Papers by Beatrice Grieco
Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, 2024
The auxiliary ās- ‘sit’ is one of a set of verbs that forms iterative-continuative periphrases in... more The auxiliary ās- ‘sit’ is one of a set of verbs that forms iterative-continuative periphrases in Sanskrit, but it has hardly been studied. While modern-day Sanskrit grammars acknowledge its presence, a comprehensive investigation into its usage is lacking. Given the lack of studies on the ās- periphrasis, this paper explores the verbal construction constituted of the root ās- ‘sit’ plus participle or gerund from Early Vedic to Epic Sanskrit, also offering a brief comparison with vas- ‘dwell, live’. A few passages from Vedic prose show vas- in combination with participles and gerunds in a similar use of that with ās-, but these contexts have never been extensively studied in the literature.
Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, 2024
Indo-Iranian Journal , 2024

Studi e Saggi Linguistici, 2023
This paper aims to provide some preliminary findings on the so-called āmreḍita compounds by consi... more This paper aims to provide some preliminary findings on the so-called āmreḍita compounds by considering evidence from Vedic Prose, here represented by the Brāhmaṇas. So far studies have focused on āmreḍitas in the R̥gveda, while a systematic investigation of those in the later Vedic Prose language has not been undertaken yet. Vedic Prose exhibits the emergence of new forms, almost absent in earlier texts but taught in the Aṣṭādhyāyī: I will focus on verbal āmreḍitas, in particular on those formed with imperatives and gerunds. According to the Indian grammarians, verbal āmreḍitas encode the same values as the intensive category, i.e., kriyāsamabhihāra “repetitious or intense action” and nitya (= abhīkṣṇya) “reiteration”. The equivalence in meaning between repeated verbal forms and intensive verbs – already identified by Pāṇini and his commentators (cf. Kāśikā ad A 3.4.2; Kāśikā ad A 8.1.4) – explains why verbal āmreḍitas are present in Vedic Prose. Indeed, I will demonstrate that the first cases of verbal āmreḍitas are found in Vedic Prose when the intensive category was recessive.

Convergenze Plurilingui. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie., 2024
In present-day Italian, tuttavia is a connective that conveys a contrastive value meaning ‘noneth... more In present-day Italian, tuttavia is a connective that conveys a contrastive value meaning ‘nonetheless’ (Giacalone Ramat/Mauri 2009). However, it originally (twelfth–thirteenth centuries) had a temporal meaning expressing continuity (‘always’), whereas it gradually acquired the contrastive value during the fourteenth century.
Considering this development previously occurred in Old French with the same syntactic conditions (cf. Bougy 2007, 119), we will provide a new hypothesis about the historical origin of the connective tuttavia. We will show a Gallo-Romance influence in its origin and diffusion through a corpus-based approach: the corpus DiVo (Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti) contains the translations from Old French and Latin texts into Old Italian, extremely productive during the thirteenth–fourteenth centuries.
![Research paper thumbnail of D. Mastrantonio et al. (a cura di), Repetita iuvant, perseverare diabolicum. Un approccio multidisciplinare alla ripetizione, Siena, Edizioni Università per Stranieri, 513 pp. [open access:]](
«[Il] volume raccoglie, con il filtro di un doppio referaggio anonimo, la forma scritta di alcune... more «[Il] volume raccoglie, con il filtro di un doppio referaggio anonimo, la forma scritta di alcune delle relazioni sul tema “ripetizione” presentate al convegno "Repetita iuvant? Un approccio multidisciplinare alla ripetizione" (Siena, Università per Stranieri, 15-17 settembre 2021). [...] La maggior parte dei saggi ha a che fare con codici linguistici; ma si annoverano anche contributi che indagano testi non verbali, e precisamente la musica e i linguaggi figurativi. Dal punto di vista cronologico, gli oggetti di ricerca vanno dai testi antico-indiani e classici al parlato e ai dialetti contemporanei, attraversando più secoli linguistici e letterari. Data la forte eterogeneità della materia, è importante riflettere sui criteri adottati per distribuire i saggi all’interno del volume: trattandosi infatti di un con- vegno multidisciplinare, le classi e le categorie sono particolarmente significative, perché è attraverso di esse che si può tentare – ora e in futuro – una convergenza fra i diversi settori».
D. Mastrantonio, V. Bianchi, M. Marrucci, O. Paris, I. Abdelsayed & M. Bellinzona (a cura di), Repetita iuvant, perseverare diabolicum: un approccio multidisciplinare alla ripetizione, Siena: Edizioni Università per Stranieri di Siena, pp. 99-108., 2023

Transactions of the Philological Society, 2023
The attached file is just a draft of the publication. Please refer to https://onlinelibrary.wiley... more The attached file is just a draft of the publication. Please refer to for the exact reference and the final file.
