Anti-Yacc: MOF-to-text
David Hearnden, Kerry Raymond, Jim Steel
{hearnden, kerry, steel}
CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems (DSTC)
University of Queensland, Australia
The Object Management Group (OMG) is pursuing its
new Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) strategy. The
Meta-Object Facility (MOF) is an important technology
to support the MDA, both as a general modelling
technique but also specifically to support the definition
of other modelling systems. The OMG has standardised
the generation of repositories based on MOF models.
Anti-Yacc is a tool that can be used to extract the
contents of MOF-based repository in textual form. The
Anti-Yacc tool takes as input the specification of
grammar rules, lexical rules, and MOF-extraction
rules, from which a Java program is generated to
extract the contents of a MOF-based repository on
demand. Anti-Yacc can be used for code generation,
interfacing with legacy syntaxes, and general report
1. Introduction
In September 2001, the Object Management Group
(OMG) formally adopted a new approach to distributed
enterprise architecture: the Model-Driven Architecture
(MDA) [1]. The main thrust of MDA is that systems
development should start with high-level specifications
written independent of platform technologies and then
be transformed or refined progressively into deployable
technologies. The MDA proposes a framework of
models, both Platform-Independent Models (PIMs) and
Platform-Specific Models (PSMs), with tools to
automate (wherever possible) the translation between
models. The benefit to enterprise distributed systems of
the MDA approach are that the use of high-level
specifications and automated transformation will:
allow for the more succinct expression of
systems and hence the more precise capture of
business requirements and processes
• enable an application to be rapidly ported to
interworking (both at the protocol and
conceptual levels)
• facilitate change being rapidly and consistently
propagated throughout deployed applications,
including changes in the choice of
implementation technology
The success of the MDA will ultimately depend on
the availability of a range of appropriate models (both
PIMs and PSMs) as well as the availability of
development tools to support the modelling and
transformation needs.
1.1. Standards for the MDA
OMG already has a number of mature modelling
standards: the Meta-Object Facility (MOF) [2] and the
Unified Modelling Language (UML) [3], to be used as
bases for modelling. In addition, for MOF, the OMG
has standardised the generation of repositories and other
component tools for the storage, transfer, and
manipulation of MOF-based information. MOF and
UML are being used extensively within the OMG for
the definition of models, both for domain-specific
models as well as generic PIMs and PSMs.
However, there has been less activity to date within
the OMG and its member companies on the standards
and tools for transforming models and integrating them
into the development environment. Existing standards
within the OMG include:
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the generation of CORBA-based repositories
for instances of a given MOF model
(informally known as the MOF-to-CORBA
• the generation of Java-based repositories for
instances of a given MOF model, known as
Java Metadata Interface (JMI) [4] —
(standardised by the Java Community Process
in collaboration with OMG)
• the XML-based interchange of the contents of
MOF-based repositories (XMI) [5] [6]
• the automatic generation of a language and
parser to populate a MOF-based repository
(Human Usable Textual Notation RFP) [7][8]
(expected to be adopted in June 2002)
A number of other MDA-relevant standards
activities [9] are expected to commence in 2002 in the
OMG, including:
• MOF 2.0 Versioning and Life Cycle
Management RFP;
• MOF 2.0 Query/Views/Transformations RFP;
• MOF 2.0 Federation/Facility/Directory RFP.
However, one area that is not being currently
addressed by OMG is the integration from MDA
technology into existing text-based tools and
development environments.
Although not a primary goal, another benefit of a
MOF-to-text tool like Anti-Yacc is its availability to be
a general report writer for a MOF-based repository.
A number of tools that generate text from specific
MOF-based repositories already exist; we have firsthand experience in developing such tools by hand. As a
consequence, it is our firm belief that the task can be
made considerably easier (quicker and less error-prone)
by using a MOF-to-text tool like Anti-Yacc.
