Recent papers in Sharia
La sharía y el derecho islámico son dos referentes fundamentales para la organización y supervivencia de las comunidades musulmanas en los países occidentales. Les han permitido configurar de una manera informal, pero decisiva, los... more
Landmark Decisions for Comparative Research In many countries of the Middle East and North Africa, the institutions charged with constitutional review have undergone substantial reform in recent decades, indicating a rising awareness of... more
Résumé Dans le dār al-islām, c’est une conception juridique et contractuelle du mariage qui prévaut : le mariage y est, en effet, un contrat qui fixe les droits et les obligations des époux. Sur la base d’un corpus de documents juridiques... more
""An unexpected gem. An innovative book which explores the everyday lived reality of Muslim minorities in Hong Kong. The contemporary focus is framed by a fascinating history of South Asian Muslims which reaches back into the early 19th... more
As the theory of multiple modernities began to question the uniform transformation and conversion of all modern societies, several culturally specific definitions of secularism/laïcité by modernising elites were already prevalent in... more
De islam is een monotheïstische religie die ontstaan is in de zevende eeuw op basis van openbaringen aan de profeet Mohammed. Centraal staan het heilig boek, de Koran, en de vijf ‘zuilen’: de geloofsbelijdenis (shahada), het gebed... more
There remains a deeper problem in making a religious text foundational and that can be summed up in Is Islam a Political Ideology?-Patheos This book is an accessible and comprehensive account of political Islam in the twenty-first... more
Can a democratic society and Sharia law co-exist? This question increases in importance as the number of nations who follow Sharia law while modernizing is increasing. One argument suggests that there is no difference between allowing... more
A discussion of how concepts of the ummah and the other inform different approaches to adultery in Shari'a law in particular in respect of women. I am grateful to the School of Law, Sociology and Politics at Sussex University for the... more
In the coming years, human-animal relations can be expected to be an increasing concern in the Islamic world and among the Muslim diaspora given the pressures applied by the globalizing network of industrial economies and rapid... more
Scholarship on personal status law systems in Muslim-majority countries stresses the challenges facing women's rights activists seeking to reform family laws. Yet, little research is done on how Islamic family law systems, being... more
Islamic banking is fast emerging as an alternative to the interest based conventional banking. It has registered exponential growth in last two decades. The recent global financial crisis and its impact on the conventional banking, has... more
تسعى هذه القراءة إلى إلقاء الضوء على أطروحات د. خالد أبو الفضل، أحد أهمّ علماء الشريعة المعاصرين وأستاذ القانون في جامعة كاليفورنيا، وتتناول أفكاره عن القيم الجوهريّة في الإسلام، التي تمثّل في نظره الركائزَ التي تقوم عليها الرؤية... more
This paper discusses the compatibility of Sharia, or Islamic law, with the Canadian legal system and liberal values. The paper examines the key components of Sharia, including financial regulations, marriage and divorce laws, and penal... more
rests on assumptions, but these have to be made explicit and have to be more persuasive than in this part of the study.
The objective of this article is to highlight the impact of regulatory issues of the Shari’ah Supervisory Board (SSB) on Shari’ah compliance in the contemporary Islamic finance industry. For institutions offering Islamic Financial... more
Abstract: A Hermeneutic Approach in the Study of Islamic Law. Hermeneutics is an approach that is used to analyze text. Currently, hermeneutics is widely used in the study of texts in almost all fields of science, among others:... more
This book explores the Principles of Islamic Law of Evidence and the extent of Its Application in the Maldives.
Just before Ramadan this year, the Muslim Mamas private Facebook group for Muslim mothers, that has over 20,000 members and is like a Muslim version of Mumsnet, asked if I would answer some questions about Ramadan and "intimacy" (read:... more
Anyone can claim to be a Muslim, but to be one requires adherence with the Qur-an and Prophetic Lifestyle- the sources of Islamic law and life. The textual position on sexual harassment and assault is unambiguous and consistent: women... more
The shari'a is considered sacrosanct for hundreds of millions of Muslims world-wide.
In Islamic faith, law and religion have developed a unique and very elementary association between them.
For many women's rights activists working internationally, especially those coming from a western context, sharia is believed to be a major obstacle to women's rights. In order to protect women from Muslim religious law, these advocates... more
This is a brief paper which seeks to highlight the features of the matrimonial law applicable in Sri Lanka as applied to persons professing Islam. It deals with the essentials of marriage and divorce with the focus on some gray areas... more
Should a democratic regime formally incorporate religious laws and courts into its otherwise secular legal system? This is not a hypothetical question. Some democratic nations already formally integrate religion-based laws in the field of... more
While attempts to revive the caliphate, the universal Islamic monarchy, in the Mashreq and the Indian Subcontinent during contemporary times are now well known, similar endeavors in other regions are little or not studied at all. We... more
contain some information about sharia capital market
Beberapa pengertian tentang milik pendapat para ulama fiqh disampaikan, namun esensinya sama. Milik adalah pengkhususan terhadap suatu benda yang memungkinkannya untuk bertindak hukum terhadap benda tersebut sesuai dengan keinginannya... more
Of over six thousand ayat of the Qur"an, only about half a dozen refer specifically to the way a woman should dress and/or walk in public. Only two ayahs mention items of clothing, i.e. the khimar (headcover) and jilbab (outer garment)... more
In recen t years, Islam ic law, or Shari'a, has increasingly occupied center stage in the languages and practices o f politics in the M uslim w orld as well as in th e W est. P o p u lar narratives an d quasi-scholarly acco u n ts have d... more
This study aimed to clarify the concept of the modern state as defined by Wael Al-Halaq and the methodological tool he used to approach the subject. The study sought to clarify the characteristics of the form of the modern state.... more
Bisnis adalah suatu aktivitas yang selalu berhadapan dengan risiko dan return. Bank syariah adalah salah satu unit bisnis. Dengan demikian, bank syariah juga akan menghadapi risiko manajemen bank itu sendiri. Bahkan kalau dicermati secara... more
This article aims to explore emerging trends for the Sunni religious elite and the Islamic legal tradition in the new context of the Arab Uprisings by focusing on Yusuf al-Qaradawi, arguably the most prominent of these ʿulamāʾ alive... more