The Sanskrit language knows the use of iterative-continuative periphrases which are so far mostly unexplored. The aim of this paper is to investigate the grammaticalization of the motion verbs i- ‘go’ and car- ‘move’ plus participle into auxiliary verbs, collecting data from the earliest attestations (c. 2nd millennium BC) to Late Vedic (c. 900–600 BC). I argue that in the earliest attestations, there are no clear cases of periphrasis, but the motion verbs are combined with an extremely high percentage of intensive participles (with iterative Aktionsart). On the other hand, in Late Vedic i- ‘go’ and car- ‘move’ function as iterative-continuative auxiliaries in composition with participial form. As I will show, this new periphrastic construction is one of the strategies to substitute the synthetic intensive category, which was slowly disappearing after the Early Vedic time.
P. Cotticelli-Kurras & F. J. De Decker (ed.), Berthold Delbrück, Historical and Comparative Indo-European Syntax 1922–2022, Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, pp. 75-91., 2023
Books by Beatrice Grieco
Edizioni dell'Orso, 2024
L’origine e la diffusione di perifrasi aspettuali in indiano antico rappresenta un campo di ricer... more L’origine e la diffusione di perifrasi aspettuali in indiano antico rappresenta un campo di ricerca ancora da esplorare. Il volume si occupa, in particolare, dello sviluppo di costrutti perifrastici formati da verbi di movimento e di posizione, nell’ambito di una vasta campionatura di testi dalle prime attestazioni al sanscrito epico. Oltre a fornire una prima raccolta sistematica di occorrenze, il volume approfondisce il rapporto tra forme lessicali e forme perifrastiche in indiano antico, cercando di rispondere alla domanda più generale di quale ruolo abbia avuto la perdita di alcune categorie morfologiche, come ad esempio l’intensivo, nella formazione di nuove perifrasi verbali.
Conference organizations by Beatrice Grieco
Thesis Chapters by Beatrice Grieco

Lista delle abbreviazioni 4 4. La perifrasi con car-'andare, muoversi' e i-'andare' in indiano an... more Lista delle abbreviazioni 4 4. La perifrasi con car-'andare, muoversi' e i-'andare' in indiano antico 59 4.1. Status quaestionis 59 4.2. La grammaticalizzazione di car-'andare, muoversi' e i-'andare' in indiano antico 61 4.2.1. Fase I. Le occorrenze in vedico 62 4.2.2. Fase II. Le occorrenze in tardo vedico 69 4.3. Da forme verbali sintetiche ad analitiche 78 4.4. Le occorrenze di care icon il gerundio 80 4.5. Criteri sintattici 82 4.6. Fase III. Ulteriori sviluppi diacronici 83 4.7. In sintesi 85 5. La perifrasi con sthā-'stare' in indiano antico 87 5.1. Status quaestionis 87 5.2. La grammaticalizzazione di sthā-'stare' in indiano antico 90 5.2.1. Fase I. Le occorrenze in vedico 90 5.2.2. Fase II. Le occorrenze in tardo vedico 97 5.3. Criteri sintattici 105 5.4. Fase III. Ulteriori sviluppi diacronici 106 5.5. Perifrasi continue in iranico: un confronto con l'ausiliare stā-108 5.6. In sintesi 112 6. La perifrasi con ās-'stare seduto' e altre perifrasi continue in indiano antico 113 6.1. Status quaestionis 113
by Riccardo Ginevra, Erica Fratellini, Elia J . Weber, Lucrezia Carnesale, Virna Fagiolo, Beatrice Grieco, Tomoki Kitazumi, Thiago Venturott, Edoardo Nardi, Santiago Real Besteiro, Leo Rennert, Witold Tokarski, and Sander van Hes This is the Book of Abstracts submitted by the speakers of the 7th Indo-European Research Colloqu... more This is the Book of Abstracts submitted by the speakers of the 7th Indo-European Research Colloquium, which took place on April 26-28, 2023, at the UCSC Milan and on Microsoft Teams.
La Scuola di dottorato dell'Università per Stranieri di Siena organizza il seminario Internaziona... more La Scuola di dottorato dell'Università per Stranieri di Siena organizza il seminario Internazionale di sociolinguistica Storica e dialettologia che si terrà a Siena dal 6 al 9 giugno 2023.
Il seminario è articolato in 6 moduli per un totale di 24 ore.
Interverranno Michele Bianconi, Chiara Gianollo, Franco Fanciullo, Adam Ledgeway, Michele Loporcaro e Marco Mancini.