1.2. Motivation for Anti-Yacc
2.1. The Meta-Object Facility (MOF)
The motivation for the Anti-Yacc tool is to provide a
means to render the content of a MOF-based repository
(known as a MOFlet) in a textual form conforming to
some specified syntax. This will often by required in the
MDA to convert a specification expressed in terms of a
model into text-based forms used by the tools that
support that model. For example, a platform-specific
model for the Java Messaging System must be rendered
as a Java program that conforms to the syntax expected
by the Java compiler. Another example might be the
rendering of a WWW model into a set of HTML pages,
which again must conform to the syntax understood by
As the principles of MDA become more widely
employed, we expect to see a great increase in
automated generation of code, configuration and
documentation. Many existing tools in these areas use
text input, and we see the existence of a flexible MOFto-text tool like Anti-Yacc as an essential ingredient in
the MDA toolkit.
The MOF specifies a small but complete set of
modelling concepts that can be used to describe
information models. The MOF standard also provides a
mapping from these modelling concepts to CORBA
IDL (Interface Definition Language), that is then
extended to allow for the generation of a repository for
the data modelled using the MOF, as shown in Figure 1.
Such generated repositories are known as MOFlets;
specifically, the repository generated from the X-model
is known as the X-MOFlet.
The main MOF modelling concepts that will be
discussed in this paper are: Package, for containment of
classes and associations; Class, which contains
attributes and participates in associations; Association,
which represents a set of links between instances of two
specified classes, and which can have composition
properties; Attribute, either in the form of one of a range
of data types or an instance of a class; and Reference,
1.3. Structure of this paper
Section 2 describes background technologies and
some related work, while Section 3 gives an overview
of Anti-Yacc. Section 4 introduces the MOF model for
Anti-Yacc, with more details of the Anti-Yacc
“backend” (which extracts information from the
MOFlet) given in Section 5. Section 6 has examples of
using Anti-Yacc, and introduces the concrete syntax
through these examples. Section 7 discusses the
rationale behind some of the design designs of AntiYacc and explores possible future developments, while
the overall conclusions are presented in Section 8.
2. Background
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MOF Model Repository
client programs
create, update
access, navigate
contained object is rendered as part of the contents of
the container object in XMI. Where possible,
association links are rendered as reference values in the
source or target object, but may be rendered as a
separate table of links using object cross-references.
2.3. Human-Usable Textual Notation (HUTN)
X-model instances
Figure 1. MOF models and MOFlets
which is a class’s view on an association in which it
participates. For more detail on these and other MOF
modelling concepts, consult the specification [2].
2.2. XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
The OMG has developed the XML Metadata
Interchange (XMI) Format standard [5][6]. The XMI
standard defines a set of mappings from the MOF
modelling concepts to a representation in XML
(eXtensible Markup Language), a standard of the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [10].
The XMI specification has two main components: a
set of rules for producing an XML DTD or XML
Schema from a model, and a set of rules for the transfer
of data between XMI and a MOF-compliant repository
or tool. These rules are embodied in producer and
consumer programs generated to support the modelspecific XMI format, as shown in Figure 2.
In 1999 the OMG initiated a standardisation effort
for a Human Usable Textual Notation for the Enterprise
Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) standard [11] in
order to provide a human-friendly textual input
language [7]; XML was explicitly excluded as being
insufficiently human-friendly on a large scale.
However, the proposal currently being considered for
adoption [8] has taken a more generic approach and
instead defines a means of creating a human-friendly
language for a nominated MOF model. The HUTN tool
also generates producers and consumers (parsers) for
this language, enabling a MOFlet of that model to be
rendered textually or populated, as shown in Figure 3.
The generated parser backend populates a MOFlet for
that model.
MOF Model Repository
MOF Model Repository
conforms to
producers and
HUTN text (X-model instances)
producers and
X-DTD or
conforms to
XML (X-model instances)
Figure 2. The operation of XMI tools
In XMI, each object (class instance) in the MOFlet
package is rendered as a unique identifier (needed for
internal or external cross-reference) together with the
values of its attributes and references (to other objects
with which it is associated). If the object contains other
objects (via a MOF containment association), then the
Figure 3. The operation of HUTN tools
The primary design goal of HUTN is human
usability, and this is achieved through consideration of
the successes and failures of common programming
languages. The languages generated for each model are
all different, but are very similar in structure as they are
generated from patterns parameterised with the
specifics of each model. In some areas, there is scope
for customisation based on user preference (e.g. the
selection of default values to reduce the volume of text).
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As HUTN languages and their model-specific tools
can be fully automated, HUTN is extremely useful for
both rapid systems development and prototyping, as any
change to the model can automatically regenerate the
model-specific HUTN language and tools.
