Deep learning pipeline for image classification on mobile
Muhammad Muneeb, Samuel F. Feng, and Andreas Henschel
Department of Mathematics and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Khalifa University of Science and Technology,
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Abstract. This article proposes and documents a machine-learning framework and tutorial for classifying images using mobile phones. Compared to computers, the performance of deep learning model performance degrades when
deployed on a mobile phone and requires a systematic approach to find a model that performs optimally on both computers and mobile phones. By following the proposed pipeline, which consists of various computational tools, simple
procedural recipes, and technical considerations, one can bring the power of deep learning medical image classification
to mobile devices, potentially unlocking new domains of applications. The pipeline is demonstrated on four different
publicly available datasets: COVID X-rays, COVID CT scans, leaves, and colorectal cancer. We used two application
development frameworks: TensorFlow Lite (real-time testing) and Flutter (digital image testing) to test the proposed
pipeline. We found that transferring deep learning models to a mobile phone is limited by hardware and classification
accuracy drops. To address this issue, we proposed this pipeline to find an optimized model for mobile phones. Finally,
we discuss additional applications and computational concerns related to deploying deep-learning models on phones,
including real-time analysis and image preprocessing. We believe the associated documentation and code can help
physicians and medical experts develop medical image classification applications for distribution.
Keywords: Image classification, machine learning, medical image classification, mobile phone application, cancer
Disease diagnosis plays a crucial role in healthcare, and for many conditions, medical image data
can aid in diagnosing diseases [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. Recent research has made these diagnostic tools
more efficient, primarily through deep-learning methods [9]. However, these methods typically
require relatively powerful and expensive computational hardware (e.g. modern GPUs), which
may not be available in remote or poor areas of the world that lack modern infrastructure. This
study proposes a pipeline for classifying images using mobile phones with a remote computer for
model training. Even though a central server is required for training, there are free options [10,11]
which are sufficient for training the model.
Due to the widespread availability of mobile phones and applications, tasks such as image
classification can now be completed at the point-of-care. The deployment of medical image classification models on mobile phones can lead to several technical issues. For example, the model’s
performance when trained or tested on a computer degrades significantly when the same model
is deployed on a mobile phone. Neural network models easily become large enough for phones’
memory, and images captured in real time can degrade classification performance. Furthermore, it
is unclear how to build a proper workflow connecting training data, often from different sources
with varying image sizes and quality, with a model deployed on a smartphone to aid diagnosis.
We highlight these issues (and other) and provide feasible solutions to tackle them. The result is
an amalgamation of best practices taken from the modern deep learning and data science landscape, including implementations for parameter reduction (Section 2.3) and data augmentation
(Section 2.3), resulting in a cost-effective diagnosis pipeline that can be used for medical image
classification aiding expert in the diagnosis of the diseases.
The following section explains the differences and similarities between similar projects and
the pipeline proposed in this study.
David C. Wyld et al. (Eds): AIAPP, NLPML, DMA, CRIS, SEC, CoSIT, SIGL - 2022
pp. 01-20, 2022. CS & IT - CSCP 2022
DOI: 10.5121/csit.2022.120901
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In this study, [12], researchers proposed a mobile-based deep learning application for image
classification. However, they used Unity and MATLAB for implementation, whereas we used
the Android Studio TensorFlow application development template and Python for model training.
This study [13] investigated the usability of mobile phones for medical image classification. In
this project [14,15], researchers designed an application for skin diseases, with attached hardware
for accurate detection. In this paper [16], an artificial intelligence diagnostic system on mobile
Android terminals for cholelithiasis disease is proposed. This article [17] discusses the various
challenges that arise when deploying a machine learning model on mobile phones. This work
[18] employs edge computing on a mobile device with an integrated web server to diagnose and
forecast metastasis in histopathology pictures.
Among the existing studies [19,14,20,13,21,22,15,12,23,24], researchers have developed a
machine-learning pipeline and shed light on the medical and general images on mobile phone
applications. However, they did not provide the source code and applications that can be used for
result replication.
Many research papers explain image classification on mobile phones, but the following are the
reasons for reproducing existing work.