Daremo ampio spazio al dibattito e alla condivisione di esperienze di ricerca.
This paper focuses on the grammaticalization of Vedic Sanskrit motion verbs i- and car- ‘go’ into... more This paper focuses on the grammaticalization of Vedic Sanskrit motion verbs i- and car- ‘go’ into auxiliary verbs. According to Western grammarians of Sanskrit, the combination of i- and car- ‘go’ with participles and gerunds have the meaning ‘to be continually x’ (x = participle or gerund) and it is common in Late Vedic prose (c. 1000 – 350 BC). There are challenging questions to be addressed: (i) how such a collocation develops from the Early Vedic period (c. 1500 – c. 1000 BC) to Later Vedic period and (ii) why it is grammaticalized in order to express a kind of continuative and iterative action.
"Convergenze plurilingui. Incroci e convivenze linguistiche in testi manoscritti tra Medioevo e i... more "Convergenze plurilingui. Incroci e convivenze linguistiche in testi manoscritti tra Medioevo e inizio Cinquecento" (sessioni più tavola rotonda con Lorenzo Tomasin, autore di Europa romanza, Torino Einaudi, 2021) Canadian Association of Italian Studies Conference (11-12) 2021. Per informazioni: [email protected]
II Convegno internazionale per giovani ricercatori e ricercatrici Siena, Università per Stranieri... more II Convegno internazionale per giovani ricercatori e ricercatrici Siena, Università per Stranieri (15-17 settembre 2021) Repetita iuvant? Un approccio multidisciplinare alla ripetizione
Papers by Beatrice Grieco
Considering this development previously occurred in Old French with the same syntactic conditions (cf. Bougy 2007, 119), we will provide a new hypothesis about the historical origin of the connective tuttavia. We will show a Gallo-Romance influence in its origin and diffusion through a corpus-based approach: the corpus DiVo (Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti) contains the translations from Old French and Latin texts into Old Italian, extremely productive during the thirteenth–fourteenth centuries.
The Sanskrit language knows the use of iterative-continuative periphrases which are so far mostly unexplored. The aim of this paper is to investigate the grammaticalization of the motion verbs i- ‘go’ and car- ‘move’ plus participle into auxiliary verbs, collecting data from the earliest attestations (c. 2nd millennium BC) to Late Vedic (c. 900–600 BC). I argue that in the earliest attestations, there are no clear cases of periphrasis, but the motion verbs are combined with an extremely high percentage of intensive participles (with iterative Aktionsart). On the other hand, in Late Vedic i- ‘go’ and car- ‘move’ function as iterative-continuative auxiliaries in composition with participial form. As I will show, this new periphrastic construction is one of the strategies to substitute the synthetic intensive category, which was slowly disappearing after the Early Vedic time.
Books by Beatrice Grieco
Conference organizations by Beatrice Grieco
Thesis Chapters by Beatrice Grieco
Il seminario è articolato in 6 moduli per un totale di 24 ore.
Interverranno Michele Bianconi, Chiara Gianollo, Franco Fanciullo, Adam Ledgeway, Michele Loporcaro e Marco Mancini.
Daremo ampio spazio al dibattito e alla condivisione di esperienze di ricerca.
Considering this development previously occurred in Old French with the same syntactic conditions (cf. Bougy 2007, 119), we will provide a new hypothesis about the historical origin of the connective tuttavia. We will show a Gallo-Romance influence in its origin and diffusion through a corpus-based approach: the corpus DiVo (Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti) contains the translations from Old French and Latin texts into Old Italian, extremely productive during the thirteenth–fourteenth centuries.
The Sanskrit language knows the use of iterative-continuative periphrases which are so far mostly unexplored. The aim of this paper is to investigate the grammaticalization of the motion verbs i- ‘go’ and car- ‘move’ plus participle into auxiliary verbs, collecting data from the earliest attestations (c. 2nd millennium BC) to Late Vedic (c. 900–600 BC). I argue that in the earliest attestations, there are no clear cases of periphrasis, but the motion verbs are combined with an extremely high percentage of intensive participles (with iterative Aktionsart). On the other hand, in Late Vedic i- ‘go’ and car- ‘move’ function as iterative-continuative auxiliaries in composition with participial form. As I will show, this new periphrastic construction is one of the strategies to substitute the synthetic intensive category, which was slowly disappearing after the Early Vedic time.
Il seminario è articolato in 6 moduli per un totale di 24 ore.
Interverranno Michele Bianconi, Chiara Gianollo, Franco Fanciullo, Adam Ledgeway, Michele Loporcaro e Marco Mancini.
Daremo ampio spazio al dibattito e alla condivisione di esperienze di ricerca.