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2009, Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
2 pages
1 file
ORL, 2011
Aim: Injuries due to traffic accidents are frequent in childhood, and they have high mortality and morbidity. Laryngeal injury due to a traffic accident is a rare pathology and might be missed if not suspected. Here we present a laryngeal fracture in a child after a blunt chest trauma during a traffic accident that presented with pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Case: A 14-year-old girl was referred for pneumomediastinum. Her physical examination was normal except subcutaneous emphysema, edema and tenderness in the cervical area, hoarseness, facial and extremity abrasions and ecchymoses. Chest tomography revealed pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum, and cranial tomography revealed maxillofacial fractures. Upper airway damage was suspected, flexible endoscopy revealed right vocal cord paralysis and cervical tomography revealed thyroid cartilage fracture. The fracture was repaired and tracheotomy was performed. She was discharged on postoperative day 6. Facial fractures were repaire...
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2011
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2008
Laryngotracheal trauma is a rare but clinically important injury. Complications are frequent. Early recognition, accurate evaluation and proper treatment is vital. In order to learn from our past experience and refine our management, we reviewed our cases Fifteen patients with external laryngotracheal injuries were analyzed retrospectively. The outcome was assessed both in terms of voice and airway, on short term and long term basis. Commonest cause of injury was cut throat injuries followed by road traffic accidents. The main presenting symptoms and signs were hoarseness, haemoptysis, odynophagia and stridor. Major laryngeal injuries (10 cases) outnumbered minor injuries (5 cases). A good association exists between the symptoms of haemoptysis and stridor at presentation and severity of the injury. Sites of laryngeal injury included; thyroid cartilage, mixed soft tissue and cartilaginous injuries, thyrohyoid membrane, aryepiglottic fold and cricothyroid membrane. Ten patients presen...
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 2000
External laryngeal trauma is rare, accounting for less than 1% of all trauma cases seen at major eenters. We report the ease ofa man who experieneed multiple injuries, including an externallaryngeal trauma. The primary signs and symptoms ofhis laryngeal trauma were hoarseness, hemoptysis, the loss of his laryngeal prominenee (Adam 's apple), neek tenderness, traumatic emphysema in the neek, and a small penetrating wound to the right of the laryngeal prominenee. The patient underwent immediate tracheostomy and surgical exploration. On longterm followup, his voice quality and airway pateney improved. This ease illustrates the importance of rapid identifieation and early management of laryngotraeheal trauma in a patient with multiple injuries.
The Journal of emergency medicine, 2019
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1987
Emergency Radiology, 1997 consecutive patients with acute laryngeal trauma were referred to our emergency department for evaluation. On the basis of the physical examination findings, 40 (70%) of the patients were excluded from further diagnostic evaluation, 2 (4%) patients with penetrating laryngeal trauma underwent immediate surgery, and 15 (26%) patients with blunt trauma were submitted to laryngoscopy and computed tomography (CT). Findings at CT and laryngoscopy were independently evaluated before classifying patients as having grade 1 or grade 2 lesions: grade 1 included the presence of minor injuries (mild edema, laryngeal hematomas, or minor laryngeal lacerations); grade 2 included evidence of major injuries (subcutaneous emphysema, mucosal disruption, and~or laryngeal fractures without exposed cartilages).
The Internet Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Isolated laryngotracheal trauma is rare in modern days. Evaluation and treatment (time and mode of treatment) of these types of injury varies from patient to patient and surgeon to surgeon. Air way maintenance is the first priority irrespective of type and cause of trauma. We are reporting this case to give importance to do early tracheostomy in air way breach cases in spite of no stridor at presentation. Inexperience Surgeon should wait till the proper radiological and clinical evaluations are not done. Delaying the surgical intervention for some time may give more favorable result as in our case.
Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 2012
This study evaluates the effects of project management on project success in Blackstone Construction Company. The study adopted a survey research design, using a combination of stratified and judgmental sampling techniques, A structured questionnaire was administered on 40 top and middle levels management staff of the company. The scales in the questionnaire were content validated, and has a reliability correlation coefficient of 0.11.The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi−Square distribution. The research findings reveal that there is a relationship between project quality and business success, Project quality and technical success. The study also reveals that there is a significant relationship between Project cost and acceptability by clients. It was therefore recommended among others that total project cost on the side of clients should be minimized by ensuring that the project manager is innovative enough and creative in the apportion of project co...
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 2007
Debates y aportes al Sistema Integral de Derecho Penal. Tomo II. Teorías criminológicas, política criminal y punitivismo, 2022
Social Science Research Network, 2007
Chemical Reviews, 2000
CIGRE Paris session 1978, 1978
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2005
Maaseutututkimus =, 2023
Gastroenterology, 1998
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2003
Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 2016
European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2009