2.4. How is Anti-Yacc different?
Like XMI and HUTN, Anti-Yacc renders the content
of a MOFlet in textual form, conforming to some
syntactic rules (grammar). However, XMI and HUTN
are designed to work with any MOF model, as they
generate their target grammar based on predefined
patterns. Although HUTN supports some customisation
of the generated language, it is still restricted to
producing languages that conform to predefined
patterns. Similarly XMI cannot produce XML
conforming to arbitrary DTDs or Schemas, only to
those conforming to predefined patterns.
In contrast, Anti-Yacc is capable of producing text
that conforms to an arbitrary user-supplied EBNF
target. This can include XML conforming to non-XMI
DTDs/Schemas The price of this flexibility is that AntiYacc’s applicability is limited to a user's nominated
MOF model. Obviously not every MOF model can
support a given target grammar, as the values required
by that grammar may not reflect information held in that
Also, XMI and HUTN are designed to output all of
the information in a package (or containment tree),
whereas Anti-Yacc is capable of selecting, combining,
or converting information. Finally, Anti-Yacc is only
concerned with output from a MOFlet; XMI and HUTN
support input and output.
3. Overview of Anti-Yacc
In order to understand Anti-Yacc, it is useful to
compare it with Yacc. As the name suggests, Anti-Yacc
was inspired and strongly influenced by Yacc.
Yacc [12] is a well-known parser generator used in
UNIX systems. A parser is a tool for converting text into
an instance of an abstract model. Parser generators
typically work with a grammar that specifies the
syntactic structure of the input text, and actions to
perform upon recognition of those syntactic elements.
Thus a parser generator (such as Yacc) takes as input a
mapping from the concrete syntax to the abstract syntax
of a model (the mapping typically provided as code
Anti-Yacc (as the name suggests) reverses this
process, by taking as input a mapping from the
semantics of the model to the syntactic structure of
some textual language. Typically, the syntactic
structure of a grammar used to parse and construct a
model can be the basis for an Anti-Yacc grammar,
which is then decorated with various code fragments to
drive the production of text.
Just as Yacc requires lexical rules to reduce the input
to a stream of tokens, conversely Anti-Yacc requires
lexical rules to convert the output stream of tokens into
presentable text. Lexical rules in Anti-Yacc are
typically concerned with presentation issues such as
horizontal or vertical white space.
Although Anti-Yacc is a reversal of processes of
Yacc, Anti-Yacc is not intended to be capable of
reversing specific Yacc processing. It may be possible
in some cases to do so, but generally the original parsing
process will have resulted in some information loss (e.g.
comments in a programming language) that cannot be
magically recreated. Also Yacc can be unconstrained as
to the nature of any backend database or system,
whereas Anti-Yacc was specifically designed to render
the contents of a MOFlet.
3.1. Operation of Anti-Yacc
Anti-Yacc operates in the following manner. AntiYacc is given a grammar (as a text file) and a metamodel (in the MOF repository), and uses the two to
generate a “walker” program (written in Java). The
walker program can then be compiled and executed
against a target MOFlet, generating text output, as
shown in Figure 4.
In the sense that Anti-Yacc is analogous to Yacc, a
generated X-walker is analogous to a generated parser.
4. The Anti-Yacc Model
Anti-Yacc defines a MOF model for the Anti-Yacc
generation rules, enabling the generation rules to be
stored in a MOFlet.
The generation rules are composed of three distinct
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MOF Model Repository
The Anti-Yacc rules consist of the definition of rules
for each of the non-terminal symbols in the grammar.
One of the non-terminals has the special status of being
the goal of the grammar. Each of the rules for a nonterminal symbol can take one of 5 forms, and these
forms can be recursively used. The five forms are:
• the primitive element, which represents atomic
information, usually string/numeric and other
literal values, e.g.:
Anti-Yacc rules
(extended EBNF grammar)
conforms to
the sequence element represents a list of rule
elements, e.g.
Anti-Yacc text (derived from X-model instances)
Figure 4. The operation of Anti-Yacc tools
syntax rules, that define the grammar of the
text to be generated;
lexical rules, to control output presentation and
MOF-extraction rules, to navigate and extract
information from the source MOFlet to provide
both the values to appear in the generated text
and the decision-making to choose the
appropriate syntax rules.