– The existing papers do not shed light on real-time testing and the concerns that may arise when
deploying a machine-learning model on mobile phones. For example, some android mobile
phones require models having weights in specific data types (Float32 and Unsigned Int8), and
if the model is trained on different data types, then the application crashes.
– The existing papers do not include source code and documentation, which are essential for
reproducing the results and developing an application for some other dataset.
– The existing papers developed different pipelines for various images like plants, tissues, and
X-ray/CT-Scan classification. However, we proposed a general application that works for any
classification problem by including and excluding substeps in the pipeline.
– We compared the model’s performance on the computer, mobile phone when pictures were
loaded from the camera, and mobile phone in real-time.
We believe there must be a generalized application that can capture images in real time and
from mobile galleries and classify them into various categories; for that purpose, we used existing
templates. Using such a template assists in classification problems involving birds, flowers, plants,
objects, tissues, and lung cancer classification. We also analyzed the performance of the same
model on real-time and digital images, which showed that the performance of the model was
highly degraded in real-time analysis. Finally, we present a method for improving the model’s
performance on a mobile phone.
Section 2 provides the technical context and describes the entire seven-step pipeline process.
Section 3 demonstrates the implementation of the pipeline on covid-19, plants, and cancer classification as a use case and discusses the model performance and technical considerations. Sections
4 and 5 contain a discussion and conclusion, including a link to all the data and codes to reproduce
A pipeline for image classification on mobile phones
There are already several contexts in which deep learning or other classification models are deployed on mobile phones, including small-scale applications such as emoji selection from text [25]
to larger-scale recommendation systems [26,27] and face detection from camera images [28,29].
Implementing image classification presents many challenges, such as ensuring that the image dimensions are the same for training and testing data. Furthermore, the image background/environment
in which the model trained should be the same as in the field; otherwise, the model might be trained
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to see spurious details in the image background, leading to incorrect results. One must also ensure
that the model is implemented efficiently to fit inside mobile memory, often forcing reductions
in the model size that can sacrifice accuracy. Finally, if one wants to leverage publicly available
medical image data in a mobile context, the details of implementing best practices are unclear.
Our answer to all these considerations is a machine-learning pipeline, illustrated in Figure 1 and
described in this section.
A pipeline is only as good as its data, and starting, one must obtain data suitable for model
training and identify the end-user’s mobile devices.
As is standard in supervised learning, the training data must be labeled; for medical images,
this is typically performed by a domain expert [30]. Many such medical image datasets are available in the public domain [31,32], and one should verify labels with the help of a local physician.
2.1 Step 1: Choose different images sizes and generate sub-datasets
The first step is preprocessing, which consists of image rescaling, normalization, and image resizing [33], and organizing the data appropriately for later analysis. The user selects a small number
of different image sizes for testing. Extra testing in this first step will help avoid excess model
parameters, which might crash the mobile application in a later stage.
In practical applications, we recommend choosing 3-5 different sizes ranging from 30 x 30 to
500 x 500 as sufficient, and these choices may depend on the expected aspect ratios of the training
data. During the model validation in step 3 2.3, one of these image sizes will be selected automatically depending on the model performance. Figure 2 shows the subdatasets having different image
sizes generated from the original dataset.
2.2 Step 2: Data splitting for validation
It is essential to use stratified-k-fold validation for each image size to avoid over-and under-fitting
during the training [34]. This ensures that the folds are chosen such that the mean response value
is equal across all folds, ultimately decreasing model bias.
Our recommendation is to start with k=5, which repeatedly trains models using 80 percent of
the original data and uses the other 20 percent to evaluate model performance.
As is typical with cross-validation, one then systematically trains the model on 4 of the 5 folds
and uses the held out to assess the model performance, and the results are averaged to estimate
overall model performance.
2.3 Step 3: Model Architecture and Training
Image analysis using deep learning methods is a rapidly growing field with many algorithms competing over a wide variety of applications (e.g. LSTM and RCNN) [35]. For medical image classification, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are the most popular [36].
Convolution is the process of multiplying pixel values by weights and summing them. The first
layer of the CNN frequently detects essential characteristics such as horizontal, vertical, and diagonal edges. The first layer’s output is then sent to the second layer, which extracts more complex
features like corners and edge combinations. Subsequent layers recognize higher-level characteristics such as objects and faces [37]. Based on the activation map of the last convolution layer, the
terminal layer outputs a series of confidence ratings (numbers ranging from 0 to 1) that indicate
how probable the image belongs to a specific class.
