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This article is a bibliographical essay of books and articles aboutthe development of Islamic law in Indonesia. Thus this paper tries oorganize some works conducted by both Indonesian and non Indonesianscholars. The article is divided into three parts. The first is introductionand then followed by the discussion about the topic itself. The secondpart is presented into several divisions according to the approaches ofstudy on the development of Islamic law in Indonesia, such as historicalapproach and legal approach. The last part is the conclusion. Keywords: Islamic law, bibliography, Indonesia
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, 2018
The study on the gradualityprinciple (tadarruj) of Islamic law in the context of Islamic law legislation in Indonesia has broad issues. The process of Islamization in the archipelago has been taking place gradually, since the advent of Islam in the 7th century AD or the first century of the emergence of Islam in Arab. The legislation efforts of Islamic law in the context of the legal system of a country always raises two sides, they are universal and the particular. Universality and particularity of the Islamic laware motivated by two dimensions, ie the dimensions of divinity (ilāhiyyah) and the human dimension (insāniyyah). This paper is a qualitative research that focuses on discussing regarding the implementation of Islamic law at the early spread of Islamin the Indonesianarchipelago, with the historically normative approach. The conclusion is the graduality principle has been applied in the legislative process in the Islamic law in Indonesia,but it has no formal legal basis in t...
This article examines the development of Islamic law in Indonesia in a chronological way within the contexts of the Dutch colonialism up to 1942, the Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945, and the post-independence to date. It analyzes such development from the perspectives of continuity and change theory. This analysis is focused on three main themes, namely: (1) the laws on issues in worshiping practices, human relations, and crimes; (2) the subjects of the laws as found in the figures of kyais (Islamic scholars), prominent individuals influenced by either Wahhabism or Western education, and leaders of organizations; and (3) implementation of Islamic laws on women affairs. This study revealed that a number of changes in Indonesian Islamic law over the last one hundred years in which moderate Shafiite and Sufi domination of Indonesian Islamic discourse was seriously challenged by the most rigorous and literalist school of Islamic law as represented by Hanbalisme.
Front Cover: The image is fully adopted from the image in the article of A Taqr³ § for a Nineteenth Century Indonesian Manuscript The focus of this journal is to provide readers on understanding of Indonesia and International affairs related to religious literature and heritage and its present developments through publication of articles, research reports, and books reviews. Heritage of Nusantara specializes in religious studies in the field of literature either contemporarily or classically and heritage located in Southeast Asia. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines. Abstract Essentially, the application of Islamic law in Indonesia has a huge opportunity. Undeniably, there remain challenges, both from within (Muslims) and from outside (other than Muslims). The great and tremendous challenges come from Muslims themselves. Muslims do not want Islamic law in Indonesia upright. The reason is the government is also unwilling because of the exis...
Islamic Law and Society, 2011
Journal of Humanity, 2015
This paper discusses the Prospective Islamic law in Indonesia. The enforcement of Islamic law in Indonesia experienced the ups and downs, ranging from the colonial period with the Government of Indonesia to the Netherlands in order to reform it. In this study it was found that a prospective law of Islam in Indonesia the development of any regime of the Government of Indonesia is experiencing developments. By the Government of Indonesia does not accept or reject the extremes, but instead selectively receive (not the totality) and gradual.Such a step is done for the sake of maintaining the stability and integrity of the country.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Energy Policy (ICEEP 2021), 2021
Indonesia is a state of law, while the majority of the population is Muslim. As a result of this circumstance, Islamic religious-based fatwa institutions are widespread. Numerous religious organizations have their own institutions managing fatwas on legal issues from both an Islamic and organizational perspective. Baḥtsul Masāil is one of them. This institution is affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's most prominent Islamic community organization. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Baḥtsul Masāil manages Islamic law/fatwa and its intersection with the production of legal knowledge, which cannot be divorced from the organization's religious style. This article employs a portion of Foucault's genealogical critical discourse analysis approach. After conducting qualitative analysis, this article argues that whenever the Baḥtsul Masāil considers a legal case, it always attempts to project its consideration to the four schools of Islamic law, namely the Shafi'i, Hanafi, Maliki, and Hambali schools. If the four schools are unable to resolve the legal issue, they move on to other schools or employ alternative reasoning with new considerations. Genealogically, this projection is a manifestation of the strong traditional authority in NU institutions. This is not to say that NU abandons the modernization of legal thought.
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial, 2016
This study is part of an effort to systematize the basic conception of the values of the sharia as the foundation in the life of nation and state life, where the orientation is to embody the essence of the religious life through the maqâshid al-syarî`ah. Islam as al-dîn has been providing the basics of life of Muslims through the al-Qur"an and as-Sunnah. Both of these contain guidance values of human life, including in running the sharia for Muslims. Sharia (syarî`ah) in perspective of terminology is "street". In an isthilâhî perspective, it is a way to get to God. The basic meaning of sharia itself should be realized in the basic understanding maqâshid al-syarî`ah, which can be interpreted within the scope of statehood, because the meaning contained are the values of universality of maqâshid al-syarî`ah. In the context of Indonesian, then maqâshid al-syarî`ah is part of the basic conception air Almighty God with the aim of creating prosperity for the people of Indonesia. In this study, the approach used is the doctrinal bases to study literature. This study is the strengthening of the maqâshid al-syarî`ah as the basis for the development of Islamic law.
JHR (Jurnal Hukum Replik)
This study aims to compare the teaching of the philosophy of law in Universities in Indonesia. The approach used in this article is a comparative study. The results of this study indicate that in general the teaching of legal philosophy in Indonesia is dominated by the content of the European-Western legal philosophy. This study also finds that the schools of Islamic legal philosophy comprehensively discuss aspects of ontology, epistemology, legal sources and methodologies, and legal axiology through various themes that are also studied by Western European legal philosophy without separating but placing them in certain parts. In this regard, it is necessary to add a school of Islamic legal philosophy as part of the disciplines taught by law faculties in Indonesia, especially to treat equally between the Faculty of Islamic Law and the Faculty of Western Philosophy of Law, moreover, Islamic Law is part of the Indonesian legal system.Keywords: Law, School, Teaching, University, Philosophy
Dal chiostro alla città. Le monache cappuccine tra Italia e Spagna (secoli XVI-XIX), 2024
Journal of American Academic Research, 2018
Le sol et l'immeuble. Les formes dissociées de propriété immobilière dans les villes de France et d'Italie (XIIe-XIXe siècle), 1995
Annisettanta, a cura di Marco Belpoliti, Gianni Canova, Stefano Chiodi, Skirà, Milano, 2007
The Bible Today 34.6, November/December 1996, pp. 353-58.
Procedia Computer Science, 2015
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 2003
Diabetes & Metabolism, 2013
Journal of Arid Environments, 2001