Each component of the generation rules is based on
a common model of EBNF [13] shown in Figure 5 (with
details of attributes elided for space reasons).
the repetition element represents the repeating
of a single specified rule element, e.g.:
the optional element represents the presence or
absence of a single specified rule element, e.g.:
the alternative element represents a choice
between a list of rule elements, e.g.:
1 Rule
Each of the component models further specialises
each of the classes corresponding to the syntactic,
lexical or value-determining needs of that component.
4.2. The syntactic model
4.1. Common model
2..* ordered
2..* ordered
Figure 5. Common EBNF model
As the common model captures most aspects of an
EBNF grammar, the syntactic model is a small
extension to refine the definition of Primitive Element
to distinguish between the kinds of primitive element,
as shown in Figure 6. The primitive element may be any
• constant values, e.g. reserved words;
• generated values (to be supplied by the MOFextraction model), typically these are the
counterpart of the Identifier, Number, or String
tokens in a Yacc grammar;
• a use of another non-terminal element,
invoking a nested execution of the Anti-Yacc
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The lexical model can be considered to be analogous
to the use of Lex [14], the lexical analysis most
commonly used in conjuction with Yacc.
refers to
text: string
Use of
Figure 6. Part of the Syntax Model
The syntactic model is analogous to the grammar in
4.3. The lexical model
The lexical model introduces lexical elements which
control the presentation of the generated text, as shown
in Figure 7.
stream: Expression
append: boolean
4.4. The MOF-extraction model
The MOF-extraction model introduces the
expression model to navigate and query the source
MOFlet, the parameterisation needed to provide a
context for the evaluation of expressions, and the
decision constructs needed to select the appropriate
syntactic form. The MOF-extraction model can be
considered as analogous to the backend code in Yacc.
Figure 8 shows the model which associates primary
elements with expressions to be evaluated on the source
MOFlet. Typically most expressions associated with
Extraction Value require some starting point for their
evaluation (object reference into the source MOFlet),
and this is usually relative to the starting point of the
containing Rule Element. For example, if rendering a
Java class, one will wish to render its name and other
attributes. To evaluate the name, there needs to be some
reference to the modelling construct that represents the
Java class.
0..* ordered
0..* ordered
text: string
value: Expr
:type: CtlType
Figure 7. Part of the Lexical model
Each lexical rule element can be preceded or
followed with a list of lexical elements. These elements
may be strings (lexical literals), computed values
(lexical values), or lexical control (such as spaces, tabs,
and newlines). Indentation is controlled with two lexical
controls, one to increase indentation and another to
decrease indentation. Output controls may be associated
with a lexical rule element to redirect the output stream,
usually to another file. Output controls apply for the
duration of that rule element. If a sub-rule has its own
output control, then the previous one is stacked and
resumed later. An example use of output controls is to
create separate files for each Java class.
Extraction Use
of Non-Terminal
0..* ordered
refers to Extraction
1 Non-Terminal
0..* ordered
Figure 8. Expressions in the Extraction Model
Therefore, there needs to be a system of parameterpassing from the container rule element to the contained
rule element. This is achieved by associating formal
parameters of the Non-Terminal Definition with the
actual parameters (expressions) with the use of those
non-terminals. Each non-terminal can be thought of as a
procedure in a conventional programming language.
These formal parameters can then used be in the
expressions relating to primary elements, substituted at
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2..* ordered
Extraction Rule Element
Arbitrary Repetition
2..* ordered
Numeric Repetition
List Repetition
Each optional element has a guard that must evaluate
to true if its contained extraction rule is to be processed.
Similarly, each set of alternatives has a corresponding
set of guards which determine which of the alternate
extraction rules is to be executed. In Anti-Yacc, the
extraction rules and their guards are ordered, and the
guards are evaluated in that order, effectively creating a
cascading sequence of if-then-else tests. It is a run-time
error if all of the guards for alternate extraction rules
evaluate to false.
The final aspect of the extraction model to be
discussed is repetition as shown in Figure 10.
run-time with the actual parameter values. This is
equivalent to the naming of values $$, $1, $2 etc in
The Expression model will not be presented in detail
but consists of the usual unary and binary operators
applicable to the common data types. An expression can
use any of the following terms:
• parameters (as defined for that non-terminal);
• values within the source MOFlet (including
object references);
• constants and enumeration values defined in
the source MOF model;
• operations defined in the source MOF model
whose implementation is provided by the
source MOFlet;
• built-in variables and operations provided by
the Anti-Yacc implementation.