Models are ultimately fit in Keras using But before training the model, we must
address a few key considerations. First, choose the number of parameters or neurons in each layer
and the number of layers. If there are too many layers, then there is a possibility that the model
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Fig. 1: This diagram shows the overall pipeline for implementing deep learning image classification model for mobile phone devices.
may overfit. If there are too few layers, the model may not learn applicable features. Second,
reduce the number of parameters (one could imagine a systematic dropout algorithm that trade-off
model size and accuracy) to enable execution within a mobile phone’s memory [38], while also
minimizing any associated performance penalties. This is another step that is typically adjusted
“by hand,” and as a starting point, we recommend following the steps taken in our use case below
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Fig. 2: Choose different images sizes and generate sub-datasets.
in Section 3. Other key considerations before model fitting are included in this subsection and are
clearly implemented in the shared code linked below Section 3.
Data augmentation Data augmentation is another key step for maintaining model performance
in real-world settings. It artificially stimulates and induces noise and other transformations on the
training images when fitting the model [39,40]. In unpredictably noisy applications like ours using
potentially multiple mobile phone cameras and hospital settings, such steps are essential.
Parameters for the data augmentation process are controlled via an image train generator and
must also be specified. More specifically, when dealing with the medical images captured on mobile phones in real-time, it is essential to consider all options and possibilities with data augmentation, eventually settling on a few different combinations of settings. The key data augmentation
parameters in our context are:
– rescale: Rescaling (normalizing the pixels values in the image) is the default parameter
used in image preprocessing for training the model. Original pictures are in RGB format, with
pixel values ranging from 0-255. Such numbers would be too large for the model to cope,
resulting in an inflating gradient during the backpropagation phase when training the model.
So we multiply the data by 1/255 to change the pixels values between 0-1.
– rotation range, horizontal flip, and vertical flip: These parameters
randomly rotate and flip training data and should be included because mobile photos can be
taken in various rotations. The rotated image is appended with pixels that degrade the classification accuracy in the data augmentation phase. For medical images, the horizontal or vertical
flip is fine. However, when the image is rotated, we lose a vast amount of information, depending on the rotation range. One vital point to notice here is that rotated images generated
by train generators have appended pixels and can degrade performance. In contrast, images
captured by rotating phone cameras do contain all the information.
– brightness range: The brightness range in the train generator increases or decreases the
image’s color brightness to produce multiple images. When the application is deployed in
real-time, there is a possibility that the image’s brightness captured from a mobile phone is
different from the one on which the model is trained. So, this parameter is compulsory in the
data augmentation phase to train the model on images of varying brightness.
– zoom range, shear range, width shift range, and height shift range:
Zoom range randomly zooms inside pictures, shear range applies shearing transformations to
image, width, and height shift change image dimension horizontally and vertically [41]. In
a typical image classification task, these parameters can play an essential role in making the
model robust. In the case of medical images, it is possible that if these factors are added, the
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model’s performance will suffer, as evidenced by the findings. In medical images, the difference between the positive and the negative case is subtle. For example, in the dog/cat classification problem, we can distinguish them quickly, but in cases/controls, there is just a white
pattern in the image. The transformed image produced using these parameters can convert the
positive case into negative and vice versa.
Table 1 contains our recommendation of 4 train generators and their respective parameter
settings in Keras. Figure 3 shows the resulting directory structure after following the above
Fig. 3: This diagram shows a directory structure for training the model. Generate images with
multiple sizes and make a folder for each size. There can be various train generators for each
image size, which do not require a separate folder. For each image size, make one folder for
each fold. To use data augmentation or train generator, make three folders (train, test, validation)
containing sub-folders representing each category.
Parameter reduction Once one identifies the best model by Stratified-k-fold validation, we must
reduce parameters to avoid crashing the mobile application. Hyper-parameter tuning does not, but
the number of layers and neurons in each layer affects the model’s size. Consider the best model
from the previous step has two layers with N filters in the first (convolution layer) and M neurons
in the second layer (fully connected layer). Increase filters from 1 to N for the first layer, 1 to
M (Neurons) for the second layer, calculate model accuracy and the number of parameters in the
model. The number of filters or neurons, the size of the filter, dropout, and strong pooling can be
used to reduce the model size.
