical separation, (2) metal recovery, and (3) waste treatment. Stage 1 involves size
reduction to~1 mm diameter, followed by the corona electrostatic separator and the hydro-cyclone
which separate metals from non-metals. Stage 2 separates individual target metals from each other by
hydrometallurgical processing. This stage involves the dissolution of metals in sulphuric acid and
Aqua Regia, followed by the application of EMEW electrowinning technology which results in metal
purities of up to 99.99%. Stage 3 includes the treatment of by-products according to environmental,
health, and safety standards. [6]
Jakub Szałatkiewicz et al (2014) presented data that identifies metals and other substances found in
PCB waste based on elemental and technical analysis of PCBs. PCB categorization based on gold
concentration is presented, resulting in two groups: electric and electronic PCBs. Then mass of PCBs
in waste of electric and electronic equipment is presented. Presents an analysis of metals values in
PCBs pointing to gold, palladium and copper as the three the most valuable metals for recovery. [12]
Jadhav U et al (2015) investigated the hydrometallurgical leaching process using four different
leaching agents and their respective leaching time. Among the leaching reagents examined,
hydrochloric acid (HCl) showed great potential for the recovery of metals. The HCl took less time for
the metal recovery and was thus a very effective leachant. [11]
Muammer Kaya et al (2016) provided a comprehensive review of various physical and chemical
processes for electronic waste recycling, their advantages and shortfalls towards achieving a cleaner
process of waste utilization with special attention towards extraction of metallic values. After size
reduction, mainly physical separation/concentration processes employing gravity, electrostatic,
magnetic separators, froth floatation etc., which are commonly used in mineral processing, have been
critically reviewed for separation of metals and non-metals, along with useful utilizations of the nonmetallic materials. The recovery of metals from e-waste material after physical separation through
pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical or bio-hydrometallurgical routes is also discussed along with
purification and refining. Hydrometallurgical route was found to be key player in the base and
precious metals recoveries from e-waste. [21]
Based on Literature Review the following conclusions are drawn:
1. There are precious metals and base metals present in Waste Printed Circuit Boards obtained from
used Electronic Equipment.
2. These metals are harmful and hazardous to the environment making it contaminated if land filled
or dumped which is usually done.
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The Recovery of Precious and Base Metals from E-Waste: A Review
3. Metals such as Gold, Silver, and Copper can be recovered from these PCBs employing physical
and chemical processes.
4. Major two processes are used; Pyrometallurgical and Hydrometallurgical process.
5. Hydrometallurgical process is more advanced and more economical
6. Hydrometallurgical process is basically chemical leaching process using leaching agent.
7. Physical processing can be done in the initial stage to optimize the recovery.
8. Thiorurea and Aqua Regia are the most promising leaching agents used for recovery of metals.
9. The recovery of the metals varies with the leaching conditions such as leaching period,
temperature, stirring rate, etc.
10. The optimum recovery method is the Electro winning Process with three stages.
11. Stage 1 involves size reduction to~1 mm diameter, followed by the corona electrostatic separator
and the hydro-cyclone which separate metals from non-metals.
12. Stage 2 separates individual target metals from each other by hydrometallurgical processing. This
stage involves the dissolution of metals in sulphuric acid and Aqua Regia, followed by the
application of EMEW electro winning technology which results in metal purities of up to 99.99%.
13. Stage 3 includes the treatment of by-products according to environmental, health, and safety
E-waste tends to be a bigger issue in the coming years and an effective way is needed to tackle that
problem. Another challenging part is selecting the recovery method. Indeed, electro winning has the
potential for a self-sufficient method for the recovery. If it is commercially applied the recycling
would be both profitable and economical which would also be according to the norms and standards
of environment, health and safety.
The Authors thankfully acknowledge to Dr. C. L. Patel, Chairman, Charutar Vidya Mandal, Er. V. M.
Patel, Hon. Jt. Secretary, Charutar Vidya Mandal, Prof. (Dr.) Indrajit Patel, Principal, B.V.M.
Engineering College, Dr.Anand Metre, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Department,
GCET College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India for their motivations and infrastructural support to
carry out this research.
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The Recovery of Precious and Base Metals from E-Waste: A Review
Amil Memon received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering
from the Sarvajanik College of Engineering Technology (Surat), Gujarat Technological
University, in 2015. At present, he is final year student of Master's Degree in
Environmental Engineering from Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat
Technological University.
Prof. Reshma L. Patel received her Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil
Engineering from the Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, Sardar Patel University in
1991. In 1993 she received her Master's Degree in Civil (Environmental) Engineering
from Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, Sardar Patel University. She joined Birla
Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College as a faculty in 1994, where she is
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Department with a total experience of 22
years in the field of Research, Designing and education. She is guiding M.E. (Environmental
Engineering) Thesis work in the field of Civil/ Environmental Engineering. She has published many
papers in National/ International Conferences and International Journals.
Dr. Jayeshkumar R Pitroda received his bachelor of engineering degree in Civil
Engineering from Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College, Sardar
Patel University in 2000. In 2009 he received his master’s degree in Construction
Engineering and Management form Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya Sardar Patel
University. In 2015 he received his Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Civil
Engineering from Sardar Patel University. He joined Birla Vishwakarma
Mahavidyalaya Engineering College as a faculty in 2009, where he is Assistant Professor of Civil
Engineering Department with a total experience of 16 years in the field of research, designing and
education. He is guiding M.E. (Construction Engineering and Management) thesis work in the field of
Civil / Construction Engineering. He has published many papers in National / International
Conferences and International Journals. He has published seven Research Books in the field of Civil
Engineering, Rural Road Construction, National Highways Construction, Utilization of Industrial
Waste, Fly Ash Bricks, Construction Engineering and Management, Eco-friendly Construction.
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