The type system for both parameters and expressions
is that of the source MOF model as well as certain builtin types of Anti-Yacc. The Anti-Yacc tool can do type
checking to ensure that types and terms exist within the
source MOF model, that their type (including their
cardinalities) are consistent with their usage, and that
any operations called are defined as queries (without
One specific sub-type of expression is Native
Expression, which enables the user to provide native
code (Java code in the case of our tool) for situations
requiring greater expressive power than can be captured
directly using the Expression model, e.g. calling
externally-defined methods. Correspondingly, there is
support for native types. In our current tool, the use of
native expressions and native types reduces the type
safety of the overall expression.
The most obvious use of Expressions is to render
their value in the output text. The less obvious use is to
evaluate boolean expressions as guards to optional and
alternative rules as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 10. Repetition in the Extraction
There are three kinds of repetition in Anti-Yacc:
• List repetition
• Numeric repetition
• Arbitrary repetition
List repetition (perhaps more correctly described as
collection repetition) is for iterating over some
collection of values. It is the most common kind of
repetition used in practice, as the MOF supports a
number of collection types including sets, bags, and
lists, and these can be used in representing attribute
values or references (links to other associated objects).
Examples of list repetition are to iterate over all of the
attributes of a class or all of the children of a parent
node. There is one execution of the extraction rule
element for each element of the collection resulting
from the evaluation of the “which list” expression. List
repetition can also specify that the list is to be processed
in sorted order, by supplying an expression to be
evaluated on each list element to determine its position.
Numeric repetition executes the extraction rule
element a fixed number of times based on the integer
resulting from the evaluation of the “how many”
Figure 9. Guards in the Extraction Model
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Arbitrary repetition is the most general kind of
repetition, and the least used in practice. It resembles
the “for” statement in Java or C:
for (X=initial_value; again?;X=next_value)
It commences by executing the extraction rule over
the value returned by the “initial value” expression, and
then over the values returned by each successive
execution of the “next value” expression. The “again?”
expression is evaluated prior to the execution of the
extraction rule and the iteration is terminated when it
evaluates to false. To support the most general
framework of repetition, there can be multiple initial
values and their corresponding next values. There is an
iterator for each initial/next value pair. Although it may
appear to be a rather complex construct, it is often
needed in practice. An example is an extraction rule that
has to combine information from successive elements
of two linked lists; the initial values would point to the
two list heads and the next values would each navigate
to the successive element in their respective lists.
4.5. Integrating the models
The syntactic, lexical and extraction models are
linked together as shown in Figure 11.
0..1 syntax
Rule Element
0..1 lex
0..1 extract
Rule Element
Rule Element
Figure 11. Integrating the models
5. Anti-Yacc Details
5.1. In-built variables and functions
To support repetition effectively, there are some
built-in variables available for use in expressions used
in connection with repetition:
• $@ the current iteration element;
• $# the current iteration count (starts from 0);
• $$ the current iteration list (for list repetition
Anti-Yacc defines three inbuilt functions for
working with collections:
• size() which returns the number of elements in
the collection, a long;
• isEmpty() which is equivalent to size() == 0;
• elementAt(long) which returns the element at
the given index (starts from 0).
5.2. Type checking
Type checking is not as straightforward as it might
appear as there are three closely related type systems in
• the types introduced by a MOF model
• the equivalent CORBA IDL types plus some
introduced ones (created during the generation
of the MOFlet)
• the equivalent programming language types
plus some introduced ones (generated by the
applicable CORBA language mapping) for
native types.
For example, in the MOF model, an attribute may
have type Bag of the data type string. The MOFlet will
have the corresponding CORBA IDL type of sequence
<string>, while the MOFlet client will treat the attribute
as an array of the Java object String.