This step is time-consuming, but once the model with fewer parameters is achieved, it can
also be deployed on other devices with low computation power like the Raspberry pi. This model
contains a compact form of knowledge learned by the model having high parameters.
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Image Generator Parameters Generator 1
rescale = 1./255 ✓
rotation range = 40
brightness range = [0.2,1.0]
horizontal flip = True
vertical flip = True
fill mode = ’nearest’
featurewise std normalization = True
featurewise center = True
zoom range = 0.2
shear range = 0.2
width shift range = 0.2
height shift range = 0.2
Generator 2
Generator 3
Generator 4
Table 1: Recommendations for data augmentation settings in Keras image data processing. The
first column shows parameter settings, and ✓in subsequent columns denotes inclusion in the 4
recommended image generators.
2.4 Step 4: Convert model environment to TensorFlow Lite
At this step, we have two options: The first is to convert the model to TensorFlow Lite, and the
second is to convert the model to TensorFlow Lite and quantize the model (A quantized model
executes some or all of the operations on tensors with integers rather than floating-point values)
2.5 Step 5: Specify appropriate metadata
Metadata gives information about the model in addition to its fit weights and architecture. It includes the model name, the input size (image size), and the output size (# of categories), and must
be specified. Table 2 gives a starting point for metadata settings. After this step, we have two files:
the TensorFlow Lite model and a label text file. One should also verify that the order of categories
in the label text file matches the model’s prediction order.
image width
image height
image min
image max
num classes
model’s name
Table 2: Model’s metadata parameters and dummy values
2.6 Step 6: Specify appropriate application development platform
Different application development platforms can be used, like a Flutter (Quantized TensorFlow
Lite model) or Android Studio (TensorFlow Lite model). An already developed application template can build deep learning applications in this stage. Explore several options and
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decide on the flow of the application. For example, images can be classified in real-time using a
camera feed or captured images. This step is related to application development and will not affect
the final result.
2.7 Execution and final considerations
At this point, we have a model deployed on potentially multiple mobile phones capable of medical image classification. Select 3 to 5 images from all categories and test the TensorFlow Lite
(Quantized/ Unqunatized) model performance on the computer, and that accuracy is the baseline
accuracy. For mobile phones, we recommend testing the final model in two ways. The first is to
build the application and load those images from the mobile gallery for evaluation (Flutter-based
template) using a quantized model. The second option is real-time processing (TensorFlow template) using an unquantized model.
Just like preprocessing is required to train the model on a computer, there is also a preprocessing engine in mobile to preprocess the images, so there can be severe issues when images are
tested from the camera feed. The first is the underlying hardware, and the result for the same image
using the same model on a computer and mobile phone can yield different results, and there is no
solution to mitigate this problem.
The sizes of the images can vary (See figures 4a and 4b), the distance at which the phone
should be placed to classify the image can vary, and lastly, the location of images when captured
through the phone. If the size of the image varies, then mobile phone distance can be changed
such that the frame contains the image. We address each issue separately (See figure 4). Lastly,
the background of images can vary (See figures 4c and 4d).
If the model’s accuracy when pictures are loaded from the gallery is low, then the model will
not perform when pictures are captured and classified in real-time. So, it is recommended to test
the model performance on flutter application before shifting it to real-time.
Fig. 4: Panels 4a/4b: Inconsistent images of Hornbeam. Panels 4c/4d: Difference of background
of various catagories.
Figure 5 shows how the TensorFlow Lite application template perceives an image.
If classification accuracy is not sufficiently high, return to step 2.3 and repeat the process. To
enhance performance, modify the picture size, machine learning model (number of neurons and
layers), and hyper-parameters. This final step of testing on additional images is essential for robust
performance, and even though the model will run without it, we do not recommend skipping it.
Figure 6 shows the possibilities in which the proposed pipeline can be used depending on the type
of the dataset.
