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handled little differently than any other. Shipboard healers acted as a sort of insurance policy for the Company with their function among the crew being seen as yet another safeguard to keep the engines of commerce running smoothly. 1 I. Briujn, . (Leiden, 2009), 17.
The Northern Mariner / Le marin du nord
This research note uses new methodologies to investigate the presence of women nurses and other labourers on British hospital ships during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Using pay lists, musters, and log book records, it is possible to track the work of women labourers throughout the naval medical system of care. The work of women on these ships challenges our previous assumptions concerning medical care in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Cette note de recherche fait appel à de nouvelles methodologies pour enquêter sur la présence des infirmières et des autres ouvrières sur les navires hospitaliers britanniques pendant les guerres révolutionnaires et napoléoniennes. À l’aide de listes de paye, de listes des membres d’équipage et de registres des journaux de bord, il est possible de suivre le travail des femmes dans tout le système de soins médicaux de la marine. Le travail des femmes sur ces navires nous oblige à revoir nos suppositions antérieures concer...
Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)
Military Medicine, 2019
Introduction: Attempting to expedite delivery of care to wounded war fighters, this study aimed to quantify the ability of medical and surgical teams to perform lifesaving damage control and resuscitation procedures aboard nontraditional US Navy Vessels on high seas. Specifically, it looked at the ability of the teams to perform procedures in shipboard operating and emergency rooms by analyzing motion of personnel during the procedures. Methods: One hundred and twelve damage control and resuscitation procedures were performed during a voyage of the US Naval Ship Brunswick in transit from Norfolk, Virginia, to San Diego, California. The ability of personnel to perform these procedures was quantified by the use of motion link analysis designed to track the movement of each participant as they completed their assigned tasks. Results: The link analysis showed no significant change in the number of movements of participants from the beginning to the end of the study. However, there was a...
: Although shipboard independent duty hospital corpsmen (IDC) play a critical role as the senior medical department representatives aboard the majority of U.S. Navy ships, relatively little is known about the nature and scope of their tasks. Data from the navy-wide (N=330) administration of a 7-day work diary indicated an average 59 hour workweek in port and an 85 hour workweek at sea. Length of workweek was associated with ship type, operational tempo, and IDC paygrade. Administrative duties accounted for the greatest proportion of the workweek (53%), with direct patient care (21%) and organizational requirements (26%) distributed about evenly. Specific IDC duties at sea differed somewhat between submarines and surface ships. Job satisfaction was found to be inversely related to the proportion of time required for administrative duties at sea (p.01). Results are discussed in the terms of the standard Navy workweek.
Social History of Medicine, 2021
Summary Seen as a crucial historical step in the development of ‘modern’ institutional healthcare, eighteenth-century British naval medicine has traditionally been studied from the point of view of the state and of physicians and surgeons: naval sailors’ attitudes towards health, medicine and their own bodies remain virtually unexplored. Using official and personal sources, this article sketches a ‘patient’s history’ of late-eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century British ratings. Aiming to counterbalance Foucauldian interpretations, it highlights some of the ways in which individuals, even when apparently most powerless, confined in ships far from home, and controlled by rigidly disciplined institutions, could take responsibility for their health, successfully or otherwise, within, against or alongside the system. If the unprecedented administrative requirements of the French Wars strengthened and standardised top-down medical authority, they also brought opportunities for evasion...
International Maritime Health
Background: The third edition of the International Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS) was published in 2007 and supported a main principle of the newly adopted International Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006: to ensure that seafarers are given health protection and medical care as comparable as possible to that which is available to workers ashore. In 2021, the revisions and drafting of the fourth edition of the IMGS began. Taking the COVID-19 pandemic into consideration, it was decided that a stakeholder study was necessary to ascertain the usefulness and practicality of the guide as well as provide input for which new topics to include. Materials and methods: The study applied data triangulation, with respondents from a geographically broad sample of the International Maritime Organization's five regional areas of the world. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The results show that the IMGS is widely known and used among persons involved in medical care on board ships, but the IMGS is not as practical as stakeholders would wish it to be. For the guide to be useful, it must be ensured that telemedical advice information is included and if possible, ensure there is one single and global medical guide. Also, there is a need for new medical information, and respondents pointed to pandemic information, medicines list, medical chest, mental health issues, a women's section, updated cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructions, human immune defect virus information (human immune defect-virus) and information on how seafarers may self-monitor and be monitored on board in relation to chronic diseases. Conclusions: Respondents understand a medicine chest on board is mandatory according to the MLC 2006, 98% are familiar with its content, and 86% use the IMGS.
Journal of International Maritime Safety, Environmental Affairs, and Shipping
Background: The human resources required on large cruise ships can only be secured with crew members from different countries of origin with different health statuses. Method: The present secondary data analysis is to determine whether there is an increased frequency of treatment for crew members for certain diseases or injuries, or a difference in the frequency of treatment for certain groups and/or countries of origin; whether an increased use of dental procedures could be confirmed, and their average costs. The data were collected over six months in 2015 from a major cruise ship company. Results: There were 1,627 treatments for 1,026 crew members. The illness and injury rates were significantly different both in the occupational groups (p < .001) as well as the countries of origin (p = .004). It was confirmed that dental procedures were most frequent (n = 915 cases), in particular for Asian crew members; in contrast to Germans they had a 1.6-fold higher chance of dental procedures. Conclusions: A mixed calculation for dental and jaw treatments for the crew members and the expected passenger treatments would justify the employment of a dentist on the ship. However, medical follow-up costs for crew members on board could be minimised by a previous thorough assessment of their state of health.
Defense & Security Analysis, 2010
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مجلة رؤية تركية (Mecelletü Ru'yeti Türkiye), 2016
Memoria, fotografia e guerra, 2020
Rev. Bras. de Direito Processual Penal, 2022
International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone
Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
Challenging Contextuality: Bibles and Biblical Scholarship in Context Get access Arrow, 2024
Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, 2010
Anaesthesia, 2020
Genomics, 1991
Nephrology, 2020
gazi university journal of science, 2019