Where pure expressions (i.e. not native expressions)
are used, then types can be mostly restricted to those of
the MOF model. However, a MOF model has no type
that corresponds to the object reference that is the entry
point into a MOFlet, and this object reference is the
actual parameter that must be passed at the
commencement of execution of the rules for the goal
So, for complete type checking, there are places
when correspondence between the type systems must be
taken into account. In our current tool, the use of native
expressions are not type safe due to the additional
complexity required to derive the type of the result of
these expressions and then relate it back into the type
systems of CORBA and the MOF model.
6. Examples
For these examples, consider the (rather simple)
model of a university in Figure 12.
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name: string 0..*
id: string
1 Program
name: string
0..* Course
code: string
name: string
gpa: float
Figure 12. Model of a university
Using the concrete syntax developed for Anti-Yacc,
the rules for rendering a student’s enrolment details
would be a single sequence of primitive elements:
student (Student s):
<> ‘enrolled’ <> ;
@student: # sp # sp # ;
from which the following text could be produced:
123456 enrolled B.A.
The first rule combines the syntactic and MOFextraction rules in a single syntax based on the
traditional EBNF syntax with MOF-extraction
expressions enclosed in < and >. Note that the nonterminal student has the formal parameter s of type
Student (from the model). The second rule prefixed
with @ is concerned with purely lexical considerations
of the first rule, specifically putting a space (denoted by
sp) between each element (denoted by #). In both rule
types, a semicolon terminates the rule.
A more interesting example is to produce a list of the
courses in which a student is enrolled:
undergrad(UndergraduateStudent s):
<> ‘studying’ ‘:’
$(s.studies) <
[email protected]>*
@undergrad: # sp # # nl ind (# nl)* und nl ;
This illustrates list repetition, where the list of courses
s.studies is identified by the $(...) syntax and the
repeated processing (denoted by *) to be performed on
each list element is to print the course code of that
element (denoted by $@). The corresponding lexical
rule must also reflect the repetition (..)* and instructs
that a newline (denoted by nl) is to be added (as a suffix)
to each course code; the ind and und denotes increasing
and decreasing the level of indentation (und =
unindent). An example of the output would be:
Mary Smith studying:
If the rendering of course information was more
complex, then it might be better to have two pairs of
rules, one for the undergraduates and one for the
undergrad(UndergraduateStudent s):
<> ‘studying’ ‘:’
$(s.studies) <course($@)>*
@undergrad: # sp # # nl ind (# nl)* und nl ;
course(Course c): <c.code> ‘:’ <> ;
@course: # # sp #
which would produce the following output:
Mary Smith studying:
CS100: Introduction to Programming
EE123: Electrical Engineering Principles
MA115: Advanced Calculus
Note that the more complex rendering of each course is
still regarded as a single element # in the lexical rule for
An example of using alternative elements would be
to rate a student based on their grade point average (gpa
in the model):
undergrad(UndergraduateStudent s):
<> ‘awarded’
([s.gpa >= 6.0] ‘honours’
|[s.gpa >= 4.0] ‘pass’
|[s.gpa < 4.0] ‘fail’
@undergrad: # sp # sp (# | # | # ‘!’) ;
The guards for each of the alternative rule elements
are enclosed in [...] and the alternatives separated by |.
As in EBNF, parentheses (..) are used to group elements.
Again, notice that the lexical rule has the same
structure, and that it has been decided to emphasise a
failing student by adding (lexically) an exclamation
mark ! (see Section 7.4 for a discussion on the wisdom
of doing so). Example output would be:
John Smith awarded fail!
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Any element of the syntax can be made optional by
placing a guard before it:
undergrad(UndergraduateStudent s):
<> [s.gpa >= 6.0] ‘(first class)’ ;
@undergrad: # [ sp # ‘!’ ] ;
which produces either of (depending on the grade point
Betty Blue
Betty Blue (first class)!
7. Discussion and Future Work
Anti-Yacc has been prototyped using DSTC’s
dMOF product [15] and has been successfully used in
code generation experiments, including the rendering of
MODL (the MOF model language used by dMOF),
Java, and Anti-Yacc’s own concrete syntax. However,
as developers and users, there are some debatable
design decisions and a number of areas for enhancement
and future work.