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Fig. 5: This diagram shows how real-time picture is perceived by mobile phone. The width of the
frame in the TensorFlow Lite template is 480 pixels, and the height is 640 pixels. The captured
picture is cropped to 480 by 480, as shown by the black box in the middle. The two yellow lines
are equal and show that a particular region is ignored.
Use Cases
Medical images have the potential to contribute as a less expensive and more rapid option that
can deliver results in minutes instead of days [43]. The added value is not a replacement for the
clinical diagnosis of but to rapidly augment physician information with an uncertain and rapidly
evolving virus, thereby improving patient care and outcomes.
The system specifications for the following results are: Intel(R) Core(TM) 7-9750H CPU @
2.60Hz, 16 GB RAM with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 GPU, running Microsoft Windows 10.
The development specifications are Cuda compilation tools release 10.0, V10.0.130, Deep Learning framework Keras 2.4.3, Python 3.6.8, and Tensorflow 2.3.1. The mobile phone specifications
are a HUAWEI Y7 Prime 2019, Android version 8.1.0, EMUI version 8.2.0, and Model number
3.1 Dataset 1: Chest X-ray images
Dataset 1 consisted of images of size (1024,1024,3), which we reduced (Step 1, section 2.1) to
(50, 50, 3), (100, 100, 3), (200, 200, 3), and (300, 300, 3). Data splitting for Stratified-5-fold validation (Step 2, section 2.2) resulting in training data (70%), validation data (10%), and test data
(20%). The model architecture and training (Step 3, section 2.3) used a CNN with the architecture and hyper-parameters shown in table 9 and 10. This data already contained augmented positive/negative X-ray scan images, so we skipped data augmentation (Section 2.3). Cross-validation,
with normal images and augmented images are distributed randomly in the train, validation, and
test sets, produced the classification results in Table 3 with image size of 200 yielding the highest
accuracy. Parameter reduction (Section 2.3) yielded a model with 4 filters in layer 1 (Convolution
layer) and 8 neurons (Fully connected layer) in layer 2, resulting in a reduction in model size from
2,374KB to 24KB. Table 3 shows that the best performance was found with an image size of 200.
Taken together with the results from parameter reduction, the model parameters for metadata were
finalized and are shown in Table 4.
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Fig. 6: This figure shows the four possibilities of using the proposed pipeline depending on the type
of images. The grayed boxes skip a particular skip step for a particular images type. For custom
datasets, all steps are compulsory. If the existing model is used, there is no need for parameter
reduction because the model’s size is already optimal. When images are loaded from the gallery
image generator, digital images will not increase the accuracy. For digital and medical images like
CT scans, the image’s size is mostly fixed. If the model’s performance when tested on a mobile
phone is low, tune model architecture and perform hyper-parameter optimization by mutating
batch size, number of epochs, and the number of layers in the model.
Dataset 1
95.88 (+- 1.80)
95.77(+- 1.65)
96.54(+- 1.87)
59.80(+- 19.41)
Table 3: Dataset 1 [44] cross validation accuracy for different image sizes.
This reduced model was converted to TensorFlow lite (Section, 2.4), and the associated code
snippets and scripts can be found in this paper’s code repository. These steps involved running
the TensorFlow lite converter, generating an appropriate label file with classes, and adding the
Table 4 metadata to the TensorFlow Lite model. This resulted in a model with well-defined input
size, range of input values, and output (see Table 4). Then, the TensorFlow Lite Android wrapper
code generator was used to create platform-specific wrapper code, which efficiently deploys and
executes the model code on the mobile phone [45]. Next, we elected to use the Flutter image
classification template (Section 2.6), allowing users to capture an image with their camera and
pass it from their phone’s image gallery application to the model, which then gives the positive or
negative prediction.
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image width
image height
image min
image max
num classes
Dataset 1 Model
Table 4: Model’s metadata parameters for the best model of dataset 1.
3.2 Dataset 2: Chest CT images
Dataset 2 [46] contained CT-scan images of size (1024, 1024, 3), which we reduced (Step 1, section 2.1) to (30, 30, 3), (50, 50, 3), (100, 100, 3), (200, 200, 3), and (300, 300, 3). The model architecture and training (Step 3, section 2.3) used two CNN models shown in Table 11 (Model 1)
and 13 (Model 2) with the data augmentation, and cross-validation to train the model. Table 5
shows the result of classification for dataset 2.
