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1996, Investigative Radiology
7 pages
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-- signified on all Indus Script seals with ‘unicorn’ + ‘standard device’ -- a fortified position with a breastwork constructed of stones in circular hamlet village -- जांगड jāṅgaḍa invoices from these sites signify high value cargo Illustration from the Manual of Military Engineering (1905) Source book page: The word was adopted from Hindi and Pashto and derives originally from the Persian word sang, "stone". S سنګر sangar, s.m. (2nd) A breastwork of stones, etc., erected to close a pass or road; lines, entrenchments. Pl. سنګرونه sangarūnah (Pashto) खोंड khōṇḍa ‘young bull’ Rebus: कोंड kōṇḍa ‘circular hamlet, मौजा or guild’ sangaḍa ‘lathe, furnace’. G. sãghāṛɔ m. ʻ lathe ʼ; M. sãgaḍ f. ʻ a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men &c. linked together, part of a turner's apparatus ʼ, m.f. ʻ float made of two canoes joined together ʼ (LM 417 compares saggarai at Limurike in the Periplus, Tam. śaṅgaḍam, Tu. jaṅgala ʻ double -- canoe ʼ), sã̄gāḍā m. ʻframe of a buildingʼ rebus: sanger [Persian: سنگر) )] -- a fortified position with a breastwork constructed of stones; the British Army use other terms to classify their sites covered by our definition [of towers and observation posts]. For the avoidance of any doubt we set out below the military terms we have deemed to be included in this part of the report.Sangar: A sangar is a protected sentry post, normally located around the perimeter of a base. Its main function is to provide early warning of enemy/terrorist activity/attack in order to protect forces both within the base and those deployed within sight of the sangar.--
International Conference and Summer School, Material Culture, Identity, and the Construction of Amazig Cultural Heritage (MCICAH), Procida-University of Naples, 3-6 June 2024.
Speech to Province of the Western Cape, 2005
Robert Putnam has made an important contribution by drawing attention to the evidence that we are in the United States, increasingly, “bowling alone.” His detailed account of declining participation of Americans in many forms of political and civic organizations is both an achievement in social science and a wake-up call for civic renewal. Social capital, for Robert Putnam and others, furnishes the indispensable background for democracy to work. Putnam defines social capital as “networks, norms, and trust…that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives.” In his recent book, building on his earlier article, Putnam argues that citizens develop social capital especially through participation in groups like religious congregations, voluntary associations, fraternal and professional groups, service and recreational organizations. As Americans spend less time in such groups, social capital is eroding. With its erosion the prospects for democracy are endangered. Yet social capital is insufficient to address the challenges of democratic renewal in the 21st century because it neglects the public and political dimensions of experience. Critics have intimated this by pointing to the limits of social capital in terms of questions of exclusion. By itself, for instance, social capital as a concept fails to differentiate between relationships that are reactionary and parochial such as racist organizations in the United States (or South Africa), and relationships that connect communities across lines of difference in racial, ethnic, religious and other terms.
Tuttoscuola, XLIX, 638, febbraio, 2024
Che la valutazione degli allievi sia soggetta a cambiamenti non credo sia in dubbio. Semmai si dovrebbe volgere una maggiore attenzione al tipo dei cambiamenti che si osservano. Si potrebbero ripartire in tre gruppi, che corrispondono, grosso modo, a tre aspetti fondamentali della valutazione: - il primo aspetto riguarda l’intento che attraverso la valutazione ci si prefigge di ottenere (l’attenzione prevalente può essere rivolta all’apprendimento, all’affettività, al comportamento eccetera); - il secondo aspetto la teoria (o, se si preferisce, la struttura) della valutazione, ovvero il modo in cui gli elementi sui quali si fonda il giudizio sono collegati all’insieme delle attività educative (l’apprendimento, ma non solo); - infine, la fenomenologia della valutazione, che solo apparentemente costituisce l’aspetto più impegnativo (soprattutto per il ruolo che vi assumono le procedure per la rilevazione dei dati e le tecniche per la loro interpretazione), trascurando, come vedremo, pratiche meno evidenti o al momento desuete.
Reservados todos os direitos de publicação, em língua portuguesa, à ARTMED ® EDITORA S.A. Av. Jerônimo de Ornelas, 670-Santana 90040-340 Porto Alegre RS Fone (51) 3027-7000 Fax (51) 3027-7070 É proibida a duplicação ou reprodução deste volume, no todo ou em parte, sob quaisquer formas ou por quaisquer meios (eletrônico, mecânico, gravação, fotocópia, distribuição na Web e outros), sem permissão expressa da Editora.
Entre el Discurso y la Utopía. Reforma de Inteligencia en el Ecuador, 2018
Es un estudio sobre los intentos de reforma al aparato de inteligencia estatal en el Ecuador.
Lumina de Duminică, 2012
După mai multe secole în care opinia științifică a susținut un univers etern, reprezentarea cosmologică s-a schimbat rapid. Observații efectuate de Edwin Hubble, privind mișcarea de îndepărtare a galaxiilor în raport cu observatorii tereștri, cu o viteză direct proporțională cu distanța până la ele, dar și rezultatele lui Friedmann referitoare la ecuațiile lui Einstein au produs o schimbare radicală a viziunii despre Univers.
Parts of an Essay Conclusion The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph in the essay. It completes the essay by summarizing or repeating the most important ideas. The conclusion can also include an opinion, a prediction, or a solution to a problem.
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Audit financiar, 2017
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2019
Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 2023
Phoînix, 1998
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Supercomputing - ICS '99, 1999
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2009
Neurotarget, 2011
Sociedad Carbonífera de Máfil, 23ra Memoria (1938), 1938