7.1. Concrete syntax
In our current Anti-Yacc tool, the syntactic rules and
the MOF-extraction rules are interspersed (in the style
of Yacc) while the lexical rules are presented separately
(although usually immediately following). The
drawback to this approach is that the lexical rule has to
be carefully written to match the structure of the
syntactic/extraction rules; the Anti-Yacc tool naturally
checks that they are structurally similar. Also, it is easy
to get confused by the use of the undistinguished # mark
to denote the various elements defined in the syntactic/
extraction rules. Or to put it simply, it is easy to get the
lexical rule wrong!
However, our previous experience of interspersing
the lexical elements with the syntactic/extraction
elements created very long rules, which users found it
difficult to read and write due to the clutter of white
space controls. It may be necessary to support both
styles, so that full interspersing can be used for the
simpler rules and separate lexical rules can be used for
the more complex structures. Lexical rules could be
made easier if the # token could carry some optional
description, e.g.:
@undergrad: #name sp #enrolled #colon nl
ind (#coursecode nl)* und nl ;
Although more verbose, it would be definitely more
The current concrete syntax also uses symbols such
as @, $, # extensively reflecting the strong Yacc
influence and a current user community fluent in C, Perl
and other Unix technologies, where compact
representation is preferred to the use of reserved words.
However, a wider user community will probably require
the introduction of additional alternative syntaxes that
are less compact but more self-explanatory. Also, it
would be valuable to migrate the concrete syntax to be
more similar to other expression languages used in the
MDA community, e.g. the Object Constraint Language
(OCL) which is currently the subject of an OMG
standardisation effort [16].
7.2. Built-in functions
There is a need for more built-in variables and
functions to support specific elements in the model,
• optional attributes
• narrowing from a supertype to a subtype
• iterating over all elements of a type
As MOF supports optional attributes (cardinality
0..1), it is very common to render these using an
optional EBNF element. The guard for such optional
element is almost invariably a test to see if the attribute
is present. Unfortunately CORBA IDL does not have
support for optional attributes and so testing to see if an
optional attribute is present in a MOFlet involves
attempting to get its value, which throws a NotSet
exception if the attribute is not present. The expression
model in Anti-Yacc does not currently support
exception-catching and so native expressions must be
used. Even if the expression model did support
exceptions, it would still result in some fairly
cumbersome rules. A better solution would be for AntiYacc to provide built-in functions of the form
isSetFoo() for each of the optional attributes in the
model to greatly simplify these guards on optional
Similarly, the CORBA-to-Java language mapping
for testing if a supertype is an instance of a subtype and
“narrowing” the object reference must also be
expressed using native code. In the university model in
Figure 12, the rules for processing a student (an abstract
supertype) must appear as:
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
student(Student s):
where {...} denotes native expressions. Clearly having
some built-in functions (generated from the model) to
test subtypes and some automated narrowing would
enable the rules to be far more readable, e.g.:
student(Student s):
Or as this is quite a common pattern, there could be
more direct syntactic support, e.g.:
student(Student s) ->
undergrad(Undergraduate s)
| postgrad(Postgraduate s)
since Anti-Yacc has access to the model and knows
about supertype-subtype relationships.
Another common pattern is to perform some rule
over all instances of a particular class. While the
generated MOFlet has attributes that provide these lists
of instances, there is no way to express this in terms of
the source model (one of the incompatibilities between
the concurrent type systems discussed in Section 5.2),
requiring the use of native expressions:
university ({_UniversityPackage up}):
The generation of built-in variables to refer to the
MOFlet implementation of the overall university model
and the collection of all instances of a class would
simplify this pattern, e.g.:
university(University u):
$(u.AllStudent) <student($@)>
In summary, the generation of built-in variables and
functions based on the source model would eliminate
many common needs for native expressions, which
would improve both the readability and type-safety of
Anti-Yacc rules.
7.3. Alternative rule elements
Currently the guards of alternative rule elements are
regarded as a cascading sequence of tests. An
alternative would be to evaluate all guards and
randomly select one that evaluates true, a more nondeterministic approach. The advantage of the nondeterministic approach is that it is more declarative,
each guard precisely identifies the pre-condition for
selecting that rule element. In the cascading
deterministic approach, the precondition for a rule
element is composed of its guard and the negation of the
preceding guards, which is far less obvious. However,
many programmers are more comfortable with
determinism, especially when the decision criteria is
complex, and also the implied negation of preceding
guards can make the expression of the guards more
compact than in the non-deterministic approach.