DataSet 2 / Model 1
DataSet 2 / Model 2
63.11(+- 2.98)
63.93(+- 4.33)
65.82(+- 4.63)
59.56(+- 3.58)
60.16(+- 9.06)
50.95(+- 6.31)
63.98(+- 1.88)
59.18(+- 3.80)
62.94(+- 5.49)
60.74(+- 6.91)
59.69(+- 6.21)
57.82(+- 2.84)
62.85(+- 4.13)
56.23(+- 7.67)
52.37(+- 6.17)
54.89(+- 5.13)
60.41(+- 3.96)
55.30(+- 4.00)
53.93(+- 4.03)
50.25(+- 3.97)
61.05(+- 6.48)
59.60(+- 2.80)
57.65(+- 2.70)
54.22(+- 5.46)
56.04(+- 6.30)
60.68(+- 3.05)
58.87(+- 4.76)
56.45(+- 3.53)
56.30(+- 3.41)
51.92(+- 0.81)
59.20(+- 5.11)
57.87(+- 6.51)
53.41(+- 6.60)
53.56(+- 3.58)
55.08(+- 2.91)
55.77(+- 2.27)
56.13(+- 5.77)
55.41(+- 10.60)
50.39(+- 4.00)
53.33(+- 5.81)
Table 5: We used 5-fold validation, 5 different sizes of input images, and 4 generators. If the
accuracy is too low, try multiple models.
The best accuracy for dataset 2 was for model 1 with image input size 100, model 1, and train
generator 1. Parameter reduction (sub-section, 2.3) reduced the size of the model from 2,374KB to
323KB. Figure 9 (See supplementary material, 6) shows the heatmap of accuracies for each combination of filters and neurons in the first layer and the second layer. Convert model environment
to TensorFlow lite version (Step 4, section 2.4).
Specify appropriate metadata (Step 5, section 2.5) adds metadata to the TfLite version of the
model. The best accuracy for dataset 2 was for model 1, image size 100, so only change the
metadata fields mentioned in Table 6.
Dataset 2 Model
image width 100
image height 100
Table 6: Model’s metadata parameters for the best model of dataset 2.
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After this step, we have a label file and a model with metadata. Specify appropriate application development (Section, 2.6) used flutter image classification template. Examples of the final
application at work can be seen in Figures 7a and 7b.
In execution and final considerations (Step 7, section 2.7), we considered the first 5 images
from both (CT COVID and CT nonCOVID) categories for the final testing on mobile phone,
and those images were not part of model training/testing. We tested the model performance on
the mobile phone in real-time, and the final accuracy was 0.6, which means the model cannot
be deployed, but the performance increased to 0.80 percent when images were loaded from the
gallery (Flutter App).
3.3 Dataset 3: Leaves
The dataset [47] consists of five leaves: Ash (24), Beech (28), Hornbeam (30), Mountainoak (20),
and Sycamoremaple(20). Dataset is reduced (Step 1, section 2.1) to (50, 50, 3), (100, 100, 3),
(200, 200, 3), and (300, 300, 3). The model architecture and training (Step 3, section 2.3) used
two CNN models shown in Table 11 (Model 1) and Table 12 (Model 2) with the data augmentation, and cross-validation to train the model. Table 7 shows the result of classification for dataset
DataSet 3
50 - Model 1
87.13 (+- 19.63)
95.03 (+- 4.87)
96.73 (+- 1.64)
92.67 (+- 2.94)
100 - Model 2
86.57 (+- 15.74)
91.28 (+- 7.73)
94.09 (+- 7.36)
91.28 (+- 8.18)
200 - Model 2
98.04 (+- 2.39)
99.04 (+- 1.90)
96.04 (+- 3.73)
94.14 (+- 5.61)
300 - Model 2
97.047 (+- 2.41)
96.04 (+- 1.97)
99.047 (+- 1.90)
91.33 (+- 12.92)
Table 7: We used 5-fold validation, 4 different sizes of input images, and 4 generators.
Parameter reduction (sub-section, 2.3) is skipped. Convert model environment to TensorFlow
lite version (Step 4, section 2.4) and produce two files: model.tflite and quantizedmodel.tflite.
Specify appropriate metadata (Step 5, section 2.5) adds metadata to the TfLite version of the
After this step, we have a label file and a model with meta data. model.tflite is deployed
on TensorFlow lite template and quantizedmodel.tflite is deployed on Flutter template
(Section, 2.6).
In execution and final considerations (Step 7, section 2.7), we considered the first 4 images
from all categories for the final testing on mobile phone, and those images were not part of model
training/testing. We tested the model performance on the mobile phone when the image size was
50 for generator 3, but the final accuracy was 0.2, which means the model cannot be deployed. At
this stage, repeat the process with variation in the model architecture (Step 2, section 2.2) and test
the model performance. For shape 224, generator 1, and model 2 (See table 12), the performance
increased to 0.75 percent when images were loaded from the gallery (Flutter App). For shape 224,
generator 3, and model 2 (See table 12), the performance was 0.75 in real-time (TensorFlow App).
3.4 Dataset 4: Colorectal adenocarcinoma
This is a set of 7180 image patches (9 different categories) from N=50 patients with colorectal
adenocarcinoma [48]. The dataset is challenging to train, test, deploy on the phone, and real testing.
Dataset is reduced (Step 1, section 2.1) to (50, 50, 3), (100, 100, 3), (200, 200, 3), and (300, 300, 3).
The model architecture and training (Step 3, section 2.3) used one CNN models shown in Table
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DataSet 4
73.19 (+- 6.27)
69.19 (+- 10.24)
68.40 (+- 4.96)
70.0 (+- 6.32)
71.20 (+- 4.11)
75.59 (+- 3.20)
70.00 (+- 4.89)
67.20 (+- 7.44)
18.00 (+- 9.54)
22.79 (+- 3.91)
17.20 (+- 4.11)
20.79 (+- 3.24)
16.80 (+- 8.81)
22.39 (+- 2.65)
20.39 (+- 3.44)
22.40 (+- 6.49)
Table 8: Cancer classification result.
12 (Model 1) with the data augmentation, and cross-validation to train the model. Table 8 shows
the result of classification for dataset 4.
Parameter reduction (sub-section, 2.3) is skipped. Convert model environment to TensorFlow
lite version (Step 4, section 2.4) and produce two files: model.tflite and quantizedmodel.tflite.
Specify appropriate metadata (Step 5, section 2.5) adds metadata to the TfLite version of the
After this step, we have a label file and a model with meta data. model.tflite is deployed
on TensorFlow lite template and quantizedmodel.tflite is deployed on Flutter template
(Section, 2.6).
In execution and final considerations (Step 7, section 2.7), we considered the first 4 images
from all categories for the final testing on mobile phone, and those images were not part of model
training/testing. We tested the model performance on the mobile phone in real-time, and the final
accuracy was 0.2, which means the model cannot be deployed. We increased the image size to
200, and the performance increased to 0.56 percent when images were loaded from the gallery
(Flutter App). One point to notice here is the test accuracy was 0.99 on the computer.
Fig. 7: Screenshot of application 1 7a 7b for covid detection using CT scan, deployed on android
phone. Panels 7a/7b: Covid negative/positive Chest CT-scans, respectively.
The following paragraph elaborates the time to execute the pipeline.
For reading images (Step 1, 2.1), write a script, and it may take an average time of 20 - 30
minutes, depending on the way the dataset is stored. Below we calculated the time to train the
model for images of various sizes for dataset 2, containing about 744 images. Time to train machine learning model (Step 3, 2.3) was 10, 17, 50, 180, and 600 minutes (total time 14 hours) for
images having dimensions 30, 50, 100, 200, and 300. The parameter reduction step (Step 4, 2.4)
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT)
is time-consuming, and for one model having two layers, it took about 1 to 2 days. Converting
the model to TensorFlow lite and adding metadata (Step 5, 2.5) takes about 5 minutes. Modifying
the image classification template (Step 6, 2.6) for a specific dataset will take about 30 minutes.
Building and deploying the application will take about 6 hours for one phone. So the total time for
running the pipeline for one dataset is about 3 days.
This section contains the limitations and future directions of the proposed pipeline. There are a
few limitations associated with the proposed approach. For example, we considered only android
phones (a specific vendor) running a particular version of the Android operating system. There is a
high probability that the final classification performance would be identical for phones running the
Android operating system due to the same android operating system, but for iPhone or Raspberry
Pi, the results may vary. Such applications can also be developed for the iPhone using a different
application development framework, one of the future directions for the proposed framework.
This study proposed a pipeline for deploying a deep learning model for medical image classification on mobile phones. The scope of the solution is not only limited to covid-19, but we can also
use it for breast cancer or any other medical dataset, making the mobile phone a diagnostic tool
for medical images classification. Complex models and other high-end application development
skills can also lead to image segmentation. It is essential to highlight the usability and application
of the proposed pipeline. Imagine traveling in a deep forest, which has insects and plants that can
cause rashes. If someone suffers from skin allergies from a plant, they cannot call a doctor or find
any medical assistance. Nevertheless, having a mobile phone application can tell which medicine
is appropriate for a particular injury. Such applications can empower doctors in clinical settings
where they may require knowledge from other sources to diagnose some diseases better. It will
also give access to the public to use that application because there are about 4.3 billion people who
use mobile phones.
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Supplementary information
The documentation associated with the manuscript is available at the following link. https:
The code segments associated with the documentation are available at the following link. ht
The files, associated applications, and directories are available at the following link. https:
This section contains the material referenced in the section 3.
Model 1 architecture for dataset 1
30 Filters *
Layer 1 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 2 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
Layer 3 - FullyConnected (50 Neurons)
Layer 4 - FullyConnected (2 Neurons)
Table 9: Model 1 architecture for dataset 1.
Model’s Hyper-parameters
Hyper-parameters Value
Batch size
Validation size
categorical/binary crossentropy
Table 10: Hyper-parameters for all dataset 1 and 2.
Model 1 architecture for dataset 2
32 Filters *
Layer 1 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 2 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
Layer 3 - FullyConnected (128 Neurons)
Layer 4 - FullyConnected (2 Neurons)
Table 11: Model 1 architecture for dataset 2.
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Model 2 architecture for dataset 3
32 Filters *
Layer 1 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 2 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
32 Filters *
Layer 3 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 4 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
32 Filters *
Layer 5 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 6 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
64 Filters *
Layer 7 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 8 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
Layer 9 - FullyConnected (128 Neurons)
Layer 10 - FullyConnected (50 Neurons)
Layer 11 - FullyConnected (20 Neurons)
Layer 12 - FullyConnected (Categories Neurons)
Table 12: Model 2 architecture for dataset 3 and 4. We increased the number of convolutional
layers to extract the information because the model 13 did not work.
Model 2 architecture for dataset 2
32 Filters *
Layer 1 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 2 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
64 Filters *
Layer 3 - Con2D
(kernel size = (3,3))
Layer 4 - MaxPool2D
(pool size = (2,2))
Layer 5 - FullyConnected (256 Neurons)
Layer 6 - FullyConnected (128 Neurons)
Table 13: Model 2 architecture for dataset 2.
This publication is based upon work supported by the Khalifa University of Science and Technology under Award No. CIRA-2019-050 to SFF.
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Muhammad Muneeb obtained his M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Khalifa University, Abu
Dhabi, UAE. I am currently working as a research associate in the same institute under the supervision of Dr. Samuel. I like to work on inter-discipline problems. Have interests in algorithms,
automation, genetics, medical image analysis, and optimization.
Samuel F. Feng obtained his PhD in Applied and Computational Mathematics from Princeton
University (2012), his MA from Princeton University (2009), and his BA from Rice University
(2007). From 2012 to 2014 he was a Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, working on stochastic models of decision making in psychology and
neuroscience. In 2014 he joined the Department of Mathematics at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi,
UAE, where is currently an assistant professor.
Andreas Henschel earned his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Technical University of Dresden (Germany), in 2002 and 2008, respectively. He joined Masdar Institute as a Postdoctoral researcher in 2009. In 2011, he became Assistant Professor at Masdar Institute, UAE. He
spent one year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT), USA as a Visiting Scholar.
© 2022 By AIRCC Publishing Corporation. This article is published under the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license.