7.4. The Anti-Yacc model
As can be seen in the models in Section 4 and the
examples of Section 6, there is some scope for the AntiYacc user to produce the same output by rendering the
same information either lexically, syntactically or by
extraction. This is analogous with Lex and Yacc, where
the boundary between lexical analysis, syntactic
analysis and backend processing is also somewhat fluid
and a matter of style for the user. If Anti-Yacc had been
based on a single monolithic model instead of separate
models, then these distinctions would have been
blurred, and this may make it simpler for the user.
However, our use of separate models helps to clarify
the intended expressive power, whereas blurring the
boundaries hides issues that need to be exposed. In
particular, having a single model often suffers the risk
of having the model (the abstract syntax) being driven
by the concrete syntax, as it is tempting to be subverted
by what is easy to denote rather than what needs to be
Also, our use of separate models is intended to better
support future developments involving the plug-n-play
of different sets of lexical, syntactic and extraction
Our current implementation creates an Anti-Yacc
MOFlet for storing Anti-Yacc rules. Given that the
purpose of the rules are to create a single walker
application, it may seem unnecessary to maintain a
repository of these Anti-Yacc rules.
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
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However, it is in the spirit of the Model-Driven
Architecture to use models and to capture the
development lifecycle in repositories for traceability
and re-use. MOF models (packages) can be imported,
inherited, nested, clustered and cross-linked, and we
intend to experiment with re-use of textual renderings
when working with multiple related models, further
leveraging our plug-n-play experiments.
OMG, “Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Version 1.4”, OMG document formal/2001-0967, 2001.
Java Community Process, “The Java Metadata
Interface (JMI) Specification”, JSR 40,
OMG, “XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
Version 1.2”, OMG TC document formal/200201-02, 2002
OMG, “XMI Production of XML Schema”,
OMG document ptc/2001-12-03, 2001.
OMG, “A Human-Usable Textual Notation for
the UML Profile for EDOC: Request for
Proposal”, OMG Document ad/99-03-12, 1999.
DSTC et al., A Human-Usable Textual Notation
for the UML Profile for EDOC.Revised
submission, OMG Document ad/2002-03-02.
OMG, “MOF 2.0 Core Request for Proposal”,
OMG document, ad/2001-11-14, 2001.
World Wide Web Consortium, “eXtensible
Markup Language (XML) 1.0”, W3C
Recommendation 10-February-1998, http://
OMG, “UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed
Object Computing”, OMG document ptc/200202-05,2002.
Stephen C. Johnson, “YACC — yet another
compiler compiler”, CSTR 32, Bell
Laboratories, 1974.
Niklaus Wirth, “What can we do about the
Unnecessary Diversity of Notation for Syntactic
Definitions?”, Comm. ACM, 20:11, pp 822-823,
November 1977.
M. E. Lesk and E. Schmidt, “Lex - A Lexical
Analyzer Generator”, CSTR 39, Bell
Laboratories, 1975.
DSTC, “dMOF - DSTC's Meta-Object Facility
(MOF) Product”,
OMG, “UML 2.0 OCL Request for Proposal”,
OMG document ad/2000-09-03, 2000.
8. Conclusions
For the Model-Driven Architecture to become a
reality, there is a urgent need for tools to support the
development of systems. MDA is based on a series of
transformations of platform-independent models
(PIMs) into platform-specific models (PSMs). While
platform-specific technologies of the future might be
revised to extract their input from PSM repositories,
many current tools (e.g. language compilers) still
require their input in textual form, hence the need to
provide a quick-and-easy way to rapidly render text
from a model-based repository
We have presented the motivation, model and
concrete syntax of Anti-Yacc, and discussed a number
of decision decisions and future directions for the work.
So, in summary, Anti-Yacc:
• meets an urgent development need;
• occupies a precise niche in an MDA tool suite;
• is built itself on MDA principles.
The work reported in this paper has been funded in
part by the Co-operative Centre for Enterprise
Distributed Systems Technology (DSTC) through the
Australian Federal Government's CRC Programme
(Department of Industry, Science and Resources).
OMG, “Model Driven Architecture - A
Technical Perspective”, OMG Document
ormsrc/2001-07-01, 2001.
OMG, “Meta-Object Facility (MOF) Version
1.3”, OMG document formal/2000-04-03, 2000.
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE